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谭远德(1991)在相似(相关)分析的基础上发展了一种称为似近分析方法。之后,谭远德和吴昌谋(1993)将这一方法成功地用于鱼类的核型分类;吴昌谋(1996)和姚世呜等(1996)亦将其运用于蝗虫的核型分类,获得较好的分类结果。王晓佳和谭远德(1994)对似近分析进行拓广,建立了多维似...  相似文献   

猕猴属五个种mtDNA多态性研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
本文以10种限制性内切酶研究猕猴属5个种(Macaca mulatta.M.nemestrina.M.assemensis.M.thibetana,M arctoides)线粒体DNA进化。在13个个体中,共检出8种限制性类型。恒河猴种内存在广泛的线粒休DNA限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)。结合日本猴(M.fuscata)的有关资料,构建了猕猴属6个种的分子系统树,并给出各个种的分化时间。结果表明,这6个种可分成4个类群,熊猴和藏酋猴、恒河猴和日本猴之间的遗传距离较近,可分别划为同一类群,红面猴与其他5种猴的遗传距离最远,在系统发生上分离最早。  相似文献   

懒猴属的核糖体DNA变异及其种间分化关系   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
王文  宿兵 《动物学研究》1996,17(1):89-93
用15种限制性内切酶和人28S、18SrDNA探针构建了懒猴属各物种核糖体DNA重复单位的限制性内切酶图谱。在进化速率较高的非转录间隔区,在大、中、小懒猴中分别定位了23、24、24个酶切位点。大懒猴与中懒猴有12个位点不同,与小懒猴有14个位点不同,而中、小懒猴间则只有一个位点的差异。经过计算,大懒猴与中懒猴的遗传距离值为12.65%,与小懒猴的差异为14.24%,中、小懒猴间的差异则仅为0.7  相似文献   

猕猴属三个种的血液学参数研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

柑桔属11个类群叶精油成分与系统进化关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

以11种限制性内切酶对新疆荒漠中的9种束颈蝗和与其近缘的细距蝗Leptopternis gracilis,旋跳蝗Helioscirtus moseri moseri 及远缘的意大利蝗Calliptamus italicus italicus,红翅瘤蝗Dericorys roseipennis的线粒体DNA进行了长度片段多态性的研究。根据所得的酶切类型,计算了种间每核苷酸位点的平均碱基取代值P(遗传距离)。用UPGMA法构建分子系统树。结果表明,束颈蝗属种间的P值约为 0.099~0.146,与近缘种属间约0.100~0.205,与远缘种属间约为0.113~0.206。估算出束颈蝗属种间的分歧年代约在1000~1500万年前,处于中新世中期,将实验结果与形态演化比较分析,探讨束颈蝗的系统进化。  相似文献   

鼠兔属5个种的分子分类及进化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构建了甘肃鼠兔、黄河鼠兔、藏鼠兔、高原鼠兔和红耳鼠兔的mtDNA限制性内切酶图谱,并以PAUP程序建立其分子系统树。结果表明,鼠兔亚属的4个物种与耗兔亚属的红耳鼠兔存在明显的长度变异(1kb),从而为两亚属的划分提供了新的遗传标记。同时,甘肃鼠兔和黄河鼠兔的遗传分化已达明显的物种级别,因而进一步证实它们均为独立种。在系统树中,黄河鼠兔与高原鼠兔亲缘关系最近,然后是藏鼠兔,最后是甘肃鼠兔与前3种构成一对姊妹群。依据遗传距离计算了分歧年代。两亚属的分歧时间约距今8.8×104ha,相当于中国哺乳动物时代的保德期中期;鼠兔亚属内4种间的分歧发生于约距今(2.5~4.2)×104ha的上新世晚期,相当于榆社期晚期。  相似文献   

我国几种猕猴属动物肠道寄生虫的调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
侯意谛 《动物学研究》1989,10(3):194-194,226
笔者自1981—1987年间,通过尸体剖检、肉眼查找虫体和镜检虫卵三方法,在本所养猴场对来自云南、四川、湖北等市县产的猕猴、(Macaca mulatta)、熊猴(M.assamensis)、豚尾猴(M.nemestrina)、红面猴(M.arcto-ides)、毛耳猕猴(M.Mulatta lasiota)等五种猕猴属动物体内所获得的肠道寄生虫的资料,简报如下。 根据标本分析的结果,共获得寄生虫13种,多为人畜共患的旧种,其中包括原虫(Protoza)2种,吸虫(Trem-atodes)1种,绦虫(Cestodes)2种,线虫(Nematodes)7种和粉螨(Acarus)1种:分隶于5纲,11科,13属。其分布及感染率见表1。 在整理过程中,发现有些寄生虫在某些非人灵长类动物中未见记载过,现记录于下:  相似文献   

猕猴属在中国的分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张荣祖  全国强 《兽类学报》1991,11(3):171-185

鹅观草属4个种的核型与进化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了4个种鹅观草属(Roegneria C. Koch)植物的核型,其核型公式如下:芒颖鹅观草(R. aristiglumis Keng et S. L. Chen), 2n=4x=28=22m+6sm(2SAT);短颖鹅观草(R. breviglumis Keng), 2n=4x=28=20m(2SAT)+8sm;红原鹅观草(R. hongyuanensis L. B. Cai), 2n=4x=28=22m+6sm(2SAT);山东鹅观草(R. shandongensis(B. Salomon)J. L. Yang, Y. H. Zhou et Yen), 2n=4x=28=24m(2SAT)+4sm。同时对染色体主要特征的演变规律进行了分析,揭示了鹅观草属4个种的相对进化程度以及宏观分类中2个组的系统发育关系,表明鹅观草属的半颖组在系统发育中派生了颖体短小的小颖组。  相似文献   

栽培稻×大颖野生稻F~2 多倍现象的细胞遗传学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A栽培稻(Oryza sativa)×大颖野生稻(Oryza grandiglumis)F2经细胞学鉴定为2n=4x=48, 即已由杂种F1的ACD异源三倍体变成了异源四倍体。研究了从粗线期到末期Ⅱ的染色体行为,结果表明,F2的染色体构型为异源节段异段类型,且异常染色体频率极高,合计为87.13%。各类异常染色体频率变化按比例大小依次为: 单价体,染色体拖曳,落后染色体,多价体,邻接型易位,不均等分离,桥,不分离和松散配对等。邻接型易位是本研究的中心论题。因邻接型易位的存在是F2花粉不育的一个重要原因, 也是产生节段异段染色体构型的重要原因;因邻接型易位带来相互易位,可供育种利用。 Abstract:The chromosome number in F2 of O.sativa×O.grandiglumis were 2n=4x=48.This showed that the allotriploid of hybrid F1 had been changed into allotetraploid in F2.The chromosome constitution of this allotetraploid remained to be determined.The chromosome behavior was studied during meiosis from pachytene to telophase II.Results showed that the chromosome configuration of F2 belonged to the type of the nodal section-allosection,and possessed very high rate of anomalous chromosome,the total rate of anomalous chromosome accounting for 87.13%.The frequency of anomalous chromosome were ranked as follows:univalent,chromosome straggling,lagging chromosome,polyvalent,adjoin translocation,unequal division,chromosome bridge,non-disjunction and loose pairing in descent order.The adjoin translocation was the topic in this study.With this translocation,no vitality gamentes were produced in F2.However,this is a mutual translocation,hence that is very useful for breeding.  相似文献   

Li QQ  Zhang YP 《Biochemical genetics》2005,43(7-8):375-386
To study the phylogenetic relationships of the macaques, five gene fragments were sequenced from 40 individuals of eight species: Macaca mulatta, M. cyclopis, M. fascicularis, M. arctoides, M. assamensis, M. thibetana, M. silenus, and M. leonina. In addition, sequences of M. sylvanus were obtained from Genbank. A baboon was used as the outgroup. The phylogenetic trees were constructed using maximum-parsimony and Bayesian methods. Because five gene fragments were from the mitochondrial genome and were inherited as a single entity without recombination, we combined the five genes into a single analysis. The parsimony bootstrap proportions we obtained were higher than those from earlier studies based on the combined mtDNA dataset. Excluding M. arctoides, our results are generally consistent with the classification of Delson (1980). Our phylogenetic analyses agree with earlier studies suggesting that the mitochondrial lineages of M. arctoides share a close evolutionary relationship with the mitochondrial lineages of the fascicularis group of macaques (and M. fascicularis, specifically). M. mulatta (with respect to M. cyclopis), M. assamensis assamensis (with respect to M. thibetana), and M. leonina (with respect to M. silenus) are paraphyletic based on our analysis of mitochondrial genes.  相似文献   

测定了山羊草属(Aegilops)二倍物种核rDNA ITS区序列,发现其碱基粉介于601-607之间,比报道的小riuceae)其他属的ITS区我略长,G+C含量达61.1%~62.9%,序列间的分化距离为0.0050~0.0468。用PHYLIP3.5e软件包对所测得的DNA数据进行聚类分析,结果显示:1.Ae.speltoides与该组其他种相距很远,支持将其从Sitopsis组中独立出来,  相似文献   

Eleven species of yellow-flowered Camellia were analyzed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Fourteen decanucleotide primers of arbitrary sequences were selected from 140 primers for DNA amplification. 201 bands were used as markers. Based on the RAPD data, a phenogram has been constructed. The result shows that: (1) C. micrantha and C. fusuiensis are closely related to C. achrysantha ; (2) C. chrysanthoides and C. grandis form a monophyletic group with C. xiashiensis; (3) There is a close relationship among C. longzhouensis, C. ptilosperma, C. longruiensis, which form another monophyletic group; (4) C. impressinervis is highly divergent from all the othertaxa.  相似文献   

Ribosomal DNA repeat unit polymorphism in 49 Vicia species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA restriction endonuclease fragment analysis was used to obtain new information on the genomic organization of Vicia ribosomal DNA (rDNA), more particularly among V. faba and its close relatives and the taxa within three (Narbonensis, Villosa, Sativa) species' complexes. Total genomic DNA of 90 accessions representing 49 Vicia species was restricted with 11 enzymes, and the restriction fragments were probed with three ribosomal clones. Twenty-eight repeat unit length classes were identified. The number of length classes (1–2) per accession did not correspond to the number of nucleolar organizing regions (NORs). The number of rRNA genes was independent of the 2C nuclear DNA amount present in the taxon. Each of the 90 accessions had 2 (rarely 1)-4 DraI sites. Those taxa with the same number of DraI sites generally could be distinguished from each other by different configurations. Probing of the DNA samples digested with tetranucleotide recognition restriction endonucleases emphasized differences between divergent spacer regions and enabled relative homologies between the coding regions to be established. Overall, rDNA restriction site variation among the species showed a good correlation with taxonomic classification. The rDNA analysis indicated evolutionary relatedness of the various taxa within the Narbonensis species complex. rDNA diversity within two other species complexes (Villosa, Sativa), on the other hand, was more extensive than expected. With few exceptions, data on the two complexes give evidence of taxon-specific divergences not seen with other approaches. The restriction site variability and repeat length heterogeneity in the rDNA repeat exhibited startling differences between V.faba and its close wild relatives included in the Narbonensis species complex. This analysis provides new evidence that none of the species within the complex can be considered to be putative allies of broad bean.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood trees produced from 18S rDNA sequences separated 14 Xiphinema and five Xiphidorus nematode species from Brazil into distinct groups that concurred with their current morphological taxonomic status. Species belonging to the X. americanum group (X. brevicolle, X. diffusum, X. oxycaudatum, and X. peruvianum) formed a single group that was clearly separated from the other Xiphinema species. As with previous taxonomic studies that noted only minor morphological differences between putative X. americanum group species, separation of these species based upon 18S rDNA sequences was inconclusive. Thus it is probable that instead of comprising distinct species, the X. americanum group may in fact represent numerous morphotypes with large inter- and intra- population morphological variability that may be environmentally driven. Within the cluster representing non X. americanum group species, there was little statistical support to clearly separate species. However, three subgroups, comprising (i) the X. setariae/vulgare complex, (ii) X. ifacolum and X. paritaliae, and (iii) X. brasiliense and X. ensiculiferum were well resolved.  相似文献   

测定并比较了自接型的上海四膜虫(Tetrahymena shanghaienisis)和两株接合型的嗜热四膜虫(T.thermopddhilaⅡ和T.thermophilaⅥ)的ITS-1序列,以多态嗽叭虫(Stentor polymorphrus)为外来群,利用最大简约法和邻接法构建了它们的系统发育树。分析指出:三者中,T.shanghaienisis较早地从祖先种中分化出来;自接型可能是一种较接合型原始的生殖方式。  相似文献   

12株酵母菌的亲缘关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
克隆了9株假线酵母和1株克鲁维酵母的25SrDNA片段,测定其5′端部分苷酸序列与报道的Candidaalbicans及Saccharomycescerevisiae25SrDNA相应区域的核苷酸序列比较,采用neighbor-joining和boot-strap法分析并绘制系统树,结果提示CandidakefyrCBS834与Kluyveromyces cicerisporusCBS4857亲缘  相似文献   

利用作者已测定的赤麂(Muntiacus muntjak)线粒体全基因组序列和从GenBank检索到的鲸偶蹄类有代表性的长须鲸、河马、奶牛、绵羊、猪、羊驼6种动物的线粒体全基因组序列,按顺序分别连接各自的13个蛋白编码基因、13个氨基酸序列、2个rRNA基因和22个tRNA基因成一个氨基酸序列或核苷酸序列,用DNASTAR软件统计碱基长度和组成;分析奶牛、绵羊和赤麂两两之间蛋白编码基因的序列差异;用MEGA计算7种动物12S和:16S rRNA基因的遗传距离;基于连接在一起的13个蛋白编码基因的氨基酸序列,用NJ法构建系统关系树。结果显示:①偶蹄目反刍亚目牛科的绵羊和同亚目鹿科的赤麂先聚为一亚支,然后与该亚目牛科的奶牛并为一支;猪形亚目猪科的猪和胼足亚目驼科的羊驼并为一支;鲸目须鲸亚目须鲸科的长须鲸和偶蹄目猪形亚目河马科的河马并为一支。②赤麂与绵羊的亲缘关系更近。③推测赤麂与绵羊和奶牛的分歧时间分别约在14.7和16.0百万年前。  相似文献   

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