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For sperm preservation, semen is generally diluted with extender containing egg yolk (EY), but the mechanisms of sperm protection by EY are unclear. The major proteins of bull seminal plasma (BSP proteins: BSP-A1/A2, BSP-A3, and BSP-30-kDa) bind to sperm surface at ejaculation and stimulate cholesterol and phospholipid efflux from the sperm membrane. Since EY low-density lipoprotein fraction (LDF) interacts specifically with BSP proteins, it is proposed that the sequestration of BSP proteins in seminal plasma by EY-LDF represents the major mechanism of sperm protection by EY. In order to gain further insight into this mechanism, we investigated the effect of seminal plasma, EY, and EY-LDF on the binding of BSP proteins to sperm and the lipid efflux from the sperm membrane. As shown by immunodetection, radioimmunoassays, and lipid analysis, when semen was incubated undiluted or diluted with control extender (without EY or EY-LDF), BSP proteins bound to sperm in a time-dependent manner, and there is a continuous cholesterol and phospholipid efflux from the sperm membrane. In contrast, when semen was diluted with extender containing EY or EY-LDF, there was 50%-80% fewer BSP proteins associated with sperm and a significant amount of lipid added to sperm membrane during incubation. In addition, sperm function analysis showed that the presence of EY or EY-LDF in the extender preserved sperm motility. These results show that LDF is the constituent of EY that prevents binding of the BSP proteins to sperm and lipid efflux from the sperm membrane and is beneficial to sperm functions during sperm preservation. 相似文献
Heparin-binding proteins from seminal plasma bind to bovine spermatozoa and modulate capacitation by heparin 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Bovine spermatozoa that have been exposed to seminal plasma possess more binding sites for heparin than sperm from the cauda epididymis that have not been exposed to accessory sex gland secretions. Seminal plasma exposure enables sperm, following incubation with heparin, to undergo zonae pellucidae-induced exocytosis of the acrosome. In this study, the regulatory role of seminal plasma heparin-binding proteins in capacitation of bovine spermatozoa by heparin was investigated. Plasma membranes from sperm exposed to seminal plasma in vivo or in vitro contained a series of acidic 15-17 kDa proteins not found in cauda epididymal sperm. Western blots of membrane proteins indicated that these 15-17 kDa proteins bound [125I]-heparin. Heparin-binding proteins were isolated by heparin affinity chromatography from seminal plasma from vasectomized bulls. Gel electrophoresis indicated that the heparin-binding peaks contained 14-18 kDa proteins with isoelectric variation, a basic 24 kDa protein, and a 31 kDa protein. Western blots probed with [125I]-heparin confirmed the ability of each of these proteins to bind heparin. Each of these proteins, as well as control proteins, bound to epididymal sperm. The seminal plasma proteins were peripherally associated with sperm since they were removed by hypertonic medium and did not segregate into the detergent phase of Triton X-114. Seminal plasma heparin-binding proteins potentiated zonae pellucidae-induced acrosome reactions in epididymal sperm. However, seminal plasma proteins that did not bind to the heparin affinity column were unable to stimulate zonae-sensitivity. Control proteins, including lysozyme--which binds to both heparin and sperm, were ineffective at enhancing zonae-induced acrosome reactions. These data provide evidence for a positive regulatory role of seminal plasma heparin-binding proteins in capacitation of bovine spermatozoa. 相似文献
Major proteins of bovine seminal plasma exhibit novel interactions with phospholipid. 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
A group of similar proteins, namely BSP-A1, BSP-A2, BSP-A3, and BSP-30-kDa (collectively called BSP proteins), are the major proteins found in bovine seminal fluid. These proteins are secretory products of seminal vesicles, and they bind to spermatozoa upon ejaculation, suggesting that there are binding sites for these proteins on the spermatozoa. It was of interest to characterize these binding sites on spermatozoa which may help in the elucidation of the biological function of BSP proteins. The binding sites on spermatozoa are resistant to protease or acid treatment and are heat-stable but extractable with organic solvents. The solvent-extractable material, when coated on plastic microtitration wells, binds radiolabeled BSP proteins thus indicating the lipid nature of the BSP binding sites on spermatozoa. We investigated the specificity of interaction of BSP proteins with lipids using liposomes of phospholipids, solid-phase, and thin-layer chromatography-overlay techniques. Results showed that BSP-A1, -A2, and -A3 proteins bound specifically to those phospholipids which contain the phosphorylcholine group. In contrast, BSP-30-kDa protein preferentially bound to phospholipids containing the phosphorylcholine moiety but also interacted with phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidic acid, and cardiolipin. Furthermore, of those lipids that were extracted from spermatozoa, only phospholipids which contain the phosphorylcholine moiety bound radiolabeled BSP proteins. These data suggest that the BSP protein binding sites on spermatozoa are phospholipids. We propose that this specific interaction plays an important role in the membrane modification of spermatozoa that occurs during capacitation and/or acrosome reaction. 相似文献
The objective was to determine the effects of boar seminal plasma and hen's egg yolk on chemotaxis and phagocytosis of porcine and bovine polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) in vitro. Chemotactic activity of PMNs was determined following culture for 90 min in a blind well chamber. Phagocytosis was assayed after co-culture of PMNs with sperm for 60 min. In the presence of ≥ 5% boar seminal plasma, chemotactic activity of PMNs was reduced (P < 0.05) in both pigs (from 1126.1 to 934.2-1009.1 cells/mm2) and in cows (from 1067.1 to 768.9-800.0 cells/mm2). Furthermore, ≥ 5% boar seminal plasma reduced (P < 0.05) leukocyte phagocytosis in pigs (26.2-32.1%) and cows (27.2-30.0%) compared to controls (41.7 and 42.1%, respectively). Although 20% hen's egg yolk increased (P < 0.05) chemotactic activity of PMNs in pigs (from 790.4 to 1006.1 cells/mm2) and cows (from 789.9 to 953.5 cells/mm2), egg yolk increased (P < 0.05) phagocytotic activity of porcine PMNs (from 24.3 to 33.8%), but not the activity of bovine PMNs (15.1 vs 15.8% in controls). Boar seminal plasma and caffeine reduced (P < 0.05) the egg yolk-induced increase in chemotaxis in both species (from 988.6 to 795.2 or 813.2 cells/mm2 in pigs and from 953.5 to 779.4 or 833.8 cells/mm2 in cows), and phagocytotic activities of PMN (from 33.8% to 15.2 or 13.3%) only in pigs (but not in cows; 11.2-15.1%). In conclusion, hen's egg yolk increased chemotactic activity of PMNs in both pigs and cows, whereas egg yolk increased only phagocytosis of PMNs in pigs, but not in cows. Even in the presence of egg yolk, boar seminal plasma and caffeine significantly reduced chemotactic activity of PMNs in pigs and cows, and phagocytotic activity of porcine PMNs. 相似文献
L Chandonnet K D Roberts A Chapdelaine P Manjunath 《Molecular reproduction and development》1990,26(4):313-318
A group of four similar proteins, BSP-A1, BSP-A2, BSP-A3, and BSP-30-kDa, represent the major acidic proteins found in bovine seminal plasma (BSP). These proteins are secretory products of the seminal vesicles; they bind to spermatozoa upon ejaculation and could represent decapacitation factors. It has been shown that the glycosaminoglycans present in the female reproductive tract are involved in the capacitation of spermatozoa. Therefore, it was of interest to investigate whether BSP-A1, -A2, -A3, and -30-kDa proteins of bovine seminal fluid interact with heparin. Chromatography of alcohol precipitates of bovine seminal fluid on a heparin-Sepharose column resolved these proteins into three peaks. Peaks 1 and 2 (retarded proteins) were eluted upon extensive washing of the column with 0.05 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 (equilibrating buffer), and accounted for approximately 25% of the applied proteins. Proteins in peak 3 represented adsorbed proteins and were eluted with phosphate buffer containing 1 M NaCl. Proteins in each peak were characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) under reducing conditions. Peak 1 contained proteins with molecular weights ranging from 8 to 350 kDa, peak 2 contained a single protein with a molecular weight of 14 kDa, and peak 3 contained proteins with molecular weights of 15.5, 16, 25, and 30 kDa. The proteins in peak 3 were further resolved into unadsorbed (peak 4) and adsorbed (peak 5) proteins on a gelatin-Agarose column. Separation of the proteins of peak 3 and peak 5 by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and reducing agents followed by transfer to nitrocellulose and probing with antibodies against the previously well-characterized BSP proteins indicated the presence of BSP-A1, BSP-A2, BSP-A3, and BSP-30-kDa proteins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Whole seminal plasma (SP) enhances the function and fertility of frozen/thawed ram sperm. The objective of the current study was to investigate whether SP proteins capable of binding to molecules from the sperm plasma membrane were conserved among ram breeds, and whether these proteins were sufficient to overcome cryopreservation-induced reductions in sperm quality. Whole ram SP, obtained from rams of various breeds, improved progressive motility of frozen/thawed sperm at all times evaluated (P < 0.05); however, it did not improve total motility (15 min, P = 0.480; 30 min, P = 0.764; and 45 min, P = 0.795). To identify SP proteins responsible for this effect, a new method was developed to retain SP proteins that bound specifically to the sperm membrane by immobilization of sperm membrane proteins. These proteins specifically bound to the sperm surface, especially the acrosomal region. Lactotransferrin, epididymal secretory protein E1, Synaptosomal-associated protein 29, and RSVP-20 were identified (mass spectrometry) in this fraction. The retained SP proteins fraction repaired ultrastructural damage of frozen/thawed sperm and, with the addition of fructose, significantly improved motility of frozen/thawed sperm. We concluded that SP proteins that bound to the sperm membrane were conserved among ram breeds, and that when added to frozen/thawed semen (along with an energy source), they repaired ram sperm damage and enhanced sperm motility. 相似文献
P Manjunath Y L Marcel J Uma N G Seidah M Chrétien A Chapdelaine 《The Journal of biological chemistry》1989,264(28):16853-16857
Bovine seminal plasma contains four similar acidic proteins, previously designated as BSP (bovine seminal plasma)-A1, BSP-A2, BSP-A3, and BSP-30-kDa, that when added to pituitary cell cultures result in the immediate secretion of gonadotropins (follitropin and lutropin). However, when calf or horse serum was included in the culture medium the secretion of gonadotropins was completely prevented. This effect was seen at levels up to 200 micrograms of BSP protein/ml while the presence of more than 200 micrograms of BSP protein/ml in the serum medium continued to release gonadotropins. This could be explained by the presence in the sera of a binding factor to the BSP proteins which prevents their action. This binding factor has been detected in all the sera tested, including human serum, in dot-blot experiments using 125I-labeled BSP-A1, -A2, -A3, or -30-kDa protein. Thus, it was of interest to isolate this binding factor from human serum by affinity chromatography on a column of BSP-A1/-A2-agarose. The purified binding factor was then identified as apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) by the following criteria: (a) it has a molecular mass of 27,000 daltons, (b) the amino acid composition is similar to apoA-I, (c) the first 25 residues at the amino-terminal end of this binding factor are identical to apoA-I, and (d) the binding factor cross-reacts in the radioimmunoassay of apoA-I. Furthermore, BSP proteins also bind to purified plasma apoA-I and apoA-I associated with high density lipoprotein. ApoA-I is the major protein of plasma high density lipoprotein and plays an important role in lipid transport and metabolism. Thus, the binding of bovine seminal plasma proteins to apoA-I suggests some physiological significance in lipoprotein function or vice versa. 相似文献
The selective solubilization of apo-very low density lipoprotein (apo VLDL) of hen's egg yolk was achieved from intact VLDL with guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl) or urea. The amount of extracted apoVLDL increased with increase of the reagent concentration. GuHCl was more effective than urea and more than 60% of apoVLDL was solubilized with 6 M GuHCl. Previously we reported the presence of five major apoVLDL components, GPI, ApoA, GPII, ApoB, and ApoC in order of size, and found that GPI and GPII were periodic acid-Schiff staining positive, while ApoA, ApoB, and ApoC were negative. With GuHCl or urea, GPI and GPII were easily solubilized, while ApoA and ApoB could not be extracted. The solubilized apoVLDL was rich in carbohydrates, especially sialic acid, compared with the residual apoVLDL. However, only slight differences in amino acid compositon were found between the soluble and the residual apoVLDL. After the partial removal of apoVLDL with GuHCl or urea, VLDL retained its particulate nature, and no destruction of the lipid core was observed. These results were interpreted as indicating that the release of apoVLDL with GuHCl or urea occurred from the surface of the VLDL particle and that the selectively solubilized apoVLDL fractions, such as GPI and GPII, were weakly bound to lipids on the surface of VLDL, while ApoA and ApoB were tightly associated with the VLDL particle. 相似文献
A simple and efficient procedure for the purification of the riboflavin-binding protein from hen's egg yolk is described. This method involves the removal by exclusion of lipoproteins and subsequent fractionation of soluble yolk proteins held on a DEAE-cellulose column by a salt gradient which is followed by purification by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. The protein thus isolated is homogeneous by various physicoehemical, immunological, and functional criteria. 相似文献
Egg yolk lipoproteins of very low density were found to contain proteins with cofactor activity for lipoprotein lipase. When delipidated very low density lipoproteins were dissolved in 10 mM HCl and fractionated by gel filtration about two thirds of the protein were in several components with estimated molecular weights of 60000 to more than 170000. The major low-molecular-weight proteins were the dimeric and monomeric forms of a previously characterized 9000-dalton peptide. The cofactor activity was not associated with any of these major proteins. A large-scale fractionation method was developed by which two proteins fractions with cofactor activity for lipoprotein lipase were purified more than thousand-fold. One fraction had a molecular size of about 9000 daltons and the other had a size of about 5000 daltons. Both these fractions could be further separated on the basis of charge into several fractions with cofactor activity. The cofactor proteins were relatively soluble both at high and at low pH. The retained their cofactor activity after denaturation in guanidinium hydrochloride and after reduction. During the initial steps in the purification of the cofactor proteins another low-molecular-weight protein followed the cofactors. It had a single 17500-dalton peptide chain and was present in four variants, three of which contained carbohydrate. 相似文献
The evolution of egg yolk proteins 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13