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A number of parameters were evaluated in order to determine the level of isolation of a small Brazilian community existing in partial geographic isolation and thereby evaluate the random genetic drift potential in the population. On a theoretical basis, it is concluded that the probability of genetic drift is low but cannot be excluded. The relatively small proportion of migrants (26%), the limited individual mobility, as given by marital distance (29 +/- 7 km), the mean migrational distance (46 +/- 11 km), the small effective size (122), and the value of the product Neme (26) agree with the possibility of genetic drift in this population. The observed coefficient of inbreeding (0.00239) is lower than that expected (0.0066) for random mating, suggesting some pressures against consanguineous marriage.  相似文献   

In vivo ivermectin resistance was selected in an isolate of Trichostrongylus colubriformis (TcR) already known to be benzimidazole resistant. This was accomplished in sheep by using levels of ivermectin calculated to reduce the fecal egg output from each generation of T. colubriformis by congruent to 95%. The first indication of ivermectin resistance was observed with the F10. A dosage-titration trial comparing the parent TcR with the ivermectin-selected F21 demonstrated that the latter was congruent to 20 times more resistant to oral ivermectin therapy in experimentally infected sheep than was the parent isolate. Treatment of the F16 generation with 50 mg/kg of thiabendazole resulted in only 54% egg reduction and confirmed that benzimidazole resistance was stable.  相似文献   

A critical review of data on opportunity for natural selection among the Indian populations has been made. These data on 96 populations were analysed according to regional, habitat, and socioeconomic backgrounds. The trends observed on the basis of these Indian data have been compared with worldwide data and data from industrialized nations. As in the industrialized nations, a gradual decrease in I(m) and I(t) is observed with improving socioeconomic and technological status in the Indian populations. The Indian situation is similar to that of the first phase in the modern demographic transition among the industrialized nations.  相似文献   

The sequencing of the complete genome of Anaplasma marginale has enabled the identification of several genes that encode membrane proteins, thereby increasing the chances of identifying candidate immunogens. Little is known regarding the genetic variability of genes that encode membrane proteins in A. marginale isolates. The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of conservation of the predicted amino acid sequences of OMP1, OMP4, OMP5, OMP7, OMP8, OMP10, OMP14, OMP15, SODb, OPAG1, OPAG3, VirB3, VirB9-1, PepA, EF-Tu and AM854 proteins in a Brazilian isolate of A. marginale compared to other isolates. Hence, primers were used to amplify these genes: omp1, omp4, omp5, omp7, omp8, omp10, omp14, omp15, sodb, opag1, opag3, virb3, VirB9-1, pepA, ef-tu and am854. After polimerase chain reaction amplification, the products were cloned and sequenced using the Sanger method and the predicted amino acid sequence were multi-aligned using the CLUSTALW and MEGA 4 programs, comparing the predicted sequences between the Brazilian, Saint Maries, Florida and A. marginale centrale isolates. With the exception of outer membrane protein (OMP) 7, all proteins exhibited 92-100% homology to the other A. marginale isolates. However, only OMP1, OMP5, EF-Tu, VirB3, SODb and VirB9-1 were selected as potential immunogens capable of promoting cross-protection between isolates due to the high degree of homology (over 72%) also found with A. (centrale) marginale.  相似文献   

This is the first report on microcystins, cyclic heptapeptide hepatotoxins, from Brazilian water supplies. A colony isolate (NPJB-1) of the colonial cyanobacteriumMicrocystis aeruginosa from Lagoa das Garças, São Paulo, was cultured under non-axenic conditions. Exponential phase cells were harvested, concentrated and lyophilized for mouse bioassays and toxin extraction. The LD100 of lyophilized cell suspensions was approximately 31 mg kg–1 (dry cell weight/animal weight). Isolation, purification and characterization of the toxins were carried out by reversed phase HPLC, HPLC amino acid analysis and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. Strain NPJB-1 produces two different hepatotoxic heptapeptide microcystins. The main one was microcystin-LR, the most commonly reported microcystin from cyanobacteria. The other was microcystin-LF, the phenylalanine variant of microcystin-LR. This is the first published report for microcystin-LF.  相似文献   

SEN virus (SENV) is a circular, single stranded DNA virus that has been first characterized in the serum of a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected patient. Eight genotypes of SENV (A-H) have been identified and further recognized as variants of TT virus (TTV) in the family Circoviridae. Here we describe the first genomic characterization of a SENV isolate (5-A) from South America. Using 'universal' primers, able to amplify most, if not all, TTV/SENV genotypes, a segment of > 3 kb was amplified by polymerase chain reaction from the serum of an HIV-1 infected patient. The amplicon was cloned and a 3087-nucleotide sequence was determined, that showed a high (85%) homology with the sequence of the Italian isolate SENV-F. Proteins encoded by open reading frames (ORFs) 1 to 4 consisted of 758, 129, 276, and 267 amino acids, respectively. By phylogenetic analysis, isolate 5-A was classified into TTV genotype 19 (phylogenetic group 3), together with SENV-F and TTV isolate SAa-38.  相似文献   

H M Hed 《Human heredity》1987,37(1):30-35
This article is part of a series of studies on the opportunity for selection in Swedish populations. The study concerns women who, with some exceptions, were born during the first half of the 19th century. A modified form of Crow's index has been used to estimate the upper limit of natural selection. The average index for the period 1805-1850 was I = 1.136, which value falls within the limits of what has been found for the other Swedish populations that have been studied.  相似文献   

The therapeutic effects of praziquantel (PZQ) against a Schistosoma mansoni isolate derived from Nectomys squamipes (isolate R) and a susceptible isolate (BH) were analyzed in Swiss mice by fecal egg counting, adult worm reduction and oogram pattern. Infected mice were orally administrated with 62.5mg/kg (group 1), 125mg/kg (group 2), 250mg/kg (group 3) and 500mg/kg (group 4), each dose divided over 3 days (49, 50 and 51 days after infection). The data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). In regard to isolate R, no fecal eggs were observed with 250 mg/Kg and 500 mg/kg (p<0.05), whereas BH excretion reached zero with all doses. Mean worm burden reduction was significantly (p<0.05) higher at the two highest concentrations, regardless of isolate. At 62.5mg/kg, the percentage of immature eggs varied from 17% (isolate R) to 38% (isolate BH). At 125 mg/kg, the percentage of immature eggs varied from 20% (isolate R) to 16% (isolate BH). At 250 mg/kg, immature eggs dropped significantly to 1% (isolate R) and 4% (isolate BH). At 500 mg/kg, no immature eggs were found in isolate R, whereas in BH was 8%. No dosage significantly (p>0.05) affected the percentage of mature eggs, regardless of isolate. There was a large increase (p<0.001) in the percentages of dead eggs in all treated groups of 62% and 64% in groups 3 and 4, respectively (isolate R). The percentage of dead eggs rose from 34% (group 1) to 58% (group 3) in isolate BH. Although group 4 showed lowest increase in the percentage of dead eggs (46%), it was higher (p<0.001) compared to the 8% in the control. Our findings indicate that the wild isolate from N. squamipes is susceptible to PZQ.  相似文献   

Habitat selection, which is mainly a consequence of competition and predation, allows species to coexist. The present study was conducted in two reserves in an Atlantic Forest area in Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil, and provided information on several large mammal species through photographic records. Records were related to certain environmental parameters, such as width of passages (trails and roads), vegetation density and proximity to water, in order to assess the relationship between each mammal species and its microhabitat. Thirty-two camera trap stations were placed during 17 months for 150.8 (±62.2) days on average. Terrestrial mammals tended to use different habitats: Puma concolor used mainly dirt roads and open areas; Leopardus pardalis, Cerdocyon thous and Nasua nasua used more large trails and intermediate-forested sites; and Cuniculus paca, Dasypus novemcinctus, Leopardus tigrinus, Eira barbara and Leopardus wiedii were recorded more often on narrow trails and in densely forested sites. Some of these forest species, such as D. novemcinctus, C. paca and L. pardalis, also showed relationships with watercourses. Information on habitat selection allows more effort to be addressed to the habitat associated with focal species, and indicates the significance of environmental heterogeneity, which makes it possible for species to coexist.  相似文献   

Candida parapsilosis is a human pathogenic fungus with increasing importance, particularly in nosocomial infections. For detailed molecular genetic explorations of prototrophic clinical isolates of C. parapsilosis, we developed an efficient transformation system based on a dominant selectable marker. The gene encoding resistance to mycophenolic acid (MPA) was used for selection in yeast transformation. C. parapsilosis cells were transformed with a plasmid vector containing the Candida albicans inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase gene (IMH3) responsible for mycophenolic acid resistance. Transformation was carried out both by electroporation and by the lithium acetate (LiAc) method. The LiAc method resulted in very poor transformation efficiency, while the modified electroporation method yielded a high number of mitotically stable transformants exhibiting unambiguous MPA resistance. Two hundred transformants were analysed for the presence of the C. albicans IMH3(r) gene by polymerase chain reaction. Integration of single or multiple plasmid copies into the genomic DNA of C. parapsilosis was determined by Southern hybridization. To our knowledge, the present study is the first report about a method based on a dominant selectable marker for the transformation of a prototrophic, clinical isolate of C. parapsilosis. The described technique may prove to be an efficient tool for the examination of the biology and virulence of this pathogenic yeast.  相似文献   

A model of genotype specific habitat selection is developed for an organism subject to within-lifetime environmental fluctuations. Habitat selection is first overlaid upon both hard and soft selection Levene models with either discrete or continuous habitats. It is shown that even if all genotypes have identical physiological and fitness responses within a habitat, habitat selection can still maintain a polymorphism. In other words, physiological divergence is not a necessary prerequisite for divergence in habitat preferences. Within-lifetime environmental variability is then assumed to occur within each chosen habitat. It is shown that habitat selection acts as an evolutionary filter that can enhance the fitness impact of some niches and effectively eliminate the impact of others such that it generally increases the chances for a polymorphism under soft selection. However, density-dependent effects obscure the relationship between physiological fitness and evolutionary outcome. Indeed, it is possible for selection to favor an allele causing its bearers to preferentially go to the niche to which they are least physiologically adapted. Hence, changes in habitat preference can evolve before an organism has completely adapted physiologically to a new habitat. The fitness impact of habitat selection interacts with both homeostatic avoidance mechanisms (i.e., short-term buffering) and with tolerance (long-term) mechanisms. In general, habitat selection will be most favored in those organisms deficient in long-term tolerance. Moreover, habitat selection tends to accentuate selection favoring short-term avoidance mechanisms. Thus, organisms displaying much habitat selection should have poor physiological long-term tolerances but effective physiological short-term avoidance mechanisms. Finally, if the fitness costs associated with habitat selection are too large to be ignored and are comparable for all genotypes, habitat selection directs the selective pressures back onto the physiological homeostatic capabilities. Hence, the very existence and extent of habitat selection depends critically upon the physiological capabilities of the organism.  相似文献   

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