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The materials on the investigation of the outbreak cholera eltor in Vladivostok, caused by the import of infection from China. The leading role of the water route of transmission of this infection is shown due to the contamination of water sources with non-decontaminated sewage water. The complex of antiepidemic measures was carried out, which made it possible to arrest the spread of cholera and liquidate its foci.  相似文献   

The paper is a response to the paper by A. K. Akiev published in 1974 in the "Journal of Microbiology Epidemiology and Immunobiology": "Concerning the Epidemiology of El Tor cholera Abroad". The opinion of the author concerning the origin of El Tor infection in 1970, the sources of infection, and the factors of its transmission is critisized. Literature data and personal observations explaining the regularities of importation and spread of El Tor cholera as an intestinal infection are presented; these data are against the view of Akiev on El Tor cholera as a disease with a natural nidality caused by freely living vibrios.  相似文献   

A group outbreak of cholera caused by Vibrio eltor in the Samarkand Province++ in 1990 is analyzed. The retrospective analysis of the isolation of V. cholerae from water of surface reservoirs has been made. The study points out that since the cholera epidemic of 1985 V. cholerae avirulent strains, serogroup O1, have been periodically isolated in the Samarkand Province. The conclusion has been made that the isolation of even avirulent strains only from environmental objects is indicative of the unfavorable epidemiological situation in this area and of the necessity to take measures for improving epidemiological surveillance.  相似文献   

Study of several marine Santonian-Campanian successions from Sakhalin Island, Far East Russia, has revealed that evolution of the ammonites and inoceramid bivalves proceeded at different rates after the major faunal turnover at the (locally defined) Santonian-Campanian boundary. Sometimes changes in the inoceramid assemblages were more frequent and rapid than changes in the ammonite assemblages, and sometimes vice versa. Significant levels of inoceramid turnover and radiation events have been identified at the (locally defined) Santonian-Campanian and lower-upper Campanian boundaries. Changes in ammonite and inoceramid diversity, and in the proportions of endemic and cosmopolitan species, were investigated in the context of the local relative sea-level curve and inferred environmental changes. In Far East Russia, the main ammonite and inoceramid radiation after the local Santonian-Campanian faunal turnover occurred in the early Late Campanian Pachydiscus (P.) aff. egertoni ammonite Zone and the coeval Schmidticeramus schmidti inoceramid Zone. This condensed interval of ammonite and inoceramid maximum diversity provides a perfect stratigraphic marker that is recognizable in Sakhalin, North-East Russia and Japan. The succession of Santonian-Campanian assemblages identified in Sakhalin enabled the establishment of seven ammonite and six inoceramid zones, which correlate relatively well with those of North-East Russia and Japan. The problems of placing the Santonian-Campanian boundary in Sakhalin and in the adjacent Japanese island of Hokkaido are reviewed.  相似文献   

Deep-sea smelts (Argentiniformes: Microstomatidae, Bathylaginae) from the Miocene of Far East Russia (Sakhalin and Urup islands) are described. The specimens described belong to four taxa, one of which is assigned to a new species of the genus Leuroglossus. Like Recent smoothtongues, the new species has thickened medial rays in the caudal fin. The small number of abdominal vertebrae makes the new species similar to the extant southern smoothtongue L. stilbius, which occurs along the eastern coasts of the Pacific Ocean. The new species differs from extant smoothtongues in the short snout, which is not longer than the orbit. Phylogenetic analysis of morphological features of the new species, using a matrix of characters of living deepsea smelts, shows that it occupies a basal position in the genus Leuroglossus. Three other extinct taxa cannot be reliably classified below the level of the subfamily Bathylaginae or tribe Bathylagini because of insufficient preservation of available specimens. The new records of deep-sea smelts in Far East Russia show that this fish subfamily was widespread and highly morphologically differentiated in the Neogene.  相似文献   

The outbreak of cholera in the Pushkino District of the Azerbaijan SSR, caused by the penetration of Vibrio cholerae into the water of the irrigation system, is described. Altogether 2 cholera patients and 39 Vibrio carriers were detected. The etiological agent of this infection was V. cholerae eltor, serovar Ogawa, with typical phenotype characteristics. From all patients and 37 carriers virulent strains and from 2 carriers faintly virulent strains were isolated. In this outbreak family foci were clearly observed, but the transmission of infection through everyday contacts was practically of no importance. The foci with multiple cases were formed due to the action of one transmission factor: contaminated water.  相似文献   

俄罗斯远东地区是全球鸟类重要的繁殖地之一,特别是楚科奇半岛的阿纳德尔地区是全球极危鸟种勺嘴鹬(Calidris pygmeus)已知的重要繁殖地。为了履行中俄候鸟及其栖息地保护双边协定,掌握俄罗斯远东的阿纳德尔地区夏季水鸟的资源状况,2017年6月25日至7月20日,中俄双方对阿纳德尔南部地区进行了夏季水鸟资源调查。调查区域主要包括阿纳德尔、从阿纳德尔至白令戈夫斯基的海域、白令戈夫斯基、梅内皮尔吉诺周边苔原区域以及附近海域四个部分。共记录35种水鸟,隶属于6目10科,其中14种有繁殖活动。分析中俄环志回收数据表明,在我国长江流域和东部沿海地区越冬的雁鸭类和鸻鹬类水鸟,夏季迁徙到俄罗斯的哈巴罗夫斯克、萨哈林岛、勘察加半岛、雅库特、楚科奇等远东地区繁殖。此外,勺嘴鹬的主要繁殖繁殖地梅内皮尔吉诺周边苔原地区存在着巢址被洪水淹没、卵和雏鸟遭天敌捕食等风险;在勺嘴鹬迁徙路线上的重要迁徙停歇地和越冬地的退化、环境污染和人为活动是导致勺嘴鹬种群数量下降的重要因素。研究结果表明,需要进一步加强中俄双方勺嘴鹬保护的合作与交流,共同保护鸟类的栖息地。  相似文献   

Data on emergent epidemiological analysis of the cholera outbreak in Kazan are presented. A version of the cholera focus emergence was confirmed, namely water route of transmission as a result of bathing in a water reservoir where sewage waters had penetrated. The outbreak had local and acute character. The complex of cholera control interventions aimed at localization and liquidation of the focus proved to be effective.  相似文献   

Colpomenia borea sp. nov. is described from Hokkaido, Japan and Magadan, Far East Russia based on morphological observations and molecular analyses using mitochondrial cox3 and chloroplast rbcL genes. This new species is distinguished from other Colpomenia by its small globular to ovoidal thallus up to 5 cm in diameter, and thin thallus membrane composed of a cortex of one to two-cell layers and a colorless medulla of up to three layers. This species is epiphytic on the brown alga Stephanocystis in areas protected against waves. The life history in culture of C. borea was investigated and the observed life history pattern was similar to those reported in C. peregrina and C. sinuosa. Our phylogenetic analyses supported that C. borea is a distinct species, yet it is more related to C. peregrina than C. sinuosa.  相似文献   

The species groups of butterflies in temperate forests and adjoining forest-steppes of the Russian Far East are analyzed. The contribution of species with different distribution types into the total species composition is considered. A classification analysis of the species lists of sixteen local faunas from Amur and Sakhalin Provinces, Khabarovsk and Primorskii Territories, and the Jewish Autonomous Region was performed. A uniform faunal core is shown to be present in the forests (including deciduous ones) of the Russian Far East temperate zone.  相似文献   

Limnology - Despite the reduction in S and N emissions, acid deposition continues to be a problem for the inland water in Northeast Asia. However, catchment-scale studies on acid deposition in the...  相似文献   

利用31个SSR引物分析56份俄罗斯远东地区春小麦(Triticum aestivum)及56份黑龙江省2010生(区)试品系的遗传变异和群体结构。结果表明,黑龙江省春小麦和俄罗斯远东春小麦明显分化为两大类群,聚类结果同地理来源的划分基本一致;居群间和个体间都存在显著性差异;群体的遗传分化程度较高,但群体间的基因交流有限,血缘相对比较单一。鉴于部分黑龙江省同一育种单位的品种(系)间的遗传距离非常相近,目前亟需拓宽和创制新的小麦种质资源。实验结果证明种质资源遗传多样性与地理来源和人为选择压力密切相关。  相似文献   

We review studies of interactions between hatchery and wild Pacific salmon in the Russian Far East. This includes the role of hatchery practices that result in premature migration to the sea and increased mortality, and data on feeding and territorial competition between juveniles of hatchery and wild origin. In the course of downstream migration many juvenile hatchery salmon are eliminated by wild salmon predation. During the marine period, Japanese hatchery chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) distribution overlaps the distribution of Russian wild salmon. Consequently, replacement of wild populations by hatchery fishes, as a result of abundant juvenile hatchery releases combined with extensive poaching in spawning grounds, is apparent in some Russian rivers. Interactions between the populations occur in all habitats. The importance of conservation of wild salmon populations requires a more detailed study of the consequences of interactions between natural and artificially reared fishes.  相似文献   

The present communication deals with the analysis of 14 cases of Powassan encephalitis. As shown in this study, the course of this infection may be accompanied by symptoms indicating the presence of cerebral and meningeal lesions (in 7 cases meningoencephalitic forms with one fatal outcome and in 2 cases meningeal forms were registered) or take febrile and inapparent forms (5 cases). Powassan encephalitis was found to give characteristic symptoms of cerebellovestibular lesions, differentiating this disease from tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). The cases of mixed infections caused by TBE virus, Powassan encephalitis virus and tick-born Borrelia were found to be possible.  相似文献   

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