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Being capable of characterizing DNA local bending is essential to understand thoroughly many biological processes because they involve a local bending of the double helix axis, either intrinsic to the sequence or induced by the binding of proteins. Developing a method to measure DNA bend angles that does not perturb the conformation of the DNA itself or the DNA-protein complex is a challenging task. Here, we propose a joint theory-experiment high-throughput approach to rigorously measure such bend angles using the Tethered Particle Motion (TPM) technique. By carefully modeling the TPM geometry, we propose a simple formula based on a kinked Worm-Like Chain model to extract the bend angle from TPM measurements. Using constructs made of 575 base-pair DNAs with in-phase assemblies of one to seven 6A-tracts, we find that the sequence CA6CGG induces a bend angle of 19° ± 4°. Our method is successfully compared to more theoretically complex or experimentally invasive ones such as cyclization, NMR, FRET or AFM. We further apply our procedure to TPM measurements from the literature and demonstrate that the angles of bends induced by proteins, such as Integration Host Factor (IHF) can be reliably evaluated as well.  相似文献   

DNA in the nucleosome   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
R H Morse  R T Simpson 《Cell》1988,54(3):285-287

Sequence-specific DNA cleavage is a key step in a number of genomic transactions. Here, we report a single-molecule technique that allows the simultaneous measurement of hundreds of DNAs, thereby collecting significant statistics in a single experiment. Microbeads are tethered with single DNA molecules in a microfluidic channel. After the DNA cleavage reaction is initiated, the time of cleavage of each DNA is recorded using video microscopy. We demonstrate the utility of our method by measuring the cleavage kinetics of NdeI, a type II restriction endonuclease.  相似文献   

The tethered particle motion (TPM) allows the direct detection of activity of a variety of biomolecules at the single molecule level. First pioneered for RNA polymerase, it has recently been applied also to other enzymes. In this work we employ TPM for a systematic investigation of the kinetics of DNA looping by wild-type Lac repressor (wt-LacI) and by hinge mutants Q60G and Q60 + 1. We implement a novel method for TPM data analysis to reliably measure the kinetics of loop formation and disruption and to quantify the effects of the protein hinge flexibility and of DNA loop strain on such kinetics. We demonstrate that the flexibility of the protein hinge has a profound effect on the lifetime of the looped state. Our measurements also show that the DNA bending energy plays a minor role on loop disruption kinetics, while a strong effect is seen on the kinetics of loop formation. These observations substantiate the growing number of theoretical studies aimed at characterizing the effects of DNA flexibility, tension and torsion on the kinetics of protein binding and dissociation, strengthening the idea that these mechanical factors in vivo may play an important role in the modulation of gene expression regulation.  相似文献   

DNA folding in the nucleosome   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Digestion of chromatin with a number of nucleases shows that the DNA is regularly folded in the nucleosome. Particularly cleavage by pancreatic DNase (DNase I) in the 140 base-pair nucleosome has been examined. This nuclease nicks the DNA every ten bases on each strand as demonstrated by labeling the 5′-ends of the 140 base-pair nucleosome. Cleavage sites on opposite strands are staggered by two bases. This proves that the DNA is arranged on the outside of the histone core in a regular way. The probability distribution of nicking might indicate a 2-fold symmetry of the 140 base-pair nucleosome. In particular it is shown that the predominant band of 80 bases is derived from several regions within the 140 base-pairs and suggested to reflect the pitch of the DNA superhelix surrounding the histone core of the nucleosome. Its possible significance with respect to chromatin structure is discussed.  相似文献   

How eukaryotic genomes encode the folding of DNA into nucleosomes and how this intrinsic organization of chromatin guides biological function are questions of wide interest. The physical basis of nucleosome positioning lies in the sequence-dependent propensity of DNA to adopt the tightly bent configuration imposed by the binding of the histone proteins. Traditionally, only DNA bending and twisting deformations are considered, while the effects of the lateral displacements of adjacent base pairs are neglected. We demonstrate, however, that these displacements have a much more important structural role than ever imagined. Specifically, the lateral Slide deformations observed at sites of local anisotropic bending of DNA define its superhelical trajectory in chromatin. Furthermore, the computed cost of deforming DNA on the nucleosome is sequence-specific: in optimally positioned sequences the most easily deformed base-pair steps (CA:TG and TA) occur at sites of large positive Slide and negative Roll (where the DNA bends into the minor groove). These conclusions rest upon a treatment of DNA that goes beyond the conventional ribbon model, incorporating all essential degrees of freedom of "real" duplexes in the estimation of DNA deformation energies. Indeed, only after lateral Slide displacements are considered are we able to account for the sequence-specific folding of DNA found in nucleosome structures. The close correspondence between the predicted and observed nucleosome locations demonstrates the potential advantage of our "structural" approach in the computer mapping of nucleosome positioning.  相似文献   

DNA is susceptible of being damaged by chemicals, UV light or gamma irradiation. Nuclear DNA damage invokes both a checkpoint and a repair response. By contrast, little is known about the cellular response to mitochondrial DNA damage. We designed an experimental system that allows organelle-specific DNA damage targeting in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. DNA damage is mediated by a toxic topoisomerase I allele which leads to the formation of persistent DNA single-strand breaks. We show that organelle-specific targeting of a toxic topoisomerase I to either the nucleus or mitochondria leads to nuclear DNA damage and cell death or to loss of mitochondrial DNA and formation of respiration-deficient ‘petite’ cells, respectively. In wild-type cells, toxic topoisomerase I–DNA intermediates are formed as a consequence of topoisomerase I interaction with camptothecin-based anticancer drugs. We reasoned that targeting of topoisomerase I to the mitochondria of top1Δ cells should lead to petite formation in the presence of camptothecin. Interestingly, camptothecin failed to generate petite; however, its derivative topotecan accumulates in mitochondria and induces petite formation. Our findings demonstrate that drug modifications can lead to organelle-specific DNA damage and thus opens new perspectives on the role of mitochondrial DNA-damage in cancer treatment.  相似文献   

DNA conformation in complex with proteins is far from its canonical B-form. The affinity of complex formation and structure of DNA depend on its attachment configuration and sequence. In this article, we develop a mechanical model to address the problem of DNA structure and energy under deformation. DNA in nucleosome core particle is described as an example. The structure and energy of nucleosomal DNA is calculated based on its sequence and positioning state. The inferred structure has remarkable similarity with X-ray data. Although there is no sequence-specific interaction of bases and the histone core, we found considerable sequence dependency for the nucleosomal DNA positioning. The affinity of nucleosome formation for several sequences is examined and the differences are compatible with observations. We argue that structural energy determines the natural state of nucleosomal DNA and is the main reason for affinity differences in vitro. This theory can be utilized for the DNA structure and energy determination in protein–DNA complexes in general.

An animated Interactive 3D Complement (I3DC) is available in Proteopedia at http://proteopedia.org/w/Journal:JBSD:17  相似文献   

The permanently anoxic waters in meromictic lakes create suitable niches for the growth of bacteria using sulphur metabolisms like sulphur oxidation. In Lake Pavin, the anoxic water mass hosts an active cryptic sulphur cycle that interacts narrowly with iron cycling, however the metabolisms of the microorganisms involved are poorly known. Here we combined metagenomics, single-cell genomics, and pan-genomics to further expand our understanding of the bacteria and the corresponding metabolisms involved in sulphur oxidation in this ferruginous sulphide- and sulphate-poor meromictic lake. We highlighted two new species within the genus Sulfurimonas that belong to a novel clade of chemotrophic sulphur oxidisers exclusive to freshwaters. We moreover conclude that this genus holds a key-role not only in limiting sulphide accumulation in the upper part of the anoxic layer but also constraining carbon, phosphate and iron cycling.  相似文献   

DNA helicases are motor proteins that catalyze the unwinding of double-stranded DNA into single-stranded DNA using the free energy from ATP hydrolysis. Single molecule approaches enable us to address detailed mechanistic questions about how such enzymes move processively along DNA. Here, an optical method has been developed to follow the unwinding of multiple DNA molecules simultaneously in real time. This was achieved by measuring the accumulation of fluorescent single-stranded DNA-binding protein on the single-stranded DNA product of the helicase, using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. By immobilizing either the DNA or helicase, localized increase in fluorescence provides information about the rate of unwinding and the processivity of individual enzymes. In addition, it reveals details of the unwinding process, such as pauses and bursts of activity. The generic and versatile nature of the assay makes it applicable to a variety of DNA helicases and DNA templates. The method is an important addition to the single-molecule toolbox available for studying DNA processing enzymes.  相似文献   

Drugs may interact with double stranded DNA via a variety of binding modes, each mode giving rise to a specific pharmacological function. Here we demonstrate the ability of single molecule force spectroscopy to discriminate between different interaction modes by measuring the mechanical properties of DNA and their modulation upon the binding of small molecules. Due to the unique topology of double stranded DNA and due to its base pair stacking pattern, DNA undergoes several well-characterised structural transitions upon stretching. We show that small molecule binding markedly affects these transitions in ways characteristic to the binding mode and that these effects can be detected at the level of an individual molecule. The minor groove binder berenil, the crosslinker cisplatin and the intercalator ethidium bromide are compared.  相似文献   

Chromatin-remodeling enzymes can overcome strong histone-DNA interactions within the nucleosome to regulate access of DNA-binding factors to the genetic code. By unzipping individual DNA duplexes, each containing a uniquely positioned nucleosome flanked by long segments of DNA, we directly probed histone-DNA interactions. The resulting disruption-force signatures were characteristic of the types and locations of interactions and allowed measurement of the positions of nucleosomes with 2.6-base-pair (bp) precision. Nucleosomes remodeled by yeast SWI/SNF were moved bidirectionally along the DNA, resulting in a continuous position distribution. The characteristic distance of motion was approximately 28 bp per remodeling event, and each event occurred with a catalytic efficiency of 0.4 min(-1) per nM SWI/SNF. Remodeled nucleosomes had essentially identical disruption signatures to those of unremodeled nucleosomes, indicating that their overall structure remained canonical. These results impose substantial constraints on the mechanism of SWI/SNF remodeling.  相似文献   

The DNA strand-exchange reactions defining homologous recombination involve transient, nonuniform allosteric interactions between recombinase proteins and their DNA substrates. To study these mechanistic aspects of homologous recombination, we produced functional fluorescent human RAD51 recombinase and visualized recombinase interactions with single DNA molecules in both static and dynamic conditions. We observe that RAD51 nucleates filament formation at multiple sites on double-stranded DNA. This avid nucleation results in multiple RAD51 filament segments along a DNA molecule. Analysis of fluorescent filament patch size and filament kinks from scanning force microscopy (SFM) images indicate nucleation occurs minimally once every 500 bp. Filament segments did not rearrange along DNA, indicating tight association of the ATP-bound protein. The kinetics of filament disassembly was defined by activating ATP hydrolysis and following individual filaments in real time.  相似文献   

Control of DNA topology is critical in thermophilic organisms in which heightened ambient temperatures threaten the stability of the double helix. An important role in this control is played by topoisomerase I, a member of the type IA family of topoisomerases. We investigated the binding and activity of this topoisomerase from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima on duplex DNA using single molecule techniques, presenting it with various substrates such as (+) plectonemes, (-) plectonemes, and denaturation bubbles. We found the topoisomerase inactive on both types of plectonemes, but active on denaturation bubbles produced at increased stretching forces in underwound DNA. The relaxation rate depended sensitively on the applied force and the protein concentration. These observations could be understood in terms of a preference of the topoisomerase for single-stranded DNA over double-stranded DNA and allowed for a better understanding of activity of the topoisomerase in bulk experiments on circular plasmids. Binding experiments on a single duplex molecule using a mutant unable to perform cleavage confirmed this interpretation and suggested that T.maritima topoisomerase I behaves like an SSB by lowering the denaturation threshold of underwound DNA. Finally, experiments with a unique single-stranded DNA showed that both ends of the cleaved DNA are tightly maintained by the enzyme, supporting an enzyme-bridged mechanism for this topoisomerase.  相似文献   

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