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Knowledge of survival rates of Neotropical landbirds remains limited, with estimates of apparent survival available from relatively few sites and species. Previously, capture-mark-recapture models were used to estimate apparent survival of 31 species (30 passerines, 1 Trochilidae) from eastern Ecuador based on data collected from 2001 to 2006. Here, estimates are updated with data from 2001-2012 to determine how additional years of data affect estimates; estimates for six additional species are provided. Models assuming constant survival had highest support for 19 of 31 species when based on 12 years of data compared to 27 when based on six; models incorporating effects of transients had the highest support for 12 of 31 species compared to four when based on 12 and six years, respectively. Average apparent survival based on the most highly-supported model (based on model averaging, when appropriate) was 0.59 (± 0.02 SE) across 30 species of passerines when based on 12 years and 0.57 (± 0.02) when based on six. Standard errors of survival estimates based on 12 years were approximately half those based on six years. Of 31 species in both data sets, estimates of apparent survival were somewhat lower for 13, somewhat higher for 17, and remained unchanged for one; confidence intervals for estimates based on six and 12 years of data overlapped for all species. Results indicate that estimates of apparent survival are comparable but more precise when based on longer-term data sets; standard error of the estimates was negatively correlated with numbers of captures (rs = −0.72) and recaptures (rs = −0.93, P<0.001 in both cases). Thus, reasonable estimates of apparent survival may be obtained with relatively few years of data if sample sizes are sufficient.  相似文献   

Estimates of annual survival are essential for addressing topics in evolutionary and conservation ecology. However, most demographic studies of land birds are based on north temperate species, and few robust estimates of survival based on mark–recapture statistics are available for continental South American birds. We used time‐since‐marking models to estimate apparent survival of adult birds from 7 yr of mist netting data in the Colonche Hills. This site is one of few remaining large tracts of premontane forest in southwestern Ecuador, and an area of high priority for avian conservation. Species with sufficient data for analysis included three hummingbirds (Adelomyia melanogenys, Heliodoxa jacula, Phaethornis baroni), a cotinga (Schiffornis turdinus), and a wren (Henicorhina leucophrys). Our parameter estimates had reduced precision because the number of recaptures was small. Probability of recapture was low in three species , and moderate in two others . Adelomyia and Phaethornis had moderate apparent survival (; probability that a bird neither died nor emigrated from our survey area in a given year). Adults of Adelomyia moved seasonally, and it is possible that permanent emigration from our survey area contributed to low estimates of apparent survival. The other three species had relatively high estimates of adult apparent survival ranging from in Heliodoxa and Schiffornis to a high of in Henicorhina.  相似文献   

Although open-cup nesting birds generally face increased risk of nest depredation from forest edge predators and brood parasites in fragmented temperate landscapes, little information exists to assess such risks in tropical birds. We compared nesting success of real birds' nests in large and small forest fragments to a control site in Caribbean lowland wet forest of Costa Rica. Pooling across species, nesting success was significantly greater in unfragmented forest than in either small, isolated fragments or the La Selva Biological Reserve, which is at the tip of a forest 'peninsula' embedded in a largely deforested landscape. Nesting success in isolated fragments did not vary according to distance from edge, suggesting that predators in fragments act throughout these forest patches. The case for increased nest predation as a plausible mechanism to explain the documented decline of forest interior bird populations in this fragmented tropical landscape is enhanced by a simple demographic model that suggests nesting success is likely too low to maintain populations at La Selva and in the fragments. The fact that the large (> 1000 ha) La Selva forest reserve is experiencing nest predation rates similar to those in much smaller fragments is cause for concern. Our results make a strong case for additional studies to document the identities of nest predators in both fragmented and unfragmented forests in such tropical forest landscapes.  相似文献   

The high degree of isolation of forest “islands” relative to “continental” forested areas creates a naturally fragmented landscape in the savanna ecosystem. Because fragmentation can affect the intensity and quality of biological interactions (e.g., seed dispersal) we examined the abundance and species richness of seed rain produced by birds and bats in three different parts of forest islands (center, edge, and exterior) located at the Estación Biológica del Beni, Bolivia. Despite the fact that we found higher species density of seeds in the seed rain at the center of forest islands, when comparing species richness corrected for observed differences in density, species richness was higher at the edge of islands. The three parts of the islands did not differ in total number of seeds. Three genera (Byrsonima, Ficus, and Piper) contributed the most seeds to the seed rain. We found differences in the abundance of dispersed seeds probably because of the variation related with the disturbance line, where the savanna matrix interacts with the forest islands. Carollia perspicillata, Carollia brevicauda, and Sturnira lilium were the bats that contributed most to seed dispersal within forest islands, and Schistochlamys melanopis and Tyranneutes stolzmanni were the most important birds. The movement of seeds produced by bats and birds within forest islands of the savanna is crucial to assure the continuity of ecological process and dynamics of these forest islands.  相似文献   

Primary tropical rain forests are being rapidly perforated with new edges via roads, logging, and pastures, and vast areas of secondary forest accumulate following abandonment of agricultural lands. To determine how insectivorous Amazonian understory birds respond to edges between primary rain forest and three age classes of secondary forest, we radio‐tracked two woodcreepers (Glyphorynchus spirurus, N = 17; Xiphorhynchus pardalotus, N = 18) and a terrestrial antthrush (Formicarius colma, N = 19). We modeled species‐specific response to distance to forest edge (a continuous variable) based on observations at varying distances from the primary‐secondary forest interface. All species avoided 8–14‐yr‐old secondary forest. Glyphorynchus spirurus and F. colma mostly remained within primary forest <100 m from the young edge. Young F. colma rarely penetrated >100 m into secondary forest 27–31 yr old. Young Formicarius colma and most G. spirurus showed a unimodal response to 8–14‐yr‐old secondary forest, with relative activity concentrated just inside primary forest. After land abandonment, G. spirurus was the first to recover to the point where there was no detectable edge response (after 11–14 yr), whereas X. pardalotus was intermediate (15–20 yr), and F. colma last (28–30 yr +). Given the relatively quick recovery by our woodcreeper species, new legislation on protection of secondary forests > 20‐yr old in Brazil's Pará state may represent a new opportunity for conservation and management; however, secondary forest must mature to at least 30 yr before the full compliment of rain forest‐dependent species can use secondary forest without adverse edge effects.  相似文献   

We compared bird diversity and frequency in selection logged and unlogged forest to determine the effects of recent selection logging on avian biodiversity in a subtropical, moist evergreen forest. We used a combination of mist netting and fixed-radius point counts to assess bird communities in February and March 1993 in northwestern Belize. Vegetation structure and composition was similar in logged and unlogged forest. The 66 most common species occurred with statistically similar frequency in logged and unlogged forest although 13 species were two times more frequent in intact forest. Numbers of total bird species were similar between logging gaps and the logged forest matrix, and between the logged forest matrix and unlogged forests. A comparison of numbers of species in 26 guilds based on migration strategy, diet, foraging substrate, and height strata also showed them to be similar regardless of logging history. Our results differed from previous studies that reported lower bird species richness and abundance of individual species in logged tropical forests than in unlogged forest. The differences might be explained by the lower logging intensity and/or greater levels of natural disturbance in our study area compared to previous studies.  相似文献   

We examined seed dispersal by bats and birds in four habitats of the Selva Lacandona tropical rain forest region, Chiapas, Mexico. The four habitats represented a disturbance gradient: active cornfield, ten-year-old abandoned cornfield, cacao plantation, and forest. Using seed traps examined before sunrise (0400 h) and before sunset (1800 h), we compared volant vertebrate seed dispersal, assuming that seeds found at the end of the night were dispersed by bats and those found at the end of the day were dispersed by birds. We did not find seeds from other frugivores such as monkeys or opossums. In all habitats bats dispersed more seeds than birds. In most months bats also dispersed more seeds than birds, except in December when no seeds were found in the traps. Bats also consistently dispersed more species of seeds than birds, although a x2 comparison showed differences not to be significant. Fifty percent of the species represented in the dispersed seeds in all habitats were pioneer species. Cecropia seeds represented a high percentage (up to 87% of those dispersed by bats and up to 83% by birds) of dispersed seeds that fell in our traps. The influence of bats and birds on secondary successional processes is likely to be fundamental for the establishment of vegetation. Since bats dispersed more seeds than birds (primarily to disturbed areas and consisting primarily of pioneer species), they are likely to play an important role in successional and restoration processes among habitats as structurally and vegetationally different as cornfields, old fields, cacao plantations, and forest.  相似文献   

次级洞巢鸟对次生林天然树洞的利用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
王海涛  高玮 《动物学研究》2002,23(2):136-140
1996年 3~ 7月对吉林省左家自然保护区次生阔叶混交林中的 5种次级洞巢鸟的巢位选择进行了研究 ,所涉及的 5种次级洞巢鸟为大山雀 (Parusmajor)、沼泽山雀 (Paruspalustris)、普通 (Sittaeuropacea)、白眉姬 (Ficedulazanthopygia)、灰椋鸟 (Sturnuscineraceus)。研究表明 :5种次级洞巢鸟在位巢选择中 ,对洞口横径、洞口纵径、洞内径、洞深和洞口方向的选择具有共性。利用的洞口 ,方向在 180°~ 2 2 5°和 315°~ 36 0°分布最少 ;而未利用的洞口 ,方向在这 2个区间的分布恰好相反。利用和未利用的巢洞特征因子差异显著。人为堵塞后又打开的巢洞会迅速被再利用 ,结果说明次生林中天然树洞资源成为次级洞巢鸟巢位选择的限制因子。  相似文献   

2016和2017年,在广东鼎湖山国家级自然保护区及广东同乐大山省级自然保护区,用行为观察法和微型摄像机记录了淡眉雀鹛(Alcippehueti)、红嘴相思鸟(Leiothrixlutea)、栗颈凤鹛(Staphida torqueola)和褐顶雀鹛(Schoeniparus brunneus)等12种鸟类的繁殖习性。描述了它们的巢特征、卵重、卵大小、窝卵数及育雏等繁殖参数。研究发现:1)与历史数据相比,经过近30年的时间,在广东鼎湖山的淡眉雀鹛筑巢高度增加;2)与国内其他地区相比,红嘴相思鸟的筑巢高度也增加;3)发现乌鹃(Surniculus lugubris)和棕腹鹰鹃(Hierococcyx nisicolor)将淡眉雀鹛巢中的淡眉雀鹛雏鸟移出巢外;4)发现淡眉雀鹛亲鸟将其巢中的鸟卵和雏鸟移出巢外。  相似文献   

天际岭森林公园夏季鸟类群落调查及多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2003年夏季,对天际岭国家森林公园的鸟类群落进行了调查,共发现有鸟类39种,隶属于11目26科34属.通过对不同地区鸟类群落的比较研究,结果表明植物群落的垂直结构和水平格局对鸟类群落的多样性具有直接影响.  相似文献   

Abstract: The diversity of a hummingbird plant community in the eastern Andes of southern Ecuador was studied on the equivalent of a hectare (two 500 ' 10 m transects) at 1920 - 2100 m a.s.l. over the course of a year. A total of 3186 flowering individuals, representing 12 plant families, 29 genera and 72 species, were found to be visited by hummingbirds. Bromeliaceae had the most species visited, followed by Orchidaceae and Ericaceae. The majority of visited plant species were represented by a very few individuals, and only a few species of the Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae appeared in large numbers of visited individuals. With regard to life forms visited by hummingbirds, epiphytes predominated (59 %), followed by trees and shrubs (29 %), vines (8 %) and herbs (4 %). Visited flowers usually had short- to medium-long floral tubes which were either functionally or morphologically tubiform or campanulate. Fifty percent of the species had red-coloured flowers, and a considerable number of the blossoms (43 %) displayed contrasting colours. The 72 plant species received visits from 26 species of Trochilidae (hummingbirds) and two species of Coerebidae (honeycreepers). A mere eight species of hummingbirds were seen frequently at the study area; the remaining species were only occasionally sighted. The eight frequently sighted species of hummingbirds made use of a total of 74 % of all hummingbird-visited plant species growing in the study area.  相似文献   

We studied physiognomy‐specific (i.e., gaps vs. understory) responses of birds to low harvest (18.7 m3/ha), reduced‐impact logging by comparing 3500 mist net captures in control and cut blocks of an Amazonian terra firme forest in Brazil at 20–42 mo postharvest. Species richness did not differ significantly between control (92 species) and cut (85) forest based on rarefaction to 1200 captures. Fifty‐six percent of all species were shared between control and cut forest, compared to the 64 percent shared between control blocks. Higher captures of nectarivores and frugivores in cut forest likely occurred as a consequence of postharvest resource blooms. Higher captures of some insectivores in cut as compared to control forest were unexpected, attributable to increased wandering or shifts from association with midstory to understory as a consequence of habitat alteration. Logging influenced capture rates for 21 species, either consistently, or via positive interaction with physiognomy or time (13 species higher in cut forest and 8 species higher in control forest). Cut understory sites had lower diversity (H′) and scaled dominance than understory and gap sites in control forest. Temporal changes in captures may have resulted from successional dynamics in cut forest: two guilds and three species increased in abundance. Increases in abundances of guilds and particular species were more prevalent in control than in cut forest, suggesting that logging displaced birds to control forest. In general, the effects of logging were relatively minor; low harvest rates and reduced‐impact methods may help to retain aspects of avian biodiversity in Amazon forest understories.  相似文献   

Xishuangbanna is a region located at the northern edge of tropical Asia. Biomass estimates of its tropical rain forest have not been published in English literature. We estimated forest biomass and its allocation patterns in five 0.185–1.0 ha plots in tropical seasonal rain forests of Xishuangbanna. Forest biomass ranged from 362.1 to 692.6 Mg/ha. Biomass of trees with diameter at 1.3 m breast height (DBH) ≥ 5 cm accounted for 98.2 percent of the rain forest biomass, followed by shrubs (0.9%), woody lianas (0.8%), and herbs (0.2%). Biomass allocation to different tree components was 68.4–70.0 percent to stems, 19.8–21.8 percent to roots, 7.4–10.6 percent to branches, and 0.7–1.3 percent to leaves. Biomass allocation to the tree sublayers was 55.3–62.2 percent to the A layer (upper layer), 30.6–37.1 percent to the B layer (middle), and 2.7–7.6 percent to the C layer (lower). Biomass of Pometia tomentosa, a dominant species, accounted for 19.7–21.1 percent of the total tree biomass. The average density of large trees (DBH ≥100 cm) was 9.4 stems/ha on two small plots and 3.5 stems/ha on two large plots, illustrating the potential to overestimate biomass on a landscape scale if only small plots are sampled. Biomass estimations are similar to typical tropical rain forests in Southeast Asia and the Neotropics.  相似文献   

Understory birds are especially vulnerable to habitat fragmentation because of the reduction in habitat quality and bird movement. We study the separate effects of understory, overstory and landscape on four understory birds (tapaculos), in Central Chile, comprising a landscape mosaic of pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) plantations and native Maulino forest fragments. We also determined whether habitats with poor understory could be barrier to tapaculos movements. Abundance was measured using stationary playbacks and habitat barrier through playbacks. Understory structure was the main factor that predicted tapaculos presence and abundance. Two species, the Andean Tapaculo (Scytalopus magellanicus fuscus Gmelin) and the Ochre-flanked Tapaculo (Eugralla paradoxa Kittlitz), were positively associated with dead pine branches and negatively to forest fragment size. Tapaculos were less abundant in mature native forest, but appeared willing to cross between different habitat types. However, the Chestnut-throated Huet-huet (Pteroptochos castaneus Philippi and Landbeck), did not move from forest fragments to pine with poor understory. Overall, tapaculos species varied in their response to fragmentation depending on their habitat selection and movement capacities.  相似文献   

The composition of plant species in fragmented landscapes may be influenced by the pattern of visitation by birds to fruiting trees and by the movement of seeds among and within fragments. We compared bird visitation patterns to two tree species (Dendropanax arboreus, Araliaceae; Bursera simaruba, Burseraceae) in continuous forest and remnants of riparian vegetation in a region dominated by pasture in Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. We quantified frequency of visitation, fruit consumption, consistency of visitation (percentage of total tree observation periods during which a given bird species was recorded), and species composition of birds at individuals of both tree species in continuous forest and riparian remnants. Bird visitation rate, species richness, and fruit consumption rates were similar within both tree species in the two habitats. Species assemblages at D. arboreus were different between continuous forest and remnants. Species assemblages at B. simaruba did not differ by habitat. Our results demonstrate that habitat disturbance may influence avian visitation patterns, which may in turn affect subsequent recruitment patterns in some tree species. Our results, however, were not consistent between the tree species, suggesting that it is difficult to generalize concerning the effects of forest disturbance on avian species assemblages in fruiting trees.  相似文献   

In the tropical forests of SE Asia, only a few studies have dealt with the role animal dispersal plays in early forest succession and rehabilitation, and a comparison of bird and bat dispersal is even rarer. We investigated seed dispersal by birds and bats in a successional area in the lowland dipterocarp forest of the Subic Watershed Forest Reserve (SWFR) in Luzon Island, Philippines. Using pairs of day and night traps, we collected seeds during 3 mo of wet season and 3 mo of dry season in a 1.2-ha study site. Bird-dispersed seeds predominated over those dispersed by bats in terms of both seed abundance and number of seed species. The most abundant endozoochorous seed species were significantly biased toward either bird or bat dispersal. Birds and bats appeared to compete more strongly for fruit resources during the dry season than during the wet season, and bats responded more to changes in the seasons than birds did. GLM analyses showed that the factor that had the strongest influence on overall seed distribution was the number of fleshy-fruited trees surrounding the traps, and that the distribution pattern of day-dispersed seeds was affected by more physical factors (number of trees, size of trees, presence of fleshy-fruited and conspecific trees) in the study site than the pattern of night-dispersed seeds were. Given that birds are the more important dispersers in the study site, restoration efforts in SWFR might benefit by focusing on attracting these dispersers into its degraded habitats.  相似文献   

Avian rarity was investigated in ten high-altitude cloud forests in the Andes of Ecuador. Data on species compositions and abundances were obtained by a fully standardized method (standardization for area, altitude, habitat, effort and seasonality). The rare species were isolated from rank-abundance plots on the basis of the quartile definition of rarity. A positive correlation between mean abundances of species and number of sites occupied suggests that high-altitude bird species classified rare by abundance generally can also be classified rare by range. However, it is necessary to be cautious using this result in ranking conservation priorities since the generality is not obeyed by all species. Within the two abundance classes (contains one and two individuals, respectively) represented among the rare species, the one-individual class had significantly more species than the two-individual class. The quantitative rarity of taxa and ecological groupings produced similar results for all sites, while pairwise similarity of rare species between sites was very low. Together with the difficulty of identifying species that are truly rare by abundance, these results imply that sites selected for conservation preferably should be based upon a qualitative evaluation of lists of species referred to vulnerability categories such as endemic, restricted-range, CITES or IUCN threatened/near-threatened species. However, it is necessary also to incorporate other aspects of biodiversity to cover a full range of biotic diversity.  相似文献   

Fundamental to our understanding of the ecology of animal communities in the tropics is knowledge of the effect of seasonal changes in the abundance of food sources in consumer diets. We determined stable‐isotope composition (13C/12C and 15N/14N) in whole blood of 14 resident avian species in a tropical dry forest to quantify the origin of their assimilated protein. We used a probabilistic approach (IsoSource) to estimate the relative contribution of C3 plants, CAM‐C4 plants, C3 insects, and CAM‐C4 insects during the dry and rainy seasons. IsoSource iteratively creates each possible combination of source contribution and produces a distribution of all feasible combinations that adequately predict the observed isotopic signature of the consumer. Granivore–frugivores and granivore–frugivore–insectivores were modeled as predominantly dependent upon plants whereas insectivorous birds were modeled to derive protein almost exclusively from insects. Between these extremes there were several species using mixed diets such as insectivore–frugivores or insectivore–granivores. In most species, virtually all assimilated food was of C3 origin with the exception of Ruddy Ground‐Doves (Columbina talpacoti) in which CAM or C4 plants contributed significantly. Seasonal changes in relative food source contribution were followed in eight species of birds. Of these species, White‐tipped Doves (Leptotila verreauxi), Grayish Saltators (Saltator coerulescens), and Social Flycatchers (Myiozetetes similis) increased their use of insects in the rainy season, in contrast to Great Kiskadees (Pitangus sulphuratus), which decreased their use of insects. Our study suggests that that diverse strategies are used by various avian species to obtain dietary proteins within seasonal habitats.  相似文献   

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