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The regeneration kinetics of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants TS-6 and TS-79, whose flagella were mechanically amputated, indicated that the flagellar precursor in cytoplasm was used for regeneration when cycloheximide was present. The TS-6 cells rendered nonflagellate by regression at 35 C did not regenerate in the presence of cycloheximide, indicating that the precursor was inactivated by the high temperature. Neither mutant was able to use the absorbed flagellar components for regeneration in the presence of cycloheximide.  相似文献   

After demonstration that emetine is amebicidal by inhibiting protein synthesis, the question arose whether active protein synthesis is required for emetine's amebicidal effect. The answer appears to be “no,” as derived from experiments on intact amebae. Responses were compared for log- and stationary-growth phase amebae. In the latter, protein synthesis is significantly slower, and sensitivity to emetine, i.e. degree of inhibition of protein synthesis, was maintained independently of rate of protein synthesis. Both stages equally bound tritiated emetine to their ribcsomes. Binding of [3H]emetine was not affected by certain drugs that interfere with energy metabolism, protein synthesis, and/or ribosomal function, e.g. dinitrophenol, puromycin, chloroquine, and acriflavin. High concentrations of EDTA combined with puromycin (which disaggregates ribosomes into their subunits) lowered binding by 50%. In chase experiments the ribosomes of intact amebae were prelabeled with [3H]emetine or [3H]isoemetine, then exposed to relatively high concentrations of unlabeled emetine. Labeled isoemetine was displaced almost completely, whereas no displacement of [3H]emetine occurred; evidently, the high stability of the emetine-ribosome binding is due in part to a hydrogen-bonding reaction of the C-1' atom of the emetine molecule with the chain-elongation site. Finally, evidence was obtained that capacity to bind emetine is an index of drug resistance.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll-free plasma membranes of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard were purified from a microsomal fraction using an aqueous polymer two-phase system of 6.5% (w/w) dextran T500, 6·5% (w/w) polyethylene glycol 3350, 60 mM NaCI, 0 33 M sucrose and 5 mM potassium phosphate (pH 7·8). The plasma membrane fraction contained only 2·4% of the microsomal membrane protein. Specific activity of the plasma membrane marker enzyme, K*, Mg2+-ATPase (EC was enriched 9-fold over the microsomal fraction, and 22% of total activity was recovered in the upper, polyethylene glycol-rich phase. Contamination from intracellular membranes was minimal. K*, Mg2+-ATPase showed a pH optimum at about 6·5, and addition of 0·05% (w/v) Triton X-100 stimulated the activity 3-fold. [3H]-Nimodipinc was employed to characterize 1,4-dihydropyridine-specific membrane receptors. Two apparent binding sites with different affinities to nimodipine were found in the crude microsomal fraction. The separation of plasma membranes from intracellular membranes revealed that one binding site with higher affinity (KD= 9 nM) was located on the plasma membrane and a second binding site with lower affinity (KD= 36 nM) on an intracellular membrane The apparent dissociation constants determined from the association and dissociation rate constants in kinetic experiments were comparable to those determined by equilibrium experiments. The maximum number of binding sites of the plasma membrane fraction and the intracellular membrane fraction was Bmax= 440 and 470 fmol (mg protein)-1, respectively. [3H]-Nimodipinc binding was inhibited by (±) verapamil and stimulated by D-cis-diltiazem in both fractions. Moreover, ethyle-neglycol-bis(2-aminoethylcther)-N, N'-tetraacctic acid (EGTA) inhibited [3H]-nimo-dipinc binding in the plasma membrane fraction but not in the intracellular membrane fraction This effect was cancelled by the addition of CaCl2.  相似文献   

Leishmania tropica promastigotes transport L-proline through an active uptake system that has saturation kinetics, temperature dependence, a requirement for metabolic energy and transport against a concentration gradient. In experiments lasting 10 min, less than 10% of the proline transported is incorporated into macromolecules. The remainder is largely unaltered proline with an intracellular concentration nearly 60 times that in the reaction mixture. The uptake system has a relatively broad specificity; it is competitively inhibited by D-proline as well as by alanine, methionine, valine, azetidine-2–carboxylate, thioproline, 3,4–dehydroproline, hydroxyproline and α-aminoisobutyric acid. Pre-established intracellular proline pools exchange with external proline as well as compounds that compete with it for uptake. Evidence is presented that feedback inhibition and transinhibition may regulate proline uptake in this organism.  相似文献   

The effect of exposure period and concentration of algae on the frequency of infection of aposymbiotic ciliates by algae obtained from the same clone of Paramecium bursaria syngen 2, was studied. The frequency of infection was roughly proportional to the algal concentration and to the exposure time of ciliates to algae. The relationship of algal concentration to infection frequency closely fitted the Poisson distribution curve for N = 1, suggesting that the minimum number of algae required to infect a single ciliate is 1. However, the data also strongly suggested that the average number of algae required to initiate infection of an average ciliate was ? 1,000. Three possible resolutions of this situation are: (a) the selection by the ciliate of a rare infective variant from a heterogeneous population: (b) the rare escape of an alga from digestion by the ciliate; and (c) the requirement for a large number of algae-ciliate contacts to induce susceptibility in the ciliate. Splitting the exposure of ciliates to algae into 2 periods of 0.5 h, separated by 5 h in the absence of algae, produced a much higher frequency of infection than a single l-h exposure, supporting the suggestion that the large number of algae is required to induce susceptibility in the ciliate which can then be infected by as few as a single algal cell.  相似文献   

Bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma cruzi had a substantial increase in respiration in the presence of acetate. Oxidation of acetate took place via the tricarboxylic acid cycle and involved an antimycin A-sensitive respiratory pathway. Oxygen uptake in the presence of acetate was as sensitive to antimycin A inhibition as was CO2 production. There was a 6–7% residual O2 uptake which was not inhibited by high antimycin concentrations. Human anti-T. cruzi sera had no effect on oxygen uptake.  相似文献   

Rabbits infected either orally or intratracheally with cell culture-grown Encephalitozoon cuniculi were monitored regularly for serum antibody levels and E. cuniculi in the urine. Their responses were compared with intravenously inoculated and uninoculated control rabbits. All rabbits receiving E. cuniculi developed serum antibodies, generally within 3 weeks, and excreted E. cuniculi by 6 weeks. In the acute stage of infection, the organs most affected were lung, kidney and liver; the brain and gut were unaffected. However, during chronic infection, the brain, kidney, and heart were the only organs found to be involved. Antibody levels were very high at this stage. Thus both the oral and tracheal routes may be normal routes of infection with E. cuniculi in adult rabbits.  相似文献   

Changes in transglutaminase (TG) activity in superior cervical ganglia (SCG) and nodose ganglia (NG) excised from adult rats were examined following application of selected membrane transport-altering agents, including GM1-ganglioside (GM1) and alpha-sialylcholesterol (alpha-SC). Although TG activity of freshly dissected SCG and NG was relatively low, it increased gradually during 30 min of incubation, and it stayed at this elevated level for 2 h. Addition of alpha-SC at its maximal effective concentration, 20 microM, stimulated TG activity more than eightfold in SCG and more than twofold in NG by 30 min. Addition of GM1 at its most effective concentration, 5 nM, had similar effects, but of lesser magnitude. Cycloheximide, a potent inhibitor of protein biosynthesis, did not affect the GM1- or alpha-SC-evoked increases in ganglionic TG activity, suggesting that enzyme activation rather than synthesis of new enzyme was occurring. The stimulation of TG activity in both ganglia caused by either GM1 or alpha-SC was associated with a decrease in Km and an increase in Vmax values. Addition of cholera toxin B, which specifically masks the oligosaccharide chain of GM1, reduced the GM1-induced increase in TG activity by approximately 60% in SCG and 88% in NG. The alpha-SC-induced increase in TG activity was only partially mimicked by free cholesterol. Although application of either dibutyryl cyclic AMP or dibutyryl cyclic GMP produced little change in TG activity of either ganglion, phorbol ester clearly inhibited the enzymic activity. Because TG is a calcium-dependent enzyme, we measured 45Ca2+ influx into either ganglion, and found that it was reduced by GM1 and alpha-SC in SCG and by alpha-SC in NG.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The calcium-entry antagonist D600 (methoxyverapamil) inhibited nicotine- and veratridine-induced 45Ca2+ uptake, 22Na+ uptake, and catecholamine secretion in primary cultures of bovine adrenal medulla cells. Inhibition of nicotine-induced effects occurred at D600 concentrations approximately 3-10-fold lower than those needed to produce similar inhibition of veratridine-induced effects. Inhibition of the veratridine-induced effects was competitive, but inhibition of the nicotine-induced effects was not competitive. These results suggest that D600, in addition to blocking "slow" Ca2+ channels and tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ channels also blocks nicotine transmission, possibly either by noncompetitively inhibiting the interaction of nicotine with the receptor binding site or by blockade of the receptor-associated ion conductance channel.  相似文献   

Elucidation of the mechanism(s) by which 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6- tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) and its active metabolite 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) cause parkinsonism in humans and other primates has prompted consideration of possible endogenous MPTP/MPP(+)-like neurotoxins in the etiology of idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Here we examined inhibition of mitochondrial respiration in vitro and neurotoxicity in rats in vivo produced by beta-carbolinium compounds that are presumed to form following Pictet-Spengler cyclization of serotonin. We also evaluated N-methylisoquinolinium, a putative endogenous neurotoxin, in the same manner. The latter compound exhibited MPP(+)-like mitochondrial respiratory inhibition, whereas the beta-carbolinium compounds, although more potent inhibitors of electron transport, exhibited weak accumulation-dependent enhancement of inhibition in intact mitochondria. It is interesting that the beta-carbolinium compounds inhibited succinate- as well as glutamate-supported respiration, and are best described as inhibitor-uncouplers. The results of partitioning experiments suggest that both the low accumulation potential and the inhibition of succinate respiration may be a consequence of the beta-carboliniums being in equilibrium with neutral "anhydro" bases. Relative to MPP+, all compounds tested had weak dopaminergic uptake activity in vitro and weak dopaminergic toxicity in vivo, consistent with other findings of relatively low neurotoxic potential for presumed endogenous pyridiniums.  相似文献   

p-Chloroamphetamine inhibited to some degree all amino acid-dependent pyrophosphate-exchange activities which could be detected in a rabbit reticulocyte extract. A detailed kinetic analysis of the reaction catalyzed by reticulocyte leucyl-tRNA synthetase demonstrated that the inhibitor affected only amino acid binding. Less rigorous studies of other synthetases from both rabbit reticulocyte and Escherichia coli could be similarly interpreted, suggesting that this compound interacts in a common manner with these several enzymes. The contribution of such effects to the inhibition of protein synthesis by the drug was investigated using cell-free translation systems in which rates of amino acid incorporation were limited to varying degrees by the synthesis and availability of aminoacyl-tRNA. In a wheat germ system programmed with globin mRNA, in which levels of amino acids and aminoacyl-tRNAs were shown to limit the rate of protein synthesis, the inhibition produced by p-chloroamphetamine could be partially reversed by increasing the concentration of the limiting amino acid. In a reticulocyte lysate, in which amino acid concentrations were not limiting, inhibition failed to show an amino acid-reversible component. Thus, while the inhibition of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases by amphetamines can be shown in some cases to play a role in the effects of these compounds on in vitro protein synthesis, other sites of interference with initiation and/ or elongation reactions may predominate, depending on the construction of the system under study.  相似文献   

Cytoplasts were prepared from senescent human diploid fibroblasts. Brief treatments of the senescent cells with cycloheximide or puromycin prior to or after enucleation eliminated the ability of senescent cytoplasts to block initiation of DNA synthesis in senescent-young cybrids. Senescent cells treated with cycloheximide, enucleated and allowed to recover in complete medium without cycloheximide, regained the ability to block initiation of DNA synthesis in senescent-young cybrids. These results support the hypothesis that senescent cells synthesize an inhibitor of DNA synthesis which is either a protein(s) or its activity is mediated by a protein(s) found in the cytoplasm of the senescent cell.  相似文献   

The effects on cytosolic Ca2+ concentration of 2-chloroadenosine and [L-Pro9]-substance P, a selective agonist of NK1 receptors, were investigated on astrocytes from embryonic mice in primary culture. Cells responded to [L-Pro9]-substance P with a transitory increase in cytosolic Ca2+ which was of shorter duration when external Ca2+ was removed. A transient response to 2-chloroadenosine alone occurred. When simultaneously applied, [L-Pro9]-substance P and 2-chloroadenosine evoked a prolonged elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ (up to 30 min). This phenomenon was dependent on the presence of extracellular Ca2+, but insensitive to dihydropyridines, La3+, and Co2+, excluding the implication of voltage-operated Ca2+ channels. Arachidonic acid also induced a sustained elevation of cytosolic Ca2+, but did not increase further the response evoked by [L-Pro9]-substance P and 2-chloroadenosine. The activation of protein kinase C by a diacylglycerol analogue mimicked the effect of [L-Pro9]-substance P in potentiating the 2-chloroadenosine-evoked response. Like 2-chloroadenosine, pinacidil, which hyperpolarizes the cells by opening K+ channels, prolonged the elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration induced by [L-Pro9]-substance P. Conversely, depolarization with 50 mM KCl canceled the effects of either pinacidil or 2-chloroadenosine applied with [L-Pro9]-substance P. Pertussis toxin pretreatment suppressed all the effects induced by 2-chloroadenosine.  相似文献   

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) share with many other receptors of the guanine nucleotide-binding protein-coupled receptor family a highly conserved cysteine residue in the putative cytoplasmic carboxyl-terminal region of the protein. Because elimination of this cysteine in the beta 2-adrenergic receptor has been reported to decrease functional responsiveness, we determined if this cysteine residue is essential for mAChR-effector coupling by replacing Cys457 of the m2 mAChR with glycine and expressing wild-type and mutant receptor in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The mutant and wild-type receptors exhibited similar affinities for binding of muscarinic ligands. In addition, the mutation did not affect cell surface localization or receptor-mediated inhibition of adenylate cyclase. These results indicate that the cysteine residue in the carboxyl-terminal domain of the m2 mAChR is not required for ligand binding or mAChR-mediated inhibition of adenylate cyclase in CHO cells.  相似文献   

Previously, we described the presence of a factor obtained from a 105,000 X g supernatant of rat testis that was found to inhibit human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) binding to gonadal receptors. In the present study, similarly prepared testicular extract was tested for its effects on in vitro hCG-stimulated testosterone production by isolated testis interstitial cells and for its effect on spontaneous ovulation in the rat. Incubation of interstitial cells with charcoal-treated extract significantly inhibited the steroidogenic response to hCG in a dose-related manner. This inhibition was also apparent after heating the extract for 10 min at 100 degrees C. Preincubation of the cells with charcoal-treated extract resulted in an inhibitory effect that was not readily reversed by subsequent addition of hCG, revealing an element of irreversibility in the mechanism of inhibition. A single i.p. injection of testicular extract given between 1430-1630 h of proestrus inhibited spontaneous ovulation in the rat. This effect was also observed after heating the extract for 10 min at 100 degrees C; in contrast, no significant effect was obtained with the injection of a similar dose of liver extract. Administration of 5 IU hCG after pretreatment with the testicular extract did not reverse the inhibitory effect on ovulation, indicating that this effect was probably not exerted at the hypothalamus-pituitary level. It is concluded that the aqueous testicular extract contains a factor able to antagonize the physiological events mediated by luteinizing hormone (LH)/hCG, and that this factor is consistent with the presence of an LH/hCG-binding inhibitory activity in rat testis.  相似文献   

AlCl3, MnCl2, and CdCl2 inhibited the rates of accumulation of 14C] L-glutamate and 3H] gammaaminobutyrate (GABA) in purified rat forebrain nerve-ending particles in a dose-dependent fashion. The concentrations that would give 50% inhibition (IC50) of GABA transport were 316 μM, 7.4 mM, and 1.4 mM, respectively. Ca2+ (1 mM) enhanced the inhibitory effect of Al3+ (IC50 decreased to 149 μM) but antagonized that of Mn2+ (IC50 = 10 mM) and Cd2+ (IC50 = 2.1 mM). For glutamate transport 1 mM Ca2+ changed the IC50 values from 299 to 224 μm for Al3+, 7.1 to 10 mM for Mn2+, and 2 to 3 mM for Cd2+. In contrast, the rates of accumulation of 14C] 2-deoxy-glucose and 3H] L-phenylalanine were mostly unaffected by these metal ions. The results indicate that Al3+, Mn2+, and Cd2+ exerted selective and differential effects on the transport systems of neurotransmitter substances in the synaptosomal membrane.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of different treatments that increase cyclic AMP levels on the in vitro synthesis and release of catecholamines in the rabbit carotid body. We also measured the rate of 45Ca2+ efflux from previously loaded carotid bodies under different conditions. Forskolin produced a dose-dependent increase in the release of [3H]dopamine elicited by a hypoxic stimulus of medium intensity (PO2 = 33 mm Hg) without altering basal [3H]dopamine release (100% O2-equilibrated medium). At a concentration of 5 x 10(-6) M, forskolin increased the release of [3H]dopamine induced by hypoxic stimuli of different intensities; the increase was maximal (498%) at the lowest intensity of hypoxic stimuli (PO2 = 66 mm Hg), averaged 260% for hypoxic stimuli of intermediate intensity and 2 x 10(-4) M cyanide, and was 150% under anoxia. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP (2 mM) and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (0.5 mM) mimicked forskolin effects under hypoxic stimulation. Forskolin (5 x 10(-6) M) also increased (180%) the release of [3H]dopamine induced by 20% CO2/pH 6.6, 2.5 x 10(-4) M dinitrophenol, and 3 x 10(-5) M ionomycin. Forskolin and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine were without effect on the release of [3H]dopamine elicited by 30 mM extracellular K+. Forskolin (5 x 10(-6) M) augmented significantly the rate of 45Ca2+ efflux induced by hypoxic stimuli (PO2 of 33 and 66 mm Hg) and 2 x 10(-4) M cyanide and showed a tendency to increase (20%) the 45Ca2+ efflux induced by dinitrophenol and low pH and to decrease (21%) the efflux induced by 30 mM K+ without altering the rate of efflux under basal conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Treatment of bovine chromaffin cells with insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) caused the activation of a protein kinase that phosphorylates microtubule-associated protein-2 (MAP-2) in vitro. Activation of MAP-2 kinase by IGF-I varied with the time of treatment (maximal at 10-15 min) and the concentration of IGF-I (maximal at 10 nM). The IGF-I-activated MAP-2 kinase was localized to the soluble fraction of chromaffin cell extracts and required Mg2+ for activity. The IGF-I-activated kinase also phosphorylated myelin basic protein, but had little or no activity toward histones or ribosomal S6 protein. To examine the role of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in the activation of the MAP-2 kinase, we isolated phosphotyrosine (PTyr)-containing proteins from chromaffin cells by immunoaffinity adsorption on anti-PTyr-Sepharose beads. Anti-PTyr-Sepharose eluates from IGF-I-treated cells showed increased MAP-2 kinase activity; thus, the MAP-2 kinase (or a closely associated protein) appears to be a PTyr-containing protein. Treatment of anti-PTyr-Sepharose eluates or crude chromaffin cell extracts with alkaline phosphatase significantly decreased kinase activity toward myelin basic protein, indicating that phosphorylation of the IGF-I-activated kinase is required for its activity.  相似文献   

The demyelination of peripheral nerves that results from exposure of developing rats to tellurium is due to inhibition of squalene epoxidase, a step in cholesterol biosynthesis. In sciatic nerve, cholesterol synthesis is greatly depressed, whereas in liver, some compensatory mechanism maintains normal levels of cholesterol synthesis. This tissue specificity was further explored by examining, in various tissues, gene expression and enzyme activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase, the rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis. Exposure to tellurium resulted in pronounced increases in both message levels and enzyme activity in liver, the expected result consequent to up-regulation of this enzyme in response to decreasing levels of intracellular sterols. In contrast to liver, levels of mRNA and enzyme activity in sciatic nerve were both decreased during the tellurium-induced demyelinating period. The temporal pattern of changes in 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase message levels in sciatic nerve seen following exposure to tellurium was similar to the down-regulation seen for mRNA specific for PNS myelin proteins. Possible mechanisms for differential control of cholesterol biosynthesis in sciatic nerve and liver are discussed.  相似文献   

Quercetin, a flavonoid abundantly present in fruit, vegetables, wine and tea, has revealed several properties such as antioxidant, antiproliferative and anticancer. Cachexia is a poorly understood syndrome present in already compromised cancer patients, decreasing the quality of life and increasing mortality. Many studies have been performed in an attempt to discover an effective treatment for cachexia, but none of the tested therapies has fulfilled expectations. The objective of the present study was to analyze the effect of quercetin in the therapeutic treatment of cachexia and reversion of tumor growth in rats bearing Walker 256 carcinosarcoma (W256). Rats bearing W256 were treated daily with I.P. quercetin injections, at different doses (10, 15, 25 and 35 mg/kg). The results show that 10 mg/kg quercetin inhibited tumor growth by about 50% (ED50) when compared with controls (CTR). Moreover, two animals of this group presented complete tumor regression. Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) activity and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression decreased in rats bearing W256 treated with 10 mg/kg quercetin when compared with CTR. Thus, the inhibition of tumor growth, survival increase, decrease of MMP-2 and VEGF levels and reduction of cachexia in animals treated with quercetin strongly support the anticancer function of this flavonoid.  相似文献   

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