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The content and composition of phospholipids and triacylglycerols (TAGs) in Bufo arenarum oocytes in stages III and IV of their oogenesis were studied. The total amount of phospholipids in stage IV oocytes is 0.5-fold higher than in stage III oocytes. In both cases, the main phospholipids are phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). A striking observation concerns the high level of diphosphatidylglycerol (DPG) in stage III oocytes, which could be indicative of a relatively larger mitochondrial population with respect to other oogenetic stages. A net increase in sphingomyelin content was found during oogenesis. This fact could be related to the role of this phospholipid in the signal transductional pathways. In PC, palmitic (16:0), linoleic (18:2) and oleic (18:1) are the major fatty acids for both types of oocytes, while in PE the main acyl groups are 18:1, 16:0, arachidonic acid (20:4n6) and 18:2. PE is more unsaturated than PC and both phospholipids are more unsaturated in stage III oocytes than in stage IV oocytes. The amount of triacylglycerols is 0.3-fold higher in stage IV oocytes than in stage III oocytes. In both stages, the main fatty acids are 18:2, 18:1 and 16:0. During oogenesis, a significant increase in 18:1 and 18:3n3, and a decrease in 18:2 of TAG were found. The unsaturation index of TAGs from stage IV oocytes is higher than that from stage III oocytes. The TAG increase during oogenesis is consistent with the putative use of these lipids as a source of energy in embryo development.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated ovulation in vitro using ovary samples from Bufo arenarum with respect to their response to stimulation with homologous pituitary homogenate (HPH) or with progesterone and prostaglandins (PGF2alpha and PGE1) as intermediates of pituitary action. Ovary samples were obtained from animals captured during the breeding period. Our results demonstrate that the ovulatory response to all different inducers was dose dependent, the highest percentage of ovulated oocytes being obtained with HPH treatment. An important increase in the ovulatory response was obtained by the association of PGF2alpha with either HPH or progesterone at suboptimal doses, indicating that this prostaglandin induced a synergistic potentiating effect. Incubation with cyclooxygenase inhibitors (indomethacin or diclofenac sodium) produced a significant decrease in the ovulation induced by HPH, demonstrating that prostaglandins are involved in the action of the pituitary gland in this process. According to our results, PGE1 not only had no participation in the ovulatory process, but also produced an inhibitory effect on ovulation induced by HPH treatment.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to standardize a method for measuring delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) activity in circulating red blood cells of adult Bufo arenarum kept in controlled environmental conditions, and to obtain reference basal values suitable for environmental monitoring of lead exposure. The normal ALAD activity for B. arenarum was 131.86 +/- 14.47 U per liter of red blood cells (n = 38, mean +/- SEM; interval 72.98-236.33). In animals exposed to lead, ALAD activity decreased as lead dose increased.  相似文献   

Vitellogenin (Vtg), a large lipoglycophosphoprotein, is the most important precursor of the yolk proteins, and the major source of nutrients for the developing embryo in oviparous species. After its uptake by the oocytes, Vtg is converted into lipovitellins (high and light) and phosvitin, which are deposited into crystalline yolk platelets. We describe here the presence of two high molecular mass lipovitellin isoforms in Bufo arenarum mature oocytes with masses of 113 and 100 kDa, respectively. The amino acid sequence analysis of p113 and p100 peptides showed a high sequence homology between both polypeptides and the complete reported sequences of Xenopus laevis vitellogenin. Using specific antibodies, we determined that the Vtg uptake begins early during oogenesis, at the previtellogenic stage, and continues until oocytes have reached their mature status. In addition, we found that large endocytic vesicles mediate Vtg uptake in stage I oocytes, and that the size of the endocytic vesicles declines with oogenesis progression. In terms of the Vtg protein trafficking, we detected the Vtg precursor (190 kDa) in the liver of estradiol-injected females. Finally, we propose a subclassification of B. arenarum stage II oocytes into three physiologically and morphologically distinct periods (early, mid and late).  相似文献   

Both the content and composition of polar and neutral lipids from the mitochondrial fraction of ovarian full-grown Bufo arenarum oocytes were analysed in the present study. Triacylglycerols (TAG) represent 33% of the total lipids, followed by phosphatidylcholine (PC), free fatty acids (FFA) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). Diphosphatidylglycerol (DPG) or cardiolipin, a specific component of the inner mitochondrial membrane, represents about 4% of the total lipid content. Palmitic (16:0) and arachidonic (20:4n6) acids are the most abundant fatty acids in PC and PE, respectively. DPG is enriched in fatty acids with carbon chain lengths of 18, the principal component being linoleic acid. In phosphatidylinositol (PI), 20:4n6 and stearic acid (18:0) represent about 72 mol% of the total acyl group level. The main fatty acids in TAG are linoleic (18:2), oleic (18:1), and palmitic acids. The fatty acid composition of FFA and diacylglycerols (DAG) is similar, 16:0 being the most abundant acyl group. PE is the most unsaturated lipid and sphingomyelin (SM) has the lowest unsaturation index.  相似文献   

Yolk platelets, the principal components of amphibian oocytes, have been generally considered as material reservoirs. Their biochemical composition and function during oogenesis and early development have not been fully elucidated. The aim of this study was to carry out a lipidic characterization of yolk platelets from full-grown Bufo arenarum oocytes. Ovarian oocytes were manually obtained and the subcellular fraction was isolated by centrifugation at low velocity. Lipids were separated by thin-layer chromatography. For compositional analysis, they were derived by methanolysis, being identified and quantified in a gas-liquid chromatograph. Phospholipid content indicates that phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine are the main phospholipids followed by phosphatidylinositol, sphingomyelin, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidic acid. Phospholipidic profile is similar to that in whole oocytes except for the absence of diphosphatidylglycerol in yolk platelets. Oleic, palmitic, and linoleic acids are the main fatty acids in phosphatidylcholine, and oleic acid is the principal one in phosphatidylethanolamine. In phosphatidic acid, palmitic, estearic, palmitoleic, and oleic acids represent 68 mol% of the total acyl groups. Phosphatidylinositol, enriched in arachidonic acid, is the most unsaturated phospholipid while sphingomyelin shows the lowest unsaturation index. The acyl group distribution in triacylglycerols is similar when yolk platelets and whole oocytes are compared. Polar and neutral lipids of yolk platelets determine the lipidic profile of the whole oocyte. The presence of unusual fatty acids as 14:0, 15:0, 15:1, 17:0, and 17:1 in phospholipids and triacylglycerols may indicate an oxidation mechanism different from beta-oxidation in yolk platelets and/or a structural and functional relation with mitochondria. Given that yolk platelets in amphibian oocytes may act in a dynamic fashion in development, their role should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

1. The vascular response to Asn1-Val5 angiotensin II (A II) in aortic rings from Bufo arenarum toad was studied. 2. Tachyphylaxis in response to A II could be abolished after incubation with norepinephrine (NE). 3. Phentolamine treatment partially inhibited the pressor effects to A II. 4. Sar1-Ile8 A II and Sar1-Ala8 A II significantly attenuated the vascular effects of A II and did not affect the NE response. 5. We conclude that the pressor response to A II has a direct contractile effect and a catecholamine dependent component in aortic rings of Bufo arenarum toad.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that amiloride (amil) addition to the isolated ventral pelvic (VPel) skin of Bufo arenarum toad induces negative short-circuit current values, which are equivalent to the isotopically measured net chloride transport. In the present work, we found that exposure of various regions of toad skin to amil yielded different values of short-circuit current (aSCC): negative aSCC was found in the VPel and ventral pectoral skin, while those of the dorsal one were not different from zero. The distinct values of aSCC found show a regional difference in the active chloride absorption, probably related to postural adaptations. A possible role of this adaptation would be related to chloride participation in the saline balance of the animals, or the maintenance of epithelial integrity.  相似文献   

Summary Seven days of dehydration produce alterations in the Purkinje cells of the toad, Bufo arenarum Hensel. Aldehyde-fuchsin-positive granules appear in the cytoplasm of the cells and at the same time modifications take place in cytoplasmatic and nuclear ribonucleoproteins. These modifications consist of an increase in nucleolar volume and appearance of a nuclear cap, polarized towards the granules.This study was aided by a grant of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas of Argentina.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis oocytes have been extensively used for expression cloning, structure/function relationships, and regulation analysis of transporter proteins. Urea transporters have been expressed in Xenopus oocytes and their properties have been described. In order to establish an alternative system in which urea transporters could be efficiently expressed and studied, we determined the urea transport properties of ovarian oocytes from Bufo arenarum, a toad species common in Argentina. Bufo oocytes presented a high urea permeability of 22.3 x 10(-6) cm/s, which was significantly inhibited by the incubation with phloretin. The urea uptake in these oocytes was also inhibited by mercurial reagents, and high-affinity urea analogues. The urea uptake was not sodium dependent. The activation energy was 3.2 Kcal/mol, suggesting that urea movement across membrane oocytes may be through a facilitated urea transporter. In contrast, Bufo oocytes showed a low permeability for mannitol and glycerol. From these results, we propose that one or several specific urea transporters are present in ovarian oocytes from Bufo arenarum. Therefore, these oocytes cannot be used in expression studies of foreign urea transporters. The importance of Bufo urea transporter is not known but could be implicated in osmotic regulation during the laying of eggs in water.  相似文献   

Cl currents (I Cl) were measured in short fibers (1–2 mm) from the lumbricalis muscle of toads (Bufo arenarum) with two microelectrodes (15°C). Initially the fibers were equilibrated in a high K+-containing solution: (mm) K2SO4 68; Na2SO4 20; KCl 60; CaSO4 8; MgSO4 1; HEPES 2.5. Constant pulses were applied when all the external K+ was replaced by Cs+: Cs2SO4 68; Na2SO4 20; CsCl 60; CaSO4 8; HEPES 2.5 (pH 7.5). Under these conditions about 80–90% of the current is carried by Cl. The current-voltage relation is almost linear implying constant conductance and hence voltage-independent permeability. The voltage dependence of the net Cl current could be fitted by constant field equation with a P Cl of 3.3 × 10−6 cm/sec. In a separate group of experiments a two-pulse technique was used to estimate the availability and the inactivation of the initial I Cl during a test pulse. After returning the potential to the holding potential for various times, test pulses of the same amplitude and duration of the prepulses were applied. The initial current during the test pulse was 70% of the initial current during the prepulse and the recovery was complete in less than 300 msec with a linear relationship between the current during the test pulse and the amplitude of the preceding prepulse. When the test pulses were preceded by a positive prepulse, the initial current for any given test pulse was larger than with a negative prepulse. If we assumed that the initial current during the test pulse is a measure of the number of channels open at the end of the prepulse, these results suggest that hyperpolarizing pulses inactivate and depolarizing prepulses activate the I Cl. Received: 31 March 1995/Revised: 27 October 1995  相似文献   

The present study analyses the effect of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and mammalian insulin on the nuclear maturation of Bufo arenarum oocytes under in vitro conditions. The response of fully grown follicle oocytes to DHT, shown by germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), occurred in a manner dependent on dose, time and sexual cycle period. The highest oocyte sensitivity to the hormone appeared during the breeding period, a fact evinced by high GVBD percentages after short incubation periods and at a low hormone concentrations. Insulin also proved effective in inducing nuclear maturation, although its action was only visible at high concentrations and after a long incubation period. The combination of insulin and steroid hormones (DHT or progesterone), both at subliminal doses, caused a noticeable potentiating synergism, resulting in a rapid and important increase in GVBD. Another effect of insulin was the acquisition by oocytes of steroid sensitivity during folliculogenesis.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A protozoon was found in myelinated axons of the spinal cord and brain of the toad, Bufo arenarum. Examination with the light microscope using Giemsa, Feulgen, PAS and methylene blue technics revealed a primary cell as large as 30 μ in diameter and containing up to 80 nuclei. Electron micrographs showed that the protozoon ranged from 2 μ to 30 μ in diameter and that larger specimens contained numerous secondary cells (2 μ) in addition to multiple nuclei. A few specimens were found in which the secondary cells had long processes with microtubules. Multiple nuclei together with secondary cells suggest that it may be a schizont form of a sporozoon.
The protozoon was found most frequently in axons of the perimedullary plexus just beneath the pia. These axons are without degenerative changes, are up to 3 times the diameter of the largest normal myelinated fibers. The myelin appears normal altho there are fewer laminae than in myelin of other large nerve fibers. The protozoon apparently causes axonal swelling but does not block the fibers completely.
Light microscopic attempts to locate similar forms or other stages in the life cycle by examining blood, skin lesions, spleen, liver, small intestine, dorsal and ventral roots, or sensory ganglia were unsuccessful.
Examination of spinal cords which had been mechanically severed excluded the possibility of confusing the protozoa with multinucleated macrophages. Altho observations do not prove their mode of entrance to the nervous system, the preponderance of protozoa in the peripherally located perimedullary plexus suggests that the path may be by way of the cerebrospinal fluid or along the endoneurium.  相似文献   

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