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NKG2D is a costimulatory receptor for human naive CD8+ T cells   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
In humans, all alpha beta CD8+ T cells express NKG2D, but in mouse, it is only expressed by activated and memory CD8+ T cells. We purified human naive CD8+ T cells to show that NKG2D serves as a costimulatory receptor for TCR induced Ca2+ mobilization and proliferation. The resulting effector cells are skewed toward a type 1 phenotype and produce high levels of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha. NKG2D ligands, MHC class I chain-related (MIC)A, MICB, and UL16-binding proteins are expressed on the proliferating cells and NKG2D is down-regulated. The addition of the homeostatic cytokines IL-7 and IL-15 to the culture medium not only enhances proliferation but also counteracts the down-regulation of NKG2D, more so than the addition of IL-2. These results indicate that NKG2D can regulate the priming of human naive CD8+ T cells, which may provide an alternative mechanism for potentiating and channeling the immune response.  相似文献   

This work was done to establish a correlation between serum protein expression profiles and breast cancer. A high-density antibody microarray was used to identify serum protein expression profiles. Proteins up- or down-regulated by 2-fold compared with normal controls were used for hierarchical clustering analysis. ELISA and immunohistochemistry were used for validation of protein array data. The CD3zeta chain was one of the down-regulated molecules identified by the antibody array analysis and confirmed by ELISA and immunohistochemistry. The mean CD3zeta levels in breast cancer and in normal control were 119±23 and 156±35 ng/ml, respectively. The AUC (area under the curve) of CD3zeta was 0.837±0.057. Forty-one out of 65 breast cancer cases (63.08%) showed reduced CD3zeta expression on tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes by immunohistochemistry. This is the first report describing down-regulation of CD3zeta expression on breast cancer for the Chinese population and suggests that an immunosuppressive status plays an important role in breast cancer progression.  相似文献   

NKG2D (natural-killer group 2, member D) is a powerful activating receptor expressed by natural killer (NK) cells and T cells that regulates immune responses during infection, cancer and autoimmunity. NKG2D ligands comprise a diverse array of MHC-class-I-related proteins that are upregulated by cellular stress. Why is it beneficial for the host to have so many ligands for the same receptor? In this Opinion article, we propose that although competition with viruses is the most likely evolutionary drive for this diversity, there might be other explanations.  相似文献   

TCR/CD3 down-modulation and zeta degradation are regulated by ZAP-70   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TCR down-modulation following binding to MHC/peptide complexes is considered to be instrumental for T cell activation because it allows serial triggering of receptors and the desensitization of stimulated cells. We studied CD3/TCR down-modulation and zeta degradation in T cells from two ZAP-70-immunodeficient patients. We show that, at high occupancy of the TCR, down-modulation of the CD3/TCR is comparable whether T cells express or do not express ZAP-70. However, if TCR occupancy was low, we found that CD3/TCR was down-regulated to a lesser extent in ZAP-70-negative than in ZAP-70-positive T cells. We studied CD3/TCR down-modulation in P116 (a ZAP-70-negative Jurkat cell-derived clone) and in P116 transfected with genes encoding the wild-type or a kinase-dead form of ZAP-70. Down-modulation of the TCR at high occupancy did not require ZAP-70, whereas at low TCR occupancy down-modulation was markedly reduced in the absence of ZAP-70 and in cells expressing a dead kinase mutant of ZAP-70. Thus, the presence of ZAP-70 alone is not sufficient for down-modulation; the kinase activity of this molecule is also required. The degradation of zeta induced by TCR triggering is also severely impaired in T cells from ZAP-70-deficient patients, P116 cells, and P116 cells expressing a kinase-dead form of ZAP-70. This defect in TCR-induced zeta degradation is observed at low and high levels of TCR occupancy. Our results identify ZAP-70, a tyrosine kinase known to be crucial for T cell activation, as a key player in TCR down-modulation and zeta degradation.  相似文献   

The lytic function of human natural killer (NK) cells is markedly influenced by recognition of class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, a process mediated by several types of activating and inhibitory receptors expressed on the NK cell. One of the most important of these mechanisms of regulation is the recognition of the non-classical class I MHC molecule HLA-E, in complex with nonamer peptides derived from the signal sequences of certain class I MHC molecules, by heterodimers of the C-type lectin-like proteins CD94 and NKG2. Using soluble, recombinant HLA-E molecules assembled with peptides derived from different leader sequences and soluble CD94/NKG2-A and CD94/NKG2-C proteins, the binding of these receptor-ligand pairs has been analysed. We show first that these interactions have very fast association and dissociation rate constants, secondly, that the inhibitory CD94/NKG2-A receptor has a higher binding affinity for HLA-E than the activating CD94/NKG2-C receptor and, finally, that recognition of HLA-E by both CD94/NKG2-A and CD94/NKG2-C is peptide dependent. There appears to be a strong, direct correlation between the binding affinity of the peptide-HLA-E complexes for the CD94/NKG2 receptors and the triggering of a response by the NK cell. These data may help to understand the balance of signals that control cytotoxicity by NK cells.  相似文献   

The levels of c-myc mRNA and interleukin-2 receptors (IL-2 Rec) were studied in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL); mature CD2+,CD3+ T cell clones and CD2+,CD3- natural killer (NK) cell clones, and CD2+,CD3+ and CD2-,CD3- T lymphoma cell lines. A transient induction of the expression of c-myc and IL-2 Rec was observed in PBL after activation with phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Expression of c-myc and IL-2 Rec was also found in the CD2+,CD3+ and CD2+,CD3- clones. The CD2+,CD3+ showed higher levels of c-myc mRNA and IL-2 Rec than the CD2+,CD3- clones. In three T lymphoma cell lines constitutively high levels of c-myc mRNA but no IL-2 Rec were found. Only in JURKAT (CD2+,CD3+), c-myc mRNA levels could be further enhanced by PHA. These results suggest that in the presence of PHA, expression of c-myc and IL-2 Rec is induced via the CD3 receptor, and in the absence of PHA and/or the CD3 receptor alternative routes of induction are involved.  相似文献   

T lymphocyte proliferation can be triggered through interactions with either CD3:Ti, the target of antigen-specific activation, or CD2, the target of an antigen-independent activation pathway. Sepharose-immobilized antibody reactive with CD3 was used to aggregate the T cell receptor complex resulting in T lymphocyte activation. When CD3 was simultaneously crosslinked with CD2 using Sepharose beads coupled to antibodies directed at both determinants, T cell proliferation was markedly enhanced (stimulation index = 8- to 11-fold). A smaller enhancement was induced when CD3 was crosslinked with several other functionally relevant T cell surface molecules. The relative mitogenic potency of the accessory molecules tested was CD2 greater than CD4 greater than CD8 greater than 2H4. Little or no increased proliferation resulted from crosslinking CD3 with class I or class II major histocompatibility antigens. The added proliferation induced by CD3: CD2 crosslinking did not occur in the presence of soluble antibodies directed against CD2. Human thymocytes, the majority of which express both CD3 and CD2, were similarly activated by Sepharose-immobilized antibodies. Our results suggest that specific interactions between T cell surface molecules may play a role in the regulation of lymphocyte activation.  相似文献   

B and T lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA) is an important negative regulator of T-cell activation. T-cell activation involves partitioning of receptors into discrete membrane compartments known as lipid rafts and the formation of an immunological synapse (IS) between the T cell and antigen-presenting cell (APC). Here we show that after T-cell stimulation, BTLA co-clusters with the CD3zeta and is then involved in IS, as determined by a two-photon microscope. BTLA can interact with the phosphorylated form of T-cell receptor (TCR) within the lipid raft, which is associated with the T-cell signaling complex. Coligation of BTLA with the TCR significantly decreased the amount of phosphorylated TCR-related signal accumulation in the lipid raft during T-cell activation. These results suggest that BTLA functions to regulate T-cell signaling by controlling the phosphorylated form of TCRzeta accumulation in the lipid raft.  相似文献   

Recombinant immunoreceptors with specificity for the carcinoembryonic Ag (CEA) can redirect grafted T cells to a MHC/Ag-independent antitumor response. To analyze receptor-mediated cellular activation in the context of CD28 costimulation, we generated: 1) CEA+ colorectal tumor cells that express simultaneously B7-1 and B7-2, and 2) CEA-specific immunoreceptors that harbor intracellularly the signaling moities either of CD28 (BW431/26-scFv-Fc-CD28), CD3zeta (BW431/26-scFv-Fc-CD3zeta), or FcepsilonRIgamma (BW431/26-scFv-Fc-gamma). By retroviral gene transfer, we grafted activated T cells from the peripheral blood with these immunoreceptors. T cells that express the FcepsilonRIgamma or CD3zeta signaling receptor lysed specifically CEA+ tumor cells and secreted high amounts of IFN-gamma upon receptor cross-linking, whereas anti-CEA-CD28 receptor-grafted T cells did not, indicating that CD28 signaling alone is not sufficient for efficient T cell activation. CD28 costimulation did not affect cytolysis by T cells equipped with gamma- or zeta-signaling receptors, but enhanced both IFN-gamma secretion and proliferation. CD28 costimulation, however, was required for efficient IL-2 secretion of anti-CEA-gamma receptor-grafted T cells. Both purified CD4+ and CD8+ T cells grafted with immunoreceptors required CD28 costimulation for complete T cell activation. We integrated both CD28 and CD3zeta signaling domains into one combined immunoreceptor molecule (BW431/26-scFv-Fc-CD28/CD3zeta) with dual signaling properties. T cells grafted with the combined CD28/CD3zeta signaling receptor secreted high amounts of IL-2 upon Ag binding without exogenous B7/CD28 costimulation, demonstrating that both MHC-independent cellular activation and CD28 costimulation for complete T cell activation can be delivered by one recombinant receptor molecule.  相似文献   

During the first trimester of human pregnancy, Natural Killer (NK) cells of the maternal uterine mucosa (e.g. decidua) have a unique phenotype and are involved in crucial physiological processes during pregnancy. We investigated whether modifications of the NK receptor repertoire occur during the first trimester of pregnancy. We found significantly decreased expression of KIR2DL1/S1 and KIR2DL2/L3/S2 receptors, NKp30 and NKp44 activatory receptors, and the CD85j (ILT-2) inhibitory receptor. We also observed significantly increased expression of the NKG2D activatory receptor at the decidual NK cell surface. By flow cytometry, we further highlighted an evolution of NK subsets between 8 and 12 weeks of gestation, with a shift from the KIR2DL1/S1+/KIR2DL2/L3/S2+ subset towards the double negative subset, coupled with a decrease of the CD85j+/NKG2D subset in favour of the CD85j/NKG2D+ subset. Furthermore, cell surface expression of NK receptor ligands, including CD85j and NKG2D ligands, has been characterized by flow cytometry on decidual immune CD14+ and CD3+ cells. HLA-G, the high affinity ligand of CD85j, was detected on both cell types. In contrast, NKG2D ligands ULBP-2 ULBP-3 and MICA/B were not expressed on CD14+ and CD3+ cells, however a variable expression of ULBP-1 was observed. The ligand expression of KIR2DL1/S1 and KIR2DL2/L3/S2 was also analyzed: the HLA-C molecule was expressed at a low level on some CD14+ cells whereas it was not detected on CD3+ cell surface. NK receptor ligands are known to be also expressed on the invading placental trophoblast cells. Thus, the phenotypic evolutions of decidual NK cells described in this present study may preserve their activation/inhibition balance during the first trimester of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Both CD28 and NKG2D can function as co-stimulatory receptors in human CD8+ T cells. However, their independent functional contributions in distinct CD8+ T cell subsets are not well understood. In this study, CD8+ T cells in human peripheral blood- and lung-derived lymphocytes were analyzed for CD28 and NKG2D expression and function. We found a higher level of CD28 expression in PBMC-derived naïve (CD45RA+CD27+) and memory (CD45RACD27+) CD8+ T cells (CD28Hi), while its expression was significantly lower in effector (CD45RA+CD27) CD8+ T cells (CD28Lo). Irrespective of the differences in the CD28 levels, NKG2D expression was comparable in all three CD8+ T cell subsets. CD28 and NKG2D expressions followed similar patterns in human lung-resident GILGFVFTL/HLA-A2-pentamer positive CD8+ T cells. Co-stimulation of CD28Lo effector T cells via NKG2D significantly increased IFN-γ and TNF-α levels. On the contrary, irrespective of its comparable levels, NKG2D-mediated co-stimulation failed to augment IFN-γ and TNF-α production in CD28Hi naïve/memory T cells. Additionally, CD28-mediated co-stimulation was obligatory for IL-2 generation and thereby its production was limited only to the CD28Hi naïve/memory subsets. MICA, a ligand for NKG2D was abundantly expressed in the tracheal epithelial cells, validating the use of NKG2D as the major co-stimulatory receptor by tissue-resident CD8+ effector T cells. Based on these findings, we conclude that NKG2D may provide an expanded level of co-stimulation to tissue-residing effector CD8+ T cells. Thus, incorporation of co-stimulation via NKG2D in addition to CD28 is essential to activate tumor or tissue-infiltrating effector CD8+ T cells. However, boosting a recall immune response via memory CD8+ T cells or vaccination to stimulate naïve CD8+ T cells would require CD28-mediated co-stimulation.  相似文献   

How the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) discriminates between molecularly related peptide/Major Histocompatibility Complex (pMHC) ligands and converts this information into different possible signaling outcomes is still not understood. One current model proposes that strong pMHC ligands, but not weak ones, induce a conformational change in the TCR. Evidence supporting this comes from a pull-down assay that detects ligand-induced binding of the TCR to the N-terminal SH3 domain of the adapter protein Nck, and also from studies with a neoepitope-specific antibody. Both methods rely on the exposure of a polyproline sequence in the CD3epsilon subunit of the TCR, and neither indicates whether the conformational change is transmitted to other CD3 subunits. Using a protease-sensitivity assay, we now show that the cytoplasmic tails of CD3epsilon and CD3zeta subunits become fully protected from degradation upon TCR triggering. These results suggest that the TCR conformational change is transmitted to the tails of CD3epsilon and CD3zeta, and perhaps all CD3 subunits. Furthermore, the resistance to protease digestion suggests that CD3 cytoplasmic tails adopt a compact structure in the triggered TCR. These results are consistent with a model in which transduction of the conformational change induced upon TCR triggering promotes condensation and shielding of the CD3 cytoplasmic tails.  相似文献   

Systemic NKG2D down-regulation impairs NK and CD8 T cell responses in vivo   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The immunoreceptor NKG2D stimulates activation of cytotoxic lymphocytes upon engagement with MHC class I-related NKG2D ligands of which at least some are expressed inducibly upon exposure to carcinogens, cell stress, or viruses. In this study, we investigated consequences of a persistent NKG2D ligand expression in vivo by using transgenic mice expressing MHC class I chain-related protein A (MICA) under control of the H2-K(b) promoter. Although MICA functions as a potent activating ligand of mouse NKG2D, H2-K(b)-MICA mice appear healthy without aberrations in lymphocyte subsets. However, NKG2D-mediated cytotoxicity of H2-K(b)-MICA NK cells is severely impaired in vitro and in vivo. This deficiency concurs with a pronounced down-regulation of surface NKG2D that is also seen on activated CD8 T cells. As a consequence, H2-K(b)-MICA mice fail to reject MICA-expressing tumors and to mount normal CD8 T cell responses upon Listeria infection emphasizing the importance of NKG2D in immunity against tumors and intracellular infectious agents.  相似文献   

Infection of SCID mice with a recombinant murine coronavirus (mouse hepatitis virus [MHV]) expressing the T-cell chemoattractant CXC chemokine ligand 10 (CXCL10) resulted in increased survival and reduced viral burden within the brain and liver compared to those of mice infected with an isogenic control virus (MHV), supporting an important role for CXCL10 in innate immune responses following viral infection. Enhanced protection in MHV-CXCL10-infected mice correlated with increased gamma interferon (IFN-γ) production by infiltrating natural killer (NK) cells within the brain and reduced liver pathology. To explore the underlying mechanisms associated with protection from disease in MHV-CXCL10-infected mice, the functional contributions of the NK cell-activating receptor NKG2D in host defense were examined. The administration of an NKG2D-blocking antibody to MHV-CXCL10-infected mice did not reduce survival, dampen IFN-γ production in the brain, or affect liver pathology. However, NKG2D neutralization increased viral titers within the liver, suggesting a protective role for NKG2D signaling in this organ. These data indicate that (i) CXCL10 enhances innate immune responses, resulting in protection from MHV-induced neurological and liver disease; (ii) elevated NK cell IFN-γ expression in the brain of MHV-CXCL10-infected mice occurs independently of NKG2D; and (iii) NKG2D signaling promotes antiviral activity within the livers of MHV-infected mice that is not dependent on IFN-γ and tumor necrosis factor alpha secretion.  相似文献   

Conservation and variation in human and common chimpanzee CD94 and NKG2 genes.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
To assess polymorphism and variation in human and chimpanzee NK complex genes, we determined the coding-region sequences for CD94 and NKG2A, C, D, E, and F from several human (Homo sapiens) donors and common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). CD94 is highly conserved, while the NKG2 genes exhibit some polymorphism. For all the genes, alternative mRNA splicing variants were frequent among the clones obtained by RT-PCR. Alternative splicing acts similarly in human and chimpanzee to produce the CD94B variant from the CD94 gene and the NKG2B variant from the NKG2A gene. Whereas single chimpanzee orthologs for CD94, NKG2A, NKG2E, and NKG2F were identified, two chimpanzee paralogs of the human NKG2C gene were defined. The chimpanzee Pt-NKG2CI gene encodes a protein similar to human NKG2C, whereas in the chimpanzee Pt-NKG2CII gene the translation frame changes near the beginning of the carbohydrate recognition domain, causing premature termination. Analysis of a panel of chimpanzee NK cell clones showed that Pt-NKG2CI and Pt-NKG2CII are independently and clonally expressed. Pt-NKG2CI and Pt-NKG2CII are equally diverged from human NKG2C, indicating that they arose by gene duplication subsequent to the divergence of chimpanzee and human ancestors. Genomic DNA from 80 individuals representing six primate species were typed for the presence of CD94 and NKG2. Each species gave distinctive typing patterns, with NKG2A and CD94 being most conserved. Seven different NK complex genotypes within the panel of 48 common chimpanzees were due to differences in Pt-NKG2C and Pt-NKG2D genes.  相似文献   

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