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Specification of primordial germ cells (PGCs) in the proximal epiblast enables about 45 founder PGCs clustered at the base of the allantoic bud to enter the embryo by active cell movement. Specification of the PGC lineage depends on paracrine signals derived from the somatic cell neighbors in the extraembryonic ectoderm. Secretory bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) 4, BMP8b, and BMP2 and components of the Smad signaling pathway participate in the specification of PGCs. Cells in the extraembryonic ectoderm induce expression of the gene fragilis in the epiblast in the presence of BMP4, targeting competence of PGCs. The fragilis gene encodes a family of transmembrane proteins presumably involved in homotypic cell adhesion. As PGCs migrate throughout the hindgut, they express nanos3 protein. In the absence of nanos3 gene expression, no germ cells are detected in ovary and testis. During migration and upon arrival at the genital ridges, the population of PGCs is regulated by a balanced proliferation/programmed cell death or apoptosis. Paracrine and autocrine mechanisms, involving transforming growth factor-beta1 and fibroblast growth factors exert stimulatory or inhibitory effects on PGCs proliferation, modulated in part by the membrane-bound form of stem cell factor. Apoptosis requires the participation of the pro-apoptotic family member Bax, whose activity is balanced by the anti-apoptotic family member Bcl21/Bcl-x. In addition, a loss of cell-cell contacts in vitro results in the apoptotic elimination of PGCs. It needs to be determined whether apoptosis is triggered by a failure of PGC to establish and maintain appropriate cell-cell contacts with somatic cells or whether undefined survival factors released by adjacent somatic cells cannot reach physiological levels to satisfy needs of the expanding population of PGCs.  相似文献   

What does it take to make a heart?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ever increasing advances are being made in our quest to understand what it takes to direct pluripotent precursor cells to adopt a specific developmental fate. Eventually, the obvious goal is that targeted manipulation of these precursor cells will result in an efficient and reliable production of tissue‐specific cells, which can be safely employed for therapeutic purposes. We have gained an incredible insight as to which molecular pathways are involved in governing neural, skeletal and cardiac muscle fate decisions. However, we still face the challenge of how to direct, for example, a cardiac fate in stem cells in the amounts needed to be employed for regenerative means. Equally importantly, we need to resolve critical questions such as: can the in vitro generated cardiomyocytes actually functionally replace damaged heart tissue? Here I will provide an overview of the molecules and signalling pathways that have first been demonstrated in embryological studies to function in cardiogenesis, and summarize how this knowledge is being applied to differentiate mouse and human embryonic stem cells into cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

In vivo, agonist binding to the open conformation of the ligand-binding domain initiates the process of gating in ionotropic glutamate receptors. Arguably, an alternative manner to gate the receptors exists, which requires a point mutation in the most-conserved sequence motif in the second transmembrane domain. Originally, this mutation occurred spontaneously in the orphan glutamate receptor subunit delta2, causing the ataxic phenotype of lurcher mice.(1) In the absence of a ligand that could initiate gating at this orphan subunit, the introduction of the lurcher mutation led to spontaneous currents through delta2-lurcher channels.(1) Introduction of the corresponding mutation into the AMPA receptor GluR1 induced a number of aberrant gating properties.(2-5) Among those, glutamate potency was highly increased, and competitive antagonists suddenly behaved as partial agonists.(2,5) We reported that the introduction of delta2 amino acids in the domain preceding the first transmembrane domain in GluR1 resulted in a mutant receptor that displayed all characteristics of lurcher-typical gating. We proposed that lurcher-like mutations work to enhance gating by destabilizing the closed state of the receptor. As a result, no or minimal conformational changes in the ligand-binding domain are sufficient for gating, explaining, respectively, why spontaneous currents occur and competitive antagonists act as partial agonists in lurcher-like channels. Strikingly, a similar conversion of antagonists upon coexpression of glutamate receptors with TARPs has recently been reported.(6,7) We take this as indication that the actual mechanism of action might be very similar, and that both lurcher-like mutations and TARPs work as 'gating enhancers'.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for the preservation of duplicate genes have been debated for more than 70 years. Recently, Lynch and Force have proposed a new explanation: subfunctionalization--after duplication the two gene copies specialize to perform complementary functions. We investigate the probability that subfunctionalization occurs, the amount of time after duplication that it takes for the outcome to be resolved, and the relationship of these quantities to the population size and mutation rates.  相似文献   

What genotypic features explain the evolvability of organisms that have to accomplish many different tasks? The genotype of behaviorally complex organisms may be more likely to encode modular neural architectures because neural modules dedicated to distinct tasks avoid neural interference, i.e. the arrival of conflicting messages for changing the value of connection weights during learning. However, if the connection weights for the various modules are genetically inherited, this raises the problem of genetic linkage: favorable mutations may fall on one portion of the genotype encoding one neural module and unfavorable mutations on another portion encoding another module. We show that this can prevent the genotype from reaching an adaptive optimum. This effect is different from other linkage effects described in the literature and we argue that it represents a new class of genetic constraints. Using simulations we show that sexual reproduction can alleviate the problem of genetic linkage by recombining separate modules all of which incorporate either favorable or unfavorable mutations. We speculate that this effect may contribute to the taxonomic prevalence of sexual reproduction among higher organisms. In addition to sexual recombination, the problem of genetic linkage for behaviorally complex organisms may be mitigated by entrusting evolution with the task of finding appropriate modular architectures and learning with the task of finding the appropriate connection weights for these architectures.  相似文献   

I am extremely honored to be the recipient of the 2015 Women in Cell Biology Junior Award. When I reflect on my journey in science, many great people and memorable experiences come to mind. Some of these encounters were truly career-defining moments. Others provided priceless lessons. In this essay, I recount some of the moments and experiences that influenced my scientific trajectory with the hope that they may inspire others.  相似文献   

Gavin MacBeath 《Genome biology》2001,2(6):comment2005.1-comment20056
Chemical genomics requires continued advances in combinatorial chemistry, protein biochemistry, miniaturization, automation, and global profiling technology. Although innovation in each of these areas can come from individual academic labs, it will require large, well-funded centers to integrate these components and freely distribute both data and reagents.  相似文献   

Candida albicans, an opportunistic fungal pathogen and a component of the normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract, is a frequent colonizer of humans. Is C. albicans capable of sensing the immune status of its host, a process we term immunosensing, and, if so, how? C. albicans causes serious disease only in immunocompromised hosts and therefore the ability to immunosense would be advantageous to an organism. We propose a speculative model whereby, during colonization, C. albicans produces phenotypic variants that vary in relative concentration depending on host status. One variant is optimized for persistence as a commensal, whereas the other variant has higher capacity to initiate pathogenic interactions. When the ratio of the two variants changes, the pathogenic potential of the population changes. The critical element of this model is that the C. albicans colonizing population is not uniform but is composed of subpopulations of phenotypic variants that are advantageous under different host conditions.  相似文献   

What does it mean to identify a protein in proteomics?   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The annotation of the human genome indicates the surprisingly low number of approximately 40,000 genes. However, the estimated number of proteins encoded by these genes is two to three orders of magnitude higher. The ability to unambiguously identify the proteins is a prerequisite for their functional investigation. As proteins derived from the same gene can be largely identical, and might differ only in small but functionally relevant details, protein identification tools must not only identify a large number of proteins but also be able to differentiate between close relatives. This information can be generated by mass spectrometry, an approach that identifies proteins by partial analysis of their digestion-derived peptides. Information gleaned from databases fills in the missing sequence information. Because both sequence databases and experimental data are limited, a certain ambiguity often remains concerning which sequence variant(s) and modification(s) are present. As the common denominator of all the isoforms is a gene, in our opinion, it would be more accurate to state that a product of this particular gene rather than a certain protein has been identified by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

B. AbdullGaffar
Impact factor in cytopathology journals: what does it reflect and how much does it matter? Objective: To study the trends of impact factor (IF) in four cytopathology journals. To investigate the factors that might influence IF in cytopathology literature and whether IF has any impact on cytopathology practice. Methods: The IFs of four cytopathology journals were searched from 2005 to 2009. The IFs and their relationships with the types and number of publications, publishers, the official societies, readership, the quality of their contents, the topics covered and the levels of evidence were compared. Results: Cancer Cytopathology (CC) had the highest IF. Acta Cytologica (AC) had the lowest IF, which appeared to be in decline. Cytopathology (C) and Diagnostic Cytopathology (DC) had a slow but steady increase in their IF. Components that might influence these differences could include the category and the society of the journal, targeted readers and certain types of publications. Publishers, the number of publications, the types of topics covered and the levels of evidence probably have no major effect on IF. Conclusions: IF has its own benefits and original applications. IF is a quantitative measure that does not reflect the levels of evidence in cytopathology journals. IF should not be abandoned because it might encourage competition between cytopathology journals, but it should not dictate their contents.  相似文献   

The efficacy of antiviral drug therapy for HIV infection is limited by toxicity and viral resistance. Thus, alternative therapies need to be explored. Several gene therapeutic strategies for HIV infection have been developed, but in clinical testing therapeutically effective levels of the transgene product were not achieved. This review focuses on the determinants of therapeutic efficacy and discusses the potential and also the limits of current gene therapy approaches for HIV infection.  相似文献   

Biochemistry and structural biology are undergoing a dramatic revolution. Until now, we have tried to study subtle and complex biological processes by crude in vitro techniques, looking at average behaviors of vast numbers of molecules under conditions usually remote from those existing in the cell. Researchers have realized the limitations of this approach, but none other has been available. Now, we can not only observe the nuances of the behaviors of individual molecules but prod and probe them as well. Perhaps most important is the emerging ability to carry out such observations and manipulations within the living cell. The long-awaited leap to an in vivo biochemistry is at last underway.  相似文献   

Bertsch DN  Lindsley JE 《Cell》2003,115(1):4-6
The structural integrity of mitotic chromosomes is essential for proper chromatid segregation. In this issue of Cell, show that vertebrates contain two distinct condensin complexes, both of which are required for normal mitotic chromosome morphology.  相似文献   

Cancer is a highly aggressive and devastating disease, and impediments to a cure arise not just from cancer itself. Targeted therapies are difficult to achieve since the majority of cancers are more intricate than ever imagined. Mainstream methodologies including chemotherapy and radiotherapy as routine clinical regimens frequently fail, eventually leading to pathologies that are refractory and incurable. One major cause is the gradual to rapid repopulation of surviving cancer cells during intervals of multiple-dose administration. Novel stress-responsive molecular pathways are increasingly unmasked and show promise as emerging targets for advanced strategies that aim at both de novo and acquired resistance. We highlight recent data reporting that treatments particularly those genotoxic can induce highly conserved damage responses in non-cancerous constituents of the tumor microenvironment (TMEN). Master regulators, including but not limited to NF-kB and C/EBP-β, are implicated and their signal cascades culminate in a robust, chronic and genome-wide secretory program, forming an activated TMEN that releases a myriad of soluble factors. The damage-elicited but essentially off target and cell non-autonomous secretory phenotype of host stroma causes adverse consequences, among which is acquired resistance of cancer cells. Harnessing signals arising from the TMEN, a pathophysiological niche frequently damaged by medical interventions, has the potential to promote overall efficacy and improve clinical outcomes provided that appropriate actions are ingeniously integrated into contemporary therapies. Thereby, anticancer regimens should be well tuned to establish an innovative clinical avenue, and such advancement will allow future oncological treatments to be more specific, accurate, thorough and personalized.  相似文献   

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