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In conventional risk assessment approaches, experts define the scientific questions that can legitimately be asked and the burden of proof is on the potentially exposed community to show that a proposal is unsafe. Here I propose an alternative approach, precautionary health risk assessment, in which the scientific questions to be addressed are defined by community consultation. I illustrate the approach with a case study of exposure to biological insecticides. This illustrates how community consultation can have a critical influence on the outcome of a health risk assessment. Government agencies may be reluctant to involve stakeholders in health risk assessments because this involves a loss of political control of the process. However, precautionary approaches are likely to lead to better health outcomes where decision stakes and scientific uncertainty are both high.  相似文献   


The exposure and risk evaluation process in Bulgaria concerning non-ionizing radiation health and safety started in the early 1970s. Then, the first research laboratory “Electromagnetic fields in the working environment” was founded in the framework of the Centre of Hygiene, belonging to the Medical Academy, Sofia. The main activities were connected with developing legislation, new equipment for measurement of electromagnetic fields, new methods for measurement and exposure assessment, in vivo and human studies for developing methods, studying the effect of non-ionizing radiation on human body, developing exposure limits. Most of the occupations as metal industry, plastic welding, energetics, physiotherapy, broadcasting, telephone stations, computer industry, etc., have been covered by epidemiological investigations and risk evaluation. In 1986, the ANSI standard for safe use of lasers has been implemented as national legislation that gave the start for studies in the field of risk assessment concerning the use of lasers in industry and medicine. The environmental exposure studies started in 1991 following the very fast implementation of the telecommunication technologies. Now, funds for research are very insignificant, and studies in the field of risk assessment are very few. Nevertheless, Bulgaria has been an active member of the WHO International EMF Project, since 1997, and that gives good opportunity for collaboration with other Member states, and for implementation of new approach in the EMF policy for workers and people’s protection against non-ionizing radiation exposure.  相似文献   

An international seminar was held June 4-6, 1997, on the biological effects and related health hazards of ambient or environmental static and extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields (0-300 Hz). It was cosponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), the German, Japanese, and Swiss governments. Speakers provided overviews of the scientific literature that were discussed by participants of the meeting. Subsequently, expert working groups formulated this report, which evaluates possible health effects from exposure to static and ELF electric and magnetic fields and identifies gaps in knowledge requiring more research to improve health risk assessments. The working groups concluded that, although health hazards exist from exposure to ELF fields at high field strengths, the literature does not establish that health hazards are associated with exposure to low-level fields, including environmental levels. Similarly, exposure to static electric fields at levels currently found in the living and working environment or acute exposure to static magnetic fields at flux densities below 2 T, were not found to have demonstrated adverse health consequences. However, reports of biological effects from low-level ELF-field exposure and chronic exposure to static magnetic fields were identified that need replication and further study for WHO to assess any possible health consequences. Ambient static electric fields have not been reported to cause any direct adverse health effects, and so no further research in this area was deemed necessary.  相似文献   

The International Program on Chemical Safety (IPCS), a collaborative program of the United Nations Environment Program, the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the World Health Organization (WHO), includes the Environmental Health Criteria (EHC) Program inaugurated in 1973 by WHO. These EHC are integrated evaluations of the human health and environmental risks from exposure to specific chemicals carried out by a group of international scientists. Boron (B) was evaluated at an IPCS Task Group (TG) convened in November 1996. All TGs are convened under WHO rules and procedures. These procedures relate the overall process used to prepare an EHC including transparency of the process, conflict of interest, the roles of Members and Observers, and the conduct of the TG. The scope and purpose of an EHC, for an element such as B, and its possible role in national and international chemical safety programs will be discussed. In the early 1990s, countries asked that IPCS request TGs to prepare, where data permit, health-based guidance values (GVs) (both total daily intake and to recommend health-based guidelines for various environmental media). This final evaluation in an EHC reflects the collective consensus view of the TG Members. To foster the use of consistent methodology by TGs, IPCS prepared in 1994 an EHC on the methodology for the preparation of GVs for human exposure limits (EHC 170). In developing their final evaluation, TGs have been asked to consider using this methodology. This was done by the TG on B, and a total daily intake for humans of 0.4 mg/kg body wt was derived from animal studies of reproductive and developmental effects in rodents and pharmacokinetic data from both animals and humans. The application of the methodology described in EHC 170 regarding choice of critical effect and uncertainty factors will be discussed.  相似文献   

From 2013 to 2018, in‐situ measurements of radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) and extremely low‐frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields in 317 existing and under‐construction children's playground facilities, in 16 municipalities all over Greece, were carried out by the Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE). These measurements were conducted following legislative framework established in 2009, which requires that compliance with the established exposure limits for EMFs should be verified in playground areas. The results are presented by the value of the electric field (E) and exposure ratio (Λ) for the RF EMF, as well as the value of the electric field (E) and magnetic flux density (B) for the ELF electric and magnetic fields. Statistical analysis tools were applied on measurement data and conclusions have been made, taking into consideration: (i) environment type (urban/suburban), and (ii) vicinity to any transmitting installations. Measurement results correspond to the typical EMF background levels for each environment type. Concerning the environment type, RF EMF, and ELF electric/magnetic field measurements reveal no differentiation between urban and suburban environments. Bioelectromagnetics. 2019;40:602–605. © 2019 Bioelectromagnetics Society.  相似文献   

The EC/US Workshop on Risk Assessment: ‘Human Genetic Risks from Exposure to Chemicals, Focusing on the Feasibility of a Parallelogram Approach’ had as its main objective the identification of the methodology, data requirements and mechanistic research to understand the human health impact of germ cell mutagens. Specifically, it represented an evaluation of current knowledge and the identification of future research needs for a more precise assessment of human genetic risks from exposure to mutagenic chemicals. Four chemicals were selected for review at the Workshop and in this Special Issue: ethylene oxide, 1,3-butadiene, acrylamide, and cyclophosphamide. The first three are important industrial chemicals with substantial use worldwide and, therefore, considerable potential for human exposure. The fourth, cyclophosphamide, is a commonly used cancer chemotherapeutic agent. This Special Issue contains the major scientific reports from the workshop. These include four Introductory Papers (on the parallelogram concept, alternative genetic risk assessment approaches, regulatory data needs, and the research background for risk assessment of ethylene oxide), four Working Group Reports on the specific compounds mentioned above and, finally, three Crosscutting Papers pertinent to the issue of germ-line mutagenesis and genetic risk estimation.  相似文献   

When discussing health risks for children due to electromagnetic fields it is crucial to translate scientific knowledge both into adequate protection and precautionary measures for the general public and, more particularly into specific recommendations for children. It is often aimed at influencing health-related attitudes and behaviour by means of information about health affecting behaviour, health risk factors, and health promoting possibilities. Children have to be treated differently from adults in addressing their ability and willingness to modify behaviour and their competence to comprehend cognitively the sense of behavioural recommendations. Research has shown that adults can be motivated to adjust their own behaviour in order to protect their children or to be role models for their children. Hence one way to modify children’s behaviour is to address the parents and care persons. Generally education in the family, the social environment and in peer groups, nursery school and at school plays an important role in forming and influencing individual behaviour. The age of the target group has also to be taken into consideration.An important question is how to deal with scientific uncertainties when expressing EMF recommendations for children. Accentuating scientific uncertainties may under certain circumstances raise risk awareness. This can be an intended effect. But the expression of scientific uncertainties can also lead to unintended consequences in parent’s behaviour or even senseless dealing with the respective EMF source.The paper points out relevant aspects of risk communication regarding EMF and children and suggests how recommendations for children might be designed.  相似文献   

An international seminar on health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the frequency range from 300 Hz to 10 MHz (referred to as the Intermediate Frequency (IF) range) was held in Maastricht, Netherlands, on 7-8 June 1999. The seminar, organized under the International EMF Project, was sponsored jointly by the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), and the Government of the Netherlands. This report does not attempt to summarize all of the material presented at the conference, but focuses on sources of exposure, biophysical and dosimetric considerations pertinent to extrapolating biological data from other frequency ranges to IF and identifies potential health concerns and needs for developing exposure guidelines. This paper is based on presentations at the conference and reports of working groups consisting of the speakers and other experts. It concludes with recommendations for further research aimed at improving health risk assessments in this frequency range.  相似文献   

Current limits for exposures to nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) are set, based on relatively short-term exposures. Long-term exposures to weak EMF are not addressed in the current guidelines. Nevertheless, a large and growing amount of evidence indicates that long-term exposure to weak fields can affect biological systems and might have effects on human health. If they do, the public health issues could be important because of the very large fraction of the population worldwide that is exposed. We also discuss research that needs to be done to clarify questions about the effects of weak fields. In addition to the current short-term exposure guidelines, we propose an approach to how weak field exposure guidelines for long-term exposures might be set, in which the responsibility for limiting exposure is divided between the manufacturer, system operator, and individual being exposed. Bioelectromagnetics. © 2020 Bioelectromagnetics Society  相似文献   

电磁场对健康影响的研究包括流行病调查、人体与动物、细胞、生化与分子生物、生物物理等5个层次,电磁生物效应最初是通过物理作用产生化学反应,继而产生后续生物反应.自由基、电磁能量和生物钙是分属于化学、物理学和生物学的3个概念,研究它们之间的关系对于认识电磁生物效应的原初作用具有意义.选择海马神经元,观察在0.1mT、0.5mT和1.0mT电磁场暴露48h,海马神经元ROS水平和胞内Ca2+浓度的变化.实验结果表明:暴露于0.1mT,0.5mT和1.0mT电磁场海马神经元的ROS水平和Ca2+浓度都比对照组有显著性提高(P<0.01).暴露于0.1mT和0.5mT电磁场的ROS水平和暴露于0.1mT电磁场的Ca2+浓度与自由基清除剂+电磁场(Trolox+EMF)组比较没有差异(P>0.05),暴露于1.0mT电磁场的ROS水平和暴露于0.5mT和1.0mT电磁场的Ca2+浓度比Trolox+EMF组有显著性提高(P<0.01).表明电磁场可以促进细胞自由基的产生,并且ROS水平与胞内Ca2+浓度有正相关性.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relations among tanaidacean genera within ‘Akanthophoreinae’ are addressed using computer-assisted parsimony methods. The morphology-based analysis includes 10 well-defined and described genera: Araphura, Chauliopleona, Collettea, Paragathotanais, Metagathotanais, Paraleptognathia, Paranarthrura, Portaratrum, and Tanaella in Tanaidomorpha, and Glabroapseudes in Apseudomorpha as the outgroup. Chauliopleona and Paraleptognathia form a monophylum; Portaratrum cannot be placed in any known family. These three genera are considered as incertae sedis. The analysis does not support the monophyly of ‘Akanthophoreinae’, and further questions the monophyly of Tanaellidae.  相似文献   

Two pigeons played Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma (IPD) against a simulated opponent pre-programmed to play ‘Tit-For-Tat’ (TFT) and ‘Random’ (RND) strategies. Each pigeon received differential amounts of access to food following choices of either ‘cooperate’ or ‘defect’ on a trial. After 1000 trials against TFT and 500 trials against RND, results indicated that choice allocation was optimal when the birds played against RND but was sub-optimal when the birds played against TFT. In order to determine why the pigeons responded suboptimally against TFT, a trial-by-trial analysis of the data was conducted. The analysis revealed that once a pigeon had received the ‘Sucker's’ payoff (S), it was more likely to defect and receive the ‘Temptation’ payoff (T) than to cooperate and receive the ‘Reward’ (R) payoff. Local reinforcement contingencies appear to determine suboptimal responding against TFT in the iterated Pigeon's Dilemma.  相似文献   

The availability of the results of high-throughput analyses coming from ‘omic’ technologies has been one of the major driving forces of pathway biology. Analytical pathway biology strives to design a ‘pathway search engine’, where the input is the ‘omic’ data and the output is the list of activated or dominant pathways in a given sample. Here we describe the first attempt to design and validate such a pathway search engine using as input expression proteomics data. The engine represents a specific workflow in computational tools developed originally for mRNA analysis (BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7 (Suppl 2), S13). Using our own datasets as well as data from recent proteomics literature we demonstrate that different dominant pathways (EGF, TGFβ, stress, and Fas pathways) can be correctly identified even from limited datasets. Pathway search engines can find application in a variety of proteomics-related fields, from fundamental molecular biology to search for novel types of disease biomarkers.  相似文献   

The fourth course at the International School of Bioelectromagnetics addressed various aspects of the epidemiology of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). In this overview, inspired by the lectures and the discussions among participants, we summarize current knowledge on exposure to EMF and disease risk, with emphasis on studies of use of mobile phones and brain tumours and exposure to power lines and childhood leukaemia. Sources of bias and error hamper straightforward conclusions in some areas and, in order to move forward, improvements in study design and exposure assessment are necessary. The scientific evidence available to date on possible long‐term effects from exposure to ELF and RF fields is not strong enough to revise current protection limits based on the known acute effects of such exposures. Precautionary measures may be considered to reduce ELF exposure of children or exposure to RF during mobile phone use, keeping in mind that it is unclear whether they involve any preventive benefit. Possible health effects from mobile phone use in adults and in children should be investigated further by prospective epidemiological studies with improved exposure assessment and brain tumour incidence rates should be monitored. Further studies on the relation between childhood leukaemia and ELF magnetic fields would be worthwhile if they focus on heavily exposed groups and attempt to minimize possible selection bias. In conclusion, epidemiological studies conducted with appropriate diligence can play a key role in finding the answers. Bioelectromagnetics 30:511–524, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A method for estimating the proportions of ‘A’ and ‘B’ polymorphs comprising a sample of ‘C’ type starch is proposed which uses established experimental techniques with commercially available spreadsheet and X-ray analysis software. Waxy maize, potato and smooth pea starches were used to provide X-ray diffraction patterns characteristic of the ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ starch polymorphs. Samples of amorphous starches were also prepared. The method initially involved subtraction of the amorphous phase and instrumental background from the X-ray diffraction patterns of each starch sample using the spreadsheet program, Lotus 1-2-3. The remainder of the pattern, representing the crystalline portion of the starch sample, was then analysed by profile fitting to elucidate the positions and areas of individual diffraction peaks. The ratio of the total peak area to the areas under peaks characteristic of ‘A’ and ‘B’ type starches, respectively, were used to calculate the relative proportions of these polymorphs in smooth pea starch. These proportions were found to be 56±3% ‘A’ polymorph to 44±3% ‘B’ polymorph. A ‘C’ type pattern was constructed by using Lotus 1-2-3 to combine diffraction patterns from the crystalline portions of ‘A’ and ‘B’ type starches in the proportions given above. Polymorph patterns were obtained by manipulation of the diffraction patterns from the crystalline portions of starches using Lotus 1-2-3. An ‘A’ type pattern was obtained by subtraction of a ‘B’ type pattern from that of a ‘C’ type. Similarly, a ‘B’ type pattern was obtained by subtraction of an ‘A’ type pattern from that of a ‘C’ type.  相似文献   

In eucaryotic organisms, responses to external signals are mediated by a repertoire of intracellular signalling pathways that ultimately bring about the activation/inactivation of protein kinases and/or protein phosphatases. Until relatively recently, little thought had been given to the intracellular distribution of the components of these signalling pathways. However, experimental evidence from a diverse range of organisms indicates that rather than being freely distributed, many of the protein components of signalling cascades show a significant degree of spatial organisation. Here, we briefly review the roles of ‘anchor’, ‘scaffold’ and ‘adaptor’ proteins in the organisation and functioning of intracellular signalling pathways. We then consider some of the parallel distributed processing capacities of these adaptive systems. We focus on signalling proteins-both as individual ‘devices’ (agents) and as ‘networks’ (ecologies) of parallel processes. Signalling proteins are described as ‘smart thermodynamic machines’ which satisfy ‘gluing’ (functorial) roles in the information economy of the cell. This combines two information-processing views of signalling proteins. Individually, they show ‘cognitive’ capacities and collectively they integrate (cohere) cellular processes. We exploit these views by drawing comparisons between signalling proteins and verbs. This text/dialogical metaphor also helps refine our view of signalling proteins as context-sensitive information processing agents.  相似文献   

In this paper, a comparison is carried out between two photogrammetric algorithms aimed at camera calibration and three-dimensional target point reconstruction by ‘absolute’ distributions of control points; the first is Marzan and Karara's DLT, the second is CESNO, by the author, an algorithm quite close to Hatze's modified DLT (MDLT). The comparative assessment is especially aimed at testing the capability of the two methods to produce good results when calibration data are to be extrapolated beyond the space spanned by the control distribution. The assessment was carried out not by a real stereophotogrammetric system, but by the computer simulation of a two-camera set-up. Various combinations of internal camera parameters, such as the scaled principal distances, were tried out. As for the magnitude of the simulated non-linear lens distortion, three configurations were used which produced ‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘strong’ distortion. The influence of decreasing the number of control (calibration) points on the accuracy performance of the two algorithms was also investigated. The results show the superiority of CESNO, especially with medium or strong lens distortion, or when the two camera principal distances sensibly differ.  相似文献   

Poplar cuttings of a resistant clone, Populus ‘Grandis’, and susceptible clones, Populus nigra ‘Italica’ and Populus ‘Robusta’, were infected with the pathogenic fungus Dothichiza populea alone, or with the pathogen and one of five strains of epiphytes antagonistic towards it (in vitro), isolated from poplar bark. The extent of injury was examined for 28 days after infection by determining the length of necrotic patches and their area as expressed in per cent of the total area of a cutting or the area of necrotic injuries caused by the pathogen alone.

All the poplar cuttings of both the resistant and susceptible clones became diseased when infected with the pathogen alone. Surprisingly enough, however, the least affected clone was the susceptible P. ‘Robusta’, in which necrotic injuries covered 28% of the total area, as against 40% and 70% in the resistant P. ‘Grandis’ and the susceptible P. nigra ‘Italica’, respectively.

When the cuttings were infected simultaneously with Dothichiza populea and its antagonistic epiphytes, the diseased area in the resistant clone diminished by as much as two-thirds, and in the susceptible P. nigra ‘Italica’, by one-third in comparison with the area affected by the pathogen alone. In turn, in the susceptible P. ‘Robusta’ the introduction of three out of five epiphytes stimulated the growth of the pathogenic fungus producing on average a double increase in the necrotic area. The differences in the response of the pathogen to the presence of epiphytes recorded in the susceptible clones indicate a marked influence of the plant on the nature of interactions between its epiphytic microflora and the pathogen.  相似文献   

In this review we compile and discuss the published plethora of cell biological effects which are ascribed to electric fields (EF), magnetic fields (MF) and electromagnetic fields (EMF). In recent years, a change in paradigm took place concerning the endogenously produced static EF of cells and tissues. Here, modern molecular biology could link the action of ion transporters and ion channels to the “electric” action of cells and tissues. Also, sensing of these mainly EF could be demonstrated in studies of cell migration and wound healing. The triggers exerted by ion concentrations and concomitant electric field gradients have been traced along signaling cascades till gene expression changes in the nucleus.Far more enigmatic is the way of action of static MF which come in most cases from outside (e.g. earth magnetic field).All systems in an organism from the molecular to the organ level are more or less in motion. Thus, in living tissue we mostly find alternating fields as well as combination of EF and MF normally in the range of extremely low-frequency EMF. Because a bewildering array of model systems and clinical devices exits in the EMF field we concentrate on cell biological findings and look for basic principles in the EF, MF and EMF action.As an outlook for future research topics, this review tries to link areas of EF, MF and EMF research to thermodynamics and quantum physics, approaches that will produce novel insights into cell biology.  相似文献   

Methodology and demonstration how to utilize the photoacoustic technique in photosynthesis research are presented. Photoacoustic signals were obtained from suspensions of isolated broken chloroplasts. In the presence of strong, continuous (non-modulated) background light the signals were normally larger than without the background light. The effect of the background light was saturable and was absent when non-active (e.g. heat-treated) samples were used, showing that the normal smaller signal in the absence of background light is a genuine reflection of the loss of heat due to the competing photochemistry. The effect of the background light is to close the reaction-centers and hence to inhibit the photochemical process. The percent difference of the photoacoustic signal (± background light) is taken as a measure of the photochemical activity (‘photochemical loss’).

Initial results demonstrate the wavelength dependence of the ‘photochemical loss’. As expected there was a ‘red-drop’ decrease of the ‘photochemical loss’ for λ > 690 nm, when the cofactor methyl viologen was present. Surprisingly, however, there was a ‘red-rise’ increase for λ > 690 nm when no cofactor was present. These findings indicate that under the last conditions there is an unsuspected photoactivity of PS I which was not detected hitherto by the conventional techniques. The dependence on the background light intensity confirms this result. This photoactivity can be explained tentatively as a cyclic electron flow around PS I, present without any added cofactor.

Initial results on the modulation frequency dependence in the presence of electron acceptors are also demonstrated.  相似文献   

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