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The uptake and distribution of 65Zn and 54Mn by wheat (Triticumaestivum cv. Aroona) was investigated. Plantswere grown in achelate-buffered nutrient solution with either sufficient Znand Mn, low Zn or low Mn. A single representative seminal rootfrom 14-d-old and 42-d-old plants was dual-labelled with 65Znand 54Mn. The 14-d-old plants were harvested every 10 min from10–140 min of labelling, whilst the 42-d-old plants wereharvested after 2 h of labelling. At harvest, each plant wasseparated into leaves, main stem, unexposedroots, and tillers.In addition, the crown was separatedfrom the stem in the 14-d-oldplants In the control plants labelled at 14 d, 65Zn was firstdetectedand accumulated in the crown of the roots after 40–60min. Labelled Zn was then detected in the stem, followed bythe leaves. The oldest and youngest leaves received less 65Znthan the second and third oldest leaves. The plants grown underlow Zn conditions accumulated more 65Zn in their older leavesand transferred 63Zn to the unexposed roots. Distribution of54Mn was similar in the controls to that of 65Zn, except theolder leaves received no HMn, At the second harvest, a similardistribution pattern of 65Zn and 54Mn was observed with regardto leaf age. Large amounts of 65Zn and 54Mn were detected withinthe unexposed roots of all treatments. It is suggested thatthe distribution of root-supplied Zn and Mn may be determinedby micronutrient status and its relationship with leaf transpirationrates. Key words: Distribution, manganese, vegetative growth, wheat, zinc  相似文献   

We investigated the uptake and distribution of Zn and Mn inwheat during grain development. Plants were grown in a chelate-bufferednutrient solution with one of the following treatments: control,low Zn or low Mn. Plants were dual-labelled with 65Zn and 54Mnat 2 and 8 wk post-anthesis for 5 and 24 h, respectively. Afterlabelling, the plants were separated into individual componentsfor analysis. In the plants harvested at 8 wk after anthesis,spikelets were separated into individual structures and analysedfor radioactivity. Little or no root-supplied 54Mn was distributed to the leavesof both the controls and low-Mn plants during the grain developmentstages studied here. More 54Mn was distributed to the head at8 wk than at 2 wk post-anthesis. In contrast, root-supplied65Zn was transported to the leaves at 2 and 8 wk post-anthesis.More65Zn was distributed to the leaves of the low-Zn plants thanthe controls during grain development.More esZn was detectedin the head towards grain maturity. Relatively larger amountsof 54Mn than 65Zn were found in different parts of the florets.Labelled Mn was found in relatively large quantities in thepalea, lemma and in the glumes, even though most 54Mn was foundin the grain. A large percentage of the grain MMn was in theouter pericarp. During grain development leaves may still require Zn but notMn, which may be due to the requirement of Zn in maintainingmembrane structure and function. Distribution of Zn and Mn withinthe spikelets suggests that Zn may enter the grain via the phloemwhile Mnmay enter the grain via the xylem. Key words: Zinc, manganese, nutrient transport, grain development, wheat, Triticum aestivum  相似文献   

Little is known about transport of Zn from leaves to other plantorgans. The present study tested a range of Zn forms appliedfoliarly for their suitability to provide adequate Zn nutritionto wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Transport of65Zn applied eitherto leaves or to one side of the root system was also studied.Inorganic (ZnO, ZnSO4) and chelated sources of Zn (ZnEDTA, glycine-chelatedBiomin Zn) applied foliarly provided sufficient Zn for vigorousgrowth. Zinc concentrations in roots and shoots were in thesufficiency range, except in the -Zn control. Foliar treatmentswith ZnSO4and chelated Zn forms resulted in shoot Zn concentrationsin 7-week-old plants being about two-fold greater than thosein plants supplied with Zn in the root environment or via foliarspray of ZnO. Adding surfactant to foliar sprays containingchelated forms of Zn did not cause negative growth effects,but surfactant added to ZnO or ZnSO4foliar sprays decreasedshoot growth. Adding urea to the ZnO foliar spray had no effecton shoot growth. Foliarly-applied65Zn was translocated to leavesabove and below the treated leaf as well as to the root tips.Stem girdling confirmed that65Zn transport toward lower leavesand roots was via the phloem. Split-root experiments showedintensive accumulation of65Zn in the stem and transport to allleaves as well as to the root tips in the non-labelled sideof the root system. Foliar application of Zn in inorganic ororganic form is equally suitable for providing adequate Zn nutritionto wheat. Phloem transport of Zn from leaves to roots was demonstrated.Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Foliar spraying, phloem, surfactant, urea, xylem, wheat, zinc  相似文献   

Autoradiographs of leaves of ryegrass plants (Lolium sp.) takingup radioactive zinc (65Zn) from soil showed an unusual patternof label distribution. Tracer accumulated in a regular seriesof pulses along leaf veins. Pulses in adjacent veins occurredin juxtaposition forming the pattern of a band across the leaf. The possibilities of artifacts resulting from plant-culturetechnique or methods of preparing leaves for autoradiographywere eliminated. The band effect in leaves of Loliumand other grass species occurredwith 65Zn but not 19Fe or 54Mn. Leaves of Hordeum vulgare, Zeamays, Bromus rigidus, and two non-gramineous species did notshow the band phenomenon with 65Zn. There was a close relationshipbetween the frequency of bands and the rate of growth of a leaf.The band pattern was shown to be responsive to changes in daylengthand temperature during growth. Possible origins of the band phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

Cultures of nine potato genotypes (seven Solanum tuberosum oneS. sparsipilum and one S. oplocense genotypes) were examinedfor their response to growing on medium containing either 60mol m–3, 40 mol m–3 or 20 mol m–3 nitrogen.Genotypes differed in their response to nitrogen. Reducing thenitrogen regime tended to produce taller plants with longerinternodes, shoots had larger leaves but contained less chlorophyll.No change in fresh weight or number of nodes was observed. Genotypex nitrogen interactions were significant for chlorophyll content,shoot length and internode length. Results suggest that thechanges observed were as a result of changes in the total nitrogenlevel rather than changes in the ammonium : nitrate ratio. Thisstudy suggests that for certain potato genotypes, nitrogen levelsin MS medium are too high for producing desirable microplantsin terms of leaf area and shoot length Key words: Solanum tuberosum, S. sparsipilum, S. oplocense, micropropagation, morphogenesis  相似文献   

The capacity of roots to accumulate and retain copper was examinedin two clones of Agrostis gigantea which differ in their toleranceto excess copper. Root elongation growth in the non-tolerantclone was completely inhibited by 16 mmol m–3 Cu whereas40 mmol m–3 was required for inhibition in the tolerantclone. The amount of readily exchangeable copper was greaterin roots of the tolerant clone than in the non-tolerant clone.The higher capacity for binding copper did not prevent the entryof copper into the cells of intact or excised roots of the tolerantclone. Roots of both clones contained similar amounts of copperafter removal of the readily exchangeable fraction. More copperwas translocated to the shoots of the tolerant than the non-tolerantclone. The explanation of copper tolerance in Agrostis giganteamust be sought in areas other than those of differences in grosscopper absorption and retention by roots.  相似文献   

Plantlets of Limonium estevei Fdez. Casas, an endangered Spanishspecies, were successfully regenerated from nodal segments excisedfrom young seedlings. Initiation of multiple adventitious budswere obtained in MS modified medium plus 1 mg l–1 IBAand 0·1 mg l–1 BAP. Rooting was achieved by transferof the isolated shoots to fresh MS medium without plant growthregulators. Fully grown plants were established in a pottingmix and are growing well in a greenhouse. Limonium estevei, in vitro multiplication, adventitious regeneration  相似文献   

Effects of uniconazole-P, a triazole-type growth retardant,on endogenous levels of IAA, cytokinins, ABA and ethylene inrice seedlings were investigated. Endogenous levels of IAA andABA were similar between control and uniconazole-P-treated riceshoots. Evolution of ethylene was promoted slightly, being 1.8times greater under 0.3 ppm uniconazole-P treatment than thatof control. The most obvious effect was the increase of trans-Zand trans-RZ in shoots. Shoots treated with uniconazole-P (10mg/m2 nursery box) contained 3.4 times and 3 times more trans-Zand trans-RZ than control, respectively. No significant differencesof cytokinin levels were recognized in roots except for cis-RZ.The increase of ethylene and active forms of cytokinins, andthe decrease of gibberellin in the shoots may be the basis forphysiological phenomena caused by uniconazole-P, namely thepromotion of flowering in woody plants and the enhancement offemaleness in cucumber. (Received September 9, 1987; Accepted October 20, 1987)  相似文献   

A micropropagation technique was developed for Delphinium malabaricumusing nodes from inflorescence stalks Maximum shoot proliferationwas obtained on Murashige and Skoog's medium supplemented with2-1P (10 mg l–1) and inositol (100 mg l–1) Fromthe sixth passage onwards, shoots could be multiplied by omissionof inositol and reduction of 2-1P (0.5 mg l–1) concentrationBest rooting response was obtained with a 24-h pulse treatmentof shoots with 0.5 mg I–1 IBA in the dark, transfer oftreated shoots to hormone-free half-strength MS medium and incubationunder 24-h light. Regenerated plants were established successfullyin the field Cytological examination of root tips of in vitroand control plants showed identical chromosome number (2n =16) Delphinium malabaricum (Huth) Munz, micropropagation, tissue culture, rare plant  相似文献   

The growth of garden orache, A triplex hortensis was studiedunder conditions of mild NaCl or Na2SO4 salinity. Growth, drymatter production and leaf size were substantially stimulatedat 10 mM and 50 mM Na+ salts. Increased growth, however, appearedto be due to a K+-sparing effect of Na+ rather than to salinityper se. The distribution of K+ and Na+ in the plant revealeda remarkable preference for K+ in the roots and the hypocotyl.In the shoot the K/Na ratio decreased strongly with leaf age.However, the inverse changes in K+ and Na+ content with leafage were dependent on the presence of bladder hairs, which removedalmost all of the Na+ from the young leaf lamina. Measurementsof net fluxes of K+ and Na+ into roots and shoots of growingAtriplex plants showed a higher K/Na selectivity of the netion flux to the root compared to the shoot. With increasingsalinity the selectivity ratio SK, Na* of net ion fluxes tothe roots and to the shoots was increased. The data suggestthat recirculation of K+ from leaves to roots is an importantlink in establishing the K/Na selectivity in A. hortensis plants.The importance of K+ recirculation and phloem transport forsalt tolerance is discussed. Key words: Atriplex hortensis, Salinity, Potassium, Sodium, K+ retranslocation, Bladder hairs, Growth stimulation  相似文献   

White pine seedlings (Pinus strobus L.) were grown under highor low soil-moisture levels. The increase in the length andin the fresh weight of seedlings, respiration, photosynthesis,transpiration, translocation of photosynthate from shoots toroots, and bio-electric potentials between the tip and the baseof a stem were measured throughout the growing season from Aprilto October 1964. At both moisture levels the lowest translocation of recent photosynthatefrom shoots to roots occurred during early summer, or at thetime when the rate of root growth was the lowest and that ofthe shoot the highest. The specific activity of 14CO2, respiredby the shoots of such plants remained high throughout the 8h of the experiment, indicating a continuous utilization ofrecent photosynthate as a respiratory substrate. On the otherhand, early and late in the growing season, when translocationof recent photosynthate from shoots to roots and the rate ofroot growth were high, the specific activity of 14CO2, respiredby the shoots rapidly decreased during the 8 h of the experiment,indicating a drop in the utilization of recent photosynthateas respiratory substrate. The highest positive values for thepotential difference between the top and the base of the mainshoot also occurred in early summer or during the period ofhigh rates of transpiration per needle stomatal surface area.  相似文献   

Extremely high degrees of lead tolerance, measured by comparing rates of root extension in culture solutions, are reported from populations of Festuca ovina growing at two lead-mining sites (Westschacht and Keldenich-II) near Mechernich in the Eifel Mountains, Germany. Other populations from nearby heavy metal-contaminated areas show a considerably smaller degree of lead tolerance. Samples of Festuca ovina collected in the field at Westschacht and Keldenich-II contain higher levels of lead in their aerial organs than do those from other lead-contaminated sites. The main soil factor determining the high degree of lead tolerance is the high Pb/Ca ratio. Populations from soils with a low Pb/Ca ratio display a very low degree of tolerance. It is therefore concluded that in Westschacht and Keldenich-II plants, a genuine intracellular tolerance mechanism is present, allowing the accumulation of lead in aerial organs.Leaf samples of zinc-tolerant Festuca contain higher levels of zinc than do samples of non-tolerant plants. Lead and zinc amounts in leaves are correlated with the soil ratios of Pb/Ca and Zn/Ca, respectively, rather than with the absolute soil-metal levels.In a slightly lead-tolerant, but highly zinc-tolerant clone of Festuca ovina from a site contaminated with large amounts of lead and zinc (Plombières), lead was found to be the major factor affecting the inhibition of root extension with combined treatments of lead and zinc in culture solutions. In the highly lead-tolerant, zinc-sensitive population from Westschacht, zinc governs the response of root growth to combinations of the two metals. The results are discussed in terms of discriminating distinct types of heavy-metal tolerance.  相似文献   

The impact of low humidity in ambient air on water relations,nitrate uptake, and translocation of recently absorbed nitrogen,was investigated in 5-week-old tomato (Lycopersicon esculentumMill cv. Ailsa Craig) plants grown hydroponically in a completenutrient solution. Plants were subjected to dry air (relativehumidity 2–4% for 6 h. The transpiration rate increasedseveral-fold and the shoot water content decreased by almost20%, whereas root water content was unaffected. No effect onin vitro nitrate reductase (NR) activity was detected when usingan EDTA-contraining assay buffer. Replacement of EDTA with Mg2+revealed a significant decline in shoot NR activity, which suggestsphosphorylation of the enzyme during the stress treatment. Plantswere grown in a split-root system, in which one root half wasfed 15N-nitrate during the treatment, in order to determinenitrate uptake and translocation of recently absorbed nitrogenin the plants. Uptake of nitrate was substantially inhibited,but the proportion of absorbed 15N that was translocated tothe shoots was only slightly affected. In untreated plants,71% of the 15N recovered in roots had been retranslocated fromthe shoots, whereas in plants subjected to stress the deliveryof 15N from shoots to roots appeared to be completely inhibited.The data show that lowered humidity in air has significant effectson both uptake of nitrate as well as translocation of nitrogenwithin the plants. Some of these effects appear to be commonwith those observed in plants subjected to reduced water potentialsin the root environment and point to the possibility of theshoot water relations being highly influential on nitrogen uptakeand translocation. Key words: Air humidity, nitrate assimilation, nitrate reductase activity, nitrogen translocation, tomato, water stress  相似文献   

Polypeptide compositions, ATPase characteristics, and the N-1-naphthylphthalamicacid binding capacity of plasma membranes prepared from winterrye (Secale cereale L. cv. Puma) shoots and roots were examinedand compared. Some unique polypeptides were revealed in each plasma membraneby one- and two-dimensional slab gel electrophoresis. A differencewas also detected in glycopeptide compositions. The plasma membranesfrom both organs contained Mg2+-stimulated ATPase exhibitingslightly different properties in the divalent cation specificityand the kinetic constants. The ATPase activities from both organsshowed a similar optimum pH around 6.5, simple Michaelis-Mentensaturation with increasing ATP-Mg concentrations, and littleK+-stimulation at the optimum pH. Both ATPases were inhibitedby orthovanadate, however, the degree of inhibition was a littledifferent in each membrane sample. The specific N-1-naphthylphthalamicacid binding capacity in the shoot plasma membrane was 2.6-foldhigher than that in the root plasma membrane. These results suggest that polypeptide compositions of plasmamembranes vary corresponding with a difference in the physiologicalfunctions of plasma membranes between shoots and roots of winterrye. 1 Contribution No. 2670 from the Institute of Low TemperatureScience. (Received May 17, 1984; Accepted October 9, 1984)  相似文献   

Distribution of myrosinase activity in extracts from seeds,intact plants, cell cultures and regenerated callus and plantsof Brassica napus L. was determined by the rate of glucose formationfrom glucosinolate hydrolysis. Calli with shoots and regeneratedplants were obtained from protoplasts or from explants. Of the seedling organs from Brassica napus L. cv. Niklas, hypocotylsshowed the highest myrosinase activity. In cotyledons a nearlyconstant enzyme activity was determined over the first 6 d,followed by a gradual decline. Roots showed a fast decline inenzyme activity over the investigated period. Freshly-isolated protoplasts contained less myrosinase activitythan the original intact tissue. The enzyme activity in developingcalli generally decreased during the first culture periods.After the initial decline a low activity was found which wasstable for a period of more than 2 years. The enzyme activityshowed fluctuations when measured at different times after mediumchange. Protoplast calli with regenerated shoots showed a considerablyhigher myrosinase activity than calli without shoots. Myrosinaseactivity was also found in explant calli including explant callifrom cotyledons and hypocotyls after induction of shoots. Myrosinase activity in seeds from 21 cultivars of Brassica napus,Brassica campestris, Sinapis alba and Raphanus sativus was testedand the highest myrosinase activity was found in seeds fromthe Sinapis alba cultivar Trico while the lowest activity wasfound in the Brassica campestris cultivar Rapido III. Leaf, stem and inflorescence from flowering regenerated or seed-grownplants contained a low but significant myrosinase activity.In contrast, roots showed a high myrosinase activity. The resultsobtained from regenerated plants indicate that the myrosinasesystem is stable in vitro culture, and that the glucosinolate-myrosinasesystem is active in calli tissue. Key words: Myrosinase (thioglucoside glucohydrolase, E.C., in vitro cultures, intact plants  相似文献   

The time-course of exchange of sodium and potassium ions fromroot and leaf material of the halophyte Suaeda maritima hasbeen followed and the data analysed according to the phenomenologyof efflux, or compartmental, analysis. Sodium ions were exchangedmuch more slowly (c. 4 times) from the vacuoles of leaf cellsof plants grown in sodium chloride than were potassium ionsfrom the vacuoles of leaf cells of plants grown either in similarconcentrations of potassium chloride or in low concentrationsof potassium. In plants grown in sodium chloride, sodium ionswere exchanged 9 times more slowly from the vacuoles of leafcells than from the vacuoles of root cells. The concentration of sodium ions in the cytoplasm of leaf cellsof plants growing in 340 mol m–3 sodium chloride was estimatedto be 165 mol m–3 when the average concentration in theleaf tissue was about 600 mol m–3. As measured by movement from mature to developing leaves inintact plants; there was less in vivo retranslocation of 22Naand 36CI in plants growing in sodium chloride than there wasof 86Rb in plants growing either in potassium chloride or innon-saline conditions. The results are discussed in terms of the concept and energeticsof compartmentation of ions in the cells of halophytes.  相似文献   

Radioactive Zn solns were drawn through 10 cm stem sectionsexcised from seedlings of P. radiata to determine the locationand quantity of 65Zn remaining in the stems and the concn of65Zn in the exudate. Zinc was removed from solns passing through the excised stemsby processes which appeared to be non-metabolic because coolingthe inflow solns did not decrease the proportion of Zn removedand non-specific because Ca competed with Zn for ‘exchangesites’. The formation of anionic or uncharged complexes between Zn andEDTA, or citrate resulted in more Zn passing through the excisedstems. Consistent with the greater stability of Zn-EDTA complexesmore Zn passed through stems treated with EDTA than with citrate.Decreasing the pH of solns containing Zn, Ca and potassium citrateincreased the amount of Zn deposited in the basal (inflow) endof the stems, probably by decreasing the amount of Zn boundto citrate. Increasing the conen of Zn in test solns containingZn, Ca and potassium citrate did not change the distributionof 65Zn in the stems as the capacity of the stems to removeZn from soln was large enough to remove all the free Zn in allthe solns Pinus radiata D. Don, pine, zinc, movement, stems  相似文献   

Explants of stem, leaves, roots, and cotyledons from etiolatedaxenically grown Vicia faba seedlings were cultured on a rangeof media. Shoot organogenesis was only obtained with nodal stemand cotyledonary node explants when cultured on MS medium with3% sucrose, 2.0 mg 1–1 BAP and 02 mg 1–1 NAA. Callusproliferation accompanied shoot organogenesis from nodal stemexplants. Successive subculture of nodal stem callus resultedin proliferation of regenerative callus which contained severalshoot bud initials. The capacity for shoot regeneration fromthis callus was maintained for 9 months. Histological studiesreveal de novo formation of meristematic centres in callus andtheir further development into bud primordia. High frequencyrooting of these adventitious shoots was obtained on half-strengthMS medium with 1.5% sucrose, 0.1 mg 1–1 NAA and 0.5 mg1–1 kinetin. Key words: Vicia faba, adventitious shoots, axillary shoots, de novomeristem formation, organogenesis, tissue culture  相似文献   

Immature embryos of different sizes and ages from commercialvarieties of lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) were cultured ina range of different media. Embryos as small as 3 mm could becultured using in vitro techniques and subsequently grown intoplants. MS solid medium with 2% sucrose supplemented with 150ml l–1 coconut water was most effective in stimulatingthe germination of immature lychee embryos. Embryos of lycheewere treated to induce adventitious buds from embryonic shootsas a means of achieving multiplication. The different varietiesexhibited differences in response, with Bengal embryonic shootsproducing 15 adventitious buds after pretreatment with 100 mgl–1 BAP for 3 h. Root formation was achieved in 65% ofadventitious shoots using MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mgl–1 NAA and activated charcoal. These plants were successfullydeflasked and grown on in the glasshouse. This technique providesof means of producing some multiple shoots from lychee embryosand has value for multiplication in a breeding program wherea method of micropropagation is unavailable. Litchi chinensis Sonn., lychee, embryo culture, multiple shoots, in vitro  相似文献   

RUTTER  A. J. 《Annals of botany》1957,21(3):399-426
The annual cycle of growth in plants of P. sylvestris L. varyingin age from 2 to 5 years was studied mainly by following theirweight changes through periodic sampling. Immediately followingbud-break there was a period of about 1 month in which, althoughmeristematic and extension growth were rapid in both shoot androot, there was no gain in weight by the plant. There was evidencethat the needles remaining from previous years contained a considerableamount of storage material which was utilized at this time.During May and June the main increase in weight was in the newshoots, but in August and September assimilates were more evenlydivided between the new shoots on the one hand, and the oldstem and the root on the other. The average relative growth-ratesfor the months May to September were between 1·0 and0·4 per cent, per day in plants growing in favourableconditions, the lower rates being found in older plants. Duringthe months October to March slow increase in weight occurredin needles, stem, and root, and the R.G.R.s in two experimentswere 0·21 and 0·15 per cent, per day. The netassimilation rate fell with increasing age and in the summerof the fifth year was 0·06g./g./week or 0·10g./dm.2/week.This low value of N.A.R. is discussed in relation to the knownhigh rate of production of P. sylvestris stands and their evergreenhabit.  相似文献   

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