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变态是动物学中一个较重要的专用名词,有关内容在中学课本也多处涉及到。现择要介绍一点动物变态的知识,供动物学教学参考。何谓动物的变态动物由于外在和内在的原因,个体形态发生变化,这叫变态。但动物学所讲的变态,是狭义地从发生学角度理解,即胚胎不直接转变为成体,而是在后期发育过程中,先形成形态、生理、生态方面特殊的幼体,行独立生活和生长,以后在某阶段发生急剧变化,转变为成体。青  相似文献   

活的不可培养的细菌的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
活的不可培养微生物(VBNC)即一些微生物明显地丧失了可培养的特性,但是保留了自身原有的代谢活力,并且在一定条件下,又可以回复到可培养的状态。从VBNC细菌的诱导条件、生物学特性和检测方法3个方面对VBNC细菌研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

一、真核细胞基因的基本结构 1.转录单位: 从已知的数十种基因的顺序,可得出一个具有功能的基因的共同规律,在基因5’端-25至-75区,有CCAAT和TATAAA区(后者又称ATA box或Hogness box),相当于促进子区(Promotor),为体外转录所必需。  相似文献   

本文主要是以理论和试验来说明音波对植物的生长发育和种子萌发所起的影响。在农业实践上音波所起的作用,据现在所知:有缩短植物成熟期,加速萌芽和增强植物的生长发育等。这一些非但具有理论和实践上的意义,同时在今後把物理科学应用到农业科学中开辟了极广阔的前程。  相似文献   

研究了由一系列相互平行的吸附在细胞膜上的缩氨酸引起的膜的弹性形变,以及膜对缩氨酸的包裹行为,得到膜的平衡方程,用它可以来处理大尺度的形变,弯曲能量、吸附能量和弹性形变的相互竞争导致膜对缩氨酸发生从不吸附到部分吸附乃至完全包裹的结构转变.在膜的形变很小的时候,可以得到系统能量的解析解。  相似文献   

人是从那里来的? 回答这个问题,你也许会说这有什么困难——人是从古猿变来的;甚至你还会进一步说,在这个从猿到人的转变过程中,劳动起着决定性的作用。然而这个现在看来比较明了的道理,恰是经历了多么漫长的认识过程才达到的呵!现在让我们首先来谈谈,远古的人们是怎样认识自己的起源的。最初的原始人可能还想不到自己的起源在人类诞生的最早时期,“最初的、从动物界分离出来的人,在一切本质方面是和动物本身一样不自由的”(恩格斯:《反杜林论》),这些最初的原始人为艰苦  相似文献   

敲除pckA基因的结核杆菌引起的免疫反应的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究结核杆菌pckA基因编码的磷酸烯醇型丙酮酸羧激酶(PEPCK)诱导机体产生的保护性免疫反应。用敲除pckA基因的牛结核杆菌BCG和野生型BCG分别感染小鼠,取肝、肺、脾进行病理分析,并进行脾细胞培养,检测CD4 、CD4 /CD8 、细胞因子IFNI-γI、L-12和TNF等。用敲除pckA基因的BCG感染的小鼠比野生型BCG感染的小鼠体内产生的结核结节少且不典型,炎性程度低。野生型BCG感染的小鼠脾脏内的CD4 T细胞和CD4 /CD8 、细胞因子IFN-γ、IL-12、TNF均明显高于敲除pckA基因BCG感染的小鼠。pckA基因为结核杆菌生长所必需,其编码产物PEPCK能够刺激机体产生免疫反应,是一种很好的疫苗候选分子。  相似文献   

分离的蚕豆细胞核的RNA聚合酶活力的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Triton X-100对叶绿体膜的作用,可快速地从蚕豆幼叶制备较纯净的细胞核,它具有较高的RNA聚合酶活力。比较了两种分离核的方法,证明利用匀浆法制备的核具有较高的活力。核活力与发育时期有关系,茎端和第1对幼叶的核活力显著高于第2和第3对叶片的核活力。此外,核活力明显地受反应液内锰离子的抑制。  相似文献   

霸王的原生质体培养的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张改娜  施江 《生物技术》2009,19(5):78-80
目的:为利用原生质体融合技术转移霸王抗旱基因。方法:采用酶解法分离霸王原生质体,比较了霸王子叶和愈伤组织游离原生质体的产量和活力,不同渗透压和起始密度对原生质体分裂频率的影响。结果:愈伤组织游离的原生质体产量和活力均高于子叶,原生质体产率可达2.4×106个/g.FW,活力达89%。采用液体浅层培养,在附加2,4-D(2mg/L)、6-BA(1.0mg/L)、2%蔗糖和甘露醇(0.4mol/L)的DPD培养基中,原生质体分裂频率最高,达68.6%。转移到附加2-iP(3mg/L)、KT(1.0mg/L)、6-BA(1.0mg/L)的分化培养基上,获得2个再生苗。结论:采用酶解法游离霸王愈伤组织,可获得高活力和高分裂频率的霸王原生质体。  相似文献   

金粟兰科的起源、分化和地理分布研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文讨论了金粟兰科的系统位置和分类系统,并在较详尽地研究其现代地理分布的基础上,结合古植物学等方面的资料,探讨了金粟兰科的现代分布中心及其起源、分化和可能的散布途径,结果如下:1.金粟兰科应独立成目,处于胡椒目与樟目之间;本科4属处于同一进化水平.2.金粟兰科分布于南美、中美、马达加斯加、东亚、热带亚洲、太平洋岛屿及新西兰,属于热带美洲、亚洲、马达加斯加地区、大洋洲和太平岛屿间断分布科,现代分布中心在马来西亚植物区;中国的金粟兰科植物主要分布于长江以南地区,为金粟兰科种类的分化中心之一.3.通过化石证据推测,在白垩纪中晚期,金粟兰科祖先有较广泛的地理分布,其起源地可能在早白垩纪的环大西洋地区,即冈瓦纳古陆西北部和劳亚古陆西南部.起源时间应不晚于白垩纪的巴勒姆期.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 25 species and 10 genera of Piperales (Chloranthaceae, Piperaceae and Saururaceae) has been examined under light microscope, of which 7 species were observed under scanning electron microscope and 1 species, Hedyosmum orentale Merr. & Chun transmision electron microseope. Three principal types of pollen were found: anasulcate (mostly) (sometime trichotomosulcate), inaperturate (partly) and multicolpoidate (partly). The present article has discussed the palynological data mainly in relation to the classification and the systematic position of Cbloranthaceae and also deals with the systematic position of the order Piperales. The present author agrees to put the family Chloranthaceae into the order Piperales. Because this family differs from Piperaceae and Saururaceae in pollen morphology, therefore, Chloranthaceae should raise to the level of suborder. Among three families of the order Piperales, the present author considers Chloranthaceae to be the most primitive family, on account of the following reasons: 1. The family Chloranthaceae shows the characteristics of primitive entomophilous plants in the sculpture of exine, while in the other two families, Piperaceae and Saururaceae, their exine is almost smooth and represents wind-pollenated plants; 2. Pollen of the family Chloranthaceae are larger than those of Piperaceae and Saururaceae; 3. The fossil pollen Clavatipollenites has been proved to be one of the most primitive angiosperms on the earth, that it is known, it occurred in the early Cretaceous, and at that time ferns and gymnosperms were predominant, while the Chloran- thaceae has already existed at that time; 4. Sarcandra of Chloranthaceae possesses the characters of a vesselless secondary xylem and a delayed development of embryo. Thus, Chloranthaceae would be considered as the most primitive family in the order Piperales. The systematic position of the order Piperales is also discussed. Itutehinson makes a point that order Ranales is more primitive than Piperales, and his system is arranged in the following order: Ranales → Piperales → to climax family Chloranthaceae. This view-point, however, is net supported by the palynological data. Pollen morphology shows that Piperales is more primitive than Ranales, because the pollen in Piperales possess the ancient aperture type of Pteridospermes, i.e., the type of anasulcate aperture is prevailing in Piperales, moreover, pollen grains of Ranales are mainly tricolpate type, and tricolpate pollen is a characteristic of typical angiosperms. In addition, the Piperales possesses a series of characters that are common among monocots, but rare among dicots. As the divergence between dicer and monocot took place in the early Cretaceous, their ancestor possesses common chararcters both of dicots and monocots while the extant Piperales still possess many characters of monocots that indicate it is much nearer to the point of divergence, and it explains that the Piperales is closely related to the ancestor of monocots and dicers Piperales, therefore, is more primitive than Ranales.  相似文献   

金粟兰科的起源,演化及其分布   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
本文利用形态解剖,孢粉学及化石资料,讨论了金粟兰科的系统;并对其起源,演化和现代分布格局形成等问题做了合理推测,主要结果如下:(1)Sarcandra和Chloranthus的亲缘关系最接近,而Ascarina和Hedyosmum的系统位置最靠近。Sarcandra是金粟兰科中最原始的属,而Hedyosmum则是最进化的属。(2)金粟兰科可能于白垩纪最早期起源于木质部无导管的,具简单两性虫媒花的祖  相似文献   

The developmental morphology of the outer integument in the pendent orthotropous ovules of Amborella trichopoda (Amborellaceae) and Chloranthus serratus (Chloranthaceae) was studied. In both species the outer integument is semiannular at an early stage and becomes cup-shaped but dorsiventrally somewhat asymmetric at later stages. The outer integument, which is initiated first on the concave and lateral sides of the ovule, differs from that of the anatropous ovules of other basal families with the outer integument semiannular at an early stage or throughout development. The bilateral symmetry of the outer integument is shared by these orthotropous and anatropous ovules. The developmental pattern of the outer integument and ovule incurving characterize the ovule of the Amborellaceae and Chloranthaceae, which is not equivalent to typical orthotropous ovules of eudicots. A phylogenetic analysis of ovule characters in basal angiosperms suggests that anatropous ovules with cup-shaped outer integuments and orthotropous ovules were derived independently in several clades and that the ovules of Amborella and Chloranthus might also be derivative.  相似文献   

基部被子植物金粟兰科(Chloranthaceae)的单性花或两性花结构十分简单,雪香兰(Hedyosmum orientale)花单性、雌雄异株,花的形态及结构与其它属物种具有显著的差异,对于研究被子植物花特别是花被的起源和系统进化具有重要意义。该研究采用电子显微镜和光学显微镜观察了雪香兰单性花的器官发生及发育过程。结果表明,雌、雄花均为顶生和腋生,多个小花呈聚伞圆锥状排列。雄花外侧是苞片,每朵雄花上着生150–200个雄蕊,花轴基部着生少数退化的叶原体。苞片原基及其腋生的花原基最初呈圆丘状,随后伸长。在雄花发育过程中,苞片原基比雄蕊原基生长快,雄花原基纵向伸长,叶原体原基在基部发生,雄蕊原基自下而上发生。每2朵雌花底部合生形成小聚伞花序,每朵雌花被一苞叶包裹,由单心皮和三棱型子房构成,外覆三裂叶状花被。在雌花发育过程中,雌花原基比苞片原基生长快,花被原基首先于花顶端发生,随后花顶端中心凹陷,进一步发育成具有单心皮的子房原基。雪香兰的单性花发育不经过两性同体阶段,花分生组织只起始雄蕊器官或雌蕊器官的发育。研究结果支持雪香兰单性花是原始性状的观点,雄花叶原体与雌花三裂叶状花被同源,可能是花被(萼片与花瓣)的起源。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the five key angiosperm lineages,Ceratophyllum,Chloranthaceae,eudicots,magnoliids,and monocots,have resisted resolution despite several large-scale analyses sampling taxa and characters extensively and using various analytical methods.Meanwhile,compatibility methods,which were explored together with parsimony and likelihood methods during the early development stage of phylogenetics.have been greatly under-appreciated and not been used to analyze the massive amount of sequence data to reconstruct thye basal angiosperm phylogeny.In this study,we used a compatibility method on a data set of eight genes (mitochondrial atp1,matR,and nad5,plastid atpB,marK,rbcL,and rpoC2,and nuclear 18S rDNA)gathered in an earlier study.We selected two sets of characters that are compatible with more of the other characters than a random character would be with at probabilities of pM<0.1 and p<0.5 respectively.The resulting data matrices were subjected to parsimony and likelihood bootstrap analyses.Our unrooted parsimony analyses showed that Ceratophyllum was immediately related to eudicots,this larger lineage was immediately related to magnoliids,and monocots were closely related to Chloranthaceae.All these relationships received 76%-96% bootstrap support.A likelihood analysis of the 8 gene pM<0.5 compatible site matrix recovered the same topology but with low support.Likelihood analyses of other compatible site matrices produced different topologies that were all weakly supported.The topology reconstructed in the parsimony analyses agrees with the one recovered in the previous study using both parsimony and likelihood methods when no character was eliminated.Parts of this topology have also been recovered in several earlier studies.Hence,this topology plausibly reflects the true relationships among the five key angiosperm lineages.  相似文献   

Very recentlySarcandra, which had long been known as the only vesselless genus in Chloranthaceae, was found by Carlquist to have vessels in root secondary xylem. The present study further shows on the basis of observations of the xylem ontogeny that vessels occur in stem metaxylem ofSarcandra glabra as well, thus offering additional evidence for the occurrence of vessels in the genus, virtually in all Chloranthaceae. Metaxylem elements of the stem are thicker than the other tracheary elements in general and have scalariform pittings at the end wall, and their ontogeny indicates that, as the surrounding cytoplasm disintegrates, pit membranes at the end wall disappear at least in some elements, resulting in a perforated end wall, i.e., vessel perforation. The present study further shows thatChloranthus spicatus, which is closely related toSarcandra, may have an incomplete perforation plate because of retaining membranes at places on the plate. An evolutionary state of the “vesselless” condition in Chloranthaceae is discussed.  相似文献   

Stomatal architecture and evolution in basal angiosperms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stomatal architecture-the number, form, and arrangement of specialized epidermal cells associated with stomatal guard cells-of 46 species of basal angiosperms representing all ANITA grade families and Chloranthaceae was investigated. Leaf clearings and cuticular preparations were examined with light microscopy, and a sample of 100 stomata from each specimen was coded for stomatal type and five other characters contributing to stomatal architecture. New stomatal types were defined, and many species were examined and illustrated for the first time. Character evolution was examined in light of the ANITA hypothesis using MacClade software. Analysis of character evolution, along with other evidence from this study and evidence from the literature on fossil angiosperms and other seed plant lineages, suggests that the ancestral condition of angiosperms can be described as anomo-stephanocytic, a system in which complexes lacking subdidiaries (anomocytic) intergrade with those having weakly differentiated subsidiaries arranged in a rosette (stephanocytic). From this ancestral condition, tangential divisions of contact cells led to the profusion of different types seen in early fossil angiosperms and Amborellaceae, Austrobaileyales, and derived Chloranthaceae, while the state in Nymphaeales is little modified. Formation of new, derived types by tangential division appears to be a recurrent theme in seed plant evolution.  相似文献   

Sarcandra is the only genus of Chloranthaceae hitherto thought to be vesselless. Study of liquid-preserved material of S. glabra revealed that in root secondary xylem some tracheary elements are wider in diameter and have markedly scalariform end walls combined with circular pits on lateral walls. Examination of these wider tracheary elements with scanning electron microscope (SEM) demonstrated various degrees of pit membrane absence in the end walls. Commonly a few threadlike fibrils traverse the pits (perforations); these as well as intact nature of pit membranes in pits at ends of some perforation plates are evidence that lack of pit membranes does not result from damage during processing. Some perforations lack any remnants of pit membranes. Although perforation plates and therefore vessels are present in Sarcandra roots, no perforations were observed in tracheary elements of stems or lignotubers. Further, stem tracheids do not have the prominently scalariform end walls that the vessel elements in roots do. Presence of vessels in Sarcandra removes at least one (probably several) hypothetical events of vessel origin that must be postulated to account for known patterns of vessel distribution in angiosperms, assuming that they are primitively vesselless. Seven (perhaps fewer) vessel origin events in angiosperms could account for these patterns; two of those events (Nelumbo and monocotyledons) are different from the others in nature. Widely accepted data on trends of vessel specialization in woody dicotyledons yield an unappreciated implication: vessel specialization has happened in a highly polyphyletic manner in dicotyledons, and therefore multiple vessel origins represent a logical extension backward in time. If a group of vesselless dictyoledons ancestral to other angiosperms existed, they can be hypothesized to have had a relatively homogeneous floral plan now that Sarcandra-like plants no longer need be imagined within that group. Sarcandra and other Chloranthaceae show that the borderline between vessel absence and presence is less sharp than generally appreciated.  相似文献   

Abstract A cladistic resolution is presented for the origin of the angiosperms based on a parsimony analysis of 49 taxa of Magnoliidae. Hamamelidae and Alismatidae, with gymnospermous outgroup comparisons for the polarization of 104 characters. The Magnoliidae is recognized as a paraphyletic assemblage of nine orders: Calycanthales, Magnoliales, Laurales, Illiciales, Lactoridales. Ranunculales, Aristolochiales, Piperales and Nymphaeales. The Calycanthaceae and Idiospermaceae are segregated as the new order Calycanthales, which is hypothesized to be the archetype for angiosperms. Excluding Winteraceae and Lactoridaceae, the Magnoliales is monophyletic. The Austrobaileyaceae is a first branch of Magnoliales, rather than lauralean. Excluding Amborellaceae and Calycanthales, the Laurales is monophyletic. The Chloranthaceae is a first branch of Laurales, rather than piperalean. The Amborellaceae and Winteraceae are early branches of Illiciales. The Lactoridaceae is isolated as the Lactoridales. Including Papaveraceae, the Ranunculales is monophyletic, with Lardizabalaceae as a first branch. The Ranunculales is more closely related to the Hamamelidae, forming the clade Tricolpates. The Aristolochiales, Piperales and Nymphaeales are successively more closely related to the Alismatidae, forming the clade Paleoherbs. The Nelumbonaceae are nymphaealean Paleoherbs, rather than Tricolpates. The Lactoridaceae is not a Paleoherb. These results support many aspects of the strobilar-flower hypothesis for the origin of the angiosperms, as well as the plesiomorphic character states of woody shrubs with simple, pinnatelyveined leaves.  相似文献   

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