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The results of a 3-ns molecular dynamics simulation of the dodecamer duplex d(TATGGATCCATA)(2) recognized by the BamHI endonuclease are presented here. The DNA has been simulated as a flexible molecule using an AMBER force field and the Ewald summation method, which eliminates the undesired effects of truncation and permits evaluation of the full effects of electrostatic forces. The starting B conformation evolves toward a configuration quite close to that observed through x-ray diffraction in its complex with BamHI. This configuration is fairly stable and the Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds are well maintained over the simulation trajectory. Hydration analysis indicates a preferential hydration for the phosphate rather than for the ester oxygens. Hydration shells in both the major and minor groove were observed. In both grooves the C-G pairs were found to be more hydrated than A-T pairs. The "spine of hydration" in the minor groove was clear. Water residence times are longer in the minor groove than in the major groove, although relatively short in both cases. No special long values are observed for sites where water molecules were observed by x-ray diffraction, indicating that water molecules having a high probability of being located in a specific site are also fast-exchanging.  相似文献   

Important contributions to the field of anion sensing include electrochemical lipophilic uranyl salophene receptors incorporated into membranes that act as fluoride-selective potentiometric microsensors. A promising optical-based sensor, selective for cyclic AMP, involves a preorganized, molecularly imprinted polymer employing an intrinsic fluorophore. Competition methods using ensembles of recognition units and external indicators have been used to sense citrate in highly competitive media and micromolar concentrations of inositol(tris)phosphate in water. In addition, DNA dendrimers immobilized on a quartz-crystal microbalance acted as an elegant biosensor for Cryptosporidium DNA. These designs display the varied methods of anion detection currently being pursued.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of Lipid A and its natural precursor Lipid IVA from E.coli have been carried out free in solution, bound to the myeliod differentiation protein 2 (MD2) and in the complex of MD2 with the toll like receptor 4 (TLR4). In addition, simulations of the ligand free MD2 and MD2‐TLR4 complex were performed. A structural and energetic characterization of the bound and unbound states of Lipid A/IVA was generated. As the crystal structures depict, the main driving force for MD2‐Lipid A/IVA are the hydrophobic interactions between the aliphatic tails and the MD2 cavity. The charged phosphate groups do strongly interact with positively charged residues, located at the surface of MD2. However, they are not essential for keeping the lipids in the cavity, indicating a more prominent role in binding recognition and ionic interactions with TLR4 at the MD2/TLR4 interface. Interestingly, in the absence of any ligand MD2 rapidly closes, blocking the binding cavity. The presence of TLR4, though changing the dynamics, was not able to impede the aforementioned closing event. We hypothesize that fluctuations of the H1 region are essential for this phenomenon, and it is plausible that an equilibrium between the open and closed states exists, although the lengths of our simulations are not sufficient to encompass the reversible process. The MD2/Lipid A‐TLR4 complex simulations show that the presence of the ligand energetically stabilizes the complex relative to the ligand‐free structures, indicating cooperativity in the binding process. © Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The structural perturbations of the fully hydrated dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine bilayer induced by the presence of hexafluoroethane C(2F6), a "nonimmobilizer," have been examined by molecular dynamics simulations and compared with the effects produced by halothane CF3CHBrCl, an "anesthetic," on a similar bilayer (DPPC) (Koubi et al., Biophys. J. 2000. 78:800). We find that the overall structure of the lipid bilayer and the zwitterionic head-group dipole orientation undergo only a slight modification compared with the pure lipid bilayer, with virtually no change in the potential across the interface. This is in contrast to the anesthetic case in which the presence of the molecule led to a large perturbation of the electrostatic potential across to the membrane interface. Similarly, the analysis of the structural and dynamical properties of the lipid core are unchanged in the presence of the nonimmobilizer although there is a substantial increase in the microscopic viscosity for the system containing the anesthetic. These contrasting perturbations of the lipid membrane caused by those quite similarly sized molecules may explain the difference in their physiological effects as anesthetics and nonimmobilizers, respectively.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) is a key regulator of cell growth, survival, migration and differentiation, and is thus pivotal in many cancers. An individual with a high IGF-II level is at high risk of developing cancer, whereas IGF2R is implicated as being important in tumor suppression. Thus, uncovering the essence of the IGF-II/IGF2R interaction is very important to understanding the origin of the tumor-suppressing effect of IGF2R. In this study, in order to investigate the interaction of the IGF-II/IGF2R complex and to characterize the binding hot spots of this interaction, a 10 ns molecular dynamics simulation combined with MM-PBSA/MM-GBSA computations and computational alanine scanning was performed on the IGF-II/IGF2R complex. From the results of the free-energy decomposition and the computational alanine scanning calculation, we identified the key residues in the IGF-II/IGF-2R interaction. The results from the calculation were consistent with reported experimental mutagenesis studies. The information on the interaction of IGF-II and IGF2R obtained is vital for understanding how the structure of IGF2R influences the function of IGF-II in growth and development. This study will also lead to new opportunities to develop molecular probes that can assist in diagnostic screening, and even novel approaches to controlling tumor development.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the intrafamilial systematics of Ruscaccae sensu lata by means of a combined molecular-morphological analysis. Ruscaceae sensu lata (including former Con-vallariaceae. Dracaenaceae and Nolinaccac, as well as Comospermum and Eriospermum ) represent a well-supported clade in other molecular analyses and are further linked by the absence of phytomclan in the seed coat. Within this clade there is an unusual lack of sequence divergence for such a morphologically varied group of taxa, but the combined morphological-molecular analysis indicates some groupings: (1) Eriospermum , (2) Comospermum , (3) nolinoids (former Nolinaceac) plus Ophiopogon and Liriope (Ophiopogonae, excluding Peliosanthes ), (4) dracaenoids (former Dracaenaceae), (5; Polygonatae and (6) a clade comprising Convallarieac (including Aspidistra ) and the ruscoids (Ruscaccae sensu stricto ) plus Peliosanthes. In the morphological analysis Peliosanthes is embedded in Convallarieae, and in the molecular analysis it is sister to all other Ruscaceae except Eriospermum: in neither case does it fall with Ophiopogon and Liriope (Ophiopogonae), with which it was traditionally placed. Peliosanthes has several characters in common with some Convallarieae, e.g. filaments fused into a column surrounding the gynoecium, and a thick, fleshy corona with the stigma more or less filling the narrow floral opening. On the other hand, there arc also some notable differences, such as in karyotype, leaf anatomy, pollen morphology and nectaries. Since there is a considerable range of morphological variation in the taxon currently designated as Peliosanthes. more taxonomic work is needed to establish the monophyly of this genus before there can be confidence in its relationships within Ruscaccae sensu lata.  相似文献   

A peptide fragment from a protein hairpin turn region was modified by addition of isoleucine residues to both ends to enhance binding to lipid micelles; the resulting peptide (I(1)-I(2)-C(3)-N(4)-N(5)-P(6)-H(7)-I(8)-I(9)) contains the core sequence I-C-N-N-P-H from an antibody-binding region of hemagglutinin A. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) diffusion measurements indicated partial binding (43-65%) of the peptide to micelles of n-octylglucoside and significantly stronger binding (85%) to dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles. Simulated annealing and conformational analysis using nuclear Overhauser enhancement restraints revealed a type I or III hairpin turn between residues N(5) and I(8) of the DPC-bound peptide. Amide exchange experiments support the possibility that a hydrogen bond forms between N(5) and I(8), stabilizing the turn. In contrast, no discernable structure was observed for the peptide in aqueous solution by either NMR or circular dichroism. Molecular dynamics simulations of DPC micelles and peptide-micelle complexes suggested that the peptide lies flat on the micelle surface and showed rapid rearrangement of the lipids to accommodate the bound peptide. According to a search performed using the basic local alignment search tool (BLAST), the sequences N-P-H-I and N-P-H-V are present as hairpin turns in eight of the nine proteins whose crystal structures were available. The addition of isoleucine residues and the use of lipid micelles to stabilize hairpin conformations equivalent to those found in proteins generates new possibilities for reproducing biologically important hairpin turns from short, linear peptides.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of representative mesophilic and psycrophilic elastases have been carried out at different temperatures to explore the molecular basis of cold adaptation inside a specific enzymatic family. The molecular dynamics trajectories have been compared and analyzed in terms of secondary structure, molecular flexibility, intramolecular and protein-solvent interactions, unravelling molecular features relevant to rationalize the efficient catalytic activity of psychrophilic elastases at low temperature. The comparative molecular dynamics investigation reveals that modulation of the number of protein-solvent interactions is not the evolutionary strategy followed by the psycrophilic elastase to enhance catalytic activity at low temperature. In addition, flexibility and solvent accessibility of the residues forming the catalytic triad and the specificity pocket are comparable in the cold- and warm-adapted enzymes. Instead, loop regions with different amino acid composition in the two enzymes, and clustered around the active site or the specificity pocket, are characterized by enhanced flexibility in the cold-adapted enzyme. Remarkably, the psycrophilic elastase is characterized by reduced flexibility, when compared to the mesophilic counterpart, in some scattered regions distant from the functional sites, in agreement with hypothesis suggesting that local rigidity in regions far from functional sites can be beneficial for the catalytic activity of psychrophilic enzymes.  相似文献   

Protein dynamics and the underlying networks of intramolecular interactions and communicating residues within the three-dimensional (3D) structure are known to influence protein function and stability, as well as to modulate conformational changes and allostery. Acylaminoacyl peptidase (AAP) subfamily of enzymes belongs to a unique class of serine proteases, the prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) family, which has not been thoroughly investigated yet. POPs have a characteristic multidomain three-dimensional architecture with the active site at the interface of the C-terminal catalytic domain and a β-propeller domain, whose N-terminal region acts as a bridge to the hydrolase domain. In the present contribution, protein dynamics signatures of a hyperthermophilic acylaminoacyl peptidase (AAP) of the prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) family, as well as of a deletion variant and alanine mutants (I12A, V13A, V16A, L19A, I20A) are reported. In particular, we aimed at identifying crucial residues for long range communications to the catalytic site or promoting the conformational changes to switch from closed to open ApAAP conformations. Our investigation shows that the N-terminal α1-helix mediates structural intramolecular communication to the catalytic site, concurring to the maintenance of a proper functional architecture of the catalytic triad. Main determinants of the effects induced by α1-helix are a subset of hydrophobic residues (V16, L19 and I20). Moreover, a subset of residues characterized by relevant interaction networks or coupled motions have been identified, which are likely to modulate the conformational properties at the interdomain interface.  相似文献   

We examined the internal mobility of the estrogen receptor DNA-binding domain (ER DBD) using NMR15N relaxation measurements and compared it to that of the glucocorticoid receptor DNA-binding domain (GR DBD). The studied protein fragments consist of residues Arg183-His267 of the human ER and residues Lys438-Gln520 of the rat GR. The15N longitudinal (R1) and transverse (R2) relaxation rates and steady state {1H}-15N nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOEs) were measured at 30 degrees C at1H NMR frequencies of 500 and 600 MHz. The NOE versus sequence profile and calculated order parameters for ER DBD backbone motions indicate enhanced internal dynamics on pico- to nanosecond time-scales in two regions of the core DBD. These are the extended strand which links the DNA recognition helix to the second zinc domain and the larger loop region of the second zinc domain. The mobility of the corresponding regions of the GR DBD, in particular that of the second zinc domain, is more limited. In addition, we find large differences between the ER and GR DBDs in the extent of conformational exchange mobility on micro- to millisecond time-scales. Based on measurements of R2as a function of the15N refocusing (CPMG) delay and quantitative (Lipari-Szabo-type) analysis, we conclude that conformational exchange occurs in the loop of the first zinc domain and throughout most of the second zinc domain of the ER DBD. The conformational exchange dynamics in GR DBD is less extensive and localized to two sites in the second zinc domain. The different dynamical features seen in the two proteins is consistent with previous studies of the free state structures in which the second zinc domain in the ER DBD was concluded to be disordered whereas the corresponding region of the GR DBD adopts a stable fold. Moreover, the regions of the ER DBD that undergo conformational dynamics on the micro- to millisecond time-scales in the free state are involved in intermolecular protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions in the dimeric bound state. Based on the present data and the previously published dynamical and DNA binding properties of a GR DBD triple mutant which recognize an ER binding site on DNA, we argue that the free state dynamical properties of the nuclear receptor DBDs is an important element in molecular recognition upon DNA binding.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics studies are performed to investigate the conformational preference of cell surface disialogangliosides (GD1A, GD1B and GD3) in aqueous environment. The molecular mechanics calculation reveals that water mediated hydrogen bonding network plays a significant role in the structural stabilization of GD1A, GD1B and GD3. These water mediated hydrogen bonds not only exist between neighboring residues but also exist between residues that are separated by 2 to 3 residues in between. The conformational energy difference between different conformational states of gangliosides correlates very well with the number of water mediated and direct hydrogen bonds. The spatial flexibility of NeuNAc of gangliosides at the binding site of cholera toxin is worked out. The NeuNAc has a limited allowed eulerian space at the binding site of Cholera Toxin (2.4%). The molecular modeling, molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics of disialoganglioside-cholera toxin complex reveal that cholera toxin can accommodate the disialoganglioside GD1A in three different modes. A single mode of binding is permissible for GD1B and GD3. Direct and water mediated hydrogen bonding interactions stabilizes these binding modes and play an essential role in defining the order of specificity for different disialogangliosides towards cholera toxin. This study not only provides models for the disialoganglioside-cholera toxin complexes but also identifies the NeuNAc binding site as a site for design of inhibitors that can restrict the pathogenic activity of cholera toxin.  相似文献   

The mTOR (mammalian or mechanistic Target Of Rapamycin), a complex metabolic pathway that involves multiple steps and regulators, is a major human metabolic pathway responsible for cell growth control in response to multiple factors and that is dysregulated in various types of cancer. The classical inhibition of the mTOR pathway is performed by rapamycin and its analogs (rapalogs). Considering that rapamycin binds to an allosteric site and performs a crucial role in the inhibition of the mTOR complex without causing the deleterious side effects common to ATP-competitive inhibitors, we employ ligand-based drug design strategies, such as virtual screening methodology, computational determination of ADME/Tox properties of selected molecules, and molecular dynamics in order to select molecules with the potential to become non-ATP-competitive inhibitors of the mTOR enzymatic complex. Our findings suggest five novel potential mTOR inhibitors, with similar or better properties than the classic inhibitor complex, rapamycin.  相似文献   

Essential cell division protein FtsZ forms the bacterial cytokinetic ring and is a target for new antibiotics. FtsZ monomers bind GTP and assemble into filaments. Hydrolysis to GDP at the association interface between monomers leads to filament disassembly. We have developed a homogeneous competition assay, employing the fluorescence anisotropy change of mant-GTP upon binding to nucleotide-free FtsZ, which detects compounds binding to the nucleotide site in FtsZ monomers and measures their affinities within the millimolar to 10 nM range. We have employed this method to determine the apparent contributions of the guanine, ribose, and the α-, β-, and γ-phosphates to the free energy change of nucleotide binding. Similar relative contributions have also been estimated through molecular dynamics and binding free energy calculations, employing the crystal structures of FtsZ-nucleotide complexes. We find an energetically dominant contribution of the β-phosphate, comparable to the whole guanosine moiety. GTP and GDP bind with similar observed affinity to FtsZ monomers. Loss of the regulatory γ-phosphate results in a predicted accommodation of GDP which has not been observed in the crystal structures. The binding affinities of a series of C8-substituted GTP analogues, known to inhibit FtsZ but not eukaryotic tubulin assembly, correlate with their inhibitory capacity on FtsZ polymerization. Our methods permit testing of FtsZ inhibitors targeting its nucleotide site, as well as compounds from virtual screening of large synthetic libraries. Our results give insight into the FtsZ-nucleotide interactions, which could be useful in the rational design of new inhibitors, especially GTP phosphate mimetics.  相似文献   

Möbitz H  Bruice TC 《Biochemistry》2004,43(30):9685-9694
Glutamate racemase (MurI) catalyzes the racemization of glutamate; two cysteine residues serve as catalytic acid and base. On the basis of the crystal structure of MurI from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex pyrophilus, we performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of six different systems to investigate stereochemistry, substrate ligation, and active site protonation state. The catalytic competence of individual systems was assessed by the abundance of reactive conformers. Only systems in which Cys70 is poised to deprotonate d-Glu were found to be catalytically competent (idem Cys178/l-Glu), in agreement with the experimentally observed stereochemistry of Lactobacillus fermentii MurI [Tanner, M. E. et al. (1993) Biochemistry 32, 3998-4006]. Only systems in which the alpha-amino group of l/d-Glu and the imidazole moiety of His are deprotonated are catalytically competent. The active site of MurI displays an unusual flexibility in substrate ligation, and several transitions between stable binding patterns were observed. In catalytically competent binding states, the conserved threonine residues 72, 114, and 117 ligate the alpha-carboxylate of Glu and the Asn71 amides ligate the alpha-amino group of Glu, whereas the delta-carboxylate of Glu is steered by electrostatic repulsion from the Asp7 and Glu147 side chain carboxylates. A network of hydrogen bonds controls the positioning of each thiol/thiolate. In what we term substrate flipping, Glu suddenly rotates into a binding pattern that resembles the post-racemization state of the other enantiomer, i.e., each enantiomer can be bound in two distinct states. Substrate flipping and unfavorable substrate binding successively trigger dissociation of the substrate, accompanied by an opening of the active site channel. We explain how the weak binding of Glu contributes to catalysis and suggest a mechanism by which binding mismatches are propagated into an opening of the active site.  相似文献   

Small magnetoresistive spin valve sensors (2 x 6 microm(2)) were used to detect the binding of single streptavidin functionalized 2 microm magnetic microspheres to a biotinylated sensor surface. The sensor signals, using 8 mA sense current, were in the order of 150-400 microV for a single microsphere depending on sensor sensitivity and the thickness of the passivation layer over the sensor surface. Sensor saturation signals were 1-2 mV representing an estimated 6-20 microspheres, with a noise level of approximately 10 microV. The detection of biomolecular recognition for the streptavidin-biotin model was shown using both single and differential sensor architectures. The signal data compares favourably with previously reported signals for high numbers of magnetic microspheres detected using larger multilayered giant magnetoresistance sensors. A wide range of applications is foreseen for this system in the development of biochips, high sensitivity biosensors and the detection of single molecules and single molecule interactions.  相似文献   

In the present work, based on extensive fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, we discuss the dynamics of neon atoms oscillating inside (5,5) single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs). Our results show that sustained high-frequency oscillatory regimes are possible for a large range of temperatures. Our results also show that the general features of the oscillations are quite similar to those observed in CNT and BNNT, in contrast with some speculations in previous works in the literature about the importance of broken symmetry and chirality exhibited by BNNTs.  相似文献   

The removal of the heme group from myoglobin (Mb) results in a destabilization of the protein structure. The dynamic basis of the destabilization was followed by comparative measurements on holo- (holo-Mb) and apomyoglobin (apo-Mb). Mean-squared displacements (MSD) and protein resilience on the picosecond-to-nanosecond timescale were measured by elastic incoherent neutron scattering. Differences in thermodynamic parameters, MSD, and resilience were observed for both proteins. The resilience of holo-Mb was significantly lower than that of apo-Mb, indicating entropic stabilization by a higher degree of conformational sampling in the heme-bound folded protein. Molecular dynamics simulations provided site-specific information. Averaged over the whole structure, the molecular dynamics simulations yielded similar MSD and resilience values for the two proteins. The mobility of residues around the heme group in holo-Mb showed a smaller MSD and higher resilience compared to the same residue group in apo-Mb. It is of interest that in holo-Mb, higher MSD values are observed for the residues outside the heme pocket, indicating an entropic contribution to protein stabilization by heme binding, which is in agreement with experimental results.  相似文献   

The self-complementary DNA decamer duplex d(CTGAATTCAG)2 and its modified counterpart d(CTGA[2AP]TTCAG)2, where the innermost adenine (6-aminopurine) has been replaced with the fluorescent analogue 2-aminopurine (2AP), have been studied by fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy and simulated by molecular dynamics. Both decamers are recognized and cleaved by the EcoRI restriction endonuclease. 2D NMR results show that both decamers have a standard B-type conformation below 20 degrees C, though a disturbance exists to the 5' side of the 2AP site which may originate from increased local mobility. The fluorescence and fluorescence anisotropy decays of both decamers, as well as the one containing 2AP in only one chain, were studied as a function of temperature. The data show that the 2AP base exists in a temperature-dependent distribution of states and shows rapid motions, suggesting interconversion among these states on a time scale of about 10(-10) s. The integrated fluorescence of the decamer with 2AP in both chains shows a large increase around the helix melting temperature whereas the decamer with one 2AP shows only a mild increase, showing that the mixed helix has a different structural transition as sensed by the 2AP base. The data suggest a model of conformational states which have distinct fluorescence decay times. The various states may differ in the degree of base stacking. Fluctuations in the degree of stacking of the A or 2AP base are supported by molecular dynamics simulations, which additionally show that the 2AP-T or A-T base pair hydrogen bonds remain intact during these large motions.  相似文献   

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