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Gut evacuation and its dependence on the temperature in bream Abramis brama , silver bream Blicca bjoerkna , roach Rutilus rutilus , gibel Carassius aurtaus gibelio and carp Cyprinus carpio , held in mesh cages in Lake Balaton, was best fitted by an exponential model in 18 of 36 trials, while in 14 and four trials, a linear and a square-root model, respectively, gave a better fit. Adjusted r 2 values, however, often did not differ markedly between the three models. The shape parameter, B , was 0.36 for carp and ranged from 0.81 to 1.24 for the other four cyprinids, according to the general evacuation model expanded with the temperature variable, and fitted to whole data sets. Relationships between the food evacuation rates obtained from the exponential models and the temperature were described by exponential functions for bream, silver bream, roach and gibel.  相似文献   

A novel technique is described, using serial photography of the gut contents of transparent living larval fishes, to generate individual gut evacuation time series. This technique was applied to Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus larvae to compare three widely used models of gut evacuation: linear, exponential and square-root. Regression r 2 for the exponential model exceeded those for the linear and square root models in 20 of 21 time series, strongly supporting the exponential model. At the initial gut fullness for each time series, total gut evacuation rates calculated with the exponential model averaged 2·2 and 1·3 times greater than those calculated with the linear and square-root models, respectively, and would produce correspondingly higher estimates of feeding rates for field-collected larvae with similar levels of gut fullness. The results highlight the importance of choosing the appropriate evacuation model in feeding studies, particularly those intended to examine short-term changes in larval fish feeding rates, a contributing factor to the highly variable yearly recruitment of many marine fish species.  相似文献   

Age is an important factor that significantly impacts the gut microbiota of various mammals. Captive spotted seals (Phoca largha) provide an ideal opportunity to study how age affects their gut microbiota, excluding other environmental factors, which is a challenge when monitoring wildlife. Here, the bacterial composition of the feces of captive spotted seals from four age groups were analyzed; namely, pup (<1 year old), juvenile (1–2 years old), subadult (2–3 years old), and adult (≥4 years old). Firmicutes were the dominant bacteria in all measured feces; however, the composition of gut microbiota in seals of different ages was distinct. Blautia, Slackia, and an unclassified Peptostreptococcaceae were more abundant in pups; Clostridium was abundant in juveniles; Fusobacterium, Bacteroides, and Psychrobacter were abundant in subadults; and Dorea and Peptostreptococcus abundant in adults. Two and 4 years of age appeared to be the most influential time nodes for variation in gut microbiota. In conclusion, this study identified age-related differences in the composition of gut microbiota in P. largha.  相似文献   

Gastric evacuation experiments were performed on horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus. A nearly full matrix experimental design with respect to the variables predator weight (<10–400 g) meal size (up to 7·8% body weight) and temperature (10–20°) was covered with 0-group smelt Osmerus eperlanus as prey. A general evacuation model without meal size as a variable was fitted to the data on wet weights as well as on dry weights by means of non-linear regression technique. Two methods of data transformation, relative data and square root transformation, were applied to improve variance homogeneity. The most reliable model fit was achieved on dry weight data applying the square root transformation technique: where St=stomach content (g wet weight) at time t after ingestion, S0=the initial meal size, W =predator (g wet weight), and T =temperature. The estimated coefficient of the exponential temperature function, δ=00·032, corresponds to a Q 10 value of 1·4 which is outstandingly low in comparison with results on other species. However additional experiments to determine maximum daily food rations indicated that appetite in contrast to gastric evacuation is strongly temperature dependent.  相似文献   

黑鲷的胃排空率   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在实验室内,18℃条件下测量了体重在20-40g的黑鲷的胃排空率,并用3种数学模型拟合了黑鲷的排空率,结果表明,3种模型都能很好地拟合实验数据,但通过统计学分析发现不论是用湿重还是用于重表示胃含物,线性模型都拟合得最好。用湿重表示时模型为Y=1.14-0.06t(r^2=0.82,p〈0.001);而用干重表示时模型为Y=1.36-0.07T(r^2=0.62,p〈0.001),实验还得出体重20  相似文献   

Prey-specific gastric evacuation rates and digestion state indices were modelled for gag Mycteroperca microlepis , a large warm-temperate grouper, consuming meals of either baitfish (scaled sardine Harengula jaguana ) or crab (purple swimmer crab Portunus gibbesii ). Power exponential models best fit the wet and dry mass gastric evacuation data and the average digestion indices over post-prandial time (PPT), regardless of prey type or gag size (Adjusted R2 ≥ 0·79). Gag mass ( M ) or total length ( L T) incorporated into an expanded power exponential model, along with exponential scalars, resulted in highly predictive ( R2 ≥ 0·87) gastric evacuation and average digestion state models. The expanded power exponential models fit to the baitfish and crab wet mass gastric evacuation data differed significantly (Kimura's likelihood ratio test (LRT), both P < 0·001). Gag consuming crab showed a digestive lag period of at least 4 h (wet mass) and took a longer time to complete digestion relative to gag consuming baitfish. Gag, as well as many other warm-temperate and tropical groupers, consume a mixture of fish and crab prey and they will therefore require the development of a consumption model that incorporates mixed-prey gastric evacuation models.  相似文献   

Relationships between nutritional state, behavioural response to prey and gastric evacuation rates were examined in juvenile Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis feeding on squid. Pacific halibut reared at 2, 6 and 10° C were fasted for 1 or 7 days to generate variation in energetic state. The 7 day fast resulted in measurable declines in condition indices at 10 and 6° C but not at 2° C. At 10° C, all Pacific halibut consumed the first meal offered, but fish previously fasted for 7 days took significantly longer to locate and consume the meal than fish fasted for only 1 day. At 2° C, Pacific halibut fasted for 7 days did not generally consume the first meal offered, but resumed feeding 2·1 days sooner, on average, than fish fasted for only 1 day. The gastric evacuation rate of the squid meal was best described by a power model with near‐exponential curvature ( a  = 1·011). The evacuation rate was strongly temperature‐dependent ( Q 10 = 3·65) but displayed the same degree of variability at each temperature. The evacuation rate in Pacific halibut was not affected by feeding history, body size or energetic state. Furthermore, individual variation in gastric evacuation rate was not correlated with feeding responsiveness at any temperature. These results indicate a general plasticity in the behavioural but not physiological aspects of energy acquisition.  相似文献   

Feeding rate, the rate of movement of food through the gut and gut morphology of large larvae of five caddis species (Halesus radiatus, Hydropsyche instabilis, Polycentropus kingi, Rhyacophila dorsalis and Potamophylax cingulatus) were investigated in the laboratory. Following 72 hr starvation, P. cingulatus and H. radiatus larvae became satiated (refused prey offered directly to the mouthparts) after consuming 8–11 and 9–13 mayfly nymphs (Baetis rhodani, 3.5–4.6 mm) respectively. Hunger level affected prey consumption. In P. cingulatus, the number of prey consumed over 24 h (at 9.5–12 °C) increased with starvation periods from 0–72 h, but declined following longer starvation periods. Six clearly recognisable gut states (defined by the position of food material in various parts of the gut) can be identified at different times since commencement of a meal. As environmental temperature increased (from 8–12 °C to 15–17 °C), the rate of change of the gut state increased and the food retention time decreased in all species. Feeding periodicity (i.e. nocturnal/diurnal activity) in the field was estimated based on the evacuation rate and the gut state and environmental temperature at the known time of collection. Initiation of consumption of prey appeared to coincide with emptying of the foregut and proximal midgut, whereas actual feeding continued until complete satiation when some threshold fullness of the foregut had been reached. The length of time food was held in the foregut was positively correlated with increasing specialisation of the foregut (particularly elaboration of the proventriculus).  相似文献   

在实验室内,18℃条件下测量了体重在 2 0~40g的黑鲷的胃排空率,并用 3种数学模型拟合了黑鲷的排空率.结果表明,3种模型都能很好地拟合实验数据,但通过统计学分析发现不论是用湿重还是用干重表示胃含物,线性模型都拟合得最好.用湿重表示时模型为Y=1.14-0.06t(r2=0 82,p<0.001);而用干重表示时模型为Y=1.36-0.07t(r2=0.62,p<0.001).实验还得出体重20~40g的黑鲷在 18℃的胃排空率为每小时排出摄入食物量的 6%~7%.  相似文献   

This is a review of the data available on the population subdivision and life cycle of the Minke whale, the most abundant whalebone whale in the World Ocean. Different methods of estimation and calculation of the rate of food consumption by this species, the latter including those developed for the Sea of Okhotsk, are compared.  相似文献   

Shoals of hatchery‐reared and wild sea bass juveniles Dicentrarchus labrax were tested for differences in their antipredator responses towards a potential live predator, the eel Anguilla anguilla . Eight experimental shoals ( i.e . replicates), each composed of 15 individuals from the same stock of juveniles ( i.e . wild or hatchery), were video recorded for 5 min before and after predator exposure. A set of behavioural variables were measured during the pre‐stimulus and stimulus phases of each test and compared between the two groups of replicates. Results showed that in both hatchery‐reared and wild juveniles predator exposure elicited a significant increase in the mean level of shoal cohesiveness and mean shoal distance from the predator, and a significant decrease in the mean shoal distance from the bottom. Shoals of wild juveniles, however, aggregated more quickly and reached higher shoal cohesiveness within the first 20 s of the stimulus period than shoals of hatchery‐reared fish. During this period, the wild fish also reached the highest peak in shoal cohesiveness, which then decreased gradually towards the levels observed before predator exposure. Another component of the antipredator response, the predator inspection behaviour, was fully developed in both wild and hatchery fish. Wild fish, however, tended to inspect the predator at a closer distance than hatchery fish.  相似文献   

To help explain the apparent poor post‐release success of hatchery‐reared (HR) spotted seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus, this study examined the effects of handling, transport and release procedures on the stress response of two age classes [48 and 80 day post‐hatch (dph)] of HR C. nebulosus, as measured by cortisol concentrations and the post‐release survival and growth of 48 and 80 dph HR C. nebulosus. As a proxy for stress, tissue cortisol was measured at various times during the handling, tagging (80 dph), transport, acclimation and release process. To consider the implications of the pre‐release stressors, growth and survival were monitored in separate field experiments for each age class of acclimated post‐transport C. nebulosus using control C. nebulosus that only experienced anaesthesia, transport, acclimation and a net release v. experimental C. nebulosus that underwent the entire routine procedure, including anaesthesia, tagging, transport, acclimation and gravity release through a pipe. For 48 dph C. nebulosus, mean cortisol varied significantly throughout handling and transport, increasing more than six‐fold from controls before decreasing in mean concentration just prior to release. For 80 dph C. nebulosus, cortisol varied throughout handling, tagging and transport, first increasing more than three‐fold compared with control C. nebulosus, before decreasing and rising slightly just prior to release. For 48 dph C. nebulosus within field enclosures, survival was high and similar for control and experimental groups; experimental C. nebulosus, however, were shorter, lighter and lower in condition than control C. nebulosus. For 80 dph C. nebulosus within field enclosures, fewer experimental C. nebulosus survived and those that did survive were of lower condition than C. nebulosus from the control group. Small untagged C. nebulosus may survive the release procedure better than larger C. nebulosus carrying a coded‐wire tag. These findings document some ways in which pre‐release practices may translate into detrimental effects on post‐release success of HR C. nebulosus.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal microbiome is recognized as a critical component in host immune function, physiology, and behavior. Early life experiences that alter diet and social contact also influence these outcomes. Despite the growing number of studies in this area, no studies to date have examined the contribution of early life experiences on the gut microbiome in infants across development. Such studies are important for understanding the biological and environmental factors that contribute to optimal gut microbial colonization and subsequent health. We studied infant rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) across the first 6 months of life that were pseudo‐randomly assigned to one of two different rearing conditions at birth: mother‐peer‐reared (MPR), in which infants were reared in social groups with many other adults and peers and nursed on their mothers, or nursery‐reared (NR), in which infants were reared by human caregivers, fed formula, and given daily social contact with peers. We analyzed the microbiome from rectal swabs (total N = 97; MPR = 43, NR = 54) taken on the day of birth and at postnatal Days 14, 30, 90, and 180 using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Bacterial composition differences were evident as early as 14 days, with MPR infants exhibiting a lower abundance of Bifidobacterium and a higher abundance of Bacteroides than NR infants. The most marked differences were observed at 90 days, when Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Bacteroides, Clostridium, and Prevotella differed across rearing groups. By Day 180, no differences in the relative abundances of the bacteria of interest were observed. These novel findings in developing primate neonates indicate that the early social environment as well as diet influence gut microbiota composition very early in life. These results also lay the groundwork for mechanistic studies examining the effects of early experiences on gut microbiota across development with the ultimate goal of understanding the clinical significance of developmental changes.  相似文献   

In the present study, diel pattern in gut microbial communities in insects were evaluated. Lymantria dispar asiatica fourth instar larvae (72 ± 2 hr after molting) at noon (LdD) and midnight (LdN) were used for a comparative analysis of the gut microbial community. Ten bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were shared between LdD and LdN samples. One bacterial OTU was specific to LdD. The dominant gut microbes were OTU72 in LdD and OTU75 in LdN. A linear discriminant analysis effect size cladogram suggested that ten bacterial OTUs maintain significant differences in relative abundances between LdD and LdN. These results agreed with the discrete ellipses between LdD and LdN in principal coordinates analysis plots. Additionally, using phylogenetic investigation of communities by reconstruction of unobserved states, the gut microbial community was assigned to 23 functional terms, among which 22 exhibited significant differences between LdD and LdN. To conclude, the present study documented a diel pattern in the gut microbial community of L. dispar asiatica larvae.  相似文献   

Abstract Trichogramma australicum larvae develop most rapidly in younger eggs of its host, the pest lepidopteran Helicoverpa armigera . To establish how the developmental stage of the host affects the diet of T. australicum , larvae were fixed in situ in eggs of H. armigera of different ages and the structure of the egg contents and parasitoid gut contents examined histologically. Larvae feeding on newly laid host eggs contain primarily yolk particles in their gut, while larvae feeding on older hosts contain necrotic cells and yolk particles. The gut of T. australicum larvae does not contain organised tissue remnants, indicating that larvae feed primarily by sucking food into their pharynx and feed best on a mixture of particulate semisolids in a liquid matrix. Secretory structures of T. australicum larvae that could be involved in modifying the host environment were examined. The hindgut is modified to form an anal vesicle with a number of attributes suggesting that it may be a specialised secretory structure. The paired salivary glands open to the exterior via a common duct.  相似文献   

[目的]基于昆虫肠道微生物在宿主健康与调控宿主生长发育中发挥着重要作用,本研究旨在对大分舌蜂Colleles gigos不同龄期幼虫及滞育预蛹肠道细菌群落多样性及其差异进行初步探究.[方法]利用野外采集的大分舌蜂1-5龄幼虫及滞育预蛹,提取肠道内容物细菌DNA进行16S rRNA的V3-V4基因片段PCR扩增,利用Il...  相似文献   

Spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus (Cuvier), and spot, Leiostomus xanthurus Lacèpéde, from two sites along Florida's west coast were collected, weighed, sexed and measured. A systematic search for plerocercoids of the cestode Poecilancistrium caryophyllum yielded infection prevalences of 81.9% for C. nebulosus and 25.0% for L. xanthurus . The maximum infection intensity was 10 (mean = 2.65) plerocercoids per fish in C. nebulosus and six (mean = 1.69) per fish in L. xanthurus . Significant correlations were found between infection prevalence and length in C. nebulosus , and a significant correlation was observed between intensity and length in both species. Condition coefficient ( K ) and intensity were negatively correlated in C. nebulosus but not in L. xanthurus . An iterative computer technique based on the truncated negative binomial distribution indicated no parasite-induced mortality occurred in either species. Sand drum, Umbrina coroides Cuvier, is reported as a new host record for P. caryophyllum .  相似文献   

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