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We investigated the growth of African black oystercatcher Haematopus moquini chicks on Robben Island, South Africa, over three austral summers, 2001-2004. Using a robust regression analysis to determine the growth parameters of chicks of known and unknown age we found that oystercatchers from our study population had a Gompertz growth rate coefficient that was 2% less than predicted for body mass based on the equation for waders. Leg growth lagged initially, then increased and slowed again as the chicks became older, whereas wing growth was slow initially but increased with age. Chicks with small growth rate coefficients for body mass exhibited retarded growth of all body measures except wing length. This enabled these chicks to fledge in a shorter period of time than their slow growth would otherwise allow. The growth rate of body mass was observed to vary greatly between chicks. Fast-growing African black oystercatchers had a shorter pre-fledging period; were larger at fledging and were more likely to fledge successfully. African black oystercatchers display sibling rivalry, and once a dominance relationship is established, the larger chick remains so during the pre-fledging period. Larger siblings fledged earlier and at a heavier mass than the smaller siblings and this may improve their chances of survival. Neither hatching date nor brood size influenced the growth rate coefficients.  相似文献   

The extensive literature on the African Black Oystercatcher is a testament to what is now a conservation success story. Here we provide the first genetic insight into the population dynamics of this recovering shorebird and an assessment of genetic variation within the species using microsatellite markers. Although behavioural studies suggest strong natal philopatry, we found a single genetic cluster across all of the locations sampled and a significant signal of isolation by distance suggesting some geographical structuring. The microsatellite markers used in this study are useful at a population level, and the limited genetic variation detected is likely to be due to a low historical population size.  相似文献   

Dalbergia sissoo, a tropical tree with wind-dispersed pods, exhibits a highly positively skewed distribution of seeds per pod with predominantly only one of the four or five ovules maturing into seed. The abortion cannot be attributed to lack of pollen or resources. This study examines the hypothesis that the abortion is due to an intense rivalry among the developing sibs to gain dispersal advantage. Aqueous extract of the dominant embryos at the stigmatic end that generally develop to maturity significantly inhibited the uptake of labelled sucrose by the young developing (subject) embryos in an in vitro assay system. Extracts of tissues such as subordinate (peduncular embryos), unfertilized ovules and pod coat did not cause such inhibition. Aqueous diffusate of dominant embryos also inhibited the uptake of labelled sucrose by subject embryos. The chemical substance responsible for the inhibition appears to be heat-stable and non-proteinaceous. HPLC analysis indicated the presence of two retention time peaks, different from that of standard indole acetic acid, but with considerable overlap. We hypothesize that the compound could be an indole derivative. We propose that the stigmatic embryos have a head start due to earlier fertilization and produce a chemical that either directly (by metabolically killing) or indirectly (by preventing the uptake of assimilates) kills the proximally placed peduncular embryos.  相似文献   

Rödel HG  Hudson R  von Holst D 《Oecologia》2008,155(4):677-689
In altricial mammals and birds, the presence of a large number of litter or brood mates often affects the development of individual offspring by reducing the share of resources provided by the parents. However, sibling presence can also be favourable, conferring thermoregulatory benefits when ambient temperatures are low. Consequently, shifts in the relation between costs and benefits of sibling presence can be expected as a function of the thermal environment. In a study of a European rabbit population (Oryctolagus cuniculus) living in a field enclosure, we investigated the effects of litter size and soil temperature on pup growth over 7 years. Temperatures inside the subterranean nests were positively correlated with soil temperature and with litter size. Soil temperature varied strongly across the breeding season, ranging from 3 to 21°C. Under warmer soil temperature conditions (10–15°C and >15°C), pup growth decreased with increasing litter size, where litters of two pups (smallest litter size considered) showed the highest growth rates. In contrast, under colder soil temperature conditions (<10°C), the highest growth rates were found in litters of three pups. We also asked if such temperature-dependent differences in the optimal pup growth rates might be explained by differences in maternal characteristics, which might affect lactational performance. We assessed maternal performance using females’ postpartum body mass and social rank. However, we did not find consistent differences in maternal characteristics between females giving birth to different-sized litters during different soil temperature conditions, which would have provided an alternative explanation for the observed differences in litter size-dependent pup growth. We conclude that under colder soil temperature conditions, the thermal benefits of a greater number of littermates outweigh the negative consequences of competition for milk, leading to an environment-dependent shift in the optimal litter size for individual growth in this species.  相似文献   

Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus was grown in a mineral salts medium at 65° C in a fermenter gassed with H2 and CO2, which were the sole carbon and energy sources. Evolution of growth parameters during batch culture experiments showed the existence of an uncoupling phenomenon. The growth was then studied using a continuous technique and steady states for various gas flow rates were obtained. Y CH 4and the maintenance coefficient varied with the gas input. The maximum Y CH 4 determined for Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus was 3.33 g·mol-1 CH4. An excess of energy and carbon sources induced uncoupling of growth.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in the light environment on the forest floor of a deciduous forest was investigated with special reference to sunflecks. Diurnal variations and seasonal changes in frequency and irradiation period of the sunflecks (sunfleck duration) were measured. The hourly total sunfleck duration varied seasonally; that is, 30–40 min in spring and autumn and about 15–20 min in summer. There was no large variation in the hourly sunfleck duration during daytime hours (from 9.00 to 15.00 h). The emergence frequency of sunflecks was 1.3–4.8 per h with two peaks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The mean duration of a sunfleck, however, showed a characteristic daily pattern with a peak around noon. Sunfleck duration was long around noon, ranging from 12 to 18 min, and short around 10.00 and 14.00 h, ranging from 6 to 10 min. Using the light photosynthesis curves ofPyrola japonica andSyneilesis palmata (Koizumi & Oshima 1985), the contribution of sunflecks to the dry matter production of these understory species was evaluated. It was shown that the sunflecks contributed 7–10% of the carbon gain inS. palmata, but only 2–3% of that inP. japonica.  相似文献   

Metabolite concentrations in flight muscles and in abdomen of beetles (Pachnoda sinuata) were measured after various periods of tethered flight and subsequent rest. Three distinct phases of energy metabolism are found in active flight muscles: (1) during the first minutes of flight proline is used as main substrate and concomitantly alanine accumulated as an end product; (2) the second phase is characterized by a large-scale degradation of glycogen; (3) after about 8 min of flight the metabolite levels stabilize, while flight performance appears unchanged. After the termination of flight the preflight proline concentration (70 mol·g-1 fw) is re-established in less than 60 min, whereas restoration of resting levels of other metabolites requires longer. The pattern of maximal enzyme activities and the respiratory rates of mitochondria with different substrates confirm the significance of proline and carbohydrates as the main fuels of working flight muscles.Abbreviations CS citrate synthetase - Cytox cytochrome c oxidase - EDTA ethylenediaminetetra-acetate - fw fresh weight - GluDH glutamate dehydrogenase - GPT alanine aminotransferase - HOAD hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase - HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - ME malic enzyme - PCA perchloric acid - RQ repiratory quotient - TRA triethanolamine  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of body size, parental behaviour and timing of breeding on the chick growth and energetics of three precocial shorebird (Charadrii) species in a warm sub-tropical environment: the Kittlitz's Plover Charadrius pecuarius , Blacksmith Lapwing Vanellus armatus , and Crowned Lapwing V. coronatus . The three species exhibited slower growth, longer pre-fledging periods and lower energy expenditure during the pre-fledging period than Arctic and temperate zone relatives of similar size. It was found that relative growth rates of charadriid and scolopacid species increased by 1.77% per degree latitude. Blacksmith and Crowned Lapwings are of similar size (i.e. about 160 g), about four times the mass of Kittlitz's Plovers. Taking body mass into account, the resting metabolic rate and daily energy expenditure of the three study species were similar. The relative amounts of energy needed for chicks to grow from a hatchling to a fledgling were low for the three species studied. The relative amount of energy needed to complete growth in charadriid and scolopacid species increased by 2.54% per degree latitude. Because Crowned Lapwings exhibited faster growth than Blacksmith Lapwings but similar daily energy expenditure we suggest that Blacksmith Lapwings compensate for greater energy expenditure in colder weather by growing more slowly. We suggest that small growth rate coefficient, low resting metabolic rate and low daily energy expenditure are adaptations to lower food availability and milder ambient temperatures in sub-tropical breeding habitats compared to temperate or Arctic regions.  相似文献   

The distribution of biomass of the macrophyte community in Badfish Creek was examined in three sections (A–C) totaling ten kilometers. Biomass samples were taken in a stratified-random manner, with sediment characteristics, depth, current velocity and incident light measured at each site to correlate individual biomass samples with environmental factors. Total community biomass decreased in the downstream section (C), with the biomass ofElodea canadensis decreasing abruptly below section A. The only environmental factors which were correlated with the decrease in macrophyte community biomass, especially that ofPotamogeton pectinatus, in section C was the increase in substrate heterogeneity and sand substrates which lacked surface gravel. The change in substrate was related to channelization. Considering the stream as a whole, the biomass of the dominant species,Potamogeton pectinatus, was correlated with incident light. Other species present wereCeratophyllum demersum andCladophora glomerata. Analysis of riparian vegetation type indicates that tree cover significantly reduced macrophyte biomass by incident light reduction.  相似文献   

Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum was grown in continuous culture in a fermenter gassed with H2 and CO2 as sole carbon and energy sources, and in a medium which contained either NH4Cl or gaseous N2 as nitrogen source. Growth was possible with N2. Steady states were obtained at various gas flow rates with NH4Cl and with and the maintenance coefficient varied with the gas input and with the nitrogen source. Growth of Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus in continuous culture in a fermenter gassed with H2, CO2 as nitrogen, carbon and energy sources was also examined.Abbreviations molecular growth yield (g dry weight of cells per mol of CH4 evolved) - growth rate (h-1) - D dilution rate (h-1) - rate (h-1); relation of Neijssel and Tempest and of Stouthamer and Bettenhaussen - energy  相似文献   

We determined the effect of food availability (presence/absence) and ambient temperature (25/10°C) on daily energy expenditure and the use of activity and torpor in summer-acclimated captiveGraphiurus murinus. Daily energy expenditure declined logarithmically with duration of food deprivation at a mean rate of 11 and 31% per day at 25 and 10°C, respectively. The incidence of torpor in the presence of food at 25°C was low (one in seven individuals) and increased on a single day's exposure to 10°C and with duration of food deprivation. Use of torpor was highest during the day, varied between individuals, and torpor bouts of greater than 24h duration were not noted. With food deprivation, individuals at 25°C initially responded by reducing activity but remained euthermic while the same individuals at 10°C responded by increasing their use of torpor during the light period; this difference in response probably reflects a difference in the relative energetic benefits of torpor at different temperatures.  相似文献   

A new genus, Bobgunnia, is established in tribe Swartzieae for the African species of Swartzia. Two new combinations are made: B. fistuloides and B. madagascariensis. The new genus has seeds, unlike the remainder of tribe Swartzieae but like the other tribes of Faboideae. The systematic position of Swartzieae is reevaluated.  相似文献   

The effect of temperatureon conidial germination, mycelial growth, andsusceptibility of adults of three tephritidfruit flies, Ceratitis capitata(Wiedemann), C. fasciventris (Bezzi) andC. cosyra (Walker) to six isolatesof Metarhizium anisopliae were studied inthe laboratory. There were significantdifferences among the isolates in the effect oftemperature on both germination and growth.Over 80% of conidia germinated at 20, 25 and30°C, while between 26 and 67% conidiagerminated at 35°C and less than 10% at15°C within 24 hours. Radial growth was slowat 15°C and 35°C with all of theisolates. The optimum temperature forgermination and mycelial growth was 25°C. Mortality caused by the six fungal isolatesagainst the three fruit fly species varied withtemperature, isolate, and fruit fly species.Fungal isolates were more effective at 25, 30and 35°C than at 20°C. The LT90values decreased with increasing temperature upto the optimum temperature of 30°C. Therewere significant differences in susceptibilitybetween fly species to fungal infection at allthe temperatures tested.  相似文献   

This paper examines a cryptic species complex comprising three nominal bee species: Colletes halophilus, Colletes hederae, and Colletes succinctus. Multiple individuals of each were sequenced for four gene fragments: mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (CO-1), internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS-2) and flanking regions, elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1α), and 28S. In addition, the distribution patterns and phenology of all species were examined. Fixed substitutions distinguishing the three species are present in EF-1α and ITS-2. Their distribution patterns differ clearly: Colletes halophilus is endemic to coastal habitats of the southern North Sea and the English Channel; Colletes hederae occurs from Slovenia in the southeast to southern England in the northwest; the range of Colletes succinctus covers most of Europe and reaches western Kazakhstan. Where the three species occur jointly in western Europe, their flight activities differ significantly. The genetic distinctions and the differences in distribution, phenology and flower specialisation clearly support their status as distinct species.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between the annual colony cycle and seasonal patterns of forage availability was investigated for the African honey bee,Apis mellifera scutellata, in the Okavango River Delta, Botswana. The annual cycle occurred in three distinct periods. The swarming season occurred from October-November, following two to three months of intense brood production, and coincided with the end of peak forage abundance. The migration season occurred from November-May and coincided with reduced and variable floral resources. During the migration season, brood production and food storage were generally low but quite variable from month to month, and swarms passing over the study area at this time traveled in an easterly direction. The migration season was followed by the establishment period (June-September), in which large numbers of new colonies traveling from the west moved into the study area. The establishment period coincided with, and slightly preceded, the period of peak forage abundance, and colonies devoted resources collected at this time almost entirely to brood rearing, which culminated in swarm production. The data suggest that honey bee colonies in the Okavango are mobile and gear their reproduction and movement to seasonally shifting resource pattern.  相似文献   

C. S. Nwadiaro 《Hydrobiologia》1985,121(2):157-164
In the River Sombreiro, Nigeria, the dwarf cichlid, Pelvicachromis pulcher was restricted to an upstream zone of cold, soft, acid freshwater. The sites nearest the source had smaller fish. Sex ratio (M:F) was 1:1 except in the most upstream site. Benthic algae, higher plant remains, detritus and copepods were the main food items.  相似文献   

A. K. Knapp 《Oecologia》1986,71(1):69-74
Summary Zigadenus nuttallii, a highly toxic spring ephemeral in tallgrass prairie, was studied in 1985 to ascertain: 1) several ecophysiological characteristics of the species, 2) seasonal patterns of biomass accumulation, and 3) its response to defoliation and fire. The maximum photosynthetic rate of Z. nuttallii measured in unburned prairie was 13.2 moles CO2 m-2 s-1 which occurred at 24–28° C and an incident quantum flux of 0.8–1.0 mmoles m-2 s-1. Maximum stomatal conductance measured was 5.4 mm s-1. Early in the season, belowground storage organs (bulbs) decreased in mass and supplied much of the energy for growth of leaves, even though CO2 uptake was possible. Buld mass did not increase until about 6 weeks after shoot emergence implying that, at this time, leaves had become a source rather than a sink for carbohydrates. The result of a single, severe defoliation event was a decrease in biomass of bulbs, leaves and reproductive structures in Z. nuttallii. Intrinsic compensatory mechanisms were not detected. In contrast, fire, which also defoliated plants, did not result in any biomass decrease at the end of the season. Improved post-fire microclimate and increased nutrient supply (extrinsic factors) may have contributed to higher photosynthetic rates and led to biomass compensation in burned prairie. These data support arguments that intrinsic compensatory mechanisms have evolved in response to chronic herbivory.  相似文献   

The consumotion, utilization and growth of third-instar larvae of black beetle, Heteronychus arator (F.) feeding on roots of ryegrass (Lolium perenne), paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum) and white clover (Trifolium repens) were studied. Consumption was greater on the grasses than on white clover when assessed by gravimetric methods. Larvae had a higher growth rate on the grasses. Utilization of the roots of the three species was similar indicating that poor growth on white clover is the result of low consumption probably induced by the presence of feeding deterrents in the roots.This work is part of a study carried out by the senior author for the degree of D. Phil. at the University of Waikato.  相似文献   

Microstructural growth in the sagittae ofSeastes schlegeli, a viviparous scorpaenid, is described from prenatal larval to early juvenile stages, and related to morphological changes. Embryos and prenatal larvae were extruded from a gravid female from 21 d prior to birth onwards, and released larvae reared and sampled up to 58 d after birth. Eggs hatched in the ovary 14 d prior to birth. At this time, otoliths consisted of a core surrounded by a prominent check, similar to the otolith structure seen in oviparous fishes. Fourteen growth increments had been deposited by birth. The parturition mark it-self comprised a prominent check and narrow growth increment Growth increments were deposited daily from hatching up to 58 d after birth, whereas accessory primordia first appeared in otoliths by ca. 32 d after birth, at a specimen total length of ca. 13 mm. This corresponded to the period during which the larvae metamorphosed into juveniles. Otoliths grew exponentially during the larval stage and linearly during the juvenile stage. when plotted against total length. Growth in total length from hatching to 58 d after birth could be represented by the Gompertz curve.  相似文献   

This study examined the nitrogen (N) dynamics of a black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP)-dominated chronosequence in Manitoba, Canada. The seven sites studied each contained separate well- and poorly drained stands, originated from stand-killing wildfires, and were between 3 and 151 years old. Our goals were to (i) measure total N concentration ([N]) of all biomass components and major soil horizons; (ii) compare N content and select vegetation N cycle processes among the stands; and (iii) examine relationships between ecosystem C and N cycling for these stands. Vegetation [N] varied significantly by tissue type, species, soil drainage, and stand age; woody debris [N] increased with decay state and decreased with debris size. Soil [N] declined with horizon depth but did not vary with stand age. Total (live + dead) biomass N content ranged from 18.4 to 99.7 g N m−2 in the well-drained stands and 37.8–154.6 g N m−2 in the poorly drained stands. Mean soil N content (380.6 g N m−2) was unaffected by stand age. Annual vegetation N requirement (5.9 and 8.4 g N m−2 yr−1 in the middle-aged well- and poorly drained stands, respectively) was dominated by trees and fine roots in the well-drained stands, and bryophytes in the poorly drained stands. Fraction N retranslocated was significantly higher in deciduous than evergreen tree species, and in older than younger stands. Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) was significantly lower in bryophytes than in trees, and in deciduous than in evergreen trees. Tree NUE increased with stand age, but overall stand NUE was roughly constant (∼ ∼150 g g−1 N) across the entire chronosequence.  相似文献   

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