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In order to overcome bottlenecks of the high amount of cellulase consumption in lignocellulosic l-Lactic acid (LA) production, a non-sterilized fed-batch simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) -membrane separation integration process was established in this current work. During the process, residual cellulase that remaining in the waste aqueous solution and solid residuals of corn stover (CS) were recycled and reused in subsequent fermentations. A total 6 rounds of operation were performed. Averagely, LA yield of 0.389 g g−1 (pretreated CS) was achieved, which was 1.20 times higher than that of the conventional process without waste stream recycling. Moreover, the wastewater discharge and the cost of nutrients for fermentation can also hugely decrease. Results indicated that cellulase, wastewater discharge and nutrients consumption of the process reduced by 47.4 %, 73.7 % and 86.1 %, respectively. This study opens a promising way for the reduction of second-generation LA production cost, which could significantly change the economic feasibility of the LA biorefineries.  相似文献   

Lactic acid production using Kluyveromyces marxianus (IFO 288), Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus (ATCC 11842) and Lactobacillus helveticus (ATCC 15009) individually or as mixed culture on cheese whey in stirred or static fermentation conditions was evaluated. Lactic acid production, residual sugar and cell biomass were the main features examined. Increased lactic acid production was observed, when mixed cultures were used in comparison to individual ones. The highest lactic acid concentrations were achieved when K. marxianus yeast was combined with L. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, and when all the strains were used revealing possible synergistic effects between the yeast and the two lactic acid bacteria. The same synergistic effects were further observed and verified when the mixed cultures were applied in sourdough fermentations, proving that the above microbiological system could be applied in the food fermentations where high lactic acid production is sought.  相似文献   

Summary The ability of Lactobacillus acidophilus to aggregate, to produce lactic acid for a long term continuous fermentation process and to exist as aggregate cell cultures in a gas-lift reactor under aerobic conditions was studied. The main product of fermentation was lactic acid and only the traces of other end-products were determined. The highest fermentation efficiency of lactic acid was 98.6% and the highest productivity was 9.6 g.l–1.h–1 of lactic acid.  相似文献   

Summary An alternative process for industrial lactic acid production was deveooped using a starch degrading lactic acid producing organism,Lactobacillus amylovorus B-4542. In this process, saccharification takes place during the fermentation, eliminating the need for complete hydrolysis of the starch to glucose prior to fermentation. The cost savings of this alternative are substantial since it eliminates the energy input, separate reactor tank, time, and enzyme associated with the typical pre-fermentation saccharification step. The only pre-treatment was gelatinization and enzyme-thinning of the starch to overcome viscosity problems associated with high starch concentrations and to make the starch more rapidly degradable. This fermentation process was optimized for temperature, substrate level, nitrogen source and level, mineral level, B-vitamins, volatile fatty acids, pH, and buffer source. The rate of the reaction and the final level of lactic acid obtained in the optimized liquefied starch process was similar to that obtained withL. delbrueckii B-445 using glucose as the substrate.  相似文献   

In order to achieve efficient D-lactic acid fermentation from a mixture of xylose and glucose, the xylose-assimilating xylAB operon from Lactobacillus pentosus (PXylAB) was introduced into an L-lactate dehydrogenase gene (ldhL1)-deficient Lactobacillus plantarum (ΔldhL1-xpk1::tkt-Δxpk2) strain in which the phosphoketolase 1 gene (xpk1) was replaced with the transketolase gene (tkt) from Lactococcus lactis, and the phosphoketolase 2 (xpk2) gene was deleted. Two copies of xylAB introduced into the genome significantly improved the xylose fermentation ability, raising it to the same level as that of ΔldhL1-xpk1::tkt-Δxpk2 harboring a xylAB operon-expressing plasmid. Using the two-copy xylAB integrated strain, successful homo-D-lactic acid production was achieved from a mixture of 25 g/l xylose and 75 g/l glucose without carbon catabolite repression. After 36-h cultivation, 74.2 g/l of lactic acid was produced with a high yield (0.78 g per gram of consumed sugar) and an optical purity of D-lactic acid of 99.5%. Finally, we successfully demonstrated homo-D-lactic acid fermentation from a mixture of three kinds of sugar: glucose, xylose, and arabinose. This is the first report that describes homo-D-lactic acid fermentation from mixed sugars without carbon catabolite repression using the xylose-assimilating pathway integrated into lactic acid bacteria.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study identified the major lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains from different fermented total mixed rations (FTMRs) via metataxonomic analysis and evaluated the ability of their standard strain as ensiling inoculants for corn stover silage.MethodsThe bacterial composition of eight FTMRs were analyzed by 16S rDNA sequencing. Corn stover was ensiled without LAB inoculation (control) or with 1×106 cfu/g LAB standard strain (Lactobacillus vaginalis, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus helveticus, or Lactobacillus paralimentarius) selected from the FTMRs or 10 g/t commercial silage inoculant (CSI) around 25°C for 56 days. For each inoculation, a portion of the silage was sampled to analyze ensiling characteristics at time intervals of 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, and 56 days, gas production (GP), microbial crude protein and volatile fatty acids as the measurements of rumen fermentation characteristics were evaluated in vitro with the silages of 56 days after 72 h incubation.ResultsLactobacillus covered >85% relative abundance of all FTMRs, in which L. pontis, L. vaginalis, L. reuteri, L. helveticus, and L. paralimentarius showed >4% in specific FTMRs. CSI, L. helveticus, and L. paralimentarius accelerated the decline of silage pH. Silage inoculated with L. paralimentarius and CSI produced more lactic acid the early 14 days. Silage inoculated with L. paralimentarius produced less acetic acid and butyric acid. For the in vitro rumen fermentation, silage inoculated with CSI produced more potential GP, isobutyric acid, and isovaleric acid; silage inoculated with L. helveticus produced more potential GP and isovaleric acid, silage inoculated with L. paralimentarius or L. reuteri produced more potential GP only.ConclusionThe standard strain L. paralimentarius (DSM 13238) is a promising ensiling inoculant for corn stover silage. The findings provide clues on strategies to select LAB to improve the quality of silage.  相似文献   

Summary The process of lactic acid fermentation of lactose to lactic acid by Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 7469 has been studied. The following processes have been explored: growth kinetics, as well as lactose utilization, production of lactic acid and further degradation of lactic acid. The immobilization experiments were conducted with microbial cells entrapped in polyacrylamide gels. Gels with different ratios of the monomer (acrylamide) and the cross-linking agent (N,N′-methylene-bis-acrylamide) have been tested. These were used in a repeat-batch process. The current processes inside and outside the gel particles were subjects of examination. The evolution of the activity of immobilized cells with repeated use showed that the particles served mainly as a donor of cells for the free culture. In all experiments a very high degree of conversion, 85–90% was observed. After several runs however, the particles were exhausted for microbial cells. A kinetic model of the process of lactic acid production was developed. This model allowed the evaluation of the effect of microbial growth and diffusion limitations inside the gel particles on the process rate and the separate contribution of the free and immobilized cells to the overall fermentation process upon multiple use.  相似文献   

The present work aimed to characterize and optimize the submerged fermentation of broken rice for lactic acid (LA) production using undefined mixed culture from dewatered activated sludge. A microorganism with amylolytic activity, which also produces LA, Lactobacillus amylovorus, was used as a control to assess the extent of mixed culture on LA yield. Three level full factorial designs were performed to optimize and define the influence of fermentation temperature (20–50?°C), gelatinization time (30–60 min) and broken rice concentration in culture medium (40–80 g L?1) on LA production in pure and undefined mixed culture. LA production in mixed culture (9.76 g L?1) increased in sixfold respect to pure culture in optimal assessed experimental conditions. The optimal conditions for maximizing LA yield in mixed culture bioprocess were 31?°C temperature, 45 min gelatinization time and 79 g L?1 broken rice concentration in culture medium. This study demonstrated the positive effect of undefined mixed culture from dewatered activated sludge to produce LA from culture medium formulated with broken rice. In addition, this work establishes the basis for an efficient and low-cost bioprocess to manufacture LA from this booming agro-industrial by-product.  相似文献   

Two matrices have been assessed for their ability to immobilize Lactobacillus casei cells for lactic acid fermentation in whey permeate medium. Agar at 2% concentration was found to be a better gel than polyacrylamide in its effectiveness to entrap the bacterial cells to carry out batch fermentation up to three repeat runs. Of the various physiological parameters studied, temperature and pH were observed to have no significant influence on the fermentation ability of the immobilized organism. A temperature range of 40–50°C and a pH range of 4.5–6.0 rather than specific values, were found to be optimum when fermentation was carried out under stationary conditions. In batch fermentation ~90% conversion of the substrate (lactose) was achieved in 48 h using immobilized cell gel cubes of 4 × 2 × 2 mm size, containing 400 mg dry bacterial cells per flask and 4.5% w/v (initial) whey lactose content as substrate. However, further increase in substrate levels tested (>4.5% w/v) did not improve the process efficiency. Supplementation of Mg2+ (1 mM) and agricultural by-products (mustard oil cake, 6%) in the whey permeate medium further improved the acid production ability of the immobilized cells under study.  相似文献   

Batch cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus were carried out at different pH values in order to study the limitation of growth and lactic acid production by the hydrogen ion, non-dissociated lactic acid and internal lactate concentrations. The effect of pH between 5 and 6.8 was studied at non-limiting concentrations of glucose; this is more significant for the lactic acid fermentation rate than for the maximum specific growth rate, as shown by the incomplete substrate consumption at lower values of medium pH and by the constant maximum cell mass obtained within the range of pH values studied. To check whether these results were a direct consequence of the different concentrations of the non-dissociated form of lactic acid at different external pH values, specific growth rates and lactic acid productions rates were calculated for each external pH value. The same specific growth rates were observed at the same non-dissociated lactic acid concentrations only at pH values of 5 and 5.5. For higher values of pH (pH > 6) the specific growth rate falls to zero as the non-dissociated lactic acid concentration decreases. This shows that generalisations made from studies performed within very narrow ranges of pH are not valid and that the non-dissociated form of lactic acid is not the only inhibiting species. The internal pH was measured experimentally for each external pH value in order to calculate the internal lactate ion concentration. This form is described to be the inhibitory one. The results obtained confirmed that the specific growth rate reached zero at approximately the same lactate concentration for all the pH values studied. Received: 31 January 1997 / Received revision: 15 May 1997 / Accepted: 19 May 1997  相似文献   

Based on the batch results, we constructed a simplified simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) model for the simulation of lactic acid production directly from unhydrolyzed potato starch using Lactobacillus amylophilus. The results of batch operation at different initial starch concentrations (20, 40 and 60 g/l) indicated that a higher initial starch concentration would lead to a slightly lower productivity, but would largely decrease the yield. Among that, the batch with 20 g/l of initial starch had the maximum productivity and the maximum yield, which would be 0.31 g/(l h) and 98% (g/g), respectively. In view of increasing the productivity and the final lactic acid concentration, a starch-controlled fed-batch operation with 20 g/l of initial starch was performed. It showed the fed-batch operation with starch controlled at 8 ± 1 g/l by adjusting the starch-feeding rate led to the maximum productivity of 0.75 g/(l h) and the yield of 69%.  相似文献   

Conclusion The prices of the process substrates such as glucose, sucrose and molasses (as $/ton) are 1500, 1600 and 24, respectively. For molasses plus invertase, the price increases to 46 $/ton. Thus compared with the other possible substrates, the lactic acid production procedure used in this study does not cause any appreciable increase in the pruduction cost due to the utilization of invertase, while enhancing the yield of product.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of corn stover saccharification using sulphuric acid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The kinetics of crystalline cellulose and hemicellulose hydrolysis in corn stover were studied with a nonisothermal technique. Reactions were arrested at temperatures between 160 and 240 degrees C and product sugars were analyzed using a Bio-Rad HPX-85 liquid chromatographic column. A simple first-order series reaction model was used for both cellulose and hemicellulose hydrolysis reactions. Kinetic parameters were obtained for three different sulphuric acid concentrations (0.49, 0.92, and 1.47 wt %). Activation energies remained constant over this acid concentration range but the preexponential factors showed an increase with acid concentration. Relationships were obtained between the preexponential factors and acid concentrations. Cellulose hydrolysis and glucose degradation reactions were observed to be of higher order with respect to acid concentration in comparison with the previous studies with other raw materials.  相似文献   

The medium needed to perform a fermentation process with viable cells of Lactobacillus casei ssp. rhamnosus NBIMCC 1013 for the production of lactic acid was modeled and optimized. On the basis of single‐factor experiments and statistical analysis, the significant factors affecting the fermentation process, i.e. the concentration of carbon source, concentrations of both yeast and meat extracts, and the range of variability of these components were determined. Modeling and optimization of the medium contents were performed using central composite design. The composition of the medium used for the production of lactic acid (g/L) was as follows: glucose 69.8, meat extract 17.07, yeast extract 10.9, CH3COONa 10, K2HPO4 0.25, KH2PO4 0.25, MgSO4·7H2O 0.05, and FeSO4 0.05. The maximum specific growth rate of the lactic acid bacteria (μ=0.51 h−1) and other kinetic parameters were determined during cultivation in a laboratory bioreactor using the logistic equation and the Luedeking–Piret model. The obtained medium allows the production of lactic acid under optimum conditions, at high specific sugar assimilation rates and high lactic acid accumulation rates. The positive results of the paper are the new nutrient medium for lactic acid production and the process kinetic model, enabling scaling up and switching to a continuous process.  相似文献   

Industrial waste corn cob residue (from xylose manufacturing) without pretreatment was hydrolyzed by cellulase and cellobiase. The cellulosic hydrolysate contained 52.4 g l−1 of glucose and was used as carbon source for lactic acid fermentation by cells of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ZU-S2 immobilized in calcium alginate gel beads. The final concentration of lactic acid and the yield of lactic acid from glucose were 48.7 g l−1 and 95.2%, respectively, which were comparative to the results of pure glucose fermentation. The immobilized cells were quite stable and reusable, and the average yield of lactic acid from glucose in the hydrolysate was 95.0% in 12 repeated batches of fermentation. The suitable dilution rate of continuous fermentation process was 0.13 h−1, and the yield of lactic acid from glucose and the productivity were 92.4% and 5.746 g l−1 h−1, respectively. The production of lactic acid by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) process was carried out in a coupling bioreactor, the final concentration of lactic acid was 55.6 g l−1, the conversion efficiency of lactic acid from cellulose was 91.3% and the productivity was 0.927 g l−1 h−1. By using fed-batch technique in the SSF process, the final concentration of lactic acid and the productivity increased to 107.6 g l−1 and 1.345 g l−1 h−1, respectively, while the dosage of cellulase per gram substrate decreased greatly. This research work should advance the bioconversion of renewable cellulosic resources and reduce environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Mixed starters containing Lactococcus lactis, Leuconostoc cremoris and Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains were produced on commercial starter media (MB Complete, Thermolac, Marlac), as well as on milk. With the exception of Marlac, the starters were cultured under pH control. The effect of media and incubation temperature (22 or 32°C) on population ratios, on specific acidifying activities (SAA) of the cultures as well as on their ability to produce aroma compounds in milk was studied. The starters had higher contents in lactobacilli when they were produced at 32°C, whereas a tendency to obtain higher Leuconostoc populations was observed at 22°C. With respect to the lactococci, there was a significant interaction between temperature and growth medium for both strains. Thus, Le. cremoris T2 reached higher populations at 32°C if grown in MB complete and Thermolac, whereas in Marlac and skim milk, viable counts were higher at 22°C. The lactococci represented 50% of the total population of the culture at the beginning of the incubation, but they composed between 80% and 99% of the total population following fermentation. The best medium for growth of Leuconostoc was milk, but populations of only 108 cfu/ml were reached. The lactobacilli did not grow well in MB Complete, and their development was best in the low-phosphate Marlac medium. The cultures grown on Marlac had the highest SAA values, whereas those grown on MB complete had the lowest. Overall, more ethanol and diacetyl were detected in the fermented milks when the starters used to inoculate them were produced at 22°C. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 25, 288–297. Received 23 June 2000/ Accepted in revised form 22 September 2000  相似文献   

AIMS: Exopolysaccharides (EPS) were produced by Lactobacillus rhamnosus RW-9595M during pH-controlled batch cultures with free cells and repeated-batch cultures with cells immobilized on solid porous supports (ImmobaSil). METHODS AND RESULTS: Cultures were conducted in supplemented whey permeate (SWP) medium containing 5 or 8% (w/w) whey permeate. For free-cell batch cultures in 8% SWP medium, very high maximum cell counts (1.3 x 10(10) CFU ml(-1)) and EPS production (2350 mg l(-1)) were measured. A high EPS production (1750 mg l(-1)) was measured after four cycles for a short incubation period of only 7 h. Several methods for immobilized biomass determination based on analysis of biomass components (proteins, ATP and DNA) were tested. The DNA analysis method proved to be the most appropriate under these circumstances. This method revealed a high maximum immobilized biomass of 8.5 x 10(11) CFU ml(-1) support during repeated immobilized cell cultures in 5% SWP. The high immobilized biomass increased maximum EPS volumetric productivity (250 mg l(-1) h(-1) after 7 h culture) compared with free-cell batch cultures (110 mg l(-1) h(-1) after 18 h culture). CONCLUSIONS: High EPS productions were achieved during batch cultures of Lact. rhamnosus RW-9595M in SWP medium, exceeding 1.7 g EPS per litre. Repeated-batch cultures with immobilized cells resulted in increased EPS productivity compared with traditional free-cell cultures. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The study clearly shows the high potential of the strain Lact. rhamnosus RW-9595M and immobilized cell technology for production of EPS as a functional food ingredient.  相似文献   

本研究以玉米秸秆水解液为原料,通过萃取发酵技术生产燃料丁醇,以提高丁醇产量,降低生产成本。通过对萃取剂的筛选与条件优化,确定纤维丁醇发酵的萃取剂为油醇,添加时间为发酵0 h,添加比例为1:1 (V/V)。该条件下发酵32 g/L糖浓度的玉米秸秆水解液,丁醇和总溶剂产量分别为3.28 g/L和4.72 g/L,比对照分别提高958.1%和742.9%。以D301树脂脱毒后5%总糖浓度的玉米秸秆水解液进行丁醇萃取发酵,丁醇和总溶剂产量分别达到10.34 g/L和14.72 g/L,发酵得率为0.31 g/g,与混合糖发酵结果相当。研究结果表明萃取发酵技术能够显著提高原料的利用率和丁醇产量,为纤维丁醇工业化生产提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

A newly isolated sucrose-tolerant, lactic acid bacterium, Lactobacillus sp. strain FCP2, was grown on sugar-cane juice (125 g sucrose l−1, 8 g glucose l−1 and 6 g fructose l−1) for 5 days and produced 104 g lactic acid l−1 with 90% yield. A higher yield (96%) and productivity (2.8 g l−1 h−1) were obtained when strain FCP2 was cultured on 3% w/v (25 g sucrose l−1, 2 g glucose l−1 and 1 g fructose l−1) sugar-cane juice for 10 h. Various cheap nitrogen sources such as silk worm larvae, beer yeast autolysate and shrimp wastes were also used as a substitute to yeast extract.  相似文献   

A continuous cultivation method for Lactobacillus brevis NCL912 to synthesize gamma-aminobutyric acid was developed in this work. Different dilution rates were evaluated for obtaining steady state in continuous cultivation. The results showed that steady state could be achieved at dilution rates from 0.08 to 0.12 h?1. The highest gamma-aminobutyric acid productivity (5.11 g L?1?h?1) was obtained at dilution rate of 0.09 h?1. The kinetic models were established for continuous gamma-aminobutyric acid production by using the Monod equation for microbial growth, and the Luedeking–Piret equation for product formation. The microbial growth and product formation can be described by equations $ \mu = {{{0.1234{C_S}}} \left/ {{\left( {0.9338+{C_S}} \right)}} \right.} $ and $ {Q_P}=6.86\,\mathrm{g}\,{{\mathrm{g}}^{-1 }}\mathrm{cell}\,{{\mathrm{h}}^{-1 }} $ , respectively. The production of gamma-aminobutyric acid by L. brevis NCL912 was non-growth-associated.  相似文献   

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