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Multiparous lactating beef cows were observed for estrus and randomly assigned to one of four Luprostiol (13, thia-PG-F(2)alpha analog) treatment groups receiving 3.8 (LI), 7.5 (LII), 15 (LIII) or 30 (LIV) mg Luprostiol, respectively, or to an untreated control group (C), or to a positive control group (E) receiving 500 mcg Estrumate. Cows received their respective treatments in a single dosage on Day 7, 8 or 9 of the estrous cycle (estrus = Day 0) and were artificially inseminated 12 h following the subsequent estrus. Blood samples were collected from all groups immediately prior to treatment and at 12-h intervals to 48 h post treatment and analyzed for progesterone (P(4)). Blood samples were collected at 3-h intervals from 24 to 72 h post treatment for animals in Group LIII and for 48 h (or observed estrus) starting on Day 19 of the estrous cycle for animals in Group C. These samples were analyzed for estradiol-17beta(E(2)), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Treatment with Luprostiol at doses >/= 7.5 mg resulted in a synchronous estrous response during the first 5 d post treatment in 75 to 95% of cows treated. Luteal function, as evaluated by systemic P(4) concentration, paralleled results observed for estrous response. Treatment with a 15 or 30 mg dose of Luprostiol resulted in greater overall pregnancy rate at synchronized estrus. No biologically significant differences were found in blood levels of E(2), FSH or LH around the time of estrus between cows in Groups C and LIII. Results from these studies indicate treatment with Luprostiol at doses >/= 7.5 mg resulted in a synchronous estrus during the first 5 d after treatment. Pregnancy rates and endocrine changes were similar to those observed in control and Estrumate-treated cows.  相似文献   

Ovarian and endocrine responses in the cat after coitus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
LH release leading to ovulation was induced in 17 of 29 oestrous periods. The time of ovulation after coitus was determined by histological examination or by observation at laparotomy of ovaries in situ. Histological methods revealed that ovulation was complete in most follicles (9 of 13) at 32 h post coitum and in all follicles that were involved in the ovulatory process by 36 h. When laparotomy was used, no signs of preovulatory change were noted at the first observation time, 22 h post coitum, but in 4 cycles in which the entire process of ovulation was observed, the ovulatory process occurred between 23 and 28 h (3 follicles), 23 and 27 h (2 follicles), 25 and 28 h (3 follicles), and 25 and 29 h (3 follicles) post coitum. The first ovulatory process noted was complete at 25 h post coitum. In cats, LH release continued over a 16-h period before returning to baseline (long surge), values being 616 +/- 180 ng/ml at 1/2 h and 941 +/- 154 ng/ml at 2 h post coitum. In 6 cats the LH release pattern was limited to a 4-h period (short surge), values being 537 +/- 218 ng/ml at 1/2 h and 353 +/- 245 ng/ml plasma at 2 h and basal (49 +/- 18 ng/ml) by 4 h post coitum. Decreased secretion of oestrogen by follicles in animals undergoing ovulation was first observed at 16 h post coitum. It is concluded that coitus induces LH release within minutes in the cat and that ovulation begins about 24 h later and finishes by about 32 h post coitum. Only one coital input can cause LH release for as long as 16-20 h although shorter periods of LH release (4 h or less) can result in ovulation.  相似文献   

This study examined the sexual behavior-ovarian activity relationship of the laboratory cat maintained under consistent environmental conditions. Mean (±SEM) lengths of estrus for nonovulating, mated ovulating, and human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG)-induced ovulating queens were 5.8 ± 0.17, 6.5 ± 0.75, and 10.0 ± 0.65 days, respectively. The duration of estrus was significantly (P < 0.01) longer in HCG-treated queens in comparison to the nonovulating or mated ovulating groups. No differences were observed in the number of behavioral estrous periods detected monthly. Duration of estrus was affected by season with significantly shorter periods of estrus observed in June (P < 0.05), September (P < 0.05), October (P < 0.05), and November (P < 0.01) compared to the March, April, May, August, or December averages. Length of estrous cycle (from Day 1 of estrus to Day 1 of next estrus) was variable (range: 6–120 days); however, 49.8% of the estrous cycles were 12 to 21 days in length. Although the ovaries of queens displaying sexual receptivity always contained developing or mature foilicles, ovaries of cats showing no estrous behavior also showed patterns of follicular development and regression at 14- to 19-day intervals. These results suggest that the estrous cycle of the laboratory maintained cat varies from 2 to 3 weeks in duration and that reproductive behavioral patterns alone are not always an accurate indication of ovarian activity or duration of the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted with four adult, sexually inexperienced Finnish Landrace rams during the ovine nonbreeding (July) and breeding (October) seasons to determine the influence of components of the rams' mating behavior on the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin (PRL), and testosterone. On four occasions in both seasons, blood was collected by jugular venipuncture at 20-min intervals during an 8-hr period while rams were (1) separated from, (2) observing with minimal direct physical contact, (3) mounting without intromission, or (4) mating estrous-induced ewes. In comparison with separation periods, mating activity in July was associated with increased mean LH (P less than 0.05) and testosterone levels and number of LH peaks, while in October, obvious increases were detected in only baseline LH levels (P less than 0.05). Circulating LH and testosterone levels either did not change (July) or were depressed (October) during the mounting and observation periods. FSH levels generally remained unaffected by engagement in the various sexual activities. Although a clear relationship between type of sexual activity and mean PRL levels was not observed in July, activities which appeared to involve the most physical exertion tended to be associated with much higher circulating PRL levels in October. These data suggest (1) the act of ejaculation is important in the induction of increases in LH and testosterone secretion that occur in rams in response to mating activity during the nonbreeding season and (2) excessively stressful sexual activities during the breeding season may alter the pattern of secretion of some reproductive hormones.  相似文献   

The effects of ACTH and dexamethasone on the uterine weight of immature mice treated with HCG or oestradiol-17 beta were studied. The animals were treated daily for 3 days and wet and dry uterine weights were measured on the 4th day. Low doses of ACTH (1-25 mug/day) raised the sensitivity of the uterine weight response to threshold doses of HCG (0-05 to 0-1 i.u.). By increasing the doses of ACTH or HCG, the stimulation gradually turned into inhibition. By itself, ACTH was ineffective and it had no influence on the increase in uterine weight induced by oestradiol-17 beta. Dexamethasone failed to stimulate the effect of HCG.  相似文献   

Of the 37 felid species, all but the domestic cat are classified as threatened with extinction in all or part of their native range. Additionally, the domestic cat is a valuable model for human biomedical research. Propagating some wild felids as well as domestic cat populations serving as human models is a major challenge primarily due to difficulties in transporting animals between facilities to ensure the pairing of genetically matched individuals, behavioral incompatibility between pairs and low fertility. Artificial insemination (AI) and in vitro fertilization/embryo transfer (IVF/ET) are powerful tools for helping manage rare populations. Developing successful assisted reproductive techniques requires knowledge of the female reproductive cycle and precise control of ovarian activity. Successful ovarian stimulation for AI and IVF/ET has been achieved in at least one-third of all cat species. However, sensitivity to a given gonadotropin treatment appears highly species-specific, and poor responses are common, particularly in felid species that exhibit spontaneous ovulations. Furthermore, current gonadotropin regimens have been demonstrated to perturb female reproductive function often leading to reduced fertility. Overall, ovarian response to exogenous hormonal stimulation has been highly variable, and pregnancy success after AI or IVF/ET remains low (<20%) in most species. Therefore, there is an immediate need to develop improved regimens that would allow more predictable ovarian responses in felids. We contend that recent research involving the use of progestins to control the ovary prior to gonadotropin stimulation shows promise for providing consistent ovarian stimulation in felids.  相似文献   

The redox signaling is germane for the hypoxia-sensing mechanisms at the carotid body. This raises the strong possibility that agents possess reducing and antioxidant attributes, such as ascorbate, could influence the hypoxic respiratory response. However, water solubility of ascorbate makes its effectiveness at membrane-associated target sites dubious. In this study, we sought to determine the effect of ascorbyl-6-palmitate (AP), a lipidsoluble derivative of ascorbate which penetrates biomembranes, on hypoxic respiration in the anesthetized, paralyzed and ventilated cat. AP was given by gavage: 600 mg/kg daily for 6 days before the beginning of the acute experiment. Respiration was then assessed from the phrenic electroneurogram, from which peak phrenic amplitude, a surrogate of tidal component, respiratory frequency, and their product, the minute phrenic output, were quantified. The response to normocapnic hypoxia, 7% O2 in N2, in the AP-treated cats was compared with that in controls. We found that AP augmented hypoxic respiration, delayed the appearance of hypoxic depression and decreased it, although the stimulatory/depressant character was preserved. The results suggest that the ascorbate moiety of AP interacts with the hypoxiasensing mechanisms. Ascorbate may affect hypoxic respiration at multiple stages of chemotransduction pathways, which are subject to continuing uncertainties. The study highlights the augmentative effect of AP, a redox modulator, on hypoxic respiration, which may have a therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

This study examined the electromyographic (EMG) response of the upper rectus abdominis (URA), lower rectus abdominis (LRA), internal obliques (IOs), external obliques (EOs), and the rectus femoris (RF) during various abdominal exercises (crunch, supine V-up, prone V-up on ball, prone V-up on slide board, prone V-up on TRX, and prone V-up on Power Wheel). The subjects (n = 21) performed an isometric contraction of the abdominal musculature while performing these exercises. Testing revealed no statistically significant differences between any of the exercises with respect to the EOs, the URA, or the LRA. However, when examining the IO muscle, the supine V-up exercise displayed significantly greater muscle activity than did the slide exercise. In addition, EMG activity of the RF during the crunch was significantly less than in any of the other 5 exercises. These results indicate that when performing isometric abdominal exercises, non-equipment-based exercises stressed the abdominal muscles similarly to equipment-based exercises. Based on the findings of the current study, the benefit of training the abdominal musculature in an isometric fashion using commercial equipment could be called into question.  相似文献   

Summation was studied by a procedure close to that used in producing a conditioned reflex. Subthreshold electrical stimulation, which gave rise to a dominant focus in the cat motor cortex, was applied after photic stimulation. Under these conditions, summation occurred both when the two stimuli were applied simultaneously and when the weaker stimulus preceded the stronger one by a very short interval (tens of milliseconds). Increased excitability was characteristic of the dominant focus. An excessive increase in excitability weakened the summation reflex. Electrographically, this type of conditioning was reflected in an increase in amplitude of the primary negative wave of the direct cortical response, recorded in the motor area at a distance of 2–3 mm from the stimulation point. It is concluded from analysis of this electrophysiological phenomenon and comparison of the results with data in the literature that different mechanisms are involved in the summation process during different sequences of stimulation ("photic+electrical" and "electrical+photic").Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 293–302, November–December, 1969.  相似文献   

Neuronal response in the caudate nucleus to presentation of a wide variety of visual and other sensory stimuli was investigated in waking cats. Pronounced discrepancies in background activity of unknown origin as well as differing neuronal activity level were noted in adjacent sections of the nucleus. Of the neurons from which readings of response to sensory stimulation could be made, some reacted to presentation of exclusively visual and others to tactile stimuli; a third group responded to a combination of visual and somatic stimulation only. Response could only be produced in cells of all types by a high level of activity in the animal. Visual stimuli attracting the animal's interest proved to be the most effective form of stimulation. Ipsi- and contralateral sides of the animal's body were both represented in the caudate nucleus of each hemisphere. Neuronal response in the caudate nucleus may be compared with that produced by application of similar stimuli in cells belonging to different cortical areas.Institute for Research on Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 3–10, January–February, 1990.  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty ewes were assigned to sixteen groups in a 2 × 2 × 4 factoral design and were treated during the anestrous season. The main effects were progesterone pretreatment (non-implanted and implanted for 14 days), PMS pretreatment (no pretreatment and pretreatment with 500 IU at the time of progesterone implant removal) and treatments (none, GnRH in saline, GnRH in gelatin capsules and HCG). GnRH in saline (250 μg) and HCG (500 IU) were administered intramuscularly and GnRH in gelatin capsules (250 μg) was administered subcutaneously 24 hours after the time of progesterone implant removal.Ewes were classified into one of four progesterone response categories: cyclic, transient, prolonged and no response. An injection of GnRH in saline induced a prolonged progesterone response in only one ewe (13%) which was similar to the response in the untreated ewes (0%). More ewes administered GnRH in gelatin capsules (56%) and more ewes administered HCG (89%) had a prolonged progesterone response than GnRH (in saline) treated or untreated ewes. A higher percentage of ewes that were pretreated with PMS and treated with GnRH in saline (78%) had a prolonged progesterone response than ewes treated with either PMS (22%) alone or with GnRH (in saline; 13%) alone.  相似文献   

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