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Revisiting the adaptive origins of primates (again)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Silcox MT  Boyer DM  Bloch JI  Sargis EJ 《Journal of human evolution》2007,53(3):321-4; discussion 325-8

The rich diversity of primate faces has interested naturalists for over a century. Researchers have long proposed that social behaviours have shaped the evolution of primate facial diversity. However, the primate face constitutes a unique structure where the diverse and potentially competing functions of communication, ecology and physiology intersect, and the major determinants of facial diversity remain poorly understood. Here, we provide the first evidence for an adaptive role of facial colour patterns and pigmentation within Neotropical primates. Consistent with the hypothesis that facial patterns function in communication and species recognition, we find that species living in smaller groups and in sympatry with a higher number of congener species have evolved more complex patterns of facial colour. The evolution of facial pigmentation and hair length is linked to ecological factors, and ecogeographical rules related to UV radiation and thermoregulation are met by some facial regions. Our results demonstrate the interaction of behavioural and ecological factors in shaping one of the most outstanding facial diversities of any mammalian lineage.  相似文献   

Change in body mass with time has been considered for many clades, often with reference to Cope's rule, which predicts a tendency to increase in body size. A more general rule, namely increase in the range of body mass with time, is analyzed here for vertebrates. The log range of log vertebrate body mass is shown to increase linearly and highly significantly with the log of duration of clade existence. The resulting regression equations are used to predict the origin age, initial body mass, and subsequent dynamics of body mass range for primate clades such as the New World monkeys (Platyrrhini, 32 million years ago, initial mass of 1.7 kg) and the Anthropoidea (57 million years ago, initial mass of 0.12 kg), tested against the primate fossil record. Using these methods, other major primate clades such as Lemuriformes and Adapoidea are also estimated to have originated in the Tertiary (63 and 64 million years ago, respectively), with only the Plesiadapiformes originating in the Cretaceous (83 million years ago). Similarities of body mass range between primate and other vertebrate sister groups are discussed. Linear relationships of log range and log duration are considered with respect to Brownian processes, with the expected regression coefficients from the latter explored through simulations. The observed data produce regression coefficients that overlap with or are higher than those under Brownian processes. Overall, the analyses suggest the dynamics of vertebrate body mass range in morphologically disparate clades are highly predictable over many tens of million years and that the dynamics of phenotypic characteristics can assist molecular clock and fossil models in dating evolutionary events.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that evolution of body size in birds was a random process coupled with an absolute lower boundary on body mass was tested using data on 6217 species of extant birds. The test was based on the fact that subclades within birds that have body masses much larger than this minimum should not have skewed log body mass distributions, while clades close to this boundary should. Bird species were classified into 23 orders suggested by Sibley and Monroe (1988). Thirteen orders that had average log body masses greater than the average for all birds had significantly skewed log body mass distributions. This is inconsistent with the hypothesis that evolution of body size in birds is random, but is constrained only at the smallest body masses. Most orders of birds cannot be considered random samples from the parental distribution of all birds. When the pattern of body mass evolution in birds is reconstructed using an estimate of the phylogenetic relationships among orders, there are many more instances where a large taxon putatively originated from a smaller one than vice versa. The non-random nature of body mass evolution in birds is consistent with models that postulate that evolution is constrained by the ability of individuals to turn resources into offspring.  相似文献   

This study assesses ontogenetic correlates of diet in anthropoid primates. Associations between body weight growth, adult size, and diet are evaluated for a sample of 42 primate species, of which 8 are classifiable as “folivores.” The hypothesis that folivores show a pattern of growth that differs from “nonfolivores” is tested. Ontogenetic variation is summarized through use of parametric and nonparametric regression analysis. Several analytical techniques, including broad interspecific and detailed comparisons among species of similar adult size, are applied. This investigation indicates a clear association between body weight ontogeny and diet: folivorous species grow more rapidly over a shorter duration than comprably sized nonfolivorus species. A positive correlation between adult size and diet is not unambiguously established in this sample. A threshold (at around 1 kg) below which insectivory is very common may adequately characterize the association between adult size and diet in anthropoid primates. Above this threshold, adult size does not appear to covary predictably with diet. Evolutionary correlates of the ontogenetic pattern seen in folivores may include a variety of factors. The distinctive pattern of development in folivores may relate to the profile of ecological and social risks that these species face. Morphophysiological advantages to rapid growth may relate to a need for accelerated alimentary (dental and gut) development. The implications of ontogenetic variation in folivores are discussed. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A re-examination of primate foot and knee anatomy suggests that strepsirrhine primates (adapiforms and lemuriforms) possess a unique and derived hindlimb related to their use of vertical supports. In contrast, leaping adaptations are older and shared by both major euprimate clades, Strepsirrhini and Haplorhini. Combining this derived hindlimb anatomy with leaping suggests that ancestral strepsirrhines were at least frequent vertical support users and leapers, and perhaps vertical clingers and leapers. These initial strepsirrhine adaptations were preadaptive for later lemuriform vertical clingers and leapers. In contrast, haplorhine vertical clingers and leapers require additional foot and leg modifications to accommodate a vertical clinging and leaping lifestyle. The movement pattern called vertical clinging and leaping evolved independently among different primate lineages throughout primate evolutionary history for several different ecological reasons.  相似文献   

To investigate for the first time the relationship between contrasting patterns of seasonal changes of the environment and activity, body mass and reproduction for small nocturnal primates in nature, we compared a population of golden brown mouse lemur (Microcebus ravelobensis) in a dry deciduous forest of northwestern Madagascar and of the brown mouse lemur (Microcebus rufus) in an evergreen rain forest of eastern Madagascar. Both species live under similar photoperiodic conditions. Golden brown mouse lemurs (GBML) were active during the whole period (May to December) irrespective of changing environmental conditions. In contrast, a part of the population of brown mouse lemurs (BML) showed prolonged seasonal torpor, related to body mass during periods of short day length and low ambient temperatures. Differences between species might be due to differences in ambient temperature and food supply. Body weight and tail thickness (adipose tissue reserve) did not show prominent differences between short and long photoperiods in GBML, whereas both differ significantly in BML, suggesting species-specific differences in the photoperiodically driven control of metabolism. Both species showed a seasonal reproduction. The rate of growth and size of the testes were similar and preceded estrous onset in both species suggesting a photoperiodic control of reproduction in males. The estrous onset in females occurred earlier in GBML than in BML. Estrous females were observed over at least 4 months in the former, but in only 1 month in the latter species. Intraspecific variation of estrous onset in GBML may be explained by body mass. Interspecific variation of female reproduction indicates species-specific differences in the control of reproduction. Thus, environmentally related differences in annual rhythms between closely related small nocturnal lemurs emerged that allow them to cope with contrasting patterns of seasonal changes in their habitats.  相似文献   

ObjectiveMale pattern androgenetic alopecia is characterized by progressive hair loss from the scalp. It is known that imbalances of some trace elements play a role in the pathomechanism of many forms of alopecia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the levels of zinc and copper in hair, serum and urine samples of Turkish males with male pattern androgenetic alopecia and to compare with healthy controls.Material and methods116 males with male pattern androgenetic alopecia and 100 controls were involved in this study.ResultsLevels of zinc and copper in hair were decreased significantly in the patients (p < 0.05), although zinc and copper levels of serum and urine were not different between patients and controls (p > 0.05). Body mass index of patients were higher than control group. In addition, in the group with body mass index of 25 and lower zinc level in hair and urine, copper level in serum were significantly higher (p < 0.05). Body mass index was negatively correlated with hair zinc levels.ConclusionWe thought that decreased zinc and copper levels in hair may play a role in the etiology of male pattern androgenetic alopecia. In addition, obesity by making changes in the balance of the trace elements in hair, serum and urine may play a role in male pattern androgenetic alopecia. Hence, assessing the levels of trace elements in hair of male pattern androgenetic alopecia patients may be more valuable compared to serum and urine for treatment planning.  相似文献   



Africa is renowned for the current abundance and diversity of its large mammals. The aim of this study was to assess distinctions evident in the functional composition of continental large herbivore faunas during the late Pleistocene before extinctions depleted the megafauna outside Africa.


The African large herbivore fauna was compared with that formerly inhabiting South America, Australia, North America, Eurasia and tropical Asia during the late Pleistocene.


Pleistocene faunas were reconstructed from the literature in terms of their relative body size composition, grazer/browser contributions and taxonomic representations, omitting forest and island species.


Although the three southern continents were closely similar in the overall species richness of large herbivores that they supported during the late Pleistocene, South America had a predominance of very large herbivores, while most of Australia's mammalian herbivores were relatively small and those of Africa were intermediate. Africa had many more grazers, especially in the size range 100–1000 kg, than other continents. The South American pattern resembled that in North America and Eurasia, while Africa and Australia diverged in different ways.

Main conclusions

Neither the total extent of savannas in each continent nor the morphological features enabling bovid radiation seemed adequate on their own to explain the greater richness of macrograzers in Africa. Africa is characterized by the widespread occurrence of arid/eutrophic savannas, which are unrepresented in other continents. The prevalence of savanna is partly attributable to the high elevation of interior eastern and southern Africa, associated with relatively low rainfall, and to the comparatively high soil fertility, related to volcanic influences. This promoted an abundance and diversity of medium‐sized grazing ruminants unrivalled elsewhere. Indigenous grasses in South America and Australia are less well adapted to withstand severe grazing than the African grasses introduced to support livestock. The locally high abundance of African ungulates presented conditions that facilitated the adaptive transition by early hominins from plant‐gatherers to meat‐scavengers.  相似文献   

Hungarosaurus tormai is a medium-sized nodosaurid ankylosaur that was described on the basis of four partial skeletons from the Santonian (Upper Cretaceous) of Hungary. In this paper, a new fifth skeleton and several isolated remains are described which greatly improve our knowledge of this primitive nodosaurid ankylosaur. Isolated cranial remains referred to juvenile individuals provide new information on the development of cranial ornamentation in nodosaurid ankylosaurs. Apart from both preserved mandibles with in situ dentition, the fifth partial skeleton contains several previously unknown limb elements (humerus, ulnae, radius) that indicate unusual limb proportions for Hungarosaurus compared with other ankylosaurs. On the basis of the five partial skeletons and the isolated remains, a skeletal and dermal armor reconstruction is attempted. Body mass calculations using three different methods yield an estimate of 650 kg for H. tormai.   相似文献   

The current biomechanical interpretation of the chimpanzee's bipedal walking argues that larger lateral and vertical displacements of the body center of mass occur in the chimpanzee's “side-to-side” gait than in the human striding gait. The evolutionary hypothesis underlying this study is the following: during the evolution of human bipedalism one of the necessary changes could have been the progressive reduction of these displacements of the body center of mass. In order to quantitatively test this hypothesis, it is necessary to obtain simultaneously the trajectories of the centers of mass of the whole body and of the different body parts. To solve this problem, a new method of three-dimensional analysis of walking, associated with a volumetric modelling of the body, has been developed based on finite-element modelling. An orthogonal synchrophotographic device yielding four synchronous pictures of the walking subject allows a qualitative analysis of the photographic sequences together with the results of their quantitative analysis. This method was applied to an adult man, a 3-year-old girl and a 9-year-old male chimpanzee. Our results suggest that the trajectory of the body center of mass of the human is distinguished from that of the chimpanzee not by a lower movement amplitude but by the synchronization of the transverse and vertical displacements into two periodic curves in phase with one another. The non-human primate uses its repertoire of arboreal movements in its bipedal terrestrial gait, provisionally referred to as a “rope-walker” gait. We show that the interpretation of a “side-to-side” gait is not applicable to the chimpanzee. We argue that similarly this interpretation and the initial hypothesis presuppose a basic symmetric structure of the gait, in relation to the sagittal plane of progression, similar to the human one. This lateral symmetry of the right and left displacements of the center of gravity, in phase with the right and left single supports of walking, is probably a very derived feature of the human gait. We suggest that low lateral and vertical displacements of the body center of mass are not indicative of a progressive bipedal gait and we discuss the new evolutionary implications of our results. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The consumption of ultra-processed foods in the U.S. and globally has increased and is associated with lower diet quality, higher energy intake, higher body weight, and poorer health outcomes. This study drew on individual-level data on measured height and weight from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs medical records for adults aged 20 to 64 from 2009 through 2014 linked to food and beverage price data from the Council for Community and Economic Research to examine the association between the price of ultra-processed foods and beverages and adult body mass index (BMI). We estimated geographic fixed effects models to control for unobserved heterogeneity of prices. We estimated separate models for men and women and we assessed differences in price sensitivity across subpopulations by socioeconomic status (SES). The results showed that a one-dollar increase in the price of ultra-processed foods and beverages was associated with 0.08 lower BMI units for men (p ≤ 0.05) (price elasticity of BMI of −0.01) and 0.14 lower BMI units for women (p ≤ 0.10) (price elasticity of BMI of -0.02). Higher prices of ultra-processed foods and beverages were associated with lower BMI among low-SES men (price elasticity of BMI of −0.02) and low-SES women (price elasticity of BMI of −0.07) but no statistically significant associations were found for middle- or high-SES men or women. Robustness checks based on the estimation of an individual-level fixed effects model found a consistent but smaller association between the price of ultra-processed foods and beverages and BMI among women (price elasticity of BMI of −0.01) with a relatively larger association for low-SES women (price elasticity of BMI of −0.04) but revealed no association for men highlighting the importance of accounting for individual-level unobserved heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Pit‐building antlions are small sit‐and‐wait arthropod predators, which dig conical pits in sandy soils. We studied how biotic (conspecific density and feeding regime) and abiotic (sand depth) factors affect pit diameter and depth, while taking into account the larval body mass. 2. Pit diameter increased with larval body mass at a decelerating rate. In addition, larger larvae tended to relocate less frequently than smaller ones. 3. Sand depth positively affected overall pit size, while increasing conspecific density had a weaker but negative effect on pit size. 4. Feeding the antlions resulted in an increase in pit diameter compared with an unfed control group. However, as prey size increased this positive effect diminished. This result suggests that the existence of prey provides information about the quality of the microhabitat, triggering pit extension. However, similarly to the reduction in the foraging effort of saturated predators, antlions provided with large prey invested only little effort in pit enlargement. 5. Antlions were previously shown to be sensitive to prey and conspecific vibrations in the sand. We thus expected the feeding regime of the neighbour to affect antlion behaviour – surrogate of discriminating between local and global shortage of prey. Nevertheless, antlions with fed neighbours (a local prey shortage) did not show different behaviour compared with a control group in which both antlions were unfed (a global prey shortage).  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) has pleiotropic effects including on hepatic metabolism. Here we investigated the effect of high cholesterol diet (1.25%) in TNF deficient mice. TNFalpha/beta deficient mice developed hepatomegaly and extensive steatosis in the absence of steatohepatitis as compared to wild type mice. Saturated and unsaturated, prominently mono- but also poly-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA, PUFA) prevailed in steatotic livers. Down-regulation of the cholesterol scavenger receptor B1 and reduced insulin induced phosphorylation of protein kinase B in cholesterol fed TNFalpha/beta deficient mice likely contributed to the development of hepatic steatosis, which was accompanied by increased body weight and bone length. Steatosis was only present in TNFalpha/beta double deficient mice, however not in single TNF deficient mice suggesting a redundant role of TNFalpha and TNFbeta. In conclusion, high cholesterol diet causes an abnormal metabolic phenotype in the simultaneous absence of both TNFalpha and beta signals. The presence of either TNFalpha or beta alone is sufficient to reconstitute the control of lipid homeostasis.  相似文献   



Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a prevalent genetic disorder in India and the rural and urban areas experience distinctly different healthcare facilities. In view of this, a comparative study of SCD-SS pattern children of age 8–15 years from rural and urban areas of Wardha district of Central India was carried out using anthropometric and hematological parameters.


The data were collected using standard methods and the results showed a significant (P < 0.05) difference in the mean values for body weight, body mass index (BMI), hemoglobin, hematocrit, and white blood corpuscles (WBC). Statistical analysis of the data was done using SPSS 18.0 software. Individuals were screened by solubility test method. Sickle cell patterns (AS and SS) were determined by using electrophoresis technique.


The SCD-SS children from rural were significantly underweight than those from the urban area of Wardha district. BMI is a good indicator of nutritional status and BMI values of SCD children have less than desired.


The study highlights an urgent need to conduct integrated investigations for SCD population of rural areas covering clinical, nutritional, and social aspects.  相似文献   

Disrupted circadian rhythms are associated with obesity and metabolic alterations, but little is known about the participation of peripheral circadian clock machinery in these processes. The aim of the present study was to analyze RNA expression of clock genes in subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral (VAT) adipose tissues of male and female subjects in AM (morning) and PM (afternoon) periods, and its interactions with body mass index (BMI). Ninety-one subjects (41?±?11 yrs of age) presenting a wide range of BMI (21.4 to 48.6?kg/m2) were included. SAT and VAT biopsies were obtained from patients undergoing abdominal surgeries. Clock genes expressions were evaluated by qRT-PCR. The only clock gene that showed higher expression (p?<?.0001) in SAT in comparison to VAT was PER1 of female (372%) and male (326%) subjects. Different patterns of expression between the AM and PM periods were observed, in particular REV-ERBα, which was reduced (p?<?.05) at the PM period in SAT and VAT of both women and men (women: ~53% lower; men: ~78% lower), whereas CLOCK expression was not altered. Relationships between clock genes were different in SAT vs. VAT. BMI was negatively correlated with SATPER1 (r?=??.549; p?=?.001) and SATPER2 (r?=??.613; p?=?.0001) and positively with VATCLOCK (r?=?.541; p?=?.001) and VATBMAL1 (r?=?.468; p?=?.007) only in women. These data suggest that the circadian clock machinery of adipose tissue depots differs between female and male subjects, with a sex-specific effect observed for some genes. BMI correlated with clock genes, but at this moment it is not possible to establish the cause-effect relationship. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Multiple heterogeneous groups of subjects (both sexes and a wide range of maximal oxygen uptake O2 max , body mass, body surface area (A D),% body fat, and A D/mass coefficient) exercised on a cycle ergometer at a relative (%O2max, REL) or an absolute (60 W) exercise intensity in a cool (CO 21°C, 50% relative humidity), warm humid (WH 35°C, 80%) and a hot dry (HD 45°C, 20%) environment. Rectal temperature (T re) responses were analysed for the influence of the individual's characteristics, environment and exercise intensity. Exposures consisted of 30-min rest, followed by 60-min exercise. The T re was negatively correlated with mass in all conditions. Body mass acted as a passive heat sink in all the conditions tested. While negatively correlated with O2 max and O2 max per kilogram body mass in most climates, T re was positively correlated with O2 max and O2 max per kilogram body mass in the WH/REL condition. Thus, when evaporative heat loss was limited as in WH, the higher heat production of the fitter subjects in the REL trials determined T re and not the greater efficiency for heat loss associated with high O2 max . Body fatness significantly affected T re only in the CO condition, where, with low skin blood flows (measured as increases in forearm blood flow), the insulative effect of fat was pronounced. In the warmer environments, high skin blood flows offset the resistance offered by peripheral adipose tissue. Contrary to other studies, T re was positively correlated with A D/mass coefficient for all conditions tested. For both exercise types used, being big (a high heat loss area and heat capacity) was apparently more beneficial from a heat strain standpoint than having a favourable A D/mass coefficient (high in small subjects). The total amount of variance in T re responses which could be attributed to individual characteristics was dependent on the climate and the type of exercise. Though substantial for absolute exercise intensities (52%–58%) the variance explained in T re differed markedly for relative intensities: 72% for the WH climate with its limited evaporative capacity, and only 10%–26% for the HD and CO climates. The results showed that individual characteristics play a significant role in determining the responses of body core temperature in all conditions tested, but their contribution was low for relative exercise intensities when evaporative heat loss was not restricted. This study demonstrated that effects of individual characteristics on human responses to heat stress cannot be interpreted without taking into consideration both the heat transfer properties of the environment and the metabolic heat production resulting from the exercise type and intensity chosen. Their impact varies substantially among conditions. Accepted: 4 July 1997  相似文献   

Abstract It is already known that maternal overweight, obesity, and morbid obesity are associated with adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes. To assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity, and the impact of body mass index (BMI) on maternal and neonatal outcomes in Turkey. The study population consisted of 698 singleton pregnancies whose height and weight follow up were performed from the first trimester of pregnancy and whose deliveries were monitored in Trabzon, Turkey in July 2014–June 2015. The data obtained during the study were evaluated using SPSS 21 package program. The differences in variables were assessed by Chi-square-test for categorical data or by One-way Anova test for continuous data. The results were evaluated at a confidence interval of 95% and at a significance level of p?<?0.05. According to the BMI of the women in the study, 68.8% were in normal weight, 20.6% were overweight, 3.9% were obese, and the majority was in the 20–29 age group and 8–15.9?kg. The rate of cesarean, instrumental delivery, induction, episiotomy, late breastfeeding, low apgar (<7 at 5?min), neonatal intensive care unit admission requirement, the newborn at 4000?g or more in overweight (BMI 25–29.9) and obese (BMI?≥?30) pregnancies was higher and the first and second phases of labor were longer (p?<?0.05). The study showed that as the pre-pregnancy body mass index and gestational weight gain increased the rates of cesarean section and interventional delivery increased and the neonatal need for neonatal intensive care unit increased.  相似文献   

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