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INTRODUCTION: The II generation method using human recombination thyrotropin receptors for measurement of thyrotropin binding inhibitory immunoglobulins (TBII) is characterized by increased sensitivity and specificity in comparison with I generation method. AIM OF STUDY was to determine, whether TBII levels measured with II generation assay reflect thyroid stimulation and whether measurement of thyroid stimulating antibodies (TSI) could be replaced by TBII determinations. Specific aim was to evaluate, whether correlation between TSI and TBII levels is stable during antithyroid therapy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 41 patients with the newly diagnosed Graves' disease were included in the study. TSI (cAMP levels in CHO cell line) and TBII (II generation assay) levels were determined before treatment and after 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of thiamazol therapy. Moreover, thyroid blocking antibodies were determined after 12 months of treatment. RESULTS: 32 patients (82.05%) had positive basic TSI level and 35 patients (89.74%) had positive basic TBII level. After 12 months of therapy negative level of TSI was observed in 67.57% of patients and negative level of TBII was founded in 45.85% of patients. Correlation between TSI and TBII levels was positive during treatment course except time after 9 months of therapy. CONCLUSIONS: TBII level is adequate parameter to assess thyroid stimulation intensity. Positive correlation between TSI and TBII levels is present during almost whole treatment course. TBII seems to be reliable parameter in disease activity monitoring and response to therapy.  相似文献   

Thyroid stimulating antibodies (TSAb) and thyrotropin binding inhibiting immunoglobulins (TBII) were measured in 32 patients with Graves' disease who had been in remission for at least two years after treatment was been stopped. Seventeen patients had been treated with antithyroid drugs, and 15 patients with 131Iodine. In the first group 3 of 17 patients had TSAb and one TBII, whereas in the second group 4 of 15 patients had TSAb and two TBII. One patient from each group had inhibiting TSAb. During the follow-up one patient from each group relapsed, whereas 5 patients from the second group developed myxoedema. No relationship between the clinical outcome and TSAb and TBII was found.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between TSH and abnormal thyroid stimulator(s) in patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease in whom normal thyroid hormone levels in the serum were maintained by antithyroid drug therapy and in patients with euthyroid Graves' disease, determinations were made of the TSH concentration, action of thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins (TSAb and TBII), and T3 suppression. Out of thirty-three patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease, twelve patients with subnormal TSH levels were all non-suppressible according to the T3 suppression test results and the detectability of TSAb and/or TBII was as high as 75%. In three out of five patients with euthyroid Graves' disease, the serum TSH level was subnormal. All three showed non-suppressibility in the T3 suppression test and positive action of either TSAb or TBII. One of them became clinically thyrotoxic when the TSAb activity was further increased and TBII became positive, and was therefore diagnosed as having hyperthyroid Graves' disease. The present findings suggest that there are still abnormal thyroid stimulator(s) in patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease who have low TSH, even if their thyroid hormone concentrations remain normal. Moreover, it is likely that some of the patients with euthyroid Graves' disease are actually in a state of subclinical hyperthyroidism because of the presence of abnormal thyroid stimulator(s).  相似文献   

There exists a consensus that hyperthyroid Graves' disease is caused by thyrotropin receptor (TSH-R) autoantibodies. To test the possibility that the TSH-R is the sole antigen for thyroid stimulating antibodies (TSAb), we compared bioactivities of Graves' IgGs between non-thyroid mammalian cells transfected with human TSH-R cDNA and the reference thyroid bioassay. A Graves' IgG with TSH-binding inhibitor immunoglobulin (TBII) activity (89%) markedly stimulated cAMP formation in both CHO-K1 cells transfected with TSH-R cDNA (340 microU/ml of TSH equivalent) and rat thyroid cells, FRTL-5, (410 microU/ml of TSH equivalent). In contrast, a TBII negative (-1.5%) IgG from another patient with Graves' disease showed a strong thyroid stimulating activity (87 microU/ml of TSH equivalent) when FRTL-5 cells were used for the assay. But no stimulating activity was observed in this IgG when CHO-K1 cells transfected with TSH-R cDNA were used, suggesting a possible existence of TSH-R non-mediated thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin in some cases of Graves' disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the optimal duration of antithyroid drug treatment by monitoring serum thyroid stimulating antibody values in patients with Graves'' disease. DESIGN--Prospective longitudinal trial of patients with Graves'' disease followed up for 24 months after withdrawal of treatment. SETTING--Tertiary referral centre. PATIENTS--A total of 64 consecutive patients with untreated Graves'' disease, eight of whom were subsequently excluded. Fifty six patients completed the study. INTERVENTIONS--All patients were treated initially with carbimazole 40 mg, then with decreasing doses that maintained a euthyroid state. Treatment was scheduled to continue for 18 months but was withdrawn earlier if serum thyroid stimulating antibody became undetectable. END POINT--Serum values of thyroid stimulating antibody (assayed by stimulation of human thyroid cells in vitro) and thyroid hormones and thyroid state every three months during treatment and afterwards every six months for 24 months. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS--In 44 patients serum thyroid stimulating antibody became undetectable during treatment and treatment was withdrawn (median duration of treatment nine months, range 3-18 months). In 12 patients the antibody could be detected during 18 months of treatment. Among the first group of 44 patients initial values of the antibody before treatment were significantly lower than in the second group of 12 patients (median 225% (range 138-1236%) v 570% (250-1480%), p less than 0.001); the incidence of relapse was also lower (41% v 92%, p less than 0.001); and among those who did relapse the disease free interval after treatment was longer (median 12 months v 1 month, p less than 0.001). Moreover, the initial median serum values of thyroid stimulating antibodies were not related to the occurrence of relapse or remission as these did not differ between patients who did and did not have a relapse (median 267% (range 139-1480%) v 220% (range 138-1236%). CONCLUSION--Monitoring of serum thyroid stimulating antibody was a good guide to the duration of treatment as it allowed the treatment period to be considerably shortened in a large group of patients with no loss of efficiency.  相似文献   

Non-thyroid mammalian cells, CHO-K1 cells, stably expressing human thyrotropin receptor (CHO-TSH-R cells) were used for the assay of thyroid stimulating antibody (TSAb) activities of IgGs from 24 patients with Graves' disease and we compared them with the values obtained in porcine thyroid cells. A significant positive correlation was observed between the results given by CHO-TSH-R cells (hTSAb) and porcine thyrocytes (pTSAb) (r = 0.94, p less than 0.001). However, we found that hTSAb values of IgGs from 5 patients were extremely different from their hTSAb values. Four out of these 5 IgGs showed strong pTSAb activity but exhibited a weak or negative hTSAb activity. Conversely, one out of 5 autoantibodies was very strong for hTSAb but its pTSAb was low. These heterogeneous responses of recombinant hTSH-R to Graves' IgGs suggest that there exist different types of TSAb and also that the epitope(s) for TSAb may be different from case to case.  相似文献   

The present study utilized the anti-Ta1 mAb to characterize the cell surface phenotypes of peripheral blood and intrathyroidal lymphocytes in patients with Graves' disease. We found an increase in PBL bearing the Ta1 Ag in untreated patients. The euthyroid patients in remission, induced by antithyroidal drugs, radioisotope therapy, and subtotal thyroidectomy, had lower percentages of Ta1+ cells than did untreated patients. An increased percentage of Ta1+ cells in untreated patients was found in both CD4+ cells and CD8+ cells. The ratio of CD4+Ta1+ cells to CD8+Ta1+ cells in untreated patients was significantly higher than that of normal subjects. There was a positive correlation between the percentage of Ta1+ cells and the level of anti-TSH receptor antibody. In this prospective study, the proportion of Ta1+ cells was decreased in parallel with the reduction in anti-TSH receptor antibody and free T3 levels. In the chronically treated patients, the proportion of Ta1+ cells in the thyroid tissue was, yet similar to that in the peripheral blood, markedly increased in comparison to that of normal subjects. In contrast to Ta1+ cells, the thyroid tissue had a significantly higher percentage of HLA-DR+ T cells than did the paired peripheral blood. The proliferative responses of the Ta1+ cell-enriched population isolated from untreated patients toward thyroglobulin and microsomal Ag were markedly higher than those in a Ta1+ cell-depleted population, but both populations were able to respond equally to PHA. These results suggest that the Ta1+ cells may include Ag-triggered memory cells that are reactive with thyroid-specific Ag. Furthermore, monitoring such cells may provide an objective measure of abnormal immunologic activity.  相似文献   

We report the observation of an unusual case of Graves' disease associated with thyroid hemiagenesis. A 41-year-old woman who presented with symptoms and clinical signs of hyperthyroidism was discovered to have thyroid hemiagenesia of the left lobe. Thyroid ultrasound scan showed enlargement of the right lobe with a single nodule, and absence of the left lobe; isotope scan showed homogeneous uptake in the single lobe and nodule. Ophthalmopathy, which was absent at presentation, developed after two years; after a further 2 years the patient developed decompensated hypothyroidism requiring thyroxine replacement. This is the first case of Graves' disease in thyroid hemiagenesis evolved to hypothyroidism, and a rare case of thyroid ophthalmopathy accompanying this condition.  相似文献   

In the sera of patients with Graves' disease have been demonstrated the immunoglobulins able to inhibit the binding of TSH to the human thyroid membrane (TBI-Ab) and the immunoglobulins stimulating the thyroid adenylate cyclase (TS-Ab). The present study was performed in 75 hyperthyroid Graves' patients to ascertain the pathophysiological significance of these immunoglobulins. TS-Ab and TBI-Ab prevalence appeared to be much higher in the untreated and in relapsing patients than in subjects in remission. When the results of TBI-Ab and TS-Ab were compared in each group of patients no correlation was found between the two activities. We conclude that the TBI-Ab and the TS-Ab are the markers of hyperthyroidism in Graves' disease but the two activities are not equivalent and probably reflect a different phenomenon concomitantly produced.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Graves' disease (GD) with sarcoid involvement of the thyroid gland has rarely been reported. METHOD: We report a case of GD with thyroid sarcoidosis in a 28-year-old woman. Thyroid function was assessed by triiodothyronine (T(3)), thyroxine (T(4)), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and TSH receptor antibodies (TSH-R Ab). Thyroid scintigraphy, ultrasound and fine-needle aspiration biopsy were performed. The patient underwent surgery. RESULT: The patient had a nodular goiter. Serum T(3), T(4) and TSH-R Ab levels were elevated with suppressed TSH level. Scintigraphy showed diffuse activity as seen in GD, and ultrasound revealed that parenchyma was heterogenous. Sarcoidosis was discovered on routine chest X-ray. Although no sarcoid involvement was found on specimen, the thyroid gland showed non-caseating granulomas on histology. CONCLUSION: Since sarcoid involvement of the thyroid gland can cause hypofunction, we report the uncommon infiltration of sarcoidosis with hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   

In an approach to addressing species specificity of thyroid stimulating antibodies (TSAb) stimulation of T3 release by Graves' sera was comparatively studied in human and porcine thyroid slices. A high sensitivity and specificity was found for the T3 bioassay independently on the use of human or porcine thyroid. Moreover, activity indices of the individual sera in both tissues were significantly correlated to each other and to circulating hormone levels in untreated disease. In conclusion, we suppose a lack of functionally relevant differences between target antigens, brought about probably by the TSH receptor itself and other membrane components, in human and porcine thyroid. Thus, for clinically applicable T3 releasing bioassay porcine thyroid may be alternatively used. In addition, this bioassay renders the advantage of reflecting the activity of disease.  相似文献   

There are two types of TSH receptor antibodies (TRAb); thyroid stimulating antibody (TSAb) and TSH-stimulation blocking antibody (TSBAb). TSAb causes Graves' hyperthyroidism. TSBAb causes hypothyroidism. Both TSAb and TSBAb block TSH-binding to thyroid cells as TSH receptor antibodies (TRAb). TSBAb-positive patients with hypothyroidism and Graves' patients with hyperthyroidism may have both TSBAb and TSAb. We studied TSBAb and TSAb in 43 TSBAb-positive patients with hypothyroidism and in 55 untreated Graves' patients with hyperthyroidism. TSBAb-activities were expressed as percentage inhibition of bovine (b) TSH-stimulated cAMP production by test IgG. Two formulas were used to calculate TSBAb-activities; TSBAb-A (%) = [1 - (c - b)/(a - b)] x 100 and TSBAb-B (%) = [1 - (c - d)/(a - b)] x 100, where a: cAMP generated in the presence of normal IgG and bTSH, b: cAMP generated in the presence of normal IgG, c: cAMP generated in the presence of test IgG and bTSH, and d: cAMP generated in the presence of test IgG. TSAb (%) = [d/b] x 100. All of the 43 TSBAb-positive patients with hypothyroidism had strongly positive TSBAb-A and -B. Some of them had weakly positive TSAb (<240%). All 55 untreated Graves' patients had positive TSAb (205-2509%). Some of them had both TSAb and TSBAb. TSBAb-positive patients with hypothyroidism had a limited distribution of TSBAb- and TSAb-activities (TSBAb-A + 75 - + 103%, TSBAb-B + 87 - + 106%, TSAb 92-240%), but Graves' patients with hyperthyroidsim had a wide distribution of TSAb- and TSBAb-activities (TSAb 205-2509%, TSBAb-A - 158 - + 43%, TSBAb-B - 14 - + 164%). TSBAb-A ignores TSAb activity in serum, and might give low TSBAb activity. However, TSBAb-A clearly differentiates TSBAb-positive patients with hypothyroidism from Graves' patients with hyperthyroidism; thus, we favor TSBAb-A over TSBAb-B. Some of TSBAb-positive patients with hypothyroidism and Graves' patients with hyperthyroidism have both TSBAb and TSAb.  相似文献   



The encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroid disease (EAATD) is characterized by neurological/psychiatric symptoms, high levels of anti-thyroid antibodies, increased cerebrospinal fluid protein concentration, non-specific electroencephalogram abnormalities, and responsiveness to the corticosteroid treatment in patients with an autoimmune thyroid disease. Almost all EAATD patients are affected by Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), although fourteen EAATD patients with Graves' disease (GD) have been also reported.  相似文献   

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