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D G Chung  P N Lewis 《Biochemistry》1985,24(27):8028-8036
Chicken histone H4 labeled at Met-84 with the fluor N-[(acetylamino)ethyl]-8-naphthyl-amine-1-sulfonic acid has been incorporated into a nucleosome which has physical characteristics virtually identical with those of native core nucleosomes. The fluorescence emission and polarization properties of the labeled nucleosome were measured as a function of ionic strength and the binding of high mobility group (HMG) proteins 14 and 17. Also, the accessibility of the fluor to the quenching agent acrylamide was determined. It was found that the fluorescence emission changes in the range 0.1-1000 mM NaCl are rather small and indicate that no major unfolding of the octamer structure occurs around Met-84 on H4 at least. Five or perhaps six discrete states were found in that ionic strength range. Each has a different accessibility to the quenching agent. The range of accessibilities varied from 9 X 10(-7) to 32 X 10(-7) mol-1 s-1 for 0.1-1000 mM NaCl, respectively. Polarization measurements showed that there was little change in the rotational relaxation lifetime of the fluor at ionic strengths less than 50 mM NaCl. Above this value, the rotational relaxation lifetimes decreased from 107 to 25 ns at 600 mM NaCl, indicating a moderately increased rotational freedom for the fluor. It is suggested that the histone octamer changes its degree of compaction in the range 0.1-600 mM NaCl but that no major protein unfolding occurs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Nucleosomes are highly dynamic macromolecular complexes that are assembled and disassembled in a modular fashion. One important way in which this dynamic process can be modulated is by the replacement of major histones with their variants, thereby affecting nucleosome structure and function. Here we use fluorescence resonance energy transfer between fluorophores attached to various defined locations within the nucleosome to dissect and compare the structural transitions of a H2A.Z containing and a canonical nucleosome in response to increasing ionic strength. We show that the peripheral regions of the DNA dissociate from the surface of the histone octamer at relatively low ionic strength, under conditions where the dimer-tetramer interaction remains unaffected. At around 550 mm NaCl, the (H2A-H2B) dimer dissociates from the (H3-H4)(2) tetramer-DNA complex. Significantly, this latter transition is stabilized in nucleosomes that have been reconstituted with the essential histone variant H2A.Z. Our studies firmly establish fluorescence resonance energy transfer as a valid method to study nucleosome stability, and shed new light on the biological function of H2A.Z.  相似文献   

An imidazole spin label has been used to study the accessibility and conformational state of tyrosines in both the nucleosome core particles and histone core extracted from chicken erythrocytes. About 40% of the tyrosyl residues in the histone core can be labeled under nondenaturing conditions. However, less than 15% of the tryosyls in the nucleosome core particle can be labeled even at 200- to 300-fold M excess of label. The effect of urea on the conformational state of the spin-labeled tyrosyls in both the nuclesome core particles and the histone core has been studied. Ionic effects on the spin-labeled nucleosome core have been investigated. Several conformational transitions are observed in the range of 1 mM NaCl to 2.5 M NaCl. Three major transitions are found at 0.1 M to 0.6 M, 0.7 M to 1.8 M and 2 M to 2.5 M NaCl, respectively. The observed changes can be interpreted as swelling and conformational change of the inner histone core, gradual separation of DNA from the histone core, and tightening of the histone core.  相似文献   

The way in which histones interact with DNA during in vitro assembly of nucleohistone has been examined. Chicken erythrocyte core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 and lambdaDNA in 2 M NaCl were allowed to interact by stepwise decrease in the salt concentration. Binding, although weak, was first observed at 1.4 M NaCl and was essentially completed at 0.6 M NaCl. Analysis of the DNA-bound histones revealed that each of the histones in the pairs H2A,H2B and H3,H4 was always present in equimolar amounts and that the relative proportion of each pair was constant between 1.4 and 0.8 M NaCl. Evidence is presented suggesting that binding occurred via complexes of the four histones, the nature of which is likely to reflect the equilibrium among the octamer and its products of dissociation (Ruiz-Carrillo, A., & Jorcano, J.L. (1979) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)). The presence of complexes of the four core histones is, however not required for the correct assembly of the nucleosome core particle. Nucleohistones obtained by adding at progressively lower ionic strengths the dimer H2A.H2B to the H3.H4-DNA complex (split reconstitutions) had the same characteristics as those assembled with the core histone complexes.  相似文献   

To further understand oligomeric protein assembly, the folding and unfolding kinetics of the H3-H4 histone tetramer have been examined. The tetramer is the central protein component of the core nucleosome, which is the basic unit of DNA compaction into chromatin in the eukaryotic nucleus. This report provides the first kinetic folding studies of a protein containing the histone fold dimerization motif, a motif observed in several protein-DNA complexes. Previous equilibrium unfolding studies have demonstrated that, under physiological conditions, there is a dynamic equilibrium between the H3-H4 dimer and tetramer species. This equilibrium is shifted predominantly toward the tetramer in the presence of the organic osmolyte trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO). Stopped-flow methods, monitoring intrinsic tyrosine fluorescence and far-UV circular dichroism, have been used to measure folding and unfolding kinetics as a function of guanidinium hydrochloride (GdnHCl) and monomer concentrations, in 0 and 1 M TMAO. The assignment of the kinetic phases was aided by the study of an obligate H3-H4 dimer, using the H3 mutant, C110E, which destabilizes the H3-H3' hydrophobic four-helix bundle tetramer interface. The proposed kinetic folding mechanism of the H3-H4 system is a sequential process. Unfolded H3 and H4 monomers associate in a burst phase reaction to form a dimeric intermediate that undergoes a further, first-order folding process to form the native dimer in the rate-limiting step of the folding pathway. H3-H4 dimers then rapidly associate with a rate constant of > or =10(7) M(-1)sec(-1) to establish a dynamic equilibrium between the fully assembled tetramer and folded H3-H4 dimers.  相似文献   

Macromolecular assemblies and machines undergo large-scale conformational changes as essential features of their normal function. Modern stopped-flow instrumentation and biotechnology combine to provide a powerful tool for characterizing the rates and natures of these conformational changes. Standard commercially available instruments provide extraordinary sensitivity and speed, allowing analysis of millisecond or longer timescale processes, with concentrations as low as a few nanomolar and volumes of just a few hundred microliters. One can now place specific dyes anywhere desired on a nucleic acid, and often on a protein as well. This ability allows the use of fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments for detailed conformational analyses, even as the system is evolving rapidly over time following the initiation of a reaction. This approach is ideally suited for analysis of intrinsic properties of chromatin and of the machines that control chromatin assembly, disassembly, and function.  相似文献   

The nucleosome core histone complex in solution at 2 M NaCl and pH 7 has a radius of gyration Rs, of 3.48 nm and a maximum dimension, L, of 12 nm. Its shape is disc-like with a mean thickness of 3 nm. The radius of gyration determined by us is of the same value as the radius of gyration of the complex in intact core particles (Braddock) et al., Biopolymers 1981, 20, 327). Thus, we conclude that the basic histone tails of the protein complex project about 2 nm from its central part.  相似文献   

In mammals, the time period that follows fertilization is characterized by extensive chromatin remodeling, which enables epigenetic reprogramming of the gametes. Major changes in chromatin structure persist until the time of implantation, when the embryo develops into a blastocyst, which comprises the inner cell mass and the trophectoderm. Changes in DNA methylation, histone variant incorporation, and covalent modifications of the histones tails have been intensively studied during pre-implantation development. However, modifications within the core of the nucleosomes have not been systematically analyzed. Here, we report the first characterization and temporal analysis of 3 key acetylated residues in the core of the histone H3: H3K64ac, H3K122ac, and H3K56ac, all located at structurally important positions close to the DNA. We found that all 3 acetylations occur during pre-implantation development, but with different temporal kinetics. Globally, H3K64ac and H3K56ac were detected throughout cleavage stages, while H3K122ac was only weakly detectable during this time. Our work contributes to the understanding of the contribution of histone modifications in the core of the nucleosome to the “marking” of the newly established embryonic chromatin and unveils new modification pathways potentially involved in epigenetic reprogramming.  相似文献   

The role of the histone pairs H2A,H2B and H3,H4 in the kinetics of core particle formation was investigated by using N-(1-pyrene)maleimide-labeled histone H3. The excimer emission intensity of a DNA-core histone complex prepared by direct mixing of DNA and histones in 0.2 m-NaCl is reduced by half when H2A,H2B is omitted. Fluorescence quenching studies and lifetime measurements indicate that the emission differences are probably due to static quenching. In a correctly folded nucleosome or a DNA-(H3,H4) complex, the two pyrene rings are buried and are held very close. DNA-(H3,H4) can interact with additional copies of H3,H4, but only when two dimers of H2A,H2B are correctly bound is there a specific twofold increase in excimer emission.The kinetics of the reaction of H3,H4 with DNA in 0.2 m-NaCl were followed by measuring the increase in 460 nm fluorescence. The apparent rate constant of the dominant kinetic component is ~ 2 × 10?1 s?1. If histones H2A,H2B are added immediately after the preparation of the DNA-(H3,H4) complex, an increase in excimer fluorescence is observed, with an apparent rate constant of ~ 6 × 10?3 s?1. However, if histones H2A,H2B are added one hour after DNA-(H3,H4) complex formation, there is no increase in excimer fluorescence. These results suggest that an intermediate involving the H3,H4 tetramer is formed first in nucleosome assembly. In the presence of H2A,H2B, this intermediate evolves to the final folded nucleosome, but in the absence of H2A,H2B it rearranges to an unmaturable dead-end complex. Additional experiments show that a very fast transfer of histone pairs (probably H2A,H2B) can take place between partially reconstituted nucleosomes.  相似文献   

HIRA is an evolutionarily conserved histone chaperone that mediates replication-independent nucleosome assembly and is important for a variety of processes such as cell cycle progression, development, and senescence. Here we have used a chromatin sequencing approach to determine the genome-wide contribution of HIRA to nucleosome organization in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Cells lacking HIRA experience a global reduction in nucleosome occupancy at gene sequences, consistent with the proposed role for HIRA in chromatin reassembly behind elongating RNA polymerase II. In addition, we find that at its target promoters, HIRA commonly maintains the full occupancy of the ?1 nucleosome. HIRA does not affect global chromatin structure at replication origins or in rDNA repeats but is required for nucleosome occupancy in silent regions of the genome. Nucleosome organization associated with the heterochromatic (dg-dh) repeats located at the centromere is perturbed by loss of HIRA function and furthermore HIRA is required for normal nucleosome occupancy at Tf2 LTR retrotransposons. Overall, our data indicate that HIRA plays an important role in maintaining nucleosome architecture at both euchromatic and heterochromatic loci.  相似文献   

The ATPase ISWI can be considered the catalytic core of several multiprotein nucleosome remodeling machines. Alone or in the context of nucleosome remodeling factor, the chromatin accessibility complex (CHRAC), or ACF, ISWI catalyzes a number of ATP-dependent transitions of chromatin structure that are currently best explained by its ability to induce nucleosome sliding. In addition, ISWI can function as a nucleosome spacing factor during chromatin assembly, where it will trigger the ordering of newly assembled nucleosomes into regular arrays. Both nucleosome remodeling and nucleosome spacing reactions are mechanistically unexplained. As a step toward defining the interaction of ISWI with its substrate during nucleosome remodeling and chromatin assembly we generated a set of nucleosomes lacking individual histone N termini from recombinant histones. We found the conserved N termini (the N-terminal tails) of histone H4 essential to stimulate ISWI ATPase activity, in contrast to other histone tails. Remarkably, the H4 N terminus, but none of the other tails, was critical for CHRAC-induced nucleosome sliding and for the generation of regularity in nucleosomal arrays by ISWI. Direct nucleosome binding studies did not reflect a dependence on the H4 tail for ISWI-nucleosome interactions. We conclude that the H4 tail is critically required for nucleosome remodeling and spacing at a step subsequent to interaction with the substrate.  相似文献   

Ramaswamy A  Bahar I  Ioshikhes I 《Proteins》2005,58(3):683-696
The present study provides insights on the dominant mechanisms of motions of the nucleosome core particle and the changes in its functional dynamics in response to histone variants. Comparative analysis of the global dynamics of nucleosomes with native and variant H2A histones, using normal mode analysis revealed that the dynamics of the nucleosome is highly symmetric, and its interaction with the nucleosomal DNA plays a vital role in its regulation. The collective dynamics of nucleosomes are predicted to be dominated by two types of large-scale motions: (1) a global stretching-compression of nucleosome along the dyad axis by which the nucleosome undergoes a breathing motion with a massive distortion of nucleosomal DNA, modulated by histone-DNA interactions; and (2) the flipping (or bending) of both the sides of the nucleosome in an out-of-plane fashion with respect to the dyad axis, originated by the highly dynamic N-termini of H3 and (H2A.Z-H2B) dimer in agreement with the experimentally observed perturbed dynamics of the particular N-terminus under physiological conditions. In general, the nucleosomes with variant histones exhibit higher mobilities and weaker correlations between internal motions compared to the nucleosome containing ordinary histones. The differences are more pronounced at the L1 and L2 loops of the respective monomers H2B and H2A, and at the N-termini of the monomers H3 and H4, all of which closely interact with the wrapping DNA.  相似文献   

We determined the 2.45 A crystal structure of the nucleosome core particle from Drosophila melanogaster and compared it to that of Xenopus laevis bound to the identical 147 base-pair DNA fragment derived from human alpha-satellite DNA. Differences between the two structures primarily reflect 16 amino acid substitutions between species, 15 of which are in histones H2A and H2B. Four of these involve histone tail residues, resulting in subtly altered protein-DNA interactions that exemplify the structural plasticity of these tails. Of the 12 substitutions occurring within the histone core regions, five involve small, solvent-exposed residues not involved in intraparticle interactions. The remaining seven involve buried hydrophobic residues, and appear to have coevolved so as to preserve the volume of side chains within the H2A hydrophobic core and H2A-H2B dimer interface. Thus, apart from variations in the histone tails, amino acid substitutions that differentiate Drosophila from Xenopus histones occur in mutually compensatory combinations. This highlights the tight evolutionary constraints exerted on histones since the vertebrate and invertebrate lineages diverged.  相似文献   

We have studied the hydrodynamic properties of the complexes formed by interaction of nucleosome core particles with excess histone octamers containing two each of the four core histones. The results are consistent with tight binding of two to three octamers to the exterior of each core particle. The binding is dependent upon the presence of the H3/H4 histone pair: when H3/H4 alone are added to nucleosome core particles, tight binding is observed, but H2A/H2B alone are bound only weakly. We have also examined the properties of the nucleosome core in solutions containing 0·1 m to 0·7 M-NaCl. We show that in this salt range the core particle undergoes some changes in shape, reflected in a 14% increase in the frictional coefficient. Even at the highest salt concentrations used, however, the nucleosome core is still a compact, folded structure.  相似文献   

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