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Klotho is a transmembrane protein expressed primarily in kidney, parathyroid gland, and choroid plexus. The extracellular domain could be cleaved off and released into the systemic circulation. Klotho is in part effective as β-glucuronidase regulating protein stability in the cell membrane. Klotho is a major determinant of aging and life span. Overexpression of Klotho increases and Klotho deficiency decreases life span. Klotho deficiency may further result in hearing loss and cardiac arrhythmia. The present study explored whether Klotho modifies activity and protein abundance of KCNQ1/KCNE1, a K+ channel required for proper hearing and cardiac repolarization. To this end, cRNA encoding KCNQ1/KCNE1 was injected in Xenopus oocytes with or without additional injection of cRNA encoding Klotho. KCNQ1/KCNE1 expressing oocytes were treated with human recombinant Klotho protein (30 ng/ml) for 24 h. Moreover, oocytes which express both KCNQ1/KCNE1 and Klotho were treated with 10 µM DSAL (D-saccharic acid-1,4-lactone), a β-glucuronidase inhibitor. The KCNQ1/KCNE1 depolarization-induced current (IKs) was determined utilizing dual electrode voltage clamp, while KCNQ1/KCNE1 protein abundance in the cell membrane was visualized utilizing specific antibody binding and quantified by chemiluminescence. KCNQ1/KCNE1 channel activity and KCNQ1/KCNE1 protein abundance were upregulated by coexpression of Klotho. The effect was mimicked by treatment with human recombinant Klotho protein (30 ng/ml) and inhibited by DSAL (10 µM). In conclusion, Klotho upregulates KCNQ1/KCNE1 channel activity by 'mainly' enhancing channel protein abundance in the plasma cell membrane, an effect at least partially mediated through the β-glucuronidase activity of Klotho protein.  相似文献   

Klotho is a transmembrane protein expressed primarily in kidney, parathyroid gland, and choroid plexus. The extracellular domain could be cleaved off and released into the systemic circulation. Klotho is in part effective as β-glucuronidase regulating protein stability in the cell membrane. Klotho is a major determinant of aging and life span. Overexpression of Klotho increases and Klotho deficiency decreases life span. Klotho deficiency may further result in hearing loss and cardiac arrhythmia. The present study explored whether Klotho modifies activity and protein abundance of KCNQ1/KCNE1, a K+ channel required for proper hearing and cardiac repolarization. To this end, cRNA encoding KCNQ1/KCNE1 was injected in Xenopus oocytes with or without additional injection of cRNA encoding Klotho. KCNQ1/KCNE1 expressing oocytes were treated with human recombinant Klotho protein (30 ng/ml) for 24 h. Moreover, oocytes which express both KCNQ1/KCNE1 and Klotho were treated with 10 µM DSAL (D-saccharic acid-1,4-lactone), a β-glucuronidase inhibitor. The KCNQ1/KCNE1 depolarization-induced current (IKs) was determined utilizing dual electrode voltage clamp, while KCNQ1/KCNE1 protein abundance in the cell membrane was visualized utilizing specific antibody binding and quantified by chemiluminescence. KCNQ1/KCNE1 channel activity and KCNQ1/KCNE1 protein abundance were upregulated by coexpression of Klotho. The effect was mimicked by treatment with human recombinant Klotho protein (30 ng/ml) and inhibited by DSAL (10 µM). In conclusion, Klotho upregulates KCNQ1/KCNE1 channel activity by 'mainly' enhancing channel protein abundance in the plasma cell membrane, an effect at least partially mediated through the β-glucuronidase activity of Klotho protein.  相似文献   

Rectification of macroscopic current through inward-rectifier K+ (Kir) channels reflects strong voltage dependence of channel block by intracellular cations such as polyamines. The voltage dependence results primarily from the movement of K+ ions across the transmembrane electric field, which accompanies the binding-unbinding of a blocker. Residues D172, E224, and E299 in IRK1 are critical for high-affinity binding of blockers. D172 appears to be located somewhat internal to the narrow K+ selectivity filter, whereas E224 and E299 form a ring at a more intracellular site. Using a series of alkyl-bis-amines of varying length as calibration, we investigated how the acidic residues in IRK1 interact with amine groups in the natural polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, and spermine) that cause rectification in cells. To block the pore, the leading amine of bis-amines of increasing length penetrates ever deeper into the pore toward D172, while the trailing amine in every bis-amine binds near a more intracellular site and interacts with E224 and E299. The leading amine in nonamethylene-bis-amine (bis-C9) makes the closest approach to D172, displacing the maximal number of K+ ions and exhibiting the strongest voltage dependence. Cells do not synthesize bis-amines longer than putrescine (bis-C4) but generate the polyamines spermidine and spermine by attaching an amino-propyl group to one or both ends of putrescine. Voltage dependence of channel block by the tetra-amine spermine is comparable to that of block by the bis-amines bis-C9 (shorter) or bis-C12 (equally long), but spermine binds to IRK1 with much higher affinity than either bis-amine does. Thus, counterintuitively, the multiple amines in spermine primarily confer the high affinity but not the strong voltage dependence of channel block. Tetravalent spermine achieves a stronger interaction with the pore by effectively behaving like a pair of tethered divalent cations, two amine groups in its leading half interacting primarily with D172, whereas the other two in the trailing half interact primarily with E224 and E299. Thus, nature has optimized not only the blocker but also, in a complementary manner, the channel for producing rapid, high-affinity, and strongly voltage-dependent channel block, giving rise to exceedingly sharp rectification.  相似文献   

Potassium currents generated by voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels comprising α-subunits from the Kv1, 2, and 3 subfamilies facilitate high-frequency firing of mammalian neurons. Within these subfamilies, only three α-subunits (Kv1.4, Kv3.3, and Kv3.4) generate currents that decay rapidly in the open state because an N-terminal ball domain blocks the channel pore after activation—a process termed N-type inactivation. Despite its importance to shaping cellular excitability, little is known of the processes regulating surface expression of N-type α-subunits, versus their slowly inactivating (delayed rectifier) counterparts. Here we found that currents generated by homomeric Kv1.4, Kv3.3, and Kv3.4 channels are all strongly suppressed by the single transmembrane domain ancillary (β) subunits KCNE1 and KCNE2. A combination of electrophysiological, biochemical, and immunofluorescence analyses revealed this suppression is due to KCNE1 and KCNE2 retaining Kv1.4 and Kv3.4 intracellularly, early in the secretory pathway. The retention is specific, requires α-β coassembly, and does not involve the dynamin-dependent endocytosis pathway. However, the small fraction of Kv3.4 that escapes KCNE-dependent retention is regulated by dynamin-dependent endocytosis. The findings illustrate two contrasting mechanisms controlling surface expression of N-type Kv α-subunits and therefore, potentially, cellular excitability and refractory periods.  相似文献   

The five KCNE genes encode a family of type I transmembrane peptides that assemble with KCNQ1 and other voltage-gated K(+) channels, resulting in potassium conducting complexes with varied channel-gating properties. It has been recently proposed that a triplet of amino acids within the transmembrane domain of KCNE1 and KCNE3 confers modulation specificity to the peptide, since swapping of these three residues essentially converts the recipient KCNE into the donor (Melman, Y.F., A. Domenech, S. de la Luna, and T.V. McDonald. 2001. J. Biol. Chem. 276:6439-6444). However, these results are in stark contrast with earlier KCNE1 deletion studies, which demonstrated that a COOH-terminal region, highly conserved between KCNE1 and KCNE3, was responsible for KCNE1 modulation of KCNQ1 (Tapper, A.R., and A.L. George. 2000 J. Gen. Physiol. 116:379-389.). To ascertain whether KCNE3 peptides behave similarly to KCNE1, we examined a panel of NH(2)- and COOH-terminal KCNE3 truncation mutants to directly determine the regions required for assembly with and modulation of KCNQ1 channels. Truncations lacking the majority of their NH(2) terminus, COOH terminus, or mutants harboring both truncations gave rise to KCNQ1 channel complexes with basal activation, a hallmark of KCNE3 modulation. These results demonstrate that the KCNE3 transmembrane domain is sufficient for assembly with and modulation of KCNQ1 channels and suggests a bipartite model for KCNQ1 modulation by KCNE1 and KCNE3 subunits. In this model, the KCNE3 transmembrane domain is active in modulation and overrides the COOH terminus' contribution, whereas the KCNE1 transmembrane domain is passive and reveals COOH-terminal modulation of KCNQ1 channels. We furthermore test the validity of this model by using the active KCNE3 transmembrane domain to functionally rescue a nonconducting, yet assembly and trafficking competent, long QT mutation located in the conserved COOH-terminal region of KCNE1.  相似文献   

Inward rectifier K(+) (Kir) channels are activated by phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate (PIP(2)), but G protein-gated Kir (K(G)) channels further require either G protein βγ subunits (Gβγ) or intracellular Na(+) for their activation. To reveal the mechanism(s) underlying this regulation, we compared the crystal structures of the cytoplasmic domain of K(G) channel subunit Kir3.2 obtained in the presence and the absence of Na(+). The Na(+)-free Kir3.2, but not the Na(+)-plus Kir3.2, possessed an ionic bond connecting the N terminus and the CD loop of the C terminus. Functional analyses revealed that the ionic bond between His-69 on the N terminus and Asp-228 on the CD loop, which are known to be critically involved in Gβγ- and Na(+)-dependent activation, lowered PIP(2) sensitivity. The conservation of these residues within the K(G) channel family indicates that the ionic bond is a character that maintains the channels in a closed state by controlling the PIP(2) sensitivity.  相似文献   

The voltage-gated potassium channel KCNQ1 associates with the small KCNE1 subunit to form the cardiac IKs delayed rectifier potassium current and mutations in both genes can lead to the long QT syndrome. KCNQ1 can form functional homotetrameric channels, however with drastically different biophysical properties compared to heteromeric KCNQ1/KCNE1 channels. We analyzed gating and conductance of these channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes using the two-electrode voltage-clamp and the patch-clamp technique and high extracellular potassium (K) and rubidium (Rb) solutions. Inward tail currents of homomeric KCNQ1 channels are increased about threefold upon substitution of 100 mM potassium with 100 mM rubidium despite a smaller rubidium permeability, suggesting an effect of rubidium on gating. However, the kinetics of tail currents and the steady-state activation curve are only slightly changed in rubidium. Single-channel amplitude at negative voltages was estimated by nonstationary noise analysis, and it was found that rubidium has only a small effect on homomeric channels (1.2-fold increase) when measured at a 5-kHz bandwidth. The apparent single-channel conductance was decreased after filtering the data at lower cutoff frequencies indicative of a relatively fast "flickery/block" process. The relative conductance in rubidium compared to potassium increased at lower cutoff frequencies (about twofold at 10 Hz), suggesting that the main effect of rubidium is to decrease the probability of channel blockage leading to an increase of inward currents without large changes in gating properties. Macroscopic inward tail currents of heteromeric KCNQ1/KCNE1 channels in rubidium are reduced by about twofold and show a pronounced sigmoidal time course that develops with a delay similar to the inactivation process of homomeric KCNQ1, and is indicative of the presence of several open states. The single channel amplitude of heteromers is about twofold smaller in rubidium than in potassium at a bandwidth of 5 kHz. Filtering at lower cutoff frequencies reduces the apparent single-channel conductance, the ratio of the conductance in rubidium versus potassium is, however, independent of the cutoff frequency. Our results suggest the presence of a relatively rapid process (flicker) that can occur almost independently of the gating state. Occupancy by rubidium at negative voltages favors the flicker-open state and slows the flickering rate in homomeric channels, whereas rubidium does not affect the flickering in heteromeric channels. The effects of KCNE1 on the conduction properties are consistent with an interaction of KCNE1 in the outer vestibule of the channel.  相似文献   

KCNQ1 voltage-gated K(+) channels assemble with the family of KCNE type I transmembrane peptides to afford membrane-embedded complexes with diverse channel gating properties. KCNQ1/KCNE1 complexes generate the very slowly activating cardiac I(Ks) current, whereas assembly with KCNE3 produces a constitutively conducting complex involved in K(+) recycling in epithelia. To determine whether these two KCNE peptides influence voltage sensing in KCNQ1 channels, we monitored the position of the S4 voltage sensor in KCNQ1/KCNE complexes using cysteine accessibility experiments. A panel of KCNQ1 S4 cysteine mutants was expressed in Xenopus oocytes, treated with the membrane-impermeant cysteine-specific reagent 2-(trimethylammonium) ethyl methanethiosulfonate (MTSET), and the voltage-dependent accessibility of each mutant was determined. Of these S4 cysteine mutants, three (R228C, G229C, I230C) were modified by MTSET only when KCNQ1 was depolarized. We then employed these state-dependent residues to determine how assembly with KCNE1 and KCNE3 affects KCNQ1 voltage sensor equilibrium and equilibration rates. In the presence of KCNE1, MTSET modification rates for the majority of the cysteine mutants were approximately 10-fold slower, as was recently reported to indicate that the kinetics of the KCNQ1 voltage sensor are slowed by KCNE1 (Nakajo, K., and Y. Kubo. 2007 J. Gen. Physiol. 130:269-281). Since MTS modification rates reflect an amalgam of reagent accessibility, chemical reactivity, and protein conformational changes, we varied the depolarization pulse duration to determine whether KCNE1 slows the equilibration rate of the voltage sensors. Using the state-dependent cysteine mutants, we determined that MTSET modification rates were essentially independent of depolarization pulse duration. These results demonstrate that upon depolarization the voltage sensors reach equilibrium quickly in the presence of KCNE1 and the slow gating of the channel complex is not due to slowly moving voltage sensors. In contrast, all cysteine substitutions in the S4 of KCNQ1/KCNE3 complexes were freely accessible to MTSET independent of voltage, which is consistent with KCNE3 shifting the voltage sensor equilibrium to favor the active state at hyperpolarizing potentials. In total, these results suggest that KCNE peptides differently modulate the voltage sensor in KCNQ1 K(+) channels.  相似文献   

The voltage-gated KCNQ2/3 and KCNQ3/5 K(+) channels regulate neuronal excitability. We recently showed that KCNQ2/3 and KCNQ3/5 channels are regulated by the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2. Serum- and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase-1 (SGK-1) plays an important role in regulation of epithelial ion transport. SGK-1 phosphorylation of Nedd4-2 decreases the ability of Nedd4-2 to ubiquitinate the epithelial Na(+) channel, which increases the abundance of channel protein in the cell membrane. In this study, we investigated the mechanism(s) of SGK-1 regulation of M-type KCNQ channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. SGK-1 significantly upregulated the K(+) current amplitudes of KCNQ2/3 and KCNQ3/5 channels approximately 1.4- and approximately 1.7-fold, respectively, whereas the kinase-inactive SGK-1 mutant had no effect. The cell surface levels of KCNQ2-hemagglutinin/3 were also increased by SGK-1. Deletion of the KCNQ3 channel COOH terminus in the presence of SGK-1 did not affect the K(+) current amplitude of KCNQ2/3/5-mediated currents. Coexpression of Nedd4-2 and SGK-1 with KCNQ2/3 or KCNQ3/5 channels did not significantly alter K(+) current amplitudes. Only the Nedd4-2 mutant (S448A)Nedd4-2 exhibited a significant downregulation of the KCNQ2/3/5 K(+) current amplitudes. Taken together, these results demonstrate a potential mechanism for regulation of KCNQ2/3 and KCNQ3/5 channels by SGK-1 regulation of the activity of the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2.  相似文献   

The effects of permeant (K+) ions on polyamine (PA)-induced rectification of cloned strong inwardly rectifying channels (IRK1, Kir2.1) expressed in Xenopus oocytes were examined using patch-clamp techniques. The kinetics of PA-induced rectification depend strongly on external, but not internal, K+ concentration. Increasing external [K+] speeds up "activation" kinetics and shifts rectification to more positive membrane potentials. The shift of rectification is directly proportional to the shift in the K+ reversal potential (EK) with slope factors +0.62, +0.81, and +0.91 for 1 mM putrescine (Put), 100 microM spermidine and 20 microM spermine (Spm), respectively. The time constant of current activation, resulting from unblock of Spm, also shifts directly in proportion to EK with slope factor +1.1. Increasing internal [K+] slows down activation kinetics and has a much weaker relieving effect on block by PA: Spm-induced rectification and time constant of activation (Spm unblock) shift directly in proportion to the corresponding change in EK with slope factors -0.15 and +0.31, respectively, for 20 microM Spm. The speed up of activation kinetics caused by increase of external [K+] cannot be reversed by equal increase of internal [K+]. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that the conduction pathway of strong inward rectifiers is a long and narrow pore with multiple binding sites for PA and K+.  相似文献   

Potassium conduction through unblocked inwardly rectifying (IRK1, Kir2.1) potassium channels was measured in inside-out-patches from Xenopus oocytes, after removal of polyamine-induced strong inward rectification. Unblocked IRK1 channel current-voltage (I-V) relations show very mild inward rectification in symmetrical solutions, are linearized in nonsymmetrical solutions that bring the K+ reversal potential to extreme negative values, and follow Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz constant field equation at extreme positive E alpha. When intracellular K+ concentration (KIN) was varied, at constant extracellular K+ concentration (KOUT) the conductance at the reversal potential (GREV) followed closely the predictions of the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz constant field equation at low concentrations and saturated sharply at concentrations of > 150 mM. Similarly, when KOUT was varied, at constant KIN, GREV saturated at concentrations of > 150 mM. A square-root dependence of conductance on KOUT is a well-known property of inward rectifier potassium channels and is a property of the open channel. A nonsymmetrical two-site three-barrier model can qualitatively explain both the I-V relations and the [K+] dependence of conductance of open IRK1 (Kir2.1) channels.  相似文献   

All members of the inwardly rectifying potassium channels (Kir1-7) are regulated by the membrane phospholipid, phosphatidylinosital-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). Some are also modulated by other regulatory factors or ligands such as ATP and G-proteins, which give them their common names, such as the ATP sensitive potassium (KATP) channel and the G-protein gated potassium channel. Other more non-specific regulators include polyamines, kinases, pH and Na+ ions. Recent studies have demonstrated that PIP2 acts cooperatively with other regulatory factors to modulate Kir channels. Here we review how PIP2 and co-factors modulate channel activities in each subfamily of the Kir channels.  相似文献   

An efficient method is described for production of membrane protein KCNE3 and its isotope labeled derivatives (15N-, 15N-/13C-) in amounts sufficient for structural-functional investigations. The purified protein preparation within different detergent micelles was characterized using dynamic light scattering, CD spectroscopy, and NMR spectroscopy. It is shown that within DPC/LDAO micelles the protein is in monomeric form and acquires mainly α-helical conformation. The existence of cross-peaks for all glycines of the 15N-HSQC NMR spectra as well as relatively small line widths (∼20 Hz) confirm the high quality of the preparation and the possibility of obtaining structural-dynamic information on KCNE3 by high resolution heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Mutations in either KCNQ2 or KCNQ3 underlie benign familial neonatal convulsions (BFNC), an inherited epilepsy. The corresponding proteins are co-expressed in broad regions of the brain and associate to heteromeric K(+) channels. These channels mediate M-type currents that regulate neuronal excitability. We investigated the basis for the increase in currents seen after co-expressing these subunits in Xenopus oocytes. Noise analysis and single channel recordings revealed a conductance of approximately 18 pS for KCNQ2 and approximately 7 pS for KCNQ3. Different conductance levels (ranging from 8 to 22 pS) were seen upon co-expression. Their weighted average is close to that obtained by noise analysis (16 pS). The open probability of heteromeric channels was not increased significantly. Co-expression of both subunits increased the surface expression of KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 by factors of 5 and >10, respectively. A KCNQ2 mutant associated with BFNC that has a truncated cytoplasmic carboxyl terminus did not reach the surface and failed to stimulate KCNQ3 surface expression. By contrast, several BFNC-associated missense mutations in KCNQ2 or KCNQ3 did not alter their surface expression. Thus, the increase in currents seen upon co-expressing KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 is predominantly due to an increase in surface expression, which is dependent on an intact carboxyl terminus.  相似文献   

Inward rectifier potassium (Kir) channels play essential roles in regulating diverse physiological processes. Although Kir channels are encoded in mosquito genomes, their functions remain largely unknown. In this study, we identified the members of the Anopheles gambiae Kir gene family and began to investigate their function. Notably, we sequenced the A. gambiae Kir1 (AgKir1) gene and showed that it encodes all the canonical features of a Kir channel: an ion pore that is composed of a pore helix and a selectivity filter, two transmembrane domains that flank the ion pore, and the so-called G-loop. Heterologous expression of AgKir1 in Xenopus oocytes revealed that this gene encodes a functional, barium-sensitive Kir channel. Quantitative RT-PCR experiments then showed that relative AgKir1 mRNA levels are highest in the pupal stage, and that AgKir1 mRNA is enriched in the adult ovaries. Gene silencing of AgKir1 by RNA interference did not affect the survival of female mosquitoes following a blood meal, but decreased their egg output. These data provide evidence for a new role of Kir channels in mosquito fecundity, and further validates them as promising molecular targets for the development of a new class of mosquitocides to be used in vector control.  相似文献   

The muscarine-sensitive K(+) current (M-current) stabilizes the resting membrane potential in neurons, thus limiting neuronal excitability. The M-current is mediated by heteromeric channels consisting of KCNQ3 subunits in association with either KCNQ2 or KCNQ5 subunits. The role of KCNQ2/3/5 in the regulation of neuronal excitability is well established; however, little is known about the mechanisms that regulate the cell surface expression of these channels. Ubiquitination by the Nedd4/Nedd4-2 ubiquitin ligases is known to regulate a number of membrane ion channels and transporters. In this study, we investigated whether Nedd4/Nedd4-2 could regulate KCNQ2/3/5 channels. We found that the amplitude of the K(+) currents mediated by KCNQ2/3 and KCNQ3/5 were reduced by Nedd4-2 (but not Nedd4) in a Xenopus oocyte expression system. Deletion experiments showed that the C-terminal region of the KCNQ3 subunit is required for the Nedd4-2-mediated regulation of the heteromeric channels. Glutathione S-transferase fusion pulldowns and co-immunoprecipitations demonstrated a direct interaction between KCNQ2/3 and Nedd4-2. Furthermore, Nedd4-2 could ubiquitinate KCNQ2/3 in transfected cells. Taken together, these data suggest that Nedd4-2 is potentially an important regulator of M-current activity in the nervous system.  相似文献   

Gao YD  Garcia ML 《Proteins》2003,52(2):146-154
To gain insight into the molecular determinants that define the specificity of interaction of pore-blocking peptides, such as agitoxin 2 (AgTX2), charybdotoxin (ChTX), and iberiotoxin (IbTX) with the Shaker-type voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3, or the large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (Maxi-K) channel, homology models of these channels were generated based on the crystal structure of the bacterial, KcsA, potassium channel. Peptide-channel complexes were analyzed to evaluate the predicted interaction interfaces between the peptides and the channels' outer vestibules. The docking model, for either AgTX2 or ChTX with the Kv1.3 channel, predicts a novel hydrogen bonding interaction between the Asn30 side-chain of the peptide and the Asp381 side-chain of the channel. This interaction is consistent with the >500-fold decreased potency of both AgTX2 and ChTX mutants at position 30 for the Shaker channel [(Ranganathan et al., Neuron 1996;16:131-139); (Goldstein et al., Neuron 1994;12:1377-1388)]. This hydrogen bonding interaction also suggests that Gly30 in IbTX may be the critical determinant for its lack of activity against Shaker Kv channels. The model of the Maxi-K channel reveals a narrower and more structurally restrained outer vestibule in which the aromatic residues Phe266 and Tyr294 may stabilize binding of IbTX and ChTX by pi-pi stacking with the aromatic residues Trp14 and Tyr36 of the peptides. This study also suggests that the extra net negative charge of IbTX is not related to the selectivity of this peptide for the Maxi-K channel.  相似文献   

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