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利用PAUP和MrBayes软件,对线粒体COⅠ基因序列3个密码子位置的数据模块分别进行了豉甲科(Gyrinidae)和水生肉食亚目(Hydradephaga)在亚科或科水平上的系统发育学分析,结果表明第二密码子数据模块获得了理想的分析结果。由PAUP生成的豉甲科最优树来自第二密码子数据模块的分析,而由MrBayes生成的最优树来自全部密码子数据模块的分析。此外,用对应的氨基酸序列生成的ME和MP树与第二密码子数据模块分析的结果也一致。亚科Orectochilinae和Gyrininae以高的支持率形成了单系。然而,来自亚科Enhydrinae的种Porrorhynchus landaisi landaisi呈现了异常的位置。SH-test检验也支持该异常位置,表明这个种可能代表了一个科。在来自第二密码子数据模块的水生肉食亚目最优ML树中,整个Hydradephaga树呈现单系,豉甲科位于树的基部,表明了该科在水生肉食亚目中是一个早期的分支。在树中还产生了一个单系的Dytiscoidea总科,由Dytiscidae、Hygrobiidae、Noteridae和Amphizoidae 4个科组成,单系的Haliplidae与之成为姐妹群。此外线粒体分子钟的结果表明豉甲科的5对相近种间的分化是一个短时期内发生的(0.01~1.81百万年前),这点可能与它们的特殊地理分布有关。  相似文献   

Discovery of Aspidytidae,a new family of aquatic Coleoptera   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The six extant aquatic families of Hydradephaga (Coleoptera) known so far represent a diverse group of beetles morphologically highly modified for life in the water. We report the discovery of a new genus with two species from South Africa and China, which differ greatly from all extant families, but resemble the Jurassic-Cretaceous dagger Liadytidae (the dagger symbol indicates that the taxa are known only as fossils). Based on a combined phylogenetic analysis of molecular and morphological data we erect a new family, Aspidytidae, which is the sister group of Dytiscidae plus Hygrobiidae. We propose a new scenario for the evolution of swimming behaviour in adephagan beetles, in which the transition into the aquatic environment is followed by complex and repeated changes in lifestyles, including the secondary complete loss of swimming ability in Aspidytidae.  相似文献   

Current hypotheses regarding family relationships in the suborder Adephaga (Coleoptera) are conflicting. Here we report full-length 18S ribosomal RNA sequences of 39 adephagans and 13 outgroup taxa. Data analysis focused on the impact of sequence alignment on tree topology, using two principally different approaches. Tree alignments, which seek to minimize indels and substitutions on the tree in a single step, as implemented in an approximate procedure by the computer program POY, were contrasted with a more traditional procedure based on alignments followed by phylogenetic inference based on parsimony, likelihood, and distance analyses. Despite substantial differences between the procedures, phylogenetic conclusions regarding basal relationships within Adephaga and relationships between the four suborders of Coleoptera were broadly similar. The analysis weakly supports monophyly of Adephaga, with Polyphaga usually as its sister, and the two small suborders Myxophaga and Archostemata basal to them. In some analyses, however, Polyphaga was reconstructed as having arisen from within Hydradephaga. Adephaga generally split into two monophyletic groups, corresponding to the terrestrial Geadephaga and the aquatic Hydradephaga, as initially proposed by Crowson in 1955, consistent with a single colonization of the aquatic environment by adephagan ancestors and contradicting the recent proposition of three independent invasions. A monophyletic Hydradephaga is consistently, though not strongly, supported under most analyses, and a parametric bootstrapping test significantly rejects an hypothesis of nonmonophyly. The enigmatic Trachypachidae, which exhibit many similarities to aquatic forms but whose species are entirely terrestrial, were usually recovered as a basal lineage within Geadephaga. Strong evidence opposes the view that terrestrial trachypachids are related to the dytiscoid water beetles.  相似文献   

Adephaga is the second largest suborder of beetles (Coleoptera) and they serve as important arthropod predators in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The suborder is divided into Geadephaga comprising terrestrial families and Hydradephaga for aquatic lineages. Despite numerous studies, phylogenetic relationships among the adephagan families and monophyly of the Hydradephaga itself remain in question. Here we conduct a comprehensive phylogenomic analysis of the suborder using ultraconserved elements (UCEs). This study presents the first in vitro test of a newly developed UCE probe set customized for use within Adephaga that includes both probes tailored specifically for the suborder, alongside generalized Coleoptera probes previously found to work in adephagan taxa. We assess the utility of the entire probe set, as well as comparing the tailored and generalized probes alone for reconstructing evolutionary relationships. Our analyses recovered strong support for the paraphyly of Hydradephaga with whirligig beetles (Gyrinidae) placed as sister to all other adephagan families. Geadephaga was strongly supported as monophyletic and placed sister to a clade composed of Haliplidae + Dytiscoidea. Monophyly of Dytiscoidea was strongly supported with relationships among the dytiscoid families resolved and strongly supported. Relationships among the subfamilies of Dytiscidae were strongly supported but largely incongruent with prior phylogenetic estimates for the family. The results of our UCE probe comparison showed that tailored probes alone outperformed generalized probes alone, as well as the full combined probe set (containing both types of probes), under decreased taxon sampling. When taxon sampling was increased, the full combined probe set outperformed both tailored probes and generalized probes alone. This study provides further evidence that UCE probe sets customized for a focal group result in a greater number of recovered loci and substantially improve phylogenomic analysis.  相似文献   

The beetle suborder Adephaga has been the subject of many phylogenetic reconstructions utilizing a variety of data sources and inference methods. However, no strong consensus has yet emerged on the relationships among major adephagan lineages. Ultraconserved elements (UCEs) have proved useful for inferring difficult or unresolved phylogenies at varying timescales in vertebrates, arachnids and Hymenoptera. Recently, a UCE bait set was developed for Coleoptera using polyphagan genomes and a member of the order Strepsiptera as an outgroup. Here, we examine the utility of UCEs for reconstructing the phylogeny of adephagan families, in the first in vitro application a UCE bait set in Coleoptera. Our final dataset included 305 UCE loci for 18 representatives of all adephagan families except Aspidytidae, and two polyphagan outgroups, with a total concatenated length of 83 547 bp. We inferred trees using maximum likelihood analyses of the concatenated UCE alignment and coalescent species tree methods (astral ii , ASTRID, svdquartets ). Although the coalescent species tree methods had poor resolution and weak support, concatenated analyses produced well‐resolved, highly supported trees. Hydradephaga was recovered as paraphyletic, with Gyrinidae sister to Geadephaga and all other adephagans. Haliplidae was recovered as sister to Dytiscoidea, with Hygrobiidae and Amphizoidae successive sisters to Dytiscidae. Finally, Noteridae was recovered as monophyletic and sister to Meruidae. Given the success of UCE data for resolving phylogenetic relationships within Adephaga, we suggest the potential for further resolution of relationships within Adephaga using UCEs with improved taxon sampling, and by developing Adephaga‐specific probes.  相似文献   

We performed a comparative study of partial rDNA sequences from a variety of Coleoptera taxa to construct an annotated alignment based on secondary structure information, which in turn, provides improved rRNA structure models useful for phylogenetic reconstruction. Subsequent phylogenetic analysis was performed to test monophyly and interfamilial relationships of the megadiverse plant feeding beetle group known as ‘Phytophaga’ (Curculionoidea and Chrysomeloidea), as well as to discover their closest relatives among the Cucujiformia. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses were performed based on the structural alignment of segments of 18S rRNA (variable regions V4‐V5, V7‐V9) and 28S rRNA (expansion segment D2). A total of 104 terminal taxa of Coleoptera were included: 96 species of Cucujiformia beetles, representing the families and most ‘subfamilies’ of weevils and chrysomeloids (Phytophaga), as well as several families of Cleroidea, Tenebrionoidea and Cucujoidea, and eight outgroups from three other polyphagan series: Scarabaeiformia, Elateriformia and Bostrichiformia. The results from the different methods of analysis agree — recovering the monophyly of the ‘Phytophaga’, including Curculionoidea and Chrysomeloidea as sister groups. The curculionoid and chrysomeloid phylogeny recovered from the aligned 18S and 28S rDNA segments, which is independent of morphological data, is in agreement with recent hypotheses or concepts based on morphological evidence, particularly with respect to familial relationships. Our results provide clues about the evolutionary origin of the phytophagan beetles within the megaclade Cucujiformia, suggesting that the sister group of ‘Curculionoidea + Chrysomeloidea’ is a clade of the ‘Cucujoidea’, represented in this study by species in Boganiidae, Erotylidae, Nitidulidae, Cucujidae and Silvanidae. The Coccinellidae and Endomychidae are not grouped with the latter, and the remaining terminal taxa are nested in Tenebrionoidea and Cleroidea. We propose that the combination of structurally aligned ribosomal RNA gene regions 18S (V4‐V5, V7‐V9) and 28S (D2) are useful in testing monophyly and resolving relationships among beetle superfamilies and families.  相似文献   

The beetle suborder Adephaga is traditionally divided into two sections on the basis of habitat, terrestrial Geadephaga and aquatic Hydradephaga. Monophyly of both groups is uncertain, and the relationship of the two groups has implications for inferring habitat transitions within Adephaga. Here we examine phylogenetic relationships of these groups using evidence provided by DNA sequences from all four suborders of beetles, including 60 species of Adephaga, 4 Archostemata, 3 Myxophaga, and 10 Polyphaga. We studied 18S ribosomal DNA and 28S ribosomal DNA, aligned with consideration of secondary structure, as well as the nuclear protein-coding gene wingless . Independent and combined Bayesian, likelihood, and parsimony analyses of all three genes supported placement of Trachypachidae in a monophyletic Geadephaga, although for analyses of 28S rDNA and some parsimony analyses only if Coleoptera is constrained to be monophyletic. Most analyses showed limited support for the monophyly of Hydradephaga. Outside of Adephaga, there is support from the ribosomal genes for a sister group relationship between Adephaga and Polyphaga. Within the small number of sampled Polyphaga, analyses of 18S rDNA, wingless , and the combined matrix supports monophyly of Polyphaga exclusive of Scirtoidea. Unconstrained analyses of the evolution of habitat suggest that Adephaga was ancestrally aquatic with one transition to terrestrial. However, in analyses constrained to disallow changes from aquatic to terrestrial habitat, the phylogenies imply two origins of aquatic habit within Adephaga.  相似文献   

On the systematic position of the family Gyrinidae (Coleoptera: Adephaga)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Various characters of adult and larval members of Adephaga and Cupedidae were analyzed, and suggest that Gyrinidae are the sister-group of the remaining Adephaga, and are not closely related to the remaining aquatic Adephaga. The aquatic families Noteridae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae and Dytiscidae seem to form a well founded monophyletic unit. The following characters are considered as synapomorphies of Adephaga excluding Gyrinidae: bifurcate condition of the muscle (= M.) tentoriopraementalis inferior, reduction of hypopharynx, strongly developed prosternal process, reduction in size and specialized modification of the ventral sclerite of the mesothorax, strongly developed mesofurcal arms, a high mesopleural ridge, globular mesocoxae restricted to rotatory movements, invaginated sternum VIII (coxostemum), the strongly curved base of the median lobe of the aedeagus, which articulates with the parameres, the rotated position of the aedeagus in repose, fusion of the larval clypeolabrum with the frons and reduction of the larval lacinia. Mesal shifting of M. episterno-coxalis prothoracis, and the fusion of the apical portions of the malpighian tubules of either side are considered as synapomorphies of Adephaga excluding Rhysodidae and Gyrinidae. Lateral reduction of the meta “sternal” transverse ridge and the presence of the subcubital setal binding patch of the hind wing are considered as synapomorphic characters of Trachypachidae, Noteridae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae and Dytiscidae. We postulate that the metacoxal fusion occurred independently in gyrmids and the common ancestor of Trachypachidae, Noteridae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae and Dytiscidae. Consequently we consider this character state as another synapomorphy of Trachypachidae and Hydradephaga excluding Haliplidae and Gyrinidae. The following characters are considered as synapomorphies of Noteridae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae and Dytiscidae: Loss of tactile setae on the head capsule, metafurcal origin on the intercoxal wall, expansion of the intercoxal wall, elongation of the subcubital setal binding patch, loss of Mm. furca-coxale anterior and posterior, reduction of the larval abdominal segments IX and X, and the shifting of the uropmphi onto the ventral side of segment VIII. Presence of M. tentorio-mandibularis and M. stipitopalpalis intemus are certainly primitive features of adult gyrinids but the distribution of these character states among most members of Adephaga is yet unclear. Chemical defence gland constituents point towards a very isolated position of Gyrinidae. The old age of the group, documented by a larva found in upper Permian deposits, may support the hypothesis of a sister-group relation-ship between Gyrinidae and the remainder of Adephaga.  相似文献   

习欠云  王殉章 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1274-1279
水生肉食亚目(Hydradephaga)属于鞘翅目Coleoptera,是一类具有水生习性的食肉性真正水生甲虫(True water beetles)。在真正水生甲虫的系统分类中存在三种假说,一种是肉食亚目(Adephaga)位于该系统的基部,一种是多食亚目(Polyphaga)位于该系统基部,第三种是藻食亚目(Myxophaga)位于该系统基部。最近研究结果更多倾向第一种假说。目前水生肉食亚目大约有5 500个种,200多个属,含8个科。水生肉食亚目的科间水平系统发育关系虽被广泛研究,但观点仍不统一。有代表意义的有三个假说,一是豉甲科(Gyrinidae)位于系统基部,接下来是龙虱科(Dytiscidae)、两栖甲科(Amphizoidae)、水甲科(Hygrobiidae)、小粒龙虱科(Noteridae)与沼梭科(Haliplidae);二是沼梭科位于系统的基部;三是豉甲科位于系统的基部,接下来是沼梭科和龙虱总科(Dytiscoidea),其中龙虱总科由两栖甲科、水甲科、龙虱科、小粒龙虱科组成。目前根据形态学的分类,并结合分子系统学研究方法,第三种假说更符合水生肉食亚目的系统分类,也支持了水生肉食亚目作为一个单系,其祖先来自陆生的假说。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the diverse beetle superfamily Cucujoidea are poorly known. The Cerylonid Series (C.S.) is the largest of all proposed superfamilial cucujoid groups, comprising eight families and representing most of the known cucujoid species diversity. The monophyly of the C.S., however, has never been formally tested and the higher-level relationships among and within the constituent families remain equivocal. Here we present a phylogenetic study based on 18S and 28S rDNA for 16 outgroup taxa and 61 C.S. ingroup taxa, representing seven of the eight C.S. families and 20 of 39 subfamilies. We test the monophyly of the C.S., investigate the relationships among the C.S. families, and test the monophyly of the constituent families and subfamilies. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the combined data was achieved via standard static alignment parsimony analyses, Direct Optimization using parsimony, and partitioned Bayesian analysis. All three analyses support the paraphyly of Cucujoidea with respect to Tenebrionoidea and confirm the monophyly of the C.S. The C.S. families Bothrideridae, Cerylonidae, Discolomatidae, Coccinellidae and Corylophidae are supported as monophyletic in all analyses. Only the Bayesian analysis recovers a monophyletic Latridiidae. Endomychidae is recovered as polyphyletic in all analyses. Of the 14 subfamilies with multiple terminals in this study, 11 were supported as monophyletic. The corylophid subfamily Corylophinae and the coccinellid subfamilies Chilocorinae and Scymninae are recovered as paraphyletic. A sister grouping of Anamorphinae+Corylophidae is supported in all analyses. Other taxonomic implications are discussed in light of our results.  相似文献   

Phylogeny and diversification of diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dytiscidae is the most diverse family of beetles in which both adults and larvae are aquatic, with examples of extreme morphological and ecological adaptations. Despite continuous attention from systematists and ecologists, existing phylogenetic hypotheses remain unsatisfactory because of limited taxon sampling or low node support. Here we provide a phylogenetic tree inferred from four gene fragments (cox1, rrnL, H3 and SSU, ≈ 4000 aligned base pairs), including 222 species in 116 of 174 known genera and 25 of 26 tribes. We aligned ribosomal genes prior to tree building with parsimony and Bayesian methods using three approaches: progressive pair‐wise alignment with refinement, progressive alignment modeling the evolution of indels, and deletion of hypervariable sites. Results were generally congruent across alignment and tree inference methods. Basal relationships were not well defined, although we identified 28 well supported lineages corresponding to recognized tribes or groups of genera, among which the most prominent novel results were the polyphyly of Dytiscinae; the grouping of Pachydrini with Bidessini, Peschetius with Methlini and Coptotomus within Copelatinae; the monophyly of all Australian Hydroporini (Necterosoma group), and their relationship with the Graptodytes and Deronectes groups plus Hygrotini. We found support for a clade formed by Hydroporinae plus Laccophilini, and their sister relationship with Cybistrini and Copelatinae. The tree provided a framework for the analysis of species diversification in Dytiscidae. We found a positive correlation between the number of species in a lineage and the age of the crown group as estimated through a molecular clock approach, but the correlation with the stem age was non‐significant. Imbalances between sister clades were significant for several nodes, but the residuals of the regression of species numbers with the crown age of the group identified only Bidessini and the Coptotomus + Agaporomorphus clade as lineages with, respectively, above and below expected levels of species diversity. © The Willi Hennig Society 2008.  相似文献   

双壳纲贝类18S rRNA基因序列变异及系统发生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孟学平  申欣  程汉良  赵娜娜 《生态学报》2011,31(5):1393-1403
双壳纲贝类栖息于环境多变的海域,是一个形态学和生态学都具有多样性的类群,清晰而可靠的进化关系对于养殖与相关种类的管理具重要意义。然而,目前对双壳类宏观分子系统学研究的报道较少。研究用18S rRNA基因(18S)分析了双壳类3个亚纲贝类的系统发育关系。从GenBank下载帘蛤目、海螂目、贻贝目、胡桃蛤目、蚶目、珍珠贝目6个目94个种类的18S全/部分序列107个,通过ClustalX软件进行序列比对, 用MEGA4.1软件和PHyML软件计算遗传距离, 构建系统发育树, 研究了双壳类18S变异规律及其在系统发生研究中的应用。结果显示18S有插入/缺失序列, 存在长度多态性。序列比对显示有5段约30 70bp的保守区, 4段约130 550bp的高变区。碱基组成平均为T:24.4%, C:23.6%, A:24.5%, G:27.5%。G+C含量为51.1%。在1796个比对位点中, 变异位点占31.7%, 简约信息位点占24.0%。目内科间遗传距离为0.003 0.043, 目间遗传距离为0.026 0.093。NJ树和ML树显示贻贝目、珍珠贝目、胡桃蛤目、蚶目和海螂目的缝栖蛤科先分别聚为支持率很高(BPN=94 100)的单系支, 后聚为一大支(BPN=100)。蛤蜊科与帘蛤目的其他科分离形成一置信度很高的单系支(BPN=93)。帘蛤科种类聚为置信度较低(BPN=60)的一支。海螂目、帘蛤目的种类没能完全聚到所属支系, 彼此嵌套,缝栖蛤科的种类从海螂目中分离出来。18S资料揭示帘蛤目的蛤蜊科、海螂目的缝栖蛤科已经进化为独立的支系。  相似文献   

Opinions on the systematic relationships of birds in the avian order Gruiformes have been as diverse as the families included within it. Despite ongoing debate over monophyly of the order and relationships among its various members, recent opinion has converged on the monophyly of a "core" group of five families classified as the suborder Grues: the rails (Rallidae), the cranes (Gruidae), the Limpkin (Aramidae), the trumpeters (Psophiidae), and the finfoots (Heliornithidae). We present DNA sequence data from four mitochondrial (cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, Valine tRNA, and 16S rRNA) and three nuclear loci (intron 7 of beta-fibrinogen, intron 5 of alcohol dehydrogenase-I, and introns 3 through 5 of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) to test previous hypotheses of interfamilial relationships within Grues, with particular attention to the enigmatic family Heliornithidae. Separate and combined analyses of these gene sequences confirm the monophyly of Grues as a whole, and of the five families individually, including all three species of Heliornithidae. The preferred topology unambiguously supports relationships among four of the five families, with only the position of Psophiidae remaining equivocal. Bayesian "relaxed-clock" dating methods suggest that the divergences of the three heliornithid species occurred in the mid-Tertiary, suggesting that their present disjunct pantropical distribution is a result of early- to mid-Tertiary dispersal.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the Sclerosomatidae, the largest family of harvestmen, are explored using molecular data from four nuclear genes (28S and 18S rRNA, Histone 3 and Elongation factor-1α) and two mitochondrial gene regions (COI-COII, 16S and 12S rRNA). The taxon sample includes representative species from all families in Phalangioidea and all subfamilies of Sclerosomatidae (Gagrellinae, Gyinae, Leiobuninae, Sclerosomatinae). Our results solve several major taxonomic problems, including placement of Gyinae sensu stricto in Phalangiidae, the monophyly of the Metopilio group and its exclusion from Sclerosomatidae, and reaffirmation of the familial rank of Protolophidae. However, most major groups of sclerosomatids (Leiobuninae, Gagrellinae, Leiobunum, Nelima) are recovered as polyphyletic, although with a phylogenetic structure suggesting a strong association between geography and monophyly as well as notable morphological convergence in traditional diagnostic characters. Phylogenetic affinities between biotas of the New World and Asian tropics, as well as between temperate North American and East Asia, suggest that sclerosmatid historical biogeography may conform with the Boreotropic Concept. Finally, we discuss how the many problems that remain in sclerosomatid systematics might be addressed.  相似文献   

Abstract Phylogenetic relationships among thirty-two species of mosquitoes in subfamily Anophelinae are inferred from portions of the mitochondrial genes COI and COII, the nuclear 18S small subunit rRNA gene and the expansion D2 region of the nuclear large subunit 28S rRNA gene. Sequences were obtained from the genera Anopheles , Bironella and Chagasia . Representatives of all six subgenera of Anopheles were included: Anopheles , Cellia , Kerteszia , Lophopodomyia , Nyssorhynchus and Stethomyia. Using parsimony and maximum likelihood methods, various combinations of these DNA sequence data were analysed separately: 18S, 28S, combined 18S and 28S, combined COI and COII, and combined 18S, 28S, COI and COII ('total evidence'). The combined rDNA data contain strong phylogenetic signal, moderately to strongly supporting most clades in MP and ML analyses; however, the mtDNA data (analysed as either nucleotide or amino acid sequences) contain little phylogenetic signal, except for relationships of very recently derived groups of species and, at the deepest level, for the monophyly of Anophelinae. The paraphyly of Anopheles relative to Bironella is confirmed by most analyses and statistical tests. Support for the monophyly of subgenera Anopheles , Cellia , Kerteszia and Nyssorhynchus is indicated by most analyses. Subgenus Lophopodomyia is reconstructed as the sister to Bironella , nested within a clade also containing Nyssorhynchus and Kerteszia . The most basal relationships within genus Anopheles are not well resolved by any of the data partitions, although the results of statistical analyses of the rDNA data (S-H-tests, likelihood ratio tests for monophyly and Bayesian MCMC analyses) suggest that the clade consisting of Bironella , Lophopodomyia , Nyssorhynchus and Kerteszia is the sister to the clade containing Cellia and Anopheles .  相似文献   

The evolution of the coleopteran suborder Adephaga is discussed based on a robust phylogenetic background. Analyses of morphological characters yield results nearly identical to recent molecular phylogenies, with the highly specialized Gyrinidae placed as sister to the remaining families, which form two large, reciprocally monophyletic subunits, the aquatic Haliplidae + Dytiscoidea (Meruidae, Noteridae, Aspidytidae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae, Dytiscidae) on one hand, and the terrestrial Geadephaga (Trachypachidae + Carabidae) on the other. The ancestral habitat of Adephaga, either terrestrial or aquatic, remains ambiguous. The former option would imply two or three independent invasions of aquatic habitats, with very different structural adaptations in larvae of Gyrinidae, Haliplidae and Dytiscoidea.  相似文献   

The intra-phyletic relationships of sipunculan worms were analyzed based on DNA sequence data from four gene regions and 58 morphological characters. Initially we analyzed the data under direct optimization using parsimony as optimality criterion. An implied alignment resulting from the direct optimization analysis was subsequently utilized to perform a Bayesian analysis with mixed models for the different data partitions. For this we applied a doublet model for the stem regions of the 18S rRNA. Both analyses support monophyly of Sipuncula and most of the same clades within the phylum. The analyses differ with respect to the relationships among the major groups but whereas the deep nodes in the direct optimization analysis generally show low jackknife support, they are supported by 100% posterior probability in the Bayesian analysis. Direct optimization has been useful for handling sequences of unequal length and generating conservative phylogenetic hypotheses whereas the Bayesian analysis under mixed models provided high resolution in the basal nodes of the tree.  相似文献   

The relationships of extant and extinct lineages of Adephaga were analysed formally for the first time. Emphasis is placed on the aquatic and semiaquatic groups and their evolution in the Mesozoic. ?Triadogyrus and ?Mesodineutus belong to Gyrinidae, the sister group of the remaining families. ?Triaplidae are the sister group of the following groups (Haliplidae, Geadephaga, Dytiscoidea incl. ?Liadytidae, ?Parahygrobiidae and ?Coptoclavidae [major part]). The lack of a ventral procoxal joint and a very short prosternal process are plesiomorphies of ?Triaplidae. ?Coptoclavidae and ?Timarchopsinae are paraphyletic. ?Timarchopsis is placed in a geadephagan clade. In contrast to other coptoclavids, its metathorax is close to the condition found in Haliplidae, with a complete transverse ridge and coxae with large plates and free mesal walls. ?Coptoclavidae s.str., i.e. excl. ?Timarchopsis, is a dytiscoid subgroup. The mesal metacoxal walls are fused, the coxal plates are reduced, and the transverse ridge is absent. ?Stygeonectes belongs to this dytiscoid coptoclavid unit and is therefore misplaced in ?Timarchopsinae. ?Liadytidae belongs to a dytiscoid subgroup, which also comprises the extant families Aspidytidae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae and Dytiscidae. ?Parahygrobia is the sister group of Hygrobiidae. The larvae are characterized by a broad gula, the absence of the lacinia, retractile maxillary bases and very long urogomphi set with long setae. ?Liadytiscinae is the sister group of extant Dytiscidae. There is no support for a clade ?Eodromeinae and for Trachypachidae incl. ?Eodromeinae. ?Fortiseode is nested within Carabidae. The exclusion of fossil taxa has no effect on the branching pattern. The evolution of Adephaga in the Mesozoic is discussed. Possible reasons for the extinction of ?Coptoclavidae are the rise of teleost fish and the competition of Gyrinidae and Dytiscidae, which possess efficient defensive glands and larval mandibular sucking channels.  相似文献   

The complete 12S rRNA gene has been sequenced in 4 Ungulata (hoofed eutherians) and 1 marsupial and compared to 38 available mammalian sequences in order to investigate the molecular evolution of the mitochondrial small-subunit ribosomal RNA molecule. Ungulata were represented by one artiodactyl (the collared peccary, Tayassu tajacu, suborder Suiformes), two perissodactyls (the Grevy's zebra, Equus grevyi, suborder Hippomorpha; the white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum, suborder Ceratomorpha), and one hyracoid (the tree hyrax, Dendrohyrax dorsalis). The fifth species was a marsupial, the eastern gray kangaroo (Macropus giganteus). Several transition/transversion biases characterized the pattern of changes between mammalian 12S rRNA molecules. A bias toward transitions was found among 12S rRNA sequences of Ungulata, illustrating the general bias exhibited by ribosomal and protein-encoding genes of the mitochondrial genome. The derivation of a mammalian 12S rRNA secondary structure model from the comparison of 43 eutherian and marsupial sequences evidenced a pronounced bias against transversions in stems. Moreover, transversional compensatory changes were rare events within double-stranded regions of the ribosomal RNA. Evolutionary characteristics of the 12S rRNA were compared with those of the nuclear 18S and 28S rRNAs. From a phylogenetic point of view, transitions, transversions and indels in stems as well as transversional and indels events in loops gave congruent results for comparisons within orders. Some compensatory changes in double-stranded regions and some indels in single-stranded regions also constituted diagnostic events. The 12S rRNA molecule confirmed the monophyly of infraorder Pecora and order Cetacea and demonstrated the monophyly of suborder Suiformes. However, the monophyly of the suborder Ruminantia was not supported, and the branching pattern between Cetacea and the artiodactyl suborders Ruminantia and Suiformes was not established. The monophyly of the order Perissodactyla was evidenced, but the relationships between Artiodactyla, Cetacea, and Perissodactyla remained unresolved. Nevertheless, we found no support for a Perissodactyla + Hyracoidea clade, neither with distance approach, nor with parsimony reconstruction. The 12S rRNA was useful to solve intraordinal relationships among Ungulata, but it seemed to harbor too few informative positions to decipher the bushlike radiation of some Ungulata orders, an event which has most probably occurred in a short span of time between 55 and 70 MYA. Correspondence to: E. Douzery  相似文献   

张军毅    朱冰川  徐超  丁啸  李俊锋  张学工  陆祖宏   《生态学杂志》2015,26(11):3545-3553
随着新一代DNA测序技术出现,人们能够同时对多个DNA样本的宏基因组进行并行分析,尤其是以16S rRNA基因高变区为分子标记的测序已经成为微生物多样性研究最为简洁有效的方法. 目前二代高通量测序的读长不能覆盖16S rRNA基因的全长,需要选择一个有效的高变区进行测序.十多年来,对于16S rRNA基因高变区的选择策略没有统一的标准.本文分析了常用的高变区选择策略,指出不同环境条件是影响高变区选择的重要因素之一.在此基础上,提出了高变区选择的参考准则,同时建议应对选择的高变区进行有效评估.  相似文献   

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