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This study characterizes defects associated with abnormal mesoderm development in mouse embryos homozygous for the induced Ednrb(s-1Acrg) allele of the piebald deletion complex. The Ednrb(s-1Acrg) deletion results in recessive embryonic lethality and mutant embryos exhibit a truncated posterior body axis. The primitive streak and node become disfigured, consistent with evidence that cell migration is impaired in newly formed mesoderm. Additional defects related to mesoderm development include notochord degeneration, somite malformations, and abnormal vascular development. Arrested heart looping morphogenesis and a randomized direction of embryonic turning indicate that left-right development is also perturbed. The expression of nodal and leftb, Tgf-beta-related genes involved in a left-determinant signaling pathway, is variably lost in the left lateral plate mesoderm. Mutational analysis has demonstrated that Fgf8 and Brachyury (T) are required for normal mesoderm and left-right development and the asymmetric expression of nodal and leftb. Fgf8 expression in nascent mesoderm exiting the primitive streak is dramatically reduced in mutant embryos, and diminished T expression accompanies the progressive loss of paraxial, lateral, and primitive streak mesoderm. In contrast, axial mesoderm persists and T and nodal appear to be appropriately expressed in their specific domains in the node and notochord. We propose that this mutation disrupts a morphogenetic pathway, likely involving FGF signaling, important for the development of streak-derived posterior mesoderm and lateral morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Generation of laterality depends on a pathway which involves the asymmetrically expressed genes nodal, Ebaf, Leftb, and Pitx2. In mouse, node monocilia are required upstream of the nodal cascade. In chick and frog, gap junctions are essential prior to node/organizer formation. It was hypothesized that differential activity of ion channels gives rise to unidirectional transfer through gap junctions, resulting in asymmetric gene expression. PKD2, which if mutated causes autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) in humans, encodes the calcium release channel polycystin-2. We have generated a knockout allele of Pkd2 in mouse. In addition to malformations described previously, homozygous mutant embryos showed right pulmonary isomerism, randomization of embryonic turning, heart looping, and abdominal situs. Leftb and nodal were not expressed in the left lateral plate mesoderm (LPM), and Ebaf was absent from floorplate. Pitx2 was bilaterally expressed in posterior LPM but absent anteriorly. Pkd2 was ubiquitously expressed at headfold and early somite stages, with higher levels in floorplate and notochord. The embryonic midline, however, was present, and normal levels of Foxa2 and shh were expressed, suggesting that polycystin-2 acts downstream or in parallel to shh and upstream of the nodal cascade.  相似文献   

Members of the EGF-CFC family of proteins have recently been implicated as essential cofactors for Nodal signaling. Here we report the isolation of chick CFC and describe its expression pattern, which appears to be similar to Cfc1 in mouse. During early gastrulation, chick CFC was asymmetrically expressed on the left side of Hensen's node as well as in the emerging notochord, prechordal plate, and lateral plate mesoderm. Subsequently, its expression became confined to the heart fields, notochord, and posterior mesoderm. Implantation experiments suggest that chick CFC expression in the lateral plate mesoderm is dependent on BMP signaling, while in the midline its expression depends on an Activin-like signal. The asymmetric expression domain within Hensen's node was not affected by application of FGF8, Noggin, or Shh antibody. Implantation of cells expressing human or mouse CFC2, or chick CFC on the right side of Hensen's node randomized heart looping without affecting expression of genes involved in left-right axis formation, including SnR, Nodal, Car, or Pitx2. Application of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides to the midline of Hamburger-Hamilton stage 4-5 embryos also randomized heart looping, but in contrast to the overexpression experiments, antisense oligodeoxynucleotide treatment resulted in bilateral expression of Nodal, Car, Pitx2, and NKX3.2, whereas Lefty1 expression in the midline was transiently lost. Application of the antisense oligodeoxynucleotides to the lateral plate mesoderm abolished Nodal expression. Thus, chick CFC seems to have a dual function in left-right axis formation by maintaining Nodal expression in the lateral plate mesoderm and controlling expression of Lefty1 expression in the midline territory.  相似文献   

Vertebrate organisms are characterized by dorsal-ventral and left-right asymmetry. The process that establishes left-right asymmetry during vertebrate development involves bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-dependent signaling, but the molecular details of this signaling pathway remain poorly defined. This study tests the role of the BMP type I receptor ACVRI in establishing left-right asymmetry in chimeric mouse embryos. Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells with a homozygous deletion at Acvr1 were used to generate chimeric embryos. Chimeric embryos were rescued from the gastrulation defect of Acvr1 null embryos but exhibited abnormal heart looping and embryonic turning. High mutant contribution chimeras expressed left-side markers such as nodal bilaterally in the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM), indicating that loss of ACVRI signaling leads to left isomerism. Expression of lefty1 was absent in the midline of chimeric embryos, but shh, a midline marker, was expressed normally, suggesting that, despite formation of midline, its barrier function was abolished. High-contribution chimeras also lacked asymmetric expression of nodal in the node. These data suggest that ACVRI signaling negatively regulates left-side determinants such as nodal and positively regulates lefty1. These functions maintain the midline, restrict expression of left-side markers, and are required for left-right pattern formation during embryogenesis in the mouse.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the means by which the left-right axis is patterned is not fully understood, although a number of key intermediaries have been recently described. We report here that retinoic acid (RA) excess affects heart situs concomitant with alterations in the expression of genes implicated in the establishment of the left-right axis. Specifically, RA exposure during a specific developmental window evoked bilateral expression of lefty-1, lefty-2, nodal, and pitx-2 in the lateral plate mesoderm. Time course experiments, together with analysis of midline markers, suggest that nascent mesoderm constitutes a predominant RA target involved in this process. These events are likely to underlie the perturbations of heart looping provoked by excess RA and suggest a means by which retinoids influence the early steps in establishment of the left-right embryonic axis.  相似文献   

During vertebrate embryogenesis, a left-right axis is established. The heart, associated vessels and inner organs adopt asymmetric spatial arrangements and morphologies. Secreted growth factors of the TGF-beta family, including nodal, lefty-1 and lefty-2, play crucial roles in establishing left-right asymmetries [1] [2] [3]. In zebrafish, nodal signalling requires the presence of one-eyed pinhead (oep), a member of the EGF-CFC family of membrane-associated proteins [4]. We have generated a mutant allele of cryptic, a mouse EGF-CFC gene [5]. Homozygous cryptic mutants developed to birth, but the majority died during the first week of life because of complex cardiac malformations such as malpositioning of the great arteries, and atrial-ventricular septal defects. Moreover, laterality defects, including right isomerism of the lungs, right or left positioning of the stomach and splenic hypoplasia were observed. Nodal gene expression in the node was initiated in cryptic mutant mice, but neither nodal, lefty-2 nor Pitx2 were expressed in the left lateral plate mesoderm. The laterality defects observed in cryptic(-/-) mice resemble those of mice lacking the type IIB activin receptor or the homeobox-containing factor Pitx2 [6] [7] [8] [9], and are reminiscent of the human asplenic syndrome [10]. Our results provide genetic evidence for a role of cryptic in the signalling cascade that determines left-right asymmetry.  相似文献   

The embryonic midline in vertebrates has been implicated in left-right development, but the mechanisms by which it regulates left-right asymmetric gene expression and organ morphogenesis are unknown. Zebrafish embryos have three domains of left-right asymmetric gene expression that are useful predictors of organ situs. cyclops (nodal), lefty1 and pitx2 are expressed in the left diencephalon; cyclops, lefty2 and pitx2 are expressed in the left heart field; and cyclops and pitx2 are expressed in the left gut primordium. Distinct alterations of these expression patterns in zebrafish midline mutants identify four phenotypic classes that have different degrees of discordance among the brain, heart and gut. These classes help identify two midline domains and several genetic pathways that regulate left-right development. A cyclops-dependent midline domain, associated with the prechordal plate, regulates brain asymmetry but is dispensable for normal heart and gut left-right development. A second midline domain, associated with the anterior notochord, is dependent on no tail, floating head and momo function and is essential for restricting asymmetric gene expression to the left side. Mutants in spadetail or chordino give discordant gene expression among the brain, heart and gut. one-eyed pinhead and schmalspur are necessary for asymmetric gene expression and may mediate signaling from midline domains to lateral tissues. The different phenotypic classes help clarify the apparent disparity of mechanisms proposed to explain left-right development in different vertebrates.  相似文献   

Vertebrate species display consistent left-right asymmetry in the arrangement of their internal organs. This asymmetry reflects the establishment of the left-right axis and the alignment of the organs along this axis during development. Members of the TGF-β family of molecules have been implicated in both the establishment and signaling of left-right axis information. Asymmetric expression of one member, nodal (called Xnr-1 in the frog, Xenopus laevis), is highly conserved among species. The nodal-related genes are normally expressed in the left lateral plate mesoderm prior to the development of morphologic asymmetry. Expression patterns of nodal have been correlated with heart situs in mouse, chick, and frog and our previous work has implicated the dorsal midline structures in the regulation of nodal expression and cardiac laterality. In this study, three approaches were used to address the embryologic and molecular basis of asymmetric Xnr-1 expression. First, notochord and lateral plate recombinants were performed and showed that notochord can repress Xnr-1 expression in lateral plate mesoderm explants derived from either the left or the right side. Second, lateral plate mesoderm grafts indicated that Xnr-1 expression is specified but not determined at neurula stages and can subsequently be repatterned. These experiments suggest that a repressive signal from the notochord is required for maintenance of asymmetric Xnr-1 expression and that Xnr-1 expression is regulated by signals outside of the lateral plate mesoderm. Third, candidate molecules were injected to test for their ability to alter Xnr-1 expression pattern in the lateral plate. Late injection of activin protein on the right side of the embryo induced ectopic Xnr-1 expression and randomized cardiac orientation. This suggests that activin or a related TGF-β molecule is involved in the proximal regulation of asymmetric Xnr-1 expression. Dev. Genet. 23:194–202, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have isolated a novel gene, charon, that encodes a member of the Cerberus/Dan family of secreted factors. In zebrafish, Fugu and flounder, charon is expressed in regions embracing Kupffer's vesicle, which is considered to be the teleost fish equivalent to the region of the mouse definitive node that is required for left-right (L/R) patterning. Misexpression of Charon elicited phenotypes similar to those of mutant embryos defective in Nodal signaling or embryos overexpressing Antivin(Atv)/Lefty1, an inhibitor for Nodal and Activin. Charon also suppressed the dorsalizing activity of all three of the known zebrafish Nodal-related proteins (Cyclops, Squint and Southpaw), indicating that Charon can antagonize Nodal signaling. Because Southpaw functions in the L/R patterning of lateral plate mesoderm and the diencephalon, we asked whether Charon is involved in regulating L/R asymmetry. Inhibition of Charon's function by antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (MOs) led to a loss of L/R polarity, as evidenced by bilateral expression of the left side-specific genes in the lateral plate mesoderm (southpaw, cyclops, atv/lefty1, lefty2 and pitx2) and diencephalon (cyclops, atv/lefty1 and pitx2), and defects in early (heart jogging) and late (heart looping) asymmetric heart development, but did not disturb the notochord development or the atv/lefty1-mediated midline barrier function. MO-mediated inhibition of both Charon and Southpaw led to a reduction in or loss of the expression of the left side-specific genes, suggesting that Southpaw is epistatic to Charon in left-side formation. These data indicate that antagonistic interactions between Charon and Nodal (Southpaw), which take place in regions adjacent to Kupffer's vesicle, play an important role in L/R patterning in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Mammalian lefty and zebrafish antivin, highly related to lefty, are shown to be expressed asymmetrically and involved in the specification of the left body side of early embryos. We isolated a chick homologue of the antivin/lefty1 cDNA and studied its expression pattern during early chick development. We found that antivin/lefty1 is expressed asymmetrically on the left side of the prospective floorplate, notochord and lateral plate mesoderm of the chick embryo.  相似文献   

In mouse, lefty genes play critical roles in the left-right (L-R) axis determination pathway. Here, we characterize the Xenopus lefty-related factor antivin (Xatv). Xatv expression is first observed in the marginal zone early during gastrulation, later becoming restricted to axial tissues. During tailbud stages, axial expression resolves to the neural tube floorplate, hypochord, and (transiently) the notochord anlage, and is joined by dynamic expression in the left lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) and left dorsal endoderm. An emerging paradigm in embryonic patterning is that secreted antagonists regulate the activity of intercellular signaling factors, thereby modulating cell fate specification. Xatv expression is rapidly induced by dorsoanterior-type mesoderm inducers such as activin or Xnr2. Xatv is not an inducer itself, but antagonizes both Xnr2 and activin. Together with its expression pattern, this suggests that Xatv functions during gastrulation in a negative feedback loop with Xnrs to affect the amount and/or character of mesoderm induced. Our data also provide insights into the way that lefty/nodal signals interact in the initiation of differential L-R morphogenesis. Right-sided misexpression of Xnr1 (endogenously expressed in the left LPM) induces bilateral Xatv expression. Left-sided Xatv overexpression suppresses Xnr1/XPitx2 expression in the left LPM, and leads to severely disturbed visceral asymmetry, suggesting that active 'left' signals are critical for L-R axis determination in frog embryos. We propose that the induction of lefty/Xatv in the left LPM by nodal/Xnr1 provides an efficient self-regulating mechanism to downregulate nodal/Xnr1 expression and ensure a transient 'left' signal within the embryo.  相似文献   

The murine Brachyury (T) gene is required in mesoderm formation. Mutants carrying different T alleles show a graded severity of defects correlated with gene dosage along the body axis. The phenotypes range from shortening of the tail to the malformation of sacral vertebrae in heterozygotes, and to disruption of trunk development and embryonic death in homozygotes. Defects include a severe disturbance of the primitive streak, an early cessation of mesoderm formation and absence of the allantois and notochord, the latter resulting in an abnormality of the neural tube and somites. The T gene is expressed in nascent mesoderm and in the notochord of wild-type embryos. Here the expression of T in whole-mount mutant embryos homozygous for the T allele TWis is described. The TWis gene product is altered, but the TWis/TWis phenotype is very similar to that of T/T embryos which lack T. In early TWis/TWis embryos T expression is normal, but ceases prematurely during early organogenesis coincident with a cessation of mesoderm formation. The archenteron/node region is disrupted and the extension of the notochord precursor comes to a halt, followed by a decrease and finally a complete loss of T gene expression in the primitive streak and the head process/notochord precursor. It appears that the primary defect of the mutant embryo is the disruption of the notochord precursor in the node region which is required for axis elongation. Thus the T gene product is directly or indirectly involved in the organization of axial development.  相似文献   

Vitamin A-deficient (VAD) quail embryos have severe abnormalities, including a high incidence of reversed cardiac situs. Using this model we examined in vivo the physiological function of vitamin A in the left/right (L/R) cardiac asymmetry pathway. Molecular analysis reveals the expression of early asymmetry genes activin receptor IIa, sonic hedgehog, Caronte, Lefty-1, and Fgf8 to be unaffected by the lack of retinoids, while expression of the downstream genes nodal-related, snail-related (cSnR), and Pitx2 is altered. In VAD embryos nodal expression in left lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) is severely downregulated and the expression domain altered during neurulation. Similarly, the expression of cSnR in the right LPM and of Pitx2 in the left side posterior heart-forming region (HFR) is downregulated in the VAD embryos. The lack of retinoids does not cause randomization or ectopic expression of nodal, cSnR, or Pitx2. At the six- to eight-somite stage nodal is expressed transiently in the left posterior HFR of normal quail embryos; this expression is missing in VAD embryos and may be linked to the loss of Pitx2 expression in this region of VAD quail embryos. Administration of retinoids to VAD embryos prior to the six-somite stage rescues the expression of nodal, cSnR, and Pitx2 as well as the randomized VAD cardiac phenotype. There is an absolute requirement for retinoids at the four- to five-somite developmental window for cardiogenesis and cardiac L/R specification to proceed normally. We conclude that retinoids do not regulate the left/right-specific sidedness assignments for expression of genes on the vertebrate cardiac asymmetry pathway, but are required during neurulation for the maintenance of adequate levels of their expression and for the development of the posterior heart tube and a loopable heart. Cardiac asymmetry may be but one of several critical events regulated by retinoid signaling in the retinoid-sensitive developmental window.  相似文献   

In the mouse, the initial signals that establish left-right (LR) asymmetry are determined in the node by nodal flow. These signals are then transferred to the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) through cellular and molecular mechanisms that are not well characterized. We hypothesized that endoderm might play a role in this process because it is tightly apposed to the node and covers the outer surface of the embryo, and, just after nodal flow is established, higher Ca(2+) flux has been reported on the left side near the node, most likely in the endoderm cells. Here we studied the role of endoderm cells in the transfer of the LR asymmetry signal by analyzing mouse Sox17 null mutant embryos, which possess endoderm-specific defects. Sox17(-/-) embryos showed no expression or significantly reduced expression of LR asymmetric genes in the left LPM. In Sox17 mutant endoderm, the localization of connexin proteins on the cell membrane was greatly reduced, resulting in defective gap junction formation, which appeared to be caused by incomplete development of organized epithelial structures. Our findings suggest an essential role of endoderm cells in the signal transfer step from the node to the LPM, possibly using gap junction communication to establish the LR axis of the mouse.  相似文献   

Experimental analysis of the mechanisms of somite morphogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Earlier studies have suggested influences on somite morphogenesis by “somite-forming centers,” primitive streak regression, Hensen's node and notochord, and neural plate. Contradictions among these studies were unresolved.Our experiments resolve these conflicts and reveal roles of the primitive streak and notochord in shearing the prospective somite mesoderm into right and left halves and releasing somite-forming capabilities already present. The neural plate appears to be the principal inductor of somites.Embryo fragments containing no somite-forming centers, node, notochord, or streak nevertheless formed somites within 10 hr. Such somites disperse within the next 14–24 hr, which may explain why others failed to see them. In these fragments, an incision alongside the streak substitutes for streak regression in releasing somite formation. All such somites form simultaneously rather than in the normal anteroposterior progression. These fragments contain neural plate, but not notochord. We believe that physical attachment of somites to notochord in normal embryos stabilizes them and prevents dispersal.Pieces of epiblast were rotated 180° putting neural plate over lateral plate mesoderm regions. Somites were induced from the lateral plate by the displaced neural plate region. This is additional evidence of the powerful ability of neuroepithelium to induce somites.  相似文献   

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