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The origin of eutherian mammals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Palaeontologically recognizable eutherians originated no later than the Early Cretaceous in warm, probably moderately seasonal climates. Immediate ancestors were small, sharing many anatomical, physiological and reproductive features with small modern marsupials. Development of characteristically eutherian features involved interactions of body size, rates of metabolism, energetic costs of reproduction, anatomical/physiological processes of development and effects of each upon rates of population growth. In contrast to eutherians, marsupials have a narrow range of basal metabolic rates (lacking high rates), and show no direct links between rate of energy expenditure and gestation period, postnatal growth rate, fecundity or reproductive potential. Biological implications of this contrast are most pronounced at small body sizes. When resources are abundant, the relatively higher growth rates and earlier maturation of small eutherians (particularly those with high rates of metabolism) can lead to rapid population growth; among most marsupials, however, both pre- and postnatal constraints apparently preclude attainment of such high rates of reproduction. Also, only eutherians among the amniotes combine intimacy of placentation with prolonged active intra-uterine morphogenesis. Once established, that combination permitted (and even favoured) increases in diversity of adaptation in such disparate aspects as elevated metabolic rate, increased pre- and postnatal growth rates, increased encephalization, greater longevity, increased gregariousness, greater karyotypic flexibility, and augmented variability in adult morphology. However, all such boosts in diversity were probably secondary and dependent upon prior innovation of trophoblastic/uterine wall immunological protection of foetal tissues during prolonged intra-uterine development. Increased metabolic rates followed thereafter, with synergisms that may have speeded evolution among early eutherians. Eutherian-style trophoblast probably originated in the Mesozoic. Dependent adaptations, variably expressed, evolved later in sundry descendant lineages. Reproductive differences between marsupials and eutherians are not biologically trivial; to the contrary, breakthroughs among eutherians assured their dominance: (1) in high intensity food habits; (2) at small body masses; and (3) in very cold climates.  相似文献   

Yunnanopilia longistaminea (W.Z. Li) C.Y. Wu & D.Z. Li, which is a controversial species in Opiliaceae, is treated as a variety of Champereia manillana (Blume) Merrill in the Flora of China and morphological analysis has produced conflicting results regarding its affinity to Melientha and Champereia. To determine the systematic position of Yunnanopilia in Opiliaceae, we selected two nuclear regions (internal transcribed spacer [ITS4‐ITS5] and 18S rDNA) and four chloroplast regions (rbcL, matK, psbAtrnH, and trnStrnG) to test the phylogenetics of the family Opiliaceae using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analysis. Morphological characteristics were also examined to clarify the similarities and differences among Y. longistaminea and two closely related species. Agonandra was located at the basal position in the family Opiliaceae; in the large clade including other remaining genera, two main clades were clearly identified and correlated with inflorescence morphological characteristics. All samples of Y. longistaminea formed a clade. Yunnanopilia, Melientha, and Champereia were more closely related than other genera of Opiliaceae. Yunnanopilia longistaminea was sister to M. suavis Pierre and was more closely related to M. suavis than to C. manillana. Morphological analysis also showed that differences in the inflorescences and flowers between Y. longistaminea and M. suavis were substantial enough to warrant the retention of Y. longistaminea in its current genus. Thus, we suggest that the monotypic Yunnanopilia be treated as a distinct genus and that the name Y. longistaminea should be adopted.  相似文献   

A morphological data set and three sources of data from the chloroplast genome (two genes and a restriction site survey) were used to reconstruct the phylogenetic history of the pickerelweed family Pontederiaceae. The chloroplast data converged towards a single tree, presumably the true chloroplast phylogeny of the family. Unrooted trees estimated from each of the three chloroplast data sets were identical or extremely similar in shape to each other and mostly robustly supported. There was no evidence of significant heterogeneity among the data sets, and the few topological differences seen among unrooted trees from each chloroplast data set are probably artifacts of sampling error on short branches. Despite well-documented differences in rates of evolution for different characters in individual data sets, equally weighted parsimony permits accurate reconstructions of chloroplast relationships in Pontederiaceae. A separate morphology-based data set yielded trees that were very different from the chloroplast trees. Although there was substantial support from the morphological evidence for several major clades supported by chloroplast trees, most of the conflicting phylogenetic structure on the morphology trees was not robust. Nonetheless, several statistical tests of incongruence indicate significant heterogeneity between molecules and morphology. The source of this apparent incongruence appears to be a low ratio of phylogenetic signal to noise in the morphological data.  相似文献   

The traditional way to study the immunology of pregnancy follows the classical transplantation model, which views the fetus as an allograft. A more recent approach, which is the subject of this Review, focuses on the unique, local uterine immune response to the implanting placenta. This approach requires knowledge of placental structure and its variations in different species, as this greatly affects the type of immune response that is generated by the mother. At the implantation site, cells from the mother and the fetus intermingle during pregnancy. Unravelling what happens here is crucial to our understanding of why some human pregnancies are successful whereas others are not.  相似文献   

Lappula Moench includes ca. 70 species and exhibits a wide range of nutlet variation. Currently, the evolutionary relationships among species of Lappula have not been examined; therefore, to elucidate phylogenetic relationships and morphological evolution within Lappula and related genera, we conducted phylogenetic analyses with matrices that include 48 species as well as four DNA regions (ITS, trnL-trnF, rpS16 and psbA-trnH) and 18 morphological characters. These matrices were analyzed using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference methods. Analyses of the combined molecular and morphological data result in a phylogeny that is better resolved than that based solely on molecular sequence data. Phylogenetic results suggest that the current infrageneric classification of Lappula, at least at the subsectional and series level, is artificial. The evolutionary patterns of 18 morphological characters are investigated in a phylogenetic context. In Lappula, nutlet homomorphism and small corollas are resolved as ancestral, while nutlet heteromorphism and larger corollas are derived.  相似文献   

Recalling the evolutionary sequence of development first of gonad and subsequently of oviducts, ovarian endocrine regulation of all known components of oviduct physiology is reviewed. Ovaries not only influence oviducts via the systemic blood circulation, but also locally by counter‐current transfer of relatively high concentrations of steroid hormones and prostaglandins between the ovarian vein and oviduct branch of the ovarian artery. The efficiency and impact of such counter‐current transfer is greatest around the time of ovulation, the transfer process receiving further inputs from hormones present in peritoneal fluid. Classical oviduct physiology is summarised, and the potential molecular consequences of temperature gradients within the duct lumen examined. At ovulation, an oocyte‐cumulus complex is displaced in minutes from the follicular surface to the site of fertilisation at the ampullary‐isthmic junction of the oviduct. This rapid initial phase is contrasted with the subsequent slow progression of embryos to the uterus in days, still encompassed within a zona pellucida. Regarding transport of spermatozoa, the formation of a pre‐ovulatory reservoir in the caudal portion of the oviduct isthmus is noted, with suppression of motility and sperm‐head binding to epithelial organelles acting to maintain fertilising ability. Completion of capacitation is prompted shortly before ovulation, predominantly by Ca2+ influx into bound spermatozoa. A controlled release of spermatozoa coupled with their hyperactivation results in initial sperm:egg ratios at the site of fertilisation close to unity, thereby avoiding the pathological condition of polyspermy. Both the oviduct milieu and embryonic development are influenced by paracrine activity of follicular granulosa cells released at ovulation and remaining in suspension in the vicinity of the oocyte or embryo. These cells may amplify early pregnancy signals from a zygote to the endosalpinx. Beneficial effects of the oviduct on domestic animal embryos are contrasted with anomalies arising as a consequence of in vitro culture. Primate embryos do not require exposure to an oviduct for normal development, perhaps due to overlapping compositions of endosalpingeal and endometrial secretions. Additionally, primate endometrial secretions may be modified by viable gametes or an embryo in the presence of a cumulus cell suspension.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the evolutionary relationships among the orders of eutherian mammals constitutes a formidable phylogenetic task. It entails the identification of a single true phylogenetic tree out of 10(12)-10(28) possible ones. For almost half a century, the field of mammalian Phylogeny has been dominated by a pessimistic view, according to which the great burst of mammalian radiations more than 65 million years ago has rendered the ordinal phylogeny of mammals insolvable. In the last few years, this pessimism has started to dissipate as several superordinal relationships were identified through the use of molecular data. DNA and protein sequences have the potential to supply millions of phyloge netically useful characters, and therefore, the Phylogeny of the orders of mammals may be resolved into a consistently bifurcating tree in the not-sodistant future.  相似文献   

We assessed phylogenetic relationships within Serpulidae (including Spirorbinae) using parsimony and Bayesian analyses of 18S rDNA, the D1 and D9−D10 regions of 28S rDNA, and 38 morphological characters. In total, 857 parsimony informative characters were used for 31 terminals, 29 serpulids and sabellid and sabellariid outgroups. Following ILD assessment the two sequence partitions and morphology were analysed separately and in combination. The morphological parsimony analysis was congruent with the results of the 2003 preliminary analysis by Kupriyanova in suggesting that a monophyletic Serpulinae and Spirorbinae form a clade, while the remaining serpulids form a basal grade comprising what are normally regarded as Filograninae. Bremer support values were, however, quite low throughout. In contrast, the combined analyses of molecular and morphological data sets provided highly resolved and well-supported trees, though with some conflict when compared to the morphology-only analysis. Spirorbinae was recovered as a sister group to a monophyletic group comprising both 'filogranin' taxa ( Salmacina , Filograna , Protis , and Protula ) and 'serpulin' taxa such as Chitinopoma , Metavermilia , and Vermiliopsis . Thus the traditionally formulated subfamilies Serpulinae and Filograninae are not monophyletic. This indicates that a major revision of serpulid taxonomy is needed at the more inclusive taxonomic levels. We refrain from doing so based on the present analyses since we feel that further taxon sampling and molecular sequencing are required. The evolution of features such as the operculum and larval development are discussed.  相似文献   

Brain growth is a key trait in the evolution of mammalian life history. Brain development should be mediated by placentation, which determines patterns of resource transfer from mothers to fetal offspring. Eutherian placentation varies in the extent to which a maternal barrier separates fetal tissues from maternal blood. We demonstrate here that more invasive forms of placentation are associated with substantially steeper brain-body allometry, faster prenatal brain growth and slower prenatal body growth. On the basis of the physiological literature we suggest a simple mechanism for these differences: in species with invasive placentation, where the placenta is bathed directly in maternal blood, fatty acids essential for brain development can be readily extracted by the fetus, but in species with less invasive placentation they must be synthesized by the fetus. Hence, with regard to brain-body allometry and prenatal growth patterns, eutherian mammals are structured into distinct groups differing in placental invasiveness.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of noncoding trnL plastid DNA sequences and morphological data for 43 species of Zygophylloideae, representing most of the morphological and geographical variation in the subfamily, indicates that the currently recognised genera Augea (monotypic, southern Africa), Tetraena (monotypic, China), and Fagonia (c. 30 species, widespread), are embedded in Zygophyllum (c. 150 species, widespread). A generic classification based on six monophyletic and morphologically distinctive entities is proposed: Roepera with c. 60 species in Australia and southern Africa, Zygophyllum with c. 50 species in Asia, Tetraena with c. 40 species in Africa and Asia, Augea with a single species in southern Africa, Melocarpum with two species in the Horn of Africa region, and Fagonia with c. 30 species in both the Old and the New World. Scanning electron microscopy studies of testa structure provided important characters for the delimitation of some genera. New combinations (61) are made in Roepera, a resurrected genus originally described from Australia, one new name is proposed in Zygophyllum, 35 new combinations are made in Tetraena, and two new combinations are made in Melocarpum (previously Zygophyllum sect. Melocarpum).  相似文献   

The emerging molecular evolutionary tree for placental mammals differs greatly from morphological trees, leading to repeated suggestions that morphology is uninformative at this level. This view is here refuted empirically, using an extensive morphological and molecular dataset totalling 17 431 characters. When analysed alone, morphology indeed is highly misleading, contradicting nearly every clade in the preferred tree (obtained from the molecular or the combined data). Widespread homoplasy overrides historical signal. However, when added to the molecular data, morphology surprisingly increases support for most clades in the preferred tree. The homoplasy in the morphology is incongruent with all aspects of the molecular signal, while the historical signal in the morphology is congruent with (and amplifies) the historical signal in the molecular data. Thus, morphology remains relevant in the genomic age, providing vital independent corroboration of the molecular tree of mammals.  相似文献   

Doradidae is a putatively monophyletic group of South American freshwater catfishes containing 30 extant genera and 72 valid species. Only one study to date has attempted to estimate phylogenetic relationships among doradids. This morphological analysis partitioned species into two basal genera ( Wertheimeria and Francisodoras ) and a crown group of three subfamilies (Platydoradinae, Astrodoradinae and Doradinae) whose relationships were unresolved. No subsequent work has been done to resolve the subfamilial trichotomy or to assess whether postulated intergeneric relationships are accurate. We address this problem with complete sequences (2.5 kilobases, kb) of mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes and partial (1.3 kb) sequences of the nuclear elongation factor-1 alpha (EF1α) gene from representatives of 23 doradid genera (43 species) and 13 outgroups from additional siluriform families. Phylogenetic analysis of these data yields strong support for the monophyly of Doradidae and Astrodoradinae (as well as other relationships), but otherwise shows significant conflict with morphological results. A partial re-examination of published morphological data indicates that many characters may have been incorrectly polarized and many taxa have incorrect state assignments. Our results provide a framework for ongoing efforts to describe the species-level diversity of this poorly understood neotropical family.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 551–575.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of Iberian Aphodiini dung beetles was reconstructed based on morphological and molecular data. The data set included a total of 84 variable characters from wing venation, mouthparts, genitalia, and external morphology, as well as mitochondrial partial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI), complete tRNA-Leu (UUR), and partial cytochrome c oxidase II (COII) gene nucleotide sequences (1210 positions). Phylogenetic trees based on molecular data were relatively more resolved than those based on morphological characters. The Bayesian analysis of combined molecular and morphological data provided resolution not achieved by each data set separately. Ammoecius and Aphodius are the first lineages that branch off from the tree, followed by Acrossus, Nimbus, and Heptaulacus. The remaining studied taxa are recovered in a more derived clade that lacks internal resolution. Reconstructed trees based on molecular data showed relatively short internal nodes that were weakly supported. Such pattern may reflect a rapid radiation at the origin of the tribe Aphodiini, but also saturation of mutational changes. Several tests were conducted to discern between both competing hypotheses, as well as to assess the effect of incomplete taxon sampling.  相似文献   

Alvarez, B., Crisp, M.D., Driver, F., Hooper, J.N.A. & Van Soest, R.W.M. (2000). Phylogenetic relationships of the family Axinellidae (Porifera: Demospongiae) using morphological and molecular data. —Zoologica Scripta, 29, 169–198. Twenty‐seven species of marine sponges belonging to Axinellidae and related groups (Halichondriidae, Dictyonellidae, Agelasida) were selected to test the monophyly of Axinellidae and investigate their phylogenetic relationships using parsimony and maximum likelihood methods. Partial 28S rDNA sequences, including the D3 domain, and traditional morphological characters (mainly skeletal ones) were used independently to construct phylogenetic trees. Sequences were aligned using the appropriate model of secondary structure of the RNA and compared to that produced by the multiple sequence alignment program, ClustalW. The alignment using secondary structure constraints produced a better estimate of the phylogeny and was demonstrated to be an effective and objective method. Results of the cladistic analyses of the molecular and morphological data sets were not fully congruent; the morphological data suggest that Axinellidae is monophyletic, however, the molecular data suggest that it is nonmonophyletic. The single most‐parsimonious tree derived from the molecular data showed that species of Axinella (except A. polypoides) are united in a clade that is more closely related to members of Agelasida than to other species of Axinellidae; the remaining members of Axinellidae form a monophyletic group that is closely related to the families Dictyonellidae and Halichondriidae. The consensus tree of 20 most‐parsimonious trees from the morphological analysis, on the other hand, showed that all the sampled species of Axinellidae belong to a monophyletic group which is closely related to the species of Dictyonellidae and Halichondriidae. Only two branches were identical in both cladograms, the one uniting the species of Ptilocaulis and Reniochalina and the one with the species of Dictyonellidae. The robustness of the molecular and morphological trees (or parts of the trees), was tested using bootstrap, jack‐knife, PTP and T‐PTP tests. The results of the PTP test were significant indicating significant cladistic structure in both data sets. The bootstrap and jack‐knife values indicate that the molecular tree is in general better supported than the morphological one. The lack of morphological characters and the homoplastic nature of some may explain the weak support of the morphological tree. A T‐PTP test of nonmonophyly showed that the nonmonophyly of Axinellidae, as indicated by the results of the molecular analysis, is not significant; however, a T‐PTP test of monophyly of Axinellidae, as indicated by the morphological tree, produced significant results. This indicates that the monophyly of Axinellidae based on morphological data cannot be rejected; the family however, cannot be defined in terms of a unique diagnostic character common to all members of the ingroup. Tests of heterogeneity (reciprocal T‐PTP and partition homogeneity test) indicated that the data partitions are heterogeneous, which could be due to sampling errors (in either data set) or differences in the underlying phylogenies; therefore data were not combined in a single analysis. Further, both data sets are unequally sized (95 informative molecular characters vs. 16 informative morphological characters), which means that the molecular signal could swamp the morphological signal if the data is combined. Nonmonophyly of Axinellidae is supported by chemical and genetic evidence available in the literature and DNA sequences data of axinellid species from New Zealand. However, this needs to be confirmed using independent evidence from different genes (or gene regions), biochemistry, histology or cell ultrastructure. Therefore, no changes to the taxonomic position of the family in the higher classification are proposed at this stage.  相似文献   

The present study, based on sequences of cpDNA (trnL-F & psbA-trnH) and nrDNA (ITS) and morphology, examined the evolutionary relationships in Blumea and its position among related genera. The results confirmed that the closest relatives of Blumea are Caesulia, Duhaldea and Pentanema p.p., and showed that the monotypic genera Blumeopsis and Merrittia are nested within Blumea. In Blumea s.l., two major, well-supported clades were recognised and a single species, the widespread Blumea balsamifera, that could not be placed with certainty relative to the two main clades. The two main clades differ in habit, ecology and distribution. The Blumea densiflora clade contains shrubs and subshrubs of evergreen forests, distributed from continental Asia to New Guinea and Polynesia, whereas the Blumea lacera clade is a widespread paleotropical group that comprises mostly annual, weedy herbs of open forests and fields.  相似文献   

The tribe Psoraleeae (Leguminosae subfamily Papilionoideae) comprises 185 species in nine genera that have a nearly worldwide distribution, occurring predominantly in Mediterranean regions. About 60% of the species belong to the genera, Otholobium C.H.Stirt. and Psoralea L., which have a centre of diversity in the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa. Since previous molecular studies have sampled only a few species of the tribe from this region, this study sought to determine the phylogenetic position of the southern African genera and to test whether they are monophyletic. Phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed using DNA sequence data (trnL-F, rpoB-trnC and ITS) and seven morphological characters, which diagnose the two southern African genera. The data were analysed using the parsimony method. There was strong support for the Psoraleeae as a clade, but most of the nodes within the large genera were poorly supported. The southern African species of Psoralea and Otholobium together formed a strongly supported clade. This clade was sister to the genus Hoita Rydb., but without support. However, the Psoralea species were nested within the southern African Otholobium. Additionally, some South American species that are currently recognised as Otholobium were resolved in a clade distinct from the southern African species, making Otholobium polyphyletic. Morphological characters that separate Otholobium and Psoralea are discussed. Finally, the southern African genera as currently circumscribed are not monophyletic. However, further investigations using more informative DNA loci are required to validate this observation. Furthermore, the taxonomic placement of the South American species needs to be reviewed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Because the taxonomy of marine sponges is based primarily on morphological characters that can display a high degree of phenotypic plasticity, current classifications may not always reflect evolutionary relationships. To assess phylogenetic relationships among sponges in the order Verongida, we examined 11 verongid species, representing six genera and four families. We compared the utility of morphological and molecular data in verongid sponge systematics by comparing a phylogeny constructed from a morphological character matrix with a phylogeny based on nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences. The morphological phylogeny was not well resolved below the ordinal level, likely hindered by the paucity of characters available for analysis, and the potential plasticity of these characters. The molecular phylogeny was well resolved and robust from the ordinal to the species level. We also examined the morphology of spongin fibers to assess their reliability in verongid sponge taxonomy. Fiber diameter and pith content were highly variable within and among species. Despite this variability, spongin fiber comparisons were useful at lower taxonomic levels (i.e., among congeneric species); however, these characters are potentially homoplasic at higher taxonomic levels (i.e., between families). Our molecular data provide good support for the current classification of verongid sponges, but suggest a re-examination and potential reclassification of the genera Aiolochroia and Pseudoceratina . The placements of these genera highlight two current issues in morphology-based sponge taxonomy: intermediate character states and undetermined character polarity.  相似文献   

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