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甜菜黑色焦枯病毒外壳蛋白与病毒致病性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用RT-PCR方法,构建获得了由T7RNA聚合酶启动子驱动的甜菜黑色焦枯病毒(BBSV)全长cDNA克隆pUBF52.摩擦接种苋色藜(Chenopodiumamaranticolor)后,体外转录产物可导致与野生病毒相同的枯斑症状,蛋白质印迹和RNA印迹检测也都证明了转录产物的侵染活性.构建了BBSVp24基因的原核表达载体pECP1,转化大肠杆菌BL21后的诱导表达产物能够与BBSV的抗血清呈现特异性反应,表明该基因编码产生BBSV的外壳蛋白(CP).以pUBF52为模板,分别构建了BBSVCP基因的移码突变体和不同程度的缺失突变体.侵染性检测表明,CP基因的移码突变对BBSV在苋色藜上所导致的枯斑症状及病毒RNA在寄主体内的积累基本没有影响,但CP基因的大部或完全缺失会使体内病毒RNA的积累水平大大降低,其中CP基因完全缺失的突变体转录物接种苋色藜后仅能够产生很轻的枯斑症状.将绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因和葡糖苷酸酶(GUS)基因分别与BBSVCP基因的5′端融合,构建了表达载体pBGFP和pBGUS.摩擦接种苋色藜叶片后可观察到GFP或GUS基因的表达,为探索利用BBSV作为外源蛋白的表达载体奠定了基础.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Cytoplasmic extracts of Paramecium aurelia were fractionated by density gradient centrifugation. The gradient fractions were characterized by chemical analysis and electron microscopy. Membrane-bound ribosomes were separated from free polyribosomes and the ability of each of these forms to incorporate C14-leucine into protein was tested. Incorporation was measured in both in vivo and in vitro systems, and similar results were obtained in both types of experiment except that there was little release of soluble labelled protein in the in vitro system. Paramecium appears to synthesize most of its protein on free polyribosomes but membrane-bound ribosomes constitute an important protein synthetic fraction, perhaps accounting for as much as 30% of the total synthesis. When isolated in the in vitro system, increasing concentration of the ribosome fraction gave increased incorporation, but increasing concentration of the membrane fraction gave decreased incorporation after a critical value. This inhibitory effect can be removed by adding excess cytoplasmic-supernatant to the system. The nature of the association of ribosomes with membranes is discussed.  相似文献   

The movement of bipartite geminiviruses such as squash leaf curl virus (SqLCV) requires the cooperative interaction of two essential virus-encoded movement proteins, BR1 and BL1. While the viral coat protein AR1 is not essential for systemic infection, genetic studies demonstrate that its presence masks the defective phenotype of certain BR1 missense mutants, thus suggesting that coat protein does interact with the viral movement pathway. To further examine the mechanism of this interaction, we have constructed alanine-scanning mutants of AR1 and studied them for the ability to mask the infectivity defects of appropriate BR1 mutants, for the ability to target to the nucleus and to bind viral single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and multimerize, and for effects on the accumulation of replicated viral ssDNA. We identified a specific region of AR1 required for masking of appropriate BR1 mutants and showed that this same region of AR1 was also important for ssDNA binding and the accumulation of viral replicated ssDNA. This region of AR1 also overlapped that involved in multimerization of the coat protein. We also found that the accumulation in protoplasts of single-stranded forms of a recombinant plasmid that included the SqLCV replication origin but was too large to be encapsidated was dependent on the presence of AR1 but did not appear to require encapsidation. These findings extend our model for SqLCV movement, demonstrating that coat protein affects viral movement through its ability to induce the accumulation of replicated viral ssDNA genomes. They further suggested that encapsidation was not required for the AR1-dependent accumulation of viral ssDNA.  相似文献   

Initiation of Mammalian Viral Protein Synthesis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
CULTURED human cells (KB) infected with human adenovirus type 2 (Ad 2) provide a model system for protein synthesis in mammalian cells. Adenovirus messenger RNA molecules are transcribed from nuclear viral DNA and transported to the cytoplasm for translation1. Late after infection (18 h) 9–10 viral mRNA species with sedimentation values of 7S to 32S are present in polysomes (Parsons, Gardner and Green, in preparation) and specify eight viral structural proteins which account for 80–90% of the polypeptides synthesized in vivo2–4. We now describe an in vitro cell-free system, derived from KB cells infected with Ad 2, which synthesizes 8–9 viral polypeptides and can initiate protein synthesis with a special class of yeast methionyl-tRNA. In vivo and in vitro experiments suggest that methionine is the initiator amino-acid for most, if not all, adenovirus structural proteins.  相似文献   

The incorporation of C14 leucine into the protein moiety of ribosomes has been studied as a sequel to the studies of ribosomal RNA synthesis. In contrast to the latter studies, labeled leucine is incorporated directly into 50S and 30S ribosomes without measurable delay by precursor stages. There is, however, evidence of some transfer of radioactivity from the 43S group of particles to the 50S. The inhibition of protein synthesis by chloramphenicol results in the accumulation of material similar to the eosome—the primary precursor in ribosome synthesis. There is also evidence for the synthesis of some neosome. The results of the studies of ribosomal RNA and protein synthesis are combined into a model of ribosome synthesis. Finally, consideration is made of the significance of these studies of ribosome synthesis for general problems of protein synthesis and information transfer.  相似文献   

A method which allows one to follow the synthesis of the major f1 coat protein in normal, unirradiated f1-infected cells is reported. The N-terminal tryptic peptide of this protein, labeled with (14)C-lysine, has a negative charge at pH 4.5 and is readily separated from the contaminating peptides of host cell proteins. This technique was used to study several aspects of the synthesis of the major f1 coat protein in infected cells.  相似文献   

对野生型烟草花叶病毒(TMV-U1)的外壳蛋白羧端序列进行系列缺失突变,观察到TMV-U1株系的外壳蛋白羧端序列缺失6个氨基酸(保留152个氨基酸),仍能较强系统侵染烟草并高水平表达外壳蛋白,且能在新生叶里复制大量完整的病毒粒子。该研究结果表明:外壳蛋白羧端6个氨基酸序列并非烟草花叶病毒感染和复制所必需,并对利用外壳蛋白羧端缺失型病毒载体表达外源多肽具有一定的启示性。  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that poxvirus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis required concurrent protein synthesis. The protein requirement in question can be distinguished from viral-induced thymidine kinase and DNA polymerase by virture of the instability of its messenger ribonucleic acid and its stoichiometric rather than catalytic relation to DNA synthesis. The protein(s) required did accumulate in the presence of fluorodeoxyuridine, an inhibitor of DNA synthesis, and, thus, appeared to be an "early" poxvirus function. The protein(s) was stable since it did function several hours after its synthesis had been terminated by puromycin. Two possible roles for such a protein requirement are discussed.  相似文献   

Relative rates of protein synthesis in individual cells were determined by allowing random populations to incorporate tritiated leucine for very short periods (pulses) and then examining autoradiographs of these cells to assess the amount of incorporation (grains per cell) as a function of cell size. Relative rates of ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis were determined in the same way by using tritiated uracil. Unless the uracil pulse was very short (less than 1/20 generation), the RNA labeled during the pulse was predominantly ribosomal. The rate of protein synthesis in individual cells is directly proportional to cell size. The rate of RNA synthesis also increases linearly with size in larger cells, but there appears to be a slight delay in RNA synthesis immediately after cell division. Total cellular content of protein, RNA, and ribosomes is directly proportional to cell size. Thus, we conclude that, in individual cells during the cell cycle (i) the average rate of protein synthesis per ribosome is constant and (ii) the increase in macromolecular mass of the cell is exponential with age.  相似文献   

Single-stranded RNA viruses package their genomes into capsids enclosing fixed volumes. We assayed the ability of bacteriophage MS2 coat protein to package large, defined fragments of its genomic, single-stranded RNA. We show that the efficiency of packaging into a T = 3 capsid in vitro is inversely proportional to RNA length, implying that there is a free-energy barrier to be overcome during assembly. All the RNAs examined have greater solution persistence lengths than the internal diameter of the capsid into which they become packaged, suggesting that protein-mediated RNA compaction must occur during assembly. Binding ethidium bromide to one of these RNA fragments, which would be expected to reduce its flexibility, severely inhibited packaging, consistent with this idea. Cryo-EM structures of the capsids assembled in these experiments with the sub-genomic RNAs show a layer of RNA density beneath the coat protein shell but lack density for the inner RNA shell seen in the wild-type virion. The inner layer is restored when full-length virion RNA is used in the assembly reaction, implying that it becomes ordered only when the capsid is filled, presumably because of the effects of steric and/or electrostatic repulsions. The cryo-EM results explain the length dependence of packaging. In addition, they show that for the sub-genomic fragments the strongest ordered RNA density occurs below the coat protein dimers forming the icosahedral 5-fold axes of the capsid. There is little such density beneath the proteins at the 2-fold axes, consistent with our model in which coat protein dimers binding to RNA stem-loops located at sites throughout the genome leads to switching of their preferred conformations, thus regulating the placement of the quasi-conformers needed to build the T = 3 capsid. The data are consistent with mutual chaperoning of both RNA and coat protein conformations, partially explaining the ability of such viruses to assemble so rapidly and accurately.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) together with its cochaperone CPIP regulates the function of a potyviral coat protein (CP), which in turn can interfere with viral gene expression. HSP70 was copurified as a component of a membrane-associated viral ribonucleoprotein complex from Potato virus A–infected plants. Downregulation of HSP70 caused a CP-mediated defect associated with replication. When PVA CP was expressed in trans, it interfered with viral gene expression and replication-associated translation (RAT). However, CP produced in cis interfered specifically with RAT. CPIP binds to potyviral CP, and overexpression of CPIP was sufficient to restore RAT inhibited by expression of CP in trans. Restoration of RAT was dependent on the ability of CPIP to interact with HSP70 since expression of a J-domain mutant, CPIPΔ66, had only a minor effect on RAT. CPIP-mediated delivery of CP to HSP70 promoted CP degradation by increasing its ubiquitination when assayed in the absence of virus infection. In conclusion, CPIP and HSP70 are crucial components of a distinct translation activity that is associated with potyvirus replication.  相似文献   

Amino acid substitutions in a majority of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) coat protein (CP) ts-mutants have previously been mapped to the same region of the CP molecule tertiary structure, located at a distance of about 70 Å from TMV virion axis. In the present work some properties of a new TMV CP ts-mutant ts21-66 (two substitutions I21 T and D66 G, both in the 70-Å region) were studied. Thermal inactivation characteristics, sedimentation properties, circular dichroism spectra, and modification by a lysine-specific reagent, trinitrobenzensulfonic acid, of ts21–66 CP were compared with those of wild-type (U1) TMV CP. It is concluded that the 70-Å region represents the most labile portion of the TMV CP molecule. Partial disordering of this region in the mutant CP at permissive temperatures leads to loss of the capacity to form two-layer aggregates of the cylindrical type, while further disordering induced by mild heating results also in the loss of the ability to form ordered helical aggregates.  相似文献   


A series of new homo and heterodimers of ddI has been synthesized. A glutarate diester spacer was used to covalently couple ddI onto ddI, AZT or d4T.  相似文献   

《Seminars in Virology》1997,8(3):176-185
The interaction of MS2 coat protein and its translational operator hairpin is a very well-characterized RNA–protein complex. The recent high-resolution cocrystal structure successfully explains many biochemical experiments measuring the affinity of the protein–RNA interaction for mutant proteins and chemically modified RNAs. However, an analysis of a tight binding variant of the RNA suggests that the conformation of the free RNA is also an important determinant of the affinity.  相似文献   

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