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Fragile sites on chromosomes 9, at 9p21, 10, at 10q25 and 12, at 12q24, were found in the lymphocytes of some members of three families during the study for detection of a fragile X chromosome. The sites were found to be heritable and folato-sensitive. The genetic implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors analyse the expression of all the folate-sensitive fra sites in a sample of 24 male patients with Martin-Bell syndrome (MBS) and their 12 mothers distributed in 10 kindreds. The cytogenetic results are compared with that of a control group, constituted by 8 unrelated normal subjects. Except for the fra Xq27, there was no autosomal folate-sensitive fra site significantly more expressed in patients with MBS than in the control group. On the basis of the present cytogenetic sample of about 6 500 R-banded mitoses, a list of all the in vitro folate-sensitive fra sites and their relative frequencies is given.  相似文献   

An unusual lectin possessing two distinctly different types of carbohydrate-combining sites was purified from tubers of Xanthosoma sagittifolium L. by consecutive passage through two affinity columns, i.e. asialofetuin-Sepharose and invertase-Sepharose. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, N-terminal amino acid sequencing, and gel filtration chromatography of the purified lectin showed that the X. sagittifolium lectin is a heterotetrameric protein composed of four 12-kDa subunits (alpha(2)beta(2)) linked by noncovalent bonds. The results obtained by quantitative precipitation and hapten inhibition assays revealed that the lectin has two different types of carbohydrate-combining sites: one type for oligomannoses, which preferentially binds to a cluster of nonreducing terminal alpha1,3-linked mannosyl residues, and the other type for complex N-linked carbohydrates, which best accommodates a non-sialylated, triantennary oligosaccharide with N-acetyllactosamine (i.e. Galbeta1,4GlcNAc-) or lacto-N-biose (i.e. Galbeta1,3GlcNAc-) groups at its three nonreducing termini.  相似文献   

Large-scale comparisons might reveal matching between fruit traits and frugivore assemblages that might be cryptic on a local scale. Therefore, we compared morphological (colour, size, husk thickness) and chemical fruit traits (protein, nitrogen, sugar, lipid, tannin and fibre content) between Malagasy and South African tree communities with different frugivore communities. In Madagascar, where lemurs are important seed dispersers, we found more tree species with fruit colour classified as primate fruits. In contrast, in South Africa we found more tree species with fruits classified as bird coloured. This correlated with the greater importance of frugivorous birds in South Africa vs. Madagascar. Additionally, we found higher sugar concentrations in fruits from the South African tree community and higher fibre content in fruits from the Malagasy tree community. However, fibre content could be related to differences in abiotic conditions between the two study sites. This suggests that fruit colour more than other morphological and chemical fruit traits, reflects food selection by the different frugivore assemblages of those two sites.  相似文献   

Fetal uninephrectomy (uni-x) in male sheep at 100 days of gestation (term = 150 days) reduces overall nephron endowment without affecting birth weight. Offspring have a lower glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and elevated mean arterial pressure (MAP) at 6 mo of age. This study investigated whether this reduction in renal function was associated with impaired urine-concentrating ability at 6 mo of age and exacerbated with ageing (4 yr) and examined response to 1) nonpressor dose of exogenous arginine vasopressin (AVP; 0.2 μg·kg(-1)·h(-1) iv) and 2) 30 h of water deprivation. Basal MAP was higher in uni-x animals at both ages, and became further elevated with age compared with the sham group (elevation in MAP with age; sham: ~4 mmHg, uni-x: 9 mmHg, P(group × age) < 0.01). GFR declined with ageing in both groups with the decrease being greater with age in the uni-x group (further 26%, P(group × age) < 0.001). In response to AVP infusion, urine osmolality increased in both treatment groups; this response was significantly lower in the uni-x animals and became further reduced with ageing. Uni-x animals had reduced renal expression of vasopressin-2 receptor and aquaporin-2 at both ages (P < 0.01). The increase in plasma AVP levels in response to dehydration was similar between the treatment groups, suggesting the urine-concentrating defect was associated with these renal gene changes rather than defects in AVP secretion. Renal insufficiency due to a low-nephron endowment increases the risk of hypertension and chronic renal disease and may incur greater vulnerability to physiological challenges such as water deprivation as observed in the uni-x animals.  相似文献   

The parents of sexually size-dimorphic offspring are often assumed to invest more resources producing individuals of the larger sex. A range of different methods have been employed to estimate relative expenditure on the sexes, including quantifying sex-specific offspring growth, food intake, energy expenditure and energy intake, in addition to measures of parental food provisioning and energy expenditure. These methods all have the potential to provide useful estimates of relative investment, but each has particular problems of interpretation, and few studies have compared the estimates derived concurrently from more than two of these measures. In this study we compared these surrogate measures of parental investment in the brown songlark Cinclorhamphus cruralis, which exhibits one of the most extreme cases of sexual size dimorphism among birds. At 10 days of age we found that male chicks, on average, were 49% heavier, received 42% more prey items, expended 44% more energy and ingested 50% more metabolizable energy than their sisters. Furthermore, we created, experimentally, both all-male and all-female broods of 10-day-old chicks and found that mothers delivered 43% more prey items and expended 27% more energy when provisioning all-male broods, providing the first direct evidence for a change in parental energy expenditure in relation to brood sex ratio. These data reveal remarkable agreement between these estimates of investment and suggest that all may provide quantitatively useful information on sex allocation. However, the lower variance associated with estimates of relative mass and energy intake suggest that these methods may be of greater utility, although this may primarily reflect the shorter period over which our provisioning data were collected.  相似文献   

Rare,polymorphic, and common fragile sites: a classification   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
F. Hecht 《Human genetics》1986,74(2):207-208

The mammalian chromosomes present specific sites of gaps or breaks, the common fragile sites (CFSs), when the cells are exposed to DNA replication stress or to some DNA binding compounds. CFSs span hundreds or thousands of kilobases. The analysis of these sequences has not definitively clarified the causes of their fragility. There is considerable evidence that CFSs are regions of late or slowed replication in the presence of sequence elements that have the propensity to form secondary structures, and that the cytogenetic expression of CFSs may be due to unreplicated DNA. In order to analyse the relationship between DNA replication time and fragility, in this work we have investigated the timing of replication of sequences mapping within two CFSs (FRA1H and FRA2G), of syntenic non-fragile sequences and of early and late replicating control sequences by using fluorescent in situ hybridization on interphase nuclei, conventional fluorescence microscopy and confocal microscopy. Our results indicate that the fragile sequences are slow replicating and that they enter G2 phase unreplicated with very high frequency. Thus these regions could sometimes reach mitosis unreplicated or undercondensed and be expressed as chromosome gaps/breakages.  相似文献   

Using murexide (Mx), a metallochromic indicator, and a dual wavelength spectrophotometer with a high signal-to-noise ratio, the Ca++ binding in a system containing two classes of binding sites was studied. Solutions with solute containing one or two classes of Ca++ binding sites and without such solute were titrated with Ca++ using Mx as an indicator of free Ca++ concentration. Since curvilinear Scatchard plots are obtained from titration curves of solutes containing two classes of binding sites, a computer program was developed to resolve such plots into two linear partial plots, each corresponding to a single class of binding site. The validity of the procedure was examined with solutions of ethylene glycol bis(β-aminoethyl)-N-N′-tetraacetic acid, adenosine triphosphate (EGTA, ATP), or a mixture thereof. The method was also applied to biological material and it was found that a protein fraction isolated from rat skeletal muscle sarcotubular membranes, termed Fraction-2 (Fr-2), has two classes of binding sites for Ca++; the association constants of the high affinity site and low affinity site are 4.3 × 105 M-1 and 9 × 103 M-1, respectively. The advantages and limitations of this methodology are discussed.  相似文献   

Chlorarachniophyte algae contain a complex chloroplast derived from the endosymbiosis of a eukaryotic alga. The reduced nucleus of the endosymbiont, the nucleomorph, is located between the inner and outer pair of membranes surrounding the chloroplast. The nucleomorph of chlorarachniophytes has previously been demonstrated to contain at least three small linear chromosomes. Here we describe cloning the end of the smallest nucleomorph chromosome which is shown to carry a telomere consisting of a tandemly repeated 7 bp sequence, TCTAGGG. Using the telomere repeat as a probe, we show that nucleomorph telomeres display typical hetero-disperse size distribution. The nucleomorph is shown to contain only three chromosomes with a haploid genome size of just 380kb. All six nucleomorph chromosome termini are identical with an rRNA cistron closely linked to the telomere. The nucleomorph chromosomes thus have relatively large inverted repeats at their ends. Chromosomes from the host nucleus are shown to have a different telomere repeat motif to that of the nucleomorph chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary Fragile sites on murine chromosomes were induced by the antimetabolites methotrexate (MTX), fluorodeoxyuridine (FdU), and aphidicolin (APD). To facilitate chromosome identification the analysis was performed on chromosomes of a CD/CD mouse that possesses nine pairs of Robertsonian translocation chromosomes of known arm composition. The pattern of induced fragile sites was rather similar for the different antimetabolites used. Many of them, e.g., 2B, 3B, 5B and 9D, are included in Giemsa-negative bands. On the X chromosome a fragile site was mapped to the region XC/D. Comparative mapping data with human fragile sites have been informative in most instances. Conservation of synteny within known linkage groups seems very likely.  相似文献   

The x-ray structure of LeuT, a bacterial homologue of Na+/Cl-dependent neurotransmitter transporters, provides a great opportunity to better understand the molecular basis of monovalent cation selectivity in ion-coupled transporters. LeuT possesses two ion binding sites, NA1 and NA2, which are highly selective for Na+. Extensive all-atom free-energy molecular dynamics simulations of LeuT embedded in an explicit membrane are performed at different temperatures and various occupancy states of the binding sites to dissect the molecular mechanism of ion selectivity. The results show that the two binding sites display robust selectivity for Na+ over K+ or Li+, the competing ions of most similar radii. Of particular interest, the mechanism primarily responsible for selectivity for each of the two binding sites appears to be different. In NA1, selectivity for Na+ over K+ arises predominantly from the strong electrostatic field arising from the negatively charged carboxylate group of the leucine substrate coordinating the ion directly. In NA2, which comprises only neutral ligands, selectivity for Na+ is enforced by the local structural restraints arising from the hydrogen-bonding network and the covalent connectivity of the polypeptide chain surrounding the ion according to a “snug-fit” mechanism.  相似文献   

FHIT:一个将脆弱位点与肿瘤相联系的抑癌基因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
FHIT位于3p14.2区域,此区域内有脆弱位点FRA3B。FHIT编码一个与酵母APH1有69%同源性,可能具有水解Ap4A功能的蛋白南。FHIT在多种肿瘤中,包括食道癌、胃癌、结肠癌、肺癌及乳腺癌,存在多种类型的高比例缺失突变。FHIT是第一个将脆弱位点与肿瘤相联系的抑癌基因。  相似文献   

The concentration of evolutionary breakpoints in primate karyotypes in some particular regions or chromosome bands suggests that these chromosome regions are more prone to breakage. This is the first extensive comparative study which investigates a possible relationship of two genetic markers (intrachromosomal telomeric sequences [TTAGGG]n, [ITSs] and fragile sites [FSs]), which are implicated in the evolutionary process as well as in chromosome rearrangements. For this purpose, we have analyzed: (a) the cytogenetic expression of aphidicolin-induced FSs in Cebus apella and Cebus nigrivittatus (F. Cebidae, Platyrrhini) and Mandrillus sphinx (F. Cercopithecidae, Catarrhini), and (b) the intrachromosomal position of telomeric-like sequences by FISH with a synthetic (TTAGGG)n probe in C. apella chromosomes. The multinomial FSM statistical model allowed us to determinate 53 FSs in C. apella, 16 FSs in C. nigrivittatus and 50 FSs in M. sphinx. As expected, all telomeres hybridized with the probe, and 55 intrachromosomal loci were also detected in the Cebus apella karyotype. The chi(2) test indicates that the coincidence of the location of Cebus and Mandrillus FSs with the location of human FSs is significant (P < 0.005). Based on a comparative cytogenetic study among different primate species we have identified (or described) the chromosome bands in the karyotypes of Papionini and Cebus species implicated in evolutionary reorganizations. More than 80% of these evolutionary breakpoints are located in chromosome bands that express FSs and/or contain ITSs.  相似文献   

Summary A fragile site on chromosome 12, at 12q24.13, was found in the lymphocytes of two members of a family during the study for detection of a fragile X chromosome. The site was found to be heritable and folate-sensitive, and it fulfills all four criteria for a fragile site. It thus can now be confirmed as the heritable fragile site FRA12C.  相似文献   

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