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We examined the synthesis of viral structural proteins in cultured cells infected with the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus. Tryptic peptide mapping was used to determine the structural relationships of the intracellular proteins to the virion polypeptides. Pulse-chase experiments were performed to identify precursors to the virus-specific proteins. We found that the nucleocapsid protein, P51, and the small viral membrane proteins GP31, GP28, and P23 do not undergo post-translational proteolytic processing. In contrast, GP90 and GP84, the two large virion membrane proteins, were found to be produced by cleavage of a single precursor, GP155. This demonstrated that at least one coronavirus mRNA specifies two virion proteins.  相似文献   

Six overlapping viral RNAs are synthesized in cells infected with the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). These RNAs contain a 3'-coterminal nested sequence set and were assumed to be viral mRNAs. The seven major IBV virion proteins are all produced by processing of three polypeptides of ca. 23, 51, and 115 kilodaltons. These are the core polypeptides of the small membrane proteins, the nucleocapsid protein, and the 155-kilodalton precursor to the large membrane proteins GP90 and GP84, respectively. To determine which mRNAs specify these polypeptides, we isolated RNA from infected cells and translated it in a messenger-dependent rabbit reticulocyte lysate. Proteins of 23, 51, and 110 kilodaltons were produced. Two-dimensional tryptic peptide mapping demonstrated that these proteins were closely related to the major virion proteins. Fractionation of the RNA before cell-free translation permitted the correlation of messenger activities for synthesis of the proteins with the presence of specific mRNAs. We found that the smallest RNA, RNA A, directs the synthesis of P51, the nucleocapsid protein. RNA C, which contains the sequences of RNA A, directs the synthesis of the small membrane protein P23. RNA E directs the synthesis of the large virion glycoproteins. These results supported a model in which only the unique 5'-terminal domain of each IBV mRNA is active in translation and enabled us to localize genes for virion proteins on the IBV genome.  相似文献   

We have found six major polypeptides in virions of the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus grown in tissue culture: four glycoproteins, GP84, GP36, GP31, and GP28, and two non-glycosylated proteins, P51 and P23. In addition, we detected three minor species: two glycoproteins, GP90 and GP59, and one non-glycosylated protein, P14. Two-dimensional tryptic peptide mapping showed that GP36, GP31, GP28, and P23 comprise a group of closely related proteins which we have designated the "P23 family," but that the other proteins are distinct. Analysis by partial proteolytic digestion of P23 family, but that the other proteins are distinct. Analysis by partial proteolytic digestion of the P23 family labeled biosynthetically with [35S] methionine, and P23, labeled with [35S] formyl-methionine by in vitro translation of RNA from infected cells, revealed that the proteins of the P23 family differ in their amino-terminal domains. Similar analysis of GP31 and Gp36 labeled with [3H] mannose showed that the partial proteolytic fragments unique to these proteins were glycosylated. This suggests that differences in glycosylation in the amino-terminal domains contributes to the marked polymorphism os the P23 family. The results are discussed with respect to possible models for synthesis of the virion proteins.  相似文献   

Avian infectious bronchitis virus, a coronavirus, directed the synthesis of six major single-stranded polyadenylated RNA species in infected chicken embryo kidney cells. These RNAs include the intracellular form of the genome (RNA F) and five smaller RNA species (RNAs A, B, C, D, and E). Species A, B, C, and D are subgenomic RNAs and together with the genome form a nested sequence set, with the sequences of each RNA contained within every larger RNA species (D. F. Stern and S. I. T. Kennedy, J. Virol 34:665-674, 1980). In the present paper we show by RNase T1 oligonucleotide fingerprinting that RNA E is also a member of the nested set. Partial alkaline fragmentation of the genome followed by sucrose fractionation, oligodeoxythymidylate-cellulose chromatography, and RNase T1 fingerprinting gave a partial 3'-to-5' oligonucleotide spot order. A comparison of the oligonucleotides of each of the five subgenomic RNAs with this spot order established that all of the RNAs are comprised of nucleotide sequences inward from the 3' end of the genome. This result is discussed in relation to the multiplication strategy both of coronaviruses and of other RNA-containing viruses.  相似文献   

Purification of egg-grown infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) by sucrose density gradient centrifugation alone, or sucrose density gradient centrifugation plus pH 8.0 treatment, concanavalin A precipitation or metrizamide density gradient centrifugation, failed to produce any differences in the virus polypeptide pattern following polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of SDS(SDS-PAGE). SDS-PAGE of purified IBV on 7.5% acrylamide gels separated 16 polypeptides which were detectable by staining with Coomassie blue or measurement of radioactivity following electrophoresis of (3H)-leucine labelled IBV. The molecular weights of the polypeptides were within the range 15,000-135,000. The polypeptides of egg and chick kidney (CK) cell-grown IBV were identical in both size and number but quantitative differences were detected. In particular the relative proportion of the major 52,000 molecular weight polypeptide was greatly reduced in IBV grown in CK cells. SDS-PAGE of purified IBV and staining with Schiff's reagent to detect carbohydrate revealed four.bands with molecular weights of 128,000, 86,000, 67,500 and 37,000. The 128,000 band did not correspond to any of the detected polypeptides. Use of 5% acrylamide gels for SDS-PAGE of IBV failed to resolve all the minor polypeptides and only seven bands were detected.  相似文献   

Purified avian infectious bronchitis virus was digested with bromelain (0.7 mg/ml), and the surface projections were removed. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the polypeptides from these bromelain-treated particles showed that VP1, VP2, and VP5 were missing from the seven polypeptides. VP1 to VP7, that were present in untreated virus preparations. Milder bromelain treatment (0.07 mg/ml) left visible surface projections and polypeptides comprising VP1 and VP2 intact, but removed VP5. Thus, there are apparently two types of surface projections on the virus particle. The ribonucleoprotein complex was released from virus particles disrupted with 1% Nonidet P-40. The proportion of VP6 in such preparations was greatly reduced, implying that VP6 is the structural polypeptide of the ribonucleoprotein. Polypeptides VP1, VP2, VP4, and VP5 are glycosylated, but none of the polypeptides contains lipid.  相似文献   

Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) causes an infectious respiratory disease of domestic fowl that affects poultry of all ages causing economic problems for the poultry industry worldwide. Although IBV is controlled using live attenuated and inactivated vaccines it continues to be a major problem due to the existence of many serotypes, determined by the surface spike protein resulting in poor cross-protection, and loss of immunogenicity associated with vaccine production. Live attenuated IBV vaccines are produced by the repeated passage in embryonated eggs resulting in spontaneous mutations. As a consequence attenuated viruses have only a few mutations responsible for the loss of virulence, which will differ between vaccines affecting virulence and/or immunogenicity and can revert to virulence. A new generation of vaccines is called for and one means of controlling IBV involves the development of new and safer vaccines by precisely modifying the IBV genome using reverse genetics for the production of rationally attenuated IBVs in order to obtain an optimum balance between loss of virulence and capacity to induce immunity.  相似文献   

Genome of infectious bronchitis virus.   总被引:14,自引:12,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Techniques are described for the growth and rapid purification of the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). Purified IBV has a sedimentation coefficient of 320S and a buoyant density of 1.22 g/ml in sucrose-deuterium oxide equilibrium gradients. IBV RNA extracted by proteinase K in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and further purified by phenol extraction and gradient centrifugation is single stranded and has a sedimentation coefficient of 64S, as determined by isokinetic gradient centrifugation. Analysis on sucrose gradients under both aqueous and denaturing conditions together with agarose gel electrophoresis in the presence of the chaotropic agent methylmercuric hydroxide gave a value of 8 X 10(6) for the moleclar weight of IBV RNA. This value was confirmed by RNase T1 fingerprinting, which also indicated that IBV RNA is haploid. No evidence was found of subunit structure in IBV RNA. From these results together with the recently reported observation that IBV RNA is infectious and contains a tract of polyadenylic acid (Lomniczi, J. Gen. Virol., in press), we conclude that the genome of the coronaviruses is a single continuous chain of about 23,000 mononucleotides that is of messenger polarity.  相似文献   

禽传染性支气管炎病毒是归属于冠状病毒属的没有DNA阶段的正义单链RNA病毒,以极高的死亡率引起禽呼吸泌尿性疾病的广泛流行,每年都给家禽饲养业造成巨大的经济损失。因此开展禽传染性支气管炎病毒的分子流行病学的研究并开发出相关的疫苗时下就显得迫切而且必要。现在,我们基于序列保守且具有强免疫原性的禽传染性支气管炎病毒粒子外壳刺突S1糖蛋白开展了分子流行病学研究,并提出了用于阻断禽传染性支气管炎病毒侵染的疫苗的可行性开发策略。  相似文献   

W Jia  X Wang  C R Parrish    S A Naqi 《Journal of virology》1996,70(10):7255-7259
The Ark and Mass serotype-specific epitopes of infectious bronchitis virus were studied by immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation of mutant and recombinant spike glycoproteins (S protein) expressed in mouse L cells. Serotype-specific monoclonal antibodies could bind to the recombinant proteins of Ark99 and Mass41 expressed from the chimeras in which the N-terminal thirds of the S1 sequences were reciprocally exchanged. Therefore, it appears that the respective serotype-specific epitopes of both strains were localized within the C-terminal two-thirds of the S1 proteins. Deletion and insertion of a five-amino-acid fragment on the S1 proteins of Ark99 and Mass41, altered the serotype-specific epitopes. This result implies that the five-amino-acid insertion on the S1 protein of the Ark serotype was involved in determining the conformation of the protein, probably acting as a spacer. In addition, it appears that an interaction between sequences of the N-terminal third and the remaining portion of the S1 protein determines the tertiary structure of the protein as well as the conformation of the serotype-specific epitope.  相似文献   

Examination of [3H]mannose-labeled glycopeptides from Prague C Rous sarcoma virus gp85 with gel filtration and sequential glycosidase digestions demonstrated the presence of hybrid-type asparaginyl-oligosaccharides. The major hybrid species had an oligomannosyl core (Man5GlcNAc2-ASN) characteristic of neutral structures, plus "branch" sugars (NeuNAc-Gal-GlcNAc-) characteristic of complex, acidic structures.  相似文献   

Sindbis virus was grown in four different host cells and the carbohydrate portions of the glycoproteins were analyzed. Sindbis virus grown in BHK-21 cells has more sialic acid and galactose than Sindbis virus grown in chicken embryo cells. In other respects the carbohydrates from virus grown in these two hosts are very similar. Sindbis virus grown either in chick cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus or in BHK cells transformed by polyoma virus was also examined. In comparisons of virus from normal and transformed cells, differences in the amount of sialic acid were observed; but otherwise the carbohydrate structures appeared basically similar. The growth conditions used for the host cell also affected the degree of completion of the carbohydrate chains of the viral glycoproteins.  相似文献   

M Mo  B Huang  P Wei  T Wei  Q Chen  X Wang  M Li  W Fan 《Journal of virology》2012,86(19):10903-10904
Avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is variable, which causes many serotypes. Here we reported the complete genome sequences of two virulent IBV variants from China, GX-YL5 and GX-YL9, belonging to different serotypes. Differences between GX-YL5 and GX-YL9 were found mainly in stem-loop structure I in the predicted RNA secondary structure of open reading frame (ORF) 1b and the S protein gene fusion region, which will help us understand the molecular evolutionary mechanism of IBV and the disconcordance between the genotypes and serotypes of coronavirus.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a highly conserved cellular response to starvation that leads to the degradation of organelles and long-lived proteins in lysosomes and is important for cellular homeostasis, tissue development and as a defense against aggregated proteins, damaged organelles and infectious agents. Although autophagy has been studied in many animal species, reagents to study autophagy in avian systems are lacking. Microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (MAP1LC3/LC3) is an important marker for autophagy and is used to follow autophagosome formation. Here we report the cloning of avian LC3 paralogs A, B and C from the domestic chicken, Gallus gallus domesticus, and the production of replication-deficient, recombinant adenovirus vectors expressing these avian LC3s tagged with EGFP and FLAG-mCherry. An additional recombinant adenovirus expressing EGFP-tagged LC3B containing a G120A mutation was also generated. These vectors can be used as tools to visualize autophagosome formation and fusion with endosomes/lysosomes in avian cells and provide a valuable resource for studying autophagy in avian cells. We have used them to study autophagy during replication of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). IBV induced autophagic signaling in mammalian Vero cells but not primary avian chick kidney cells or the avian DF1 cell line. Furthermore, induction or inhibition of autophagy did not affect IBV replication, suggesting that classical autophagy may not be important for virus replication. However, expression of IBV nonstructural protein 6 alone did induce autophagic signaling in avian cells, as seen previously in mammalian cells. This may suggest that IBV can inhibit or control autophagy in avian cells, although IBV did not appear to inhibit autophagy induced by starvation or rapamycin treatment.  相似文献   

以含有鸡传染性支气管炎病毒S1基因的载体P^IBV-Z和含有CMV启动子的栽体质粒P^EGFR-C1为材料,构建了可表达IBV S1基因的表达载体P^G-S1,经酶切、电泳和PCR检测结果证实,构建的载体符合目的要求,可以作为表达载体用于鸡的抗病育种。  相似文献   

P Dorn  L DaSilva  L Martarano    D Derse 《Journal of virology》1990,64(4):1616-1624
Equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) contains a tat gene which is closely related to the trans-activator genes of the human and simian immunodeficiency viruses. Nucleotide sequence analysis of EIAV cDNA clones revealed that the tat mRNA is composed of three exons; the first two encode Tat and the third may encode a Rev protein. Interestingly, EIAV Tat translation is initiated at a non-AUG codon in exon 1 of the mRNA, perhaps allowing an additional level of gene regulation. The deduced amino acid sequence of EIAV tat, combined with functional analyses of tat cDNAs in transfected cells, has provided some unique insights into the domain structure of Tat. EIAV Tat has a C-terminal basic domain and a highly conserved 16-amino-acid core domain, but not the cysteine-rich region, that are present in the primate immunodeficiency virus Tat proteins. Thus, EIAV encodes a relatively simple version of this kind of trans activator.  相似文献   

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