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The methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) are integral membrane proteins that undergo reversible methylation during adaptation of bacterial cells to environmental attractants and repellents. The numerous methylated forms of each MCP are seen as a pattern of multiple bands on polyacrylamide gels. We have characterized the methylation sites in MCPI by analyzing methyl-accepting tryptic peptides. At least two different tryptic peptides accept methyl esters; one methyl-accepting peptide contains methionine and lysine and may be methylated a maximum of four times. The second methyl-accepting tryptic peptide contains arginine and may be methylated twice. Base-catalyzed demethylations of tryptic peptides and analysis of the charge differences between the different methylated forms of MCPI show that MCPI molecules may be methylated a total of six times. The two methyl esters on the methyl-accepting arginine peptide appear to be preferentially methylated in most of the forms of MCPI in attractant-stimulated cells. The ability to acquire six methylations on MCPI allows the bacterial cells to adapt to a broad range of attractant and repellent concentrations.  相似文献   

The tsr and tar genetic loci of Escherichia coli determine the presence in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) I and II, respectively, each of which consists of a distinct group of multiple bands. Synthesis of the tsr and tar products was directed in ultraviolet-irradiated bacteria by lambda transducing phages. The addition of appropriate chemotactic stimuli to these cells resulted in the appearance of additional, faster migrating electrophoretic forms of the Tsr and Tar polypeptides which disappeared upon removal of the stimulus. The stimulus-elicited forms comigrated with component bands of the corresponding MCPs. These results indicate that methylation itself caused shifts in electrophoretic mobility and hence led to the observed MCP band patterns. The number of Tsr species suggested that there were at least three methylated sites on the Tsr polypeptide. The conclusion that methylation generates multiplicity was supported by the results of experiments in which the tsr product was synthesized in mutant bacteria defective in specific chemotaxis functions concerned with methylation or demethylation of MCPs. Thus, the presence of a cheX defect blocked the stimulus-elicited appearance of faster migrating forms of the tsr product; conversely, the presence of a cheB defect resulted in a pronounced shift toward these forms in the absence of a chemotactic stimulus.  相似文献   

To understand output control in bacterial chemotaxis, we varied the levels of expression of cellular cheY and cheZ genes and found that the overproduction of the corresponding proteins affected Escherichia coli swimming behavior. In the absence of other signal-transducing gene products, CheY overproduction made free-swimming cells tumble more frequently. A plot of the fraction of the population that are tumbling versus the CheY concentration was hyperbolic, with half of the population tumbling at 30 microM (25,000 copies per cell) CheY monomers in the cytosol. Overproduction of aspartate receptor (Tar) by 30-fold had a negligible effect on CheY-induced tumbling, so Tar does not sequester CheY. CheZ overproduction decreased tumbling in all tumbling mutants except certain flaAII(cheC) mutants. In the absence of other chemotaxis gene products, CheZ overproduction inhibited CheY-induced tumbling. Models for CheY as a tumbling signal and CheZ as a smooth-swimming signal to control flagellar rotation are discussed.  相似文献   

The methylation-demethylation reaction of methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP) is tightly coupled to the appearance of the chemotactic response in Escherichia coli. The bacteria might therefore show a unique response upon the addition of a compound containing a methyl group. We selected methyl N-methyl anthranilate (NMMA) and its analogs for examination. When NMMA was added to a suspension of E. coli (wild type), the bacteria tumbled as it does in the presence of a repellent. NMMA caused tumbling of wild-type bacteria for at least 20 min, while a conventional repellent makes the bacteria tumble for at most one min. The effect of NMMA requires functional MCP, cheA gene product, cheB gene product, and possibly cheX gene product. A positive signal of NMMA (i.e. sudden dilution) was detected by cheZ mutants with much higher sensitivity than that of a conventional repellent, indole, while both signals were rather poorly but equally detected by cheB mutants. These results suggest that the drug is related to the function of cheB gene product, a possible demethylating enzyme of MCP.  相似文献   

Motile but generally nonchemotatic (che) mutants of Escherichia coli were isolated by a simple screening method. A total of 172 independent mutants were examined, and four genes were defined on the basis of mapping and complemenvestigated by determining their null phenotypes with nonsense or bacteriophage Mu-induced mutations. The cheA and cheB products were essential in producing changes of swimming direction and flagellar rotation. The checC product appeared to be an essential component of the flagellum; however, specific mutational alterations of this component allowed flagellar assembly but prevented directional changes in swimming. Since some cheB mutants changed directions incessantly, this gene product may also serve to control the direction of flagellar rotation in response to chemoreceptor signals. Thus most or all of the common elements in the signalling process were involved in the generation and regulation of changes in the direction of flagellar rotation.  相似文献   

The four methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins of Escherichia coli, often called transducers, are transmembrane receptor proteins that exhibit substantial identity among the sequences of their cytoplasmic domains. Thus, antiserum raised to one of these proteins recognizes the others and might be expected to recognize related proteins in other bacteria. We used antiserum raised to the transducer Trg in immunoblot experiments to probe a wide range of bacterial species for the presence of antigenically related proteins. Such proteins were detected in over 20 different species, representing 6 of the 11 eubacterial phyla defined by analysis of rRNA sequences as well as one archaebacterial group. Species containing proteins antigenically related to the transducers of E. coli included members of all four subdivisions of the phylum in which E. coli is placed, members of four of the six subdivisions of spirochetes, and two gliding bacteria. These observations provide substantial support for the notion that methyl-accepting taxis proteins are widely distributed among the diversity of bacterial species.  相似文献   

In bacterial chemotaxis, adaptation is correlated with methylation or demethylation of methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs). Each protein migrates as a characteristic set of multiple bands in sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The changes in MCP methylation that accompany adaptation are not the same for all bands of a set. Adaptation to a type II repellent stimulus results in an overall decrease in MCP II methylation, but also in an increase in the amount of radioactive methyl groups in the upper band of the set. We demonstrate that this increase is not due to new methylation, but rather to reduced electrophoretic mobility of previously methylated molecules that have lost some but not all of their methyl groups. We suggest that the pattern of multiple bands is a direct reflection of multiple sites for methylation on MCP molecules, and that the distribution of radiolabel among the bands is determined by the total extent of methylation. The patterns of methylated peptides produced by limited proteolysis of different MCP bands imply that methylation of the multiple sites on a molecule may occur in a specific order.  相似文献   

The tsr gene specifies a methyl-accepting membrane protein involved in chemotaxis to serine and several repellent compounds. We have characterized a special class of tsr mutations designated cheD which alter the signaling properties of the Tsr transducer. Unlike tsr null mutants, cheD strains are generally nonchemotactic, dominant in complementation tests, and exhibit a pronounced counterclockwise bias in flagellar rotation. Several lines of evidence showed that cheD mutations were alleles of the tsr gene. First, cheD mutations were mapped into the same deletion segments as conventional tsr mutations. Second, restriction site analysis of the transducing phage deletions used to construct the genetic map demonstrated that the endpoints of the deletion segments fell within the tsr coding sequence. Third, a number of the cheD mutants synthesized Tsr proteins with slight changes in electrophoretic mobility, consistent with alterations in Tsr primary structure. These mutant proteins were able to undergo posttranslational deamidation and methylation reactions in the same manner as wild-type Tsr protein; however, the steady-state level of Tsr methylation in cheD strains was very high. The methylation state of the Tar protein, another species of methyl-accepting protein in Escherichia coli, was also higher than normal in cheD strains, suggesting that the aberrant Tsr transducer in cheD mutants has a generalized effect on the sensory adaptation system of the cell. These properties are consistent with the notion that the Tsr protein of cheD mutants is locked in an excitatory signaling mode that both activates the sensory adaptation system and drowns out chemotactic signals generated by other transducer species. Further study of cheD mutations thus promises to reveal valuable information about the functional architecture of the Tsr protein and how this transducer controls flagellar behavior.  相似文献   

The tar locus of Escherichia coli specifies one of the major species of methyl-accepting proteins involved in the chemotactic behavior of this organism. The physical and genetic organization of the tar region was investigated with a series of specialized lambda transducing phages and plasmid clones. The tar gene was mapped at the promoter-proximal end of an operon containing five other chemotaxis-related loci. Four of those genes (cheR, cheB, cheY and cheZ) are required for all chemotactic responses; consequently, polar mutations in the tar gene resulted in a generally nonchemotactic phenotype. The fifth gene, tap, was mapped between the tar and cheR loci and specified the production of a 65-kilodalton methyl-accepting protein. Unlike the tar locus, which is required for chemotaxis to aspartate and maltose, mutants lacking only the tap function had no obvious defects in chemotactic ability. Genetic and physical maps of the tar-tap region were constructed with Mu d1 (Apr lac) insertion mutations, whose polar properties conferred a phenotype suitable for deletion mapping studies. Restriction endonuclease analyses of phage and plasmid clones indicated that all of the genetic coding capacity in the tar region is now accounted for.  相似文献   

A Bacillus subtilis methyltransferase capable of methylating membrane-bound methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) of a chemotaxis mutant was purified to homogeneity. MCPs are normally unmethylated in this strain. Results of gel filtration chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicate that the enzyme is a 30,000 molecular weight monomer. The enzyme transfers methyl groups from S-adenosylmethionine to glutamate residues of the substrates. The enzyme is activated by divalent cations and has a Km for S-adenosylmethionine of about 5 microM. It is competitively inhibited by S-adenosylhomocysteine, with a Ki of about 0.2 microM, and exhibits an in vitro assay pH optimum of 6.9. This methyltransferase is very different from another methyltransferase from B. subtilis, described previously (Ullah, A. H. J., and Ordal, G. W. (1981) Biochem. J. 199, 795-805).  相似文献   

The bacterial chemotaxis adaptor protein CheW physically links the chemoreceptors (MCPs) and the histidine kinase CheA. Extensive investigations using bacterium Escherichia coli have established the central role of CheW in the MCP-modulated activation of CheA. Here we report the solution structure of CheW from E. coli determined by NMR spectroscopy. The results show that E. coli CheW shares an overall fold with previously reported structure of CheW from Thermotoga maritima, whereas local conformational deviations are observed. In particular, the C-terminal alpha-helix is considerably longer in E. coli CheW and appears to shrink the active binding pocket with CheA. Our study provides the structural basis for further investigations in E. coli chemotaxis.  相似文献   

The addition of glycerol or ethylene glycol caused not only severe tumbling but also a drastic decrease in the methylation level of methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) in Escherichia coli. Experiments with various mutants having defects in their MCPs showed that the demethylation occurred in all three kinds of MCPs, MCPI, II, and III. The addition of an attractant to the glycerol- or ethylene glycol-treated cells resulted in a distinct increase in the methylation level of the relevant MCP, indicating that glycerol and ethylene glycol do not directly damage the methylation-demethylation system in the cell. The time courses of adaptation and MCP demethylation upon addition of these repellents were consistent with each other. Furthermore, both the response time and the extent of MCP demethylation were increased in parallel with increasing concentrations of glycerol or ethylene glycol. These results indicate that the adaptation to these repellents is performed by the demethylation of MCPs. Thus, glycerol and ethylene glycol are novel repellents, which utilize not just one but all three kinds of MCPs for both information processing and adaptation.  相似文献   

Radioactive proteins from Escherichia coli cell envelope fraction were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Electrophoresis was carried out under several sets of conditions, and autoradiographs were obtained. Many of the proteins were separated at well-defined positions with good reproducibility. Some of the proteins moved relative to these stationary proteins depending at least two factors, i.e. the amount of proteins applied in the first dimension and the electric current applied in the second dimension. Among more than 200 spots, methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein and flagellin were identified by using labelled or cold preparations of these proteins as markers. Some of the spots were assigned to proteins from the outer membrane of the bacteria. The results provide a good foundation for comparative studies of membrane proteins from genetically altered strains of the bacteria.  相似文献   

Mutants of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium that were deficient in protein methylesterase activity encoded by cheB had an inverted response to oxygen; they were repelled by concentrations of oxygen that attract wild-type bacteria. Normal responses to oxygen and phosphotransferase substrates were observed in mutants that were deficient in protein methyltransferase (CheR) and the methyl-accepting transducing proteins (Tsr, Tar, Trg). However, the methylation-independent response to oxygen was modified by the loss of esterase activity. The inversion was apparently effected by the amidated Tsr protein present in cheB tsr+ mutants because aerotaxis was normal in cheB tsr strains. Chemotaxis to phosphotransferase sugars was normal in cheB mutants provided the extreme clockwise bias of the flagellar motors was modified to increase the probability of counterclockwise rotation.  相似文献   

The tar and tap genes are located adjacent to one another in an operon of chemotaxis-related functions. They encode methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins implicated in tactic responses to aspartate and maltose stimuli. The functional roles of these two gene products were investigated by isolating and characterizing nonpolar, single-gene deletion mutants at each locus. Deletions were obtained by selecting for loss or a defective Mu d1 prophage inserted in either the tar or tap gene. The extent of the tar deletions was determined by genetic mapping with Southern hybridization. Representative deletion mutants were surveyed for chemotactic responses on semisolid agar and by temporal stimulation in a tethered cell assay to assess flagellar rotational responses to chemoeffector compounds. The tar deletion strains exhibited complete loss of aspartate and maltose responses, whereas the tap deletion strains displayed a wild-type phenotype under all conditions tested. These findings indicate that the tap function is unable to promote chemotactic responses to aspartate and maltose, and its role in chemotaxis remains unclear.  相似文献   

C Rollins  F W Dahlquist 《Cell》1981,25(2):333-340
The methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) of Escherichia coli are integral membrane proteins that have been shown to undergo reversible methylation in response to the addition of attractants. We have shown that a second, rapid modification of MCPI and MCPII occurs, which is repellent-stimulated. This modification, which is not methylation, was detected because it causes a decrease in mobility of the MCPs on 7.5% SDS-polyacrylamide gels with a high acrylamide to bisacrylamide ratio. We have designated this modification as the CheB-modification, as it is dependent on the CheB gene product. The CheB-modification causes a decrease in the isoelectric point of MCPII by one or two charge groups. The CheB-modification is not necessary for the methylation, nor does it preclude methylation of the MCPs. Both the CheB-modified form and the unmodified, unmethylated forms of the MCPs are stable to treatment with base, which results in the hydrolysis of the methylesters (demethylation) of the MCPs. The potential role of CheB-modification in chemotaxis is discussed.  相似文献   

Ribose-binding protein is a bifunctional soluble receptor found in the periplasm of Escherichia coli. Interaction of liganded binding protein with the ribose high affinity transport complex results in the transfer of ribose across the cytoplasmic membrane. Alternatively, interaction of liganded binding protein with a chemotactic signal transducer, Trg, initiates taxis toward ribose. We have generated a functional map of the surface of ribose-binding protein by creating and analyzing directed mutations of exposed residues. Residues in an area on the cleft side of the molecule including both domains have effects on transport. A portion of the area involved in transport is also essential to chemotactic function. On the opposite face of the protein, mutations in residues near the hinge are shown to affect chemotaxis specifically.  相似文献   

Effect of temperature on motility and chemotaxis of Escherichia coli.   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
K Maeda  Y Imae  J I Shioi    F Oosawa 《Journal of bacteriology》1976,127(3):1039-1046
The swimming velocity of Escherichia coli at various constant temperatures was found to increase with increasing temperature. The frequency of tumbling had a peak at 34 degrees C and was very low both at 20 and at 39 degrees C. The swimming tracks near the surface of a slide glass showed curves, and the curvature increased the temperature. When the temperature of a bacterial suspension was suddenly changed, a transient change of the tumbling frequency was observed. A temperature drop induced a temporary increase in the tumbling frequency, and a quick rise of temperature, on the other hand, resulted in a temporary suppression of the tumbling. These dynamic responses to sudden changes of temperature was not observed in the smoothly swimming nonchemotactic strains bearing the mutations cheA and cheC and also in a mutant with the metF mutation under a smooth swimming condition.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of Escherichia coli w3110 with levorphanol, a morphine analogue, reduced chemotaxis to serine, aspartic acid and galactose. This decreased chemotaxis was not due to decreased viability or motility. Pretreatment with 1.1 mM-levorphanol for 1 h, followed by washing to remove the drug prior to determination of chemotaxis, inhibited chemotaxis to each of the attractants by at least 80%. Pretreatment with dextrorphan, the enantiomorph of levorphanol, or levallorphan, the N-allyl analogue of levorphanol, resulted in a similar inhibition of chemotaxis. Reversal of the inhibition produced by pretreatment with levorphanol required a period of growth of at least one generation time.  相似文献   

Requirement of the cheB function for sensory adaptation in Escherichia coli.   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:3  
The chemotactic behavior of Escherichia coli mutants defective in cheB function, which is required to remove methyl esters from methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins, was investigated by subjecting swimming or antibody-tethered cells to various attractant chemicals. Two cheB point mutants, one missense and one nonsense, exhibited stimulus response times much longer than did the wild type, but they eventually returned to the prestimulus swimming pattern, indicating that they were not completely defective in sensory adaptation. In contrast, strains deleted for the cheB function showed no evidence of adaptation ability after stimulation. The crucial difference between these strains appeared to be the residual level of cheB-dependent methylesterase activity they contained. Both point mutants showed detectable levels of methanol evolution due to turnover of methyl groups on methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein molecules, whereas the cheB deletion mutant did not. In addition, it was possible to incorporate the methyl label into the methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins of the point mutants but not into those of the cheB deletion strain. These findings indicate that cheB function is essential for sensory adaptation in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

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