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Using COS (African green monkey kidney) cells transfected with cDNAs encoding human cell surface molecules, we have identified human cellular receptors for meningococcal virulence-associated Opa proteins, which are expressed by the majority of disease and carrier isolates. These receptors belong to the immunoglobulin superfamily of adhesion molecules and are expressed on epithelial, endothelial and phagocytic cells. Using soluble chimeric receptor molecules, we have demonstrated that meningococcal Opa proteins bind to the N-terminal domain of biliary glycoproteins (classified as BGP or CD66a) that belong to the CEA (CD66) family. Moreover, the Opa proteins of the related pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae , responsible for urogenital infections, also interact with this receptor, making CD66a a common target for pathogenic neisseriae. Over 95% of Opa-expressing clinical and mucosal isolates of meningococci and gonococci were shown to bind to the CD66 N-domain, demonstrating the presence of a conserved receptor-binding function in the majority of neisserial Opa proteins.  相似文献   

The human pathogens Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae express a family of variable outer membrane opacity-associated (Opa) proteins that recognize multiple human cell surface receptors. Most Opa proteins target the highly conserved N-terminal domain of the CD66 family of adhesion molecules, although a few also interact with heparan sulphate proteoglycans. In this study, we observed that at least two Opa proteins of a N. meningitidis strain C751 have the dual capacity to interact with both receptors. In addition, all three Opa proteins of C751 bind equally well to HeLa cells transfected with cDNA encoding the carcinoembryonic antigen [CEA (CD66e)] subgroup of the CD66 family, but show distinct tropism for CGM1- (CD66d) and NCA (CD66c)-expressing cells. Because the C751 Opa proteins make up distinct structures via the surface-exposed hypervariable domains (HV-1 and HV-2), these combinations appear to be involved in tropism for the distinct CD66 subgroups. To define the determinants of receptor recognition, we used mutant proteins of biliary glycoprotein [BGP (CD66a)] carrying substitutions at several predicted exposed sites in the N-domain and compared their interactions with several Opa proteins of both N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae. The observations applied to the molecular model of the BGP N-domain that we constructed show that the binding of all Opa proteins tested occurs at the non-glycosylated (CFG) face of the molecule and, in general, appears to require Tyr-34 and Ile-91. Further, efficient interaction of distinct Opa proteins depends on different non-adjacent amino acids. In the three-dimensional model, these residues lie in close proximity to Tyr-34 and Ile-91 at the CFG face, making continuous binding domains (adhesiotopes). The epitope of the monoclonal antibody YTH71.3 that inhibits Opa/CD66 interactions was also identified within the Opa adhesiotopes on the N-domain. These studies define the molecular basis that directs the Opa specificity for the CD66 family and the rationale for tropism of the Opa proteins for the CD66 subgroups.  相似文献   

Colonization of urogenital tissues by the human pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae is characteristically associated with purulent exudates of polymorphonuclear phagocytes (PMNs) containing apparently viable bacteria. Distinct variant forms of the phase-variable opacity-associated (Opa) outer membrane proteins mediate the non-opsonized binding and internalization of N. gonorrhoeae by human PMNs. Using overlay assays and an affinity isolation technique, we demonstrate the direct interaction between Opa52-expressing gonococci and members of the human carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) family which express the CD66 epitope. Gonococci and recombinant Escherichia coli strains synthesizing Opa52 showed specific binding and internalization by transfected HeLa cell lines expressing the CD66 family members BGP (CD66a), NCA (CD66c), CGM1 (CD66d) and CEA (CD66e), but not that expressing CGM6 (CD66b). Bacterial strains expressing either no opacity protein or the epithelial cell invasion-associated Opa50 do not bind these CEA family members. Consistent with their different receptor specificities, Opa52-mediated interactions could be inhibited by polyclonal anti-CEA sera, while Opa50 binding was instead inhibited by heparin. Using confocal laser scanning microscopy, we observed a marked recruitment of CD66 antigen by Opa52-expressing gonococci on both the transfected cell lines and infected PMNs. These data indicate that members of the CEA family constitute the cellular receptors for the interaction with, and internalization of, N. gonorrhoeae.  相似文献   

C R Hauck  T F Meyer  F Lang    E Gulbins 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(2):443-454
The interaction of Neisseria gonorrhoeae with human phagocytes is a hallmark of gonococcal infections. Recently, CD66 molecules have been characterized as receptors for Opa52-expressing gonococci on human neutrophils. Here we show that Opa52-expressing gonococci or Escherichia coli or F(ab) fragments directed against CD66, respectively, activate a signalling cascade from CD66 via Src-like protein tyrosine kinases, Rac1 and PAK to Jun-N-terminal kinase. The induced signal is distinct from Fcgamma-receptor-mediated signalling and is specific for Opa52, since piliated Opa- gonococci, commensal Neisseria cinerea or E.coli do not stimulate this signalling pathway. Inhibition of Src-like kinases or Rac1 prevents the uptake of Opa52 bacteria, demonstrating the crucial role of this signalling cascade for the opsonin-independent, Opa52/CD66-mediated phagocytosis of pathogenic Neisseria.  相似文献   

Opa protein-expressing pathogenic neisseriae interact with CD66a-transfected COS (African green monkey kidney) and CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cells. CD66a (BGP) is a member of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA, CD66) family. The interactions occur at the N-terminal domain of CD66a, a region that is highly conserved between members of the CEA subgroup of the CD66 family. In this study, we have investigated the roles of CD66 expressed on human epithelial cells and polymorphonuclear phagocytes (PMNs) in adhesion mediated via Opa proteins. Using human colonic (HT29) and lung (A549) epithelial cell lines known to express CD66 molecules, we show that these receptors are used by meningococci. A monoclonal antibody, YTH71.3, against the N-terminal domain of CD66, but not 3B10 directed against domains, A1/B1, inhibited meningococcal adhesion to host cells. When acapsulate bacteria expressing Opa proteins were used, large numbers of bacteria adhered to HT29 and A549 cells. In addition, both CD66a-transfected CHO cells and human epithelial cells were invaded by Opa-expressing meningococci, suggesting that epithelial cell invasion may occur via Opa–CD66 interactions. In previous studies we have shown that serogroup A strain C751 expresses three Opa proteins, all of which mediate non-opsonic interactions with neutrophils. We have examined the mechanisms of these interactions using antibodies and soluble chimeric receptors. The results indicate that the nature of their interactions with purified CD66a molecules and with CD66 on neutrophils is alike and that these interactions occur at the N-terminal domain of CD66. Thus, the Opa family of neisserial ligands may interact with several members of the CD66 family via their largely conserved N-terminal domains.  相似文献   

Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a highly adapted human pathogen that utilises multiple adhesins to interact with a variety of host cell receptors. Recently, substantial progress has been made in unravelling the signalling events induced by N. gonorrhoae that can lead to cytoskeletal reorganisation, invasion or phagocytic uptake, intraphagosomal accommodation, nuclear signalling, cytokine/chemokine release and apoptosis.  相似文献   

Pili of Neisseria gonorrhoeae mediate binding of the bacteria to human host cells. Membrane cofactor protein (MCP or CD46), a human cell-surface protein involved in regulation of complement activation, acts as a cellular pilus receptor. In this work, we examined which domains of CD46 mediate bacterial adherence. The CD46 expression was quantified and characterized in human epithelial cell lines. N. gonorrhoeae showed the highest adherence to ME180 cells, which have BC1 as the dominant phenotype. The BC isoforms of CD46 were expressed in all cell lines tested. The adherence was not enhanced by high expression of other isoforms, showing that the BC domain of CD46 is important in adherence of N. gonorrhoeae to human cells. To characterize the pilus-binding site within the CD46 molecule, a set of CD46–BC1 deletion constructs were transfected into COS-7 cells. Piliated N. gonorrhoeae attached well to CD46–BC1-expressing COS-7 cells. We show that the complement control protein repeat 3 (CCP-3) and the serine–threonine–proline (STP)-rich domain of CD46 are important for efficient adherence to host cells. Further, partial deletion of the cytoplasmic tail of CD46 results in low bacterial binding, indicating that the cytoplasmic tail takes part in the process of establishing a stable interaction between N. gonorrhoeae and host cells.  相似文献   

The nature of the receptors for T1 and T4 Neisseria gonorrhoeae on erythrocytes and other cells was investigated. In general, cells of nonprimate origin contained few receptors for gonococci. Receptors for T4 gonococci were only uncovered when host cells were pretreated with trypsin. Trypsinization, while unnecessary for T1 adherence to erythrocytes, enhanced attachment in inverse proportion to original erythrocyte sensitivity. Receptors for T1 and T4 organisms on trypsinized and trypsin-neuraminidase-treated erythrocytes were blocked by concanavalin A and peanut lectins, respectively, but a distinction could be made between them with wheat germ lectin and galactose oxidase. Of a number of sugars tested as inhibitors, only D-galactose blocked adherence of T4 but was without effect on T1. While the identity of erythrocyte receptors is uncertain, likely candidates are "band 3" protein and glycophorin, by virtue of their galactose content, lectin binding capacity, and partial exposure on the outer surface of the erythrocyte.  相似文献   

Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonococci, GC) are phagocytosed by neutrophils through the interaction between opacity proteins (Opa) and the CEA (CD66) family of antigens. In order to study this interaction, we used the human myeloid leukemia HL60 cell line, which differentiates into granulocyte-like cells upon treatment with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) or retinoic acid (RA). We found that RA-, but not DMSO- or untreated-HL60 cells, can phagocytose OpaI-expressing gonococci as well as Escherichia coli. The interaction of OpaI E. coli with RA-treated HL60 cells was inhibited by antibodies against CEACAM1. Phagocytosis of OpaI E. coli was found to be a result of the expression of CEACAM1 in RA-treated HL60 cells. Our results indicate that the level of expression of CEACAM1 in HL60 cells can be regulated by treatment with RA in a differentiation-dependent manner, and that this is important for phagocytosis of OpaI-expressing gonococci or E. coli.  相似文献   

Opas (protein IIs) are a family of surface-exposed proteins of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Each strain of N. gonorrhoeae has multiple (10-11) genes encoding for Opas. Identifiable elements in opa genes include the coding repeat within the signal sequence, conserve 5' and 3' regions, and hypervariable regions (HV1 and HV2) located within the structural gene. N. gonorrhoeae strains appear to have many biological properties in common that are either HV-region-mediated or associated with the presence of specific HV regions, suggesting that HV regions could be found in many clinical isolates. Oligonucleotides from three source strains representing three conserved regions of opa, 12 HV1 regions, and 14 HV2 regions were used by dot blot analysis to probe 120 clinical isolates of N. gonorrhoeae. The probe for the coding repeat hybridized to all 120 strains, the 3' conserved-region probe reacted with 98% of the strains, and the 5' conserved-region probe with 90% of the strains. Nine HV1 probes hybridized to 3.3-39.2% of the strains, and 13 of the HV2 probes hybridized to 1.7-25% of the isolates. Analysis of the number of probes that hybridized to each of the isolates showed that 19% did not hybridize with any of the HV1 probes and 25% did not hybridize with any of the HV2 probes. Approximately three-quarters of the isolates hybridized with one, two or three of the HV1 probes or one, two or three of the HV2 probes; 89% of the isolates hybridized to least one HV1 or one HV2 probe. The data indicate that some genes encoding HV regions of N. gonorrhoeae Opa proteins are widely distributed in nature.  相似文献   

Journal of Microbiology - Neisseria gonorrhoeae, an obligatory human pathogen causes the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea, which remains a global health problem. N. gonorrhoeae primarily...  相似文献   

The carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gene family members, CEACAM1, CEACAM3, CEACAM5 and CEACAM6, are bound by the Opa outer membrane proteins of pathogenic Neisseria spp., whereas CEACAM8 is not. In this study, we demonstrate that the closely related CEACAM4 and CEACAM7, which are also members of the CEA family, are not Opa receptors. We exploited the high conservation between CEACAM6 and CEACAM8 to generate an extensive set of chimeric receptors in order to delineate the sequences necessary for Opa binding. Using a transfection-based infection system, we showed that binding of Opa52 involves residues 27–42, which are predicted to form β-strand C and short loops adjacent to it, and residues lying between amino acids 60 and 108 in the amino-terminal domain. The replacement of residues 27–29 in CEACAM6 with the CEACAM1 or CEACAM5 sequences generated recombinant CEACAM6 receptors that are bound by CEACAM1/CEACAM5-specific Opa variants. Together, our data demonstrate that Opa proteins bind to residues exposed on the GFCC' face of the N-terminal domain of CEACAM receptors, and identify an amino acid triplet sequence that is responsible for the differential binding of Opa proteins to CEACAM1, CEACAM5 and CEACAM6.  相似文献   

Two pilus receptors are identified for the pathogenic Neisseria, CD46 and complement receptor 3. An intimate association between the asialoglycoprotein receptor and gonococcal lipooligosaccharide mediates invasion of primary, male urethral epithelial cells (UECs); however, studies to identify pilus receptors on these cells have not been performed. Based on our previous studies we reasoned that the I-domain-containing (IDC), alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-integrins might serve as pilus receptors on UECs and on urethral tissue. Confocal microscopy revealed colocalization of pilus with alpha(1) and alpha(2) integrins on UECs and tissue. We found that recombinant I-domain and antibodies directed against the alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-integrins inhibited gonococcal association with UECs and with immortal cell lines of variable origin. Gonococcus-integrin colocalization occurred at early time points post infection, but this interaction dissociated with extended infection. Similarly, Western Blot analyses revealed that gonococcal pilin coimmunoprecipitates with alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-integrins. However, studies performed in parallel and that were designed to capture CD46-pilus immune complexes indicated that a CD46-pilus interaction did not occur. Collectively, these data suggest that while CD46 might be able to bind gonococcal pilus, IDC integrins are preferentially used as the initial docking site for gonococci on UECs, on urethral tissue and on some immortal cell lines.  相似文献   

Lactoferrin (LF) and transferrin (TF) are postulated to be important physiological sources of iron for Neisseria gonorrhoeae. A dot binding assay involving the use of gonococcal total membranes derived from cells grown in iron-limited conditions demonstrated the presence of separate receptors for LF and TF. The ligand and functional specificities of these receptors were examined in competition-binding and growth experiments. The results indicate that the LF and TF receptors are highly specific for the human protein, suggesting that this property may be partially responsible for conferring the human host specificity of N. gonorrhoeae.  相似文献   

Transferrin (TF) and lactoferrin (LF) are probably the major sources of iron (Fe) for Neisseria gonorrhoeae in vivo. We isolated mutants of N. gonorrhoeae FA19 that were unable to grow with Fe bound to either TF (TF-) or LF (LF-) or to both TF and LF ([TF LF]-). The amount of Fe internalized by each of the mutants was reduced to background levels from the relevant iron source(s). The wild-type parent strain exhibited saturable specific binding of TF and LF; receptor activity was induced by Fe starvation. The TF(-)-specific or LF(-)-specific mutants were almost completely lacking in receptor activity for TF or LF, respectively, whereas the [TF LF]- mutants bound both TF and LF as well as the wild-type strain. All mutants utilized citrate and heme normally as Fe sources. These results demonstrate that ability to bind TF or LF is essential for gonococci to scavenge appreciable amounts of Fe from these sources in vitro. In addition, the TF and LF Fe acquisition pathways are linked by the mutual use of a nonreceptor gene product that is essential to Fe scavenging from both of these sources; this gene product is not required for Fe acquisition from other sources.  相似文献   

Gonorrhea is characterized by a purulent urethral or cervical discharge consisting primarily of neutrophils associated with Neisseria gonorrhoeae. These interactions are facilitated by gonococcal colony opacity-associated (Opa) protein binding to host cellular CEACAM receptors. Of these, CEACAM3 is restricted to neutrophils and contains an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) reminiscent of that found within certain phagocytic Fc receptors. CEACAM3 was tyrosine phosphorylated by a Src family kinase-dependent process upon infection by gonococci expressing CEACAM-specific Opa proteins. This phosphorylation was necessary for efficient bacterial uptake; however, a less efficient uptake process became evident when kinase inhibitors or mutagenesis of the ITAM were used to prevent phosphorylation. Ligated CEACAM3 was recruited to a cytoskeleton-containing fraction, intense foci of polymerized actin were evident where bacteria attached to HeLa-CEACAM3, and disruption of polymerized actin by cytochalasin D blocked all bacterial uptake by these cells. These data support a model whereby CEACAM3 can mediate the Opa-dependent uptake of N. gonorrhoeae via either an efficient, ITAM phosphorylation-dependent process that resembles phagocytosis or a less efficient, tyrosine phosphorylation-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

Opacity proteins (Opa) of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a family of variant outer membrane proteins implicated in pathogenesis, are subject to phase variation. In strain MS11, 11 different opa gene alleles have been identified, the expression of which can be turned on and off independently. Using a reverse genetic approach, we demonstrate that a single Opa protein variant of strain MS11, Opa50, enables gonococci to invade epithelial cells. The remaining variant Opa proteins show no, or very little, specificity for epithelial cells but instead confer interaction with human polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs). Thus, depending on the opa allele expressed, gonococci are capable of invading epithelial cells or of interacting with human leukocytes. The respective properties of Opa proteins are maintained independent of the gonococcal strain; thus, the specificity for epithelial cells or leukocytes is intrinsic to Opa proteins. Significant homology exists in the surface exposed variable regions of two invasion supporting Opa proteins from independent strains. Efficient epithelial cell invasion is favoured by high level Opa production, however, a 10-fold reduction still allows significant invasion by gonococci. In contrast, recombinant Escherichia coli expressing Opa proteins adhered or invaded poorly under similar experimental conditions, thus indicating that additional factors besides Opa are required in the Opa-mediated interaction with human cells.  相似文献   

Physiological changes in host cell model membranes (intact human erythrocytes and ghosts) as a consequence of bacterial adhesion were studied with special reference to Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Membrane activities examined were transport of K+, Cl- ions, pyruvate kinase, Na-K-dependent ATPase, and cAMP. We found that K+ and Cl- transport were affected, more so in membranes with attached pilated (P+) organisms than in those with apilated (P-) isogenic strains. In N. gonorrhoeae and in several other species of gram-negative bacteria studied, hemagglutination titres were directly correlated with effects on anion transport, suggesting that perturbations in anion transport are an immediate result of adhesion. Of three P+ gonococcus strains tested, two depressed Na-K-ATPase activity in the membrane, indicating a possible effect on the Na-K pump. Pyruvate kinase activity associated with the membrane appeared to be stimulated by attached gonococci, again by P+ strains to higher levels than P- organisms. Clearly, some enzyme properties of host membranes are intrinsically affected by bacterial adhesion. Human polymorphonuclear neutrophils were also investigated, and with some exceptions, changes observed in leukocyte enzyme activities tended to parallel those in erythrocytes. Since hypochlorous acid production is considered to be an important microbicidal mechanism in neutrophils, interference with Cl- transport could jeopardize their role in host defense.  相似文献   

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