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We screened fecal samples from 3 groups of wild-living baboons (Papio cynocephalus and P. anubis), involved in longitudinal behavioral studies, for evidence of gastrointestinal parasites. The two objectives of the study were: 1) to compare parasites from two of the groups with different foraging behavior from the same area and 2) to obtain fecal parasitic data on 3 groups of baboons to provide baseline reference data. We sampled individual baboons opportunistically from Lodge and Hook's groups, Amboseli National Park and from Mpala Group, Mpala Wildlife Research Centre, Kenya. Lodge Group baboons supplemented foraging on wild foods by daily foraging in human-source refuse, whereas Hook's and Mpala groups did not. We collected fecal samples from 55, 30 and 42 individuals in Hook's, Lodge and Mpala groups, respectively, and processed them via ether sedimentation. We identified strongylids, Streptopharagus sp., Physaloptera sp., Trichuris sp., Enterobius sp., and Strongyloides sp., in the feces, but no parasite directly attributable to exposure to people. Garbage- and wild-feeding Amboseli baboons differed in the prevalence of Streptopharagus sp., Physaloptera sp. and Trichuris sp.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven troops were counted during a 1989 census of the mountain baboon population at Giants Castle Game Reserve. In contrast to earlier findings, and despite a similar population structure, we found no relationship between group size and altitude. We argue that this is a consequence of long-term population processes whereby groups split as they grow larger and, in some cases, as their home ranges expand upward. At these high altitudes, smaller groups are eventually subjected to environmental conditions that destroy them. We propose that the high-altitude slopes act as a demographic sink.  相似文献   

I used components of baboon foraging behavior (concurrent fast and direct travel) to categorize core dry-season foods as purposefully or randomly encountered. I then compared the categorized foods to published, a priori predictions for core dry-season foods. Using focal-animal techniques on 6 males from two baboon troops, I collected precise locational data with a differentially corrected Global Positioning System (GPS) over 6 mo. The data analysis yielded the speed and directness of baboon travel between a food-handling event and a prior location. To distinguish purposefully encountered foods from randomly encountered foods, I calculated the average speed and the average observed deviation from straight-line travel exhibited to each resource type. A linear regression describes the relationship between these variables for each resource type. Baboons demonstrate both relatively high speeds and direct travel towards 3 food types: Combretum obovatum, impala, and baobab trees. Baboons were hypothesized a priori to encounter these resources purposefully. Baboons were also hypothesized a priori to encounter corms and perhaps Commiphora paniculatum purposefully, however, they travel neither quickly nor directly to these resources. I interpret this finding in terms of the costs accrued by traveling quickly and directly to fall-back resources. I discuss the ability of concurrent speed and directness to distinguish purposefully encountered foods from randomly encountered foods.  相似文献   

In this article, population variations and genetic structures of two populations of northern sheatfish (Silurus soldatovi) were analyzed using 24 microsatellite loci enriched from southern catfish (S. meriaionalis Chen) by magnetic beads. Gene frequency (P), observed heterozygosity (Ho), expected heterozygosity (He), polymorphism information contents (PIC), and number of effective alleles (Ne) were determined. One population was wild, ripe individuals collected from Heilongjiang River (HNS); the other was cultured fry collected from Songhuajiang River (SNS). The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) was tested by the genetic departure index (d). The coefficient of gene differentiation GST and ΦST by AMOVA (Analysis of Molecular Variety) was imputed using Arlequin software in this study. In addition, a phylogenetic tree was constructed by UPGMA method based on the pairwise Nei's standard distances using PHYLIP. A total of 1 357 fragments with sizes ranging between 102 bp and 385 bp were acquired by PCR amplifications. The average number of alleles of the two populations was 8.875. Results indicated that these microsatellite loci were highly polymorphic and could be used as genetic markers. The mean values of the parameters P, Ho, He, PIC, and Ne were 0.165, 0.435, 0.758, 0.742, and 5.019 for HNS and 0.147, 0.299, 0.847, 0.764, and 5.944 for SNS, respectively. Although there were differences, there were no significant differentiations except for the locus HLJcf37. These populations to a certain extent deviated from HWE, such as excessive and deficient heterozygote numbers. The value of GST was 0.078 and above 98% of the variation were differences among individuals within the population, so the variation between populations was insignificant. Cluster analysis also showed that the relationships among individuals were very close. In conclusion, the microsatellite markers that were developed through this study are useful for genetic analysis and the genetic culture that was proposed in this study has no significant impact on S. soldatovi.  相似文献   

We aimed to determine taste preference thresholds for 5 food-associated sugars in Papio hamadryas anubis. In a 2-bottle preference test of brief duration (2 min) 4 subadult baboons significantly preferred concentrations as low as 10 mM sucrose, 20 mM fructose, lactose, and maltose, and 25 mM glucose over tap water. Presentation of suprathreshold sugar solutions led to marked concentration-dependent polydipsia. The results show that baboons are among the most sugar-sensitive nonhuman primates tested so far and, thus, support the assumption that Papio hamadryas anubis may use sweetness as a criterion for food selection.  相似文献   

东北大口鲇2个群体的微卫星DNA多态分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
全迎春  孙效文  梁利群 《遗传学报》2006,33(10):908-916
利用磁珠富集法克隆制备的24个大口鲇(Silurus meriaionalis Chen)微卫星标记,对黑龙江野生群体与松花江养殖群体2个东北大口鲇(S.soldatovi)的地理种群的等位基因频率(P)、观测杂合度(Ho)、期望杂合度(He)、多态信息含量(PIC)和有效等位基因数(Ne)等进行了遗传检测,以遗传偏离指数(d)检验Hardy—Weinberg平衡,并以Nei氏遗传分化系数(GST)和AMOVA分析(ФST)群体遗传变异的来源。同时,使用PHYLIP3.63软件绘制基于Nei氏遗传距离的个体间UPGMA系统树。结果表明:24个微卫星标记在东北大口鲇的2个群体中共扩增出1357条多态性片段,片段长度为1024385bp,总体平均等位基因8.875个,可以用于东北大口鲇遗传多样性的评估。并发现8个可区分这2个种群的遗传标记;黑龙江群体的P、Ho、He、PIC和Ne依次为0.165、0.435、0.758、0.742和5.019,松花江群体为0.147、0.299、0.847、0.764和5.944,在这些多样性参数上,方差分析也显示2地理种群差异不显著,在大多数位点并无显著差异,仅HLJcf37位点具有显著差异:在多个位点偏离Hardy—Weinberg平衡,2群体呈现不同程度的杂合体过度,纯合体完全缺失现象,其原因有待证实;群体遗传变异分析证实2群体间遗传分化较弱,其98%以上的变异是由群体内个体间的遗传变异引起的,群体间的变异对总变异影响不显著。UPGMA系统树也显示出个体间遗传距离小,亲缘关系很近。结果表明,人工繁殖没有对东北大口鲇的遗传多样性产生影响,该种群遗传分化小,种质资源状况良好。  相似文献   

Weaning from the nipple and the use of solid foods were studied by one-zero and instantaneous sampling during the first year of life for 46 baboon infants. By the end of 1 year, infant baboons were nearing independence from the mother for nourishment and transportation and were competently foraging for insects and several plant foods. Using on-nipple as an index of waning dependence and the transition from riding on the mother to walking as a validity criterion, the two sampling methods yielded comparable scores which were valid indicants of developing independence.  相似文献   

Bactrocera oleae is the major insect pest of the olive fruit. Twelve microsatellite loci isolated from the genome of this insect were used in a Mediterranean-wide population analysis. These loci were highly polymorphic with a mean number of alleles per locus of 10.42 and a mean effective number of alleles of 2.76. The analysis was performed on a sample of 671 flies collected from nineteen locations around the European part of the Mediterranean basin. Despite the high level of gene flow across the Mediterranean, results support the notion of a differentiation of three subpopulations: one of the Iberian Peninsula, one of Greece and Italy and one of Cyprus. In addition, the gradual decrease of heterozygosity from the Eastern to the Western part of the Mediterranean indicates a westward expansion of the species.  相似文献   

The respiratory pathogenPasteurella multocida was isolated from infections of the laryngeal air sacs of two baboons and from abscesses in the neck or femoral area of two other baboons. The infections were associated with surgical procedures involving the cervical area, chronic catheterization, and chair restraint. The organism was also detected among the commensal pharyngeal flora in 2 of 15 clinically healthy, wildborn adult baboons. These findings suggest that the organism is harbored naturally in baboons and that exudative infections can occur secondary to specific procedures.  相似文献   

Previous researchers of hamadryas baboons have described a star-shaped sociogram, whereby the strongest social bonds within hamadryas one-male units are between a leader male and his females and bonds among females are weak by comparison. This type of social organization is also known as cross-bonding to distinguish it from the female-bonding found in most papionin monkeys. Models of female primate socioecology suggest that hamadryas baboons lack female bonding due to their reliance on scarce, widely-dispersed food resources. Here, I report observational data from a wild population of hamadryas baboons in Ethiopia indicating that, while females varied widely in their frequency of social interaction with other females, most females spent about as much social time with other females as they did with the leader male and some females even crossed unit boundaries to interact with one another. The size of a unit was positively correlated with the tendency of its females to interact with other females and was negatively correlated with the tendency of its females to interact with the leader male. Females were equally likely to spend social time with other females whether or not the leader male was available for social interaction at the time. Overall, this study suggests that a star-shaped sociogram does not characterize all hamadryas baboons and that female hamadryas may be, to some extent, female-bonded as well as cross-bonded. The lack of more pronounced female bonding in hamadryas is probably due to the behavior of males rather than to ecological factors.  相似文献   

Focal-animal feeding data obtained from 64 adult baboons during a 3-year period were used together with equivalent data from 46 infants to evaluate hypotheses predicting selection for a birth peak and to study the baboon’s eclectic/selective feeding adaptation, with emphasis on differential feeding by sex, developmental trends, and seasonal use of food classes (fruit, leaf, flower, grass, etc.). The findings suggest that feeding conditions are better in the wet season than in the dry season. Despite large sexual dimorphism, estimates of total amounts eaten were virtually identical for males and females. Infants used all of the same plant-food classes as adults, but proportional differences occurred for some food classes in amounts eaten. Foods eaten proportionately less by infants were probably harder for them to obtain and process or were chosen through inexperience or for exploration. There was considerable between-year variation in amounts of food classes eaten, but the within-year standard deviations were similar, as were also the mean amounts eaten per year. An eclectic/selective feeding adaptation has the advantage of permitting long-run acquisition of adequate nutrition within a context of high feeding variation from season to season and year to year. Mixed results were obtained from hypotheses about selection for a birth peak. Although a peak occurred in the early dry season, this was not the optimal time of birth for survival. Survival was highest for individuals born in the late wet season, when the availability and probably the quality of food for lactating mothers were greatest.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 5 microsatellite loci was analyzed for European hake Merluccius merluccius sampled from 9 different regions in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Significant genetic differentiation was found between samples, suggesting a fine subdivision of Atlantic and Mediterranean hake stocks. These results are discussed in the context of the decline of demersal fish species, probably due to overfishing.  相似文献   

Twenty microsatellite markers were first developed from the Japanese sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus using an enrichment protocol. Of the 20 microsatellite loci, 19 loci were polymorphic in the population examined. At these polymorphic loci, the number of alleles per locus varied from 2 to 15, and the observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.03 to 0.97, which is considerably higher than those previously found for allozymes. The high variability of the microsatellite markers identified in this study will make them excellent tools for genetic analyses of S. japonicus.  相似文献   

During a survey of the geographical distribution and abundance of hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) in central Eritrea, we collected detailed demographic data on six bands at four sites in different ecogeographical zones. The proportions of age-sex classes within the six bands differed only with respect to juveniles. The general social organization of the Eritrean hamadryas baboons is similar to that reported for Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia. Eritrean hamadryas baboons live in a nested fission-fusion system, with one-male units as the basic social entity. Although the baboons were not provisioned, as they are in many places in Saudi Arabia, and habitat quality in Eritrea is lower than that in Ethiopia, sex-ratios and group composition corresponded more to those found in the Saudi Arabian population. Sex-ratios within the study population, in bands and also in one-male units were significantly more female-biased than in Ethiopian ones, and one-male units tended to be larger. Data from Eritrea suggest that these differences are due to a combination of a heavily fluctuating rainfall pattern and differential maturation of the sexes.  相似文献   

In past research on human and nonhuman primates, maternal responsiveness and behavior has been thought of as an experiential, cognitive mechanism; however, recent findings have shown that maternal motivation and behavior may not be entirely divorced from the endocrine system. To investigate the relationship between interest in infants and the hormonal changes related to pregnancy, we examined the nature of social interactions across parturition between a large sample (n = 133) of adult female baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis sp.) and unrelated infants. Prepartum data were collected during ten 30-min focal observations for each subject. Each mother-infant pair was then observed through the infant's first 8 weeks of life. A total of 2325 h of observation was recorded. Urine was collected on 65 subjects, starting 5 weeks before the expected date of parturition and ending 4 weeks after parturition. Evidence for a connection between endocrine function and responsiveness toward infants was found. Affiliative behaviors during the prepartum period were positively correlated to the estrogen/cortisol ratio and high dominance rank. In the postpartum period, affiliative behaviors were positively correlated with prepartum progesterone and dominance rank, and negatively correlated with postpartum cortisol levels. Finally, a positive correlation was recorded during the postpartum period between prepartum progesterone and aggression, and a negative correlation between postpartum cortisol and aggression and submission. Our data suggest that the endocrine changes that may help regulate maternal care of offspring also influence the way in which pre- and postpartum female baboons interact with unrelated infants in their social group.  相似文献   

At least three diurnal primate taxa are still present in Eritrea, NE Africa: hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas), olive baboons (Papio h. anubis) and grivet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops aethiops). However, information on status and distribution of primates and their habitats in Eritrea is outdated and incomplete. We conducted a primate survey, focussing on hamadryas baboons, to obtain data which will be integrated in a national wildlife management and conservation plan in Eritrea. We obtained information about the geographical distribution and abundance of baboons, their altitudinal range, habitat quality of their home-ranges, aggregation sizes at sleeping cliffs and predator presence. We described habitat quality via the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), a vegetation classification of Landsat MSS satellite data. Hamadryas and olive baboons are still present in Eritrea in ample numbers. Their geographical distributions in 1997 and 1998 did not deviate significantly from their historical distributions. An estimated 15,000 Papio hamadryas hamadryas lived in the 25,000-km2 area of survey (0.58 baboons/km2). Population densities of hamadryas baboons in many parts of the survey area are higher than at Kummer's (1968) study site in Ethiopia. Hamadryas baboons live at all altitudes in four of five ecogeographical zones of Eritrea. Olive baboons replaced them in the western lowlands. Both baboon taxa tend to select better quality habitats, characterized by a higher normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) than the average for the respective ecogeographical zones. Hamadryas baboons show a greater ecological plasticity than olive baboons, which are confined to riverbeds with extended gallery forest. By the end of 1999, a hybrid zone could not be confirmed.  相似文献   

We developed six new microsatellite markers containing tetranucleotide repeat motifs (GATA/CTAT) for Lanyu scops owl (Otus elegans botelensis) from an enriched partial library. All these loci are polymorphic and conform to Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. We cross-species tested these and 12 other microsatellite primer pairs previously developed from O. elegans on four other species of owls (O. lettia, O. spilocephalus, O. scops, and Ninox scutulata). Results showed that the degree of polymorphism decreased with increasing phylogenetic distance to O. elegans. Most loci (66.7, 83.3, and 100%) were polymorphic in the three Otus owls but only five (27.8%) were polymorphic in N. scutulata. These microsatellites should be very useful genetic markers in studying the mating system, population genetics, and conservation of other little studied Old World Otus owls.  相似文献   

Environmental stressors impact physiology and behavior in many species of animals. These effects are partly mediated through changing concentrations of glucocorticoids, which also vary with reproductive state and social conditions. Prior research has focused largely on seasonal breeders, but the close temporal linkage between season and reproductive state in these species hinders ability to disentangle environmental effects from those of the animal's reproductive status. Here we assessed the effects of environmental challenges on the fecal glucocorticoid (fGC) levels of non-seasonal breeders, female baboons (Papio cynocephalus) of Amboseli, Kenya. Amboseli is characterized by a long dry season, during which food and water become scarce, and by extreme temperatures above 40 °C in the shade during some months of the year. We found that after accounting for female reproductive status and individual variability, females exhibited higher fGC levels during the dry season than during the wet season. Further, during the wet season, fGC levels were higher in months of high average daily maximum temperatures. During the dry season, fGC levels were elevated both in hotter months and in months during which the baboons spent a relatively high proportion of time feeding. In spite of these stressors, female baboons reproduce during all months of the year in Amboseli, unlike most other mammals in this environment. This may be attributable to their extreme adaptability, specifically their diversified diet, and their ability to modify their behavior, including their activity profiles.  相似文献   

Multilevel or modular societies characterize a range of mammalian taxa, allowing social groups to fission and fuse in response to ecological factors. The modular society of hamadryas baboons has previously been shown to consist of 4 levels: troop, band, clan, and one-male unit (OMU). A recent study by Hill et al. (Biology Letters 4:748–751, 2008) revealed a mean scaling ratio across successive levels of multilevel societies of ca. 3; this was consistent across elephants, orca, geladas, and hamadryas baboons. Here we reanalyze the scaling ratio for hamadryas baboons with previously unavailable data from Filoha. Our analysis revealed a mean scaling ratio for hamadryas of 3.28 without data on the hamadryas clan layer of organization at Filoha, but a ratio of 6.17 with these data included. This discrepancy is due to the large clan and band sizes at Filoha yielding a larger than average gap between the OMU and the clan. Further analysis revealed subsets of OMUs within clans, suggesting a 5th level of society in this population. When this 5th layer of social structure is included in the analysis, the scaling ratio at Filoha is consistent with that of other hamadryas populations and other taxa. These results suggest that a consistent mammalian scaling ratio can be used to detect previously hidden levels of organization within societies and to predict their sizes in taxa for which detailed behavioral data are not available.  相似文献   

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