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Background  Chagas disease is common in Central and South America and the southern United States. The causative agent is Trypanosoma cruzi (order Kinetoplastida, family Trypanosomatidae), a kinetoplastid protozoan parasite of humans and other vertebrates. It is a serious public health issue and the leading cause of heart disease and cardiovascular death in Central and South America. In 1984, a colony baboon was discovered to be infected with T. cruzi .
Methods  As the initial diagnosis was made by microscopic observation of the amastigote forms of T. cruzi in myocardial fibers, T. cruzi amastigotes have been identified in three additional baboons.
Results  The primary findings were similar in all four baboons and were congestive heart failure with edema of dependent areas, hydrothorax, hydropericardium, and multifocal to diffuse lymphoplasmacytic myocarditis.
Conclusions  A baboon animal model of Chagas disease could contribute significantly to the development of therapies for the disease in humans.  相似文献   

Background A comprehensive survey of the prevalence of congenital anomalies in baboons has not been previously reported. We report the congenital anomalies observed over a 26‐year period in a large captive baboon colony. Methods A computer search was performed for all baboon congenital anomalies identified at necropsy and recorded on necropsy submissions. Results We identified 198 congenital anomalies in 166 baboons from 9972 necropsies (1.66% of total necropsies). The nervous, urogenital, musculoskeletal, and cardiovascular systems were most commonly affected. The most common organs affected were the brain, bone, heart, testicle, kidney, penis, aorta, and skeletal muscle. The most frequent congenital anomalies were blindness, seizures, and hydrocephalus. Conclusions The baboon has an overall frequency of congenital anomalies similar to humans and other non‐human primates. Although the most frequently affected systems are similar, congenital anomalies involving the digestive system appear to be less common in the baboon.  相似文献   

Background  LRP5 is known to have an important relationship with bone density and a variety of other biological processes. Mapping to human chromosome 11q13.2, LRP5 shows considerable evolutionary conservation. Orthologs of this gene exist in many species, although comparison of human LRP5 with other non-human primates has not been performed until now.
Methods  We reported the complementary DNA (cDNA) sequence and deduced amino acid sequence for baboon LRP5 , and compared the baboon and human sequences. cDNA sequences for 21 baboons were examined to identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
Results  Sequences of coding regions in human and baboon LRP5 showed 97– 99% homology. Twenty-five SNPs were identified in the coding region of baboon LRP5 .
Conclusion  The observed degree of coding sequence homology in LRP5 led us to expect that the baboon may serve as a useful model for future research into the role(s) of this gene in primate metabolic diseases.  相似文献   

Background  In order to consider the non-human primate as an adequate model for studying prenatal diagnosis and therapy, comparative data on fetal growth should be available.
Methods  Sixty ultrasound scans were performed in 22 baboons between 14 and 167 days of gestation. Measurements included greatest length, head circumference, biparietal diameter (BPD), transcerebellar diameter, abdominal circumference (AC), femur length (FL), and amniotic fluid index. For all parameters growth curves were established and compared with human curves. In 18 animals, birth weight and placental weight were determined. Different equations described in the literature for estimating the human fetal weight were tested in the baboon.
Results  The fetal and placental growth pattern in the baboon was comparable with humans. The best predictor of fetal weight was the formula presented by Combs: 0.23966 × AC2 × FL + 1.623 × BPD3.
Conclusions  A high similarity between baboon and human growth charts is shown. The best equation for estimating the baboon fetal weight is proposed.  相似文献   

Understanding the extent of human–primate conflict is crucial to the development of conservation and management strategies. We carried out this study in an unprotected area of central Ethiopia to examine the magnitude of human–hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas) conflict and to assess the attitude of local farmers towards baboons in Wonchit Valley. In 2014, we interviewed 119 adult respondents using a structured questionnaire. Local farmers considered hamadryas baboons to be the major pest in the area. All respondents reported that hamadryas baboons caused crop raiding and small livestock predation in the region. Respondents reported that a shortage of fruit producing wild trees and ready availability of crops were the main causes of conflict between farmers and hamadryas baboons. We found that hamadryas baboons damaged cereal crops at dusk and dawn during full moonlight, and most (89.9%) respondents claimed that they were not interested in hamadryas baboon conservation. Our results indicate that human–hamadryas baboon conflict has a strongly negative impact on both baboon conservation and local farmers. We suggest that to mitigate the human–hamadryas baboon conflict, job opportunities such as beekeeping should be introduced in the region.  相似文献   

Background  Baboon in vitro fertilization requires capacitated sperm in appropriate media. In this study, we compared the effect of baboon serum (Bas), human serum albumin (HSA) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) on baboon sperm capacitation.
Methods  Five males (n = 5) were electroejaculated and 43 oocytes retrieved from super-ovulated female baboons (n = 10). Each sperm sample was assessed for initial motility and concentration before and after swim-up. For swim-up, each sperm sample was incubated separately in Biggers–Whitten–Whittingham media containing either BaS, HSA, BSA or without protein supplementation (control). After swim-up, each sperm aliquot was incubated with two to three oocytes. The number of sperm bound to the zona was evaluated after overnight incubation.
Results  Sperm motility and zona binding was significantly higher after capacitation in media supplemented with BaS than in HSA or BSA or in media without protein supplementation ( P  < 0.05).
Conclusion  Baboon serum is superior to HSA or BSA for baboon sperm capacitation and zona binding.  相似文献   

Baboons (genus Papio) are an interesting phylogeographical primate model for the evolution of savanna species during the Pleistocene. Earlier studies, based on partial mitochondrial sequence information, revealed seven major haplogroups indicating multiple para‐ and polyphylies among the six baboon species. The most basal splits among baboon lineages remained unresolved and the credibility intervals for divergence time estimates were rather large. Assuming that genetic variation within the two studied mitochondrial loci so far was insufficient to infer the apparently rapid early radiation of baboons we used complete mitochondrial sequence information of ten specimens, representing all major baboon lineages, to reconstruct a baboon phylogeny and to re‐estimate divergence times. Our data confirmed the earlier tree topology including the para‐ and polyphyletic relationships of most baboon species; divergence time estimates are slightly younger and credibility intervals narrowed substantially, thus making the estimates more precise. However, the most basal relationships could not be resolved and it remains open whether (1) the most southern population of baboons diverged first or (2) a major split occurred between southern and northern clades. Our study shows that complete mitochondrial genome sequences are more effective to reconstruct robust phylogenies and to narrow down estimated divergence time intervals than only short portions of the mitochondrial genome, although there are also limitations in resolving phylogenetic relationships. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Interspecific associations can arise for varied reasons including reduced predation risk and improved foraging success. In the case of bird–primate associations, birds typically appear to follow primate groups to harvest insects flushed by primates' movements. However, while previous studies have linked temporal changes in bird–primate associations to environmental conditions, few have assessed the additional effects of bird activity patterns and primate group behaviour and none have disentangled their potentially interdependent effects. Here, we test the hypothesis that foraging opportunities can drive interspecific associations in a previously undescribed bird–primate association between rock kestrels Falco rupicolus and chacma baboons Papio ursinus in central Namibia. Data were collected from two baboon groups and associated kestrels using instantaneous scan sampling during full-day follows over a 7-month field period, and analysed using generalized linear mixed models. We found that kestrel associations with baboons vary with season, show diurnal cycles and are more frequent when the baboons are in open desert habitat, engaged in travel foraging and in a large group. These patterns are statistically independent and consistent with the hypothesis that the kestrel–baboon association is driven by the foraging opportunities acquired by the kestrels. As the baboons do not appear to gain any benefits nor incur any costs from the association, we conclude that the kestrels are likely to be commensal with the baboons.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of thermal environment on movement patterns of free-ranging yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus). For Amboseli baboons, one source of potential thermal stress is intense midday heat, and a plausible thermoregulatory response is for animals to simply move into the shade. I therefore examined the hypothesis that baboons would choose quadrats with higher shade availability (as measured by vegetation cover) in response to increasing midday heat loads (as measured by air temperature and solar radiation). Surprisingly, this was not the case—neither ambient air temperature, ambient solar radiation, nor quadrat plant species composition had a significant effect on shade availability of quadrat selected. Instead, thermal conditions affected a different aspect of baboon movements; namely, spatial displacement rates. At high air temperatures, baboons as a group traversed woodland habitats more slowly, and bare pans more quickly, than at lower air temperatures. I surmised that this relationship might reflect thermal effects on movement patterns at a smaller scale: if individuals exposed to high heat loads spent more time resting in shade under clumps of vegetation, they would thereby traverse densely-vegetated (hence shaded) quadrats more slowly. To address this question directly, I obtained focal sample data on activity and microhabitat budgets of individual baboons in relation to environmental temperature. The frequency of most combinations of activity state (e.g., grooming, social behavior) and microenvironment state (e.g., elevation, proximity to vegetation) did not vary monotonically with air temperature. However, baboons in shaded locations (but not those in unshaded locations) spent more time resting and less time moving at high air temperatures than low. In other words, baboon activity budgets depended on both microclimate and microhabitat—animals reduced their activity, particularly movement, when they encountered shade under hot conditions. This pattern of microhabitat choice in turn led to temperature-dependent changes in travel rate at the habitat level. These observational studies of movement patterns suggest that Amboseli baboons employ opportunistic thermoregulation—they do not seek out densely-shaded habitats or individual patches of shade at high air temperatures. Instead, they respond to environmental heat loads by resting, and thereby slowing down, when they happen to encounter plant shade. Aspects of baboon ecology that favor such an opportunistic mode of thermoregulation include large body size and non-thermal constraints on movement patterns.  相似文献   

Dental eruption schedules previously used to age wild baboons have in the past derived from studies of captive animals housed under standard conditions and fed standard laboratory diets. This paper reports for the first time eruption schedules derived from wild baboons, the yellow baboons (Papio hamadryas cynocephalus) of Mikumi National Park, Tanzania, and compares these schedules with those of other baboon subspecies inhabiting both similar and dissimilar environments. Eighteen males and twelve females from the Viramba groups, ranging in age from 21 to 103 months, were trapped, and dental impressions and notes were made of the state of eruption of each tooth. Eruption of all teeth were delayed at Mikumi relative to the baboon standards derived from the captive animals at the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, San Antonio, Texas. Teeth of the canine-premolar 3 complex and third molars were most delayed, erupting up to a year and a half later than their counterparts from captive animals. Comparison with data on hamadryas baboons from Erer-Gota in Ethiopia revealed that both the hamadryas and yellow subspecies of baboons, with different genetic backgrounds and living under markedly different environmental conditions, followed the same schedule. This constancy of developmental schedules suggests that these Mikumi data may reasonably be used as standards for other wild baboon populations and that acceleration of dental maturation, as well us maturation of other somatic systems in captivity, is another manifestation of the short-term adaptive plasticity of the baboon species as a whole.  相似文献   

Some pathological findings made in more than 3000 autopsies on Chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) are reviewed. Diarrhea is frequent among newcomers in the Primate Colony at the University of Stellenbosch and is possibly related to the stress of adaptation to captivity. Strict control of the water balance of sick animals prevents losses. In 63% of diarrheic baboons cortical adrenal necroses were found. About 10% of the autopsied baboons had a cardiomyopathy. In 50% of the baboons with necrotizing cardiomyopathy adrenal cortical necroses were found. In contrast to man, the Chacma baboon deposits inhaled inert dust in small granulomata similar to early cellular lesions of silicosis. Pyelonephritis unrelated to experimental procedures was found in 0.3%. Six cases of chronic glomerulonephritis were encountered. The inclusion of the lower parathyroids in the thyroid must be considered as a normal finding in Chacma baboons; thymic inclusions in the thyroid are more common than in man. On the whole, there are only minor differences in pathological reactions between Chacma baboon and man, but the former is much less resistant to stress than the latter.  相似文献   

Plio-Pleistocene environmental change influenced the evolutionary history of many animal lineages in Africa, highlighting key roles for both climate and tectonics in the evolution of Africa’s faunal diversity. Here, we explore diversification in the southern African chacma baboon Papio ursinus sensu lato and reveal a dominant role for increasingly arid landscapes during past glacial cycles in shaping contemporary genetic structure. Recent work on baboons (Papio spp.) supports complex lineage structuring with a dominant pulse of diversification occurring 1-2Ma, and yet the link to palaeoenvironmental change remains largely untested. Phylogeographic reconstruction based on mitochondrial DNA sequence data supports a scenario where chacma baboon populations were likely restricted to refugia during periods of regional cooling and drying through the Late Pleistocene. The two lineages of chacma baboon, ursinus and griseipes, are strongly geographically structured, and demographic reconstruction together with spatial analysis of genetic variation point to possible climate-driven isolating events where baboons may have retreated to more optimum conditions during cooler, drier periods. Our analysis highlights a period of continuous population growth beginning in the Middle to Late Pleistocene in both the ursinus and the PG2 griseipes lineages. All three clades identified in the study then enter a state of declining population size (Nef) through to the Holocene; this is particularly marked in the last 20,000 years, most likely coincident with the Last Glacial Maximum. The pattern recovered here conforms to expectations based on the dynamic regional climate trends in southern Africa through the Pleistocene and provides further support for complex patterns of diversification in the region’s biodiversity.  相似文献   

Background Comprehensive reports on male baboon urogenital pathology are not available. Methods We performed a retrospective study of 2246 male baboon necropsy records over 19 years. Results A total of 289 urogenital lesions were diagnosed in 197 (8.8%) baboons. The most frequently affected organs in decreasing order were kidney, testicle, urinary bladder, penis and prepuce, seminal vesicle, ureter, and prostate. Lesions were rare in the urethra, scrotum, and epididymis. The most common diagnoses in decreasing order were nephritis, urinary bladder cystitis, nephrocalcinosis, pyelonephritis, renal cysts, renal amyloidosis, testicular atrophy, penile/preputial dermatitis, hydronephrosis, orchitis/testicular abscess, glomerulonephritis, renal hemorrhage, hypospadia, nephrosis, renal infarct, hypospermia/aspermia, seminal vesicle mineralization, and hydroureter. We also report six cases of hypospadia, the first report in the baboon. Conclusions The male baboon has a low incidence of urogenital disease and renal disease is the most common malady. The role of herpesvirus papio 2 needs further study.  相似文献   

Baboon social systems are among the most studied in primates. Solid knowledge of the hamadryas and savannah baboon systems has accumulated, leading to a dichotomic view of baboon social systems. Hamadryas baboons live in multilayered troops based on 1-male units whereas savannah baboons live in multimale multifemale groups based on a network of related females. Less attention has been paid to their West African congenerics, the Guinea baboons, Papio papio. To fill this gap, in 2007 we initiated a long-term study of a baboon troop ranging in the Niokolo Koba National Park in southeastern Senegal. Earlier studies suggested a tendency for a multilayered social system in Guinea baboons, similar to the hamadryas baboon organization. Therefore, as a first approach to analyzing variability in party size and composition, we observed members of the troop crossing an open area from a fixed point for 3 mo during the dry and wet seasons. We counted individuals and recorded changes in composition of both arriving and departing parties. Party size and composition were highly variable on both a daily and a seasonal basis; 45.9% of the arriving parties changed in composition while crossing the open area, either splitting into smaller parties or fusing into larger ones, suggesting a fluid organization. Our data support the existence of neither a hamadryas baboon-like multilayered social organization nor a stable medium-sized multimale multifemale group as in savannah baboons. In light of our data we may need to revise the dichotomic view of baboon social systems and include space for greater variability of their social systems.  相似文献   

Background Gallbladder pathology (GBP) is a relatively uncommon, naturally occurring morbidity in both baboons and humans. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on 7776 necropsy reports over a 20 year period to determine the prevalence of baboon GBP. Results Ninety‐seven cases of GBP were identified, yielding a 20 year population prevalence of 1.25%. GBP is more common in adult female baboons, occurring with a female to male ratio of nearly 2:1. Among gallbladder pathologies, cholecystitis (35.1%) and cholelithiasis (29.9%) were the most prevalent abnormalities, followed by hyperplasia (16.5%), edema (15.5%), amyloidosis (5.2%), fibrosis (4.1%), necrosis (4.1%), and hemorrhage (1.0%). Conclusion Many epidemiologic similarities exist between GBP in baboons and humans suggesting that the baboon may serve as a reliable animal model system for investigating GBP in humans.  相似文献   

Background  Brucellosis is veterinary and human health problem.
Methods  A 13-year-old wild caught multiparous and an 8-year-old colony-born nulliparous baboon had stillbirths in the second trimester of pregnancy. Culture isolates from both postpartum uteruses were characterized using traditional biochemical analysis, PCR, and multilocus sequencing.
Results  The isolates morphologically resembled Brucella although their phenotypic characteristics were not consistent with any currently described species. The isolates represent a novel lineage within the genus with unique alleles, not previously seen in surveys of greater than 300 isolates representing the known diversity of the genus, present at 5/9 loci examined.
Conclusions  The described cases are to the best of our knowledge the first presentation of a naturally acquired Brucella infection in non-human primates associated with stillbirths from the same colony where Brucella seropositivity in the baboons was described 45 years ago. The organism appears to represent a previously undescribed Brucella species.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the sociospatial organization of baboon progressions has a protective function in which the most physically powerful troop members, the adult males, play a key role. This theory implies regularities in adult male progression order for different species of savannah baboons with similar social systems. Quantitative progression data are available from two such similar baboon species, olive and yellow, but not from the third, chacma. The order of movement of 15 adult male chacma baboons was determined from 40 progressions observed at the Moremi Wildlife Reserve, Botswana. The chacma males were most often found in the front sixth of progressions, next most often in the second sixth, and about equally often from there to the rear. As expected from the protection theory, this frontal positioning is consistent with available quantitative data from other species of savannah baboons.  相似文献   

Conflict of Interest Between People and Baboons: Crop Raiding in Uganda   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Much has been written about insect damage to standing crops, but an area that has received little attention within agricultural development, conservation, and primatological literature is that of primates and the potential damage they can cause to farmers' fields. This is likely to become an increasingly important issue for people interested in primates, as conservation projects adopt a more integrated approach to take account of local people's perspectives and needs. The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of crop raiding by primates, particularly baboons, on farmers living around the southern edge of the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. I use data gathered during monthly farm surveys and informal discussion groups, along with time budget data, to demonstrate that 1) baboons can cause extensive damage to field crops, such as maize and cassava; 2) proximity of the farm to the forest edge and the presence or absence of neighboring farms affect the likelihood of any farm sustaining crop damage from baboons; and 3) in addition to the direct costs associated with crop losses attributed to baboon foraging activity, there are indirect costs of baboon crop raiding such as increased labor demands to protect crops from them and, occasionally, to replant crop stands badly damaged by baboons. These results have important implications for future primate conservation policy and practice.  相似文献   

S ummary . Semi-quantitative studies on serial gastro-intestinal aspirates taken at laparotomy showed an increase in both numbers and types of organisms on passing down the baboon intestine from stomach to colon. In baboons fed a natural diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, the stomach, duodenum, and jejenum were sparsely populated, the flora consisting mainly of yeasts and lactobacilli, together with small numbers of faecal streptococci, micrococci and staphylococci. The mid-ileum was more heavily populated, yeasts, lactobacilli and faecal streptococci being present in most samples, while lactose-fermenting enterobacteria were isolated from half the aspirates, and in some, small numbers of micrococci, staphylococci and Clostridium welchii were present. The caecum and colon aspirates were heavily populated with all the organisms mentioned above. Differences between the intestinal flora of baboons fed the natural diet and baboons fed a synthetic diet were similar to the difference noted previously (Uphill, 1973) for the faecal flora. The suitability of laparotomy technique as a means of examining the flora of the various regions of the baboon gut is discussed.  相似文献   

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