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Plant extracts, made by grinding 2 g of fresh tissue in 5 ml of water, were toxic to Tylenchorhynchus dubius and Hoplolaimus spp. Such extracts from leaves and stems of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) were most toxic; those from leaves of corn (Zea mays L.), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and rhododendron (Rhododendron catawbiense L.) were less toxic; and extracts of bean roots were nontoxic. Nematode movement slowed markedly within 1 hr in tobacco leaf extract, and within 4 hr in bean leaf extract; both extracts completely inactivated or killed 95% of the nematodes in 24 hr. Heating leaf extract 10 min at 80 C eliminated toxicity. Absorption of fusicoccin, a phytotoxin produced by Fusicoccum amygdali Del., increased the toxicity of tomato leaf extracts, whereas water extracts of acetone-extracted powder preparations of leaves were about 15-fold more toxic than water extracts of fresh tissue. Addition of homogenized leaves of bean, tobacco and tomato to soil significantly reduced nematode populations within 3 days.  相似文献   

Tylenchorhynchus dubius was observed to feed on ''Toronto'' creeping bentgrass and ''Merion'' Kentucky bluegrass, and was a key participant in reducing the vegetative growth of both grass species. The severity of foliar and root macrosymptoms incited by T. dubius to ''Toronto'' bentgrass was greater on plants grown at 16 C than on plants maintained at 21, 27 and 32 C. These parasitized plants exhibited a suppression of secondary stolon formation, shortened internodes and premature inflorescence initiation. Initial inoculum densities of 500 and 1000 nematodes/test pot produced similar pathogenic effects on the host. Feeding was primarily on root hairs and epidermal cells immediately behind the meristematic region. No necrotic lesions or other diagnostic symptoms were visible at the feeding sites. Nematodes were not observed inside the roots.  相似文献   

Nursery blocks (48 dogwood, 27 red maple, and 17 peach) distributed among 20 Tennessee nurseries were sampled for nematodes in March, July, and October 1981. Plant-parasitic nematodes were extracted from soil, counted by genera, and identified to species after fixation. A total of 57 species in 24 genera were found, with 1-16 species occurring in a site. The species most commonly detected were Paratylenchus projectus and Xiphinema americanum, which were found in 88% and 78% of the sites, respectively. Relationships existed between distribution and densities of some species present in more than 10% of the sites and certain soil factors (pH, bulk density, texture, and organic matter content). Plant-parasitic nematode community diversity was related to tree age, percentage of weed ground cover, and number of weed species. Site similarities in community ordinations were dependent on the individual nurseries sampled, tree age, and soil type, but clusters of sites of similar tree ages and soil types were not exclusive.  相似文献   

In 1-year experiments, the final population density of nematodes is usually modeled as a function of initial density. Often, estimation of the parameters is precarious because nematode measurements, although laborious and expensive, are imprecise and the range in initial densities may be small. The estimation procedure can be improved by using orthogonal regression with a parameter for initial density on each experimental unit. In multi-year experiments parameters of a dynamic model can be estimated with optimization techniques like simulated annealing or Bayesian methods such as Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). With these algorithms information from different experiments can be combined. In multi-year dynamic models, the stability of the steady states is an important issue. With chaotic dynamics, prediction of densities and associated economic loss will be possible only on a short timescale. In this study, a generic model was developed that describes population dynamics in crop rotations. Mathematical analysis showed stable steady states do exist for this dynamic model. Using the Metropolis algorithm, the model was fitted to data from a multi-year experiment on Pratylenchus penetrans dynamics with treatments that varied between years. For three crops, parameters for a yield loss assessment model were available and gross margin of the six possible rotations comprising these three crops and a fallow year were compared at the steady state of nematode density. Sensitivity of mean gross margin to changes in the parameter estimates was investigated. We discuss the general applicability of the dynamic rotation model and the opportunities arising from combination of the model with Bayesian calibration techniques for more efficient utilization and collection of data relevant for economic evaluation of crop rotations.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify bacteria involved in soil suppressiveness against the plant-parasitic nematode Heterodera schachtii. Since H. schachtii cysts isolated from the suppressive soil can transfer this beneficial property to nonsuppressive soils, analysis of the cyst-associated microorganisms should lead to the identification of the causal organisms. Our experimental approach was to identify bacterial rRNA genes (rDNA) associated with H. schachtii cysts obtained from soil mixtures with various levels of suppressiveness. We hypothesized that we would be able to identify bacteria involved in the suppressiveness by correlating population shifts with differing levels of suppressiveness. Soil treatments containing different amounts of suppressive and fumigation-induced nonsuppressive soils exhibited various levels of suppressiveness after two nematode generations. The 10%-suppressive-soil treatment contained numbers of eggs per gram of soil similar to those of the 100%-suppressive-soil treatment, indicating that the suppressive factor(s) had been transferred. Bacterial rDNA associated with H. schachtii cysts were identified using a culture-independent method termed oligonucleotide fingerprinting of rRNA genes. Bacteria from five major taxonomic groups (Actinobacteria, Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides, α-Proteobacteria, β-Proteobacteria, and γ-Proteobacteria) were identified. Three bacterial rDNA groups contained clones that were more prevalent in the highly suppressive soil treatments than in the less suppressive treatments, indicating a potential involvement in the H. schachtii suppressiveness. When these three groups were examined with specific PCR analyses performed on H. schachtii cysts that developed in soils treated with three biocidal compounds, only one bacterial rDNA group with moderate to high sequence identity to rDNA from several Rhizobium species and uncultured α-proteobacterial clones was consistently associated with the highly suppressive treatments. A quantitative PCR analysis confirmed the association of this Rhizobium-like rDNA group with the H. schachtii suppressiveness.  相似文献   

The morphology and replication of Mycoplasma felis in relation to growth phase in culture were studied by electron microscopy. The organisms showed 1.0 to 1.45-hr doubling times with typical bacterial-type growth curves when grown in dialysate broth supplemented with horse serum. Organisms were fixed for electron microscopy by using Veronal acetate-buffered 0.8% OsO(4) (pH 6.1) in 20% sucrose. The morphology of exponential-phase organisms differed markedly from that of stationary or death-phase organisms, which were essentially large round forms with either dispersed or abnormally aggregated cytoplasm. Plasticine models prepared from serial sections of organisms in exponential phase showed the organisms to be either disc-shaped, triangular, horseshoe-shaped, or multilobular. A central "hole" was frequently present in these structures and could be visualized in the lobular forms as an interconnecting circular membrane. The inner surface of this membrane often showed contact with a small membranous body about 0.12 mum in diameter. The significance of this body is unknown. The morphology of the various shapes was confirmed by using the phosphotungstic acid and critical point methods. When the ratios of the various forms in exponential-phase cultures were determined, it was found that a replication sequence could be proposed which accounted for not only the volume increase required to accommodate deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication but also the distribution of that DNA. Although it is likely that DNA replication in M. felis is a binary process, it appears that the mechanism for production of new cells need not be a binary process.  相似文献   

We present results from epifluorescence, differential interference contrast, and transmission electron microscopy showing that Xenorhabdus nematophila colonizes a receptacle in the anterior intestine of the infective juvenile (IJ) stage of Steinernema carpocapsae. This region is connected to the esophagus at the esophagointestinal junction. The process by which X. nematophila leaves this bacterial receptacle had not been analyzed previously. In this study we monitored the movement of green fluorescent protein-labeled bacteria during the release process. Our observations revealed that Xenorhabdus colonizes the distal region of the receptacle and that exposure to insect hemolymph stimulated forward movement of the bacteria to the esophagointestinal junction. Continued exposure to hemolymph caused a narrow passage in the distal receptacle to widen, allowing movement of Xenorhabdus down the intestine and out the anus. Efficient release of both the wild type and a nonmotile strain was evident in most of the IJs incubated in hemolymph, whereas only a few IJs incubated in nutrient-rich broth released bacterial cells. Incubation of IJs in hemolymph treated with agents that induce nematode paralysis dramatically inhibited the release process. These results suggest that bacterial motility is not required for movement out of the distal region of the receptacle and that hemolymph-induced esophageal pumping provides a force for the release of X. nematophila out of the receptacle and into the intestinal lumen.  相似文献   

Morphology and Ultrastructure of Human T-Mycoplasmas   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Four serologically distinct human T-mycoplasmas grown in liquid medium were studied in the electron microscope after ultrathin sectioning and negative staining. The morphology and ultrastructure of these strains was found to be essentially identical to that of other mycoplasmas; i.e., mainly spherical or ovoid cells were observed, but also short rod-shaped cells and filamentous, partly branched forms were noted. The cells were found to be enveloped by a triple-layered membrane, on the outer surface of which an electron-dense layer consisting of radiating hairlike structures was consistently present. In addition to ribosomes, now and then arranged in a regular geometric pattern, the ultrathin sections reveal vacuole-like structures in the interior of the cells.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of the photoreceptors in the marine nematode, Deontostoma californicum, revealed numerous lamellated inclusions in the Schwann cells ensheathing the lateral cephalic nerves. Immediately after the axons from the modified bipolar neurons of the photoreceptors enter the lateral nerves, these spherical-to-oval lamellated bodies are observed in the surrounding Schwann cell cytoplasm. These previously undescribed Schwann cell inclusions, approximately 500 nm long and 320 nm in diameter, are lamellated and characterized by the presence of an electron-dense stalk-like process, 80-280 nm long. The lamellated inclusions are bound by a single limiting membrane, 6-7 nm thick, which shows occasional interruptions. The internal structure of the inclusions is characterized by the presence of electron-dense lamellae or bands, 11-16 nm thick, which assume various complex patterns ranging from arrays of parallel linear densities to a reticulate appearance. In addition, the nematode Schwann cell cytoplasm contains the usual organelles, gliosome- and lysosome-like inclusions. Their relationship with lipofuscin pigments is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Cell morphology and fine structure were studied in two strains of rod-shaped, strictly anaerobic, gram-negative sulfidogenic bacteria: strain SRI 2T(DSM 12538) and strain WS100 (DSM 12537) belonging to “Dethiosulfovibriostarorussensis.” Cells of both strains, as well as cells of the type species of the genusDethiosulfovibrio, D. peptidovorans, were found to possess multiple intracellular incomplete cross septa in all growth phases.  相似文献   

The use of plant-covers oat (Arena sativa L.), rhodesgrass (Chloris gayana Kunth), soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.), and marigold (Tagetes patula L.) during pineapple inter-cycle planting periods was investigated at two sites (Kunia and Whitmore, Oahu, HI) as a potential means to reduce population densities of Rotylenchulus reniformis, Helicotylenchus dihystera, and Paratylenchus spp. Clean fallow and fallow covered with pineapple-plant residues (mulch) were the controls without plant-cover. Regardless of treatments, population densities of R. reniformis declined with time at both sites to low residue levels by the end of the 6-month period. Treatment means of R. reniformis population densities in the plant-cover treatments were lower than the controls'' (P = 0.05). The plant-cover treatments also effected higher rates of R. reniformis population decline at both sites during the period, being 2.0 to 2.2 times that of the mulch control and 1.2 to 1.4 times that of the fallow control. Plant-covers'' effect on H. dihystera during the same period at both sites was variable, resulting in decreased, unchanged, or increased population densities. The change was especially obvious in the oat-cover treatment, where H. dihystera population densities increased 9 to 15-fold at both sites. Population of Paratylenchus spp. was absent or present at low levels at the sites throughout the period. Biological activities antagonistic to R. reniformis at Kunia were estimated at the end of 6 months by comparing the extent of nematode''s reproduction (on cowpea seedlings) in the treatment soils that had been subjected to autoclaving or freezing temperature. Although higher indices of antagonistic activities were observed in soils with prior plant-cover treatments than in soils from the controls, none of the treatments resulted in conferring soils the increased ability to suppress re-introduced R. reniformis populations or enhance subsequent pineapple-plant growth.  相似文献   

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