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Five nematode species were studied for ability to develop on seven summer cover crops in rotation with tomato transplants grown every third year. Increase of Tylenchorhynchus claytoni, Trichodorus christiei, Pratylenchus brachyurus, Helicotylenchus dihystera, and Xiphinema americanum in newly cleared soil varied with different cover crops. No substantial nematode population increases occurred until the third summer of crop growth. All species except X. americanum and H. dihystera developed best on sudangrass and millet. Crotalaria caused substantial increase of H. dihystera and P. brachyurus but suppressed the other species. Marigold suppressed all species except X. americanum which increased substantially on marigold during the 5th year. Cotton favored rapid increase of T. christiei, and moderate increases of all species except T. claytoni which was suppressed. Beggarweed favored moderate increases of T. christiei and H. dihystera but suppressed the other species. Hairy indigo favored rapid increase of H. dihystera, moderate increases of T. christiei and X. americanum, and suppressed the other species. Number of marketable transplants was reduced after 2 years of sudangrass and cotton; these crops favored increases of T. christiei and T. claytoni. The better cover crops prevented increases of most plant parasitic nematodes in land cropped to tomato, a suitable host.  相似文献   

In a 6-year cover crop sequence study, nematode population densities varied with different cover crops. Millet favored rapid increase of Belonolaimus longicaudatus and supported relatively large numbers of Pratylenchus brachyurus. Beggarweed and ''Coastal'' bermudagrass favored rapid increase of B. Iongicaudatus and to a lesser extent P. brachyurus and Trichodorus christiei. Hairy indigo and Crotalaria supported relatively large numbers of P. brachyurus but suppressed B. longicaudatus. Hairy indigo also supported increases of T. christiei and Xiphinema americanum. Marigold did not favor development of any parasitic nematode species present. Tomato transplant yield was inversely related to nematode population, particularly to B. Iongicaudatus. Largest yields were obtained from plots with smallest numbers of B. longicaudatus and smallest yields were from plots with largest numbers of B. longicaudatus.  相似文献   

Buildup of plant-parasitic nematode populations on corn (Zea mays), soybean (Glycine max), and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) were compared in 1991 and 1992. Final population densities (Pf) of Meloidogyne incognita were lower following sorghum than after soybean in both seasons, and Pf after sorghum was lower than Pf after corn in 1992. In both seasons, Pf differed among the sorghum cultivars used. No differences in Pf on corn, sorghum, and soybean were observed for Criconemella spp. (a mixture of C. sphaerocephala and C. ornata) or Paratrichodorus minor in either season. Pf levels of Pratylenchus spp. (a mixture of P. brachyurus and P. scribneri) were greatest after corn in 1992, but no differences with crop treatments were observed in 1991. When data from field tests conducted with corn and sorghum during the past four seasons were pooled, negative linear relationships between ln(Pf/Pi) and ln(Pi) were observed for Criconemella spp. and P. minor on each crop, and for M. incognita on corn (Pi = initial population density). Although ln(Pf/Pi) and ln(Pi) were not related for M. incognita with pooled sorghum data, separate relationships were derived for various sorghum cultivars. Regression equations from pooled data were used to obtain estimates of equilibrium density and maximum reproductive rate, and these estimates were used to construct models expressing nematode Pf across a range of initial densities. Many of these models were robust, encompassing a range of sites, season, crop cultivars, and planting dates. Quadratic models derived from pooled field data provided an alternative method for expressing Pf as a function of Pi.  相似文献   

Population densities of Belonolaimus longicaudatus, Pratylenchus brachyurus, and Trichodorus christiei were determined from soil samples taken weekly in Tifton, Georgia during a 14-month period (except for April and May) at 15-cm increments to a depth of 105 cm. Belonolaimus longicaudatus predominately inhabited the top 30 cm of soil that was 87-88% sand, 6-7% silt, and 5-7% clay. No specimens were found below 60 cm where the soil was 76-79% sand, 5-6% silt, and 15-19% clay. Highest population densities occurred during June through September when temperature in the top 30 cm of soil was 22-25 C and soil moisture was from 9 to 20% by volume. Pratylenchus brachyurus was found at all depths, but population densities were greatest 45-75 cm deep where the soil was 78-79% sand, 6% silt, and 15-16% clay. In the months monitored, highest population densities occurred during March, June, and December when the soil temperature 45-75 cm deep was 14-17 C and soil moisture was 22-42%. Trichodorus christiei was found at all depths, but population densities were highest 30 cm deep where the soil was 83% sand, 5% silt, and 12% clay. Highest population densities occurred during December through March when the soil temperature 30 cm deep was 11-17 C and soil moisture was 18-23%.  相似文献   

In an 8-year sod-based rotation study, nematode population densities varied with different row-crop sequences and grass sods. In continuous row-crop rotations (cotton-corn-peanut), cotton and corn favored rapid increase of Belonolaimus longicaudatus and Trichodorus christiei. Numbers of Pratylenchus brachyurus were quite variable on all crops. Peanuts favored an increase of Criconemoides ornatum but suppressed the other three species. ''Coastal'' bermudagrass supported more than twice the number of B. longicaudatus than did ''Pensacola'' bahiagrass. Numbers of T. christiei and P. brachyurus also were larger on bermudagrass than on bahiagrass. Numbers of C. ornatum were largest in row-crop sequence culture. Average numbers of B. longicaudatus, T. christiei, and P. brachyurus in a sod-based, 3-years of row-crop sequence were smallest when cotton and corn did not follow each other. These nematodes were further suppressed when the sequence corn-peanut-cotton followed bahiagrass. Numbers of C. ornatum were smallest when corn and cotton followed each other, except after 3 years of bahiagrass. Nematode populations were less influenced by row-crop sequence following bermudagrass than they were following bahiagrass.  相似文献   

Soil populations of plant-parasitic nematodes were monitored bimonthly for 18 months in irrigated and nonirrigated corn plantings using four production systems: conventional and minimum tillage with crop residue returned and minimum tillage with 60% or 90% of previous corn crop residue removed. Populations of Meloidogyne incognita, Scutellonema brachyurum, Pratylenchus scribneri, and Paratrichodorus christiei varied among the tillage, nematicide, and irrigation treatments. Meloidogyne incognita and P. christiei populations were not significantly affected by tillage method, but S. brachyurum populations were highest during April 1981 and 1982 in minimum tillage treatments where crop debris was not removed. In contrast, S. brachyurum populations were lowest during the same period in minimum tillage plots where 90% of previous crop debris had been removed or where residues were incorporated with conventional tillage. Populations of P. scribneri were lowest in minimum tillage during August 1981 and April 1982. Regardless of tillage system, corn yields in all nonirrigated plots were increased during 1982 by application of carbofuran (2.24 kg a.i./ha). No yield increases were observed following nematicide application in 1981.  相似文献   

The population density of Meloidogyne incognita was significantly reduced in land that was fallowed or cropped to crotalaria, marigold, bermudagrass, or bahiagrass. The rate of population decline caused by different cropping systems was influenced by initial population densities. Crotalaria, marigold, and bare fallow were about equally effective in reducing the density of M. incognita below dctectable lcvels, usually requiring 1-3 yr. Bahiagrass and bcrmudagrass required 4-5 yr or longer to reduce M. incognita below a detectable level. A high population density of Trichodorus christiei developed in land cropped 5 yr to bermudagrass, bahiagrass, okra, and marigold. Population densities of Pratylenchus brachyurus and Xiphinema americanum increased in land cropped to crotalaria or bermudagrass. Belonolabnus Iongicaudatus was detected only in land cropped to bermudagrass, The effectiveness of nematicides in reducing M. incognita infection was rclatcd to nematode population density resulting from 5 yr of different cropping systems. Treatment with aldicarb reduced M. incognita below detectable levels following all cropping systems; treatment with ethoprop following all cropping systems except okra, treatment wflh ethylene dibromide following bahiagrass or fallow; and treatment with DBCP only after 5 yr of fallow. Tomato transplant growth was affected .by both cropping systems and nematicide treatment. Transplants grown after crotalaria and bahiagrass were significantly larger than those grown after other crops. Also, treatment with aldicarb and ethoprop significantly increased transplant size.  相似文献   

A non-chemical technique for surface sterilizing plant-parasitic nematodes for aseptic cultures is described. The method is most applicable to nematodes with active migratory infective stages and requires only a few starting specimens. Rate of achieving a primary aseptic culture with the technique ranged from 60%-100% depending on the conditions of the specimens collected for culturing. Aseptic cultures of species of Meloidogyne, Rotylenchuluz, Pratylenchus, and Radopholus initiated with the method remained contamination-free after 12 months of maintenance in tomato root explant or alfalfa callus cultures. Further studies of Pluronic F127, a polyol gel medium employed in the technique to confine the spread of contaminating bacteria or fungi associated with the nematodes, showed that the polyol gel was a suitable support medium for culturing corn root explant, alfalfa callus tissues, and consequently Pratylenchus species including P. agilis, P. brachyurus, P. scribneri, and P. penetrans. During the course of 10 months, P. penetrans reared in polyol-base medium followed a standard biological growth curve, multiplied to a higher population density, maintained a similar female-to-male ratio, and possessed a similar tendency to reside inside or outside host tissues as did P. penetrans reared in agar-base medium. The percentages of P. penetrans juveniles in the sub-populations residing outside or inside the host tissues reared in polyol-base medium also were similar to and fluctuated temporally in like manner as those reared in agar-base medium. Members of these sub-populations from the polyol- or agar-base were equally infective and reproductive after 9 months of culturing.  相似文献   

Millet, milo, soybean, crotalaria, and Norman pigeon pea were used in conjunction with clean fallow and a nematicide (fensulfothion) for managing nematode populations in the production of tomato transplants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Glean fallow was the most effective treatment in suppressing nematode numbers. After 2 years in tomato, root-knot nematodes increased in numbers to damaging levels, and fallow was no longer effective for complete control even in conjunction with fensulfothion. After 4 years in tomato, none of the crops used as summer cover crops alone or in conjunction with fensulfothion reduced numbers of root-knot nematodes in harvested tomato transplants sufficiently to meet Georgia certification regulations. Milo supported large numbers of Macroposthonia ornata and Pratylenchus spp. and crotalaria supported large numbers of Pratylenchus spp. Millet, milo, soybean, crotalaria, and pigeon pea are poor choices for summer cover crops in sites used to produce tomato transplants, because they support large populations of root-knot and other potentially destructive nematodes.  相似文献   

Responses of 17 Prunus rootstocks or accessions (11 from the subgenus Amygdalus and 6 from the subgenus Prunophora) were evaluated against 11 isolates of Meloidogyne spp. including one M. arenaria, four M. incognita, four M. javanica, one M. hispanica, and an unclassified population from Florida. Characterization of plant response to root-knot nematodes was based on a gall index rating. Numbers of females and juveniles plus eggs in the roots were determined for 10 of the rootstocks evaluated against one M. arenaria, one M. incognita, one M. javanica, and the Florida isolate. These 10 rootstocks plus Nemaguard and Nemared were retested by growing three different rootstock genotypes together in containers of soil infested individually with each of the above four isolates. Garfi and Garrigues almonds, GF.305 and Rutgers Red Leaf peaches, and the peach-almond GF.677 were susceptible to all isolates. Differences in resistance were detected among the other rootstocks of the subgenus Amygdalus. The peach-almond GF.557 and Summergrand peach were resistant to M. arenaria and M. incognita but susceptible to M. javanica and the Florida isolate. Nemaguard, Nemared, and its two hybrids G x N no. 15 and G x N no. 22 were resistant to all but the Florida isolate. In the subgenus Prunophora, Myrobalan plums P.1079, P.2175, P.2980, and P.2984; Marianna plum 29C; and P. insititia plum AD.101 were resistant to all isolates. Thus, two different genetic systems of RKN resistance were found in the subgenus Amygdalus: one system acting against M. arenaria and M. incognita, and another system also acting against M. javanica. Prunophora rootstocks bear a complete genetic system for resistance also acting against the Florida isolate. The hypotheses on the relationships between these systems and the corresponding putative genes of resistance are presented.  相似文献   

The endoparasitic nematophagous fungus Meria coniospora reduced root-knot nematode galling on tomatoes in greenhouse pot trials. The fungus was introduced to pots by addition of conidia at several inoculum levels directly to the soil or addition of nematodes infected with M. coniospora to the soil; both methods reduced root galling by root-knot nematodes. These studies represent a part of a recently initiated effort to evaluate the potential of endoparasitic nematophagous fungi for biocontrol of nematodes.  相似文献   

Eight endoparasitic nematode species were recovered from 170 maize root samples in western Transvaal, Republic of South Africa. Pratylenchus zeae had the highest average population density (17,454/5 g roots), followed by P. neglectus (5,827/5 g roots), P. penetrans (5,617/5 g roots), P. brachyurus (3,060/5 g roots), Meloidogyne incognita plus M. javanica (301 juveniles/5 g roots), P. crenatus (130/5 g roots), and Rotylenchutus parvus (64/5 g roots). The 17 reasonably homogeneous farming areas (RHFA) surveyed could be ranked on the basis of the incidence of the prevalent nematode species. A positive relationship was found between the incidence of P. brachyurus and R. parvus and long-term average annual rainfall. The incidence of P. penetrans and the Meloidogyne spp. was positively related to a combination of sand percentage and long-term average annual rainfall.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of fenamiphos 15G and short-cycle potato (PO)-sweet potato (SP) grown continuously and in rotation with peanut (PE)-grain sorghum (GS) on yield, crop quality, and mixed nematode population densities of Meloidogyne arenaria, M. hapla, M. incognita, and Mesocriconema ornatum. Greater root-gall indices and damage by M. hapla and M. incognita occurred on potato than other crops. Most crop yields were higher and root-gall indices lower from fenamiphos-treated plots than untreated plots. The total yield of potato in the PO-SP and PO-SP-PE-GS sequences increased from 1983 to 1985 in plots infested with M. hapla or M. arenaria and M. incognita in combination and decreased in 1986 to 1987 when root-knot nematode populations shifted to M. incognita. The total yields of sweet potato in the PO-SP-PE-GS sequence were similar in 1983 and 1985, and declined each year in the PO-SP sequence as a consequence of M. incognita population density increase in the soil. Yield of peanut from soil infested with M. hapla increased 82% in fenamiphos-treated plots compared to untreated plots. Fenamiphos treatment increased yield of grain sorghum from 5% to 45% over untreated controls. The declining yields of potato and sweet potato observed with both the PO-SP and PO-SP-PE-GS sequences indicate that these crop systems should not be used longer than 3 years in soil infested with M. incognita, M. arenaria, or M. hapla. Under these conditions, these two cropping systems promote a population shift in favor of M. incognita, which is more damaging to potato and sweet potato than M. arenaria and M. hapla.  相似文献   

A field trial was conducted for 2 years in an Arredondo fine sand containing a tillage pan at 15-20 cm deep to determine the influence of subsoiling on the distribution of corn roots and plant-parasitic nematodes. Soil samples were taken at various depths and row positions at 30, 60, and 90 days after planting in field corn subsoiled under the row with two chisels and in non-subsoiled corn. At 30 and 60 days, in-row nematode population densities to 60 cm deep were not affected by subsoiling compared with population densities in nonsubsoiled plots. After 90 days, subsoiling had not affected total root length or root weight at the 20 depth-row position sampling combinations, but population densities of Meloidogyne incognita and Criconemella spp. had increased in subsoiled corn. Numbers of Pratylenchus zeae were not affected. Subsoiling generally resulted in a change in distribution of corn roots and nematodes in the soil profile but caused little total increase in either roots or numbers of nematodes. Corn yield was increased by subsoiling.  相似文献   

Significant control of tomato root knot was achieved by applications of the lectins Concanavalin A (Con A) and Limax flavus agglutinin in greenhouse, growth chamber, and microplot trials. Four consecutive weekly applications at lower concentrations of Con A yielded better control than single applications at a higher total concentration. The present state of knowledge on binding of Con A to soil nematodes and the in vitro effect of this lectin in chemotactic behavior are discussed. The mode of action of Con A on root-knot control is unknown.  相似文献   

Field plots in Tifton loamy sand were treated with various soil pesticides in 1973 and 1974 and either left exposed or covered with biodegradable flint mulch. Test crops were cantaloup, slicing and pickling cucumber, squash, and sweet corn. Overhead sprinkler irrigation was used in 1973, and trickle irrigation under the film mulch was used on sweet corn in 1974. Soil was assayed for nematodes, and roots of plants were evaluated for damage by root-knot nematodes. Nematode populations were reduced by soil treatment with an organic phosphate or carbamate nematicide-herbicide-fungicide combination (NHF), DD-MENCS, methyl bromide-chloropicrin (MBR-CP), ethoprop, carbofuran, and sodium azide + ethoprop or carbofuran. Sodium azide, sodium azide + ethoprop or carbofuran, ethoprop, and carbofuran were less effective than DD-MENCS, MBR-CP, attd the NHF combination. The NHF combination controlled grasses and broadteaf weeds as effectively as the herbicide alone. Growth and yield were greatest when nematodes and weeds were controlled. Yields of marketable vegetables were highest from plants in plots treated with DD-MENCS with a film mulch.  相似文献   

Age structure of nematode populations around maize growing in sandy soils in Iowa was studied at soil depths of 0-15and 15-30 cm for 2 years. Numbers of Longidorus breviannulatus were generally greater at 0-15 cm than at 15-30 cm deep until mid to late season. The decline in numbers of females as the season progressed indicates that fecundity slowed and is evidence of only one generation per year. Peak populations of Pratylenchus scribneri and Xiphinema americanum occurred in late August or early September. Adults of Hoplolaimus galeatus were few in the roots but common in the soil, indicating that fertilization occurred mostly in the soil. Numbers of P. scribneri were generally greater at the lower depth, especially late in the season. Community diversity (H'') was less when nematode biomass was used instead of numbers. Numbers of H. galeatus did not decline over the winter. Numbers of L. breviannulatus, P. scribneri, and X. americanum declined significantly over the winter, but not between spring cultivation and planting.  相似文献   

The influence of plant resistance on the size of individual root-knot nematodes was determined in greenhouse experiments. Five genotypes of alyceclover were inoculated with second-stage juveniles of Meloidogyne incognita race 3 or M. arenaria race 1. Plants were harvested at selected intervals and stained for detection of the nematodes, which were dissected from the roots. Length, width, and sagittal-sectional area of each animal were measured using an image-analysis system, and areas of nematodes in all stages were compared at different times and across alyceclover lines. Nematodes feeding on roots of resistant lines were consistently smaller than those on susceptible plants, with significant differences in growth detected after the final molt. Similar results were observed with both nematode species.  相似文献   

Baermann funnels were modified to eliminate or reverse the small temperature gradient (1-2 C/cm) across the soil layer that normally results from water evaporation. Effects of modifications on extraction efficiency were examined at various ambient temperatures and after overnight adaptation of three nematode species at 20 and 30 C. Extraction of Meloidogyne incognita from sandy loam, Tylenchulus semipenetrans from sandy clay loam, and Rotylenchulus reniformis from silt was greatly accelerated simply by covering funnels to prevent evaporation. In most cases, covering increased the nematodes extracted by 10-100 times after 5.5-48 hours. Faster and more efficient extraction of R. reniformis occurred over a wide range of ambient temperature (18-29 C). Effects of ambient temperature and temperature gradient direction on Baermann funnel extraction of R. reniformis were partly inconsistent with the behavior of R. reniformis in agar. Nematodes in agar moved toward cold at some ambient temperatures and toward heat at other temperatures. They always appeared to move toward cold on Baermann funnels. Differences were not attributable to blockage of gas exchange by covers. In agar and in funnels, the patterns of response to ambient temperature were shifted in the direction of the storage temperature.  相似文献   

In greenhouse experiments, massive application of the fungivorous nematode, Aphelenchus avenae, in summer at 26-33 C (1 x l0⁵ nematodes/500 cm³ autoclaved soil) or in autumn at 18-23 C (5 x 10⁴ nematodes/500 cm³ autoclaved soil) suppressed pre-emergence damping-off of cucumber seedlings due to Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 by 67% or 87%, respectively. Application of 2 x l0⁵ A. avenae to sterilized soil infested with R. solani caused leafminer-like symptom on the cotyledons, which did not occur in mixed inoculations with the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae. When 1 x 10⁶ A. avenae were applied 3 days before inoculation with 100 Meloidogyne incognita juveniles, gall numbers on tomato roots were reduced to 50% of controls. Gall numbers also were suppressed by S. carpocapsae (str. All). Reduction in gall numbers was no greater with mixed application of A. avenae and S. carpocapsae than with application of single species, even though twice the number of nematodes were added in the former case. These nematodes were positively attracted to tomato root tips. Aphelenchus avenae suppressed infection of the turnip moth, Agrotis segetum, but not the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura, by S. carpocapsae.  相似文献   

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