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Résumé La phyllodie du trèfle, le Stolbur C et le Stolbur SM ont été étudiés chez la cicadelle Euscelis plebejus, les plantes Trifolium repens, Cuscuta subinclusa, Datura stramonium et Solanum lycopersicum en microscopie électronique, sur coupes ultrafines et après purification des agents infectieux.Dans les différents hôtes infectés, on distingue des éléments de grande taille, de forme ovoïde, amiboïde ou allongée, des corpuscules très contrastés, isolés ou en chaînettes, de fins filaments et des élements dégénérescents.Chez les cicadelles, la dégénérescence de ces microorganismes est probablement due à une réaction immunologique qui expliquerait la perte régulière du pouvoir infectieux de ces vecteurs.Chez les plantes, cette dégénérescence peut en partie rendre compte des phénomènes de rétablissements définitifs ou temporaires que manifestent parfois certains végétaux atteints de ces maladies.
Summary The microorganisms causing the diseases Clover phyllody, Stolbur C and Stolbur SM were studied in the leafhopper Euscelis plebejus, and in the plants Trifolium repens, Cuscuta subinclusa, Datura stramonium and Solanum lycopersicum, by electron microscope examination of ultrathin sections and purified suspensions.In infected host plants and insects the following components were distinguished: large, ovoid, amoeboid or elongated bodies, well-contrasted isolated or chained microbodies, minute filaments, and degenerate elements. Some of these bodies resemble mycoplasma.In the leafhoppers it is possible that the degeneration of these mycoplasma-like microorganisms is due to an immunological reaction, which may explain why aged vectors do not transmit the diseases.In plants, the degeneration of the microorganisms was also observed. This loss may partly account for the occasional complete, or temporary, recovery of diseased plants.

Résumé Les auteurs ont étudié comparativement des souches de Brettanomyces isolées de vins de diverses origines et dans diverses circonstances. En plus des tests habituels de classification, portant surtout sur les caractères morphologiques et sur la fermentation et l'assimilation des différents sucres, il a été procédé notamment aux mesures des intensités respiratoire et fermentatives, à l'établissement des bilans analytiques des produits secondaires formés, à l'étude des besoins en facteurs de croissance.Ces Brettanomyces provenant de vins appartiennent à deux espèces nouvelles, différentes des espèces isolées de la bière. Les auteurs proposent de les nommer Brettanomyces vini et Brettanomyces schanderlii.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das männliche Hormon ist unfähig einen morphogenetischen Effekt hervorzurufen, wenn es keinen spezifischen Rezeptor findet. Ein solcher findet sich im Territorium der Brunstschwielen beiBufo vulgaris: Nur diejenigen Zellen, welche diesem Bezirk angehören, sind fähig pigmentierte Epidermishöcker zu bilden. Sie behalten diese Eigenschaft und ihre zyklische Evolutionsfähigkeit jahrelang, am jeweiligen Ort des Organismus an den sie transplantiert werden, selbst dann, wenn es sich nur um eine ganz kleine Zellgruppe handelt.Wenn man jedoch ein Stück gewöhnliche Haut des Fußes, des Oberoder Unterarmes, oder der dorsalen Handfläche auf den zweiten Finger, an der Stelle der Brunstschwielen einpflanzt, so sind diese normalen Hautzellen nicht fähig spezifische pigmentierte Hautwucherungen hervorzubringen. Diese Fähigkeit gehört nur den Zellen des Brunstschwielen-territoriums an.Anormal lokalisierte Brunstwarzen, am Ende eines verstümmelten Armes, an in der Natur gefundenen erwachsenen Kröten oder Fröschen, wiederlegen diese Behauptung nicht. Es handelt sich hier wahrscheinlich um eine frühzeitige Regenerationserscheinung. Experimentelle Amputationen in der Armgegend erwachsener Kröten bringen nur gewöhnliche Vernarbungen hervor; amputiert man dagegen sehr jungen in Metamorphose begriffenenRana esculenta-Fröschchen die vordere Extremität in der Mitte des Unterarmes, so findet eine hypotypische aber bedeutsame Regeneration statt und es bildet sich am Ende des Regenerats ein charakteristisches Brunstschwielenkissen.Die Lokalisation und die progressive Beschränkung des Brunstschwielenterritoriums erscheint uns das Resultat einer Selbstdifferenzierung der normalen Armknospe oder seines Regenerationsblastems. Der Begriff der spezifischen Zellbezirke läßt sich folglich auf das Studium einer Hormonwirkung anwenden.  相似文献   

van Hai  Tang  Hung  Truong Minh 《Plant and Soil》1975,43(1-3):671-679
Plant and Soil - Les résultats expérimentaux de l'absorption des herbicides par les plantes intactes de riz en fonction des doses croissantes sont présentés sous les deux...  相似文献   

Distribution of hydrocarbons from the “Amoco Cadiz” oil spill in sublittoral sediments, north of Brittany. The quantitative distribution of hydrocarbons in the sublittoral sediments, north of Brittany (France), was followed and recorded for the first year after the spill (March, 1978). Following preliminary observations in spring of 1978, 250 stations were sampled in August from the Bay of Lannion to Portsall at water depths down to 70 m. Subsequently, 40 stations were studied at three-month intervals. During the summer of 1978, the widest polluted sublittoral areas were localised in the Bays of Morlaix and Lannion down to depths of about 30 m and even deeper in some places. In these two bays, the distribution of hydrocarbons showed: (1) deposition near the coasts hit by the slicks, mostly after adsorption by fine sedimentary particles; (2) redistribution of particulate and adsorbed oil towards low hydrodynamic energy areas favourable to deposition of fine particles. In autumn and winter, the coarse sediments became progressively less polluted. Oil, often in significant quantities, remained or was reconcentrated in the fine sediments of the inner bay parts. Consequently, the hydrodynamic structure ot the area (waves, tidal currents) has played an important role in the deposition and redistribution of the hydrocarbons on sublittoral bottoms.   相似文献   

Study of the metabolic parameters of Candida kéfyr: glucose effect, Pasteur effect. A high fermentation in aerobic condition is observed.  相似文献   

V. Delucchi 《BioControl》1961,6(2):97-101
Summary The author examines in his report some aspects of the relations existing between the ecologists of the C.I.L.B. working teams and the taxonomists which collaborate with the identification centre, and between these taxonomists and the identification centre itself. The collaboration between taxonomists and ecologists must certainly be encouraged by the C.I.L.B., especially with regard to those biological control projects such as the Olive fly and the San Jose Scale, where behavioural caracters of the parasitic species may be determinant for their identification. Emphasis is given to the importance of the behavioural caracters in taxonomy and examples of this are reported. The collaboration between taxonomists and the identification centre of the C.I.L.B. would be favoured through the following: 1. The establishment of a card file at the C.I.L.B. head-quarters on the entomophagous insect species and their known hosts for a future publication of a synoptic catalog for the palaearctic region; 2. The institution of fellowships for taxonomists to study Museum collections; 3. The establishment of a homotype collection at the C.I.L.B. headquarters, which will constitute, with the file card system, a solid base for the future development of taxonomic work; 4. The reservation of a day for discussions about nomenclature questions at every C.I.L.B. meeting of taxonomists. The author recommends to address reprints concerning the taxonomy and systematic of entomophagous species to the C.I.L.B. headquaters (Entomologisches Institut der E.T.H., Universit?tstrasse 2, Zürich 6, Switzerland) for the establishment of an extensive reference collection to be used for publication of the bibliography on this subject.   相似文献   

18F-NAF PET/CT is a relatively uncommon imaging procedure in France, for which indications are similar to those for bone scan and that shows substantial advantages when compared to it. In this review article, we propose to introduce this poorly known radiotracer, its validated indications, performances and some tips for interpretation that will be illustrated by 6 case reports.  相似文献   

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