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Thermotoga sp. strain FjSS3.B1 was able to reduce sulfur to sulfide when grown on a mineral medium with glucose as the sole carbon and energy source. There was no increase in specific growth yield coupled to sulfur reduction, but the specific growth rate, final growth yield, and tolerance of H2 were all increased in the presence of sulfur. At dissolved H2 concentrations, of 550 to 600 mumol/l (at 77 degrees C) growth was not possible unless sulfur was added. Glucose was fermented via the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway to lactate, acetate, H2 and CO2 (and other unidentified minor products). The thermodynamic problems associated with the relatively high redox potential electrons from the 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate/glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate couple (E'0 = -350 mV) are overcome by reducing sulfur to sulfide (E'0 = -270 mV) rather than the energetically unfavourable production of H2 (E'0 = -414 mV). Under high hydrogen partial pressures there was increased production of lactate as an alternative electron sink. The results indicate that sulfur reduction operates primarily as an electron sink rather than as a detoxification reaction or energy-generating mechanism.  相似文献   

The potential for humic substances to serve as terminal electron acceptors in microbial respiration and the effects of humic substances on microbial azoreduction were investigated. The dissimilatory azoreducing microorganism Shewanella decolorationis S12 was able to conserve energy to support growth from electron transport to humics coupled to the oxidation of various organic substances or H2. Batch experiments suggested that when the concentration of anthraquinone-2-sulfonate (AQS), a humics analog, was lower than 3 mmol/l, azoreduction of strain S12 was accelerated under anaerobic condition. However, there was obvious inhibition to azoreduction when the concentration of the AQS was higher than 5 mmol/l. Another humics analog, anthraquinone-2-sulfonate (AQDS), could still prominently accelerate azoreduction, even when the concentration was up to 12 mmol/l, but the rate of acceleration gradually decreased with the increasing concentration of the AQDS. Toxic experiments revealed that AQS can inhibit growth of strain S12 if the concentration past a critical one, but AQDS had no effect on the metabolism and growth of strain S12 although the concentration was up to 20 mmol/l. These results demonstrated that a low concentration of humic substances not only could serve as the terminal electron acceptors for conserving energy for growth, but also act as redox mediator shuttling electrons for the anaerobic azoreduction by S. decolorationis S12. However, a high concentration of humic substances could inhibit the bacterial azoreduction, resulting on the one hand from the toxic effect on cell metabolism and growth, and on the other hand from competion with azo dyes for electrons as electron acceptor.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to localize and characterize hexavalent chromate [Cr(VI)] reductase activity of the extreme alkaliphilic Amphibacillus sp. KSUCr3 (optimal growth pH 10.5). The resting cells were able to reduce about 62 % of the toxic heavy metal Cr(VI) at initial concentration of 200 μM within 30 min. Cell permeabilization resulted in decrease of Cr(VI) reduction in comparison to untreated cells. Enzymatic assays of different sub-cellular fractions of Amphibacillus sp. KSUCr3 demonstrated that the Cr(VI) reductase was mainly associated with the membranous fraction and expressed constitutively. In vitro studies of the crude enzyme indicated that copper ion was essential for Cr(VI) reductase activity. In addition, Ca2? and Mn2? slightly stimulated the chromate reductase activity. Glucose was the best external electron donor, showing enhancement of the enzyme activity by about 3.5-fold. The K (m) and V (max) determined for chromate reductase activity in the membranous fraction were 23.8 μM Cr(VI) and 72 μmol/min/mg of protein, respectively. Cr(VI) reductase activity was maximum at 40 °C and pH 7.0 and it was significantly inhibited in the presence of disulfide reducers (2-mercaptoethanol), ion chelating agent (EDTA), and respiratory inhibitors (CN and Azide). Complete reduction of 100 and 200 μM of Cr(VI) by membrane associated enzyme were observed within 40 and 180 min, respectively. However, it should be noted that biochemical characterization has been done with crude enzyme only, and that final conclusion can only be drawn with the purified enzyme.  相似文献   

嗜碱性芽孢杆菌碱性α淀粉酶的纯化和性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
淀粉是高等植物体内碳水化合物的主要储藏形式,广泛存在于谷物、豆类的种子和果实中.α1,4葡聚糖4葡聚糖水解酶(α1,4glucan4glucanohydrolase,EC3.2.1.1),又简称为α淀粉酶(αamylase),能水解淀粉分子内部α1,4葡萄糖苷键,水解产物有糊精、麦芽寡糖、麦芽糖和葡萄糖.它和β淀粉酶、α葡萄糖苷酶、去分枝酶(普鲁兰酶)和异淀粉酶等都属于糖苷水解酶13家族,即α淀粉酶家族[1].α淀粉酶是目前世界上最早生产、产量最大的工业酶制剂品种之一,在食品、纺织、医药和饲料等工业中都有非常重要的应用;其中碱性α淀粉酶常用于洗涤剂和纺织品工业中,…  相似文献   

A small RNA sequence identified in an rRNA-tRNA cluster from the thermophilic Bacillus sp. strain PS3 was examined. An oligonucleotide probe specific for the RNA bound to multiple restriction fragments in Bacillus sp. strain PS3 DNA, thus several copies of this sequence occur in its genome. Similar findings were observed using DNA from B. subtilis, B. stearothermophilus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae and Thermus thermophilus. This sequence apparently is widespread in the eubacteria. Northern analysis of RNA from sporulating Bacillus sp. strain PS3 and B. subtilis cells revealed RNA species homologous to the probe in both bacteria. Expression of the small RNA in B. subtilis depended on σH.  相似文献   

The enantioselectivity of the enzymes responsible for reduction of prochiral compound 3-phenylthiopropan-2-one was dependent on the concentration of yeast extract and glucose in the growth medium. Low concentrations of yeast extract (0.1-0.9% w/v) favored the formation of S-enantiomer (62% ee at 0.1% w/v yeast extract) of 3-phenylthiopropan-2-ol. However, R-enantiomer of the reduced product was formed when MSM was supplemented with yeast extract at a concentration of 1% (w/v) or more with a maximum ee of 85% at 2.0% (w/v) yeast extract supplement in the growth medium.  相似文献   

alpha-Amylase (LAMY) from alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. strain KSM-1378 is a novel semi-alkaline enzyme which has 5-fold higher specific activity than that of a Bacillus licheniformis enzyme. The Arg124 in LAMY was replaced with proline by site-directed mutagenesis to increase thermostability of the enzyme. The wild-type and engineered LAMYs were very similar with respect to specific activity, kinetic values, pH-activity curve, and degree of inhibition by chelating reagents. Thermostability and structure stiffness of LAMYs as measured by fluorescence were increased by the proline substitution. The change of Arg124 to proline is assumed to stabilize the loop region involving amino acid residues from 122 to 134. This is the first report that thermostability of an alpha-amylase is improved by proline substitution.  相似文献   

Alkalophilic Bacillus sp. strain C-59 could grow well on an alkaline medium containing K2CO3, as well as Na2CO3, but did not grow on K+-depleted medium. Right-side-out membrane vesicles, energized in the absence of Na+, however, could not take up [14C]methylamine actively, while vesicles equilibrated with 10 mM NaCl actively took up [14C]methylamine. The uptake of [14C]serine was also stimulated by the addition of Na+, and the imposition of a sodium gradient caused transient uptake. These results indicated that an Na+/H+ antiporter was involved in pH homeostasis and generation of an electrochemical sodium gradient in strain C-59 even though a growth requirement for Na+ was not evident. The efflux of 22Na+ from 22Na+-loaded vesicles was more rapid at pH 9.5 than at pH 7 in the presence of an electron donor. On the other hand, vesicles at pH 7 showed more rapid efflux than at pH 9.5 when the antiporter was energized by a valinomycin-mediated K+ diffusion potential (inside negative).  相似文献   

A new isolate of Salmonella, strain MR4, reduced Mn(IV)O2 at 2.3 mM under aerobic conditions by about 83% over 24 h. Direct contact of cells to MnO2 was not necessary as the cell-free spent medium produced a similar amount of Mn(II). Pyruvate (1.6 mM) and oxalate (0.8 mM) were identified in the culture medium and presumed to have a role in Mn(II) production in this microorganism.  相似文献   

The bloom of Phaeocystis globosa has broken out frequently in the coastal areas of China in recent years, which has led to substantial economic losses. This study shows that Bacillus sp. strain B1, which was previously identified by our group, is effective in regulating P. globosa by excreting active metabolites. Heat stability, pH stability and molecular weight range of the algicidal compounds from strain B1 were measured and the results demonstrated that the algicidal activities of these compounds were not affected by pH or temperature variation. The algicidal compounds extracted with methanol were isolated and purified by ODS-A column chromatography and HPLC. The algicidal compounds corresponding to peaks 2–5 eluted from HPLC were further analysed by quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (Q-TOF–MS). PeakView? Software determined the compounds corresponding to peaks 2–5 to be l-histidine, o-tyrosine, N-acetylhistamine and urocanic acid on the basis of the accurate mass information, the isotopic pattern and MS–MS spectra. Furthermore, these compounds were also able to eliminate Skeletonema costatum, Prorocentrum donghaiense and Heterosigma akashiwo. This is the first report of bacteria-derived algicidal compounds being identified only by Q-TOF–MS and PeakView? Software, and these compounds may be used as the constituents of algicides in the future.  相似文献   

Microbial degradation is the key treatment for diethyl phthalate (DEP) of which the efficacy is subdued by substrate toxicity. DEP-degrading Bacillus subtilis strain 3C3 adopted cell size alteration as one of the adaptive mechanisms in response to DEP stress at high concentrations. Nevertheless, to enhance cell tolerance in the protected environment and to facilitate practical treatment operation, cell entrapment was optimized with the entrapment yield at 89 ± 1% in a modified minimal salt medium-containing alginate matrix and the freeze-dried, entrapped cells were then formulated. Among several compounds tested, incorporation of sucrose proved to be beneficial as a cryoprotectant sustaining cell biodegradation efficiency (97%) and viability (≥90%) during freeze drying, storage under a vacuum condition at low temperatures, rehydration and as an additional matrix filler to reinforce the bead structure. The effective DEP treatment of the formulated, entrapped cells was demonstrated in a packed bed continuous system in which 70% DEP removal at hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 30 min was occurred and was enhanced up to 90% when HRT was increased to 60 min. The work demonstrates an effective preparation and a potential application of the formulated entrapped DEP-degrading cells for DEP treatment.  相似文献   

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering - Bacillus sp. BC-001 was first reported as a potent thermotolerant and homofermentative strain for an industrial-scale l-lactate production. In a flask...  相似文献   

A 1.8 kb HindIII DNA fragment containing the secY gene of alkalophilic Bacillus sp. C125 has been cloned into plasmid pUC119 using the B. subtilis secY gene as a probe. The complete nucleotide sequence of the cloned DNA indicated that it contained one complete ORF and parts of two other ORFs. The similarity of these ORFs to the sequences of the B. subtilis proteins indicated that they were the genes for ribosomal protein L15-SecY-adenylate kinase, in that order. The gene product of the alkalophilic Bacillus sp. C125 secY homologue was composed of 431 amino acids and its M(r) value has been calculated to be 47,100. The distribution of hydrophobic amino acids in the gene product suggested that the protein was a membrane integrated protein with ten transmembrane segments. The total amino acid sequence of alkalophilic Bacillus sp. C125 secY homologue showed 69.7% homology with that of B. subtilis secY. Regions of remarkably high homology (78% identity) were present in transmembrane regions, and cytoplasmic domains (73% identity) with less homologous regions present in extracellular domains (43% identity).  相似文献   

An alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. strain, 41M-1, isolated from soil produced multiple xylanases extracellularly. One of these xylanases was purified to homogeneity by ammonium sulfate fractionation and anion-exchange chromatography. The moleculr mass of this enzyme (xylanase J) was 36 kDa, and the isoelectric point was pH 5.3. Xylanase J was most active at pH 9.0. The optimum temperature for the activity at pH 9.0 was around 50 degrees C. The enzyme was stable up to 55 degrees C at pH 9.0 for 30 min. Xylanase J was completely inhibited by the Hg2+ion and N-bromosuccinimide. The predominant products of xylan hydrolysate were xylobiose, xylotriose, and higher oligosaccharides, indicating that the enzyme was an endoxylanase. The apparent Km and Vmax values on xylan were 3.3 mg/ml and 1,100 micromol-1 mg-1, respectively. Xylanase J showed high sequence homology with the xylanases from Bacillus pumilus and Clostridium acetobutylicum in the N-terminal region. Xylanase J acted on neither crystalline cellulose nor carboxymethyl cellulose, indicating a possible application of the enzyme in biobleaching processes.  相似文献   

14C]methylammonium transport by Frankia sp. strain CpI1   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We describe an NH4+-specific transport system in the N2-fixing symbiotic actinomycete Frankia sp. strain CpI1. [14C]methylammonium was used as an NH4+ analog. No specific transport process was detected when cells were grown on high concentrations of NH4+. A transport system with a high affinity for CH3NH3+ was synthesized after 3 to 4 h of nitrogen starvation. Methylammonium transport was not significantly inhibited by a variety of amino acids, primary amines, and polyamines. Ammonium completely eliminated CH3NH3+ transport. The Km for CH3NH3+ transport was around 2 +/- 1.8 microM with a Vmax of 4 to 5 nmol/min per mg of protein. The electron transport inhibitors cyanide and azide eliminated uptake, as did the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone. The sulfydryl reagent p-chloromercuribenzoic acid and the heavy metal thallium also inhibited uptake, suggesting the presence of an NH4+-specific permease. Concentration of CH3NH3+ across the membrane was demonstrated by conducting uptakes at low temperature to slow the metabolism of CH3NH3+ by glutamine synthetase. At 7 degrees C most of the label was concentrated inside the cells in a form that could be chased from the cells by adding excess NH4+ to the medium. At 30 degrees C most of the label was present as an impermeant metabolite. Thin-layer chromatography of cell extracts confirmed that the radioactivity inside the cells was mainly in the form of CH3NH3+ at 7 degrees C but was present as an unidentified metabolite at 30 degrees C. These studies demonstrate that Frankia sp. strain CpI1 has a high-affinity NH4+ transport system that is synthesized in response to NH4+ starvation.  相似文献   

Biotransformation of 3-methylphthalate by Micrococcus sp. strain 12B   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When Micrococcus strain 12B grown on o-phthalate was incubated with 3-methylphthalate, three compounds accumulated. These were shown to be 2-pyrone-3-methyl-4,6-dicarboxylic acid, 3,4-dihydroxy-6-methylphthalic acid, and 5-hydroxy-3-methyphthalic acid, all previously undescribed. A pathway for the formation of these compounds is proposed.  相似文献   

Production of extracellular maltase was studied with thermophilic Bacillus sp. KP 1035, which was selected as the organism producing the highest levels of maltase. The final enzyme yield was increased by maltose, peptone, and yeast extract but reduced by succinate and fumarate. Maximum enzyme production was achieved at 55 degrees C and at an initial pH of 6.2 to 7.0 on a medium containing 0.3% maltose, 1% peptone, 0.1% meat extract, 0.3% yeast extract, 0.3% KH2PO4, and 0.1% KH2PO4. Maltase was synthesized in cytoplasm and accumulated as a large pool during the logarithmic growth phase, which preceded sporulation. At the end of this phase, the enzyme appeared in the culture broth, and its accumulation increased in parallel with a rise in the extracellular protein level. Maltase was stable for 24 h at 60 degrees C over a pH range of 5.6 to 9.0 and retained 95% of the original activity after treatment for 20 min at 70 degrees C at pH 6.8.  相似文献   

The reduction of hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI), to trivalent chromium, Cr(III), can be an important aspect of remediation processes at contaminated sites. Cellulomonas species are found at several Cr(VI) contaminated and uncontaminated locations at the Department of Energy site in Hanford, Washington. Members of this genus have demonstrated the ability to effectively reduce Cr(VI) to Cr(III) fermentatively and therefore play a potential role in Cr(VI) remediation at this site. Batch studies were conducted with Cellulomonas sp. strain ES6 to assess the influence of various carbon sources, iron minerals, and electron shuttling compounds on Cr(VI) reduction rates as these chemical species are likely to be present in, or added to, the environment during in situ bioremediation. Results indicated that the type of carbon source as well as the type of electron shuttle present influenced Cr(VI) reduction rates. Molasses stimulated Cr(VI) reduction more effectively than pure sucrose, presumably due to presence of more easily utilizable sugars, electron shuttling compounds or compounds with direct Cr(VI) reduction capabilities. Cr(VI) reduction rates increased with increasing concentration of anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS) regardless of the carbon source. The presence of iron minerals and their concentrations did not significantly influence Cr(VI) reduction rates. However, strain ES6 or AQDS could directly reduce surface-associated Fe(III) to Fe(II), which was capable of reducing Cr(VI) at a near instantaneous rate. These results suggest the rate limiting step in these systems was the transfer of electrons from strain ES6 to the intermediate or terminal electron acceptor whether that was Cr(VI), Fe(III), or AQDS.  相似文献   

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