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Abundant lagoonal oncoids occur in the Late Oxfordian Hauptmumienbank Member of the Swiss Jura Mountains. Four oncoid types are observed in the studied sections and classified according to the oncoid surface morphology, the structure and composition of the cortex, and the texture and fauna of the encasing sediment. Micrite-dominated oncoids (types 1 and 2) have a smooth surface. Type 1 has a rather homogeneous cortex and occurs in moderate-energy environments. Type 2 presents continuous or discontinuous micritic laminae. It is associated with a low-diversity fauna and occurs in high-energy facies. Bacinella and Lithocodium oncoids (types 3 and 4) display a lobate surface. They are dominated by microencrusters (Bacinella irregularis and Lithocodium aggregatum) and are found in low-energy facies. The stratigraphic and spatial distribution of these oncoid types shows a correlation with the sequence-stratigraphic evolution of the studied interval, and thus with relative sea-level fluctuations. It can be shown that these sea-level fluctuations were controlled by orbital cycles with 100- and 20-kyr periodicities. At the scale of 100- and 20-kyr sequences, types 1 and 2 oncoids are preferentially found around sequence boundaries and in transgressive deposits, while types 3 and 4 oncoids are preferentially found around maximum floodings and in highstand deposits. This implies that changes of water energy and water depth were direct controlling factors. Discrepancies in oncoid distribution point to additional controlling factors. Platform morphology defines the distribution and type of the lagoon where the oncoids flourished. A low accumulation rate is required for oncoid growth. Additionally, humidity changes in the hinterland act on the terrigenous influx, which modifies water transparency and trophic level and thus plays a role in the biotic composition and diversity in the oncoid cortex.  相似文献   

The first δ18O and δ13C data from the Upper Jurassic of the Northern Calcareous Alps are presented. The interpretation of stable isotope ratios serves as an approach for paleoenvironmental and diagenetic studies of the Plassen carbonate platform, which cannot be obtained by paleontological methods and microfacies analyses alone. The studied part of the Plassen limestone is characterized by (1) lithoclast facies, also called ‘intraformational breccia’; the origin of lithoclasts was formerly unknown; (2) peloid facies; (3) bioclastic facies, composed of peloids, porostromate algae, green algae and red algae; and (4) oncoid facies. Two types of fracturing and four cement generations can be distinguished. Isotope ratios of the matrix, oncoids, three cement generations and whole rock samples revealed that (1) the studied section represents an open marine carbonate platform with high water circulation and high input of cool oceanic waters; (2) the platform was not affected by emersion and fresh water influence; normal marine conditions prevailed; (3) carbonate cements were precipitated in a closed diagenetic system, but burial diagenesis was absent; (4) both fabric-selective and non-fabric-selective fracturing occurred in a normal marine environment, affecting the formation of ‘intraformational breccias’.  相似文献   

Oncoidal limestones with different oncoid types are ubiquitous in back-reef open-lagoonal and, to a minor amount, in closed-lagoonal facies of the Late Jurassic Plassen Carbonate Platform of the Northern Calcareous Alps. A common feature of the oncoids from moderately to well-agitated open-lagoonal habitats are incorporated small trochospiral benthic foraminifers, tentatively assigned to trochamminids, switched between individual micritic layers. Their life style is discussed concluding a specialized feeding on cyanophytes on the outer side of the oncoids and later becoming biomurated by successive sheet formations due to oncoid growing.  相似文献   

The internal facies and sequence architecture of a Late Jurassic (Late Kimmeridgian) shallow carbonate ramp was reconstructed after the analysis and correlation of 17 logs located south of Teruel (northeast Spain). The studied rocks are arranged in five high-frequency sequences A–E (5–26 m thick) bounded by discontinuities traceable across the entire study area (20 × 25 km). Facies analysis across these sequences resulted in the reconstruction of three sedimentary models showing the transition from interior ramp environments (i.e., lagoon, backshoal, and shoal) to the progressively deeper foreshoal and offshore areas. Coral-microbial reefs (meter-sized patch and pinnacle reefs) have a variable development throughout the sequences, mostly in the foreshoal and offshore-proximal environments. The preferential occurrence and down-dip gradation of non-skeletal carbonate grains has been evaluated across the three models: low-energy peloidal-dominated, intermittent high-energy oolitic-dominated and high-energy oolitic–oncolitic dominated. The predominance of these non-skeletal grains in the shoal facies was mainly controlled by the hydrodynamic conditions and spatial heterogeneity of terrigenous input. The models illustrate particular cases of down-dip size-decrease of the resedimented grains (ooids, peloids, oncoids) due to storm-induced density flows. Offshore coarsening of certain particles (intraclasts, oncoids) is locally observed in the mid-ramp areas favorable for microbial activity, involving coral-microbial reef and oncoid development. The observed facies variations can be applicable to carbonate platforms including similar non-skeletal components, where outcrop conditions make the recognition of their three-dimensional distribution difficult.  相似文献   

Summary Factors controlling grain composition and depositional environments of upper Cenomanian—Santonian limestones of Sinai are discussed. The mainly shallow-water, inner-platform setting investigated is subdivided into five major facies belts, each represented by several microfacies types (MFTs). Their lateral distribution patterns and their composition underline aclear relation between depositional environment and platform position. The facies belts include sandstones and quartzose packstones of siliciclastic shorefaces, mudstones and bioclastic wackestones of restricted lagoons, shallow-subtidal packstones with diverse benthic foraminifera and calcareous algae, bioclastic and/or oolitic grainstones of inner-platform shoals, and wackestones of deep open-marine environments. The microfacies distribution patterns of the Cenomanian-Santonian strata are evaluated with respect to local and regional large-scale environmental changes. While protected shallow-subtidal environments with only subordinate ooids and oncoids prevail during the late Cenomanian, high-energy oolithic shoals and carbonate sands occur locally during the middle and late Turonian. They were probably related to a change of the platform morphology and a reorganisation of the platform after a late Cenomanian drowning. In the Coniacian-Santonian, the lack of ooids, oncoids, and the decrease of calcareous algae versus an increase in siliciclastics indicate a shift to lower water temperature and to a more humid climate. Especially in the Turonian, the interplay between sea-level changes, accommodation, hydrodynamics, and siliciclastic input is reflected by lithofacies and biofacies interrelation-ships that are elaborated within individual systems tracts. In particular, increasing accommodation intensified circulation and wave-agitation and controlled the distribution of high-energy environments of the middle and upper Turonian trans-gressive systems tracts. During highstands protected innerplatform environments prevailed.  相似文献   

Skeletal encrusters and carbonate hardgrounds are rare in siliciclastic sands and gravels because of high levels of abrasion and sediment movement. An exception to this is the Maastrichtian Qahlah Formation of the Oman Mountains, a sequence of coarse siliciclastic sediments deposited on a shallow marine shelf above wavebase and at an equatorial palaeolatitude. This unit contains intercalated carbonate hardgrounds and other hard substrates which were encrusted and bored. The hard substrates, comprising carbonate and silicate clasts, calcareous bioclasts (mollusc shells and coral fragments) and wood, supported a diverse encrusting and boring fauna dominated in biomass by the oyster Acutostrea . There are twelve bryozoan species and at least two serpulid worm species, most living cryptically. Other encrusters on exposed surfaces include the agglutinated foraminiferan Placopsilina and several species of colonial corals. Borings in the carbonate clasts and shells are predominantly those of bivalves ( Gastrochaenolites ), with subsidiary clionid sponge ( Entobia ) and acrothoracican barnacle ( Rogerella ) borings. The woodgrounds are thoroughly bored by teredinid bivalves ( Teredolites ). Of the common substrate types, carbonate hardground clasts support the greatest number of taxa, followed by chert clasts, with limestone rockground pebbles being depauperate. Clast composition and relative stability probably explain these differences. Individual clasts probably had variable and typically long colonisation histories. Detailed palaeoecological interpretation is constrained by taphonomic loss, time-averaging and clast transportation and reorientation. Evidence from the Qahlah Formation shows that tropical rocky-shore biotas in the Cretaceous were not impoverished as previously believed.  相似文献   

This paper aimed to study Lower Miocene (Burdigalian) mixed carbonate–siliciclastic deposits within an Upper Cenozoic synorogenic conglomerate–dominated succession in north of Shalamzar in the Zagros foreland basin, Iran. The deposits are composed of nine facies: foraminiferal mudstone, silty mudstone, sandy mudstone, fossiliferous sandy mudstone, fossiliferous argillaceous mudstone, fossiliferous calclithite, coral limestone, calcareous claystone and hybrid sandstone. The facies represent a mixed carbonate– siliciclastic shelf–type fan–delta. The subenvironments of the fan–delta include muddy pro–delta, sandy delta– front, clastic proximal mouth bar and a subordinate delta plain. Siliciclastic input and sedimentation rate controlled the paleoecological distribution of different benthic carbonate–producing fauna in the fan–delta during its progradation into a shelf marine environment. Input of siliciclastic deposits and sedimentation rate limited the diversity and development of corals and controlled their colonization and growth morphologies in the sandy delta–front. Siliciclastic input (including plant materials and coal debris) and sedimentation rate controlled the trophic habitats of many gastropods and their abundance and distribution in the sandy delta– front and clastic proximal mouth bar. Also, increased siliciclastic input favored abundance of larger benthic foraminifera in most parts of the fan–delta with the exception of the muddy pro–delta.  相似文献   

Carboniferous to Permian marine stromatolites are widely dispersed across the Pangaean margins and embayments and are typified by the ‘Ottonosia-grade stromatolite’ (designated herein). This stromatolite type consists of a well-laminated oncoid or domical stromatoid that developed into branching, laminated columns in the upper reaches. To develop a model for the global pattern, we investigated Lower Permian stromatolites from Kansas (Howe Limestone Member, Red Eagle Limestone). Stromatoids from the Lyon County locality typify the Ottonosia-grade stromatolites. The laminae are sharp throughout the stromatoid and are defined by an increase in cornuspirid foraminfera and algal filaments. The upper zone of the stromatoid is composed of well-laminated branching and brecciated columns (‘pseudo-thrombolitic’). Coeval stromatolites from a new exposure at the Tuttle Creek Dam spillway possess a more massive mesostructure. These stromatolites are composed of a turbinate stromatoid or oncoid base and an overlying domical stromatoid, and are rimmed by smaller meandering columns. Only the basal stromatoid, oncoids, and upper columns are well laminated. In both localities, the microbial-constructing ecosystem is dominated by cornuspirids and calcifying filamentous algae (?Girvanella). The mesostructural differences of the stromatolites are due to different environments of formation. The Tuttle Creek stromatolites formed in a shallow-subtidal to intertidal open marine setting. The coeval Lyon County stromatolites formed in a semi-restricted, marginal marine environment such as a lagoon or supratidal zone. Based on this information and independent sedimentological data, we conclude that lagoonal or supratidal zones were common features in the late Paleozoic intracratonal zones of the Pangaean supercontinent and account for Ottonosia-grade stromatolites occurring in the Laurentian mid-continent, the Zechstein Basin, Japan, Brazil, and Tunisia.  相似文献   

The Upper Permian to Lower Jurassic El Antimonio Group has been considered as part of the NW–SE-trending tectonostratigraphic Antimonio terrane in Sonora, Mexico. The Upper Triassic Rio Asunción Formation of the El Antimonio Group comprises a shallow-marine detrital-carbonate succession at three major localities near Caborca and Hermosillo. Previous reconstructions have proposed differing depositional environments for the Rio Asunción Formation (e.g., carbonate platform, carbonate ramp) and remained therefore nonconsensual. The present study has its focus on the Rio Asunción Formation and includes the analyses of 129 thin-sections of carbonate and mixed siliciclastic–carbonate rocks from three localities (Barra los Tanques, Sierra del Álamo, and Sierra Santa Teresa). In Sierra del Álamo, ammonite findings allowed us to confirm the position of the Triassic–Jurassic boundary. Considering the lack of biostratigraphic markers and the clastic nature of the samples, a statistical approach was used to propose a depositional model that can provide more detailed insights into this sedimentary succession. Hierarchical cluster analyses were performed on the gathered abundance data to identify microfacies and to compare the results for each outcrop. Through these analyses, 22 microfacies were defined, which describe the depositional environments of the two main localities. Furthermore, it could be demonstrated through this approach that not only the localities of Barra los Tanques and Sierra del Álamo but also the outcrops near Sierra Santa Teresa belong to the Antimonio depositional system. To gain insights into the relative depositional conditions among the microfacies, non-metric multidimensional scaling was performed. The resulting trends of water energy and proximity to the shoreline of Laurentia were then used to propose a depositional model for the mixed siliciclastic–carbonate Antimonio ramp system.  相似文献   

Summary Carbonate-dominated successions of the Gipsdalen and Tempelfjorden Groups from Svalbard record a significant shift from Photozoan to Heterozoan particle associations in neritic settings during the late Palaeozoic. During the Bashkirian, benthic particle associations which included photoautotrophs such as phylloid algae (Chloroforam Association) characterised shallow subtidal environments. Most depositional settings which endured siliciclastic terrestrial input exhibited poorly diversified associations dominated by brachiopods, bryozoans and siliceous sponges (Bryonoderm Association). During the Moscovian to Asselian, highly diversified associations typified by various calcareous green algae,Palaeoaplysina, Tubiphytes, fusulinids, smaller and encrusting foraminifers (Chloroforam Association) prevailed in carbonate sediments from supratidal to shallow subtidal environments. During the Sakmarian and Early Artinskian, oolitic carbonate sands (Chloroforam Association) typified intertidal flats, whereas shallow subtidal environments were occupied by moderately diversified associations with fusulinids, smaller foraminifers, echinoderms and bryozoans (Bryonoderm-extended Association) and poorly diversified associations with echinoderms, brachiopods and bryozoans (Bryonoderm Association). During the Late Artinskian to Kazanian, poorly diversified associations characterised by brachiopods, echinoderms and bryozoans (Bryonoderm Association), and sponge-dominated associations (Hyalosponge Association) reigned within siliceous carbonates of intertidal and shallow subtidal environments. This trend is interpreted as a result of climatic cooling and fluctuations of prevailing levels of trophic resources within shallow-water settings during the studied time period. While raised nutrient levels were restricted to near-shore settings during the Bashkirian, steady mesotrophic conditions arose from the Sakmarian onward and increased to late Permian times.  相似文献   

The kilometer-sized and 100-meter-thick carbonate platforms of the Escalada Fm. I and II (Middle Pennsylvanian) accumulated in the foredeep of a marine foreland basin during the transgressive phases of 3rd-order sequences and were buried by prograding siliciclastic deltaic systems in the course of the subsequent highstand. The carbonate successions show a general upward trend from grain- to mud-supported carbonates, interfingering landwards with siliciclastic deposits of a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate shelf (Fito Fm.) adjacent to deltaic systems. The spatial variability of the carbonate facies and the high-frequency (4th–5th order) cycles, from the platform margin-outer platform to the deltaic systems, has been interpreted from basin reconstruction. Carbonate facies include skeletal grainstone to packstone, ooidal grainstone, burrowed skeletal wackestone, microbial and algal boundstone to wackestone forming mounds, various algal bafflestone and coral biostromes in areas with siliciclastic input. These high-frequency transgressive–regressive cycles are interpreted to record allocyclic forcing of high-amplitude glacioeustasy because they show characteristic features of icehouse cycles: thickness >5 m, absence of peritidal facies, and in some cases, subaerial exposure surfaces capping the cycles. In the mixed cycles, siliciclastics are interpreted as late highstand to lowstand regressive deposits, whereas carbonates as transgressive-early highstand deposition. The lateral and vertical variability of the facies in the glacioeustatic cycles was a response to deposition in a rapidly subsiding, active foreland basin subjected to siliciclastic input, conditions that might be detrimental to the growth of high-relief carbonate systems.  相似文献   

Aeolian dunes controlled by regional climate have been formed in many coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea during the Quaternary. Generally, they are formed under a landward-blowing wind, and comprise numerous reworked penecontemporaneous shallow-marine carbonate grains. Along the eastern mid-Adriatic Sea, late Pleistocene aeolian and alluvial sands occur as isolated patches in karstic depressions on several islands and the Pelje?ac Peninsula. At most localities, the sands consist of a mixture of mostly carbonate rock fragments and siliciclastic material. A higher proportion of shallow-marine bioclasts was found only at one locality. The terrestrial material was transported to the coastal area by at least two rivers: paleo-Cetina and paleo-Neretva River, and was subsequently reworked and transported by wind, resulting in aeolian deposition. Sandy units of various thicknesses exhibiting sharp erosional bedding planes and cross-bedding are interpreted as representing aeolian dunes and sand sheets controlled by a complex wind regime. The mineralogical composition at almost all localities indicates near-river flood plains as the main sand source. Although the area was affected by strong winds blowing landward and parallel to the coast, they significantly deviated due to the local topography produced by the tectonically deformed and karstified carbonate basement. In this way, the late Pleistocene aeolian deposits on the mid-Adriatic islands differ from deposits from most Quaternary Mediterranean coastal aeolian belts, as they contain very small quantities of penecontemporaneous shallow-marine carbonate grains and were deposited by winds blowing in varying directions instead of prevailing landward-blowing winds.  相似文献   

Identification of microbial communities within shoreline sediments and sediment precipitates from the Tigris-Euphrates delta (northern Kuwait) were determined by microscopic/nanoscopic studies, and by molecular analysis. Oncolites are syn-diagenetic carbonate precipitates that are surviving in a shallow subtidal to intertidal siliciclastic environment with periodically excessive hydraulic energy, extreme salinity (up to 47 per mil), and high concentrations of organic matter. X-ray diffraction techniques reveal that oncolite cortices are predominantly composed of calcite, quartz, halite and dolomite, associated with minor fractions of clay minerals. Quantitative analysis of the Corey Shape Factor reveals distinct morphological populations but with local overlap. A plot of the Equivalent Diameter vs. Corey Shape Factor provided the best indicator of the morphological relationships within the total oncolite population, indicating a hydrodynamically controlled morphological distribution defining intertidal and subtidal oncolite classes. Direct microscopic examination of the samples indicates that diatoms are the most abundant eukaryotic algae in subtidal sediments and within actively precipitating carbonate cements, especially the genus Navicula. In contrast, filamentous cyanobacteria from the genus Anabaena are most abundant in the intertidal zone sediments. The PCR-DGGE of the 16SrRNA gene of the cyanobacteria shows a higher diversity for this genus of bacteria in all sediment samples and that the cyanobacterial population in the diagenetically precipitating oncolites are closely related to the population found in the subtidal sediments. Dunaliella viridis dominates the culturable algae obtained from the four tidal zones. Our results indicate that a range of microbial populations are actively contributing to the formation of microbially-induced sedimentary structures in the extreme conditions of the southern Tigris-Euphrates delta.  相似文献   

Well‐developed oncoids and centimetre‐sized stromatolites are reported for the first time from the Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) cool‐water ‘orthoceratite limestone’ at Kinnekulle, Västergötland, Sweden. The characteristics and stratigraphical distribution of these microbialites show an apparent relationship to fluctuations in relative sea level. The most abundant and well‐developed oncoids occur in stratigraphical intervals that are characterized by notable sea‐level lowstands. Stromatolites, which share many compositional characteristics with the oncoids, are essentially confined to a single bed associated with an especially prominent lowstand. Stromatolite‐like lamination also occurs in the uppermost part of the studied succession, but this feature may be of abiogenic origin. The microbialites appear to be originally calcareous, but synsedimentary iron‐ and/or phosphate‐enriched laminae are conspicuous, and secondary substitution by coarse calcite and barite is common. Iron staining is most prominent in poorly preserved specimens. Diagenesis has occluded the identity of the producers of these microbialites, but characteristics of associated endolithic borings suggest that they were formed in photic waters. The laminated fabrics of the documented microbialites record a depositional environment sensitive to high‐frequency environmental change. Most significantly, the microbialites have provided important information about the depositional environment of their enigmatic host limestone, and the collective observations challenge the notion that the studied strata were deposited in a deep shelf to basinal environment – rather, it appears that they are to a large extent, shallow‐water deposits, formed in waters only a few tens of metres deep.  相似文献   

Summary The limestones of the Wadi Nasb Formation of the uppermost Lower Cambrian of Jordan are under- and overlain by massive sandstones of a near-shore facies. Facies analysis is based on samples from an outcrop at the northeastern shore of the Dead Sea and two oil test wells in the Wadi Sirhan Depression in eastern Jordan. Limestones were deposited in the shallow sea and within the coastal tidal area. Cyanobacteria, algae, echinoderms, trilobites and hyoliths have contributed the bulk of the carbonate and phosphatic material composing the Wadi Nasb limestone. Fine-grained facies types are composed of peloidal carbonate muds with laminar and nodular algal and cyanobacterial mats. They formed within a quiet tidallagoonal environment. The coarse grained facies types consist of carbonate sands with layers of sheell debris deposited in crossbeds in an environment with a rich endobenthic fauna. Here most particles were coated by cyanobacterial crusts. Ooids, oncoids and various coated grains are present. Consolidated sediments were commonly eroded within or near to this environment and their remains were integrated within the sands. Diagenesis is reconstructed step by step with deposition, first cementation, aragonite dissolution, compaction, pore filling, formation of pressure solution, growth of dolomite and anhydrite within the calcitic limestone and final fissure formation and filling.  相似文献   

This study provides new insights about depositional paleoenvironments through siliciclastic microfacies, carbonate microfacies, and biofacies analysis from sedimentary formations of the lower and middle Cambrian (Stage 4–Wuliuan), exposed in central Sonora, northern Mexico. Results of the petrographic analysis of 48 samples revealed the following lithologies: quartzarenite, oncolytic rudstone, grainstone-packstone, wackestone, mudstone, and to a lesser extent sandy limestone. Two siliciclastic microfacies were identified: (A) quartzarenite with cross-bedded and horizontal stratification deposited in an intertidal and supratidal environment; and (B) massive quartzarenite with Skolithos ichnofacies deposited in subtidal and intertidal environments. Four carbonate microfacies were identified: microfacies 1 is a sandy limestone with trilobite fragments; microfacies 2 is a grainstone with intraclasts, salterellids, hyolithids, trilobites, and echinoderms plates; microfacies 3 is an oncolytic rudstone consisting of microbes and abundant echinoderms plates; and microfacies 4 is a packstone-grainstone with abundant ooids, trilobite fragments, and echinoderm plates. Two biofacies were identified: Agnostid-polymeroid biofacies with predominance of the trilobites Pentagnostus, Bathyuriscus, Oryctocephalites, and Elrathina; and Pagetia biofacies with abundant trilobites of the genera Pentagnostus, Pagetia and Elrathina. It is concluded by the sedimentation model that changes in sea level is the most important parameter in determining the siliciclastic microfacies, carbonate microfacies and biofacies; as well as the depositional environments that vary from the coastline (subtidal to supratidal) to shallow-water open circulation marine platform with low and high energy waters. The Cambrian deposits of northern Mexico are correlated with the deposits of California and Nevada (USA), as well as to the Precordillera (Argentina), where the species in common show a strong affinity.  相似文献   

Diethard Sanders  Karl Krainer 《Facies》2005,51(1-4):522-540
During the Early Permian, in the area of the Carnic Alps, a quartz-gravelly beach fringed a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate lagoon with fleshy algal meadows and oncoids; seaward, an ooid shoal belt graded down dip to a low-energy carbonate inner shelf with phylloid algal meadows. In limestones, foraminiferal biomurae and bioclast preservation record tapholoss by rotting of non-calcified organisms (interpreted as fleshy algae) and by dissolution of aragonitic fossils. Carbonate loss by dissolution was counteracted and, locally, perhaps exceeded by carbonate precipitation of encrusting foraminifera and as oncoids. Sites of abrasion and carbonate dissolution (beach), sites with tapholoss by rotting and dissolution, but with microbialite/foraminiferal carbonate precipitation (lagoon, inner shelf), and sites only of carbonate precipitation (ooid shoals) co-existed on discrete shelf compartments. Compartmentalized, contemporaneous carbonate dissolution and precipitation, to total amounts yet difficult to quantify, impede straightforward estimates of ancient carbonate sediment budget.  相似文献   

河南登封关口剖面寒武系第三统张夏组下部碳酸盐岩中发育了大量的微生物成因的核形石和后生动物遗迹化石。在野外和显微镜下对核形石和遗迹化石进行观察,并统计它们在地层中所占比例,表明核形石和遗迹化石存在着耦合关系。下部地层以发育凝块石和形状不规则、纹层不连续、代表一种低能弱搅动水体的Ⅰ型核形石为主,不含遗迹化石,表明此时微生物在海洋生态系统中占主导地位。中部地层则以发育浑圆形、纹层连续的Ⅱ型核形石和遗迹化石Planolites为特征;而且随水体能量的增强,Planolites丰度逐渐升高,核形石丰度逐渐降低;二者的丰度变化说明后生动物的存在对核形石的数量有一定影响,但未破坏核形石的生长条件。上部地层发育大量Thalassinoides和生物扰动构造,缺乏核形石;后生动物对沉积基底进行反复扰动,彻底破坏了原始层理以及微生物造岩的环境,核形石消失。可见,在张夏组沉积时期,微生物与后生动物以及环境之间存在着特殊的相互作用关系。  相似文献   

The distribution pattern of calcareous nannofossils was analysed across the Middle-Late Jurassic transition in the French Subalpine Basin (south-eastern France). This basin is characterized in the hemipelagic-pelagic domain by a continuous sedimentary succession, allowing a good biostratigraphic resolution for this time interval. The nannofossil assemblages are consistently dominated by Watznaueria britannica. However, major changes in trophic and paleoenvironmental conditions are recorded across the Middle-Late Jurassic transition. An increase in marine primary productivity and cooling of surface waters is recorded across the Callovian-Oxfordian boundary, as already shown in the higher latitude setting of the eastern Paris Basin. Increased precipitation and runoff under contrasting seasonal climatic conditions (monsoon-type) has led to eutrophication of marine surface waters in the French Subalpine Basin at this period. Then, decreased runoff and associated nutrients certainly linked to drier climatic conditions lead to a decrease in calcareous nannofossil productivity during the middle part of the Early Oxfordian (mariae-cordatum ammonite Zone transition). At the Early-Middle Oxfordian transition, more favourable conditions for the nannofossil community (warmer and mesotrophic surface waters) prevailed. The pelagic (nannofossil) carbonate contribution is limited, and the carbonate fraction is predominantly of nektonic/benthic origin at the Callovian-Oxfordian transition and of allochthonous origin from carbonate platforms at the Early Oxfordian-Middle Oxfordian transition.  相似文献   

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