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The many ways parasites can impact their host species have been the focus of intense study using a range of approaches. A particularly promising but under-used method in this context is experimental evolution, because it allows targeted manipulation of known populations exposed to contrasting conditions. The strong potential of applying this method to the study of insect hosts and their associated parasites is demonstrated by the few available long-term experiments where insects have been exposed to parasites. In this review, we summarize these studies, which have delivered valuable insights into the evolution of resistance in response to parasite pressure, the underlying mechanisms, as well as correlated genetic responses. We further assess findings from relevant artificial selection studies in the interrelated contexts of immunity, life history, and reproduction. In addition, we discuss a number of well-studied Tribolium castaneum-Nosema whitei coevolution experiments in more detail and provide suggestions for research. Specifically, we suggest that future experiments should also be performed using nonmodel hosts and should incorporate contrasting experimental conditions, such as population sizes or envi- ronments. Finally, we expect that adding a third partner, for example, a second parasite or symbiont, to a host-parasite system could strongly impact (co)evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

Coevolution has long been thought to drive the exaggeration of traits, promote major evolutionary transitions such as the evolution of sexual reproduction and influence epidemiological dynamics. Despite coevolution’s long suspected importance, we have yet to develop a quantitative understanding of its strength and prevalence because we lack generally applicable statistical methods that yield numerical estimates for coevolution’s strength and significance in the wild. Here, we develop a novel method that derives maximum likelihood estimates for the strength of direct pairwise coevolution by coupling a well‐established coevolutionary model to spatially structured phenotypic data. Applying our method to two well‐studied interactions reveals evidence for coevolution in both systems. Broad application of this approach has the potential to further resolve long‐standing evolutionary debates such as the role species interactions play in the evolution of sexual reproduction and the organisation of ecological communities.  相似文献   

Sex and infection are intimately linked. Many diseases are spread by sexual contact, males are thought to evolve exaggerated sexual signals to demonstrate their immune robustness, and pathogens have been shown to direct the evolution of recombination. In all of these examples, infection is influencing the evolution of male and female fitness, but less is known about how sex differences influence pathogen fitness. A defining characteristic of sexual dimorphism is not only divergent phenotypes, but also a complex genetic architecture involving changes in genetic correlations among shared fitness traits, and differences in the accumulation of mutations—all of which may affect selection on an invading pathogen. Here, we outline the implications that the genetics of sexual dimorphism can have for host–pathogen coevolution and argue that male–female differences influence more than just the environment that a pathogen experiences.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, the genomic revolution has offered the possibility to generate tremendous amounts of data that contain valuable information on the genetic basis of phenotypic traits, such as those linked to human diseases or those that allow for species to adapt to a changing environment. Most ecologically relevant traits are controlled by a large number of genes with small individual effects on trait variation, but that are connected with one another through complex developmental, metabolic and biochemical networks. As a result, it has recently been suggested that most adaptation events in natural populations are reached via correlated changes at multiple genes at a time, for which the name polygenic adaptation has been coined. The current challenge is to develop methods to extract the relevant information from genomic data to detect the signature of polygenic evolutionary change. The symposium entitled “Detecting the Genomic Signal of Polygenic Adaptation and the Role of Epistasis in Evolution” held in 2017 at the University of Zürich aimed at reviewing our current state of knowledge. In this review, we use the talks of the invited speakers to summarize some of the most recent developments in this field.  相似文献   

Kouyos RD  Otto SP  Bonhoeffer S 《Genetics》2006,173(2):589-597
Whether recombination decelerates or accelerates a population's response to selection depends, at least in part, on how fitness-determining loci interact. Realistically, all genomes likely contain fitness interactions both with positive and with negative epistasis. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the conditions under which the potential beneficial effects of recombination with negative epistasis prevail over the detrimental effects of recombination with positive epistasis. Here, we examine the simultaneous effects of diverse epistatic interactions with different strengths and signs in a simplified model system with independent pairs of interacting loci and selection acting only on the haploid phase. We find that the average form of epistasis does not predict the average amount of linkage disequilibrium generated or the impact on a recombination modifier when compared to results using the entire distribution of epistatic effects and associated single-mutant effects. Moreover, we show that epistatic interactions of a given strength can produce very different effects, having the greatest impact when selection is weak. In summary, we observe that the evolution of recombination at mutation-selection balance might be driven by a small number of interactions with weak selection rather than by the average epistasis of all interactions. We illustrate this effect with an analysis of published data of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Thus to draw conclusions on the evolution of recombination from experimental data, it is necessary to consider the distribution of epistatic interactions together with the associated selection coefficients.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy is a breeding system in plants where populations consist of hermaphrodites and females. The females result from a genetic mutation which impairs pollen production in hermaphrodite plants. Most previous models for the evolution of gynodioecy do not take into account any spatial detail, which might be expected to play an important role in populations with short range interactions caused by poor or no locomotion.In this article we present a generalised mean-field analysis (which ignores any spatial detail), together with stochastic spatial simulations, to investigate the spatial effect on the evolution of gynodioecy. We show that, in a population of hermaphrodites where male sterility is caused by a dominant allele in a nuclear gene, mean-field calculations greatly underestimate the reproductive advantage females require to become viable under spatial constraints. This suggests that gynodioecy is less likely to evolve in plants with more localised pollination and seed setting. This may have implications for the evolution of dioecy, a breeding system in plants where the population consists of males and females, as gynodioecy is thought to be a route to dioecy. Our results also demonstrate that a lower frequency of females should be expected for gynodioecious populations when interactions are local. This is relevant when comparing the results of breeding experiments with observations of female frequency in the wild.  相似文献   

In a simple computer model of population evolution, we have shown that frequency of recombination between haplotypes during the gamete production influences the effectiveness of the reproduction strategy. High recombination rates keeps the fraction of defective alleles low while low recombination rate or uneven distributed recombination spots change the strategy of genomes' evolution and result in the accumulation of heterozygous loci in the genomes. Even short fragment of chromosome with restricted recombination influences the genetic structure of neighboring regions.  相似文献   

Male genitalia are among the most phenotypically diverse morphological traits, and sexual selection is widely accepted as being responsible for their evolutionary divergence. Studies of house mice suggest that the shape of the baculum (penis bone) affects male reproductive fitness and experimentally imposed postmating sexual selection has been shown to drive divergence in baculum shape across generations. Much less is known of the morphology of female genitalia and its coevolution with male genitalia. In light of this, we used a paternal half-sibling design to explore patterns of additive genetic variation and covariation underlying baculum shape and female vaginal tract size in house mice (Mus musculus domesticus). We applied a landmark-based morphometrics approach to measure baculum size and shape in males and the length of the vaginal tract and width of the cervix in females. Our results reveal significant additive genetic variation in house mouse baculum morphology and cervix width, as well as evidence for genetic covariation between male and female genital measures. Our data thereby provide novel insight into the potential for the coevolutionary divergence of male and female genital traits in a mammal.  相似文献   

翁自力  袁义达 《遗传学报》1990,17(4):260-268
根据中国13个人口逾百万的民族及台湾高山族的红细胞血型座位的基因频率,分析了各血型系统的分化程度。结果表明,中国人群在MNSs系统上的分化十分显著。对各民族间的亲缘关系分析表明,汉族、朝鲜族、蒙古族、回族,满族和藏族等北方民族首先聚集在一起,侗族、高山族、壮族和彝族等聚集在一起,然后白族与南北两大人集聚集在一起,最后才是维吾尔族与其它人群相聚。本文以华北汉族作为蒙古人种的代表,探讨了世界上三大人种间的遗传关系,结果表明,黄种人与黑种人之间的遗传差异最小,而黑种人与白种人之间的遗传差异最大。根据基因分化系数(G_(ST))和Shannon信息测度(H),中国民族间的遗传差异均仅占中国人总遗传变异量的2%左右,这说明,绝大部分遗传变异存在于各民族之内。  相似文献   

Coevolving populations of hosts and parasites are often subdivided into a set of patches connected by dispersal. Higher relative rates of parasite compared with host dispersal are expected to lead to parasite local adaptation. However, we know of no studies that have considered the implications of higher relative rates of parasite dispersal for other aspects of the coevolutionary process, such as the rate of coevolution and extent of evolutionary escalation of resistance and infectivity traits. We investigated the effect of phage dispersal on coevolution in experimental metapopulations of the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 and its viral parasite, phage SBW25Phi2. Both the rate of coevolution and the breadth of evolved infectivity and resistance ranges peaked at intermediate rates of parasite dispersal. These results suggest that parasite dispersal can enhance the evolutionary potential of parasites through provision of novel genetic variation, but that high rates of parasite dispersal can impede the evolution of parasites by homogenizing genetic variation between patches, thereby constraining coevolution.  相似文献   

This paper tests four theories of the maintenance of genetic recombination using published chiasma frequencies of 194 plant species representing 15 families of angiosperms. The theories are that recombination is favoured by environmental unpredictability, by fluctuating selection, by mutational load or by sib-competition. The level of genetic recombination was approximated by recombination index and by the number of excess chiasmata. Both measures were higher in animal-dispersed than in other species and increased as dispersal distance decreased. This association was found at all taxonomic levels. Chiasma frequency was not associated with life span of the species. Recombination index was lower in perennial than in annual species, but the reverse trend was observed among genera. Number of chiasmata per bivalent tended to decrease as the number of chromosomes increased, but this association was statistically insignificant at all taxonomic levels. No association was found between number of chiasmata per cell and nuclear DNA content.
These patterns did not support the theories that environmental unpredictability or fluctuating selection due to parasite pressure favour recombination, and they offered only very little support for the theory that recombination is favoured so that mutational load can be decreased. The only theory that was consistent with the observed data is the sib-competition theory, which suggests that genetic recombination is maintained so that the intensity of competition with sibs is reduced.  相似文献   

Over the last 15 years, interest in plant virus evolution has re-emerged, as shown by the increasing number of papers published on this subject. In recent times, research in plant virus evolution has been viewed from a molecular, rather than populational, standpoint, and there is a need for work aimed at understanding the processes involved in plant virus evolution. However, accumulated data from analyses of experimental and natural populations of plant viruses are beginning to delineate some trends that often run contrary to accepted opinion: (1) high mutation rates are not necessarily adaptive, as a large fraction of the mutations are deleterious or lethal; (2) in spite of high potential for genetic variation, populations of plant viruses are not highly variable, and genetic stability is the rule rather than the exception; (3) the degree of constriction of genetic variation in virus-encoded proteins is similar to that in their eukaryotic hosts and vectors; and (4) in spite of huge census sizes of plant virus populations, selection is not the sole factor that shapes their evolution, and genetic drift may be important. Here, we review recent advances in understanding plant virus evolution, and describe the experimental and analytical methods most suited to this purpose.  相似文献   

Summary TheDrosophila nasuta group consists of about 12 closely related species distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific region. They are of great interest because of their evolutionary idiosyncrasies including little morphological differentiation, the ability to intercross in the laboratory often producing fertile offspring, and substantial chromosomal evolution. Studies of metric traits, reproductive isolation, and chromosomal and enzyme polymorphisms have failed to resolve the phylogeny of the species. We report the results of a survey of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction patterns of the species. The phylogeny obtained is consistent with other available information and suggests thatD. albomicans may represent the ancestral lineage of the group. The amount of polymorphism in local populations (=1.0% per site) is within the typical range observed in other animals, includingDrosophila. The degree of differentiation between species is, however, low: the origin of the group is tentatively dated about 6–8 million years ago. This study confirms the usefulness of mtDNA restriction patterns for ascertaining the phylogeny of closely related species.  相似文献   

The geographic mosaic theory of coevolution predicts that geographic variation in species interactions will lead to differing selective pressures on interacting species, producing geographic variation in the traits of interacting species (Thompson 2005). We supported this hypothesis in a study of the geographic variation in the interactions among Eurosta solidaginis and its natural enemies. Eurosta solidaginis is a fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) that induces galls on subspecies of tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima altissima and S. a. gilvocanescens. We measured selection on E. solidaginis gall size and shape in the prairie and forest biomes in Minnesota and North Dakota over an 11-year period. Galls were larger and more spherical in the prairie than in the forest. We supported the hypothesis that the divergence in gall morphology in the two biomes is due to different selection regimes exerted by natural enemies of E. solidaginis. Each natural enemy exerted similar selection on gall diameter in both biomes, but differences in the frequency of natural enemy attack created strong differences in overall selection between the prairie and forest. Bird predation increased with gall diameter, creating selection for smaller-diameter galls. A parasitic wasp, Eurytoma gigantea, and Mordellistena convicta, an inquiline beetle, both caused higher E. solidaginis mortality in smaller galls, exerting selection for increased gall diameter. In the forest there was stabilizing selection on gall diameter due to a combination of bird predation on larvae in large galls, and M. convicta- and E. gigantea-induced mortality on larvae in small galls. In the prairie there was directional selection for larger galls due to M. convicta and E. gigantea mortality on larvae in small galls. Mordellistena convicta-induced mortality was consistently higher in the prairie than in the forest, whereas there was no significant difference in E. gigantea-induced mortality between biomes. Bird predation was nonexistent in the prairie so the selection against large galls found in the forest was absent. We supported the hypothesis that natural enemies of E. solidaginis exerted selection for spherical galls in both biomes. In the prairie M. convicta exerts stabilizing selection to maintain spherical galls. In the forest there was directional selection for more spherical galls. Eurytoma gigantea exerted selection on gall shape in the forest in a complex manner that varied among years. We also supported the hypothesis that E. gigantea is coevolving with E. solidaginis. The parasitoid had significantly longer ovipositors in the prairie than in the forest, indicating the possibility that it has evolved in response to selection to reach larvae in the larger-diameter prairie galls.  相似文献   

Conventional population genetics considers the evolution of a limited number of genotypes corresponding to phenotypes with different fitness. As model phenotypes, in particular RNA secondary structure, have become computationally tractable, however, it has become apparent that the context dependent effect of mutations and the many-to-one nature inherent in these genotype-phenotype maps can have fundamental evolutionary consequences. It has previously been demonstrated that populations of genotypes evolving on the neutral networks corresponding to all genotypes with the same secondary structure only through neutral mutations can evolve mutational robustness [E. van Nimwegen, J.P. Crutchfield, M. Huynen, Neutral evolution of mutational robustness, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96(17), 9716-9720 (1999)], by concentrating the population on regions of high neutrality. Introducing recombination we demonstrate, through numerically calculating the stationary distribution of an infinite population on ensembles of random neutral networks that mutational robustness is significantly enhanced and further that the magnitude of this enhancement is sensitive to details of the neutral network topology. Through the simulation of finite populations of genotypes evolving on random neutral networks and a scaled down microRNA neutral network, we show that even in finite populations recombination will still act to focus the population on regions of locally high neutrality.  相似文献   

This study considers the population diversity and structure of Diplodia pinea in South Africa at different spatial scales from single trees to plantations, as well as comparing infections on healthy and diseased trees. A total of 236 isolates were characterized using 13 microsatellite markers. Analysis of these markers confirmed previous results that D. pinea has a high level of gene and genotypic diversity in South Africa, with the latter values ranging from 6% to 68% for the different plantations. The data also reflect a fungus with randomly associated alleles in populations at local plantation scales and for the population as a whole. These results suggest that recombination is occurring in D. pinea and that it most likely has a cryptic sexual state. The study also reveals the sources of endophytic infection and stress related disease out-breaks as diverse infections that have occurred over a long time period. In contrast, wound-associated die-back appears to be caused by clones of the pathogen occurring in narrow time frames.  相似文献   

QTL-based evidence for the role of epistasis in evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Abstract. Here I present a deterministic model of the coevolution of parasites with the acquired immunity of their hosts, a system in which coevolutionary oscillations can be maintained. These dynamics can confer an advantage to sexual reproduction within the parasite population, but the effect is not strong enough to outweigh the twofold cost of sex. The advantage arises primarily because sexual reproduction impedes the response to fluctuating epistasis and not because it facilitates the response to directional selection—in fact, sexual reproduction often slows the response to directional selection. Where the cost of sexual reproduction is small, a polymorphism can be maintained between the sexuals and the asexuals. A polymorphism is maintained in which the advantage gained due to recombination is balanced by the cost of sex. At much higher costs of sex, a polymorphism between the asexual and sexual populations can still be maintained if the asexuals do not have a full complement of genotypes available to them, because the asexuals only outcompete those sexuals with which they share the same selected alleles. However, over time we might expect the asexuals to amass the full array of genotypes, thus permanently eliminating sexuals from the population. The sexuals may avoid this fate if the parasite population is finite. Although the model presented here describes the coevolution of parasites with the acquired immune responses of their hosts, it can be compared with other host-parasite models that have more traditionally been used to investigate Red Queen theories of the evolution of sex.  相似文献   

Natural populations of hosts and parasites are often subdivided and patchily distributed such that some regions of a host species' range will be free from a given parasite. Host migration from parasite-free to parasite-containing patches is expected to alter coevolutionary dynamics by changing the evolutionary potential of antagonists. Specifically, host immigration can favor parasites by increasing transmission opportunities, or hosts by introducing genetic variation. We tested these predictions in coevolving populations of Pseudomonas fluorescens and phage Phi2 that received immigrants from phage-free populations. We observed a negative quadratic relationship between sympatric resistance to phage and host immigration rate (highest at intermediate immigration) but a positive quadratic relationship between coevolution rate and host immigration rate (lowest at intermediate immigration). These results indicate that for a wide range of rates, host immigration from parasite-free patches can increase the evolutionary potential of parasites, and increase the coevolutionary rate if parasite adaptation is limiting in the absence of immigration.  相似文献   

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