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Earlier studies from this laboratory showed that infection of BALB/cByJ mice by a natural route with mouse hepatitis virus, strain JHM (MHV-JHM), results in functional splenic T cell suppression in vitro. This was evidenced by reduced concanavalin A-driven spleen cell proliferation and interleukin (IL)2 production measured after conventional intervals of cell culture (72 and 24 h, respectively). The purpose of the present work was to determine whether MHV-induced T cell dysfunction is kinetic or absolute and whether production of other T-cell derived cytokines is defective. Bioassays revealed that production of IL2, gamma interferon, and IL4 by spleen cells from acutely infected mice is suppressed and that some of the defects are kinetic as well as absolute. Proliferative responses of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were depressed, but neither cell type contained infectious virus. Cells that proliferated poorly in response to concanavalin A were fully capable of responding to specific virus stimulation. These results further emphasize the potential complications that MHV infection may pose to immunologic research using mice.  相似文献   

Earlier studies revealed defective concanavalin A-stimulated proliferation and cytokine production by spleen cells derived from BALB/cByJ mice acutely infected with mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), strain JHM. Based on those observations, assays of in vitro antigen-presenting cell (APC) function were undertaken. APC function of unfractionated spleen cells from individual MHV-infected mice was highly variable. Experiments using pooled spleen cells derived from MHV-infected mice revealed that adherent spleen cell APC function was impaired to a much greater degree than B cell APC function. Adherent cells derived from peritoneal exudates of infected mice exhibited an APC defect that was similar in magnitude to that observed for splenic adherent cells. Splenic B cells derived from acutely infected BALB/cByJ mice harbored infectious MHV. In contrast, lysates of adherent spleen cells from acutely infected mice did not kill intracerebrally inoculated neonatal mice, but did induce seroconversion among all survivors. Despite impairment of APC function of cells derived from MHV-infected donors, neither indomethacin nor accessory cells from uninfected control mice restored concanavalin A-induced proliferative responses of spleen cells collected from acutely infected mice. These results and those of earlier studies suggest that, although APC function is impaired, in vitro T cell dysfunction exhibited by spleen cells from MHV-JHM-infected donors is probably related to an inherent proliferative defect subsequent to T cell activation. Defective concanavalin A-stimulated proliferation does not appear to be secondary to accessory cell function suppression or to inhibitory factors secreted by accessory cells.  相似文献   

T cell subsets responsible for clearance of Sendai virus from mouse lungs determined by adoptive transfer of immune spleen cell fractions to infected nude mice. T cells with antiviral activity developed in spleens by 7 days after intranasal infection. Spleen cell fractions depleted of Lyt-2+, Lyt-1+, or L3T4+ cells showed antiviral activity in vivo, although the degree of the activity was lower than that of control whole spleen cells. The antiviral activity of the Lyt-2+ cell-depleted fraction was consistently higher than that of L3T4+ (Lyt-1+)-depleted cells. In vitro cytotoxic activity against Sendai virus-associated, syngeneic lipopolysaccharide-blast cells was detected in stimulated cells from intraperitoneally immunized mice but was lost after depletion of Lyt-2+ cells. Multiple injection of anti-Sendai virus antibody into infected nude mice had no effect on lung virus titer. These results indicate that L3T4+ (Lyt-1+) and Lyt-2+ subsets are cooperatively responsible for efficient clearance of Sendai virus from the mouse lung.  相似文献   

Substantial progress has been made in understanding Ag presentation to T cells; however, relatively little is known about the location and frequency of cells presenting viral Ags during a viral infection. Here, we took advantage of a highly sensitive system using lacZ-inducible T cell hybridomas to enumerate APCs during the course of respiratory Sendai virus infection in mice. Using lacZ-inducible T cell hybridomas specific for the immunodominant hemagglutinin-neuraminidase HN421-436/I-Ab and nucleoprotein NP324-332/Kb epitopes, we detected APCs in draining mediastinal lymph nodes (MLNs), in cervical lymph nodes, and also in the spleen. HN421-436/I-Ab- and NP324-332/Kb-presenting cells were readily detectable between days 3 and 9 postinfection, with more APCs present in the MLN than in the cervical lymph nodes. Interestingly, no infectious virus was detected in lymphoid tissue beyond day 6, suggesting that a depot of noninfectious viral Ag survives, in some form, for 2-3 days after viral clearance. Fractionation of the MLN demonstrated that APC frequency was enriched in dendritic cells and macrophages but depleted in the B cell population, suggesting that B cells do not form a large population of APCs during the primary response to this virus.  相似文献   

Progressive hepatitis in athymic nude (nu/nu) mice due to a low-virulent mouse hepatitis virus, MHV-2 cc, was examined for involvement of immunocytes and serum antibodies. At 3 to 6 weeks postinoculation (p.i.) a considerable number of Mac 1- and asialo GM1-positive cells were accumulated in the affected liver and spleen. There were also some Thy-1-positive cells. Later than 2 weeks p.i., serum IgG and IgM antibodies were detected in parallel with virus-neutralizing activity, while the IgG levels were lower than those of infected euthymic (nu/+) littermates. By transfer of the infected nu/nu mouse serum, the recipient euthymic mice acquired resistance to lethal challenge infection with a virulent virus, MHV-2.  相似文献   

Mouse hepatitis virus A59 (MHV-A59) infection of adult BALB/c mice induced a severe, transient atrophy of the thymus. The effect was maximal at 1 week after infection, and thymuses returned to normal size by 2 weeks after infection. There was no effect of glucocorticoids, since thymus atrophy was also found in adrenalectomized, infected mice. In infected thymus, immature CD4+ CD8+ lymphocytes were selectively depleted, and apoptosis of lymphocytes was increased. The MHV receptor glycoprotein MHVR was detected on thymus epithelial cells but not on T lymphocytes. In a small number of stromal epithelial cells, but in very few lymphocytes, the viral genome was detectable by in situ hybridization. These observations suggested that MHV-A59-induced thymic atrophy results not from a generalized lytic infection of T lymphocytes but rather from apoptosis of immature double-positive T cells that might be caused by infection of a small proportion of thymus epithelial cells or from inappropriate secretion of some factor, such as a cytokine.  相似文献   

In nude mice experimentally infected with mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), the numbers of early and later plaque forming cells (PFC) to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) generated in the spleen were 7 to 20 times and 2 to 163 times, respectively, greater than those in non-infected nude mice, when SRBC were given at day 0 to day 21 postinfection. Splenic theta-positive lymphocytes in infected nude mice were shown to increase only at day 10 or more postinfection. PFC response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide, a T cell-independent antigen, was not modified in MHV-infected nude mice.  相似文献   

Sendai virus infection transmitted by contact from cagemates was followed by virus titration and immunofluorescence. The virus grew in the respiratory tract and caused macroscopic lesions in all contact mice. The virus grew to a higher titer in the lung than in the trachea. Tracheal smears, however, were found to be the most suitable for the diagnosis of Sendai virus infection by immunofluorescence, since they contained a large number of cells with intense fluorescence. Diagnosis of Sendai virus infection was made by immunofluorescence within a few hours after autopsy made at early stages of infection.  相似文献   

In the present study we measured the blastogenic response of lymph node cells from BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania mexicana throughout the course of infection. Results showed that infected mice displayed normal blastogenic responses in the lymph nodes until twenty weeks of infection. Thereafter, there was a gradual suppression. Comparison of the immunoresponsiveness in the spleen and lymph nodes, revealed normal responses in the lymph nodes several weeks after suppression in the spleen had occurred. Suppression of blastogenic responses in the lymph nodes was related to an adherent macrophage-like cell which actively suppressed normal proliferative responses to mitogens.  相似文献   

BALB/cJ mice, which are homozygous for Lshs on chromosone 1, are genetically susceptible to Leishmania donovani (S3), but spontaneously reduce their parasite burdens late in the course of infection. Spleens from chronically infected mice (5 to 8 mo) were found to have T cells that responded to leishmanial Ag by proliferating and secreting immune IFN. An IFN-secreting T cell line derived from the spleen of a chronically infected mouse, after boosting with leishmanial Ag and treatment with Pentostam to kill residual parasites, was able to activate macrophages to kill amastigotes in vitro. Furthermore, after adoptive transfer of this cell line, naive BALB/cJ mice challenged with amastigotes demonstrated a 42-fold reduction in parasite burden compared to controls. Four of five clones derived from the protective T cell line secreted IFN and proliferated between days 7 and 14 after Ag stimulation. All clones were Ly1+2-, L3T4+. Another T cell line, which had Ly1+2-, L3T4+ phenotype, was derived from the lymph nodes of s.c. immunized, uninfected mice. It multipled but never produced IFN in response to leishmanial Ag and failed to protect macrophages against L. donovani infection in vitro or in vivo. This nonprotective T cell line and the fifth clone from the protective line, which also did not secrete IFN, proliferated between days 2 and 7 after Ag stimulation. In summary, leishmania-responsive helper/inducer T cells, which produced IFN but were slow to proliferate in response to Ag in vitro and which were able to activate macrophages to reduce amastigotes in vitro and in vivo, are present in chronically infected BALB/cJ mice and may mediate the decrease in parasite burden during chronic infection.  相似文献   

Mortality rates among BALB/cByJ, A/JCr, C3H/HeSnJ, and C57BL/6NCr mice inoculated oronasally with mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) strain JHM, ranged from 25 to 67%. Spleen cells harvested from the first three genotypes at 5 days postinoculation proliferated poorly in response to concanavalin A stimulation and produced significantly less interleukin (IL) 2 than cells from uninfected control mice. The function of spleen cells harvested at 14 days postinoculation varied and was host genotype-dependent. Despite clinical signs among some infected C57BL/6NCr mice, spleen cell function was relatively unaffected. C57BL/10ScNCr, B10.A, and SJL/JCr mice remained clinically normal after MHV inoculation. Proliferation and IL2 production by cells from inoculated C57BL/10ScNCr and B10.A mice were similar to responses of their respective controls. In contrast, cells from inoculated SJL/JCr mice were hyper-responsive and produced peak levels of IL2 earlier than control cells. Among the seven genotypes tested, only BALB/cByJ and C3H/HeSnJ spleen cells produced detectable IL4 after primary stimulation with concanavalin A or after priming and restimulation. Primary IL4 production by cells from these two genotypes was significantly reduced if donors were inoculated with MHV 5 days prior to spleen harvest. IL4 production by cells from acutely infected BALB/cByJ mice was considerably enhanced by priming and restimulation.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of kinase C function were performed in an untransformed (A31) and the benzo[a]pyrene (BPA31), dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DA31), and Kirsten sarcoma virus (KA31) transformed BALB/c 3T3 mouse fibroblast cell lines. The 80-kDa kinase C dependent phosphoprotein (pp80), an in vivo marker of kinase C activity, was markedly decreased in the transformed cells although the amount of the 80-kDa substrate protein in the BPA31 cells was similar to that in the untransformed A31 cells. Total cell lysate kinase C levels were lower in the transformed cells but this difference could not account for the reduced pp80 phosphorylation. Increased affinity of kinase C for the membrane fraction in the BPA31 cells may account for decreased phosphorylation of pp80.  相似文献   

C57BL/6 mice chronically infected with the protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani exhibit profoundly depressed splenic natural killer (NK) cell activity as measured by in vitro cytolysis of lymphoma target cells. Injection of infected mice with an interferon (IFN) inducer or in vitro treatment of infected splenocytes with IFN, a phorbol ester, or indomethacin failed to restore their NK activity to the degree shown by age-matched, uninfected mice. Fractionation of infected splenocytes by nylon wool, Sephadex G-10, or carbonyl iron and magnetism treatments was also unable to effect an increase in NK activity. Addition of infected splenocytes to uninfected ones in in vitro NK assays suppressed the NK activity of the latter, and the suppression could be partially or wholly abrogated by prior fractionation of infected splenocytes by the methods noted above. In vitro treatment of infected splenocytes with concanavalin A revealed the presence of NK activity in these cell populations. The results indicate that splenocytes in L. donovani-infected mice become insensitive to IFN stimulation; and the impairment of another, possibly IFN-independent pathway of NK-cell activation may also contribute to the observed L. donovani-induced depression in splenic NK activity in C57BL/6 mice.  相似文献   

Mice infected with the neurotropic JHM strain of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) develop pathological and clinical outcomes similar to patients with the demyelinating disease Multiple Sclerosis (MS). We have shown that transplantation of NSCs into the spinal cords of sick mice results in a significant improvement in both remyelination and in clinical outcome. Cell replacement therapies for the treatment of chronic neurologic diseases are now a reality and in vivo models are vital in understanding the interactions between the engrafted cells and host tissue microenvironment. This presentation provides an adapted method for transplanting cells into the spinal cord of JHMV-infected mice. In brief, we provide a procedure for i) preparation of NSCs prior to transplant, ii) pre-operative care of mice, iii) exposure of the spinal cord via laminectomy, iv) stereotactic injection of NSCs, and iv) post-operative care.  相似文献   

Summary The natural killer (NK) cell activity of DBA/2J mice infected with the polycythemic variant of Friend leukemia virus (FLV-P) declines early after virus challenge, being non-detectable 2 weeks after FLV-P inoculation. Cells capable of suppressing the in vitro cytolytic activity of NK effector lymphocytes were detected in the spleen of infected mice. The mechanism of suppression could be based on cell-mediated impairment of NK effector function, or on antigenic competition from splenocytes expressing NK antigens elicited by FLV-P.  相似文献   

Multiple previous studies have demonstrated significant alterations of immunologic parameters associated with mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) infection, but effects of the virus on mucosal lymphoid cells have not been examined. Coincident with a natural outbreak of MHV at our institution, we noted alterations in immunoglobulin secretion by mature Peyer's patch B cells under an inductive stimulus provided by dendritic cells and mitogen-activated T cells (DC-T). MHV was isolated from mice affected during the outbreak, and experimental infection of mice with the isolate consistently resulted in failures of immunoglobulin secretion by cocultures of Peyer's patch DC-T and B cells. In subsequent experiments, MHV appeared to negatively affect DC-T more than B cells. Therefore, the effects of inapparent MHV infection on experimental mucosal immune responses can result from natural infection and can be experimentally reproduced.  相似文献   

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