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Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana (black pine) is one of the most widely grown tree in Turkey. It is the third most widely distributed tree species after Quercus L. and Pinus brutia Ten. Black pine grows in 20% of all forested areas in Turkey. In this dendroecological study, we identified the most important climate factors affecting radial growth of black pine in western Anatolia and classified its responses to climate. Twenty-eight site chronologies developed by different researchers were used in the analysis. Response functions were calculated for each chronology to identify the effect of climate on radial growth. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to sort response functions and to classify the chronologies into groups based on climate responses. The individual responses of these chronologies to temperature and precipitation were classified in four main groups. Climatic and phytogeographic differences were the major factors influencing the formation of clusters. The results suggest that the major limiting factor is drought caused by low precipitation, especially in May, in almost all sites. The drought effect is much stronger in the transition region to the steppe, Central Anatolia and Mediterranean Regions than the Black Sea Region. Black pine trees respond positively to higher temperature at the beginning of growing season in almost all areas except in transition region to the steppe.  相似文献   

Heat treatment is often used to improve the dimensional stability of wood. In this study, the effects of heat treatment on physical properties and surface roughness of red-bud maple (Acer trautvetteri Medw.) wood were examined. Samples obtained from Düzce Forest Enterprises, Turkey, were subjected to heat treatment at varying temperatures and durations. The physical properties of heat-treated samples were compared against controls in order to determine their; oven-dry density, air-dry density, and swelling properties. A stylus method was employed to evaluate the surface characteristics of the samples. Roughness measurements, using the stylus method, were made in the direction perpendicular to the fiber. Three main roughness parameters; mean arithmetic deviation of profile (Ra), mean peak-to-valley height (Rz), and maximum roughness (Rmax) obtained from the surface of wood, were used to evaluate the effect of heat treatment on the surface characteristics of the specimens. Significant differences were determined (p>0.05) between surface roughness parameters (Ra, Rz, Rmax) at three different temperatures and three periods of heat treatment. The results showed that the values of density, swelling and surface roughness decreased with increasing temperature treatment and treatment times. Red-bud maple wood could be utilized successfully by applying proper heat treatment techniques without any losses in investigated parameters. This is vital in areas, such as window frames, where working stability and surface smoothness are important factors.  相似文献   

Heat treatment is often applied to wood species to improve their dimensional stability. This study examined the effect of heat treatment on certain mechanical properties of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), which has industrially high usage potential and large plantations in Turkey. Wood specimens obtained from Bolu, Turkey, were subjected to heat treatment under atmospheric pressure at varying temperatures (120, 150 and 180 degrees C) for varying durations (2, 6 and 10h). The test results of heat-treated Scots pine and control samples showed that technological properties including compression strength, bending strength, modulus of elasticity in bending, janka-hardness, impact bending strength and tension strength perpendicular to grain suffered with heat treatment, and increase in temperature and duration further diminished technological strength values of the wood specimens.  相似文献   

Heat treatment is often used to improve the dimensional stability of wood. In this study, the effects of heat treatment on technological properties of Red-bud maple (Acer trautvetteri Medw.) wood were examined. Samples obtained from Düzce Forest Enterprises, Turkey, were subjected to heat treatment at varying temperatures (120 degrees C, 150 degrees C and 180 degrees C) and for varying durations (2h, 6h and 10h). The technological properties of heat-treated wood samples and control samples were tested. Compression strength parallel to grain, bending strength, modulus of elasticity in bending, janka-hardness, impact bending strength, and tension strength perpendicular to grain were determined. The results showed that technological strength values decreased with increasing treatment temperature and treatment times. Red-bud maple wood could be utilized by using proper heat treatment techniques with minimal losses in strength values in areas where working, and stability such as in window frames, are important factors.  相似文献   

 The composition of terpenoid substances in needles of Pinus nigra Arnold with respect to air pollution is discussed. Trees grown in the urban environment of the city of Nitra, which is contaminated by immissions, and trees grown in the relatively clean environment of the Mlyňany Arboretum SAS were investigated. The urban environment caused a change in the species composition and the content of terpenes. In the city of Nitra needles of P. nigra contained a smaller number of terpenoid substances (12 terpenes) in comparison with the Arboretum (15 terpenes). At Nitra P. nigra contained four terpenes with a relative portion above 1% and at the Mlyňany Arboretum P. nigra needles contained six terpenes above 1%. At the polluted site citral, eugenol, and bisabolol are completely missing in the terpene pattern of needles and myrcene, carvone and alfa-humulene were notably lower. The decrease of the alfa-pinene content and the increase of the beta-pinene content in needles from Nitra significantly lowered the ratio of alfa-pinene to beta-pinene from 2.80 to 0.86. Received: 27 October 1995 / Accepted: 29 March 1996  相似文献   

生物制剂对沙地樟子松苗木成活生长及生理特征的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用Pt菌剂、ABT生根粉、HRC吸水剂和GGR 6植物生长调节剂等生物制剂,研究了不同生物制剂对2年生樟子松苗木田间试验的造林成活率、植株高度、单株生物量、细根量和盆栽试验苗木的叶片光合和水分利用效率等生理特征的影响.结果表明:(1) Pt3(3号菌剂) 、ABT (ABT生根粉)和HRC (HRC吸水剂)均显著地提高樟子松苗木的成活率,它们分别比对照处理苗木成活率高29.3%、23.6%和9.4%,而GRR (GGR植物生长调节剂)和Pt1(1号菌剂)处理苗木的造林成活率同对照处理苗木成活率差异不显著;(2) Pt3、ABT处理均显著地促进了苗木细根生长,分别比对照处理多34.72和15.18 cm,而HRC、CGR和Pt1同对照处理没有显著差异;回归分析表明细根量与苗木成活率呈显著正相关,说明生物制剂提高成活率是通过细根量的增加来实现的;(3) Pt3和ABT处理的苗木高度比对照多2.2 、1.5cm 和1.1cm,单株生物量干重分别大1.73、0.72g 和0.33g, 针叶长度、单个针叶面积和单株植株针叶数量分别多1.54和 0.096cm、0.188cm2和0.116cm2、31和23束;而Pt1和GGR处理对苗木高度和单株生物量影响不显著; (4) Pt3和ABT处理显著地提高了苗木叶片叶绿素含量和光合速率及水分利用效率等生理指标方面,而其它生物制剂对苗木生理指标影响不显著.生物制剂通过提高苗木生长量和增强生理活动提高樟子松沙地造林成活率.  相似文献   

In connection with systematic studies of Eurasian species of Pinus (Pinaceae) lectotypes are designated for Pinus pallasiana and P. salzmannii. A lectotype and an epitype are selected for Pinus pityusa.  相似文献   

This research was conducted to investigate the suitability of peanut hull to produce general purpose particleboards. A series of panels were produced using peanut hull and mixture of peanut hull and European Black pine wood chips. Particleboards were manufactured using various hull ratios in the mixture (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%). Urea formaldehyde adhesive was utilized in board production and boards were produced to target panel's density of 0.7 g/cm3. Panels were tested for some physical (water absorption and thickness swelling), chemical (holocellulose content, lignin content, alcohol-benzene solubility, 1% NaOH solubility, hot water solubility and cold water solubility) and mechanical (modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity and internal bond) properties. The main observation was that increase in peanut hull in the mixture resulted in a decrease in mechanical and physical properties of produced panels and panel including 25% hull in the mixture solely met the standard required by TS-EN 312 standard. Conclusively, a valuable renewable natural resource, peanut hull could be utilized in panel production while it has been mixed to the wood chips.  相似文献   

密码子偏好性(codon usage bias)是指同义密码子的使用频率不同的现象,该现象广泛存在于植物中.本研究利用Codon W 1.4.2和CUSP软件分析思茅松(Pinus kesiya var.langbianensis)叶绿体基因组的45条CDS,结果显示思茅松叶绿体基因组密码子第三位碱基的GC含量为29.63%,偏好以AT碱基结尾;ENC值在37.66~60.30之间,且ENC值>45的CDS有37个,占总参试基因的82.22%;GC1、GC2、GC3与GCall均为极显著相关,GC3与ENC呈显著相关.中性绘图分析显示GC12和GC3的相关系数为-0.1114,回归系数为-0.1111;ENC-plot软件分析显示大部分基因与标准曲线的距离较远;PR2-plot软件分析显示思茅松叶绿体基因组在密码子的碱基使用频率方面,T>A,G>C.这些说明思茅松叶绿体基因密码子偏好性的主要影响因素为选择,突变的作用较小.本研究为思茅松种源选择、系统发育等研究提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Some physical properties of teosinte (Zea mays subsp. parviglumis) pollen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In parts of the world where teosinte and maize are grown in close proximity, there is concern about gene flow between them. Pollen is the primary vehicle for gene flow. Quantifying the biophysical properties of pollen, such as its settling speed and dehydration rate, is important for evaluating outcrossing potential. These properties were measured for teosinte (Zea mays subsp. parviglumis) pollen. Pollen was found to have an average settling speed of 0.165 m s(-1), which agrees well with theoretical values based on the size of the pollen grains. The conductance of the pollen wall for water was derived from the time rate of change of pollen grain size and gave an average conductance of 3.42x10(-4) m s(-1). Water potential, psi, of teosinte pollen was determined at various values of relative water content (dry-weight basis), theta, by using a thermocouple psychrometer and by allowing samples of pollen to come to vapour equilibrium with various saturated salt solutions. Non-linear regression analysis of the data yielded psi (MPa) = -4.13 theta(-1.23) (r2=0.77). Results for conductance and psi were incorporated into a model equation for the rate of water loss from pollen grains, which yielded results that agreed well (r2=0.96) with observations of water loss from pollen grains in air. The data reported here are important building blocks in a model of teosinte pollen movement and should be helpful in establishing the main factors influencing the degree and the direction of pollination between teosinte populations and between maize and teosinte.  相似文献   

Embryogenic cell lines initiated from immature zygotic embryos of Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. Austriaca were characterized in terms of macromorphological traits (colour, bipolar structures formation, germination ability) and their embryogenic potential was defined as high, medium or null. Quantification of global genomic DNA methylation revealed the existence of specific DNA methylation levels for the determinated embryogenic potentials. The line considered as effectively embryogenic, i.e., with the ability of develop the whole embryogenic program and producing plants, showed the lowest methylation levels. There was also proved the existence of an inverse relationship between total contents of free PAs and embryogenic potential, being the highest contents of free putrescine and spermidine in the non-embryogenic line and the lowest in the effectively embryogenic one. Relationships among DNA methylation levels, profiles of free individual polyamine contents and embryogenic potentials based on the ability to produce well-formed somatic embryos with effective plant conversion are discussed.  相似文献   

Invasive species removal is an important first step toward restoring invaded ecosystems; however, restoration following removal may be hindered by (1) unintended consequences of management, such as habitat destabilization, and/or (2) legacy effects of the invader, such as persistent alterations of soil structure or plant community composition. During 1956–1972, approximately 26,000 individuals of the non‐native pine, Pinus nigra, were planted into multiple freshwater sand dune habitats as a stabilization measure on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan in Allegan County, MI, U.S.A. From 2004 to 2010, we evaluated the recovery of foredune and blowout habitats following P. nigra removal in 2003–2005. We compared sand movement and plant community structure, composition, and richness between removal and control sites over the 6 years following pine removal. In addition, we evaluated the impact of litter removal on recolonization of native graminoids in foredunes. Sand movement patterns never differed between removal and control sites in foredunes; however, accumulation was more common in removal sites in blowouts 1 and 6 years following pine removal. Vegetation cover in removal sites became indistinguishable from control sites in both foredunes and blowouts, but species richness for both forb and woody species was higher in removal sites in blowouts. Removal sites in both foredunes and blowouts had higher cover by forbs and lower cover by graminoids. Pine litter did not inhibit recolonization of foredunes by native graminoids. These results suggest that high disturbance habitats, such as sand dunes, have the potential to recover from invasion if the mechanism of disturbance is restored and pioneer species are present to recolonize the system.  相似文献   

Information on plant seed dispersal, natural loss dynamics of seeds and germination are critical for understanding natural regeneration mechanisms. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different forest stand densities on seedfall, seed predation, and seedling germination of two populations of the endangered Spanish black Pine forests located at lower (Central population) and higher elevation near the limit of the species?? range (peripheral population) in the Cuenca Mountains of Central Spain. The seed predation and germination experiment also included a nested site preparation treatment. Seed fall varied significantly between 2006 and 2005 or 2007 in both populations. During the only mast year of 2006, higher seedfall was observed at lower elevation and in higher density stands. Predation rates were influenced by the seed crop since predators consumed more than 75?% of seeds in years with lower production and less than 15?% in a mast year. Seed germination is influenced by forest habitat, stand density and soil scalping. For common habitat types, and in a high seed production year, better seed germination rates were observed in medium and dense stands (25?C30 and 35?C40?m2?ha?1, respectively, in terms of basal area). No statistical difference in seed germination rate was found for Spanish black pine forest at its ecological distribution limit between lower and higher densities (15?C20 and 35?C40?m2?ha?1, in terms of basal area). In both sites, closed stands with soil scalping exhibited higher germination rates.  相似文献   

F Wang  V Letort  Q Lu  X Bai  Y Guo  P de Reffye  B Li 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43531
Mongolian Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) is one of the principal tree species in the network of Three-North Shelterbelt for windbreak and sand stabilisation in China. The functions of shelterbelts are highly correlated with the architecture and eco-physiological processes of individual tree. Thus, model-assisted analysis of canopy architecture and function dynamic in Mongolian Scots pine is of value for better understanding its role and behaviour within shelterbelt ecosystems in these arid and semiarid regions. We present here a single-tree functional and structural model, derived from the GreenLab model, which is adapted for young Mongolian Scots pines by incorporation of plant biomass production, allocation, allometric rules and soil water dynamics. The model is calibrated and validated based on experimental measurements taken on Mongolian Scots pines in 2007 and 2006 under local meteorological conditions. Measurements include plant biomass, topology and geometry, as well as soil attributes and standard meteorological data. After calibration, the model allows reconstruction of three-dimensional (3D) canopy architecture and biomass dynamics for trees from one- to six-year-old at the same site using meteorological data for the six years from 2001 to 2006. Sensitivity analysis indicates that rainfall variation has more influence on biomass increment than on architecture, and the internode and needle compartments and the aboveground biomass respond linearly to increases in precipitation. Sensitivity analysis also shows that the balance between internode and needle growth varies only slightly within the range of precipitations considered here. The model is expected to be used to investigate the growth of Mongolian Scots pines in other regions with different soils and climates.  相似文献   

The nuclei of active, sieve cell-associated Strasburger cells in the secondary phloem of Pinus nigra var. austriaca (Hoess) Badoux have been studied for their structure and DNA and RNA content. No difference in size compared to those of ordinary ray cells was found. The nuclear surface is often increased by an ameboid or lobed shape. The amount of highly decondensed chromatin is greatly increased. Cytophotometric measurements of DNA content of both Feulgen and gallocyanine chromalum-stained nuclei showed normal DNA levels and proved absence of endomitotic polyploidization. RNA content, however, was significantly increased as compared to nuclei of young Strasburger cells and of ordinary ray parenchyma cells.Abbreviations StC1 Strasburger cells in contact with young and immature sieve cells - StC2 Srasburger cells in contact with mature and functionally active sieve cells - StC3 dead Strasburger cells - eRPC pRPC erect and procumbent ray parenohyma cells, respectively - GCCA gallocyanine chromalum - T transmission - A absorbance Dedicated to Professor Dr. Wilhelm Halbsguth, Kiel, on the occation of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus ATCC 11842 was grown in a chemostat at 45°C and pH 5.5 using glucose as the carbon source, with the aim of optimizing biomass production. Cells were grown in a complex medium under nitrogen. At dilution rates lower than 0.18h–1, it was difficult to keep steady-state conditions and pleomorphic forms were observed. The addition of 30mM Ca2+ and Mn2+ reverted the cells to normal shape: 30mM Mg2+ had no effect. Increasing the dilution rate resulted in normal morphology without the addition of any cations. Under these conditions, a maximum productivity of 1.24g dry biomass 1–1 h–1 was obtained. The maximum growth yield, corrected for maintenance, was 30g biomass mol–1 glucose and the maintenance energy was 0.26g glucose g–1 biomass h–1. Lactate was the main fermentation product at all glucose concentrations used in the fed medium. Cells grown at high dilution rates had normal technological properties (acid production and proteolysis) when tested in milk.  相似文献   

Araucaria forests in Brazil today correspond to only 0.7 % of the original 200 km2 of natural forest that covered a great part of the southern and southeastern area of the Atlantic Forest and, although Araucaria angustifolia is an endangered species, illegal exploitation is still going on. As an alternative to the use of hardwoods, Pinus elliottii presents rapid growth and high tolerance to climatic stress and low soil fertility or degraded areas. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of IAA-producing bacteria on the development of A. angustifolia and P. elliottii. We used five bacterial strains previously isolated from the rhizosphere of A. angustifolia, which produce quantities of IAA ranging from 3 to 126 μg mL?1. Microbiolized seeds were sown in a new gnotobiotic system developed for this work, that allowed the quantification of the plant hormone IAA produced by bacteria, and the evaluation of its effect on seedling development. Also, it was shown that P. elliottii roots were almost as satisfactory as hosts for these IAA producers as A. angustifolia, while different magnitudes of mass increases were found for each species. Thus, we suggest that these microbial groups can be helpful for the development and reestablishment of already degraded forests and that PGPR isolated from Araucaria rhizosphere have the potential to be beneficial in seedling production of P. elliottii. Another finding is that our newly developed gnotobiotic system is highly satisfactory for the evaluation of this effect.  相似文献   

European black pine (Pinus nigra ssp. nigra Arnold) encroachment at increasing elevation has been analyzed at four treeline ecotones of the central Apennines (Italy). The study sites are located along a North-South gradient of 170 km across Marche and Abruzzo regions in Central Italy. The aims of this study were: (i) to detect possible common patterns of structural attributes of black pine regeneration at the treeline ecotone; (ii) to date the seedlings germination and (iii) to assess the climate influence on the pine upward encroachment process also using intra-annual density fluctuations (IADFs) in tree-rings. We sampled 658 encroached black pine trees above the current treeline to the mountain top. All individuals were mapped and their basal stem diameter, total height, annual height increments and other structural attributes measured. One increment core was extracted from stem base of most samples for cambial age determination and detection of intra-annual density fluctuations (IADF). At two sites we also extracted cores at DBH from forest trees to assess climate–growth relationships of black pine. We used multivariate analysis (PCA) to explore the correlation structure of the main tree attributes, regression analysis to relate radial and height increment and dendroclimatic analysis to assess the influence of climate on tree growth and IADF formation.Most black pine trees were located at high altitude and their structural attributes were similar at the four sites where the pine encroachment process started between 30 and 40 years ago featuring similar germination peaks and growth patterns. Black pine is particularly sensitive to maximum temperatures and IADF occurred in mid-late summer with highest frequency peaks between 2003 and 2004. The pine encroachment process, besides the differences of environmental features and land use histories of the four study sites, appears synchronic and spatially diffused. Consistent tree-growth dynamics and the species adaptation to a warming climate are signals envisaging a possible treeline upward shift.  相似文献   

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