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Abstract: In densely populated areas autochthonous Quercus robur L. (pedunculate oak) and Q. petraea (Matt.) Liebl. (sessile oak) (Fagaceae) populations have been maintained as ancient devastated woodlands. The continuous cutting, grazing and resprouting of such woodlands has enabled the development of clonal structures. For conservation purposes, an analysis of the actual number, size and spatial distribution of clones is necessary, especially when there is an interest in genetic variation of the population. This study describes for the first time - based on microsatellite and AFLP™ analysis - clones in an autochthonous mixed Q. robur and Q. petraea population that has been coppiced and grazed for several centuries. Based on six microsatellite loci and 69 polymorphic AFLP markers, only 14 unique genotypes were detected in a plot that consisted of 80 trees. Clones were observed for both Q. robur and Q. petraea. The largest clone diameters were observed for Q. robur, with distances up to 5.8 m. The observed clone sizes may indicate the age of the trees.  相似文献   

Interspecific gene flow is frequently reported in the genus Quercus . However, interfertile oak species often seem to remain distinct, even within areas of sympatry. This study employed molecular markers to verify, at a fine scale, the presence of interspecific gene flow in a natural population of Quercus petraea and Quercus pubescens . Within a delimited area of 6 ha, all adult trees belonging to the studied oak complex and seeds from a subsample of such trees were collected and analysed using molecular microsatellite markers. A low interspecific genetic differentiation and a high level of interspecific genetic admixture suggested past hybridisation. Paternity inference of seeds allowed the estimation of pollination frequencies from the three groups of pollen donors ( Q. petraea, Q. pubescens , intermediate). We also assayed pollen viability and germinability of each species group. We observed natural hybridisation between Q. petraea and Q. pubescens, with a predominant component in the direction Q. petraea → Q. pubescens : Q. pubescens displayed a higher level of heterospecific pollination by Q. petraea (25.8%) and intermediate morphotypes (14.7%), compared to Q. petraea acting as pollen receptor (with less than 5% heterospecific pollinations). Intermediate 'mother trees' were pollinated in similar proportions by Q. petraea (23.1%), Q. pubescens (37.8%) and intermediate morphotypes (39.1%). The asymmetrical introgression observed for the studied generation may be caused, among other factors, by the relative abundance of trees from each species group in the studied area.  相似文献   

Interspecific differentiation values (G(ST)) between two closely related oak species (Quercus petraea and Q. robur) were compiled across different studies with the aim to explore the distribution of differentiation at the genome level. The study was based on a total set of 389 markers (isozymes, AFLPs, SCARs, microsatellites, and SNPs) for which allelic frequencies were estimated in pairs of populations sampled throughout the sympatric distribution of the two species. The overall distribution of G(ST) values followed an L-shaped curve with most markers exhibiting low species differentiation (G(ST) < 0.01) and only a few loci reaching >10% levels. Twelve percent of the loci exhibited significant G(ST) deviations to neutral expectations, suggesting that selection contributed to species divergence. Coding regions expressed higher differentiation than noncoding regions. Among the 389 markers, 158 could be mapped on the 12 linkage groups of the existing Q. robur genetic map. Outlier loci with large G(ST) values were distributed over 9 linkage groups. One cluster of three outlier loci was found within 0.51 cM; but significant autocorrelation of G(ST) was observed at distances <2 cM. The size and distribution of genomic regions involved in species divergence are discussed in reference to hitchhiking effects and disruptive selection.  相似文献   

The nuclear genetic variation within and between four sessile ( Q. petraea) and six pedunculate ( Q. robur) autochthonous Flemish oak populations was investigated with AFLP markers. One sessile and one pedunculate oak population were additionally screened for detailed leaf characteristics using an image analysis system. Principal coordinate analysis on the AFLP data classified the oaks in two main groups, according to their taxonomic status. No species-specific AFLP markers were found using four primer combinations, but marker frequency differences up to 71% were recorded between both species. Analysis of the genetic structure showed that the divergence between species, as observed by ordination, was significant. Both species revealed similar diversity levels. A smaller though significant differentiation was also revealed for both species among populations within species. Molecular and morphology based approaches showed a high degree of consistency. Screening of 60 AFLP primer combinations using a bulking strategy did not allow identifying species-specific markers, which supports the conclusions reached in previous studies. The distribution of genetic variability at the species and at the population level is discussed.  相似文献   

Paternity analysis was used to determine the spatial distribution of male parents of 984 offspring collected from 13 identified mother trees in a natural stand of 5.76 ha and comprising 296 adult trees of Quercus petraea and Q . robur . For seven of the 13 maternal progeny arrays sampled, we found an excess of nearby matings and a preferential direction of pollination. For the remaining progeny arrays, no departure from random distribution of male parents was detected. A common trend among all families was a high percentage (averaging 65% for Q. robur and 69% for Q. petraea ) of offspring that were pollinated by male parents from outside the study site. By pooling the data over all families, the average pollen dispersal curve within the stand was inferred and fitted to a negative exponential distribution. This model extrapolated for distances over the spatial scale of the study stand was insufficient to explain the high level of gene flow detected by the paternity analysis, suggesting a substantial level of long-distance pollination events. The genetic composition of the pollen pools received by each maternal tree was compared and showed significant differentiation that could be attributed to differences in male reproductive success. By contrast, no significant differentiation between the pollen clouds from outside and inside the study stand was detected, suggesting genetic homogeneity between the surrounding forest and the study stand.  相似文献   

The nuclear genetic variation within and among 21 populations of sessile oak was estimated at 31 RAPD loci in conjunction with previous estimates of variation at eight allozyme loci. The aim of the study was to assess the relative role of isolation-by-distance and postglacial history on patterns of nuclear variation. Because of its small effective population size and maternal transmission, the chloroplast genome is a good marker of population history. Both kinds of nuclear variation (RAPD and allozyme) were therefore compared, first, to the geographical distances among populations and, secondly, to chloroplast DNA restriction polymorphism in the same populations. Multiple Mantel tests were used for this purpose. Although RAPDs revealed less genetic diversity than allozymes, levels of genetic differentiation ( G ST) were identical. The standard genetic distance calculated at all RAPD loci was correlated with geographical distances but not with the genetic distance calculated from chloroplast DNA data. Conversely, allozyme variation was correlated with chloroplast DNA variation, but not with geography. Possibly, divergent selection at two allozyme loci during the glacial period could explain this pattern. Because of its greater number of loci assayed, RAPDs probably provided a less biased picture of the relative role of geography and history.  相似文献   

Divergence in phenotypic traits often contributes to premating isolation between lineages, but could also promote isolation at postmating stages. Phenotypic differences could directly result in mechanical isolation or hybrids with maladapted traits; alternatively, when alleles controlling these trait differences pleiotropically affect other components of development, differentiation could indirectly produce genetic incompatibilities in hybrids. Here, we determined the strength of nine postmating and intrinsic postzygotic reproductive barriers among 10 species of Jaltomata (Solanaceae), including species with highly divergent floral traits. To evaluate the relative importance of floral trait diversification for the strength of these postmating barriers, we assessed their relationship to floral divergence, genetic distance, geographical context, and ecological differences, using conventional tests and a new linear‐mixed modeling approach. Despite close evolutionary relationships, all species pairs showed moderate to strong isolation. Nonetheless, floral trait divergence was not a consistent predictor of the strength of isolation; instead this was best explained by genetic distance, although we found evidence for mechanical isolation in one species, and a positive relationship between floral trait divergence and fruit set isolation across species pairs. Overall, our data indicate that intrinsic postzygotic isolation is more strongly associated with genome‐wide genetic differentiation, rather than floral divergence.  相似文献   

Thomas  Frank M.  Hartmann  Günter 《Plant and Soil》1998,203(1):145-158
At three sites in northwestern Germany, which represent the centres of the present oak damage, root distribution and biomass beneath healthy and damaged trees of mature pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.; Neuenburg site) and sessile oak (Q. petraea [Matt.] Liebl.; Lappwald and Sprakensehl sites) were investigated, and soil texture, bulk density, duration of waterlogging periods and the water available in the mineral soil were determined. For Neuenburg and Sprakensehl, the available soil water was related to leaf water parameters determined in a separate investigation. At the clayey and hydromorphic sites of Neuenburg and Lappwald, the measurements were performed in each one healthy and one damaged part of the site, which differed in the number of oaks with crown damage. In the damaged stand of Neuenburg, the clay content of the subsoil was higher than in the healthy stand, and the soil water availability was reduced especially in dry periods. Compared to healthy oaks of the healthy stand, the density of finest plus fine roots as well as the biomasses of finest roots were lower beneath damaged oaks of the damaged stand. With decreasing relative available soil water (actually available water in relation to water available at the saturation state), the relative leaf water content decreased in damaged, but not in healthy oaks. At Lappwald, similar differences in soil water availability between the healthy and the damaged stand were found, but had no effect on the distribution or biomass of the roots. At the sandy site (Sprakensehl), the available soil water decreased drastically during a dry period, and predawn leaf water potentials of both healthy and damaged oaks declined with decreasing relative available soil water. However, the damaged oaks were not inferior to the healthy ones with respect to root density and biomass. It is concluded that, in the damaged stand of Neuenburg, the high clay content of the subsoil, which results in prolonged periods of waterlogging, in sharp changes from waterlogging to drought and decreased water availability in dry periods, is the reason for the reduced biomass and density of roots of the pedunculate oak. Thus, in northwestern Germany, unfavourable soil water relations are considered as a factor contributing to crown damage of pedunculate oak at hydromorphic sites, but not to damage of sessile oak.  相似文献   

In a former 45 to 50 year old sessile oak ( Quercus petraea (M.) Liebl.) coppice mixed with birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) and rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) on a poor acidic forest soil at la Croix-Scaille in the French Ardennes, several liming amendments were applied in 1990 and 1994. Data on soil and soil solution composition, as well as stand growth and foliar composition were collected between 1994 and 1997. All treatments, containing 1.4 t ha-1 equivalent of CaO supplied as lime, gypsum or a mixture of the two, resulted in an increase of cation exchange capacity and base saturation down to 15 cm and for CaSO4 treatments down to 30 to 45 cm, increases of soil pH and Ca concentration at the surface and a decrease of Al concentration in the soil and soil solution in the surface layers. No negative effects like increased nitrate or cation leaching were observed. Although Mg nutrition was not improved by the treatments (not containing Mg), a relative and maintained gain of radial increment of sessile oak in the order of 40% for both lime and gypsum applied, was observed immediately from the first year on, after the application (1991).  相似文献   

Identifying the manner in which reproductive barriers accumulate during lineage divergence is central to establishing general principles of species formation. One outstanding question is which isolating mechanisms form the first complete barrier to gene flow in a given lineage or under a particular set of conditions. To identify these initial reproductive barriers requires examining lineages in very early stages of divergence, before multiple reproductive barriers have evolved to completion. We quantified the strength of three postmating barriers in a pair of darter species and compared these estimates to each other and to the strength of behavioral isolation (BI) reported in a previous study. Results reveal no evidence of gametic incompatibility but intermediate levels of conspecific sperm precedence and hybrid inviability. As BI is nearly complete, our analysis comparing the strength of multiple reproductive barriers implicates the evolution of mate choice as central to both the origin and maintenance of these species. Further examination of ecological isolation and hybrid sterility is necessary to determine the role of these barriers in darter speciation.  相似文献   

M.R. Bakker 《Plant and Soil》1999,206(1):109-121
Fine root distribution, quantities, dynamics and composition were studied in a sessile oak coppice stand in the French Ardennes on an acidic soil (< pH-H2O 4.5), one to five years after lime or gypsum applications. Fine root biomass and length increased and specific root length decreased after lime or gypsum treatments. The treatment responses were strongest four to five years after the applications, but the tendencies after one year were similar. The effects were pronounced in the top 15 cm but also at 30–45 cm four to five years after liming. The latter effect suggests an indirect positive feedback from the aerial parts of the trees into the deeper soil layers. Sequential sampling for two years revealed large differences in total fine root length between the years, and also indicated that fine root turnover was lower after liming or gypsum applications than in the control. This seemed to be related to a lower fine root mortality and higher longevity rather than to increased fine root production. The improved nutrient status of the fine roots corroborates this and coincides with improved foliar nutrition and tree growth. Moderate doses of lime and gypsum appeared effective in enhancing root system uptake function, resulting in increased above ground growth.  相似文献   

Adult trees of Quercus petraea were submitted to controlled water shortage in a natural stand near Nancy, France. Diurnal course of net CO2 assimilation rate (A) was measured in situ together with chlorophyll a fluorescence determined on dark adapted leaves. In 1990, trees experienced a strong water stress, with predawn and midday leaf water potentials below –2·0 and –3·0 MPa, respectively. Diurnal course of A of well-watered trees exhibited sometimes important midday decreases in A related to high temperature and vapour pressure deficit. Decreases in initial (Fo) and maximal (Fm) fluorescence and sometimes in photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) were observed and probably revealed the onset of mechanisms for thermal de-excitation. These mechanisms were shown to be sensitive to dithiothreitol. All these effects were reversible and vanished almost completely overnight. Therefore, they may be considered as protective mechanisms adjusting activity of photosystem II to the electron requirement for photosynthesis. Water stress amplified these reactions: A was strongly decreased, showing important midday depression; diurnal reductions in Fm and Fv/Fm were enhanced. The same trends were observed during summer 1991, despite a less marked drought. These protective mechanisms seemed very effective, as no photoinhibitory damage to PS II could be detected in either water stressed or control trees.  相似文献   

Abstract: The influence of prolonged water limitation on leaf gas exchange, isoprene emission, isoprene synthase activities and intercellular isoprene concentrations was investigated under standard conditions (30 °C leaf temperature and 1000 μmol photons m-2 s-1 PPFD) in greenhouse experiments with five-year-old pubescent oak ( Quercus pubescens Willd.) and four-year-old pedunculate oak ( Quercus robur L.) saplings. Net assimilation rates proved to be highly sensitive to moderate drought in both oak species, and were virtually zero at water potentials (Ψpd) below - 1.3 MPa in Q. robur and below - 2.5 MPa in Q. pubescens . The response of stomatal conductance to water stress was slightly less distinct. Isoprene emission was much more resistant to drought and declined significantly only at Ψpd below - 2 MPa in Q. robur and below - 3.5 MPa in Q. pubescens . Even during the most severe water stress, isoprene emission of drought-stressed saplings was still approximately one-third of the control in Q. robur and one-fifth in Q. pubescens . Isoprene synthase activities were virtually unaffected by drought stress. Re-watering led to partial recovery of leaf gas exchange and isoprene emission. Intercellular isoprene concentrations were remarkably enhanced in water-limited saplings of both oak species during the first half of the respective drought periods with maximum mean values up to ca. 16 μl l-1 isoprene for Q. pubescens and ca. 11 μl l-1 isoprene for pedunculate oak, supporting the hypothesis that isoprene serves as a short-term thermoprotective agent in isoprene-emitting plant species.  相似文献   

Schmull  Michaela  Thomas  Frank M. 《Plant and Soil》2000,225(1-2):227-242
One-year-old seedlings of Quercus robur L., Q. petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and Fagus sylvatica L. were cultivated in lysimeters and subjected to waterlogging for 17 weeks, interrupted by a five-week drainage period during summer. The growth of Q. robur was less affected by waterlogging than that of Q. petraea and Fagus. Waterlogging resulted in the formation of adventitious roots in Q. robur and Q. petraea, but not in Fagus. In contrast to Fagus, Q. robur and, to a lesser extent, Q. petraea were able to generate roots even below the water table. The hydraulic conductance of the excised root systems, the stomatal conductance and, in Fagus, the leaf water potential and the leaf-mass related hydraulic conductance were decreased by waterlogging. The decrease in the hydraulic conductance was largest in Fagus, and smallest in Q. robur. The roots of Fagus responded to anaerobic conditions with an increase in ethanol concentration. The measurements of nitrate reductase activities in roots and leaves provided no indications of a persistent contribution of NO3 metabolism to the alleviation of waterlogging-induced stress. It is concluded that Q. robur and, to a lesser extent, Q. petraea can tolerate waterlogging periods better than Fagus due to a different pattern of root formation, and to a better adjustment of leaf biomass production to the hydraulic conductivity of the root system. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Water status and gas exchange of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and sessile oak [Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl.] were studied in a mixed stand in the Montejo de la Sierra forest (central Iberian Peninsula), one of the southernmost locations of both species in Europe. Gas exchange and water potential were measured in leaves at different canopy levels over several days in two growing seasons. The daily variation pattern was established with the measurements of three selected dates per year, representative of the soil moisture content situations in early, mid- and late summer. A similar daily time course of leaf water potential was found for the two species. Nevertheless, beech showed a most noticeable decrease of water potential at midmorning and maintained lower leaf water potential than oak in the early afternoon. In 1994 the sessile oak saplings showed higher values of predawn water potential (Ψpd) than beech at the end of summer, when soil moisture content was lowest (20 cm depth). Beech showed a significantly lower net assimilation rate (A) than sessile oak for leaves under the same PPFD. Maximum net photosynthesis values (A max) for beech and sessile oak on sunny leaves were 10.1±0.4 μmol m–2 s–1 and 17.8±1.7 μmol m–2 s–1 respectively, and those for water vapour stomatal conductance (g wv) were 265±31 mmol m–2 s–1 and 438±74 mmol m–2 s–1. Differences in A and g wv between the two species were maintained throughout the day on all measurement dates. No clear relationship was found between water status of saplings and stomata performance; there was only a negative correlation between Ψpd and g wvmid in beech. Nevertheless, a significant response to the air vapour pressure gradient between leaf and air was translated into stomata closure on an hourly basis, more intensively in beech. Received: 4 March 1999 / Accepted: 21 December 1999  相似文献   

 A genetic map of Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) was constructed based on one 5S rDNA, 271 RAPD, ten SCAR, 18 microsatellite, one minisatellite, and six isozyme markers. A total of 94 individuals from a full-sib family was genotyped. Two maps, including 307 markers, were constructed according to the “two-way pseudo-testcross” mapping strategy. Testcross markers segregating in the 1 : 1 ratio were first used to establish separate maternal (893.2 cM, 12 linkage groups) and paternal (921.7 cM, 12 linkage groups) maps. Both maps provided 85–90% genome coverage. Homologies between the male and female linkage groups were then identified based on 74 intercross markers segregating in the 3 : 1, 1 : 2 : 1 and 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 ratios (RAPDs, SCARs, SSRs, 5S rDNA and isozymes) in the hybrid progeny. In each map, approximately 18% of the studied markers showed segregation distortion. More than 60% of the skewed markers were due to an excess of heterozygote genotypes. This map will be used for: (1) studying the molecular organisation of genomic regions involved in inter- and intraspecific differentiation in oaks and (2) identification of QTLs for adaptive traits. Received: 30 January 1998 / Accepted: 12 May 1998  相似文献   

  • Pedicularis is the largest genus in the Orobanchaceae (>300) with many species co‐occurring and co‐blooming in subalpine to alpine meadows in the Himalayas. Although it is well known that different Pedicularis species place pollen on different parts of the same bumblebee's body, thus reducing interspecific pollen transfer, it is not known whether post‐pollination components also contribute to reproductive isolation (RI).
  • In this study, we quantified the individual strengths and absolute contributions of six pre‐ and post‐pollination components of RI between three sympatric species in two pairs; Pedicularis gruina × Pedicularis tenuisecta (gru × ten) and Pedicularis comptoniifolia × Pedicularis tenuisecta (com × ten).
  • All three Pedicularis species shared the same Bombus species. Individual foragers showed a high, but incomplete, floral constancy for each species. Therefore, pre‐pollination barriers were potentially ‘leaky’ as Bombus species showed a low but consistent frequency of interspecific visitation. The RI strength of pre‐pollination was lower in com × ten than in gru × ten. In contrast, post‐pollination barriers completely blocked gene flow between both sets of species pairs. Two post‐pollination recognition sites were identified. Late acting rejection of interspecific pollen tube growth occurred in com♀ × ten♂, while seeds produced in bi‐directional crosses of gru × ten failed to germinate.
  • We propose that, although floral isolation based on pollen placement on pollinators in the genus Pedicularis is crucial to avoid interspecific pollen transfer, the importance of this mode of interspecific isolation may be exaggerated. Post‐pollination barriers may play even larger roles for currently established populations of co‐blooming and sympatric species in this huge genus in the Himalayas.

A cross between queen butterflies of the Palaeotropical species Danaus chrysippus and the Neotropical D. gilippus was achieved with difficulty in both directions. Only one progeny ( N  = 70) was reared comprising sterile males and inviable females in a precisely 1 : 1 ratio. Both prezygotic and postzygotic barriers to gene flow are strong. The result supports Haldane's Rule, to which we propose a minor amendment. The F1 hybrids were intermediate for background colour between the brown (genotype BB ) of gilippus and orange (genotype bb ) of chrysippus . Most F1 pattern characters were also intermediate. In polymorphic chrysippus populations, because Bb heterozygotes are brown, or nearly so, we suggest the B allele may have evolved towards dominance in sympatry. Hybrid males show positive heterosis for body size. The close similarity of male genitalia between the allopatric, genetically distant species chrysippus  and gilippus , compared to their divergence between gilippus and its largely sympatric sister species eresimus , suggest that reinforcement of sexual isolation or reproductive character displacement have evolved in sympatry.  © 2002 The Linnean Societyof London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 535–544.  相似文献   

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