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Seawater contains free-living and particle-attached bacteria. Only a small fraction is cultivable on plates. As free-living and particle-associated bacteria differ in their physiological traits, their cultivability on plates may coincide with particle association. Using filtration and Imhoff sedimentation cones, particles were collected during a spring phytoplankton bloom off Helgoland (North Sea) in order to obtain particle-associated bacteria as inocula. Direct dilution plating resulted in 526 strains from 3 µm filtration retentates and 597 strains from settled particles. Motile Gammaproteobacteria from the genera Pseudoalteromonas, Shewanella, Psychrobacter, Vibrio and Colwellia, as well as particle-attached Flavobacteriia affiliating with the genera Tenacibaculum and Gramella, were frequently isolated. As a result, a diverse collection comprised of 266 strains was deposited. Two strains were most likely to represent novel genera and 78 strains were probably novel species. Recently, a high-throughput cultivation study from the same site using seawater as an inoculum had retrieved 271 operational phylogenetic units (OPUs) that represented 88% of the 4136 characterized strains at the species level. A comparison of 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that the collection obtained matched 104 of the 271 seawater OPUs at the species level and an additional 113 at the genus level. This large overlap indicated a significant contribution of particle-associated bacteria to the cultivable microbiome from seawater. The presence of 49 genera not identified in the larger seawater study suggested that sample fractionation was an efficient strategy to cultivate rare members of the planktonic microbiome. The diverse collection of heterotrophic bacteria retrieved in this study will be a rich source for future studies on the biology of particle-associated bacteria.  相似文献   

On-going studies of phytoplankton-bacterioplankton interactions at the long-term ecological research site Helgoland Roads have indicated that many of the heterotrophic bacterial taxa have not yet been cultivated. A high-throughput approach combining whole cell matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization – time of flight mass spectroscopy with 16S rRNA gene sequencing was applied to the spring bloom of 2016. Aiming at an assessment of cultivability during a spring bloom, cultivation on solid marine media had to be used since dilution to extinction would not have been feasible for a high-throughput approach, as performed in this study. A total of 5023 isolates were obtained from nine weekly samples on eight different solid media between the early-bloom and post-bloom periods. Most of the 4136 strains identified affiliated with Bacteroidetes (13.3%), Gammaproteobacteria (26.9%), Alphaproteobacteria (40.6%) and Actinobacteria (6.7%). Of the 271 operational phylogenetic units (OPUs) identified, 13 are likely to represent novel genera and 143 novel species. A comparison with 16S rRNA gene tag data indicated that most of the isolates were rather rare in surface waters, with the exception of five OPUs affiliating with Rhodobacteraceae, Polaribacter, Psychromonas and Pseudoalteromonas. The effort yielded many novel isolates, yet most of the abundant heterotrophic bacteria still remained elusive. The large strain collection obtained will not only provide insights into the succession of the cultivable fraction of the bacterioplankton, but also enable fine-tuned taxonomic and physiological follow-up studies for improving our knowledge on heterotrophic bacteria in North Sea waters.  相似文献   

1. Phosphorus limitation was studied along the eutrophic, canyon-type ?ímov reservoir (Czech Republic) during a spring phytoplankton bloom. Concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), C:P molar ratio in seston, extracellular alkaline phosphatase activity (APA), and P limitation (bioassay) were used as indices for phosphorus deficiency in the phytoplankton. 2. SRP, C:P, APA, and P limitation indicated a moderate P deficiency in the downstream, but not upper, part of the reservoir. 3. Significant correlations between these parameters were found in the downstream part. Chlorophyll a concentration correlated with APA and P limitation in the upper part. 4. APA was significantly enhanced in the phosphorus-deficient phytoplankton. However, APA was apparently not related to total biomass or species composition of the phytoplankton. 5. Generally, APA was closely correlated with pH in the reservoir. However, extracellular alkaline phosphatases, with a pH optimum above 9.0, were induced and active only during the phytoplankton bloom, whereas low background activity of extracellular phosphatases was found at low chlorophyll a concentrations (winter, clear-water phase).  相似文献   

Spring phytoplankton blooms in temperate environments contribute disproportionately to global marine productivity. Bloom-derived organic matter, much of it occurring as polysaccharides, fuels biogeochemical cycles driven by interacting autotrophic and heterotrophic communities. We tracked changes in the mode of polysaccharide utilization by heterotrophic bacteria during the course of a diatom-dominated bloom in the German Bight, North Sea. Polysaccharides can be taken up in a ‘selfish’ mode, where initial hydrolysis is coupled to transport into the periplasm, such that little to no low-molecular weight (LMW) products are externally released to the environment. Alternatively, polysaccharides hydrolyzed by cell-surface attached or free extracellular enzymes (external hydrolysis) yield LMW products available to the wider bacterioplankton community. In the early bloom phase, selfish activity was accompanied by low extracellular hydrolysis rates of a few polysaccharides. As the bloom progressed, selfish uptake increased markedly, and external hydrolysis rates increased, but only for a limited range of substrates. The late bloom phase was characterized by high external hydrolysis rates of a broad range of polysaccharides and reduced selfish uptake of polysaccharides, except for laminarin. Substrate utilization mode is related both to substrate structural complexity and to the bloom-stage dependent composition of the heterotrophic bacterial community.  相似文献   

Microbial communities have important functions during spring phytoplankton blooms, regulating bloom dynamics and processing organic matter. Despite extensive research into such processes, an in-depth assessment of the fungal component is missing, especially for the smaller size fractions. We investigated the dynamics of unicellular mycoplankton during a spring phytoplankton bloom in the North Sea by 18S rRNA gene tag sequencing and a modified CARD-FISH protocol. Visualization and enumeration of dominant taxa revealed unique cell count patterns that varied considerably over short time scales. The Rozellomycota sensu lato (s.l.) reached a maximum of 105 cells L−1, being comparable to freshwater counts. The abundance of Dikarya surpassed previous values by two orders of magnitude (105 cells L−1) and the corresponding biomass (maximum of 8.9 mg C m−3) was comparable to one reported for filamentous fungi with assigned ecological importance. Our results show that unicellular fungi are an abundant and, based on high cellular ribosome content and fast dynamics, active part of coastal microbial communities. The known ecology of the visualized taxa and the observed dynamics suggest the existence of different ecological niches that link primary and secondary food chains, highlighting the importance of unicellular fungi in food web structures and carbon transfer.  相似文献   

The vernal successions of phytoplankton, heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) and viruses in temperate lakes result in alternating dominance of top-down and bottom-up factors on the bacterial community. This may lead to asynchronous blooms of bacteria with different life strategies and affect the channelling of particular components of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) through microbial food webs. We followed the dynamics of several bacterial populations and of other components of the microbial food web throughout the spring phytoplankton bloom period in a pre-alpine lake, and we assessed bacterial uptake patterns of two constituents of the labile DOM pool (N-acetyl-glucosamine [NAG] and leucine). There was a clear genotypic shift within the bacterial assemblage, from fast growing Cytophaga-Flavobacteria (CF) affiliated with Fluviicola and from Betaproteobacteria (BET) of the Limnohabitans cluster to more grazing resistant AcI Actinobacteria (ACT) and to filamentous morphotypes. This was paralleled by successive blooms of viruses and HNF. We also noted the transient rise of other CF (related to Cyclobacteriaceae and Sphingobacteriaceae) that are not detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization with the general CF probe. Both, the average uptake rates of leucine and the fractions of leucine incorporating bacteria were approximately five to sixfold higher than of NAG. However, the composition of the NAG-active community was much more prone to genotypic successions, in particular of bacteria with different life strategies: While 'opportunistically' growing BET and CF dominated NAG uptake in the initial period ruled by bottom-up factors, ACT constituted the major fraction of NAG active cells during the subsequent phase of high predation pressure. This indicates that some ACT could profit from a substrate that might in parts have originated from the grazing of protists on their bacterial competitors.  相似文献   

Cell viabilities of phytoplankton in the Oyashio and Kuroshio-Oyashio transition regions of the northwest Pacific Ocean were examined in September 2003 (late summer) and May 2005 (spring) using a membrane permeability test. Specific lysis rates of the phytoplankton during late summer were also assessed by an esterase activity assay. In late summer, cyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. were > 2 × 104 cells ml− 1 and numerically dominated the phytoplankton communities. The cell viabilities of Synechococcus spp. and eukaryotic ultraphytoplankton (< 10 μm in size) were 60-79% and 26-41% in surface waters, respectively. The specific lysis rates of the phytoplankton were 0.12-0.67 d− 1 in late summer. By contrast, in spring, eukaryotic cells were predominant in the phytoplankton communities. The cell viabilities of surface eukaryotic ultraphytoplankton in spring were > 70% and significantly higher than those in late summer. During spring, Synechococcus spp. only occurred with < 1 × 104 cells ml− 1 in the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition region, and their viabilities were 80%. In the Oyashio region where a spring diatom bloom developed, the viability of fucoxanthin-containing algae (mainly diatoms and prymnesiophytes) was ca. 90%. These results suggested that the cell viability of phytoplankton could vary seasonally with their community structure in the study area. The phytoplankton cell death in late summer was particularly significant for their loss process and could support the microbial food webs by supplying dissolved organic carbon (DOC) derived from the dead cells.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to favour infectious diseases across ecosystems worldwide. In freshwater and marine environments, parasites play a crucial role in controlling plankton population dynamics. Infection of phytoplankton populations will cause a transfer of carbon and nutrients into parasites, which may change the type of food available for higher trophic levels. Some phytoplankton species are inedible to zooplankton, and the termination of their population by parasites may liberate otherwise unavailable carbon and nutrients. Phytoplankton spring blooms often consist of large diatoms inedible for zooplankton, but the zoospores of their fungal parasites may serve as a food source for this higher trophic level. Here, we investigated the impact of warming on the fungal infection of a natural phytoplankton spring bloom and followed the response of a zooplankton community. Experiments were performed in ca. 1000 L indoor mesocosms exposed to a controlled seasonal temperature cycle and a warm (+4 °C) treatment in the period from March to June 2014. The spring bloom was dominated by the diatom Synedra. At the peak of infection over 40% of the Synedra population was infected by a fungal parasite (i.e. a chytrid) in both treatments. Warming did not affect the onset of the Synedra bloom, but accelerated its termination. Peak population density of Synedra tended to be lower in the warm treatments. Furthermore, Synedra carbon: phosphorus stoichiometry increased during the bloom, particularly in the control treatments. This indicates enhanced phosphorus limitation in the control treatments, which may have constrained chytrid development. Timing of the rotifer Keratella advanced in the warm treatments and closely followed chytrid infections. The chytrids' zoospores may thus have served as an alternative food source to Keratella. Our study thus emphasizes the importance of incorporating not only nutrient limitation and grazing, but also parasitism in understanding the response of plankton communities towards global warming.  相似文献   

A detailed characterization is presented of the spring diatom bloom which occurred in the enclosed experimental ecosystem bags at Loch Ewe, Scotland, during March–April 1983. The nutrient condition and bacterial biomass of the water column, phytoplankton species distribution, gross biochemical composition and detailed lipid composition (lipid class, fatty acid and free sterol) of the phytoplankton are reported throughout the bloom period. The results are compared with results from previous years. The conclusions are that major changes take place in the biochemical composition of a rapidly growing diatom population which affect both the gross composition and also the more detailed lipid composition. Such changes can take place over a matter of days and appear to be very dependent upon available growth conditions. Both carbohydrate and lipids levels increase towards the end of the bloom as nitrate and silicate levels are depleted in the water. Neutral lipids are shown to be important lipid components of the phytoplankton populations and long-chain ω3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are found to be only minor components of the structural polar lipids. The fatty acid and sterol data are discussed in relation to present knowledge concerning phytoplankton lipid composition.  相似文献   

东海春季水华期浮游植物生长与微型浮游动物摄食   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
孙军  宋书群 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6429-6438
2005年4~6月在东海有害水华频发区14个站位采样,通过现场稀释法实验对春季东海水域浮游植物比生长率和微型浮游动物比摄食率进行了研究.结果表明东海有害水华频发区浮游植物群落以甲藻为优势.浮游植物比生长率在水华爆发前相对较低,平均为1.18 d~(-1);进入水华期后比生长率明显升高,但在水华站位随现存量增加而降低;非水华区比生长率近岸高、远岸低.微型浮游动物主要以急游虫和桡足类幼体为主,而种类上以砂壳纤毛虫居多.微型浮游动物比摄食率在水华爆发前波动较大,介于0.53~1.73 d~(-1),平均为0.90 d~(-1);在水华区比摄食率较为稳定,浮游植物比生长率的降低导致群落净生长率持续下降;在非水华区,比摄食率整体较高,近岸低而远岸高.微型浮游动物的摄食对浮游植物群落的生长有一定的控制作用,但在水华爆发后这种控制作用将减弱.  相似文献   

Microbial degradation of algal biomass following spring phytoplankton blooms has been characterised as a concerted effort among multiple clades of heterotrophic bacteria. Despite their significance to overall carbon turnover, many of these clades have resisted cultivation. One clade known from 16S rRNA gene sequencing surveys at Helgoland in the North Sea, was formerly identified as belonging to the genus Ulvibacter. This clade rapidly responds to algal blooms, transiently making up as much as 20% of the free-living bacterioplankton. Sequence similarity below 95% between the 16S rRNA genes of described Ulvibacter species and those from Helgoland suggest this is a novel genus. Analysis of 40 metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) derived from samples collected during spring blooms at Helgoland support this conclusion. These MAGs represent three species, only one of which appears to bloom in response to phytoplankton. MAGs with estimated completeness greater than 90% could only be recovered for this abundant species. Additional, less complete, MAGs belonging to all three species were recovered from a mini-metagenome of cells sorted via flow cytometry using the genus specific ULV995 fluorescent rRNA probe. Metabolic reconstruction indicates this highly abundant species most likely degrades proteins and the polysaccharide laminarin. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation showed coccoid cells, with a mean diameter of 0.78 mm, with standard deviation of 0.12 μm. Based on the phylogenetic and genomic characteristics of this clade, we propose the novel candidate genus Candidatus Prosiliicoccus, and for the most abundant and well characterised of the three species the name Candidatus Prosiliicoccus vernus.  相似文献   

The hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties of single cells of natural bacterioplankton communities were determined using a recently developed staining method combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy and advanced image analysis. On an average, about 50% of the bacterial cell area was covered by hydrophobic and only 16% by hydrophilic properties, while about 72% was covered by the genome. However, the size of these properties was independent of the bacterial cell size. Bacterial hydrophobicity was positively correlated with ambient NH(4)(+) concentrations and negatively correlated with overall bacterial abundance. The expression of hydrophilicity was more dynamic. Over the spring phytoplankton bloom, the bacterioplankton ratio(phil/phob) repeatedly reached highest values shortly before peaks in bacterioplankton abundance were observed, indicating a direct and fast response of bacterial surface properties, especially hydrophilicity, to changing environmental conditions. Compared to bacterial strains, recently studied with the same method, cells of marine bacterioplankton communities are much smaller and less frequently covered by hydrophobic or hydrophilic properties. While the percentage area covered by the genome is essentially the same, the percentage area covered by hydrophobic or hydrophilic properties is much smaller.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton growth in temperate Lake Zurich (Switzerland) was studied during the spring phytoplankton bloom by in situ techniques and short-term dilution bioassays. A peak of chlorophyll a (Chl a ) concentrations was followed by a rise of bacterial cell numbers and leucine assimilation rates, of the proportions of cells incorporating 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU), and of community net growth rates in dilution cultures. Incorporation of BrdU was low in Betaproteobacteria (2 ± 1%), indicating that these bacteria did not incorporate the tracer. Pronounced growth of Betaproteobacteria in the enrichments was only observed after the decline of the phytoplankton bloom. An initial peak in the proportions of BrdU-positive Actinobacteria (30%) preceded a distinct rise of their cell numbers during the period of the Chl a maximum. Cytophaga–Flavobacteria (CF) changed little in numbers, but featured high proportions of BrdU-positive cells (28 ± 12%). Moreover, CF represented > 90% of all newly formed cells in dilution cultures before and during the phytoplankton bloom. One phylogenetic lineage of cultivable Flavobacteria (FLAV2) represented a small (0.5–1%) but highly active population in lake plankton. The growth rates of FLAV2 in dilution cultures doubled during the period of the Chl a maximum, indicating stimulation by phytoplankton exudates. Thus, CF, and specifically Flavobacteria , appeared to be substantially more important for carbon transfer in Lake Zurich spring bacterioplankton than was suggested by their standing stocks. The high in situ growth potential of these bacteria might have been counterbalanced by top-down control.  相似文献   

The spring phytoplankton composition has been investigated ata 50 m deep station off Plymouth in the English Channel for6 years (1993–1999). The percentage of diatoms duringthe spring bloom was significantly correlated with the NorthAtlantic Oscillation index. A similar relationship between phytoplanktonand North Atlantic Oscillation has also been found in a Swedishlake, suggesting a possible link between atmospheric forcingand phytoplankton composition.  相似文献   

The decoupling of trophic interactions is potentially one of the most severe consequences of climate warming. In lakes and oceans the timing of phytoplankton blooms affects competition within the plankton community as well as food–web interactions with zooplankton and fish. Using Upper Lake Constance as an example, we present a model‐based analysis that predicts that in a future warmer climate, the onset of the spring phytoplankton bloom will occur earlier in the year than it does at present. This is a result of the earlier occurrence of the transition from strong to weak vertical mixing in spring, and of the associated earlier onset of stratification. According to our simulations a shift in the timing of phytoplankton growth resulting from a consistently warmer climate will exceed that resulting from a single unusually warm year. The numerical simulations are complemented by a statistical analysis of long‐term data from Upper Lake Constance which demonstrates that oligotrophication has a negligible effect on the timing of phytoplankton growth in spring and that an early onset of the spring phytoplankton bloom is associated with high air temperatures and low wind speeds.  相似文献   

Using ten years (2003–2012) of satellite Chlorophyll-a data, we report that annual phytoplankton bloom climax in the Northwest Pacific marginal seas (17°–58°N) delays northward at a rate of 22.98 ± 2.86 km day−1. The spring bloom is a dominant feature of the phytoplankton seasonal cycle in this region, except for the northern South China Sea, which features a winter bloom. The sea surface hourly Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) intensity averaged over the bloom peak duration is nearly uniform (1.04 ± 0.10 W m−2 h−1) among the four sub-regions (i.e. the northern South China Sea, the Kuroshio waters, the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk), although different algal species in these four distinct ecological provinces could adapt to a much larger change in other environmental parameters (including total daily PAR, day length, sea surface temperature, net surface heat flux, mixed layer depth, wind speed and euphotic depth). The differences of the hourly PAR intensity between the four provinces during their bloom periods are smaller than those during non-bloom seasons. In contrast, an increasing total daily PAR (W m−2 day−1), due to the longer day length at higher latitudes, may balance decreasing sea surface temperature and induce algal flowering. Our results point to an optimal hourly light intensity for the annual phytoplankton bloom peak timing in this entire region, which could potentially become an indicator for the requirement of these annual bloom peaks.  相似文献   

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