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Two approaches, one novel, are applied to analyze the divergent evolution of ruminant seminal ribonucleases (RNases), paralogs of the well-known pancreatic RNases of mammals. Here, the goal was to identify periods of divergence of seminal RNase under functional constraints, periods of divergence as a pseudogene, and periods of divergence driven by positive selection pressures. The classical approach involves the analysis of nonsynonymous to synonymous replacements ratios (omega) for the branches of the seminal RNase evolutionary tree. The novel approach coupled these analyses with the mapping of substitutions on the folded structure of the protein. These analyses suggest that seminal RNase diverged during much of its history after divergence from pancreatic RNase as a functioning protein, followed by homoplastic inactivations to create pseudogenes in multiple ruminant lineages. Further, they are consistent with adaptive evolution only in the most recent episode leading to the gene in modern oxen. These conclusions contrast sharply with the view, cited widely in the literature, that seminal RNase decayed after its formation by gene duplication into an inactive pseudogene, whose lesions were repaired in a reactivation event. Further, the 2 approaches, omega estimation and mapping of replacements on the protein structure, were compared by examining their utility for establishing the functional status of the seminal RNase genes in 2 deer species. Hog and roe deer share common lesions, which strongly suggests that the gene was inactive in their last common ancestor. In this specific example, the crystallographic approach made the correct implication more strongly than the omega approach. Studies of this type should contribute to an integrated framework of tools to assign functional and nonfunctional episodes to recently created gene duplicates and to understand more broadly how gene duplication leads to the emergence of proteins with novel functions.  相似文献   

We sequenced the approximately 5-kb long gamma-globin gene locus from Tarsius bancanus and compared it to the published gamma-globin gene sequence from the related species Tarsius syrichta. The T. syrichta gene's promoter lacks the distal CCAAT box and has a point mutation in the functionally important proximal CCAAT box (CCgAT). This previous finding had suggested that in tarsiers the gamma-globin gene might be a nonexpressed pseudogene. The two tarsier species show the same point mutation at the third nucleotide of the proximal CCAAT element and absence of the distal CCAAT element. Nevertheless, our results indicate that in tarsiers the gamma-globin gene is active, since all three coding regions show only synonymous substitutions and a much lower level of divergence than the noncoding regions. This is significantly different from what would be expected for a silent gene evading stabilizing selection. Thus, we hypothesize that the tarsier's gamma-globin gene locus is expressed even with the mutation in the proximal CCAAT box.  相似文献   

The heart-forming fields: one or multiple?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The recent identification of a second mesodermal region as a source of cardiomyocytes has challenged the views on the formation of the heart. This second source of cardiomyocytes is localized centrally on the embryonic disc relative to the remainder of the classic cardiac crescent, a region also called the pharyngeal mesoderm. In this review, we discuss the concept of the primary and secondary cardiogenic fields in the context of folding of the embryo, and the subsequent temporal events involved in formation of the heart. We suggest that, during evolution, the heart developed initially only with the components required for a systemic circulation, namely a sinus venosus, a common atrium, a 'left' ventricle and an arterial cone, the latter being the myocardial outflow tract as seen in the heart of primitive fishes. These components developed in their entirety from the classic cardiac crescent. Only later in the course of evolution did the appearance of novel signalling pathways permit the central part of the cardiac crescent, and possibly the contiguous pharyngeal mesoderm, to develop into the cardiac components required for the pulmonary circulation. These latter components comprise the right ventricle, and that part of the left atrium that derives from the mediastinal myocardium, namely the dorsal atrial wall and the atrial septum. It is these elements which are now recognized as developing from the second field of pharyngeal mesoderm. We suggest that, rather than representing development from separate fields, the cardiac components required for both the systemic and pulmonary circulations are derived by patterning from a single cardiac field, albeit with temporal delay in the process of formation.  相似文献   

The typical protein fold of most cytokines is a bundle of four antiparallel helices. This 'four-helical bundle fold' seems to be unique to cytokines and has not been detected in other proteins. Cytokine receptors, however, can be classified as a subfamily of the immunoglobulin superfamily. Cytokines using the same receptor subunits are grouped into cytokine families. The interleukin-6 (IL-6) type cytokine family comprises six members. IL-6 type cytokines may interact with three receptor subunits instead of the usual two subunits. A tetramer would be the simplest model to describe such a receptor complex, but present orthodoxy describes the active complexes of IL-6 and ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) as hexamers. Here, we summarize the structural and biochemical information on IL-6 type cytokines and discuss interactions between cytokine and individual receptor subunits at alternative positions. Contradictory results regarding the stoichiometry and assembly of signaling receptor complexes are rationalized by a new, unique model. The model stipulates that a ligand-induced transition from an active tetrameric to an inactive hexameric complex serves as a molecular switch that turns off cytokine signals in the presence of supraoptimal cytokine concentrations.  相似文献   

Triclosan-bacteria interactions: single or multiple target sites?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIMS: To investigate the inhibitory and lethal effects of triclosan against several micro-organisms at different stages of their phase of population growth. METHODS AND RESULTS: Triclosan minimum inhibitory concentrations against several test organisms were determined in broth and agar using standard protocols. The bisphenol effect on bacterial population growth kinetics was studied using the Bioscreen C microbial growth analyser. Finally, the efficacy of triclosan on phases of bacterial growth was determined using a standard suspension test. The duration of the lag phase for all micro-organisms tested was increased by bisphenol in a concentration-dependent manner. The population growth kinetics of the micro-organisms was also altered after biocide exposure. At higher concentrations, triclosan was bactericidal regardless of their phase of population growth, although population in stationary phase and particularly, washed suspensions, were more resilient to the lethality of triclosan. This lethal activity was concentration and contact time dependent, and in some instances, bactericidal activity of bisphenol was observed within 15 s. CONCLUSIONS: Low concentrations of triclosan affected the growth of several bacteria, while higher concentrations were bactericidal regardless of the bacterial phase of population growth. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Here, we presented clear evidence that the interaction of triclosan with the bacterial cell is complex and its lethality cannot be explained solely by the inhibition of metabolic pathways such as the enoyl acyl-reductase. However, the inhibition of such pathways cannot be ruled out as part of the lethal mechanism of the bisphenol at a low bactericidal concentration.  相似文献   

Anorexia and body weight loss are characteristic of many diseases, including cancer and AIDS. Recent studies indicate that inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin 1, the interleukin 6 subfamily and tumor necrosis factor, induce anorexia and cachexia by inhibiting the normal adaptive feeding response to energy deficits. Here, I discuss the evidence for and against a central role for neuropeptide Y and leptin in anorexia and cachexia.  相似文献   

VEGF gene therapy: stimulating angiogenesis or angioma-genesis?   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Carmeliet P 《Nature medicine》2000,6(10):1102-1103

A series of small molecules based on a chemotype identified from our compound collection were synthesized and tested for binding affinity (IC(50)) at the human Neuropeptide Y Y(2) receptor (NPY Y(2)). Six of the 23 analogs tested possessed an NPY Y(2) IC(50) ≤ 15 nM. One member of this series, JNJ 31020028, is a selective, high affinity, receptor antagonist existing as a racemic mixture. As such a synthetic route to the desired enantiomer was designed starting from commercially available (S)-(+)-mandelic acid.  相似文献   

The delineation of the beta-globin locus control region has led to a new understanding of the developmental regulation of the beta-globin gene cluster. It now seems that globin gene switching is effected through the sequential and mutually exclusive interaction of the locus control region with the embryonic, fetal and adult stage specific globin genes.  相似文献   

Latitude-correlated polymorphisms can be due to either selection-driven evolution or gene flow. To discriminate between them, we propose an approach that studies subpopulations springing from a single population that have lived for generations at different latitudes and have had a low genetic admixture. These requirements are fulfilled to a large extent by Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews. The original population lived at a latitude of 35 degrees N, where the Sephardis still live. The Ashkenazis, however, moved to a latitude of 50 degrees N, starting about 10 centuries ago. The present study examines 3 latitude-correlated polymorphisms: PGP, PGM1, and AHSG. We found that PGP*2 and AHSG*2 alleles most likely underwent selection-driven evolution, but that PGM1*ts allele was not similarly affected. Since temperature might have been considered a reasonable selective factor, we also studied a population living at >800 m above sea level from Aosta Valley (Italy).  相似文献   

Patterns of gene expression: homology or homocracy?   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Numerous papers over the years have stated that the original meaning of the term homology is historical and morphological and denotes organs/structures in two or more species derived from the same structure in their latest common ancestor. However, several more recent papers have extended the use of the term to cover organs/structures which are organised through the expression of homologous genes. This usage has created an ambiguity about the meaning of the term, and we propose to remove this by proposing a new term, homocracy, for organs/structures which are organised through the expression of identical patterning genes. We want to emphasise that the terms homologous and homocratic are not mutually exclusive. Many homologous structures are in all probability homocratic, whereas only a small number of homocratic structures are homologous.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide S: a novel activating anxiolytic?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Koob GF  Greenwell TN 《Neuron》2004,43(4):441-442
Many different neuropharmacological agents modulate arousal and anxiety, yet to date, few endogenous substances have produced arousal with an anxiolytic effect. In this issue of Neuron, Xu et al. describe the localization and characterization of a novel neuropeptide, neuropeptide S (and its cognate receptor), that is unique in its arousing and anxiolytic-like properties.  相似文献   

The posttranslational modifier ubiquitin is encoded by a multigene family containing three primary members, which yield the precursor protein polyubiquitin and two ubiquitin moieties, Ub(L40) and Ub(S27), that are fused to the ribosomal proteins L40 and S27, respectively. The gene encoding polyubiquitin is highly conserved and, until now, those encoding Ub(L40) and Ub(S27) have been generally considered to be equally invariant. The evolution of the ribosomal ubiquitin moieties is, however, proving to be more dynamic. It seems that the genes encoding Ub(L40) and Ub(S27) are actively maintained by homologous recombination with the invariant polyubiquitin locus. Failure to recombine leads to deterioration of the sequence of the ribosomal ubiquitin moieties in several phyla, although this deterioration is evidently constrained by the structural requirements of the ubiquitin fold. Only a few amino acids in ubiquitin are vital for its function, and we propose that conservation of all three ubiquitin genes is driven not only by functional properties of the ubiquitin protein, but also by the propensity of the polyubiquitin locus to act as a 'selfish gene'.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) is the most potent calcium mobilizing messenger yet discovered. Its action has now been reported in a large number of cell types from a diverse array of organisms, and in some cases linked to the transduction of specific cellular stimuli. However, what is controversial is the nature of its target calcium release channel, as well as the subcellular localization of its receptor. Some have proposed that NAADP activates a novel calcium release channel distinct from the two major classes of channels known, the inositol trisphosphate receptors and ryanodine receptors. However, others have suggested that it acts in a novel way to regulate a known calcium release channel, the ryanodine receptor.  相似文献   

Lysates of pneumococcal phage PG24 transferred genes from one host to another in a process with many of the properties of generalized transduction, in that the host genes were packaged in DNase-resistant particles that closely resembled infectious phage in physical properties, adsorbed to the recipient cells like phage, and were inhibited by antisera to the phage and by trypsin. However, phage processes did not complete the transfer of host DNA as they did phage DNA. Instead, gene transfer required development of competence and entry of the host DNA by the endonuclease-dependent pathway used for transforming and transfecting DNA. This process often occurred on the assay plate hours after adsorption of the particles to the cells, and the transfer was DNase sensitive if challenged at this time. Phenotypic expression was therefore also delayed. The product of entry was like that in transformation, a single strand of DNA that integrates by formation of a hex-sensitive donor-recipient heteroduplex. Whether this gene transfer process is unique to this system or is only the first one described is not clear. The term "pseudotransduction" may be useful in calling attention to its unexpected features. The DNA of PG24 phage has anomalous physical properties reflecting unusual bases.  相似文献   

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