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本研究采用引物原位DNA合成PRINS)技术,结合体细胞杂种克隆板,将新克隆的猪微卫星HAU02和HAU06定位于1q23-27、6q11-21.并对这两种基因定位方法的优缺点和应用进行了比较和讨论.这对于我国进行猪基因定位工作开展提供了思路;同时,新微卫星的定位为建立猪染色体物理图谱积累了有益的资料.  相似文献   

体细胞克隆山羊微卫星DNA分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
用10对山羊微卫星DNA多态性引物对2只体细胞克隆济宁青山羊、青山羊供体细胞、受体奶山羊母羊以及具有亲缘关系的3只对照济宁青山羊进行微卫星DNA分析.结果表明有5对山羊微卫星DNA多态性引物,即SR-CRSP1, SR-CRSP5, SR-CRSP6, SR-CRSP7和SR-CRSP24,扩增产物有明显的多态性.扩增产物经过6%变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳后银染,结果2只体细胞克隆山羊的微卫星DNA指纹与供体细胞完全相同,而且不同于其受体母亲也不同于其他所有同品种不同个体的对照青山羊.证明体细胞克隆山羊基因组来源于供体细胞.  相似文献   

运用比较基因组学的方法,根据人的CDC16基因序列设计引物,从大围子猪和宁乡猪基因组DNA分离了CDC16基因内含子4和内含子8(GenBank收录号为AY880670和DQ206823),通过扩增体细胞杂种克隆板上27个样品和辐射杂种克隆板上118个样品,确定了CDC16基因在猪染色体上的物理位置,首次将CDC16基因物理定位于猪SSC11 q11-17.该基因与微卫星SW1452标记紧密连锁,LOD值为16.08,存留率为22%,在放射杂交图谱上的图距为62 cR.CDC16基因区间定位结果与精细定位结果相一致,也与比较定位结果相一致,进一步验证了猪11号染色体和人13号染色体大部分片段存在同源性,这为该基因的克隆及和功能研究打下坚实基础.  相似文献   

一个新的猪肌肉组织EST的分离、定位与表达   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
潘佩文  赵书红  余梅  刘榜  熊统安  李奎 《遗传学报》2002,29(10):871-874
利用mRNA差异显示技术,从猪骨骼肌组织中分离到一个新的表达序我标签(expressed sequence tag ,EST)ESThp9-1(其GenBan登录号:BI596262),其序列长196bp,经BLAST程序与GenBank中存在的序列比对后,发现与猪的所有序列无同源性,但与大鼠的U3A核内小RNA基因及小鼠的U3B.4核内小RNA基因同源性分别为87%(93个碱基)和85%(96个碱基)。半定量RT-PCR表明,此EST在猪的多数组织中均有表达。通过体细胞杂种板(somatic cell hybrid panel,SCHP)及辐射杂种板(radiation hybrid panel,RH)分析,EST hp9-1被定位于猪的12号染色体长臂,与微卫星标记S0090连锁。根据同源性比对和物理定痊结果,推测EST hp9-1为猪的U3基因家族中一员。  相似文献   

利用(CA)8核心序列,设计锚定引物,采用直接测序法,从单个猪PAC克隆中分离到一个新微卫星DNA。根据该微卫星DNA的侧翼序列,设计了专一引物,在8个猪种40个个体中检测到3个等位基因,片段长度分别为305 bp、307 bp和309 bp。3种等位基因纯合子个体的PCR产物序列分析表明,这3种等位基因分别有12、13和14次CA双核苷酸重复。 Abstract:A novel microsatellite DNA was isolated from a single porcine PAC clone by sequencing the PAC clone directly with (CA)n repeat motif anchored primer.The specific primer pairs flanking the (CA)n repeat region were used to amplify the genomic DNA of 40 individuals from 8 pig breeds,which detected three alleles with the fragment length of 305 bp,307 bp and 309 bp.The PCR product sequencing results of homozygous animals representing three alleles revealed that those three alleles contained 12,13 and 14 CA dinucleotide repeats respectively.  相似文献   

从水稻(Oryza sativa L.)、烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)和黑松(Pinus thunbergii Parl.)等植物的22对叶绿体SSR引物中筛选出5对能用于柑橘叶绿体SSR分析的引物,应用这5对引物对9个组合的柑橘体细胞杂种的叶绿体遗传进行了分析。结果表明:这些组合再生的杂种中叶绿体都呈现随机分离,该现象与以前报道的RFLP分析结果一致,而且其可靠性已被CAPS分析所证实。表明柑橘叶绿体SSR同RFLP及CAPS一样可靠,并且更简单高效、易于操作,特别适合对柑橘等植物体细胞杂种进行早期胞质遗传组成分析。  相似文献   

猪肌肉生长抑制素基因侧翼区新微卫星标记的鉴定及分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提取包含猪肌肉生长抑制素基因的BAC克隆,以EcoRⅠ进行酶切并回收其中大于4kh的酶切产物,连接到pGEM-3zf( )载体后得到了亚克隆。测序分析表明,插入片段不属于猪肌肉生长抑制素基因的一部分,但其中包含13拷贝的(TG)n重复。以该重复序列的侧翼设计引物对猪的基因组进行分析,得到了PCR扩增产物。对一个“双肌臀”大白猪家系进行PCR扩增及非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶分析的结果表明,该位点以并显性方式遗传,是一个新的微卫星标记。对莱芜猪、长白猪、大白猪、杜洛克、皮特兰、民猪和二花脸7个品种的381个无关个体的检测均显示该基因座只有两个等位基因,重复数分别为13和19,是一种多态性较低的微卫星标记。与包含该基因的序列(AY208121)比对分析表明,该微卫星属于肌肉生长抑制素基因(MSTN)侧翼区的一个分子标记,在猪肉用性状QTL的精细定位和MSTN功能分析中将发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

基因打靶猪在农业和生物医药领域均有广泛用途。由于猪的能参与生殖系嵌合体的多能性干细胞尚未建立成功,基因打靶猪的培育主要是通过体细胞克隆技术来实现。最初,人们在体细胞上通过传统的同源重组技术成功地建立了基因敲除克隆猪,但体细胞在体外的增殖能力有限,传统同源重组在体细胞的打靶效率极低。虽经十多年的发展,但在世界范围内获得的基因打靶猪屈指可数。最近,三种工程核酸酶介导的基因编辑技术(ZFN、TALEN和CRISPR/Cas9)的出现,使体细胞的基因打靶效率大大提高。多个实验室将其用于猪,实现了高效基因打靶,并在很短的一段时间里,获得了一系列基因打靶猪。就传统同源重组技术以及近几年发展起来的新兴基因编辑技术在基因修饰猪的应用研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

猪基因定位研究进展丁岳明,陈宜峰(南京师范大学生物系南京210024)朱洪生(江苏省农林厅南京210009)一、前言对家猪(SussorofaL。)的基因定位工作可以追溯到本世纪六十年代。1964年,Andresen等[1]首次报道了猪的红细胞抗原C基因(EAC)和J基因(EAJ)存在连锁关系。但早期的工作由于方法的限制,一直进展缓慢。  相似文献   

A well-established and characterized somatic cell hybrid panel was used to map three polymorphic microsatellites. Microsatellite S0072, representing the linkage group S0007-S0072, was assigned to porcine chromosome 14. Micro-satellite S0009, representing the unassigned linkage group EAM-S0009-S0071, was assigned tentatively to porcine chromosome 11. Finally, S0062 was tentatively mapped to chromosome 18. S0062 may represent the first marker for porcine chromosome 18.  相似文献   

Swine-specific sequence tagged (microsatellite) sites, STS and STMS, were assigned chromosomally by polymerase chain reaction analysis of a somatic cell hybrid panel. This study confirms the localization from genetic mapping of seven anonymous microsatellites and the genes ANPEP, ATP2, CGA, DAGK, FSHB, IFNG, IGF1, IL1B and SPP1. New assignment for the gene BNP1 to chromosome 6 is reported. The confirmed and the new assignments extend the information of the previously established linkage maps and provide framework loci on which to order additional informative markers.  相似文献   

Recently two main genetic maps [Rohrer et al. Genetics 136, 231 (1994); Archibald et al. Mamm. Genome 6, 157 (1995)] and a cytogenetic map [Yerle et al. Mamm. Genome 6, 175 (1995)] for the porcine genome were reported. As only a very few microsatellites are located on the cytogenetic map, it appears to be important to increase the relationships between the genetic and cytogenetic maps. This document describes the regional mapping of 100 genetic markers with a somatic cell hybrid panel. Among the markers, 91 correspond to new localizations. Our study enabled the localization of 14 new markers found on both maps, of 54 found on the USDA map, and of 23 found on the PiGMaP map. Now 21% and 43% of the markers on the USDA and PiGMaP linkage maps respectively are physically mapped. This new cytogenetic information was then integrated within the framework of each genetic map. The cytogenetic orientation of the USDA linkage maps for Chromosomes (Chrs) 3, 8, 9, and 16 and of PiGMaP for Chr 8 was determined. USDA and PiGMaP linkage maps are now oriented for all chromosomes, except for Chrs 17 and 18. Moreover, the linkage group ``R' from the USDA linkage map was assigned to Chr 6. Received: 21 September 1995 / Accepted: 19 January 1996  相似文献   

Summary To detect new restriction fragment length polymorphisms that would cover human chromosome 7 with a network of genetic landmarks, a chromosome 7-specific phage gene library was screened for human single-copy fragments. With use of a somatic cell hybrid panel containing defined regions of human chromosome 7, 41 cloned human single-copy sequences were assigned to five regions of this chromosome. Of special importance are the cell hybrid clones GM1059Rag5 and 7851Rag10-1, derived from human cells with interstitial deletions spanning the bands 7q22-q32, within which the cystic fibrosis gene is located. Twelve new probes are described in 7q22-q32, five of which detect a total of six RFLPs.  相似文献   

A new panel of cytogenetically characterized pig–rodent somatic cell hybrids was constructed and tested for twelve microsatellite markers with PCR. Cytogenetic characterization of hybrids was accomplished by fluorescence painting and GTG-banding of metaphase chromosomes. The panel consists of 15 independent pig–hamster and 6 independent pig–mouse cell lines. In the panel, all pig autosomes and the X Chromosome (Chr) are represented, and it is informative for all chromosome pairs except 2–14, 2–15, 3–9, 14–15, 14–16, and 16–17. The microsatellites tested were S0022, S0023, S0084, S0098, S0112, S0113, S0114, S0115, S0117, S0118, S0119, and S0120. The PCR results obtained in the 21 hybrids were compared with the cytogenetic data and analyzed for concordancy and correlation. Eight microsatellites could be assigned to specific pig chromosomes, confirming seven assignments based on linkage analysis. Received: 25 September 1995 / Accepted: 11 December 1995  相似文献   

We have characterized a collection of zebrafish/mouse somatic cell hybrids with 211 genes and markers chosen from the 25 zebrafish linkage groups. Most of the zebrafish genome is represented in this collection with 88% of genes/markers present in at least one hybrid cell line. Although most hybrids contain chromosomal fragments, there are a few instances where a complete or nearly complete zebrafish chromosome has been maintained in a mouse background, based on multiple markers covering the entire chromosome. In addition to their use in mapping studies, this collection of somatic cell hybrids should constitute an important tool as a source of specific chromosome fragments and for assessing the function of genome regions.  相似文献   

Thirty-six partially characterized hamster-bovine hybrid cell lines were used for the determination of synteny groups. Sixteen additional reference loci, selected for their coverage of the bovine genome, were analysed on these hybrid cells. This increases to 25 the number of synteny groups detected. This panel was then used to make synteny assignments for 10 additional loci, eight by Southern blotting (COL1A1, COL1A2, FAS, CTSB, CTSL, CHRNG, HEXB and HTR1A) and two by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification (HRH1 and ETH1112), These loci were assigned to international synteny groups U12 (HRH1), U13 (COL1A2), U17 (CHRNG), U21 (COL1A1, FAS), U29 (ETHI1112), to chromosome 20 (U14 or U25) for HEXB and HTR1A, and to the same local synteny group (A), which is probably U18, for CTSB and CTSL. For three loci already mapped in humans (COL1A1, COL1A2 and CHRNG), the present results are in accordance with the predictions based on comparative mapping between the human and bovine species.  相似文献   

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