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目的:观察兴奋药咖啡因对点燃癫痫模型的作用.方法:建立大鼠杏仁核点燃模型,观察不同剂量的咖啡因及与抗癫痫药物联用对杏仁核点燃大鼠的后放电时程(ADD)和Racine's分级的影响.结果:咖啡因提高点燃大鼠的ADD,但联用抗苯妥英钠和苯巴比妥可降低ADD(P<0.01)及Racine's分级(P<0.01).结论:小剂量的咖啡因与抗癫痫药物能产生协同作用.  相似文献   

应用地高辛标记的生长抑素(SS)RNA探针原位杂交法观察大鼠在青霉素诱发的癫痫及耳穴电针抑制癫痫发作后有关的脑区中SSmRNA含量的变化。结果显示,青霉素致痫后24小时梨状皮质、额叶皮质、扣带回、隔外侧核、杏仁基底核海马CA1-CA4区和齿状回颗粒细胞层、多形层等脑区SSmRNA的表达显著增加,与正常对照组比较P<005。耳穴电针抑痫(80100HZ,6mA)后额叶皮质、杏仁基底核、海马齿状回、前梨状皮质SSmRNA的表达明显减少,P<005。提示前脑结核中的生长抑素与青霉素致痫和耳针抑痫有关。  相似文献   

慢性粒细胞性白血病急变的分子机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
慢性粒细胞性白血病(chronic myelogenous leukemia,CML)是源于造血干细胞伴有t(9;22)(q34;q11)染色体易位的恶性骨髓增生性疾病,其急变期与急性白血病相似,具有较强致死性。本文对CML急变分子机制有关的最新研究成果进行了综述,旨在深入理解CML急变的分子机制,并试图发现新的研究思路。  相似文献   

肥胖大鼠模型的建立及其脂代谢相关分子机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的建立饮食诱导的肥胖(diet-induced obesity,DIO)大鼠模型并初步探讨其发病的分子机制。方法用脂肪含量30%的高脂饲料饲喂雄性SD大鼠25周,观察大鼠体重、Lee’s指数、肝组织病理改变,检测大鼠空腹血糖及空腹血清胰岛素水平,并通过real-time PCR,检测成模大鼠肝脏中乙酰辅酶A羧化酶(ACC)、脂肪酸合酶(FAS)、激素敏感酯酶(HSL)以及固醇调节元件结合蛋白-1c(SREBP-1c)的表达变化。结果高脂饲料饲喂6周后,DIO组大鼠体重、Lee’s指数均显著增加;25周后肝脏脂肪异常蓄积,出现中重度脂肪肝,空腹血糖及胰岛素水平显著升高,出现明显的胰岛素抵抗。肝脏中ACC、FAS和HSL表达显著增加,SREBP-1c表达水平达到正常组的2.56倍,两组间差异极其显著。结论成功建立了DIO大鼠模型,通过检测脂代谢相关基因的表达水平,初步阐释了营养性肥胖的发生与脂代谢变化之间的关系,SREBP-1c,ACC,FAS和HSL参与了DIO的形成,从而初步揭示了脂代谢变化与营养性肥胖的发生的关系。  相似文献   

探讨创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)大鼠杏仁核海马复合体Ca^2+-CaM-CaMKⅡa信号通路的变化,为揭示PTSD发病机制提供实验依据。海马的部分功能由杏仁核调节实现。采用目前国际公认的连续单-刺激(single prolonged stress,SPS)模型刺激方法制作PTSD模型,成年雄性Wistar大鼠60只,随机分为SPS模型组的12h、1d、4d、7d及正常组。  相似文献   

昆虫抗药性分子机制研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫抗性机制的研究对于抗性监测、治理及新农药的研制具有重要意义。在过去几十年中,人们对与昆虫杀虫剂抗性有关的昆虫行为、生理代谢活动以及作用靶标等进行了广泛的研究。已经证实,昆虫的抗药性与行为改变、生理功能改变、解毒功能增强以及靶标不敏感性有关。近年来,随着分子生物学以及昆虫基因组学的发展,昆虫抗药性的分子机理有了突破性进展,已发现并克隆了一些靶标基因,与抗药性相关的基因突变也得到广泛验证。本文综述了昆虫的抗药性机理在分子生物学上的研究最新进展,重点阐述了与昆虫抗性相关基因的扩增、表达及基因结构的改变等相关内容。  相似文献   

神经钙蛋白δ(neurocalcinδ)作为神经钙敏感蛋白(neuronal calcium sensors,NCSs)家族的重要成员之一,具有分布广泛、结构较保守的特性.早期研究发现,神经钙蛋白δ具有两对EF手结构(EF1,EF2,EF3和EF4).EF1不能结合Ca2+,而EF2、EF3和EF4与Ca2+结合能促使其N端豆蔻酰暴露,进而实现其由细胞质到细胞质膜的转移定位以及与靶蛋白的结合,从而发挥重要效应.本综述根据神经钙蛋白δ的"Ca2+-豆蔻酰基开关"特性,一方面介绍其能与膜鸟苷酸环化酶反应,参与cGMP信号转导,进而影响视觉和嗅觉,甚至血压等生物学活动;另一方面,介绍神经钙蛋白δ通过与S100β、网格蛋白、肌动蛋白、微管等蛋白质之间的相互作用,并参与细胞内囊泡运输,从而影响细胞内大分子包装、运输等过程.本文还阐明了神经钙蛋白δ参与精子发生、细胞癌变、肾病发生等过程.由于神经钙蛋白δ对了解某些疾病的发生原理、信号转导过程、细胞内信息调控网络等具有重要意义,本综述将为研究相关疾病提供新的研究方向与理论基础.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母乙酸耐性分子机制的功能基因组进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提高工业酿酒酵母对高浓度代谢产物及原料中的毒性底物等环境胁迫因素的耐受性,对提高工业生产效率具有重要的意义。乙酸是纤维素原料水解产生的主要毒性副产物之一,其对酵母细胞的生长和代谢都具有较强的抑制作用,因此,对酿酒酵母乙酸耐性分子机制的研究可为选育优良菌种提供理论依据。近年来,通过细胞全局基因表达分析和代谢组分析,以及对单基因敲除的所有突变体的表型组研究,对酿酒酵母乙酸耐性的分子机制有了更多新的认识,揭示了很多新的与乙酸毒性适应性反应和乙酸耐性提高相关的基因。综述了近年来酿酒酵母乙酸耐性的基因组规模的研究进展,以及在此基础上构建乙酸耐性提高的工业酵母菌的代谢工程操作。结合本课题组的研究,对金属离子锌在酿酒酵母乙酸耐性中的作用进行了深入分析。未来对酿酒酵母乙酸耐性分子机理的认识及改造将深入到翻译后修饰和合成生物学等新的水平,所获得的认知,将为选育可高效进行纤维素原料生物转化、高效生产生物燃料和生物基化学品的工业酿酒酵母的菌株奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

目的:探讨姜黄素(curcumin)对癫痫大鼠认知功能障碍的预防作用及其可能机制。方法:将30只成年雄性SD大鼠分为正常对照组、单纯致痫组(SE组)、姜黄素[60mg/(kg·d)]干预组(curcumin组)。采用MorriS水迷宫方法检测大鼠学习记忆功能变化,并检测脑片水平的长时程增强(LTP)变化,处死大鼠后取脑组织并匀浆,测超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH.PX)、谷胱甘肽(GSH)、丙二醛(MDA)的水平。结果:(1)SE组大鼠寻找平台的潜伏期明显长于对照组,具有统计学意义(P〈0.05),姜黄素组寻找平台的潜伏期相对于SE组显著缩短(P〈0.05)。撤离平台后,SE组大鼠在平台所在象限的停留时间明显短于对照组(P〈0.05),姜黄素治疗后大鼠在平台所在象限的停留时间较SE组显著延长(P〈0.05)。(2)给予HFS刺激后各组兴奋性突出后电位(fEPSP)斜率较前明显增加,均可持续1h以上,与对照组比较SE组HFS刺激后fEPSP斜率明显减小(P〈0.05),姜黄素可减轻SE所致的fEPSP斜率减小(P〈0.05)。(3)SE组SOD、GSH—PX、GSH显著下降,MDA明显增高,姜黄素可逆转上述现象,有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:姜黄素可显著减轻癫痫持续状态所致的大鼠认知功能障碍,减轻海马区的氧化应激反应从而保护海马海马是其可能机制之一。  相似文献   

目的:探讨姜黄素(curcumin)对癫痫大鼠认知功能障碍的预防作用及其可能机制。方法:将30只成年雄性SD大鼠分为正常对照组、单纯致痫组(SE组)、姜黄素[60mg/(kg.d)]干预组(curcumin组)。采用Morris水迷宫方法检测大鼠学习记忆功能变化,并检测脑片水平的长时程增强(LTP)变化,处死大鼠后取脑组织并匀浆,测超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)、谷胱甘肽(GSH)、丙二醛(MDA)的水平。结果:(1)SE组大鼠寻找平台的潜伏期明显长于对照组,具有统计学意义(P<0.05),姜黄素组寻找平台的潜伏期相对于SE组显著缩短(P<0.05)。撤离平台后,SE组大鼠在平台所在象限的停留时间明显短于对照组(P<0.05),姜黄素治疗后大鼠在平台所在象限的停留时间较SE组显著延长(P<0.05)。(2)给予HFS刺激后各组兴奋性突出后电位(fEPSP)斜率较前明显增加,均可持续1h以上,与对照组比较SE组HFS刺激后fEPSP斜率明显减小(P<0.05),姜黄素可减轻SE所致的fEPSP斜率减小(P<0.05)。(3)SE组SOD、GSH-PX、GSH显著下降,MDA明显增高,姜黄素可逆转上述现象,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:姜黄素可显著减轻癫痫持续状态所致的大鼠认知功能障碍,减轻海马区的氧化应激反应从而保护海马海马是其可能机制之一。  相似文献   

海马神经元长时程增强(LTP) 被认为与学习和记忆的形成有关.Na+在诱导 LTP产生的过程中十分重要.实验发现,慢性铝暴露可以影响大鼠海马神经元LTP的产生,随着铝暴露浓度的增加,LTP 的幅值逐渐降低.RT-PCR 法对大鼠海马神经元 9 种类型Na+ 通道(即 Nav1.1~Nav1.9)的 mRNA 进行检测发现,除 Nav1.4 和 Nav1.8 Na+通道 mRNA 在大鼠海马神经元中未见表达外,慢性染铝组大鼠海马神经元7种Na+ 通道 mRNA 表达均明显增高(P<0.05).蛋白印迹法对一种脑型 Na+通道 (Nav 1.2) 蛋白检测证明, Na+通道蛋白表达亦明显升高.结果提示,铝进入神经元后,可能通过影响 Na+ 通道蛋白的表达而影响了突触后神经细胞的去极化,进而影响了LTP的诱导过程,从而预示铝的暴露可能损害大鼠学习和记忆能力.  相似文献   

Voluntary exercise has been implicated to be beneficial for overall health and cognitive function in both clinical and experimental studies, but little is presently known about forced physical exercise on cognition and underlying molecular mechanism. We have used real-time RT-PCR to analyze gene expression in hippocampus, in the presence and absence of physical exercise, during spatial learning of rats in the Morris water maze. Our results show distinct zinc homeostasis-related gene expression profiles associated with learning and memory. Rats with physical exercise (EXP) showed a significant up-regulation of mRNA expression of zinc transporter-2 (ZnT-2), ZnT-4, ZnT-5, ZnT-6, and ZnT-7, metallothionein-1 (MT-1)–MT-3, divalent cation transporter-1, and Zrt-Irt-like proteins-7 in hippocampus when compared with control rats. In addition, spatial learning ability was improved in EXP rats compared with that in control group. This study provides the first comparative view of zinc homeostasis-related gene expression in hippocampus following forced physical exercise. These results suggested that forced physical exercise may provide a simple means to maintain brain function and promote learning capacity. Results of this study also suggest that exercise mobilizes zinc homeostasis-related gene expression profiles that would be predicted to benefit brain plasticity processes.  相似文献   

Abstract: The role of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) modulation of septohippocampal cholinergic neurons in kindling was investigated. Hippocampal acetylcholine release was evaluated with the microdialysis technique in freely moving rats either after acute administration of isoniazid (an inhibitor of GABA synthesis) or pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)(a blocker of the GABAA receptor-associated Cl channel) or after chronic administration of PTZ. Short-term treatment with PTZ (5–50 mg/kg, i.p.) or isoniazid (150–250 mg/kg, s.c.) increased hippocampal acetylcholine release in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, the basal concentration of acetylcholine in the dialysate from the hippocampus of rats chronically treated with PTZ (kindled animals) was significantly reduced relative to that of vehicle-treated rats (2.39 ± 0.21 vs. 4.2 ± 0.31 pmol per 20-min sample; p < 0.01). Moreover, the release of acetylcholine was markedly more sensitive to the effect of a challenge injection of PTZ (10 or 20 mg/kg, i.p.) in kindled rats than in naive rats or rats chronically treated with vehicle. Abecarnil, a selective benzodiazepine receptor agonist with marked anticonvulsant activity, was administered together with chronic PTZ to evaluate whether persistent activation of GABAA receptors and suppression of seizures during kindling might affect the sensitivity of septohippocampal cholinergic neurons to a challenge dose of PTZ. Abecarnil (1 mg/kg, i.p.) administered 40 min before each PTZ injection neither antagonized the decrease in basal acetylcholine release (2.26 ± 0.19 pmol per 20-min sample) nor prevented the development of kindling. In contrast, abecarnil prevented the chronic PTZ-induced increase in the sensitivity of acetylcholine release to a challenge dose of PTZ. These results provide novel in vivo data concerning the role of hippocampal acetylcholine function in the development of kindling and potentially in the learning and memory deficits associated with this phenomenon.  相似文献   

为了探讨雌激素对发育期大鼠海马NMDA受体活性的快速影响,对出生后18d的雄性大鼠进行苯甲酸雌二醇皮下注射,1h后用WesternBlot检测海马NMDA受体NR1和NR2B亚基、雌激素β受体、ERK1/2蛋白的表达,以及NR2B和ERK1/2的磷酸化水平;并通过海马内给予雌激素受体拮抗剂ICI182,780和MEK1/2抑制剂U0126预处理,进一步分析苯甲酸雌二醇影响NR2B和ERK1/2磷酸化的作用机制。结果显示,苯甲酸雌二醇不影响NR1、NR2B、ERβ和ERK1/2的表达,但能快速增强NR2B和ERK1/2的磷酸化水平。雌激素受体拮抗剂ICI182,780和MEK1/2抑制剂U0126均能明显抑制苯甲酸雌二醇诱导的NR2B和ERK1/2磷酸化水平的增加。以上结果提示,雌激素可能通过雌激素受体的非基因组机制激活ERK/MAPK信号转导通路,快速诱导NMDA受体NR2B亚基磷酸化,激活NMDA受体。  相似文献   

GH和IGF-1可作用于垂体或/和下丘脑负反馈性地调节垂体GH的分泌,而这种负反馈作用必须通过下丘脑或垂体的GHR和IGF-1R来实现.为研究猪垂体GH分泌负反馈调节的发育性变化和品种特点,分别在0、3、20、30、90、120和180日龄随机选取纯种雄性二花脸猪和大白猪各4头,屠宰并取下丘脑及垂体,用相对定量RT-PCR分析下丘脑和垂体GHR和IGF-1R mRNA水平.结果表明下丘脑GHR mRNA表达呈明显的时序性变化,在0到120日龄期间呈逐渐上升趋势,180日龄时显著下降(P<0.05),提示在快速生长期,GH负反馈调控机制逐渐加强.下丘脑GHR mRNA表达还表现明显的品种间差异,在0到180日龄期间大白猪均显著高于二花脸猪(P<0.05);而垂体GHR mRNA表达相对稳定,品种和年龄间差异不显著,提示GH的负反馈作用位点可能主要在下丘脑.IGF-1R与GHR的表达发育模式不同.下丘脑IGF-IR mRNA的表达相对稳定,无显著的年龄、品种间差异;而在垂体,大白猪和二花脸猪IGF-1R mRNA水平在出生时均较高,随后显著下降(P<0.05),20日龄后逐渐上升至90日龄的较高水平,随后再次下降.大白猪垂体IGF-1 mRNA表达在30日龄和90日龄时显著高于二花脸猪(P<0.05),而180日龄时二花脸猪垂体IGF-1R mRNA水平却显著高于大白猪(P<0.05).结果提示,IGF-1长环负反馈作用位点可能不在下丘脑,而主要在垂体.  相似文献   


GLP-1 play important role in neuroprotection and GLP-1 receptor deficit mice showed decreased seizure threshold and increased cognitive impairment. Therefore, study was premeditated to investigate the effect of liraglutide (GLP-1 analogue) on cornel kindling epilepsy induced co-morbidities in mice. Corneal kindling was induced by electrical stimulation (6 mA, 50 Hz, 3 s); twice daily for 13 days. Liraglutide (75 and 150 µg/kg) and phenytoin (20 mg/kg) were administered in corneal kindled groups. On day 14, elevated plus maze, passive shock avoidance paradigms were performed, and on day 15, retention was taken. On day 16 tail suspension test were performed. On 20th day challenge test was performed with same electrical stimulation and retention was observed on elevated plus maze and passive avoidance paradigm. Animal were sacrificed on 21st day for biochemical (LPO, GSH, and nitrite) and neurochemical (GABA, glutamate, DA, NE, 5-HT and their metabolites) estimation. Electrical stimulation by corneal electrode for 13 days developed generalized clonic seizures, increased cognitive impairment, oxidative stress and neurochemical alteration in mice brain. Co-treatment with liraglutide (75 and 150 μg/kg) significantly prevented the seizure severity, restored behavioural activity, oxidative stress and restored the altered level of neurotransmitters observed in corneal kindled mouse.


Cathepsins are families of proteases that have been reported to play the key roles in neuroexcitotoxicity. The present study was sought to determine the effect of CBI, a cathepsin B inhibitor, in the prevention of neurobehavioral deficits after inhalant flurothyl-induced recurrent neonatal seizures in rats. We examined the expression pattern of autophagy-related genes at acute phase after the last seizures using western blot method, and evaluated behavioral deficits during postnatal day 28 (P28) to P35. The results showed improved neurological scores and learning ability in CBI-treated rats compared with the nontreated control. Flurothyl-induced increases in the ratio of LC3-II/LC3-I, Beclin-1 and Cathepsin-B were blocked by pre-treatment with CBI at 1.5, 3, 6 and 24 h after the last seizures in hippocampus and cerebral cortex by western blot analysis. Meanwhile, CBI also reversed flurothyl-induced down-regulation of Bcl-2 protein levels. Furthermore, in the long-term time point of 35 days (P35), PRG-1 mRNA and protein level in hippocampus and cerebral cortex of recurrent seizure group were up-regulated when compared to the control rats; meanwhile, the up-regulated expression of PRG-1 were robustly inhibited by CBI. These date demonstrated, for the first time, that lysosomal enzymes participate in neonatal seizure-induced brain damage and that modulation of cathepsin B may offer a new strategy for the development of therapeutic interventions for treatment of developmental seizure-induced brain damage.  相似文献   

(1) The role of activation of Rho-kinase in the pathogenesis of cognitive deficit and neuronal damage caused by chronic global ischemia is not clear. In this study, hydroxyfasudil, a Rho-kinase inhibitor, was found to improve the learning and memory performance significantly in rats with ischemia induced by chronic cerebral hypoperfusion after permanent bilateral carotid artery ligation (BCAL). This was observed by the administration of hydroxyfasudil (1 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg, once per day for 30 days) to ischemic rats and the measurements of escape latency and time spent in the target quadrant among the ischemic, sham, and ischemic plus hydroxyfasudil rats by the method of Morris water maze. (2) In electrophysiological study, hydroxyfasudil abolished the inhibition of long-term potentiation (LTP) in rats with ischemia. Morphologically, it also markedly reduced pathological changes such as neuronal cells loss and nuclei shrinkage in cortex and hippocampus of ischemic rats. Biochemical analysis showed that the inhibition of Rho-kinase by hydroxyfasudil reduced the amount of MDA and increased the activities of SOD and GPx in ischemic rats that had increased MDA and decreased SOD and GPx activities. (3) To explore mechanism (s) of the beneficial effects of hydroxyfasudil in ischemia, we performed immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR analyses of NMDA NR2B subunit and for the first time found that hydroxyfasudil increased the expression of NR2B in cortex and hippocampus at both protein and mRNA levels. (4) Taken together, our data further support the notion that the inhibition of Rho-kinase provides neuroprotective effects in cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

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