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The highly conserved zinc fingers in retroviral nucleocapsid (NC) proteins have the general structure Cys-(X)2-Cys-(X)4-His-(X)4-Cys. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) contains two Zn2+ fingers, and mutants were constructed in which the native sequence of each Zn2+ finger was maintained but their positions in the NC protein were changed. Mutants had either two first-finger sequences (pNC1/1), two second-finger sequences (pNC2/2), or reversed first- and second-finger sequences (pNC2/1). Cells transfected with mutant or wild-type clones produced similar levels of Tat, Gag, Pol, and Env proteins, formed syncytia, and shed viruslike particles that were indistinguishable by electron microscopy. However, the pNC2/1 and pNC2/2 mutants were inefficient in packaging genomic RNA (less than 15% of wild-type levels), whereas the pNC1/1 mutant packaged approximately 70% of wild-type levels of RNA. No infectious virus could be detected with either the pNC2/1 or pNC2/2 mutants, whereas the pNC1/1 mutant appeared to sustain a low level of replication and reverted to a competent wild-type-like viral species after a 2- to 4-week lag period. The data strongly suggest that the two Zn2+ fingers of HIV-1 are not functionally equivalent and that the first Zn2+ finger in the Gag precursor plays a more prominent role in RNA selection and packaging. The data also indicate that both Zn2+ fingers in the mature NC protein play as yet unknown roles in viral assembly or the early stages of the viral infection process.  相似文献   

The integrase (IN) protein of the human immunodeficiency virus mediates integration of the viral DNA into the cellular genome. In vitro, this reaction can be mimicked by using purified recombinant IN and model DNA substrates. IN mediates two reactions: an endonucleolytic cleavage at each 3' end of the proviral DNA (terminal cleavage) and the joining of the linear viral DNA to 5' phosphates in the target DNA (strand transfer). Previous investigators have shown that purified IN requires Mn2+ or Mg2+ to promote strand transfer in vitro, although Mg2+ is the likely metal cofactor in vivo. IN activity in the presence of Mg2+ in vitro requires high IN concentrations and low concentrations of salt. Here, we show that the viral nucleocapsid protein NCp7 allows efficient IN-mediated strand transfer in the presence of Mg2+ at low enzyme concentrations. This potentiating effect appears to be unique to NCp7, as other small DNA-binding proteins, while capable of stimulating integration in the presence of Mn2+, all failed to stimulate strand transfer in the presence of Mg2+.  相似文献   

The interaction of the nucleocapsid protein NCp7, from the pNL4-3 isolate of HIV-1, with psi-RNA-SL3, with the sequence 5'-GGACUAGCGGAGGCUAGUCC, was studied using non-denaturing gel electrophoresis. Two kinds of experiments were performed, using buffered solutions of radiolabeled RNA and unlabeled protein. In the 'dilution' experiments, the total RNA concentration, RT, was varied for a series of solutions, but kept equal to the total protein concentration, PT, In the 'titration' experiments, solutions having RT constant but with varying PT were analyzed. The solutions were electrophoresed and the autoradiographic spot intensities, proportional to the amounts of the different species present, were measured. The intensities were fit to a number of equilibrium models, differing in species stoichiometries, by finding the best values of the binding constants. It was shown that NCp7 protein and SL3 RNA combine to form at least two complexes. When PT is below approximately 10 microM, a complex that contains two RNAs and one protein forms. Increasing PT to approximately 100 microM causes the 2:1 complex to oligomerize, forming a species having eight RNAs and four proteins. For the dilution experiments, run at 5 degrees C at an ionic strength of 31 mM, we found K1 for the 2:1 complex is approximately 10(11) M(-2) and K2 for the 8:4 complex is approximately 10(16) M(-3). The titration experiments returned K1 approximately 10(7) M(-2) (poorly determined) and K2 approximately 10(19) M(-3). The analysis was complicated by the loss of RNA at higher protein concentrations, due to formation of an insoluble species containing both RNA and protein, which does not enter the gel. Correcting for this changes the calculated values of equilibrium constants, but not the molecularities determined by our analysis. The observation that a small complex can oligomerize to form a larger species is consistent with the fact that NCp7 organizes and condenses the genome in the virus particle.  相似文献   

Depending on the HIV-1 isolate, MN or BH10, the nucleocapsid protein, NCp7, corresponds to a 55- or 71-amino acid length product, respectively. The MN NCp7 contains a single Trp residue at position 37 in the distal zinc finger motif, and the BH10 NCp7 contains an additional Trp, at position 61 in the C-terminal chain. The time-resolved intensity decay parameters of the zinc-saturated BH10 NCp7 were determined and compared to those of single-Trp-containing derivatives. The fluorescence decay of BH10 NCp7 could be clearly represented as a linear combination (with respect to both lifetimes and fractional intensities) of the individual emitting Trp residues. This suggested the absence of interactions between the two Trp residues, a feature that was confirmed by molecular modeling and fluorescence energy transfer studies. In the presence of tRNAPhe, taken as a RNA model, the same conclusions hold true despite the large fluorescence decrease induced by the binding of tRNAPhe. Indeed, the fluorescence of Trp37 appears almost fully quenched, in keeping with a stacking of this residue with the bases of tRNAPhe. Despite the multiple binding sites in tRNAPhe, the large prevalence of ultrashort lifetimes, associated with the stacking of Trp37, suggests that this stacking constitutes a major feature in the binding process of NCp7 to nucleic acids. In contrast, Trp61 only stacked to a small extent with tRNAPhe. The behavior of this residue in the tRNAPhe-NCp7 complexes appeared to be rather heterogeneous, suggesting that it does not constitute a major determinant in the binding process. Finally, our data suggested that the binding of NCp7 proteins from the two HIV-1 strains to nonspecific nucleic acid sequences was largely similar.  相似文献   

The replication process of human immunodeficiency virus requires a number of nucleic acid annealing steps facilitated by the hybridization and helix-destabilizing activities of human immunodeficiency virus nucleocapsid (NC) protein. NC contains two CCHC zinc finger motifs numbered 1 and 2 from the N terminus. The amino acids surrounding the CCHC residues differ between the two zinc fingers. Assays were preformed to investigate the activities of the fingers by determining the effect of mutant and wild-type proteins on annealing of 42-nucleotide RNA and DNA complements. The mutants 1.1 NC and 2.2 NC had duplications of the N- and C-terminal zinc fingers in positions 1 and 2. The mutant 2.1 NC had the native zinc fingers with their positions switched. Annealing assays were completed with unstructured and highly structured oligonucleotide complements. 2.2 NC had a near wild-type level of annealing of unstructured nucleic acids, whereas it was completely unable to stimulate annealing of highly structured nucleic acids. In contrast, 1.1 NC was able to stimulate annealing of both unstructured and structured substrates, but to a lesser degree than the wild-type protein. Results suggest that finger 1 has a greater role in unfolding of strong secondary structures, whereas finger 2 serves an accessory role that leads to a further increase in the rate of annealing.  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid protein NCp7, which is the major genomic RNA binding protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1, plays an important role in several key steps of the viral life cycle. Many of the NCp7 activities, notably the nucleic acid annealing and the genomic RNA wrapping ones, are thought to be linked to a nonspecific binding of NCp7 to its nucleic acid targets. The mechanism of these activities is still debated but several clues are in favor of an intermediate aggregation of nucleic acids by NCp7. To check and characterize the nucleic acid aggregating properties of NCp7, we investigated the interaction of NCp7 with the model RNA homopolymer, polyA, by quasielastic light scattering and optical density measurements. The ordered growth of monodisperse large particles independently of the nucleic acid size and the almost complete covering of polyA by NCp7 strongly suggested an ordered aggregation mechanism. The aggregate kinetics of growth in the optimum protein concentration range (≥2 μM) were governed by a so-called Ostwald ripening mechanism limited by transfer of NCp7-covered polyA complexes from small to large aggregates. The aggregation process was strongly dependent on both Na+ and Mg2+ concentrations, the optimum concentrations being in the physiological range. Similar conclusions held true when polyA was replaced by 16S + 23S ribosomal RNA, suggesting that the NCp7 aggregating properties were only poorly dependent on the nucleic acid sequence and structure. Finally, as in the NCp7 annealing activities, the basic regions of NCp7, but not the zinc fingers, were found critical in nucleic acid aggregation. Taken together, our data indicate that NCp7 is a highly efficient nucleic acid aggregating agent and strengthen the hypothesis that aggregation may constitute a transient step in various NCp7 functions. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We replaced the HIV-1 nucleocapsid (NC) domain with different N-coding sequences to test SARS-CoV nucleocapsid (N) self-interaction capacity, and determined the capabilities of each chimera to direct virus-like particle (VLP) assembly. Analysis results indicate that the replacement of NC with the carboxyl-terminal half of the SARS-CoV N resulted in the production of wild type (wt)-level virus-like particles (VLPs) with the density of a wt HIV-1 particle. When co-expressed with SARS-CoV N, chimeras containing the N carboxyl-terminal half sequence efficiently packaged N. However, the same was not true for the chimera bearing the N amino-terminal half sequence, despite its production of substantial amounts of VLPs. According to further analysis, HIV-1 NC replacement with N residues 2–213, 215–421, or 234–421 resulted in efficient VLP production at levels comparable to that of wt HIV-1, but replacement with residues 215–359, 302–421, 2–168, or 2–86 failed to restore VLP production to wild-type levels. The results suggest that the domain conferring the ability to direct VLP assembly and release in SARS-CoV N is largely contained between residues 168 and 421.  相似文献   

Recent epidemiologic studies show increasing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmission through oral-genital contact. This paper examines the possibility that normal human oral keratinocytes (NHOKs) might be directly infected by HIV or might convey infectious HIV virions to adjacent leukocytes. PCR analysis of proviral DNA constructs showed that NHOKs can be infected by CXCR4-tropic (NL4-3 and ELI) and dualtropic (89.6) strains of HIV-1 to generate a weak but productive infection. CCR5-tropic strain Ba-L sustained minimal viral replication. Antibody inhibition studies showed that infection by CXCR4-tropic viral strains is mediated by the galactosylceramide receptor and the CXCR4 chemokine coreceptor. Coculture studies showed that infectious HIV-1 virions can also be conveyed from NHOKs to activated peripheral blood lymphocytes, suggesting a potential role of oral epithelial cells in the transmission of HIV infection.  相似文献   

The process of retroviral RNA encapsidation involves interaction between trans-acting viral proteins and cis-acting RNA elements. The encapsidation signal on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA is a multipartite structure composed of functional stem-loop structures. The nucleocapsid (NC) domain of the Gag polyprotein precursor contains two copies of a Cys-His box motif that have been demonstrated to be important in RNA encapsidation. To further characterize the role of the Cys-His boxes of the HIV-1 NC protein in RNA encapsidation, the relative efficiency of RNA encapsidation for virus particles that contained mutations within the Cys-His boxes was measured. Mutations that disrupted the first Cys-His box of the NC protein resulted in virus particles that encapsidated genomic RNA less efficiently and subgenomic RNA more efficiently than did wild-type virus. Mutations within the second Cys-His box did not significantly affect RNA encapsidation. In addition, a full complement of wild-type NC protein in virus particles is not required for efficient RNA encapsidation or virus replication. Finally, both Cys-His boxes of the NC protein play additional roles in virus replication.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) is similar in genetic organization to HIV-1 but contains a unique gene (vpx) that encodes a 16-kDa protein. A replication-competent molecular clone of HIV-2 (HIV-2sbl/isy) that infects human primary cells in vitro and rhesus monkeys was used to generate three mutations in the vpx gene. In the first mutant, the vpx open reading frame was truncated at amino acid 20; the second mutant was tailored to eliminate the proline-rich carboxyl terminus of the protein; and the third mutant was obtained by addition of four amino acids (KDEL) to the carboxyl terminus of the protein to provide a retention signal in the endoplasmic reticulum. The viral infection kinetics of the three mutant viruses and isogeneic HIV-2sbl/isy in the SupT1 cell line were similar. Slight impairment in the early phases of viral replication was observed during infection of primary human peripheral blood mononuclear cells with the vpx mutant viruses. All of the vpx mutant viruses readily infected macrophages, indicating that vpx expression is dispensable for HIV-2 infection and replication in human macrophages.  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid protein (NC) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 has two zinc fingers, each containing the invariant CCHC zinc-binding motif; however, the surrounding amino acid context is not identical in the two fingers. Recently, we demonstrated that zinc coordination is required when NC unfolds complex secondary structures in RNA and DNA minus- and plus-strand transfer intermediates; this property of NC reflects its nucleic acid chaperone activity. Here we have analyzed the chaperone activities of mutants having substitutions of alternative zinc-coordinating residues, i.e., CCHH or CCCC, for the wild-type CCHC motif. We also investigated the activities of mutants that retain the CCHC motifs but have mutations that exchange or duplicate the zinc fingers (mutants 1-1, 2-1, and 2-2); these changes affect amino acid context. Our results indicate that in general, for optimal activity in an assay that measures stimulation of minus-strand transfer and inhibition of nonspecific self-priming, the CCHC motif in the zinc fingers cannot be replaced by CCHH or CCCC and the amino acid context of the fingers must be conserved. Context changes also reduce the ability of NC to facilitate primer removal in plus-strand transfer. In addition, we found that the first finger is a more crucial determinant of nucleic acid chaperone activity than the second finger. Interestingly, comparison of the in vitro results with earlier in vivo replication data raises the possibility that NC may adopt multiple conformations that are responsible for different NC functions during virus replication.  相似文献   

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