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Chlorophyll-protein complexes of the wild type and 16 strainsof chlorina mutants of rice were investigated by gel electrophoresis.An antenna chlorophyll a/b-protein of photosystem II (LHC-II)was present in reduced amounts in Type II chlorina mutants whichhave the chlorophyll a/b ratios of 10–15, and was totallyabsent from Type I chlorina mutants which lack chlorophyll b.Another antenna chlorophyll-protein of photosystem I (LHC-I)containing two polypeptides of 20 and 21 kDa was also presentin the Type II mutants but not in the Type I mutants. The polypeptideprofiles of the thylakoid membranes indicate that Type I mutantslack both the 20 and 21 kDa polypeptides, whereas the abundanceof the two polypeptides relative to the CPI apoprotein in theType II mutants is comparable with that in the wild type. Itis concluded that the 20 and 21 kDa polypeptides are both relatedto LHC-I and are normally synthesized and accumulated in theType II mutants. (Received June 6, 1985; Accepted August 6, 1985)  相似文献   

Turnover, in the light, of apoproteins of light-harvesting chlorophylla/6-proteins for Photo-system I and II (LHC-I and LHC-II, respectively)was studied with the wild-type and three chlorophyll 6-deficientmutants of rice. (1) Synthesis of the 24 and 25 kDa apoproteinsof LHC-II and the 20 and 21 kDa apoproteins of LHC-I was examinedby incubating leaf segments with [35S]-methionine. The threerice mutants, chlorina 2, which totally lacks chlorophyll b,and chlorina 11 and 14, which are partially deficient in chlorophyllb, synthesized the apoproteins as rapidly as did the wild typerice. (2) Pulse-chase experiments showed that breakdown of theapoproteins proceeded slowly, such that only a small proportionof the newly synthesized apoproteins was lost during the 48h of the chase in normal rice leaves. By contrast, large fractionsof the labelled apoproteins were rapidly degraded within thefirst several hours of the chase period in the chlorina mutants.The greater the deficiency in chlorophyll b of the mutant, thelarger were the rate and extent of the protein breakdown. Thisresult indicates that chlorophyll b is needed to stabilize theapoproteins of LHC-II and LHC-I. (3) However, even in chlorina2, there were small fractions of the apoproteins with lifetimesas long as those of apoproteins in the wild-type rice, suggestingthat the newly synthesized apoproteins are partially protectedby a factor(s) other than chlorophyll b. (4) The rate of turnoverof the apoproteins was significantly reduced in the dark andstrongly inhibited by prior treatment of leaf segments withchloramphenicol. (Received November 24, 1988; Accepted March 17, 1989)  相似文献   

Stoichiometries of photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII)reaction centers in a cultivar of rice, Norin No. 8, and threechlorophyll b-deficient mutants derived from the cultivar wereinvestigated. Quantitation of PSI by photooxidation of P-700and chromatographic assay of vitamin K1 showed that, on thebasis of chlorophyll, the mutants have higher concentrationsof PSI than the wildtype rice. Greater increases were observedin the PSII contents measured by photoreduction of QA, bindingof a radioactive herbicide and atomic absorption spectroscopyof Mn. Consequently, the PSII to PSI ratio increased from 1.1–1.3in the wild-type rice to 1.8 in chlorina 2, which contains noChl b, and to 2.0–3.3 in chlorina 11 and chlorina 14,which have chlorophyll a/b ratios of 9 and 13, respectively.Measurement of oxygen evolution with saturating single-turnoverflashes revealed that, whereas at most 20% of PSII centers areinactive in oxygen evolution in the wildtype rice, the non-functionalPSII centers amount to about 50% in the three mutant strains.The fluorescence induction kinetics was also analyzed to estimateproportions of the inactive PSII in the mutants. The data obtainedsuggest that plants have an ability to adjust the stoichiometryof the two photosystems and the functional organization of PSIIin response to the genetically induced deficiency of chlorophyllb. (Received July 29, 1994; Accepted February 7, 1996)  相似文献   

Light-harvesting capacities of photosystem I (PSI) and photosystemII (PSII) in a wild-type and three chlorophyll b-deficient mutantstrains of rice were determined by measuring the initial slopeof light-response curve of PSI and PSII electron transport andkinetics of light-induced redox changes of P-700 and QA, respectively.The light-harvesting capacity of PSI determined by the two methodswas only moderately reduced by chlorophyll b-deficiency. Analysisof the fluorescence induction that monitors time course of QAphotoreduction showed that both relative abundance and antennasize of PSIIa decrease with increasing deficiency of chlorophyllb and there is only PSII in chlorina 2 which totallylacks chlorophyll b. The numbers of antenna chlorophyll moleculesassociated with the mutant PSII centers were, therefore, threeto five times smaller than that of PSIIa in the wild type rice.Rates of PSII electron transport determined on the basis ofPSII centers in the three mutants were 60–70% of thatin the normal plant at all photon flux densities examined, indicatingthat substantial portions of the mutant PSII centers are inactivein electron transport. The initial slopes of light-responsecurves of PSII electron transport revealed that the functionalantenna sizes of the active populations of PSII centers in themutants correspond to about half that of PSII in the wild typerice. Thus, the numbers of chlorophyll molecules that serveas antenna of the oxygen-evolving PSII centers in the mutantsare significantly larger than those that are actually associatedwith each PSII center. It is proposed that the inactive PSIIserves as an antenna of the active PSII in the three chlorophyllb-deficient mutants of rice. In spite of the reduced antennasize of PSII, therefore, the total light-harvesting capacityof PSII approximately matches that of PSI in the mutants. (Received July 29, 1994; Accepted February 7, 1996)  相似文献   

The use of n-octyl-beta-d-glucopyranoside along with sodium dodecyl sulfate improves the retention of chlorophyll (Chl) by chlorophyll-protein complexes (CPs) prepared from thylakoids of Euglena gracilis Klebs var bacillaris Cori and yields several additional complexes. Thylakoids from wild-type (WT) cells, solubilized in these detergents and subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at 0 degrees C, yield the following CPs, in order of relative molecular weight, containing the pigments shown in parentheses with their respective molar ratios where determined: CP Ia (Chl a, diadinoxanthin and beta-carotene; 100:12:5); CP I (Chl a and beta-carotene; 100:6-12); CPx (Chl and carotenoids); LHCP(2) (light-harvesting CP oligomer) (Chl a, Chl b, diadinoxanthin and neoxanthin; 12:4:3:1); CPy (Chl a, diadinoxanthin and beta-carotene; 100:14:8); CPa (Chl a and beta-carotene; 100:18-25) and LHCP (monomer) (Chl a, Chl b, diadinoxanthin and neoxanthin; 12:6:4:1). The LHCP complexes retain up to 40% of the total Chl and 80% of the Chl b in the thylakoids. CP Ia contains only a trace of Chl b (Chl a/b [mol/mol] = 62). The lower amount of Chl b in Euglena (about 10% of Chl a + b) compared to higher plants (about 30% of Chl a + b) is probably a consequence of the lower Chl b (relative to Chl a) in the LHCPs of Euglena rather than of fewer LHCPs being present. G(1)BU, Gr(1)BSL, and O(4)BSL, mutants of bacillaris low in Chl b (1-2% of Chl a + b), lack the CP Ia, LHCP, and LHCP(2) found in wildtype (WT); G(1) and O(4) also lack CPy. The mutants contain reduced amounts of Chl a (two-thirds of WT in Gr(1) and one-third in G(1) and O(4)) and neoxanthin (20-40% of WT) but retain levels of beta-carotene and diadinoxanthin close to those in cells of WT. The CPs remaining in the mutants have pigment compositions very similar to their counterparts from WT.  相似文献   

Ten rice chlorina mutants of Type I, which totally lack chlorophyllb and hence are unable to synthesize light-harvesting chlorophylla/b protein complexes of photosystem II (LHC-II), containedmRNA for proteins related to LHC-II. Immunoblotting with anantiserum, which had been raised against the 24 and 25 kDa apoproteinsof LHC-II and found to cross-react with the 26 kDa protein ofLHC-II and the 20 and 21 kDa apoproteins of light-harvestingchlorophyll a/b protein complexes of photosystem I (LHC-I),revealed that all the five proteins related to LHC-Iand LHC-IIwere present in reduced amounts in the Type I mutants. ThreeType HA mutants, which have a chlorophyll a/b ratio of 10, weremore abundant in the apoproteins, while three Type IIB mutantswith the ratio of 15 were heterogeneous in terms of the apoproteincontent. All the chlorina mutants contained less P700 comparedwith the wild type rice, but were relatively more abundant inthe LHC-I proteins than the LHC-II proteins. The results showthat all the rice chlorina strains are mutants of chlorophyllb synthesis and the deficiency of chlorophyll b differentlyaffects accumulation of the apoproteins of LHC-I and LHC-II.To balance light absorption between the two photosystem, lossof LHC-II is partly counter-balanced by a decrease in the numberof PSI complexes in the mutants. (Received January 21, 1988; Accepted April 28, 1988)  相似文献   

小麦黄化突变体光合作用及叶绿素荧光特性研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
曹莉  王辉  孙道杰  冯毅 《西北植物学报》2006,26(10):2083-2087
对小麦自然黄化突变体及其突变亲本(西农1718)的叶绿素含量、光合速率及叶绿素荧光动力学参数进行比较分析.结果显示:(1)突变体金黄株、绿黄株、黄绿株的叶绿素含量均显著低于突变亲本,总叶绿素含量分别为突变亲本的17%、24%和58%,表明该突变体为叶绿素缺乏突变体;3个突变体叶绿素a与叶绿素b的比值(Chl a/Chl b)均小于突变亲本,而且突变体叶绿素含量越低,Chl a/Chl b比值越小,说明该突变体Chl a下降幅度大于Chl b.(2)金黄株净光合速率在孕穗期、开花期仅为突变亲本的5.7%、2.4%;绿黄株净光合速率显著低于突变亲本,为突变亲本的57.7%、43.3%;而叶绿素含量仅为突变亲本一半的黄绿株,其净光合速率接近突变亲本,表明该黄化突变体叶绿素含量在一定范围内单位叶绿素含量的光合效率较高.(3)突变体Fo均显著低于突变亲本;金黄株、绿黄株的Fm,Fv,qP,qN显著低于突变亲本;金黄株Fv/Fm比值(0.671)显著低于突变亲本.研究表明,叶绿素含量在一定范围内减少,未引起突变体叶绿素荧光动力学参数(Fo除外)显著改变,而当叶绿素含量较大程度减少时,这些荧光参数会急剧降低.  相似文献   

Data include charts and tables of absorbance and fluorescence of 4 coupling agents for immunity reactions, 34 typical fluorescent dyes and reagents, and 12 dyes or reagents having no fluorescence in solution but which may be fluorescent in the dry state. Since this report consists largely of reference data, the original must be consulted for details. Reprint source: The Perkin-Elmer Corporation, Norwalk, Connecticut, U. S. A.  相似文献   

Absorption spectra of chlorophyll a were measured in polar and non-polar solvents, as a function of temperature from 298 degrees to 77 degrees K. Both dilute and concentrated solutions were examined. In both types of solvents at room temperature, the absorption spectra of concentrated solutions differ from dilute ones in that the half width of the main red absorption band is greater, and all bands are shifted to longer wavelengths. These differences are largely due to the presence of dimers when the pigment concentration is high. In dilute ethanol solutions, where the chlorophyll is unassociated, cooling causes a red shift in all bands which is due to the increased polarity of the solvent at low temperature. On cooling at high concentrations in ethanol and EPA, a new band appears near 700 nm. This band is attributed to dimers present prior to cooling, but absorbing at shorter wavelengths at room temperature. In nonpolar solvents, a band near 700 nm appears at the solvent freezing point. In these solvents, the "700" nm absorption is attributed to dimers, and/or small polymers, partly formed by cooling. A change in aggregate geometry when the solvent becomes viscous or frozen can account for the appearance of this "700" nm absorption band at low temperature, in polar and nonpolar media.  相似文献   

拟南芥叶黄素缺失突变体叶绿素荧光猝灭的特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了3个叶黄素组分缺失的拟南芥核基因突变体,npq1(缺乏玉米黄质Z和单环氧玉米黄质A)、lut2(缺乏lutein)和lut2-npq1(双突变体,同时缺Z和lutein),及其对照野生型(WT)在强光诱导下叶绿素荧光猝灭的特性.与WT相比,3个突变体的叶绿素a/b没有明显的差异,Fv/Fm则有不同幅度的增加,缺乏lutein的突变体lut2和lut2-npq1的叶黄素循环库(V+A+Z)显著增大.缺乏Z的突变体npq1和lut2-npq1在强光下,荧光的非光化学猝灭(NPQ)的诱导受到明显抑制,lut2的NPQ形成也受到部分抑制.强光处理9 min后,3个突变体和WT的NPQ大小顺序为WT>lut2>npq1>npq1-lut2.强光诱导过程中突变体的光化学猝灭(qP)都小于WT.强光下突变体显示较弱的抗光抑制能力,其抗光抑制能力的强弱顺序为:WT>lut2>npq1>lut2-npq1.结果表明叶黄素循环不但与NPQ的形成直接相关也与qP有关.  相似文献   

Lin  Zhi-Fang  Peng  Chang-Lian  Lin  Gui-Zhu  Ou  Zhi-Ying  Yang  Cheng-Wei  Zhang  Jing-Liu 《Photosynthetica》2003,41(1):61-67
Two yellow rice mutants VG28-1 and VG30-5 were obtained during the tissue culture process from a rice plant (cv. Zhonghua No.11 japonica) with inserted maize Ds transposon element. Absorption spectra and pigment composition showed that two mutants had no chlorophyll (Chl) b and lower Chl a content in comparison to the wild type (WT). Net photosynthetic rate (P N), total electron transport rate (JF), photochemical quenching (qp), quantum yield of PS2 dependent non-cyclic electron transport (PS2), fraction of Prate, and leaf area were lower but Fv/Fm and apparent quantum yield (AQY) remained at similar levels as in the WT plant. Xanthophyll cycle pool size (V+A+Z) on a Chl basis, and de-epoxidation state were enhanced in the mutants. The mutants had larger amounts of soluble protein and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPCO), especially the small subunit of RuBPCO, than WT. The characteristics of two rice mutants differed somewhat from the other common Chl b-less mutants originating from mutagenic agent treatments.  相似文献   

Density-gradient centrifugation of disintegrated cells from a variety of plants gave two kinds of chlorophyll particles from all except the blue-green algae. As in previous procedures using detergents, the lighter Fraction 1 particles usually had greater absorption at longer wavelengths; they always had a lower ratio of short to long wavelength fluorescence at low temperature, and a lower fluorescence yield per chlorophyll than the denser Fraction 2 particles. Although only one kind of particle fraction was found in each blue-green alga, the fine structure of the chlorophyll a absorption band differed significantly among the three species measured.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll-protein complexes (CPs) obtained from thylakoids of Euglena gracilis Klebs var bacillaris Cori contain the following polypeptides (listed in parentheses in order of prominence after Coomassie R-250 staining of polyacrylamide gels): CP Ia (66, 18, 22, 22.5, 27.5, 21, 28, 24, 25.5, and 26 kilodaltons [kD]); CP I (66 kD); CPx (41 kD); LHCP2 (an oligomer of LHCP) (26.5, 28, and 26 kD); CPy (27 and 19 kD); CPa (54 kD); and LHCP (26.5, 28, and 26 kD). Mutants of bacillaris low in chlorophyll b (Gr1BSL, G1BU, and O4BSL; Chl a/b [mol/mol] = 50-100) which lack CP Ia, LHCP2, and LHCP also lack or are deficient in polypeptides associated with these complexes in wild-type cells. Mutants G1 and O4, which also lack CPy, lack the CPy-associated polypeptides found in wild-type and Gr1. Using an antiserum which was elicited by and reacts strongly and selectively with the SDS-treated major polypeptide (26.5 kD) of the LHCP complexes of wild-type, this polypeptide is undetectable in the mutants (0.25% of the level in wild-type on a cell basis); the antiserum does not react with the SDS-treated 28 kD polypeptide of the Euglena LHCP complexes and cross-reacts only very weakly with components in SDS-treated cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard and chloroplasts of Spinacia oleracea L. cv Winter Bloomsdale. Rates of photosynthesis of the wild-type and mutant cells of Euglena are approximately equal on a cell basis when measured at light saturation, consistent with the selective loss of major antenna components but not CP I or CPa from the mutants.  相似文献   

Absorption Spectra of Leaves. I. The Visible Spectrum   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

This paper supplements a previous report: Stain Techn. 38, 37-48, 1963. Spectra and tables of data are given for 11 fluorescent dyes in solution, 6 to clarify nomenclature, 3 for which fluorescence had not been observed, and 2 as controls. Improved instrumentation was used. Since this report consists largely of reference data, the original must be consulted for details. Reprint source: The Perkin-Elmer Corporation, Norwalk, Connecticut 06852, U. S. A.  相似文献   

研究了光敏核不育水稻(Oryza sativa L.)农垦58S(NK58S)的光合日变化和光抑制.06:00~09:00,NK58S的光抑制不明显,此时的光合功能下调以叶黄素循环为主;10:00~12:00,耗散比能流(DIo/RC)及光反应中心关闭净速率(dV/dto)增加,受体侧电子传递受阻(ψo下降),活性反应中心密度(Do)降低,NK58S光抑制加剧,PSⅡ反应中心发生失活.荧光暗弛豫分析与抑制剂处理结果表明,状态转换、叶黄素循环和PSⅡ反应中心失活均能有效保护NK58S免遭强光损伤.叶黄素循环相对于反应中心失活,前者是NK58S对强光胁迫的快速反应,在光强相对较弱时发挥主要作用,而后者在叶黄素循环达到饱和时对保护剩余活性反应中心起主要作用.  相似文献   

水稻光合日变化及光抑制的叶绿素荧光   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了光敏核不育水稻(OryzasativaL.)农垦58S(NK58S)的光合日变化和光抑制。06:00~09:00,NK58S的光抑制不明显,此时的光合功能下调以叶黄素循环为主;10:00~12:00,耗散比能流(DIo/RC)及光反应中心关闭净速率(dV/dto)增加,受体侧电子传递受阻(yO下降),活性反应中心密度(Do)降低,NK58S光抑制加剧,PSⅡ反应中心发生失活。荧光暗弛豫分析与抑制剂处理结果表明,状态转换、叶黄素循环和PSⅡ反应中心失活均能有效保护NK58S免遭强光损伤。叶黄素循环相对于反应中心失活,前者是NK58S对强光胁迫的快速反应,在光强相对较弱时发挥主要作用,而后者在叶黄素循环达到饱和时对保护剩余活性反应中心起主要作用。  相似文献   

By measuring the derivative absorption spectra of chloroplasts of different populations of Pinus armandi Franch., it was found that southern populations maintained higher absorption at 680 nm than at 670 nm, but some of the northern populations deviated the maximum absorption from 680 nm to 670 nm, which indicated that the activity of PS Ⅱ in some of the northern populations declined. Clear geographical differences also have been found in the positions of emission peaks of PS Ⅰ and PS Ⅱ in the fluorescence emission spectra at 77 K. Analysis of the fluorescence excitation spectra at 77 K revealed geographical changes in the absorption.status of Chl a. Besides, the experimental results indicated that the intact needles of Pinus armandi are not ideal materials to be used in detecting the geographical variation in photochemical reaction process because the presence of thicker coat, resin etc. can conceal the spectral differences in different populations.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic apparatus in plants is protected against oxidative damage by processes that dissipate excess absorbed light energy as heat within the light-harvesting complexes. This dissipation of excitation energy is measured as nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence. Nonphotochemical quenching depends primarily on the [delta]pH that is generated by photosynthetic electron transport, and it is also correlated with the amounts of zeaxanthin and antheraxanthin that are formed from violaxanthin by the operation of the xanthophyll cycle. To perform a genetic dissection of nonphotochemical quenching, we have isolated npq mutants of Chlamydomonas by using a digital video-imaging system. In excessive light, the npq1 mutant is unable to convert violaxanthin to antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin; this reaction is catalyzed by violaxanthin de-epoxidase. The npq2 mutant appears to be defective in zeaxanthin epoxidase activity, because it accumulates zeaxanthin and completely lacks antheraxanthin and violaxanthin under all light conditions. Characterization of these mutants demonstrates that a component of nonphotochemical quenching that develops in vivo in Chlamydomonas depends on the accumulation of zeaxanthin and antheraxanthin via the xanthophyll cycle. However, observation of substantial, rapid, [delta]pH-dependent nonphotochemical quenching in the npq1 mutant demonstrates that the formation of zeaxanthin and antheraxanthin via violaxanthin de-epoxidase activity is not required for all [delta]pH-dependent nonphotochemical quenching in this alga. Furthermore, the xanthophyll cycle is not required for survival of Chlamydomonas in excessive light.  相似文献   

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