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Studies on coccolithophorids in Mexico are rather scarce, probably due to the use of traditional methods for studying marine phytoplankton (e.g. collection, preservation and analysis). This is the first study of the coccolithophorid flora from west coast of Baja California, Mexico. Bottle samples (4 l) were taken at various depths (5, 25 and 50 m), at fixed stations located on perpendicular transects along the west coast of Baja California, considering three different zones: North, Central and South. A total of 32 samples were studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy, yielding 24 taxa identified (17 species and 5 nominal varieties, plus 2 different varieties). The coccolithophorid assemblages are considered subtropical and coastal (with many cosmopolitan taxa). Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica were the most abundant (relative abundance) and widespread species in the study area. We report 15 new records for the Mexican Pacific. The zonal and vertical distribution of some taxa are briefly discussed, as well as the taxonomy of Rhabdosphaera claviger, Helicosphaera carteri, H. hyalina and related taxa.  相似文献   

Hydroacoustic data indicate that the benthic red crab Pleuroncodesplanipes(Stimpson, 1860) rises from the bottom towards the surfaceat dusk from very compacted patches settled on the continentalshelf. The behaviour is fast and abrupt, lasting >60 min.  相似文献   

During the night anchovies were observed in the deep offshore oceanic and intermediate slope zones off the Baja California coast, Mexico, in high abundance. Anchovies moved towards the shallow inshore neritic zone in low density groups, returning at dawn to deeper depth strata. During the day, abundances were reduced drastically and those observed were forming compact and discrete schools at deeper depth strata. Anchovy and euphausiid abundance, as recorded by the echosounder, Were positively correlated.  相似文献   


Eighteen species of deep-sea bivalves were collected below the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) core off western Mexico. This material was obtained during the research cruises XVI, XVIB (off the northwestern Peninsula of Baja California), and VIII (Gulf of California) of the TALUD project aboard the R/V El Puma. The samples were taken with an epibenthic sledge (710–2077?m deep) and with a box corer (750–2600?m). The species belong to 10 families: Solemyidae, Nuculanidae, Malletiidae, Tindariidae, Limopsidae, Propeamussiidae, Tellinidae, Periplomatidae, Poromyidae and Lyonsiellidae. Environmental parameters (oxygen, salinity, sediments composition and temperature) are given for each sampling station. Tolerance to oxygen depletion is analysed for all deep-water species collected by the TALUD survey off the Baja California Peninsula. The additional file includes shell characteristics and distributional information for each species.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of the horn shark, Heterodontus francisci (Girard, 1855), were examined in the area of Bahía Tortugas, Baja California Sur, Mexico in the spring, summer and fall of 2014. A total of 78 stomachs were collected, of which 46 (59%) contained food and 32 (41%) were empty. According to the percent Index of Relative Importance (%IRI), the most important prey categories in H. francisci's diet were anomurans (66%), cephalopods (7.2%), lobsters (4.7%), fishes (4.2%) and sea urchins (2.3%). The main prey were the anomuran Blepharipoda occidentalis (65.2%), the octopus Octopus bimaculatus (5.4%), the lobster Panulirus interruptus (4.7%) and the sea urchin Echinometra vanbrunti (2.6%). According to the Levin standardized Index (Bi), the trophic niche breadth in H. francisci is low (Bi = 0.21), making it a specialist predator. The species was classified as a tertiary consumer (trophic position = 4.06).  相似文献   

The length–weight relationship parameters were recorded for 24 families, 34 genera and 46 species of 10 963 specimens sampled off the western coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico, many for the first time. New maximum length records were obtained for seven of these species. The b values ranged from 2.62 for Sebastes rubrivinctus to 3.80 for Peprilus simillimus .  相似文献   

Abstract. An ordination analysis of vegetation and flora of Los Cabos Region, Baja California Peninsula, Mexico and its relationships with their environment and geomorphic characteristics was studied at 38 sites, selected based on ecoregion mapping units (EMU) previously delineated for the study area. Multivariate methods were used to analyse the relationship between physical characteristics of the environment and the two primary vegetation types, the Dry tropical forest (DTF) and the Xerophilous scrubland (XS), which together represent 83% of the vegetation cover in the study area. Sites were grouped based on both physical characteristics and relative abundance of plant species. The results of the statistical analysis suggest that altitude, rainfall, temperature, and lithology can help explaining differences between these important vegetation types. In the case of XS, the morpho‐physiognomic characteristics of vegetation in each site discriminated between two scrub types.  相似文献   

The seasonal and interannual proximate and sterol composition were assessed in two red (Gelidium robustum, Gelidiaceae and Gracilariopsis sjoestedtii, Gracilariaceae), two brown (Ecklonia arborea, Lessoniaceae and Macrocystis pyrifera, Laminariaceae), and two green (Ulva lactuca and Ulva clathrata, Ulvaceae) macroalgae species and the seagrass Phyllospadix torreyi (Zosteraceae) sampled over 3 years in a subtropical climate in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Each macroalga had a particular sterol composition that was typical of their taxonomic group. The red algae had cholesterol as the major sterol; 92% on average in G. robustum and 90% in G. sjoestedtii, followed by t‐dehydrosterol and brassicasterol. In the brown algae the major sterol was fucosterol, which accounted for approx. 90% and 92% of total sterols for M. pyrifera and E. arborea, respectively, followed by campesterol (7% and 5%) and isofucosterol (1.5% and 1.3%). The green algae had isofucosterol as the major sterol, with 92% on average for U. lactuca and 87% for U. clathrata, followed by cholesterol, fucosterol, and brassicasterol or norcholesterol. The seagrass P. torreyi had β‐sitosterol as the major sterol (39 to 89%, depending on the season), followed by campesterol (4 to 7%), stigmasterol (3 to 6%), and isofucosterol (1.7 to 3.5%). Four (cholesterol, campesterol, fucosterol, and isofucosterol) of the 14 sterols identified in macroalgae and the seagrass could be used to differentiate between classes (Florideophyceae – red, Phaeophyceae – brown, Ulvophyceae – green, and Monocots – seagrass) both seasonally and interannually. The seasonal and interannual sterol composition of macroalgae and seagrass was quite stable, with the exception of red G. sjoestedtii sampled in August and green macroalga U. lactuca and seagrass P. torreyi both sampled in May 2002. Seasonal and interannual variations of proximate and sterol composition are discussed in relation to their reproductive state and environmental parameters.  相似文献   

Question: Can we recognize areas of high endemism and high endemic richness, using data from collections, and what are the ecological variables that best explain these areas? Location: Peninsula of Baja California, Mexico. Methods: We analysed the distribution of 723 endemic vascular plants species along the peninsula of Baja California and neighbouring islands distributed in 218 cartographic cells 15’ x 20’ in size. By means of a residual analysis, we identified areas of significantly high endemic species richness, and we calculated the degree of endemicity (or rarity) in each cell by giving to each species a weight factor inversely proportional to the land area it covers. Results: Nine regions of high‐endemicity and/or high endemic species richness were found. Discussion and conclusions: The analyses of rarity and endemic species richness showed two contrasting scenarios: High endemicity values in oceanic and sky islands accounts for a high number of species with a restricted distribution, promoted most likely by genetic isolation and high environmental heterogeneity. High endemic richness along the peninsular coast is related to ecotonal transition along vegetation types. After correcting for collection effort (i.e. the number of specimens collected within a cell), we found the phytogeographic region and altitudinal heterogeneity to be the variables that best predicted endemic richness. Both high endemism and high endemic richness have distinct geographic patterns within our study region. The nine endemic regions provide elements for priority definitions in future conservation programs.  相似文献   

The Baja California peninsula represents a biogeographical boundary contributing to regional differentiation among populations of marine animals. We investigated the genetic characteristics of perennial and annual populations of the marine angiosperm, Zostera marina, along the Pacific coast of Baja California and in the Gulf of California, respectively. Populations of Z. marina from five coastal lagoons along the Pacific coast and four sites in the Gulf of California were studied using nine microsatellite loci. Analyses of variance revealed significant interregional differentiation, but no subregional differentiation. Significant spatial differentiation, assessed using θST values, was observed among all populations within the two regions. Z. marina populations along the Pacific coast are separated by more than 220 km and had the greatest θST (0.13–0.28) values, suggesting restricted gene flow. In contrast, lower but still significant genetic differentiation was observed among populations within the Gulf of California (θST = 0.04–0.18), even though populations are separated by more than 250 km. This suggests higher levels of gene flow among Gulf of California populations relative to Pacific coast populations. Direction of gene flow was predominantly southward among Pacific coast populations, whereas no dominant polarity in the Gulf of California populations was observed. The test for isolation by distance (IBD) showed a significant correlation between genetic and geographical distances in Gulf of California populations, but not in Pacific coast populations, perhaps because of shifts in currents during El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events along the Pacific coast.  相似文献   

The taxonomy, osteology, phylogenetic position, and historical biogeography of the lambeosaurine hadrosaurid Magnapaulia laticaudus (new combination) are revised. The diagnosis of this species is amended on the basis on two autapomorphies (i.e., longest haemal arches of proximal caudal vertebrae being at least four times longer than the height of their respective centra; base of prezygapophyses in caudal vertebrae merging to form a bowl-shaped surface) and a unique combination of characters (i.e., downturned cranioventral process of the maxilla; tear-shaped external naris with length/width ratio between 1.85 and 2.85; neural spines of dorsal, sacral, and proximal caudal vertebrae being at least four times the height of their respective centra). A maximum parsimony analysis supports a sister taxon relationship between M. laticaudus and Velafrons coahuilensis. Both taxa constitute a clade of southern North American lambeosaurines, which forms a sister relationship with the diverse clade of helmet-crested lambeosaurines from northern North America that includes well-known genera like Corythosaurus, Lambeosaurus, and Hypacrosaurus. According to the results of a Dispersal-Vicariance analysis, southern North American lambeosaurines split from the northern forms via vicariance from a common ancestor that lived in both the northern and southern regions of the continent.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish the trophic niche of the silky shark and to determine the ecological role of this predator in the ecosystem close to Baja California. The trophic spectrum was analyzed from samples taken during summer and autumn (2000–2002) from the fishing camps of Punta Lobos and Punta Belcher on the western coast of Baja California Sur. A total of 263 stomach contents were analyzed (143 with food; 120 empty). The index of relative importance (IRI) showed that at Punta Lobos, silky sharks fed mainly on red crabs Pleuroncodes planipes (%IRI = 83%), whereas at Punta Belcher the main food item was the jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas (%IRI = 41%), followed by chub mackerel Scomber japonicus (%IRI = 33%). According to the Levin Index (Bi), the trophic niche breadth in silky sharks is low (Bi = <0.6), which means that silky sharks are specialist predators because they mainly consume three prey types: red crab, chub mackerel, and jumbo squid. The Shannon‐Wiener Index indicated that all trophic categories at Punta Belcher (0.85–1.22) had lower diversity than at Punta Lobos (0.50–1.6), because the silky shark feeds more on tropical prey found close to Punta Lobos. The Morisita‐Horn Index (Cλ) showed an overlap in the diet between the two areas analyzed and between sexes (Cλ = >0.6). The juveniles and adult females did not show any overlap. In the caloric analysis of the main prey, the jumbo squid (D. gigas) contributed the most calories to the silky shark diet (76%).  相似文献   

Heavy metals were assessed in four species of sea turtles from the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, representing the first report of heavy metal concentrations in tissues of post-yearling sea turtles from the Eastern Pacific. Concentrations of Cd measured in C. mydas kidney (653 μg/g dry wt) were the highest ever reported for any sea turtle species. Cd accumulated preferentially in kidney and the ratios of kidney to liver Cd in Baja California turtles were among the highest reported for sea turtles globally. Zn, Ni, and Mn concentrations were also significantly higher in kidney than other tissues, while Cu and Fe were greatest in liver, and all metals were lowest in muscle. With the exception of one value (69.9 μg/g in kidney of C. caretta), Pb was low in all tissues from Baja California. In comparisons across species, kidney of C. mydas had greater Zn and Ni concentrations as compared to other species, although there was no difference in liver metal levels among the species. Positive correlations were detected in the concentrations of Cd, Cu and Ni with the straight carapace length of C. caretta.  相似文献   

Reliable plans for desert bird conservation will depend on accurate prediction of habitat change effects on their distribution and abundance patterns. Predictive models can help highlight relationships between human‐related and other environmental variables and the presence of desert bird species. Presence/absence of 30 desert bird species of Baja California peninsula was modelled on the basis of explanatory variables taken from the field, maps, and digital imagery. Generalized linear models were fit to each bird species using both variables representing human activity and other environmental factors as predictors that might influence distribution. Probability of species presence was used as a habitat suitability index to evaluate the effect of human activity when the model contained a significant human activity variable. No differences were found in bird species richness between natural sites and those transformed by agriculture or urbanization. Of 59 bird species recorded in surveys, 34% were positively or negatively associated with human‐transformed habitats. Fourteen species seem to benefit from transformation of natural vegetation by agriculture or urbanization, while six were negatively affected. Sensitivity analyses of final models indicated all were robust. Results suggest that the occurrence of a large percentage of bird species inhabiting scrub habitats is sensitive to human habitat transformation. This finding has important conservation implications at regional scale as fragmentation and conversion of desert ecosystems into agricultural and urban areas affect the distribution of species that are highly selective for scrub habitat. Land use and anthropogenic activities seem to change ecological patterns at large spatial scales, but other factors could drive species richness distribution too (i.e. individual species response, species–energy relationships). The spatial modelling approach at regional scale used in this study can be useful for designing natural resource management plans in the Sonoran desert scrub.  相似文献   

The magnitude of natural disturbances by treefalls and their spatial occurrence were studied in a pine-oak forest of Sierra de La Laguna, located at the southern part of the Peninsula of Baja California in Mexico.Twenty transects covering 4 ha, perpendicular to north- and south-facing slopes were sampled. The percentages of rocky outcrops, slope, orientation, and gap size created by treefalls were recorded. The mode of tree death, treefall direction, trunk length, and basal diameter were also measured. Data were analyzed using principal component analysis, one-way ANOVA, multiple comparison tests by contrasts, and chi-square independence tests.Results suggest that exogenous disturbances have an important effect in this community. A mean number of 80 gaps per ha was recorded comprising 18.1% of the observed area. Gap sizes were fitted to a lognormal distribution as 2.3±1.4 and patches were found to be created by single treefalls. Analysis of dead material shows that there are significant differences between numbers of fallen trees on N vs S facing slopes, and that forms of dead trees are significantly associated with species. Snapped trees represent 39.5% of treefalls, dead standing trees 26.4%, uprooted trees 20.5% and cut-down trees 0.9%. The frequency of occurrence of various forms of the dead trees suggests that the cause of mortality is primarily due to the high incidence of tropical hurricanes, and secondly to the combined effect of wind and natural fire which occurs during the rainy summer season.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, the black abalone, Haliotis cracherodii, has experienced precipitous declines in abundance over portions of its range in southern and central California. The potential for recovery of these populations is dependent in part on dispersal processes; that is, can distant populations serve as sources of recruits to locales that no longer harbor H. cracherodii? Here we use population genetic analysis to assess levels of population subdivision and infer recruitment processes. Epipodial tissue samples were obtained from over 400 black abalone from seven geographic sites between Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara counties in central California. Allelic frequencies were determined for each population at three polymorphic enzyme-encoding loci (GPI, AAT-1 and PGM). Significant allelic frequency differentiation among sites was observed at all three loci. Genetic distance was found to be independent of geographic distance over the approximately 300-km sampling range. In addition, a limited number of DNA sequences (total N=51) were obtained for the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (COI) from five of the populations. Since the same common COI haplotype dominated each population, this analysis had little statistical power and failed to detect population structure. The observed level of population differentiation at allozyme loci was three-fold higher than that observed in California red abalone, H. rufescens. The species differ in their breeding period and it is suggested that the relatively short, summer breeding season of black abalone limits dispersal because larvae experience reduced variance in oceanographic conditions relative to red abalone that spawn year-round. Based on these results, rates of recolonization and recovery of locally depressed or extirpated black abalone populations are likely to be slow despite harvest restrictions.  相似文献   

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