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Patterning of the polar axis during the early leaf developmental stage is established by cell-to-cell communication between the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and the leaf primordia. In a previous study, we showed that the DRL1 gene, which encodes a homolog of the Elongator-associated protein KTI12 of yeast, acts as a positive regulator of adaxial leaf patterning and shoot meristem activity. To determine the evolutionally conserved functions of DRL1, we performed a comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of DRL1 and its yeast homolog, KTI12, and found that while overall homology was low, well-conserved domains were presented. DRL1 contained two conserved plant-specific domains. Expression of the DRL1 gene in a yeast KTI12-deficient yeast mutant suppressed the growth retardation phenotype, but did not rescue the caffeine sensitivity, indicating that the role of Arabidopsis Elongator-associated protein is partially conserved with yeast KTI12, but may have changed between yeast and plants in response to caffeine during the course of evolution. In addition, elevated expression of DRL1 gene triggered zymocin sensitivity, while overexpression of KTI12 maintained zymocin resistance, indicating that the function of Arabidopsis DRL1 may not overlap with yeast KTI12 with regards to toxin sensitivity. In this study, expression analysis showed that class-I KNOX genes were downregulated in the shoot apex, and that YAB and KAN were upregulated in leaves of the Arabidopsis drl1-101 mutant. Our results provide insight into the communication network between the SAM and leaf primordia required for the establishment of leaf polarity by mediating histone acetylation or through other mechanisms.  相似文献   

TOT, the putative Kluyveromyces lactis zymocin target complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is encoded by TOT1-7, six loci of which are isoallelic to RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) Elongator genes (ELP1-6). Unlike TOT1-3 (ELP1-3) and TOT5-7 (ELP5, ELP6 and ELP4 respectively), which display zymocin resistance when deleted, TOT4 (KTI12) also renders cells refractory to zymocin when maintained in multicopy or overexpressed from the GAL10 promoter. Elevated TOT4 copy number results in an intermediate tot phenotype, which includes mild sensitivities towards caffeine, Calcofluor white and elevated growth temperature, suggesting that TOT4 influences TOT/Elongator function. Tot4p interacts with Elongator, as shown by co-immunoprecipitation, and cell fractionation studies demonstrate partial co-migration with RNAPII and Elongator. As Elongator subunit interaction is not affected by either deletion of TOT4 or multicopy TOT4, Tot4p may not be a structural Elongator subunit but, rather, may regulate TOT/Elongator in a fashion that requires transient physical contact with TOT/Elongator. Consistent with a regulatory role, the presence of a potential P-loop motif conserved between yeast and human TOT4 homologues suggests capability of ATP or GTP binding and P-loop deletion renders Tot4p biologically inactive.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation is a fundamental event essential for plant organogenesis and contributes greatly to the final organ size. Although the control of cell proliferation in plants has been extensively studied, how the plant sets the cell number required for a single organ is largely elusive. Here, we describe the Arabidopsis SMALL ORGAN 4 (SMO4) that functions in the regulation of cell proliferation rate and thus final organ size. The smo4 mutant exhibits a reduced size of organs due to the decreased cell number, and further analysis reveals that such phenotype results from a retardation of the cell cycle progression during organ development. SMO4 encodes a homolog of NUCLEOLAR PROTEIN 53 (NOP53) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is expressed primarily in tissues undergoing cell proliferation. Nevertheless, further complementation tests show that SMO4 could not rescue the lethal defect of NOP53 mutant of S. cerevisiae. These results define SMO4 as an important regulator of cell proliferation during organ growth and suggest that SMO4 might have been evolutionarily divergent from NOP53.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae SLK1 protein is implicated in nutrient sensing and growth control. Under nutrient-limiting conditions, slk1 mutants fail to undergo cell cycle arrest. The role of the SLK1 protein in nutrient sensing was examined with respect to the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) pathway, which has a well characterized role in growth control in yeast, and by the analysis of dominant SLK1 alleles that affect the nutrient response of wild-type cells. Interactions with the PKA pathway were examined by phenotypic analysis of double mutants of slk1 and various PKA pathway mutants. Combining the slk1- mutation with a mutation that is thought constitutively activate the PKA pathway, pde2, resulted in enhanced growth control defects. The combination of slk1- with mutations that inhibit the PKA pathway, cdc25 and ras1 ras2, failed to alleviate the slk1 cell cycle arrest defect and lowered the permissive temperature for growth. Furthermore bcy1 tpk1 tpk2 tpk3 w (bcyl tpk w) mutants, which have constitutive, low-level, cAMP-independent kinase activity, exhibit nutrient sensing, which is eliminated in the slk1 bcy1 tpk w mutants. These results implicated SLK1 in PKA-independent growth control in yeast. The amino-terminal, noncatalytic region of the SLK1 protein may be important in the regulation of SLK1 function in growth control. Overexpression of this region caused starvation sensitivity in wild-type cells by interfering with SLK1 protein function.  相似文献   

Rab proteins are small GTPases that are essential elements of the protein transport machinery of eukaryotic cells. Each round of membrane transport requires a cycle of Rab protein nucleotide binding and hydrolysis. We have recently characterized a protein, Yip1p, which appears to play a role in Rab-mediated membrane transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we report the identification of a Yip1p-associated protein, Yop1p. Yop1p is a membrane protein with a hydrophilic region at its N terminus through which it interacts specifically with the cytosolic domain of Yip1p. Yop1p could also be coprecipitated with Rab proteins from total cellular lysates. The TB2 gene is the human homolog of Yop1p (Kinzler, K. W., Nilbert, M. C., Su, L.-K., Vogelstein, B., Bryan, T. M., Levey, D. B., Smith, K. J., Preisinger, A. C., Hedge, P., McKechnie, D., Finniear, R., Markham, A., Groffen, J., Boguski, M. S., Altschul, S. F., Horii, A., Ando, H. M., Y., Miki, Y., Nishisho, I., and Nakamura, Y. (1991) Science 253, 661-665). Our data demonstrate that Yop1p negatively regulates cell growth. Disruption of YOP1 has no apparent effect on cell viability, while overexpression results in cell death, accumulation of internal cell membranes, and a block in membrane traffic. These results suggest that Yop1p acts in conjunction with Yip1p to mediate a common step in membrane traffic.  相似文献   

Dolinski KJ  Heitman J 《Genetics》1999,151(3):935-944
The immunosuppressive drugs FK506 and rapamycin bind to the cellular protein FKBP12, and the resulting FKBP12-drug complexes inhibit signal transduction. FKBP12 is a ubiquitous, highly conserved, abundant enzyme that catalyzes a rate-limiting step in protein folding: peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerization. However, FKBP12 is dispensible for viability in both yeast and mice, and therefore does not play an essential role in protein folding. The functions of FKBP12 may involve interactions with a number of partner proteins, and a few proteins that interact with FKBP12 in the absence of FK506 or rapamycin have been identified, including the ryanodine receptor, aspartokinase, and the type II TGF-beta receptor; however, none of these are conserved from yeast to humans. To identify other targets and functions of FKBP12, we have screened for mutations that are synthetically lethal with an FKBP12 mutation in yeast. We find that mutations in HMO1, which encodes a high mobility group 1/2 homolog, are synthetically lethal with mutations in the yeast FPR1 gene encoding FKBP12. Deltahmo1 and Deltafpr1 mutants share two phenotypes: an increased rate of plasmid loss and slow growth. In addition, Hmo1p and FKBP12 physically interact in FKBP12 affinity chromatography experiments, and two-hybrid experiments suggest that FKBP12 regulates Hmo1p-Hmo1p or Hmo1p-DNA interactions. Because HMG1/2 proteins are conserved from yeast to humans, our findings suggest that FKBP12-HMG1/2 interactions could represent the first conserved function of FKBP12 other than mediating FK506 and rapamycin actions.  相似文献   

The folliculin/Fnip complex has been demonstrated to play a crucial role in the mechanisms underlying Birt–Hogg–Dubé (BHD) syndrome, a rare inherited cancer syndrome. Lst4 has been previously proposed to be the Fnip1/2 orthologue in yeast and therefore a member of the DENN family. In order to confirm this, we solved the crystal structure of the N-terminal region of Lst4 from Kluyveromyces lactis and show it contains a longin domain, the first domain of the full DENN module. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Lst4 through its DENN domain interacts with Lst7, the yeast folliculin orthologue. Like its human counterpart, the Lst7/Lst4 complex relocates to the vacuolar membrane in response to nutrient starvation, most notably in carbon starvation. Finally, we express and purify the recombinant Lst7/Lst4 complex and show that it exists as a 1 : 1 heterodimer in solution. This work confirms the membership of Lst4 and the Fnip proteins in the DENN family, and provides a basis for using the Lst7/Lst4 complex to understand the molecular function of folliculin and its role in the pathogenesis of BHD syndrome.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae SPA2 protein localizes at sites involved in polarized cell growth in budding cells and mating cells. spa2 mutants have defects in projection formation during mating but are healthy during vegetative growth. A synthetic lethal screen was devised to identify mutants that require the SPA2 gene for vegetative growth. One mutant, called slk-1 (for synthetic lethal kinase), has been characterized extensively. The SLK1 gene has been cloned, and sequence analysis predicts that the SLK1 protein is 1,478 amino acid residues in length. Approximately 300 amino acids at the carboxy terminus exhibit sequence similarity with the catalytic domains of protein kinases. Disruption mutations have been constructed in the SLK1 gene. slk1 null mutants cannot grow at 37 degrees C, but many cells can grow at 30, 24, and 17 degrees C. Dead slk1 mutant cells usually have aberrant cell morphologies, and many cells are very small, approximately one-half the diameter of wild-type cells. Surviving slk1 cells also exhibit morphogenic defects; these cells are impaired in their ability to form projections upon exposure to mating pheromones. During vegetative growth, a higher fraction of slk1 cells are unbudded compared with wild-type cells, and under nutrient limiting conditions, slk1 cells exhibit defects in cell cycle arrest. The different slk1 mutant defects are partially rescued by an extra copy of the SSD1/SRK1 gene. SSD1/SRK1 has been independently isolated as a suppressor of mutations in genes involved in growth control, sit4, pde2, bcy1, and ins1 (A. Sutton, D. Immanuel, and K.T. Arnat, Mol. Cell. Biol. 11:2133-2148, 1991; R.B. Wilson, A.A. Brenner, T.B. White, M.J. Engler, J.P. Gaughran, and K. Tatchell, Mol. Cell. Biol. 11:3369-3373, 1991). These data suggest that SLK1 plays a role in both cell morphogenesis and the control of cell growth. We speculate that SLK1 may be a regulatory link for these two cellular processes.  相似文献   

We have previously identified in the human EST sequence data base four overlapping clones that could be aligned with both a predicted protein sequence, deduced from the C. elegans genomic sequence, and partial amino acid sequences, obtained for a protein from canine pancreatic microsomes. We suggested that these proteins are homologs of yeast microsomal and DnaJ-like protein Scj1p and termed them ERj3p. Here we verified the predicted protein sequence of human ERj3p by sequence analysis of the corresponding cDNA. Multiple alignment of related sequences identified these proteins as true homologs of yeast Scj1p. Biochemical analysis of the canine protein characterized ERj3p as a soluble glycoprotein of the pancreatic endoplasmic reticulum. This pancreatic DnaJ-like protein was shown to interact with lumenal DnaK-like proteins, such as BiP. Furthermore, we found that ERj3p interacts with SDF2L1 protein that may be involved in protein O-glycosylation. We propose that ERj3p represents a cochaperone of DnaK-like chaperones of the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum and is involved in folding and maturation of newly synthesized proteins.  相似文献   

U1C is one of the three human U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP)-specific proteins and is important for efficient complex formation between U1 snRNP and the pre-mRNA 5' splice site. We identified a hypothetical open reading frame in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as the yeast homolog of the human U1C protein. The gene is essential, and its product, YU1C, is associated with U1 snRNP. YU1C depletion gives rise to normal levels of U1 snRNP and does not have any detectable effect on U1 snRNP assembly. YU1C depletion and YU1C ts mutants affect pre-mRNA splicing in vivo, and extracts from these strains form low levels of commitment complexes and spliceosomes in vitro. These experiments indicate a role for YU1C in snRNP function. Structure probing with RNases shows that only the U1 snRNA 5' arm is hypersensitive to RNase I digestion when YU1C is depleted. Similar results were obtained with YU1C ts mutants, indicating that U1C contributes to a proper 5' arm structure prior to its base pairing interaction with the pre-mRNA 5' splice site.  相似文献   

We identify Osh3p, one of seven yeast oxysterol-binding protein (OSBP) homologs, by its protein-protein interactions with a DEAD-box RNA helicase, Rok1p. The ROK1 gene was initially identified by its ability on a high-copy number plasmid to suppress the nuclear fusion defect caused by the kem1 null mutation. Our results show that OSH3 also affects nuclear fusion in a kem1-specific manner; the nuclear fusion defect of kem1 was intensified by the multicopy expression of OSH3. The Osh3p synthesis was highly induced by alpha-mating pheromone. We also found that OSH3 overexpression promoted filamentation growth of the Sigma1278b wild-type strain and suppressed the filamentation growth defect of the ste12 mutation. These results lead us to a new understanding of cellular functions of the yeast OSBPs.  相似文献   

The Ran-GTPase cycle is important for nucleus-cytosol exchange of macromolecules and other nuclear processes. We employed the two-hybrid method to identify proteins interacting with Ran and the Ran GTP/GDP exchange factor. Using PRP20, encoding the Ran GTP/GDP exchange factor, we identified YRB1, previously identified as a protein able to interact with human Ran GTP/GDP exchange factor RCC1 in the two-hybrid system. Using GSP1, encoding the yeast Ran, as bait, we isolated YRB2. YRB2 encodes a protein containing a Ran-binding motif similar to that found in Yrb1p and Nup2p. Yrb1p is located in the cytosol whereas Nup2p is nuclear. Similar to Yrb1p, Yrb2p bound to GTP-Gsp1p but not to GDP-Gsp1p and enhanced the GTPase-activating activity of Rna1p. However, unlike Yrb1p, Yrb2p did not inhibit the nucleotide-releasing activity of Prp20p. While overproduction of Yrb1p inhibited the growth of a mutant possessing a PRP20 mutation (srm1-1) and suppressed the rna1-1 mutation, overproduction of Yrb2p showed no effect on the growth of these mutants. Disruption of YRB2 made yeast cold sensitive and was synthetically lethal with rna1-1 but not with nup2delta. Nuclear protein import and the mRNA export were normal in strains possessing mutations of YRB2. We propose that Yrb2p is involved in the nuclear processes of the Ran-GTPase cycle which are not related to nucleus-cytosol exchange of macromolecules.  相似文献   

A rate-limiting step during translation initiation in eukaryotic cells involves binding of the initiation factor eIF4E to the 7-methylguanosine-containing cap of mRNAs. Overexpression of eIF4E leads to malignant transformation [1-3], and eIF4E is elevated in many human cancers [4-7]. In mammalian cells, three eIF4E-binding proteins each interact with eIF4E and inhibit its function [8-10]. In yeast, EAP1 encodes a protein that binds eIF4E and inhibits cap-dependent translation in vitro [11]. A point mutation in the canonical eIF4E-binding motif of Eap1p blocks its interaction with eIF4E [11]. Here, we characterized the genetic interactions between EAP1 and NDC1, a gene whose function is required for duplication of the spindle pole body (SPB) [12], the centrosome-equivalent organelle in yeast that functions as the centrosome. We found that the deletion of EAP1 is lethal when combined with the ndc1-1 mutation. Mutations in NDC1 or altered NDC1 gene dosage lead to genetic instability [13,14]. Yeast strains lacking EAP1 also exhibit genetic instability. We tested whether these phenotypes are due to loss of EAP1 function in regulating translation. We found that both the synthetic lethal phenotype and the genetic instability phenotypes are rescued by a mutant allele of EAP1 that is unable to bind eIF4E. Our findings suggest that Eap1p carries out an eIF4E-independent function to maintain genetic stability, most likely involving SPBs.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. has been used as a model system to investigate the regulatory genes that control and coordinate the determination, differentiation and morphogenesis of the floral meristem and floral organs. We show here that benzylaminopurine (BAP), a cytokinin, influences flower development inArabidopsis and induces partial phenocopies of known floral homeotic mutants. Application of BAP to wild-type inflorescences at three developmental stages results in: (i) increase in floral organ number; (ii) formation of abnormal floral organs and (iii) induction of secondary floral buds in the axils of sepals. These abnormalities resemble the phenotypes of mutants,clv1 (increase in organ number),ap1,ap2,ap3 (abnormal floral organs) andap1 (secondary floral buds in the axils of first-whorl organs). In addition, BAP induces secondary floral buds in the axils of perianth members ofapt2-6, ap3-1 andag mutants, and accentuates the phenotype of theapt2-1 mutant to resemble theapt2-6 mutant. These observations suggest that exogenous BAP suppresses the normal functioning of the genes for floral meristem identity and thereby affects flower development and the later stages of floral organ differentiation.Abbreviations BAP N6-benzylaminopurine - CK cytokinin  相似文献   

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