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Summary A multilocus procedure was used to estimate outcrossing rates in ten roadside populations of Trifolium hirtum in California. Three groups of populations were studied: cultivars, hermaphroditic, and gynodioecious (sexually dimorphic) populations. The multilocus outcrossing rate (tm) varied from 0.05 to 0.43 among populations. Population level tm estimates were significantly correlated with the observed heterozygosity in gynodioecious populations but not in hermaphroditic populations. The outcrossing rate of hermaphrodites and females was estimated in three gynodioecious populations; the estimates of tm varied from 0.09 to 0.23 for hermaphrodites and from 0.73 to 0.80 for females. The distribution of outcrossing rates in gynodioecious populations is bimodal. Our results indicate that for the levels of selfing observed among hermaphrodites, inbreeding depression is likely to be a major factor in the maintenance of females in gynodioecious populations.  相似文献   

The inheritance of male sterility was studied using a set of intra and interpopulation crosses from Californian populations of rose clover (Trifolium hirtum All.). The F2 gave higher frequencies of male steriles in interpopulation crosses than in intrapopulation crosses. Several F2 families gave ratios that were compatible with models of two and three complementary genes. However, the frequency distribution of male sterility among F3 families rejected such models. Given that single and two gene models were rejected, we interpret the results using a cytoplasmic-nuclear model with more than two restorer loci which is at least consistent with the observed results.  相似文献   

Two divergent populations of T. repens cv. Haifa developed from two generations of recurrent selection for shoot chloride concentration, were grown in the greenhouse at 0 and 40 mol m–3 NaCl. Over two harvest cycles at 40 mol m–3 NaCl, the population selected for a low concentration of chloride in the shoot maintained a significantly lower chloride and sodium concentration compared with those plants selected for a high shoot chloride concentration. The distribution of chloride in the shoots was further examined in a subsample of plants from both populations. In all plants, concentrations of chloride were lower in the expanding and fully expanded leaves than in the older leaf tissue or petioles.While there were no significant differences in the photosynthetic rates between lines, shoot yields and relative leaf expansion rates were higher in the low chloride population. Plant death was greater in plants selected for high shoot chloride. These results suggest that selections based on measurements of low shoot chloride concentrations may be successful in developing a cultivar of T. repens with improved salt tolerance.  相似文献   

Rapid propagation of running buffalo clover (Trifolium stoloniferum) was achieved on Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium. Excellent shoot proliferation and shoot growth were obtained on medium containing 0.5 or 1 mg l-1 BA. In vitro proliferated shoots were rooted on MS or half-strength MS medium containing 0 to 0.4 mg l-1 IAA. Both the number of roots initiated and the length of the longest root were significantly higher on MS medium than on half-strength MS medium. Rooted plantlets were successfully transferred to soil.  相似文献   

Seed weight is a crucial plant life history trait, determining establishment success and dispersal ability. Especially in stressful environments, larger seeds may be selected at the expense of seed number, because larger seeds have a better chance of giving rise to an established offspring. We tested the hypotheses that between related species-pairs and among populations of single species a similar trend for increasing seed weight with increasing altitude should be present. Firstly, we measured seed weights from 29 species-pairs, with one species occurring in lowland areas and a congeneric species from high altitudes. Seeds of the alpine species were 28±8% larger than seeds from lowland species (P<0.01). Compared to the related lowland species, 55% of the alpine species had heavier seeds, 3% (one species) had lighter, and 41% had seeds of approximately equal weight. Secondly, we compared seed weights among populations of four species from different habitats and with different life histories. Seeds from between 11 and 34 populations per species were sampled along altitudinal gradients of 800–1,500 m (ca. 800 m in Scabiosa lucida, ca. 1,000 m in Saxifraga oppositifolia, ca. 1,000 m in Epilobium fleischeri, and ca. 1,500 m in Carex flacca). In all the four species, we found no indication for heavier seeds at higher altitudes. Our results indicate a selection pressure for species with heavier seeds at higher altitude, but the trend does not seem to operate across all cases. Phylogenetic constraints may limit the correlation among altitude and seed weight, operating particularly against selection for larger seed size, the closer populations and species are related to each other.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of the cyanogenic glucosides linamarin and lotaustralin and their hydrolyzing enzyme linamarase was studied in a B2 generation segregating for the genes Ac and Li. Plants containing the glucosides are protected against grazing by snails both in the seedling stage and as adult plants. In seedlings, however, there is a direct effect on survival, whereas in adult plants the leaf area of plants containing linamarin/lotaustralin is less reduced under intense grazing. Linamarase has no effect on grazing by snails, possibly as a result of the presence of -glucosidase activity in the gut of these animals. The genes Ac and Li, or genes tightly linked to them, have other effects as well: plants possessing one dominant Ac allele produce fewer flowers than homozygous ac plants. I compared this difference in flower production to the metabolic cost of producing the cyanogenic glucosides. The energy content of the difference in flower head production far exceeded the metabolic cost of cyanoglucoside production in Acac plants. It is possible that the cost of maintaining a certain level of cyanoglucosides is much more important for the plant than the initial cost of biosynthesis. The importance of the effects of Ac and Li in the maintenance of cyanogenic polymorphism in white clover is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Growth of pollen tubes and seed set were compared after hand pollination in situ and in vitro in two self-incompatible species, Trifolium pratense and Trifolium repens. Adhesion of pollen grains to the stigma was greater in vitro for both species. After cross-pollination, in vitro culture gave a significant increase in the cumulative growth of pollen tubes in pistils of T. pratense compared to in situ conditions. After selfing in T. repens, pollen tube growth was significantly increased by in vitro culture of florets. Seed set after crossing in situ and in vitro was similar for both species. Seed set after selfing in vitro was not increased in T. pratense. Several genotypes of T. repens were classified as very good, good and poor selfers based on their capacity for seed set following selfing in situ. In vitro pollination increased self seed formation by 1.7-, 18.0- and 31.0-fold for each class, respectively. Ovules located nearest to the style were fertilized more often after selfing than after crossing.  相似文献   

Microsatellite variations in Castanopsis species in Japan were examined to clarify the genetic relationships among 25 local populations according to the difference in the number of layers of adaxial epidermis in the leaves. Six microsatellite loci were assayed for 629 seedlings from the populations, and these seedlings were classified into five types according to the state of the leaf epidermis. Remarkable differences in the allele frequency of the six microsatellite loci were observed among these local populations. The coefficients of genetic differentiation, RST, of each locus ranged from 0.209 to 0.388. An unweighted pair-group method (UPGMA) phenogram constructed on the population pairwise RST over the loci revealed three clusters (A–C), and six sub-clusters. These clusters reflected the differences in the occurrence frequency of seedlings in each epidermis type within a population. Our findings suggest that clusters A and C are the local populations dominated by Castanopsis sieboldii and Castanopsis cuspidata, respectively, while local populations of cluster B are composed of the two Castanopsis species and/or include many individuals derived by hybridization. The six sub-clusters were found to reflect the geographic relationship among the populations, suggesting a different process for geographic population dynamics during the postglacial period.  相似文献   

Summary In experimental studies of avian hatching paterns offspring sex has been neglected. This may be a problem if nestling growth and mortality is sex biased, and if this bias is influenced by hatching spread. In a field study of two crow species, the magpie Pica pica and the hooded crow Corvus corone cornix, we manipulated hatching spread. Both species have asynchronous hatching, and adult males are larger than females by 12–14%. The sex ratios obtained from the different experimental groups on day 24 post-hatch (total sample n = 403) did not deviate significantly from unity, nor did the sex ratios obtained among young newly hatched in an incubator (total sample n = 305). Male and female offspring were of similar size at hatching but males were larger on day 24 post-hatch. Males seemed to be more costly to rear than females, judging by the 20% difference in the mean amounts of food found in the gizzards of the young on day 24 post-hatch. Dimorphism in body size did not seem to be influenced by degree of hatching spread. Asynchronous hatching did not seem to be needed to produce high quality offspring of the larger sex (i.e. males), nor did asynchronous hatching help to ensure equal parental investment in male and female progeny. One reason for the latter negative results may be that the size dimorphism of the two crow species studied were relatively small.  相似文献   

Summary Translocation of 14C-labelled carbohydrates between the parent stolon and branches, and among branches, of Trifolium repens plants was investigated in two glasshouse experiments to determine patterns of physiological organisation in this clonal species. Differential defoliation treatments were applied to the parent stolon and/or branches to test the sensitivity of translocation to the short-term carbon needs of defoliated sinks. Strong reciprocal exchange of carbohydrate between the parent stolon and branches was observed, with 18 41% of the 14C exported from leaves on the parent stolon moving to branches, while branches simulta-neously exported 25% (for old source branches) to 54% (for young source branches) of the 14C they assimilated to the parent plant, including translocation to other branches. Branch-to-branch translocation occurred both acropetally and basipetally. Parent-to-branch, branch-to-parent and branch-to-branch carbon fluxes all increased in response to defoliation of the sink, at the expense of carbon supply to stolon tissue or roots of the source module. Reduced export to stolon tissue of the parent axis played a major role in facilitating C reallocation from leaves on the parent stolon to defoliated branches. The observed patterns of C allocation and translocation could be adequately explained by accepted source-sink theory, and are consistent with a high degree of intra-plant physiological integration in resource supply and utilisation. This information provides mechanistic explanations for aspects of the growth dynamics and ecological interactions of T. repens in the patchy environment of a grazed pasture.  相似文献   

Summary Collections of the slug Deroceras reticulatum were made from grassland sites containing contrasting frequencies of the cyanogenic morph of white clover, Trifolium repens. In choice chamber experiments, slugs obtained from sites with a low frequency of cyanogenic clover showed a significantly greater degree of selective eating of acyanogenic morphs than slugs taken from a site containing a high frequency of cyanogenic clover. Differences in selectivity between populations were caused both by differences in the rate of initiation of feeding on cyanogenic morphs, and by differences in the extent of damage once feeding had been initiated. The implications of these results for the cyanogenic polymorphism of T. repens are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary B chromosomes are often considered genomic parasites. Paternal sex ratio (PSR) is an extreme example of a parasitic B chromosome in the parasitoid waspNasonia vitripennis. PSR is transmitted through the sperm of carrier males and destroys the other paternal chromosomes in early fertilized eggs. PSR disrupts the normal haplodiploid sex determination in this wasp by converting diploid (female) eggs into haploid (male) eggs that bear PSR. In this study I compare a number of phenotypic fitness aspects of PSR and standard (non-PSR) males. In general, PSR males were as fit as standard males. No significant differences were found in longevity (with one exception), ability to compete for mates and sperm depletion rates. PSR males produced 11–22% larger family sizes and developed slightly faster than standard males. Under conditions of sperm competition, females who mated with both types of males fertilized a constant proportion of eggs with each sperm type over their lifetime. PSR males produced fewer offspring among progenies from double-inseminated females. Phenotypic fitness effects are believed to play a minor role in determining PSR frequencies in natural populations.  相似文献   

In a study conducted over 30 years ago, a remarkable population of amphipod crustaceans (Gammarus minus) was discovered in which 100% of the females displayed intersex characteristics. Such high levels of intersexuality are atypical amongst gonochoristic crustaceans and current theories relating to sex allocation suggest intermediate (intersex) forms should be competitively selected against. This study set out to confirm the existence of this extraordinary population and to compare it with other G. minus populations in various spring and cave systems across Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia (USA), with varying environmental characteristics in an attempt to elucidate the prevalence and cause of intersexuality in this species. Results from this study verify the continued existence of these highly abundant, intersex female populations of G. minus, with proportions ranging between 73% and 100%. These populations were also associated with highly male-biased sex ratios, which is equally unusual amongst gonochoristic crustaceans. Intersex female specimens had a reduced fecundity compared to normal females, although this result was not statistically significant. Although no feminising microsporidian parasites were observed through histological examination, the presence of a novel feminising parasitic factor cannot be ruled out. The continued vigour of these populations over three decades suggests that anthropomorphic factors are not causing the high levels of intersexuality observed. Intersexuality was absent or very low in frequency (<1%) in most other springs that we investigated. Therefore, G. minus appears to represent an interesting and novel model system for studying sex determination.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic investigations of Brassica campestris revealed 8 polymorphic loci that had not been described earlier. The inheritance of 7 of them was determined by crosses between different accessions of B. campestris. A phylogeny of B. campestris, B. nigra, B. alboglabra, Sinapis arvensis and S. alba was estimated from the analysis of 15 isozyme loci. The phylogeny showed a close relationship between B. nigra and S. arvensis and a less close relationship between B. campestris and B. oleracea. S. alba was remotely-related to all of the other species.  相似文献   

Clonal species are characterised by having a growth form in which roots and shoots originate from the same meristem so that adventitious nodal roots form close to the terminal apical bud of stems. The nature of the relationship between nodal roots and axillary bud growth was investigated in three manipulative experiments on cuttings of a single genotype of Trifolium repens. In the absence of locally positioned nodal roots axillary bud development within the apical bud proceeded normally until it slowed once the subtending leaf had matured to be the second expanded leaf on the stem. Excision of apical tissues indicated that while there was no apical dominance apparent within fully rooted stems and very little in stems with 15 or more unrooted nodes, the outgrowth of the two most distal axillary buds was stimulated by decapitation in stems with intermediate numbers of unrooted nodes. Excision of the basal branches from stems growing without local nodal roots markedly increased the length and/or number of leaves on 14 distally positioned branches. The presence of basal branches therefore prevented the translocation of root-supplied resources (nutrients, water, phytohormones) to the more distally located nodes and this caused the retardation in the outgrowth of their axillary buds. Based on all three experiments we conclude that the primary control of bud outgrowth is exerted by roots via the acropetal transport of root-supplied resources necessary for axillary bud outgrowth and that apical dominance plays a very minor role in the regulation of axillary bud outgrowth in T. repens.  相似文献   

J. N. Thompson 《Oecologia》1987,72(4):605-611
Summary Populations of Lomatium grayi (Umbelliferae), an andromonoecious, perennial herb, differe in growth rates, flowering frequency, and survivorship. Effects of these different life histories on the ontogeny of sex expression were analyzed for plants from two populations grown from seedlings in a common garden and monitored for six years. Plants from Smoot Hill, Washington grew faster, had a higher probability of flowering at each age and size after the first year of growth, and a higher probability of flowering repeatedly among years than did plants from Clarkston, Washington. The proportion of plants producing some hermaphroditic flowers increased with plant size in both populations. Smoot Hill plants, however, were more likely to begin flowering as small, staminate plants than Clarkston plants. Clarkston plants did not begin flowering until they were older and larger, and most of these plants produced some hermaphroditic flowers when they began reproduction. The positive association between production of hermaphroditic flowers and both plant size and age was consistent with the hypothesis that hermaphroditic flowers are more costly to produce than staminate flowers.Although the populations did not differ in the total number of flowers per plant produced at any age or size, Smoot Hill plants consistently produced a lower percentage of hermaphroditic flowers than Clarkston plants at larger sizes and later ages. Consequently, selection for faster growth rates and higher flowering frequency at small sizes and early ages may have favored the more staminate-biased sex ratios in the Smoot Hill population.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Legumes overcome nitrogen limitations by entering into a mutualistic symbiosis with N2-fixing bacteria (rhizobia). Fully compatible associations (effective) between Trifolium spp. and Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii result from successful recognition of symbiotic partners in the rhizosphere, root hair infection and the formation of nodules where N2-fixing bacteroids reside. Poorly compatible associations can result in root nodule formation with minimal (sub-optimal) or no (ineffective) N2-fixation. Despite the abundance and persistence of strains in agricultural soils which are poorly compatible with the commercially grown clover species, little is known of how and why they fail symbiotically. The aims of this research were to determine the morphological aberrations occurring in sub-optimal and ineffective clover nodules and to determine whether reduced bacteroid numbers or reduced N2-fixing activity is the main cause for the Sub-optimal phenotype.


Symbiotic effectiveness of four Trifolium hosts with each of four R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii strains was assessed by analysis of plant yields and nitrogen content; nodule yields, abundance, morphology and internal structure; and bacteroid cytology, quantity and activity.

Key Results

Effective nodules (Nodule Function 83–100 %) contained four developmental zones and N2-fixing bacteroids. In contrast, Sub-optimal nodules of the same age (Nodule Function 24–57 %) carried prematurely senescing bacteroids and a small bacteroid pool resulting in reduced shoot N. Ineffective-differentiated nodules carried bacteroids aborted at stage 2 or 3 in differentiation. In contrast, bacteroids were not observed in Ineffective-vegetative nodules despite the presence of bacteria within infection threads.


Three major responses to N2-fixation incompatibility between Trifolium spp. and R. l. trifolii strains were found: failed bacterial endocytosis from infection threads into plant cortical cells, bacteroid differentiation aborted prematurely, and a reduced pool of functional bacteroids which underwent premature senescence. We discuss possible underlying genetic causes of these developmental abnormalities and consider impacts on N2-fixation of clovers.  相似文献   

Four variable microsatellite loci were used toexamine the genetic diversity and differentiation of golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia) in four populations recently isolated by habitat fragmentation. Using Rst estimates of genetic differentiation, a considerable genetic divergence was detected among these populations, with an averagedifferentiation of 31%. Significant differences in allele number among these populations were found. However, the heterozygosity among these populations was not statistically different. These results suggestthat loss in allele diversity was faster than loss in heterozygosity. Conservation implications, particularly for golden lion tamarins, are then discussed. Loss of allelic diversity might be as serious a concern to endangered species as heterozygosity or inbreeding.  相似文献   

Summary We examined brood sex ratios of an undetermined species of Copidosoma. Most broods (65%) were unisexual, with a greater proportion of female broods. Some mixed broods contained extremely small proportions of wasps of the opposite sex. Our results imply that the female-biased sex rations in this species cannot be explained by local mate competition theory.  相似文献   

A system was established for introducing cloned genes into white clover (Trifolium repens L.). A high regeneration white clover genotype was transformed with binary Agrobacterium vectors containing a chimaeric gene which confers kanamycin resistance. Transformed kanamycin resistant callus was obtained by culturing Agrobacterium inoculated stolon internode segments on selective medium. The kanamycin resistance phenotype was stable in cells and in regenerated shoots. Transformation was confirmed by the expression of an unselected gene, nopaline synthase in selected cells and transgenic shoots and by the detection of neomycin phosphotransferase II enzymatic activity in kanamycin resistant cells. Integration of vector DNA sequences into plant DNA was demonstrated by Southern blot hybridisation.  相似文献   

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